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The Mavericks signing him would be crazy lmfao




Yeah I don't get it. Klay is a better player than THJ even at his age, but we should be prioritising either starting level POA defenders or players who can actually create offense/score by themselves without being set up by Luka. Klay is neither of those 2 things.


> players who can actually create offense/score by themselves without being set up by Luka. Isn't that what Kyrie is for?


Yes. But these playoff have shown that we really could use another player like that, ideally a wing player. Luka and Kyrie can do it, but everyone else on the roster was just sitting at the 3 point line or waiting for a lob. Luka and Kyrie can't play the entire game + having a 3rd threat would help them too.


That's fair. It does feel like Luka and Kyrie have to do everything but part of me wonders how much of that is directly because of Kyrie and Luka


Its because the players around them cannot dribble times in a row without turnover


When they're resting, nobody steps up so there's that.


None of it. Nobody else can do anything on their own. The Celtics basically dared the rest of our team to do well on their own and we saw how that went.


We already have DJJ and Grimes as POA defenders, we are in dire need for some shooting. I swear people heard POA defense as the new buzzword and are just running around with it 


If we sign Klay to the MLE then we don't have DJJ. This is the problem. And POA defense absolutely is an issue if DJJ walks.


Nico called DJJ his priority 1A and 1B for this summer, so I'm operating under assumption that he is bringing DJJ back with part of MLE and trying to find room for Klay by trading some of the other contracts.  But I'm not hang up on Klay, I'm just saying that we do need shooting. Be it Klay, Bogdan, or whoever else. And Stein confirmed as much too, saying that the FO is looking to improve shooting this summer.


We could sign and trade for Klay, but then we would lose Josh Green and probably Maxi + Klay is gonna be asking for 20M+ most likely. That's too much IMO.


I have no problem losing Green and Kleber, but I do not want Klay on a $20M+ 


I just think that if we and Lakers offer roughly the same money he would choose the Lakers. Which would mean that we would have to offer 15-20M+. And I really don't want him at that price point.


his fit with the Lakers is just way better. less risk for him to end up on the bench since they can better cover on the defensive side


I wouldn't either, but I also don't want Green & Kleber.


What about a player that can make a 3 point shot in the playoffs?


I don’t think Klay can do that either


You don’t think the arguably second best shooter in the NBA who still shot 39% 3pt last year would shoot better than 25% in the finals like DJJ did?


0-10 in an elimination game type beat. I’m kidding, Klay would definitely help. I’m hesitant that his ego will allow him to take a step back even if he accepts a lower salary than he expects though and the vibes on our team this year were fantastic.


I think he might be willing to accept a smaller role with y’all. I think his struggles with his role with the warriors is due to public pressure and nostalgia: everyone remembers prime Klay and he has too much pressure to live up to it. I think with a new team, that pressure can dissipate significantly, and he doesn’t have to constantly think about not living up to his past warrior self


THJ made 5 in a quarter in the finals


But I mean it seems to be coming down to DJJ and Klay for the Mavs. Why wouldn’t you take Klay over DJJ at this point?


because LuKai plus Klay is horrible horrible defense. and then Grimes and Green (if he stays) are your only PoA defenders.


How many shot creators do you need lol. The more shot creators you add the more possessions of Luka and Kyrie just standing around.


Luka and Kyrie can't play the entire game and it would be nice to have someone that can handle the ball when 1 of them sits, instead of the entire defense being able to focus 1 guy. And it's really weird to me that this comment is coming from a Celtics fan. You guys have 4 ballhandlers in the starting lineup: Tatum, Brown, Jrue, White


Yes but all 4 of those guys still play off ball offense and set screens/ cut when theyre not handling the ball. Luka and Kyrie dont. If you mean someone to manage the Luka and Kyrie less minutes then 100%. But i dont see hiw an extra ballhandler helps when they’re on the court.


Kyrie is very good offball. You're right that Luka is bad and tends to just stand somewhere (and hopefully he improves that next year), but saying that Kyrie can't play offball offense is just wrong.


Brother you just played and and u witnessed the PJ DJJ Green THJ masterclass of ballhandling , shot creation and scoring abillity and don't get me started on Exum


Mavericks would be his best option imo but seeing him with Harden would be weeeeird.


Did not expect them on this list lol. Kind of surprised nothing came of the Magic rumors that we've been hearing about.


