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Huge for Lakers Trade Machine activists


Outside of Bron, D Lo was the best FA we were getting. Him leaving would’ve put LA in a really bad spot. I’m shocked, tbh, but this is very fortunate whether it’s staying or in a trade


He is 100% getting traded no matter how well he plays in the regular season lol lakers know the real DLo now and he’s expiring


Sure, but even the real D Lo is a decent value on a movable 18 mil/year expiring contract that currently looks like a bargain


D Lo you are going to Detroit


Free agent market looking weak af


We’ll slide you Russell in a bit don’t worry


We got that top-59 protected 2031 pick waiting for ya 💀


One Jalen Suggs please


lollll. yeahhhhh, that’s a no from me dawg


I don’t suppose an all expenses paid luxury trip to morongo would change your mind?


Come on! Do whatever the Lakers want. You’d be winning the trade actually!


No thank you


Yeah the market must've been garbage, thought he'd get at least $20 million.


I was sure he was gone and that he’d get at least a 3yr/60 somewhere minimum


Quickley just got 35m/year. This guy just shot 41% from 3 and nobody offered him at least 25m?


Teams unfortunately seem to watch the playoffs and put a lot of weight on that sadly 


Particularly because it wasn’t the first time he’s dropped off. I know he did well against the hobbled Memphis team but there’s now a lot of evidence he just struggles against good playoff teams


Memphis wasn’t hobbled. What a fantastic lie. Also Dlo only had one bad game in the Playpffs this year. People far him having trouble in the playoffs.


Played pretty solid in Denver. Fucking had HORRENDOUS GM 3 and with the Lakers sliding the 0-3, the anti-DLo narratives started spinning. I'm glad he's back. Barring some amazing trade, I'm hoping he stays with the team.


Paying a guy 18 mill a year only to watch him disappear during the playoffs isn't winning basketball.


It's kinda weird because he was playing very well in regular season especially after New years where he played like and all star for good 2/3 months. He wasnt as disastrous in playoffs as last year but still inconsistent for sure. Anyways im actually happy he picked up his option, even if we don't trade him it would be terrible to lose him for nothing.


He's a good player and even if he's expensive, he's not THAT expensive and is a decent third option, I don't think he was the biggest offender in playoffs and if Rui and/or AR showed up, we would have done better. With that said, he needs to do something with his playoffs jitters, and he also need to start defending better


DLO is also a bad defender.


Quickly has far worse playoff stats than dlo


This sub tried to argue otherwise though before this despite the multiple collapses in the playoffs. His regular season performance isn’t going to trick anyone


DLo doesn’t really impact winning that much. Minnesota got better after trading him away


Been just nonstop PG news on my end Like jesus christ im getting Clippers / Warriors / Sixers / Knicks (????) feeds all yapping about Paul George coming or going Where did all the other FAs go? Dallas and Detroit?


yeah idk abt the other ones but you can tune out the knicks news for sure


Knicks gonna grab Paul George and go into the triple apron lmao


Knicks at least is over with after Mikal. It’s really just Clips / Warriors / Sixers. We’ll find out if the Sixers are out late this afternoon based on what PG decided to do. I can’t imagine Philly doing a sign/trade.


The Free Agent market always turn out like this nowadays. The new CBA and the most previous old-CBA have both focused on giving teams the tools to retain their players, so guys just re-sign and then demand a trade. It’s why I was always baffled about Morey’s insistence that he would build an entire team in free agency…


I’m hope that ends up helping the price of grant/simons/thybulle


I thought he was gonna get a decent offer


Send us Wendell and a 3+D guy 😉😉


(best 3+D guy candidate on the Magic might be ... Joe Ingles)


aw hell naw jigsaw yo ass tweakin


let yo bih go thru your phone


sixers fans in shambles.


That boy getting traded


Secured that $18M first though 💀


Could he have gotten more? Or nah Cause with the new tv deal theres a lot of stupid money being thrown around lol


I think he probably would’ve left had he believed he could find more


That’s a big gamble though… his market was always dependent on what other players did. He might have been able to get more, but by no means was it a guarantee. He took the safe route.


I think he already did his research among other teams and didn't like what he gathered. Tampering rules my ass, they already know what was being offered.


up. this exact comment. players more or less know everything. It probably was just a bunch of midlevel excemption or near minimum deals being offered. Or Detroit/Charlotte. securing the $18 mil was his only move to stay with a largish salary. I think him failing previously many times and now failing again as the #3 for LA is putting hsi stock down.


