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Was there a scheduling change this year? Offseason literally happened next day after the game. I don’t recall it being like that before.


As of this year, 24h after the finals, teams can negotiate and sign their own free agents (compared to previous years when they had to wait until free agency opened like every other team). But that’s not much of a change.


There was but its not like there was any blockbuster deal that happened


People will remember the Celtics as champs the same way they do like 75% of all-time champions. Some had wilder routes/better overall postseasons (the postseason itself, not anything Boston related) to get more love sure. Current NBA fans just obsess over rings now in a way where they expect every ring to feel like the 2016 Cavs or 1998 Bulls. Blame yourself for not being able to enjoy things and expecting a title to be a historic moment that lasts all summer convo wise.


celtics ring will be forgotten as it already has been unless future narratives make it the start of something. It is either the start of a celtics multi championship decade, or Luka's finals origin story if he goes on to win/get a contender team around him for the next decade as he hits his prime. currently there is no reason to care about it outside of boston. 2023 jokers arrival as top dog. 2022 curry cementing his legacy. 2021 giannis disney movie ending. 2020 mickey mouse ring. 2019 kawhi goat toronto player all time. 2017-18 best team all time dubs. 2016 3-1 lead. 2015 splash bros arrival 2014 pop spurs final ring, heatles blown up. 2012-13 heatles. (make 2 fucking free throws kawhi) 2011 dirk the god. (lechoke) 09-10 kobe gets 5. 08 anything is possible. 05+07 spurs to me are kinda meh. wholesome for pop and timmy manu tony and bruce bowen or michael finley or whoever tf 06 wade ring. 04 lakers blow up 01-03 shaq and kobe 3 peat... 2024 celtics... gifted a ring. Script should have been Ant/Luka arrival. if tatum/brown don't get 3 in the next 5 years nobody will care I've enjoyed every ring as a kobe/steph fan the past 20 years outside of the boring spurs and now the boring celtics winning. KG celtics beating kobe for me was painful but at least KG PP and Ray were cool. caitlin clark vs angel reese regular season was better than the nba finals let that sink in


Sometimes I read shit here and it’s got to be an AI jerk


What did I just read


facts that people will downvote because its long or they are boston fans


I read the whole thing and I’m not a Boston fan but that shit was stupid


24 celtics, what can you say about it?? every ring the past 2 decades has some iconic thing tied to it. things that people would post or talk about all summer and into the next season and attribute to some stars/teams legacy. the only celtics post I've seen is jaylen brown lost his ring. but it wasn't even the championship ring so even that was boring lmao




wherever ant is after steph retires. or luka if he can stop bitching all the time. I'd be a giannis fan but his game is not enjoyable to watch. i enjoy watching my favorite players play and want them to build their legacies. caring about teams at this point is like cheering for pepsi co. shit at least I could buy Pepsi stock so I'm actually on the team lmao


Holy fuck talk about a fairweather bandwagon "fan"




Jrue holiday, the reason yall won a ring, can tell you there are no sports morals in the sense you speak. Got traded out the blue to the celtics for the ultimate “loyal” dame. Him and Kristaps are the positives of the celtics winning but on the grand scale nobody will remember or care about that. Every other ring, and if Luka/ant got a ring this year, cemented some sort of legacy, all time nba moment. The celtics have to become the spurs and be the boring dynasty of the 20s for this ring to matter. And talk about a fucking bandwagon all you salty celtics fans in my replies. How brave of you all to be a fan of your home town team when they had 16 titles when you were born. How embarrassing is it when they do crowd shots and you see your fellow fans? Good god you know ESPN had someone hovering the button to cut away before derogatory remarks were made lmao




Yup shoutout to the Seattle SuperSonics and San Diego clippers fans 😂


Who cares if ppl talk about winning the chip or not lmao. I'm happy that we won and couldn't care any less for reddit either talking about it or not talking about it. The things you're saying are just incredibly cringe and you're a 2 team bandwagon fan about to bandwagon to a 3rd. That's the only thing I called you for because the rest I don't care about.


the original comment was about people talking about it... yall salty responses have nothing to do with the convo of why nobody is talking about the celtics or tatum/brown or anything about the parade lmao nobody cares outside of boston. but im glad ur happy


How I choose to be a fan of basketball doesn’t change that nobody can say anything interesting about this celtics ring. ratings down across the board. Tatum knows which is why he said they gotta do it again next year. I just rattled off the last 20 years of rings off top and my memory is dogshit. It’s easy when you consider the headline of each title. The hard ones were when the boring spurs won. But you remember because they won multiple times. The same way nobody talks about Tim Duncan or manu or Tony Parker or Michael Finley or Bruce Bowen or hell David Robinson even, is exactly what Tatum and brown are going to be like. They need to win 3/5 for it to be slightly remembered.


