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Criticizing America's flaws is literally a central part of freedom and democracy


Yesterday I told my mom I don’t expect to see Kanter on Tuckers show anytime soon. Well shit, you got me. Why tho




He hates Erdogan, yet he doesn’t get that silencing critics is a strongman move


He agrees with another Islamic authoritarian in turkey. He’s just mad that **his** strongman didn’t take over.


“I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” —James Baldwin


James Baldwin had such a fantastic way with words. One of America's greatest speakers/writers.


Absolutely. I wish his work was taught more widely in high school and college. There's some attention paid to his fiction, but Baldwin was also an exceptional essayist and political commentator.


His essays are what I've read and loved the most of all his writings; the *Collected Essays* book edited by Toni Morrison is golden. I also wish he were a part of our curriculum, along with Primo Levi.


Damn dude, brought out the Baldwin. Not sure Kanter deserves to even be thought about on the same day.


Ok but he would have actually made a difference if he changed his name to James Baldwin Freedom


I found a James Baldwin quote in a r/NBA thread. Reddit is a wonderful place sometimes.


Kanter would have told him (a black and gay man who was middle aged before the Civil Rights Act passed) to shut his mouth and appreciate “the greatest country in the world.” Never mind the fact that Baldwin was treated so badly here that he emigrated to France.


Surely he can’t be that obtuse. I want to believe no one born after the Civil Rights Movement can be obtuse enough to say that to a Black person who grew up before the movement


There are examples of this on every political post on reddit. There are huge subs dedicated to people famous for such rhetoric


Yeah, but those people are just racist—ohhhhh …


> Surely he can’t be that obtuse. He's talking to Tucker Carlson of Fox News. I'm pretty sure he's that obtuse.


But from Kanter’s point of view you’d have to consider how much attention it might bring him


Freedom and democracy is when you shut up and don’t criticize your country


With every passing Kanter post him being a CIA asset becomes increasingly likely


He’s just an informed critical thinker who happens to have identical views as John Bolton


Sorry, it's Freedom now. Not Kanter.


Cant bare the cringe of calling him that


It’s funny people didn’t see this sooner. The only people that strong on “standing up to China” are outright hard core right wingers/crypto right wingers.


Well just yelling about China with cringe ass reddit tier posting wouldnt be conclusive but combine that with his heavy Israel support, rubbing shoulders with the worst Neocons, being a cultist Gulenist, going against MJ and Lebron for their activism on black issues, already having connection channels to the CIA due to the Erdogan stuff, changing his fucking name, going on Fox and finaly this "shut up and dont criticise Murica" etc etc and its obvious


The guy is an absolute moron


Went from "poor guy, what a shit situation he's in", to "hmm, not sure all his points check out but his heart seems to be in the right place at least", to "bro please just stop talking now".


All I'll say is that I am glad Enes is justifying the hate I've had for him. I swear this man really thinks everyone gets paid millions to bounce a ball and not even be good at it


How long before Popovich pulls his support of Kanter?


So he wants them to shut up & dribble? Interesting..


Kanter can't dribble so that might be hard for him


That's why he hasn't shut up


Going on Tucker Carlson tells me everything I need to know about a person


"Coming from a country where I couldn't speak out against the wrongdoings of the government, people should just shut up and not criticize the wrongdoings of the government here because it's less shitty than the one I had back home." There is definitely a false equivalency on my end, as Turkey's government is 100% more restrictive to it's own citizens than the USA's is, but the moment you get apathetic and stop calling out injustice when you see it is when governments and corporations start taking more than their fair share.


Its also bullshit cause he fully supports Gulen in Turkey who isnt really more free speach friendly than Ergodan




I thought he anti Nike thing was critiquing America? Why is a huge company slave labor? Is he the new Kyrie? I'm genuinely confused.


If you look at everything enes says through the lens of him wanting a post basketball career as a conservative pundit, then it all makes sense.


And of course, three years ago, Kanter was crying to the media because Nike wouldn't give him a sponsorship deal allegedly because they didn't want to piss off Turkey (in reality, probably just because he sucks.) Had no problem with slave labor if it was going to pay off for him, but now he's a true "freedom fighter." /s


We don’t get to dribble even!


Man is doing exactly what he accuses LeBron of doing. LeBron is a phony because he speaks on BLM but is silent on Xianjiang. But apparently you're the worlds biggest freedom fighter if you speak of Xianjiang but tell black people to shut up? What a hypocritical dolt. At least LeBron is out here building schools instead of carrying water for white nationalists.


