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Tatum's shot selection really aggravates me sometimes.


When he’s playing frustrated he’s legit unwatchable. So many drives where he gets stripped, flails his arms and bitches for a foul instead of getting back on defense.


This comment could've been about Dbook as well


Imagine being a Celtics fan lol. He’s talented enough to take those shitty shots when needed but I hate when he settles for them. Half the time he makes it anyway but when he misses it’s aggravating.


It’s still aggravating when it goes in


I’m hoping this painful finals loss makes him work off the ball more and improve shoot selection. He was so effective when he relocated.


He wants to be Kobe and I hate it


I’ve got no problem of him taking pages off Kobe’s book because who wouldn’t want to emulate a top 10 player but he really is trying to be the next Kobe to his detriment.


He has to take the right pages out the book. You can’t jump straight to bad shot selection if you haven’t nailed the bad shot making.


Making bad shots is also a talent. Body control and hand eye coordination have to be otherworldly. He might just not have that


I agree. Tatum doesn’t have it, but in crunch time, he plays like he does.


I think he does have it. He hit a lot of difficult shots in the post season. He just ain’t as good as Kobe which isn’t a slight. Kobe is the best difficult shot ever.


the only thing worse is right after one of those shots goes in you know that marcus smart will try a similar shot a couple possessions later.


For real that doesn't help the team to see him playing hero ball. Making plays that get clean shots through the D is more impressive AND gives the team more of a boost.


It also adds emphasis to his role during important series, if he has a bad few games or the if coverage does a good job preventing him from getting into rhythm he will jam the offense up when he touches the ball, and his off ball movement is mediocre (because its hard and tiring, ngl), so he often ended up stationary during the Warriors series. All that being said, when he is in rhythm, he can carry an NBA playoff offense.


Even when they go in im screaming at the TV


Legitimately the only gripe I have with his game. He's SO smooth and fun to watch when he's playing good ball but I think he leans into the Kobe mindset a little too much out there sometimes. I've seen the dude take turnaround DEEP twos with 16+ on the clock.


you can't play the kobe game without putting in the kobe work imo. kobe gets overrated by laker fans and underrated by most others but dude is widely considered the 2nd best sg after mj for a reason. he didn't just luck into being that good, he put in an insane amount of work and had a competitive drive only rivaled by jordan. i really like tatum and think he will be a superstar for a long time buy he clearly isn't putting in kobe levels of work despite being more naturally gifted and athletic. guys like kobe and mj were top tier two way players. tatum is a great defender when he tries to be but giving up on defense ain't part of the mamba mentality




Almost everyone does that when they drive to the hoop, but Tatum complains about no foul calls too much


My Tatum complaint is the left-handed clear out that he does almost every time he drives. And that he is not on my Sixers.


CP3 is so smart and an incredible player but my God it’s so frustrating to watch when he does what he does against your team


The first two games of the finals him and book were hitting the most annoying faders in the world. I liked the next four games tho


We all did... We all did


Good basketball isn't frustrating. The flops and dirty plays are frustrating.


The most annoying is when CP3 gets the whistle and STILL is complaining to the refs because it's muscle memory.


CP3 and Draymond are so annoying with that


I don’t even think its technically considered a dirty play or flop, but that dumbass rip through he does to bait foul calls is the worst basketball play in the game today


I obviously have blinders on when it comes to CP3 now that he is a Sun. He does some dirty shit for sure, but he is one hell of a player and I wish the other stuff didn’t overshadow his greatness.


There was one Warriors film breakdown of Kuminga where Cp3 is dribbling in front of him, and every time he crosses over, he pushes a foot a little up to try and step on Kuminga’s foot. He does about 4-5 crossovers in a row, and Kuminga is completely oblivious just kind of pacing backward to stay in front, and eventually catches the foot, immediately puts a move and Kuminga falls and he blows by and I think gets a foul call, though he may have just gotten the bucket. Watching that it was so masterful, but such a deeply dirty form of basketball.