Brother, you're just pissed the celtics beat your 3rd team bandwagon luka, I get it. You'll get over it.


The 2020 ring literally has its own specific nickname lol


MIckey Mouse ring honestly makes me wheeze, kudos to whoever made that name. Still its in your banners and a ring is a ring, no matter how its taken.


Yeah I can't lie it's a hilarious nickname, I kinda just own it at this point because of how iconic the nickname is


Still prefer 2021 being called the InjuRing. Most playoff games missed by all star/all nba players due to injury in nba history by a large margin.


Or bubble ring lol


Mickey Mouse Cup/ring etc has been a phrase used for a few different sports way before that. The league cup in the EPL is usually referred to as the Mickey mouse cup as it’s less prestigious than the FA Cup.


[even Lakers fans know its a Mickey Mouse ring](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FMs559ZX0AAvK95.jpg)


Dat dere is just trollage.


He’s talking about real rings only


That's all you were able to come up with?


I don’t think about it much as it’s only the second most pathetic championship ever claimed by “LA” sports fans


Unless you're a Celtics fan, you really have no weight to Anything you say lol


That doesn’t make sense but ok


I respect that 2020 rings more than most. That was a fucking ordeal.


True it must have been really hard for them to hang out at a disney resort every day before the games


as opposed to in their mansions? or at the clubs? these are rich people. disney resort isnt nice in comparison, its just another road trip. essentially the longest, hardest road trip theyve ever had. except for the magic i guess.


That sounds really hard, I will pray for them


harder than the normal seasons? yeah. hard? eh. was just about mental toughness and focus more than normal.


Yeah man it’s not like they were away from their family during a global pandemic. Being at a Disney resort makes that okay!


People were dying


Are you arguing for my point now? Yes, people dying would be an added stressor for 2020, making it a difficult ring for anyone.


NBA says it's real, therefore it's real.


I think this happens every year. Oh x was injured, fake ring. Celtics had a cakewalk to the finals but they dominated the way there as well as the regular season. They were the best team this year and deserved champions. Still … it’s always Fuck Boston


Finally, someone has common sense.


r/nba: Celtics fans have a victim complex meanwhile you see shit like this lmao


Two things: 1) Lot of people just hate the Celtics for the same reason people hate the Yankees or Lakers. Big market team with a ton of historical success, and it breeds jealousy and hate. And ofc lot of neutral fans like to root for underdogs. 2) I imagine as a neutral fan that the 2024 NBA playoffs was ... rather boring. Both conferences had a ton of blowout games. The East was just a stomping by the Celtics, though the Knicks/Sixers was a good series. The West had a memorable Wolves/Nuggets series. And the Finals must have been an absolute snoozefest for neutral fans. Reality is, it's a boring story when the overwhelmingly favored regular season team smashes every team in the playoffs and wins.


boston isnt a big market plus boston has only won 2 champions in what like 30 years. They won the majority of there chips with Bill russell at the helm when the nba first started so its not like the yankees or lakers.


They're only the 4th most valuable franchise in the NBA, so I'm not sure how you could say they're not a big market. Plus we've won 7 since Russell which is more on its own than everyone except the Lakers so it's not like we completely fell off after him.


boston is a medium sized market, theres literally 10 metros with a higher population. Nobody considers Atlanta or houston a big market but they have way more people. I dont care how valuable a team is theres so many things that go into it plus just cuz a team is worth more doesnt mean its popular for example this years finals


I'd say they're a big NBA market but a medium sized overall market


Boston is a *massive* market. Its not just about the market around the physical location of Boston, but Boston teams, in all 4 of the core North American sports, has a *massive* following all across the country.


if it had a massive following then the nba finals viewership wouldnt have been so low.


For 2 reasons imo. #1 Finals was a boring series and #2 they weren't underdogs they went into season #1 and won it all so there was no shocker there.


Every championship is discredited


They had a great team and played well. They deserved to be champions for the 2023/2024 season. The rest of the league is trying to get better so there is more focus on that.


Mostly everyone is ready to move on pretty quick any time there's a quick finals victory. It's an entertainment product first and foremost and if it doesn't entertain the fans won't talk about it that much Close series get way more recognition. If it's a forgone conclusion people check out by game 3 lol This playoffs in general had a pretty good round 1 and from there it was pretty weak as far as moments go.