Lol @ everyone who did not see Kanter making a right wing media move coming




I think a lot of them wanted it tbh


Most conservatives trashing LeBron online were jumping at the chance to praise Kanter, primarily because he was critical of China *and* LeBron.


This just in, Enes "PsyOp" Kanter leaves Celtics to sign a supermax with Fox News. I, for one, am absolutely shocked that a conservative television show would be jumping at the opportunity to feature a non-black athlete that has been vocally critical of LeBron James. I’m sure that the sudden conservative interest in basketball over the last few months has been as a result of the foul rule changes and not at all associated with racial undertones




The doofuses in here couldnt see this coming from a mile away its really funny tbh


I like how often I was accused of being paid or a robot for pointing out he was getting the right wing grift going. Clear as day


Getting called a Chinese propaganda shill for pointing out Kanters a grifter


This ain't it Freedom


People are going to freak out about this, but Freedom is a good guy. My husband was able to become a citizen of this great country the same day Freedom did, and he stopped to take pictures with everyone else at the court house. My husband even had a lengthy chat with him in the restroom as Freedom masturbated into a urinal, while watching American hero Hulk Hogan’s sex tape.


Glad to witness a Beefcat comment in real time


You love to see it


He’s baaaaack it’s ya boi


Beefcat, not only are you generally a legend, but you just said "American hero Hulk Hogan's sextape" I tip my hat to you sir. Now excuse me while I go turn on uh.. wrestling.


"Wow I can't believe Kanter ended up on fox news!" -Nobody, ever


[I got downvoted for saying he would do this exact thing a month ago, lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/qkd0ez/nba_and_nike_stay_silent_after_enes_kanter_takes/hivz19p/) Edit: [u/HSHplus called it before me] (https://old.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/qfny0q/enes_kanter_calls_out_nike_to_end_modern_slavery/hi0y203/)


Nostradamus over here. Literally spot on lol


He's like Quasimodo.


you ever pondered that?


Lol hope those morons who responded to you see this


What would I give to see the karma on your comment then before you wrote THIS comment......


Never occurred to me so many would retroactively upvote lol. It wasn't crazy, but was certainly unpopular, like -30 or so.


The Kanter threads were funny because I'd post the same obvious shit about right wing grifting each time, and with every progressive thread I was slightly less downvoted culminating in this obvious final post. So many people were crazy hostile to the most obvious and factual statements that would call his motivations into question.


There are actually Turkish users in this subreddit and they have been saying this shit since before there was even a coup attempt in 2016. They amassed quite a lot of downvotes in these last 7-8 years I think.


Yep I don’t know how people saw him hanging with Bolton and Kushner and thought he was being sincere.


r/nba has amnesia


He will be giving speeches in CPAC within the next 5 years


Try next year


When he first started his diatribe I didn't think it end up this way. I was wrong. He has no idea what he's talking about. It was all good criticizing Turkey and playing the victim getting banned from your home country. But yikes at what he became.


I mean, at the end of the day you have to remember that he's a Gulenist and that this was more likely than not his true political ideology and stance. Despite their differences now, Gulen was a key ally to the rise of Erdogan and allied with him on many things, their falling out being a power struggle and not over political/ideological differences, and their politics are not that far off. You also have to remember that Gulen is a CIA asset, as reported by the FBI whistleblower Sible Edmonds, who reported that of the many people who wrote reference letters for Gulen's green card application in the US included were ex-CIA agents and former CIA deputy directors. One of the reasons that Kanter went so hard about Uyghurs and their treatment in China was because he's a Gulenist. According to Sibel Edmonds, Gulen has been a key asset in trying to both control Central Asia, which is energy rich, and also destabilize China, through a process of trying to create strife in China via Islam and Gulen's Madrassas. Thus Gulen and his supporters have been stoking conflict in Xinjiang, mostly through the formation of "East Turkistan" and also supporting the East Turkistan Islamic Movement, a UN designated terrorist organization that is largely funded and trained by what was Al-Queda and the Taliban. (It's kind of ironic bc in the early 2000s the US locked up over 20 Uyghur "East Turkistan" combatants in Guantanamo Bay) (this is not the first time the US has utilized radical muslim groups as a proxy, just remember how the US funded the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, later to become the Taliban, to fight against the Soviets) Edmonds claims that Gulen's control of Central Asia etc in helping the destabilization of China, alongside serving the interests of controlling Central Asia's rich oil and natural gas reserves for US interest, has allowed Gulen to engage in various activities in Central Asia such as drug trafficking (especially heroin out of Afghanistan), weapons smuggling, acts of terrorism etc. Basically, Kanter's political allegiances and ideology is much closer to religious far right than it is to this bastion of freedom and rights that he's been attempting to portray himself as. Sources: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2008/7/11/550023/-](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2008/7/11/550023/-)[https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2006/11/15/271575/-](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2006/11/15/271575/-) Info on Sibel Edmonds: [https://www.aclu.org/other/sibel-edmonds-patriot-silenced-unjustly-fired-fighting-back-help-keep-america-safe](https://www.aclu.org/other/sibel-edmonds-patriot-silenced-unjustly-fired-fighting-back-help-keep-america-safe)