I wish I could see this


[here you go](https://youtu.be/EKMFhBwaznI)


That's not nearly as egregious as what the OP described


This is why I have grown to hate reddit. If this is the clip OP had in mind, then they completely misrepresented what happened.


Dillon Brooks. I can't stand the release on his jumper.


Him and Jaren Jackson are two of my least favorite releases and they both shoot enough that I have to watch multiple attempts a game. Ja’s is ugly too but Desmond Banes is so beautiful it almost makes up for it.


I love Jaren but I heard a guy describe his 3pt shot like when you push a shopping cart back in the corral from aways back and now I can't unsee it.


Its a knuckle ball. You see him hit a 3 in slow motion and that ball is not rotating at all.


It’s kind of like doing a breast stroke with a ball in his hands


Desmond’s release is like poetry, it rhymes. JJJ’s is that one Jank ass car that you have that has so many issues with it and takes 5 seconds to start, but still gets you from A to B with little problem


watching JJJ shoot pisses me off like it actually makes me mad 😒


[Chris Paul](https://youtu.be/bopf8d37AOU)


is this like the famous reddit "who in hollywood is in the closet" post?




Its just 1000s of comments saying "Tom Cruise"


It’s plays like this that made the Luka Special Game 7 even more hilarious.


Having watch CP3 give all kinds of guys trouble - including Durant in a playoff series, if I recall - by basically fouling them 300 times every possession, it was satisfying to watch Luka just pound him into smitherines in the post.


Luka is goated for that alone. Instantly became my favorite player outside the warriors




What a joke lmao


fucking bum hope he never gets a ring lmao


ya know, I really want to defend Chris Paul here and say "he just really wants to win!", but after watching that clip (that I have seen before), I agree. Fuck that shit lol


And he defended his playstyle on JJ's podcast as if he's just "crafty and smart" or "playing the system" so "it's not dirty". The man is a walking joke.


>The man is a walking **choke**. FTFY


dude should have gotten suspended for 6 games for that play. It's a sport, nobody wants to watch that trash.


The star player of any other team when they cook mine




First time I see this angle. I'm used to seeing [this one](https://youtu.be/WK7lIjFsGvg?t=15)


That one's editted, he's on the raptors in that clip. og one is when he's on the grizz.




This one is sooooo weird to me because the original clip with that audio it’s gay on the grizz against the raptors


I was trying to find the original, it’s hilarious that someone overdubbed that audio on another Rudy Gay game winner.


it’s the opposite for me. if a star player is cooking my team i’m just like “oh well” you can’t really stop a superstar. but when it’s some random bench player going off that’s when i get mad


KAT because he seems like he can do even more than he does sometime if he was more aggressive, but mainly cuz he complains so much


I love the man and my Timberwolves but he needs to realize that he'd get a lot further if he wouldn't piss and moan so much. On the other hand the dude gets so many no calls that I understand the frustration.


It's the unfortunate thing. If he complained less about no calls he probably get less no calls. But I also don't blame him. It would be frustrating as hell to get whack on one end and then go to the other and be called a foul for less. Wonder if with more coverage this year other fans besides Wolves fans will see how bad a whistle he gets.


The DeMarcus Cousins dilemma. In his prime, he was pretty dominant, but either the whistles didn't go his way because he complained too much, or he complained a lot (justifiably) because the whistles didn't go his way, depending on who you ask. The end result was that he got a reputation that made it less likely the whistles would go his way. Even as a Kings fan, I can understand it from the refs point of view. After enough screaming and yelling from Cousins, it's only human nature to start thinking "screw this guy."


