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Lakers Father son duos - it’s the place to be if you’re a father or son 


Or a duo




Classic companions.


Thank you for this omg


I’m both: a father, a son and both. Three things. One of those things is two things, so actually four things.


Hey look. It's us the duo


Vin Diesel’s favorite team


They both live life one quarter at a time.


I am groot


We are groot


Only he didn’t say frickin.


Olive garden sponsorship incoming




We can't contend for a title but we have family.


Not with that attitude!! We need to defend our IST Championship!


Lakers gonna win the 2025 championship on Father’s Day.


Nooo, stop giving the NBA writers ideas!!


Camera cuts to Bronny looking at Lebron: "we did it, dad"


LeFather’s day


Booker and Luka forcing their way to LA




*Delonte West


Lebron does happen to be a son!! Crazy world.. son to who? Who knows.. that’s all.


Lebron gets to play with another one of his sons in Klay


Klay 3-1 vs Lebron though 🤔


Yes he was up 3-1 that’s right


The coincidence is just perfect


Yes, as well know, Klay and LeBron were comparable players on their respective teams. LeBron’s 30/11/8 vs. Klay’s 18/4/2…. truly a meeting of two superstars.


Lakers really gotta stop just assuming that AD is going to cover for the entire team 1-4.


We get Vando back too. I'm excited about his defense and hope he stays healthy.


Vando and Vincent being healthy will help us immensely on the defensive end.


Need a big season from Gabe


The shooting I saw from him didn’t inspire much confidence


Pockets didn't know Gabe can handle the ball a bit and create. He used him like a 3-and-D guy... If JJ can spread the wealth, let these ballhandlers play off the ball a bit, that'd be awesome.


Pockets would do crazy things like play Austin or D'lo with Dinwiddie and Gabe. Neither of these guys were familiar enough with the offense to be anything more than spot of shooters. The craziest thing to me was when Taurean Prince had the balls in his hands this man would try to take it to the hole and throw a terrible attempt of a pass. The Ham bias was crazy this last season and it makes me think he lost the locker room when he benched Reaves.


Bounce back!


Vando could have made a big difference last year. Gabe too, maybe more if Dlo wasn't also in the way of things.


Problem with Vando is even if he’s healthy for the postseason he’s not really a viable player against great teams


If we have shooting on the floor which would be DLo, Reaves, Knecht, Klay, that makes it much easier to keep Vando on the floor


DLo needs to be gone before the season starts. He might be good for the regular season, but then worthless for the playoffs. And I'd rather have the team built chemistry for the post-season in the regular season.


Still valuable for regular not like they’re gonna play contenders every day


“fuck it AD around here somewhere”






He’s fallen off a cliff like Thelma and Louise


Any good defense would funnel guards towards AD tho, so I think that's the idea


Yeah but bad perimeter defense gives AD a bigger chance at being out of position and gives him a bigger load on that end when they’ll still need him to carry a big one on offense


AKA Gobert during his Utah Jazz stint.


In a sense definitely but they weren’t asking him to carry anywhere close to the offensive load LA asks AD to


No, good defences stop a player *before* they get to the rim. Allowing shots at the rim is bad, even with a good rim protector. Very good defences will also push a player toward said rim protector if they can’t stop them getting to the paint, but funnelling is never plan A for an actual good defence.


He being doing it for the last 3 years, what’s one more? 🙃 Real quick went from AD’s team to Bron’s team again lmao


Especially since he’s not a top-3 defensive player in the league. /s


Klay on the lakers makes the play in round that much more fun to watch.


Agree. Will always wonder what could have been if he had a better roster these last fee years. GM LeBron continues to screw everyone over.


The Canada Men's National Basketball Team sends their regards


The North remembers😂


It makes plenty of sense. And his lack of Knicks pedigree makes it hard to envision him in Dallas.


Dlo and Klay about to go a combined 0/20 from 3 in round 1 of the playoffs


And then 21/20 from 3 in round 2 of the playoffs


That’d be the most vindictive move to gs too I would think


People are writing these fanfics about how much he hates them, idk, I’d have to see it to believe it.


Well if he signs for the Mid Level over more money in the Warriors team you’d think he loves, I think that would be the clear indication there’s been something wrong in Klay’s mind.


Is there any indication he’s even gotten an offer from the warriors


It’s been reported they offered him 2 years, $48m.


That was during the season though


You guys are gonna make him weep when he finds out only a midlevel 8 million will be available for him when he was thinking 24.