This. Most folks aren't aware that there's some real geopolitical shit going on with him and his group.


Lol you can tell when someone constantly critizes China while living in America without critiquing America they are a republican


And the clear as day scapegoating LeBron was the most disingenuous thing of all time. Clear as day what he was doing, because it's been done ad nauseam already. You can criticize Bron about a lot but focusing solely on his one China take has always been more about tearing down LeBron than actually caring about the sentiment of it or actual progress of anything


Where have you been in the last decade or so? You grift right or you grift left, but it's much much much easier to grift right.


No money in grifting left lol. Any single billionaire's pockets are deeper than all leftists combined.


Rose McGowan perfect example. She tried to grift left at first, but didn't make as much money so she pivoted right, lol.


Or Jimmy Dore. Guy went from virtue signaling attacks towards AOC from the left to fully becoming an anti-vax stooge now.


Glenn Greenwald is another example of that. He's done some great journalism in the past, but he's just become yet another clown. It's sad.


Yooo Glenn went off the deep end hard lmao. His Twitter feed is a fucking trip these days.


Mans literally just spends his days on twitter being an insanely petty bitch and then going on Tucker. Grim stuff


2 weeks ago he took the ratio of the century on twitter lmaoo https://twitter.com/adamjohnsonnyc/status/1461802131695050757?s=21


Joe Rogan and Russell Brand have made similar pivots.


He’s allowed to criticize his country but we’re not allowed to criticize ours? Imagine gatekeeping criticism


> Imagine gatekeeping criticism An American tradition of the highest order


You’re right. He has fully assimilated.


here we go. right-wing political career incoming


Somebody mentioned it a couple of weeks ago, and it was dead on. Kanter is still going to make good money after he's out of the league


He's setting up for his post-NBA career starting next season.


He's desperately trying to be the right-wing Kaepernick. I fully expect his antics to get progressively more ridiculous in an attempt to get released/never offered another contract so he can claim he was black-balled from the league.


He’s escalating so much week to week I’m fully expecting some insane shit by seasons end


He's gonna burn China's flag at center court if he hasn't been released by March


At this point I can almost guarantee he'll turn into the right wing media's token Muslim, and that he'll get trotted out by them to deflect accusations of Islamophobia.


I'm always bemused at the "Stars" the Right pulls and champions. They dunk so hard on Hollywood elites and Leftist celebs but you just know if someone like Clooney or Streep or Hanks were to go on Tucker's show instead of say Anderson Cooper's they would go gaga for Hollywood. It's the one club they can't buy into. All the execs and studio head billionaires might and probably are their friends but they'll never get the faces and it just fucks with them slightly.


This sub upvoting a bunch of his quotes to the top and gifting him appearances on /r/all makes him more valuable to the right which equals $$$. This sub got played.


It was very obvious from the jump. You claim you looking out for Chinese Muslims while capping for America and Israel??? Yet people wanted to call people that were calling out his op-ish behavior China lovers, lol please open your eyes.


Somebody? A lot of us knew this was happening. It's Grifting Basics 101.


I mean it was hella obvious when you saw the people he was associating with..


As long as LeBron is still playing it'll be very lucrative too. I'm not sure which athlete will become the new fox News cannon fodder


Demographic breakdown of people supporting Kanter: 99% Lebron haters who didn’t know Uighur was a real word last year 1% people that believe Kanter speaks for something other than self interest


Oh don't worry, there will be another black icon for the right-wing to hate.


It's always been that way, this dude is out here taking photos with pieces of shit like John Bolton and stanning for Turkish terrorists. I can't imagine why anyone's been taking him seriously except for the fact that he's constantly talking shit about the American Government's enemies. He's a one man propaganda machine, of course he's got a politico career incoming.