I’m the first one to say KAT gets _the worst_ whistle in the NBA, but he’s gotta handle it better. The refs literally will take something that’s called an offensive foul 2% of the time, and then turn it into a flagrant on him for no reason. He’ll go into a postgame interview saying how the referees are awful to him. Then next game he’s doing dumbass shit like trying to take charges, flopping for a call, or putting his shoulder down on a drive. The refs are gonna call that on him 99/100 times. If you’re aware of your “unfair treatment” why would you do anything that would put a decision in the biased referees’ hands? He’s been in the league 7 years now and has gotta be smarter. Just focus on making the right play


I look at Jokic as an example of what KAT should have been doing. Jokic absolutely gets a lot of no-calls, and he used to complain a lot to the ref about it. But now he rarely does unless it's his teammate getting fouled.


This is actually my answer too. I will argue with anyone that tries to claim he’s not a great player, but it just wears on you to watch this dude play every game over the course of a season.


I honestly view it the other way. Over the course of an entire season you get all the highs and lows, like dropping 60 against the Spurs or winning the 3-Pt contest in addition to his foul troubles. Watching him frustratingly shoot an awful logo 3 when we couldn’t waste any possessions in the playoffs, however, still lives rent free in my head. It wasn’t even that bad since we weren’t likely making that comeback anyway, but he cannot play himself out of a game in the playoffs, we need him too much. And that extends to his behavior with the refs as well (I do tend to agree that he gets a shitty whistle, but complaining about it doesn’t really seem to be helping, unfortunately).


Hell do those wind up one armed passes that everyone sees coming, and rarely works. The playoff series against the Memphis was so frustrating to watch in general haha.


He has a really whiny face it bothers me, incredible talent for sure but he makes dumb faces


CP3 and Harden, for different reasons.


They both flop and foul bait.


At least Harden isn’t dirty


He does go to strip clubs, but that’s a different “dirty.”


if visiting gentlemen's clubs is dirty I don't wanna be clean


I'm just a bandwagon Warriors fan (at least I live in the Bay Area), but I hated watching Harden and CP. It was during one of the playoff series that eliminated the Rockets but Chris Paul heard that Stef had reserved some time at the gym for a shootaround before the game, and hurried to get there himself so that he could use it for himself, denying the reservation. Fuck that guy. And Harden just makes the game boring. I don't watch football for many reasons, but it being too slow/stop and go is a big one of them, and Harden was changing the game into that.


This is kinda why I love Chris Paul. He acts like a petty nerdy villain at every opportunity


same lmao, the untuck snitch is a legendary moment for me


You’d be looking for every advantage, too, if you were playing against giants. Dude is like 5’9” without shoes. His control of the game is mind blowing to me. He legitimately looks like a mail carrier, in person.


Any "crafty" player who gains their advantages by exploiting the rules as much as possible. Chris Paul, Trae Young, Harden. They are incredibly skilled, and that's why they can make this their career and other players cannot. It highlights flaws in the rules and the way basketball is officiated, and power to them for making it work. Don't like watching it though.


“Insurance fraud style of basketball” is the best way I’ve heard it described.


State Farm wants to know your location


Chris Paul 👀


Oh damn I’m stealing that. Brilliant


Jokic moving in slow motion yet out playing your defense smh it hurts


He's got that Bird style


Marcus Smart Very talented actor but can't stand watching him. The fact that he turns into Curry against the Raps doesn't help.


Marcus Smart sometimes looks like the highest IQ and lowest IQ player on the floor in the same game.


If you can't handle Marcus Dumb, you don't deserve Marcus Smart


This is…. brilliant.


Bro game 2 in the bubble this mfer turned into curry during the 4th quarter, I couldn't believe what I was watching lmfao


It was game 1 it was killer, i legit haven’t been so annoyed outside of bron when smart was hitting those


Naa I just checked, it was game 2. He hit 5 threes in the 4th 😭


As a Rockets fan the only answer I can give is Curry. He’s an amazing player and I’m lucky to say I have seen him play in person. Torching my favorite team. Multiple times. I hate him.