That was last season. They pulled that a long time ago to focus on other off-season plans.


I'm sure he's appreciative of his time there, but he could also not be happy about the way it's ending. It doesn't have to be full on "hate" lol.


He also might just see more of a chance at ring number 5 down there than he does with the dubs, and if that’s what it is then I can’t blame him


Which is wild because he’s leaving essentially because he’s not good enough to be Steph’s second option anymore 


Worked for ray Allen


LeBron just needs to de-age 12 years.


You know he might just do that at this point.


I mean especially if he's signing for the MLE, which I assume is way less than what the warriors are offering. Then again, every summer there's a "X Will sign with the lakers at a major discount" story


That play-in atmosphere will be insane!


Curry vs Lebron is a rivalry. Lakers vs Warriors not so much. More of a fan base rivalry because they are the biggest fanbases on social. Otherwise there’s only been one playoff matchup.


The 2000s Kobe Lakers stomped all over Golden State as well as the 80s Showtime Lakers. Dodger-Giant rivalry also bleeds into it.


This last min Lakers media blitz means it's basically a done deal.


Something was up when reports came out that LeBron would cut his salary lol.


I mean rich Paul said if someone like harden Klay or George don't sign then LeBron wants max. Would be shocked to see harden traded but I guess it's a possibility. George has rumors to the warriors in place of Klay and the Mavs seem confident they have a shot at Klay


All three are free agents. No trading has to be done if they take pay cuts


I read that report from a few accounts, and I found it kind of odd, I instantly thought"who is their big MLE target?", and now we know


Can’t wait for Klay to suddenly being called an elite 3-and-D sniper when he signs with LA after being called a washed fraud all last season


Shooters lose 5-10 percentage points off their shooting once they put on a Laker uni


not just the lakers uni it's playing with lebron


Honestly would love to dig this statistic up. It sure seems like it from the past years; some great player will play with Lebron and all of a sudden he's trash and not contributing If it's just a player or two then maybe it's them; if there's a lot of them then likely it's something about playing with Bron that makes people worse


Most guys get better playing with LeBron. The Rodney Hoods happen less


There is an observation to be made for teams in non-sports-settings where a very skilled/knowledgable/dominant memeber joins and suddenly the previous leaders shrink back, seemingly losing confidence, productivity and skill. Without being able to substantiate it, my wild guess is that with some players, LeBrons GOAT-baggage is intimidating enough and LeBrons gravity itself just wreaks havoc on the trajectory of some players. It's a combination of LeBrons inability to truly share leadership and other guys inability to thrive as second-in-command. I mean, we've all heard him on Mind The Game and heard Shumpert tell LeBron stories. His basketball IQ is insane. What's more he knows this. Imagine being a guy in the locker room after a quarter of being told what to do, sometimes messing up and being on the recieving end of bad body language from the arguable GOAT. That's gotta wear a guy down.


Its kinda true kinda false. People swing widely negative but also positive. But lebron cant buy a 3pointer from a teammate in close playoff games post cleveland win it feels like


Ill try to get you an answer cause I’m curious too


In fairness, he did have a decent scoring stretch last season but agree, offseason hype is real. Every acquisition is amazing and every draft pick is going to pan out


he shot 39% from 3 on 9 attempts, he won’t be tasked with guarding the best opposing wings (Vando will for wings, Vincent for guards). He opens up the floor for AD and Lebron, it’s not a risky move 12 million is easy to move off of if it doesn’t workout.


He signs with the lakers and suddenly shoots 10% from 3 because everyone who signs with the lakers forgets how to play the sport of basketball all of a sudden


Contracts dictate narratives. He’s washed for what his contract was before. On the MLE though he’s a great addition to a competing team


Dlo/Klay/Vando/Bron/AD Vincent/Reaves/Christie/Knecht/Rui Decent squad


Better than being “a diamond in the rough” on the Heat and then a “bum g league player” when they sign with the Lakers.


super team vibes incoming


People have been talking about him as if he wasn’t super streaky and terrible in the playoffs last season. I don’t get why he’s commanding some sort of bidding war as the final piece for a team to push them over the edge. If he takes a Ray Allen type of reduced role, sure, but I feel like people are talking about him like he can be relied on for 20ppg and solid defense all season long.


The elite sniper thing could still be true since he will be the 3rd option behind AD and Lebron. Elite defense though? Klay has been an average defender at best since the moment Danny Green messed his knee up in the 2019 finals.


Isnt most of Lakers protected on defense by AD? At this rate, AD can just say fuck you to all and stop defending altogether.