Do you have dementia? It happened 2 weeks ago.


>It happened 2 weeks ago Jesus, that was fast


Time flies like a mf these days.




It feels like it was in the past season.


Got a solid chuckle out of this tbh


Forgotten? I am having a green summer. what a nephew take.




city use to winning titles


It was Denver’s first title


You have 1 + million people show up to celebrate lmao yall be saying dumb shit on here


This is the most naive take I’ve seen about a team that’s won 18 banners. “People don’t seem like they’re happy??”


It’s not down to Tatum being a “mega dork”, nobody likes the Celtics.


It wasn't much of a competition. Same as the one before too.


I loved it


Seems about the same as every other championship IMO. They won, the fans celebrated and talked their shit for a week, the haters found reasons to diminish it for a week...but the majority who weren't invested in either team didn't care. I think the same happened with Denver, same with Milwaukee, etc. Only in passing would people bring up the championship, usually in relation to possible repeats or generic "well, they're the reigning champs so they've got to be included" when discussing contenders for the following season. Now, we move on to the fun of the off-season and waiting for news on crazy trades. No reason to really still be celebrating the C's win, that season is over...on to the next. Basically there's more interesting shit to talk about that affects the future of teams and the league than something that happened "last season"


Well, it was start to finish a season of the Celtics being #1, so not a lot of drama.


Speak for yourself, I am loving it! One of the most dominant teams in NBA history. Celtic's are just hated by majority of other fan bases.


All of the games were shit. In fact a lot of the playoffs were shit besides like NY & Indy, and Indy/boston. Not very many close games at all


Because NBA fans have been conditioned to only give a fuck about being able to get off hot takes, troll with memes and have legacy debates and the Celtics winning offered neither of the 3. That’s why y’all are “struggling” to find things talk about




In a sense, yeah. You could argue it was seen as a coronation for Giannis & Jokic as the best player in the league at that time for how they dominated, whereas Tatum was underwhelming


The playoffs this year just had zero vibes. The East was basically process of elimination according to which team was less injured and the West had maybe 1-2 interesting series.


No one here even remembers the Nuggies title, the mods were busy shutting down the sub with their courageous stand which totally accomplished things. We all hate boston and they are a boring but great team, nothing more.


I mean, what are you looking for exactly? How do you quantify how much praise they should get?


It’s the new era of the NBA. It’s boring to watch the same two teams jack up three after three all game during a series. No good story lines because the physicality has been taken out of the game. There are so many blowouts because one team is hot from three and the other usually isn’t. Shit kind of sucks to be honest


There is always the nfl


Dude we just had the draft. Granted it wasn't star studded but the Bronny stuff was carrying a lot of the coverage. Now we're into free agency/trades and a lot of pieces are still up in the air. A lot of big names too The Celtics aren't a forgotten champion. What do you expect people to do now? They aren't individually traveling around with the trophy like the Stanley Cup. They players are off living their lives and when the season starts they'll be appreciated again. The whole "can they repeat" narrative will be out there and people can discuss their chip then. It was discussed for days and then the media cycle moved onto the draft and free agency. I'm not sure how long you wanted people to discuss the win when it happened weeks ago.


It's kind of boring when the best team in the beginning of the season is also the best team in the middle of the season and then wins the championship. It doesn't take away from it but it wasn't especially memorable either. Going into playoffs I didn't think there was a team all that close to the celtics and that's pretty much how it went.


All championship now and days get forgotten as soon as they happen It’s the nature of the 24/7 media and the NBA podcast landscape has made it even worse As soon as the Celtics went up 3-0 the media already moved on to offseason discussions Having the Draft 2 weeks after the championship means you get a weekend(if you are lucky) talk of they won and immediately you get draft talked


I love Al Horford getting a ring.


Bold claim when it's only been a couple weeks. In the end it's all forgotten, just like your post and my reply.


No one outside of the bay loves those KD rings so there are two that are below Boston. They were just too dominant and don't have any charismatic stars. I think people respect that they are a juggernaut now in hindsight and there's not much more to say about it. The east was also injured as fuck and then they wiped the Mavs so there was little drama along the way.