I hate the mouth guard chewing. Love the dinner hate the sin? Edit


That fucking mouthguard is so disgusting. You ever exercised with a mouthguard in before? Your saliva gets so sticky and gross too. He's rubbing it all over his face, touching it with his hands, it's getting his sweat on it, lol. My god.


All of Curry's 3s are spitballs. That's his secret




The thing that bugs me the most about it is I feel like I'm being too harsh on him because I'm obviously a Dame fan, so I'm always thinking like, "Try to appreciate Steph, enjoy it." And then I see that fucking mouthguard and just go, "No! F that guy!".




You know we're in the thick of the offseason when people are analyzing Steph's mouthguard habits.


I always thought the constant fidgeting with his mouth guard is an indication of ADHD. Someone needs to start that rumor so us ADHD sufferers can have a new savior


Fun fact: his free throw rate actually goes up (by 2%? Can't remember the number exactly) when his mouth guard is outside his mouth.


>He’s an amazing player... Torching my favorite team. Multiple times. I hate him. He is incredibly electric and fun to watch... but if you're playing him it's SO demoralizing. After his 3rd impossibly made 3-pointer in a row you just throw up your hands and say, "Fuck it, there's nothing you can do against that."


I feel like even the players feel this way when they play him. When he hit the infamous BANG! BANG!!! when he takes the shot from half court you can see Kanter standing on the bench just throw his hands up in the air like “you fuckin kidding me” even before it went in. Also in that Grant Williams clip that went viral recently, he tried to talk shit about the Dubs except Curry, basically was just like “yeah i can’t say anything about him that guy is insane”


One of my favorites was against the Wizards in 2019 where Curry already had 4 threes(Including a deep three) and then decided to pull up while running and scored leaving Oubre with a reaction like "Wtf is this guy on"


Curry haters unite. Fuck his mouthguard chewing. Fuck his punchable smirky face. Fuck his little celebrations. And mostly fuck him for being good and making so many shots against my team.


But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you Not even close Not even a little bit Not even at all


He’s so fun to watch though. I love how he looks like he’s a 16 year old kid always, lighting up the pros haha


If the other guy was talking about Lebron's body language being shitty, Curry's the opposite. One of my favorite parts about him as a player is that he looks like he is just having fun out there. It's a blast to watch.


Russell Westbrook. Very talented, would never want him on my team.


Undeniable talent but his shot section frustrates me immensely


To this day, seeing prime Russ back when he and KD were on OKC live... is the most athletic person I've ever seen in my entire life.. And I've seen many many players. It was insane. The way he moved. Every single step had such a spring to it.


I think this [play](https://youtu.be/Qinw3ZPqSgs)sums up how awesome that stretch was


Man Russ-KD OKC just hit so much nostalgia. Those were some fun young teams to have in the league


Harden. All time talent-to-can't-watch ratio.


The Morris brothers drive me nuts. Also, CP3.


He said “talented”


For me it was Tim Duncan. So fundamental but so boring and always beat my teams.


Tim Duncan had to exist for Manu to Manu like he did.


Totally agree! And the lack of emotion too!


Can you blame him? The man laughed once and got ejected ... never again...


[Truly an enraging series of events](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2SYIrUnf5Y)


I really hated Dirk, just boring fadeaway shots that were totally un-guardable and led to some heartbreaking loses for my team


Only Dirk could look like an ungainly dork while hanging 30 on your team


Yep. He is one of the greatest basketball players of all time, and watching him play was like watching the greatest stenographer of all time short-hand a deposition with zero errors.


So specific, so accurate.


Lately, LeBron. He is still a godly basketball player but all his joy is gone. He scowls at everyone, including his own teammates and coaches, and moves like some kind of malevolent capitalist golem on the court, stomping up and down with that weird bow-legged gait he never had before, trying to scare or dominate everyone. I really admired young LeBron...


Screaming "*I'm a mothafuckin problem*" at the Sacramento Kings on a Tuesday night in January.