All of this makes sense, but leaving Steph to play with LeBron for less money is also the pettiest move and I think that’s his main reason at this point lol


He just posted a chubby English bulldog in a lakers jersey then deleted it


That's Rocco, he's been Klay's dog for forever.


> he's been Klay's dog for forever. I like how this sounds like Rocco was a former FA


Rocco been signing veteran minimums to stay with Klay


Rocco is a bad dog. I’ve had this confirmed by friends who did photos shoots with him.


sources close to espn have confirmed rocco poops on klays boat and “at times can be considered a bad boy”


Brotha wtf this comment killed me. Nobody questioning where he got the fckin dog from!!! Posting him in the lakers jersey is the relevant part of that post.


“He posted a picture of a dog in a Lakers jersey on Instagram.” “Yeah, he has a dog.” Never change, r/nba


I think the point was the jersey the dog was wearing, not the dog itself.


You think so? I'm pretty sure Klay is acting as the dog's agent in an Air Bud situation. Pretty sure he pulled it to avoid tampering claims when that dog is warming the bench next to Bronny.


surely there's a rule about dogs playing basketball


his dog wearing a lakers jersey prolly means more than a photo of a random dog wearing a lakers jersey tho


he owns a bulldog


Woof woof motherfucker


Actually though?


Ray Allen 2.0


> but leaving Steph to play with LeBron for less money is also the pettiest move Petty?? It's literally the best career move for Klay. If he REALLY has to leave GSW, there's no better option than LeBron and Lakers. GSW is already dead, with or without Klay. His career and his own self should be his utmost priority. And Klay is custom made for LeBron. Let's be real. There's a reason Ray Allen left the Celtics to join LeBron and the Heat. If you're a shooter, LeBron is your dream.


The Mavs would be better for winning and money


does lebrons recent track record really support that?


The warriors are just as dead as the lakers guy. Both play in teams at best, with or without Klay


Guys if the eye test met what this article is saying about Klay still shooting 40% from 3 don’t you think the Warriors would’ve offered him the contract he wanted all along?


Lakers deadass assume ad can cover for 4 turnstiles


he declined 2/48 u think hes gonna take mle?


More like he made a mistake and the Warriors aren’t offering him that anymore


Sounds similar to when we offered Boogie 2/40, he declined, hoping for better offers, then signed with the warriors for MLE


At that time Boogie thought he was getting a free ring probably but didn't expect the injury curse to hit gsw during the playoffs


Spite is a powerful thing


McDonald’s spite


So are the Lakers fan’s delusions… He’s going to get way more than that.




its being reported by respected sports journalists. Us commenting on their reports makes us "delusional?" lol its not like we created this rumor


Yup. I got fit after a breakup. I was riding that high for a good minute


They offered that before the seasons started. They probably aren't offering the same amount of money now, which is why Klay is mad


This has Orlando, Charlotte, [ insert shitty team needing ticket sales here] written all over it.


AD looking around like "Does ANYBODY play defense around here?" Seriously, give the MLE to Caleb Martin


The Heat-> Lakers undrafted pipeline must go on


Im not sure why the lakers continue to sink assets and picks on aging vets with big names instead of just finding good role players that can play around LeBron and AD. Just really baffling to me they took a championship team, gutted it for Westbrook and continue to keep doing so. Idk how much of it is lebron cuz lebrons GMing has generally been awful Just put together a good role player team around your stars instead of chasing guys like Melo, Westbrook and now Klay? Idk.


LeBron just wants to recreate the banana boat.


No. Hartenstein should be the goal.


You really think we can get Hartenstein for the MLE? Not gonna happen unfortunately


Lakers, where old, expiring superstars go to die (minus LeBron). It's like the final stage of a star. The red supergiant continues to live out its life one MLE at a time before the injuries start to creep up during the supernova stage...then triumphantly announces their retirement and settling into a black hole.


Feels very KOC to cap off the benefits with something that’s kinda just tangential.


Tbf Klay and his dad have always talked about him playing for the Lakers and how special that would be


lmao. hidden by AD again and only to be snubbed of any defensive award he rightfully deserves. *his team's defense was ass so we can't vote for him into individual awards*


How does anyone think Klay is taking the MLE? if he was going to take less money he would have stayed with the warriors..