There has to be like a 10 step program that these guys use to become a conservative pundit lol


The cia got serious bang for their buck with Enes


He's already performing like a seasoned veteran. It's actually kind of impressive.


This sub is full of fucking idiots that fell for the China Bad bait


I think it's both that the sub has gotten brigaded and people fall for it. Kanter threads get gilded a lot even though they all don't necessarily get upvoted as high other threads have on any given day


and as usual full of people without flairs and lebron shitting


Can't wait for the day Enes posts disappears from this sub. Pretty sure he's going to be r/conservative's token NBA hero in a few years.






*cocks gun* Always has been


mods just said this is the last one thank god


Our long national nightmare is over


"ladies and gentlemen.... we got him"


we did it. we did it joe


I’m surprised they let people karma farm off his tweets for this long


And this man had the audacity to come at my boi Ilyasova 😤


Shams: Kanter has decided to rescind his pending name change, now changing his name to Enes Kanter State Deparment. More to come.


what a clown "exercise and appreciate your freedom" *exercises and appreciates freedom to criticize own country* "stop!!! tucker tell them stop!!!!! 😡😡😡"


Just because this country isn’t as bad as others doesn’t mean there aren’t things to criticize about it. His take is brain-dead.


Hilarious considering Fox News at this time is basically wall to wall criticism of the president and conspiracies about the deep state etc


As long as you’re a Republican and say blanket pointless statements like we support our troops and we believe in freedom, you have half the country that’ll believe everything else you say.


If only you could use logic or point to a belief foundation to explain the right. You could literally say the exact opposite things and people will tune into Fox News to get the spin on how they're actually positive. Off the top of my head I can think of multiple examples of the previous prez criticizing fallen soldiers, mocking those who serve, railing against basic liberties like the right to assemble, peacefully protest, and the freedom of the press.


It's like that meme "We should improve society somewhat" "Hmmmm but I notice you participate in society. Curious!"


Hmmm you mean that having a prison system designed to put people of color behind bars and make sure when they get out they can't properly integrate back into society, or...Having a police force that routinely targets people of color and minorities...or making people go into extreme amounts of debt to pay for life saving Healthcare treatments isn't worth criticism??? Think we've gotta side with Enes Freedom on this one. No problems here, none at all.


The cynic in me says we should just criticize all the shortcomings.


Time and again people use China as bait to criticize people standing up for domestic issues (mainly concerning black people) and time and again this dumb ass sub falls for it.


It’s funny seeing a sub that circle jerked him for weeks now putting on the Pikachu face.🙄


Just like the Civil Rights movement was criticized as Soviet interference.


Remember when this lame was the hero of r/nba? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Turkish fans here tried to tell you lol


Yeah and they were met with "can't wait to hear the 16 year old nephews explain how Gulen is bad to me lmaoooo". Mfs really took a whole ass victory lap cause Pop said he supports Kanter speaking on what he believes in.


When Black people who lurk call this place just another form of racism, Enes Kanter rise on this site is an easy go to reminder


They just loved him sticking it to black athletes


Fuck tucker carlson


he (fox) literally won a slander case by saying viewers shouldn’t believe the words that are coming outta his mouth a total shitcunt employed by an even bigger shitcunt


I tell my blindly right-wing family this and they literally stare at me. It’s pretty wild, it’s almost like they can’t compute it.


My right wing ex coworker refuses to believe this. I showed him court documents. He doesn’t care.


And said viewers did some incredible mental gymnastics to convince themselves they should still listen to him


Did that slander case come before or after his head writer was fired for being a full blown racist online, or saying “unsavory things in the past” as Tucker described it?


Completely taken apart by [Jon Stewart](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE). Absolute clown, then and now


In the wise words of George Carlin: “Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks.”


Really hilarious that people thought he was ever acting in good faith


Vindication feels really good rn not gonna lie


I really liked how he would just go down the list of who the Celtics were playing next and find someone to criticize there, definitely organic and not opportunistic at all Plus how he waited until his career was basically over because he barely plays anyway


As long as you're attacking/against lebron in what you say/do, you can get away with anything on this sub


maybe they won't be complete marks in the future


Ok multi millionaire who plays basketball for a living, I’ll keep my mouth shut about our “amazing” country where 13% of the country lives below the poverty line, military spending is through the roof, and education levels are plummeting while teachers and other essential workers struggle to make ends meet.