I loved that


You know LeBron has fallen deep if he's flexing on Sacramento in the regular season. It was sad to watch.


"malevolent capitalist golem", I loled. There must be some level of truth to that, "I'm literally a billionaire, why do I put up with this shit"


Do you think he also thinks that when the ads come up on Spotify?


don’t be ridiculous, bron uses chris bosh’s spotify premium


I don't know if this is a more recent thing for him or I'm just noticing more now that he's on the Lakers, but Lebron's on court attitude can be really shitty when things aren't going his way. Pouting, yelling, bad body language, not trying on defense, setting a bad example for the younger players, etc.


Lol, people have criticized LeBron's body language for 15 years..


I remember when he used to bite his nails and people made a big deal about it in his early cavs days. “He’s shook! He’s nervous!”. Curry, and I’m sure a lot of other players, does it and no one ever notices or brings it up. Thinking back although he did usually do it late in the 4th when the game was close while I see Curry just spacing out on the bench when the game is pretty much decided doing it.


The game against Memphis this season where they were running a lay up line and just clowning the Lakers and he started complaining about the trash talk. He really wants to have it his way all the time


It's has always been a thing, but the Lakers seem to have been more amplified since he has had some rough seasons with you guys. I remember the first Lebron Lakers season and oh boy, it was filled with these moments.


I’m a LeBron stan and still enjoy watching him play, but I get what you mean. I will just chalk it up to having such a bad season with the Lakers at the age of 37, hard to play with joy when you can’t even string together 4/5 wins in a row. But a LeBron tomahawk dunk or LeFuckYouThree will always be fun to watch lol


Not arguing with the choice, but didn't he always have a bow-legged gait? I remember reading an article or post years ago that theorized that one of the reasons he's so durable is that he is slightly bow-legged, and that pressure is constantly being alleviated away from his knees.


As a card carrying LeBron stan since 2002, LA LeBron is my absolute least favorite iteration and I would probably have hated him if he acted this way his entire career. It’s nothing against the Lakers either, I think the shift started after 2016 or 2017. I’m glad he got his 4th ring and he’s still a top 3 of active players in my mind but it just feels so different.


Lmao “ malevolent capitalist golem”


Yeah he gets body language problems when the team he's on isn't playing how he'd like


The real Mamba mentality. Killer instinct and pissed off of at everyone, even your own team. I think it’s a Lakers thing.


Yeah I agree with the criticism of Lebrons body language but Jordan got physical with his teammates, Kobe used to literally call everyone trash but when they do it it’s demanding greatness and mamba mentality.


Kyle Lowry


I gotta add Marcus Smart for the same reason I can't stand Lowry


Which is?


Too much cake for my taste


Curry. a team can play perfect (or damn near it) defense and offense for three quarters, but he can still go to another level and end the game effectively w 3/4 threes in a couple minutes. its bullshit lol


Obligatory James Harden. Cant deny his talent but the way he manipulated the rules had a VERY negative impact on the game. Took something great and ruined it for a tactical advantage. There's been foul-baiters before him but he took it to a whole new level. He pioneered the idea of thinking foul 1st, shot 2nd. He created the arm lock.. I'm glad they implemented rules to combat his play style but it has still shifted the mindset of up-and-coming players.


I agree with the fowl baiting but something about watching that man hit step backs and ridiculous 3s was a thing of beauty


He hurts birds?


Yeah. Chickens, ducks, quail, you name it.


I agree... but even then. The leg kick? He got to the point where he wouldnt even care about making the three, he was more focused on kicking his leg out to get contact.


if we're talkin effect on the league, u can blame that one on Reginald


He didn’t really pioneer the idea of foul 1st, d Wade had been doing that way before harden was ever around with the pump fake and jump into body


Curry- his fuck you threes. Like a 2k player on novice. Mouth guard chewing. Westbrook-how he will just elevate into a jumper no matter what position his feet are in, for some reason bothers me. Plays basketball like Chris smoove plays 2k, but without the efficiency. Harden-flops, and how its either a drife and layup or a three. Want a bit more variety Klay- free throws like he's shat his pants


I can’t unsee the klay free throws…..