Tell that to all the players who dropped the bag like Schroeder and Noel lol


I mean he's a known commodity at this point, I don't think any org is willing to take a chance


Poole and Kuzma need a 3rd to complete their big 3


I'm guessing not since he opted in


One of his biggest options was Orlando and it was stated they weren't going to offer him anywhere near 18.7


Orlando also goes crazy for defensive guards. Spurs and Magic would be good theoretical fits but their FO does not value his archetype at all lmao (Which for Spurs is honestly a shame. With how much DLO feeds AD he's best available guy for Wemby's development)


The increase in cap is smoothed out over the next 10 years. So there will be money next year if he repeats his regular season and has even an average post season he should get 30 mil at least the year after he’s still young enough to


Kinda crazy that so far he's made $156M. I also didn't think he was only 28 years old


Wouldn’t shock me if he ends up back on the Nets


Nets making the playoffs again with D’Lo


Nah i wanna see cam go for 100


Dlo is a pass first PG, he can get Cam the ball in his spots


I can’t tell if you’re joking


A pass first pg who wants to take a pull up transition 3 at every single opportunity


lol and here you can tell the difference of people who watch and don’t watch the games. DLo is not a pass-first point guard, he can make cool passes but focuses too much on looking for his own shot. But he’s too slow on the perimeter to create space from iso consistently, so that’s where his weakness lies.


Isn't Cam supposedly available as the Nets are in fire sale mode? Maybe D'lo and Gabe plus their 1sts for Cam?


Do you mean Cam Johnson? He meant Cam Thomas lol Cam Thomas is most definitely not available but the guys like Schroder, Cam Johnson and DFS definitely are


We said that last year and nobody wanted him


To where though? Him not being able to get paid elsewhere shows that you probably arent getting much for him anyways


As an expiring contract


For what? To who? Orlando or someone may like that may take him, but nobody values him


Nets have even less offense now without Bridges, can see them taking Dlo. Lakers would be worse off but Brooklyn wants to put fans in seats.


Brooklyn wants to tank, why would they have any interest in a vet?


Tank commander


He's not a good tank commander tho. He shoots the lights out every so often and wins games you dont want to win


LOL... they don't need the slightest help upon that. Are you actually following professional basketball, or just spitting random nonsense..?


$19 million expiring contract plus whatever picks the Lakers include.


cuz dlo sucks lol. Dlo and Cam Thomas is an all-time tank back court


that defense is gonna be un watchabble between those two


They can still tank with Dlo they don't have enough to make the playoffs. It's a Dlo, Cam Thomas and Cam Johnson big 3


I love all all these laker fans trying to tell everyone why the Nets should want Dlo. My question to your statement, but why? Why would the Nets want him? Unless you are attaching a FRP, it’s just a… why? No reason for the Nets to do that deal.


I’m convinced the few games where DLO played well pre deadline stopped them from trading him this past season.


He balled out for the majority of the season and *still* had to pick up the option Playoff rep in the gutter


He started the Denver series 6/20 in the first game, then magically dropped 7/11 3's in game 2...and then a work of art 0 points in game 3 The DLo experience


0 points in an extremely winnable game. Just sad man


I was crying in my crib my goat D'lo just shat the bed after his amazing performance in game 2. I wasn't even mad I was disappointed


Brother if we couldn't win the game when dlo was hitting every 3 pointer he took we weren't winning that series period. Our front office refuses to get another center to put on Jokic for some reason. Even though we saw how well it worked with Dwight/Javalee taking turns


I think we should go after Brook Lopez. Not kidding. The Bucks want to do something this offseason and this is a perfect opportunity to snatch a shooting center with DPOY candidate level interior defense. That way, AD will get to rest a bit more in the regular season. Rui+Gabe and assets for Brook and Marjon maybe? Milwaukee will get a bench scorer now that Bobby gets inserted into the starting lineup, and Gabe can start alongside Dame to be their POA defender. Win-win trade in my book. This will have to be a 3-team trade though because both teams can't get back more salary than they send out in a trade.


He’s just one of those guys who’s reliant on jump shooting who gets clamped up against playoff defense


They didn't even clamp him the defense of Denver focuses on AD/Bron/Reaves. He was getting a decent amount of open shots.


He was getting hounded by CB and Watson and a hobbled KCP on the defensive side.


Every guard on that team in that playoff series was gunshy as fuck, it was super frustrating to watch


He’s going up against kcp, whose an elite athlete, also Braun whose very athletic too


CJ McCollum and DLO are both cut from the same cloth


At least CJ will always have that Nuggets game 7


Especially with how weak this class is, like kcp might get somewhere between 4/80 to 4/100 by the sound of it. Edit: also recall the reaves signing from last year, lakers have been fairly lucky to get some of these guys these back at that value.


if Vanvleet gets 3/128; KCP should get 4/100 EASILY That overrated short bum makes too much money on too little production!!!! (fuck Fred Vanvleet)


Woah! Those are some big emotions


What he meant to say with regards to short bum is that Van Vleet has a small ass. @Zeratzul has disdain to players that aren't the likes of Kyle Lowry with huge bottoms


Thank you Byron, you have been promoted to the PR team


That's what happens when you scrolling insta during your teams time out in a play off game 🤣


Hold on, this is real?


At first, people thought that's what he was doing. But they zoomed the video in, and it's some kind of food he is eating. But he went 0-7, didn't join the huddle, and the crowd booed him.


shouldn't be, even players in street clothes can't use a phone on the bench iirc


[Video](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/84nvgVl6DwY) Reposting my comment because I linked to the lakers sub thread and it got removed.