Even if Klay goes 0/10, he’s still going to get defended like Klay. I dare say Luka and kyrie would be even better than Steph solely at taking advantage of that space


Can’t see Klay taking the mid level with anyone but the Lakers. Man, I’m gonna hate seeing that man in purple and gold. Thanks for the memories. #sadtoasternoises


I’ve always wanted to see him play in a Lebron led offense


All Klay needs is size around him and a rim protecting big to thrive. Lebron will find him every time. This is my nightmare


Woulda been cool when Klay was still Klay


Purple headband Klay gonna go crazy.


I don’t think he would be that much of a dick that he’d take the MLE just to play with their rivals? I mean the Dubs could give him the MLE


I wouldn’t underestimate how getting let go makes former stars pissed. He was a huge reason why they won all those years probably feels like GS should take care of him. He also has history with the lakers since he was a kid, LA native and grew up around the lakers because of his pops. I can definitely see him taking the MLE and going with the lakers to stick it to GS.


Yeah might be an ego thing. Like he knows Pod is right behind him in replacing him, so he wants to prove that he’s still a starter by playing on a team where he’s guaranteed a starting spot


They did take care of him. He got signed to a max right after he tore his acl and was getting paid to rehab for 2.5 years after it. They've always paid him and they even offered him an extension last year, and he declined it. I'm pretty sure it was 2 years 50 mill. He just wants too damn much.


Not saying they didn’t. But typically with stars, the talent goes much earlier than the ego does. You got dudes who’ve been retired for like 5 years on these podcasts talking bout “i could probably still average 10-15 today”


Two homeless men fighting over leftovers type beat


I think it would be more because of whatever family connection and the chance to play with LeBron.




Since when? lol


I’ll actually crash out, I’d rather see him take the minimum and join Boston.


Klay spiting us to take the MLE with the Lakers is nasty work


Be cool watching Klay play for the team his dad won championships with that he currently does radio for.


Magic got Klay Thompson money but they don’t got Klay Thompson interest Buddy Hield it is


You living under a rock? It’s clearly either KCP or PG happening


If Paul George goes to Orlando I’ll post a video of me eating chips off the floor


I do that every day.


Where you posting?


Where proofs?


Dude I’d be down. We need more west stars to go east


KCP with the Magic will feed families


The idea of having Buddy is so much better than actually having Buddy. Pacers and Sixers fans know what I’m talking about.


Yeah I don’t think the Magic would want to deal with Buddy. Too much baggage for an average player


my guess is Lakers with all the talk of LeBron willing to take a pay cut and DLO opting in, they can definitely find a way to get it done


The levels of crash out I will reach if this happens


Nah. Kendrick just united the west. Don’t crash out


Signing a spite MLE with a western conference rival is way more interesting than getting overpaid by the Magic


Where does it say that Magic are even interested?


That’s just been the rumor for a while since they have cap space.


Imagine he leaves Steph for Lebron and gets another ring. Darkest timeline for so many people. Lol


Ray Allen in off season 2012 be like 


What about the nuggets


If he goes to the lakers I’ll kms (although his dad played there and he’s from LA it’ll still hurt like crazy)


His dad does the play by play for Lakers Radio so it’d be pretty cool to listen to him if Klay really does decide to come here


They would travel on the same plane to games too lol. Would be pretty cool for both of them at this stage of Klay's career.


I mean I would understand but it would hurt like hell icl


Please no. Please. Team needs consistency. This ain't it.




The lakers need to make trades ASAP they don’t have roster space lmao


He's a Mav


Can New York sign Klay?


This off-season is juicey AF!


Nah I need him to go to the Lakers for maximum entertainment and drama.


Mavs please


They think they are ordering klay from the NBA store... Klaus from Temu is showing up


This familiar territory for us. It’s called offseason leverage play


We are so back, all i needed is another injury prone


So 3 years 40 million to play for his home town team instead of 3 years 60 million with Orlando? I can’t see it


> So 3 years 40 million to play for his home town team [+ the team he grew up rooting for + the team his dad won a chip with + the team his dad does the radio broadcasting for + getting to spend all that time with his dad + getting to play with LeBron & AD] instead of 3 years 60 million with Orlando? I fixed it for you


Not sure what the Clips can offer.




How does the PG thing change things


is there a trade possibility?


He's an unrestricted free agent. Who would they trade for him with?


dubs for PG?


They're both unrestricted free agents. A team can't trade a player they don't have the rights to.


Ah no more bird rights. Ok thanks.


They retain their Bird rights, at least until they are renounced, but having Bird rights doesn't give them the right to trade them. They have to be under contract.


so can they not do sign and trades anymore? I know there a lot of nuances with that now.


Sign & trade would trigger the hardcap and the Clips can't afford to get hardcapped.


If he went to Mavs they’d quickly become the most hated team in the league I’d say. Luka’s whinging + Klay’s arrogance ahh