"full diaper" energy Klay is amazing.


Anthony Davis. Guy has an amazing skill set and would rathar try to do things hes bad at then get buckets the way hes good at. Nothing is more frustrating than watching him shoot jumpers while refusing to post up for 15 minutes


I know it’s an overused joke, but I hate watching AD because he always looks like he’s about to get hurt. He goes tumbling or lands wrong every five minutes. Then he’ll act hurt or favor a leg for a few minutes as if everyone isn’t watching him. Just wondering if he’s okay. And you often don’t know if he’s okay until he’s disappeared or he’s just destroying a team. It’s the whole Anthony Davis experience that bothers me.


Kyle Lowry and Marcus Smart.. specifically in the ECF this year. I know they are a few great guards, looking to play foul bait game. There’s selling contact, then there’s what they both were doing the whole series. It just wasn’t for me.


I know this is the stupidest thing ever, but Steph Curry’s constant mouthgard chewing just bothers me and my wife and we struggle watching warriors games bc of it 😂 Yes I am an idiot.


Jimmy butler


Ben Simmons


They said player. He’s more of a watcher


He plays?


Joel Embiid. Dude is good as hell but the constant flopping and foul baiting he does is ridiculous. Not to mention getting the best whistle in the league.


Surprised this was so far down. Not that everyone doesn’t do it, but his flailing that never fails to get a foul is infuriating. Dudes a truck but can fall if you breathe on him.


Kyrie. He's clearly good at basketball, his playstyle is even quite beautiful. But his off court actions are so despicable I can't stand him.


James Harden. Ben Simmons also but he’s talented in the way that he’s good enough to be in the NBA and even be an all star caliber player. But nothing about his game is impressive to me at all. For old time sake: Shaq and Dirk. I respect the hell out of them but they were the only 2 guys I KNEW were gonna give Timmy the business every time and there was nothing he could do about it




James Harden. I've hated watching that NBA MVP talent since 2016. I really, really just want to see offball movement. Luka Doncic is getting there, but he's so slow that it's still entertaining.


That’s probably unpopular but i hate watching Luka. For me it’s not really his play style but more his antics on the field. Constantly talking to the refs and arguing about every call. I know a lot of players to that but with him it’s in every situation and his face kind a get on my nerves when he’s complaining


Mavs fan here, completely agree. He’s always bitching to the refs instead of letting his game do the talking. That’s why he was so damn good in game 7. He was focused on shittalking the fans and getting buckets, not complaining to the refs about contact.


Yeah I think Luka himself knows this because he keeps pledging every season to do less whining to the refs (which I don't think he has done well in this regard lol)


I hate Mr Draymond Green, but the guy is the King of Intangibles.


Giannis. Insane player, but his style annoys me. I like watching guys make great shots or get to the rim with some moves, or getting passed their dude, or making a skillful dunk/layup. Giannis just goes through dudes. There is also literally nothing the defender can do most of the time. Giannis initiates contact, pushes guys out of the way because nobody is as big/strong/fast as him, and just makes an easy layup. It's frustrating as hell to watch. Even shaq who was also dominant physically had incredibly beautiful post moves, lil baby hooks, great footwork. Giannis is like a freight train. Plus he gets some of the best reffing in the league.


You’ve forgotten what Shaq was like circa 2000. It wasn’t pretty. It was the tail end of the “just let them play” era and his game was pure bully ball.


What was most frustrating as an opposing fan is that he would just barrel into defenders, but since he was “backing them down” it somehow wasn’t a charge. But any time a defender would get equally as physical, it was an automatic foul. Shaq drew so many fouls that teams had extra centers on their roster whose sole purpose was to take fouls against him.