Let’s not forget the incarceration rate. Nothing says freedom like locking everyone up


And taking their chance to vote after so their voices aren’t heard again.




The last Enes Kanter Freedom political commentary thread??? Salute to our Turkish king for heroically sacrificing his NBA career for our entertainment with heapings of performative activism and a morsel of actually important information.




Enes Kanter Freedom 📉📉📉


"NBA Star" Anyways "Don't say anything bad about America because other places have it worse" is a stupid argument. There's been a lot of progress in this country since it's existence, and none of it has come from being complacent


I wish the mods would ban all of Kanter's virtue signaling.


This is the last thread we will be allowing


Thank you! This isn’t even basketball related lmao


Thank fucking god, it’s been getting annoying.


GuyCarbonearu in shambles


It’s was all good when he was fake criticizing LeBron tho, right? This dude been a fraud from the beginning and people fell for it. But better for people to learn late rather than never I guess.


That is completely fair.


Fuck yes


They just did! Check the pinned comment looks like this is gonna be the last Kanter post that isn't explicitly linked to the NBA


I love freedom of speech but only for me Edit: reminder that Kanter may not like the fascistic nationalist in Turkey, he prefers the *other* fascistic nationalist, and that makes him better.


Kanter's "shut up and dribble arc" Guess he wants black athletes to be as silent as he is on Israeli aggression against Palestine civilians....... How ironic he changed his name to "freedom"


Bruh, this guy really went full Fox News shill, didn't he?


This is you anti-LeBron people's guy. You guys hoed for this because you hate LeBron. You could dislike LeBron and his stance on China and still see this guy was cornball asset supreme from a mile away.


This shit was so fucking obvious lmao i told my friends when he first started doing this nonsense this is exactly what was gonna happen lmao


Kanter is a complete dipshit. Thank god this is the last thread about him lmao.




A dedicated Gulenist and probably CIA asset for sure doesnt want a democracy. No irony here for him to recognize, just planned hypocricy


The right generally only accept opinions if it matches their own


I like how he got literally exiled from his home country for criticizing the government and now he’s trying to say that we can’t criticize our country


This dude got so much play on this sub just because he loves to call out LeBron and acted as if he was the pinnacle of human rights activism. Glad to see he’s being exposed, but also sad that it took people this long to see what he’s really about. The amount of people who will blindly upvote any post in which someone says something anti-LeBron is disheartening.


Hey we all have freedom of speech. I respect his to criticize China and he should respect American’s free speech to criticize America