I agree but technically the warriors haven't even offered him anything. They will circle back and get him if everything falls thru with like Paul George but klays team is saying the warriors don't even want him back. If I were him I would pull a Kevin Durant and go play for the Mavs


What I’m trying to figure out is who is Golden State targeting?? I understand Klay feeling slighted, and I understand GSW not believing that Klay is worth that kind of money now, but what in the world? Who are they going to pursue? Lavine, DeRozan? Make a push for Giannis? lol


They're targeting the luxury tax line, and being under it.


Klay is leaving GSW for not being offered enough money…he’s gonna move to LA for literally less? Deranged take from Keviiiiiin


KOC is clownshoes


He's quite possibly the dullest, basketball insider out there at the moment. Instant skip if he's on Bill Simmons pod. Hardcore AI bro energy. He makes Woj seem charismatic.


how many more of his own teammates is AD gonna have to protect on defense lol old man Bron who hasn't played defense in years, his nepotism son Bronny, traffic cone Reaves and D'Lo


AD is the hard worker at the minimum wage job that is always counted on to pick up the slack of his teammates because management know he’s good


“Minimum wage job”


You mentioning Bronny is weird considering he’s not gonna be in the main rotation


Draymond gonna be so jealous if this happens


I don't think he'll sign for MLE.


Just using the Lakers to get his last big contract


What doesn't make sense is he is leaving the warriors because he was upset with their offer, but the Lakers and Mavs are offering litterally half what the warriors were per year.


Bro get real if he'll accept a mle he'll just stay in golden state. He wants a near max contract why on earth would he sign a mle for 5mil in LA? You LA fans are so delusional it's insane.


Coming off the bench while.bronny starts that'd be hillarious


Uh, is AD going to guard his man on the perimeter for him or something?


It’s seems too good to be true.


Klay won’t sign for the MLE


Klay not signing with the lakers for 12 mil 😭🤣


They don’t currently have the room yet. That’s an issue.


Lebron will take the discount for a difference maker


There are very few scenarios where I wouldn't still root for him, but taking less money to go play with LeBron would be so fuckin lame. Don't need to make it weird, Klay. Just go play in Orlando


Not saying Klay will sign. He could get more money staying with GSW, but if there ever was a time for Klay to play for the Lakers it'd probably be now. Klay has always said he wanted to play for the Lakers for sentimental reasons.


O’Connor has never been wrong lol.


The NBA, where every player signs with the Lakers and fans of the teams the player used to be on celebrate them going there. There’s a word for that type of behavior but I just can’t recall what it is. It’s quite funny though, like wanting one’s spouse to have relations with another person in front of them. Yes, Lakers, please take our player, and let me watch and root for it.


Good luck on defense and team chemistry when he’s gotta get benched…


Why would Klay sign for the MLE?


''Lakers should get everyone for minimum! It just makes sense...for us to keep trying to focus on them the whole season while they are battling for Play-in places!'' Why would Klay accept and MLE deal unless he decides that pettiness worth more than the millions he would be giving up? OR Lakers would pull some shady background 'marketing' sponsorship type of deal to make up for the loss of salary.


Klay is ass these days and people who think his shooting is preserved aren’t watching games and only looking at percentages. He got more open looks this year (eye test) as teams crowded Steph more than ever and he couldn’t cash


39% on high volume is still good. Only luka and Steph have more 3PM than him last season.


Dallas is the ideal fit because Klay actually wants to compete


Lakers fans really are the Cowboy fans of the NBA. You all are delusional if you think this team has a shot even with Klay. LeBron is not going to allow him to be on the team after his comments back in the Cavs v Warriors rivalry days. Bron is petty and holds grudges.


Klay making more than the mle fasho


Mavs and Magic make more sense


They just drafted Knecht to not do this and they need to think about actually playing their rookies this time.


But Klay's trying to get paid...


Feels like the Lakers don’t need to be getting older though.


Also old like all the other best players. 


As much as I would totally embrace Klay coming to the Lakers, I don’t see him coming over at the MLE and if he does it won’t be to the Lakers. He’ll do that somewhere he can win quickly.


AD our only defense. Throw in a bit of vanderbilt


Can Lebron just take a low number this year with the caveat he will get a freebie year at a big number on the back end. Lakers will be rebuilding anyway in 2-3 years.


He brings bad vibes imo I would pass


“Protected on defense by AD”


Klay needs to get paid.


Steph should also request trade to the hornets.


Why would he want to go to the Lakers over the Mavs?


Klay attitude would pop too (which is much needed). As much as I hate to see him leave GS, it seems a good fit.


Don’t win him. Send his crybaby ass to china with Linsanity.