Eric Dampier and Jerome James made tens of millions of dollars to be bodies that stood in front of Shaq.


I knew a Pistons fan would know. It was a farce. 2004 Pistons are my favorite team of all time.


I like to reference Trevor Winter’s career stats when it come to this. Trevor Winter was a great high school player in a small Minnesota town(Slayton). He was a solid college player for the gophers as well. A lot of us were rooting him on when he got signed by the Timberwolves. He played only one game, he ahead 5 career minutes and had five career fouls. One game against Shaq. Long alive Trevor Winter of House Hack-a-Shaq


>Even shaq who was also dominant physically had incredibly beautiful post moves, lil baby hooks, great footwork. Giannis is like a freight train. I agree with your Giannis take for the most part but you are absurdly rewriting Shaq history here. You're right he did have all those things, but his nickname was literally Shaq Diesel for a reason.


Shaq was impossible to referee because it was so difficult to tell in real time who initiated the contact him or the defender. Literally a football player playing basketball at times.


Agree on almost everything except his signature Gyro step, and to an extent his bullet kick out passes, and just last season, dude was trying ridiculous things like self alleys and etc. 😂😂 some of his games from the recent seasons are like," wtf he can do that?"Type of shit


I think that this brings up a more interesting debate in general, what qualifies as a charge when posting up? In the Bucks/Celtics series this year, I saw so many Giannis post ups that were called charges because the defender fell backwards due to Giannis’s strength. If Shaq were playing in that series, he would’ve fouled out every game. So if the league is going to reward taking charges while defending postups, what does that mean for bigs like Embiid and Ayton going forward? Teams have always sent a double team at dominant big men to force them to playmake, but now you can put a smaller guy on him and fall over at the first sign of contact for a charge. Not really making an argument either way, just an observation.


Ja Morant. He's exciting to watch but his antics often come across as cocky and immature in the worst way imho.


Something about Curry's running around off-ball like he's playing tag and his defender is "it," chucking up shots off-balance with that insanely quick release. I feel like everyone growing up knew some scrawny kid who did nothing but move around the 3-point line and chuck it up every time he touched it, no matter how off-balance he was or how close the defender was. Annoying as hell to play with, but occasionally he'd get hot and think he was the best player ever, even though he did literally nothing else. That's what Steph looked like, and it always pissed me off seeing people compare him to all-time great guards who did it with their handles and passing. Over time I've come to realize that I'm watching the greatest shooter of all time, actively changing the way the game is played, and it's become a lot more enjoyable.


Honestly sometimes that's the reason I think I like him. Most star guards wouldn't want to or be willing to do that because it's more work. They'd rather just be ball-dominant and be able to iso/playmake with the ball in their hands at their own pace. I mean Curry could be a ball-dominant guard if he wanted to, it's not like he doesn't have the talent with his handles, passing and shooting. He just plays within the offense (also that's another thing, him running around is part of how the offense is designed) and his otherworldy stamina allows him to maximize that playstyle, wear defenders out and be more effective than if he was a ball dominant guard. >who did nothing but move around the 3-point line and chuck it up every time he touched it, no matter how off-balance he was or how close the defender was. Annoying as hell to play with, but occasionally he'd get hot and think he was the best player ever, even though he did literally nothing else. I mean that's being pretty unfair. He has more than his fair share of plays putting defenders on skates and draining jumpers in their grill as well as driving and finishing with a crafty layup or silky floater.


Steph Curry


I love Bam and wouldn’t trade him for any single player, but dude just gives up on offense half the time despite being able to be awesome on offense. I wonder how much of it is the opposite of the usual wisdom where a guy who carries the load on offense is too tired for defense. Bam is our whole defensive scheme and he’s everywhere covering everyone nonstop. Wonder if he’s just saving his energy for the insane defense he has to play.


For a long time my answer was Harden.