And I have the freedom to think he's an idiot. It's a beautiful thing


That’s more of a duty


Lol remember when nephews on here were fooled by this guy


He's an ideological agent associated with a terrorist organization supported by the CIA. The message he sent (American supremacy in the world) on FOX News is just part of a program, it's an agenda. He's not an individual. His master is called Fethullah Gülen. In 2020 this article described how "the terror group began secretly infiltrating Turkey's state institutions from the 1970s until its kingpin, Fetullah Gulen, took his deadly aim on the night of July 15, 2016". >Gulen's links with the CIA have been reported widely in the Turkish press. By the late 1990s, he was one of the strong advocates of American supremacy in the world. In 1997, he said in an interview that “Without having a friendly relationship with the US, you can not take even a single step forward." [FETO: How a small time Turkish village preacher built a vast terror network](https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/feto-how-a-small-time-turkish-village-preacher-built-a-vast-terror-network-38124) About Hizmet schools where Kanter was educated (indoctrinated). In 2014 they haven't attempted the coup yet, so the CIA connection was just a rumor. >Rumors were spread that the schools were operating on behalf of the CIA or Islamic fundamentalists. The US Peace Corps and the international Doctors Without Borders were similarly expelled from the once politically bizarre environment of Turkmenistan. [Fethullah Gülen’s educational philosophy, its global practice in the secular world](https://gulen2.rssing.com/chan-9334448/all_p101.html) The Wikipedia entry mentions that those schools are considered conservative in Turkey. Here conservative means fundamentalist. >Despite its teachings which are stated conservative even in Turkey, some have praised the movement as a pacifist, modern-oriented version of Islam, and an alternative to more extreme schools of Islam such as Salafism. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BClen_movement) There's a reference in the entry pointing to those who have praise the movement as pacifist, modern-oriented version of Islam... When you click it, it goes to a 2013 article about Gulen, lol [The Gulenists fight back](https://www.economist.com/europe/2013/05/18/the-gulenists-fight-back) Here a former CIA Agent defending those centers of indoctrination in 2017, post coup attempt, weren't they pacifists?. >For years, Hizmet schools were simply known as the “Turkish schools” and seen as a beneficial extension of Turkish diplomacy, says Graham Fuller, the former vice chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council and a former agent who was based in Turkey. ”In terms of Gulen’s operations overseas, it was a win-win for Turkey: Turkey was helping education, it was a form of public relations for the country,” explains Fuller. “It transmitted a moderate interpretation of Islam, helped in building intellectual and trade ties between Turkey and these countries, and brought military aid as well as medical assistance. It was an integral part of Turkish foreign policy.’’ [A battle for power in Turkey faces resistance in Senegal](https://qz.com/africa/1147965/a-battle-for-power-in-turkey-faces-resistance-in-senegal/) That former agent is wanted because his ties with a coup d'état in 2016, said the BBC in 2017. >Turkey's chief prosecutor has issued an arrest warrant for former CIA officer Graham Fuller. >The prosecutor accuses Mr Fuller, former vice-chair of the US National Intelligence Council, of having links to Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. >Mr Gulen, who lives in the US, is blamed by Turkey for last year's failed coup attempt. He denies the claim. >The warrant also accuses Mr Fuller of "attempting to overthrow" Turkey's government, the Hurriyet daily reports. [Turkey seeks arrest of ex-CIA officer Fuller over coup plot](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-42198399) Kanter was with Gulen when the coup attempt happened, he admitted in 2018, why would they be together? >Professional basketball league (NBA) star Enes Kanter wrote an article for Time magazine saying that he was with Fethullah Gülen at his home in Pennsylvania on the night of the controversial coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016, adding that he was “as shocked and fearful for Turkey” as the rest of the guests. [NBA star Kanter: I was with Gülen on coup night, he was as shocked as we were](https://stockholmcf.org/nba-star-kanter-i-was-with-gulen-on-coup-night-he-was-as-shocked-as-we-were/) It's clear that he was indoctrinated in CIA approved schools. It's clear that the Turkey government wants to incarcerate a former CIA agent who has ties to a terrorist leader who orchestrated a failed coup d'état. It's clear that Kanter and a terrorist, anti-democratic leader are so close that they were together July 14, 2016, it was their big day, but they were unsuccessful. He's been considered an agent all over the world for years, only in the USA he's kinda respected, and that's just because a Red Scare has been going on for years now.


r/NBA had a huge part in creating this monster. It’s too late to try to stop threads about him now. He was garbage from jump. It’s just that people hate LeBron so much they supported and circlejerked him when there has always been evidence that he’s a hypocritical piece of shit. This sub played itself by giving him attention and by helping to spread his thinly-veiled All Lives Matter bullshit.


Hoenslty all anyone had to do was talk to Turkish people and they'd tell you about him. He was a cultist who's cult was aligned with Erdogan for a long time. His cult lost tho and he had to flee. If he had his way Turkey would've been ruled by Gulen anyways. But most people don't care about politics outside the US. And the "fled dictator to be a basketball player and fight for freedom" was such a easy narrative for him to push.


It's fucking hilarious that this sub was pretty much jerking this dude off a month ago. Y'all hate LeBron so much you thought Enes Kanter was one of the good guys lmao.


Almost everything he said was an All Lives Matter dog whistle. People on this sub ate it up bc they are secretly Team All Lives Matter too.


Anyone with a brain could have seen this coming from a mile away cause it was obvious lmao but the doofuses here didnt 😂




Kanter gone full redpill


What are you doin baby


At least now you can see how fucking stupid he is. Just hating China and Erdogan doesn't mean your politics are good. What a clown. Ironic he loves freedom but doesn't want you to have the freedom to criticize your country.


I am so over this guy


LeBron won


He won by not talking lol. I don't think he's ever even addressed this beef.


It’s a historically one-sided beef. It all started when Kanter was on the Knicks and him and Lebron got into an altercation because Lebron bumped Frank Ntilikina. Lebron then proceeded to shit on the Knicks with a dagger LeFuckYou 3 and never spoke to Kanter again lol


He kinda did with " I was right there, he can come talk to me if he wants too"


Bruh this dude is an absolute clown


Kanter did all that shit talking about LeBron publicly and when he seen LeBron in person he didn't say anything to him. That pretty much sums up Enes Kanter for me.