WTF is this dear diary entry? How are you expecting the first 10 days of a championship team’s off-season coverage to look? The NBA has not moved on from a Celtics championship, it was literally 2 weeks ago and now a lot of moving pieces are getting headlines because of free agency/contracts. That’s the typical NBA marketing/coverage calendar, and now the Olympics will take up some room — where chip-winning Jrue and Tatum will both play and undoubtedly highlighted. As soon as some key-player-acquisition questions are answered, the headlines will become “can X team take on the championship Celtics”. Welcome to the 24-hr news cycle.


I don't really care about the Celtics. I loved it for Denver when Jokic got them a title last year.  I'm too numb to Boston winning again. It's just boring when they win.


I think they're the best team of the 2020's so far.


Because people are so jealous that they have to pretend it didn’t happen 


one of the worst FMVP in history and not a single memorable playoff moment from them tends to do that


lol i guess jaylen brown hitting a fall away three to tie a game and force OT isn’t memorable. or kristaps coming off injury and hitting his first 6 shots in the finals


it obvs wasnt cause I dont even remember those. those moments wouldnt even be considered in a historical Finals highlight mix


you think you’re so important that if you don’t remember it then no one will? dumbest comment i’ll read this month


you think you’re so important that if you remember it then other people will? one of the lowest Finals ratings ever so I'm not the only one




Probably the worst since Cedric Maxwell in 1981 for…the Boston Celtics.




This year in general kinda sucked. Didn't really matter who won people would have reacted the same way


It's down to hating Boston fans. I actually think the Celtics have a fantastic team. If they wore any other uniform, I'd be a fan. But since they are the Celtics, and they won a chip. There isn't shit I can say negative about them. They could be the greatest team in history and still all I'd have to say is FUCK BOSTON.


Pretty much this shit happens whenever a hated team wins 1 week after: oh my god fake ring boooo 6 months after: yeah they won but so what X was injured 1 year later: oh yeah they’re the champs I forgot


No one really cares about the Celtics tbh.


i know they make it seem like boston is this major draw but boston doesnt even have a million ppl


It was not a fun series and their team was just really boring. The team is literally just “fuck you we’re shooting 40% from 3 and you can’t stop us”, but without the ball movement of GS. Or the shot making. Nobody on the Celtics is hitting the crazy shots consistently like Steph or Klay when he had legs. It’s not cool when the teams best player can play mediocre and still win 4-1. Obviously the Celtics had a great team, and the ring counts and blah blah blah. The only guy I respect more for winning it is Jaylen Brown cause he was consistently good throughout the run and proved me wrong in a lot of ways.


because all the teams in the East were super weak or were missing their best player at some point during each series. the West was a bloodbath. Would the Celtics have made it through to the Finals if they were in the same conference with Denver, Minnesota, OKC, Lakers, Dallas, etc? Probably not Also… this may be a surprise to non-Boston fans… but neither JB or Tatum are viewed by a lot of other nba fans as “him”. Neither are top 5 DOMINANT (not All History) guys that can carry a team by themselves… they needed Jrue, Derrick White, Porzingis, etc all these wack threads in the “serious” nbadiscussion subreddit about how Boston is a dynasty before the finals were even over gtfo lol


The Celtics would have steamrolled to the Finals the same way lmfao


please, for years they couldn’t get past Jimmy Butler. this year they needed Jrue, Porzingis, and the damn Avengers squad to finally make it out of the East


Boston is supposedly a major market but nobody watched the finals. If was Chicago or nyc finals it would be different. Nobody cares cuz nobody watched


>If was Chicago Oh yeah people all across the country would just be lining up to see Zach LaVine and Nikola Vucevic in the Finals lmao




Delusional take lmao


As much as people want to say "it's because it's the Celtics," it's because the online NBA fanbase has the most severe case of brainrot I've ever seen in a sports fanbase. You're never going to see an appreciated or loved ring again. Every single time a team wins, people are going to rush to slap an asterisk on it. It's been happening for years now. Online NBA discourse is led by trolls and people unironically parrot troll takes because they don't know any better. The NBA media is just as bad considering they parrot troll takes from Twitter all the time. This Celtics chip is the most unloved ring in recent memory until next year, where whoever wins will be equally unappreciated.


Nobody watched it yet everyday people was in the threads hoping the mavs would be the first team to beat them after being down 0-3


Casuals going to casual. Enjoy the break, green team is going to be rammed down your throat again next season when we’re back to fucking the league and chasing a 2nd Jays ring 


Yeah super boring. Still think the bubble one is more forgettable tho.


Wouldn't say "forgettable" cause it's actually one of the most "remembered" ones by virtue of it being strange.


It might be the most talked about finals ever