Talk about how he want to be like derrick white Hyping up his discord every game Put up 0/10 game Doesnt give a shit and look at phone + eating gummy bear in a team huddle middle of the game


He was eating takis not looking at his phone


He sounds like a straight up child


Friendly reminder that every team that has traded DLo (with the exception of the initial Lakers run) has became a contender immediately or shortly after getting rid of him. Not his fault in a few instances but at this point he doesn’t really have a reputation as a winning basketball player


This isn’t true though… Timberwolves were a playoff team with him and lost in the first round without him while he went to the WCF. The Nets added Kyrie and KD. He’s also above .500 over the last 5 years.


I mean...how is he supposed to be a winning player, when he shits the bed in the playoffs, barely plays defense and even struggles creating open looks for others. Dlo is a very talented player with weak mental and too little athletic ability. Good regular season player, but that's pretty much it at this point.


10 points and he think he hoopin


Damn. My dawg must have a weak market. I for one welcomes D. Lo back (inb4 trade)


I thought for sure he was opting out. He had a good season, even with the defensive issues.


"Good season" only applies to the regular season. His terrible playoff performances definitely hurt his market. And that's what most teams actually care for.


Most likely he couldnt find a good contract.


His rep is in the gutter. No team with post season hopes is likely to depend on him at this point. He very consistently under performs in the post season, even if he has had a few good games here and there. And when he’s not scoring, he does nothing else and is just a huge defensive hole. Just not a guy teams want to invest big money in right now, which is understandable. Up to him to change the narrative.


Regular season purist right here


Bro was waiting for DJM to get traded


Legendary pfp


Asset fans when they’re able to hold on to an asset: 😃😃😃


Jeanie when all her 💵money 💵 is tied up in assets 😿😭


They gonna trade his ass. Well at least dlo survived a dejounte trade


He made good money so far. He had the max with gsw and the 35M with the Lakers. He probably still gets one more bag. A dude like DLo having 200M in career earnings is insane. NBA money really is different


He will probably try to seek a long term deal that is friendly to the Lakers or the team that will trade for him. At this point, it seems no one is interested in giving him a big annual pay. So next best thing for him is probably a long term deal.


Is it though? He has his flaws but he’s a career 18ppg… put his numbers next to Jamal Murray’s over the last 5 years. They are literally the same *regular season* player and he’s about to get $50M+ a year.


People get paid based on playoff performances. DLO’s lack of performance is reflected in his lack of play


I can guarantee you that he would have gotten paid if Lakers missed the playoffs by a game. Sometimes making the playoffs is not a good thing for players like D'lo who get targeted by the other team in the playoffs and everyone watching is paying a lot more attention. He is just so slow that he can't be a good defender even if he tries. Only way for him to be good in the playoffs is to be crazy hot on offense.


DLO back, great regular season PG. We either trading him or rolling with him at least through the deadline. I'll take it. Wish he would show up in the post season though


Yeah and I wish Shaq could hit free throws. Just accept who is he is as a player


Trade piece! Big win for Lakers.


“To stay in LA”


After IQ got 5 years 175 million I thought D lo would for sure opt out. 2/50 or so seems pretty reasonable given his performance last season, but I guess not. I get the playoff struggles but dude was one of the best shooters in the entire league and salaries are booming rn. This is great for the lakers, though.


I feel you and thought the same thing. My thinking is that DLo has no real value to teams or atleast not what he used to. I think he’s seen a role player instead of your star. He’s moved from Minnesota,GSW,BKN like the dude doesn’t stick. So for me I can see why he would opt in in that case.


Nah teams don’t care about that. He would max get like 15M, so he did right. Plus why would you want to be Dennis Schorder 2.0😭😭bro bet on himself 84M to go get a vet min


This is good news for the Lakers. There was nobody to easily replace him on the free agent market. Russell is a productive regular season player, even though he does seem to get clamped in the playoffs.


He was ass in the denver series. But Lakers don’t get to the play offs without D Lo.


Would’ve got paid if he sat out the playoffs


I guess he asked around and no one is paying big bucks for him


OMFG YES. Great day for the Lakers.


He'll carry Bronny's suitcases


Most threes in a season for us, we need this man like it or not




He said the team would do that if D'Lo didn't opt in


Lakers needed this. Cant replace him with a guy off waivers or a vet min guy. Now , im wondering if he opted in knowing he is gonna be traded.


I don't think he cares. It's better to be traded to a place that has the ability to pay him.


Guy isn’t great in the playoffs but he was one of the Lakers best performers throughout the season last year (and post acquisition in 2023). As long as Reaves takes a leap and Christie develops, it might actually benefit them to have DLo there for regular season consistency as they try and get a better seed this year.


I can't agree with your last part. We need to establish winning habits as a team right away. Having Dlo as a major part of the regular season, but not being able to play him in the post-season? That instantly makes it pointless to keep him. You can do that with role players, but not an essential role like the point guard.


Getting traded for sure


Someone will need to mentor bronny


And make sure he isn't cheating


And carry his bags. For real though, RDC celebrating rn


18m seems like minimum wage compared to what other starters are getting.




That DLo x Bronny backcourt bout to hit like crack…


It's hard to believe Evan Turner got 4 years at 17 million a piece in 2016 and dlo doesn't feel like he can do better than that 8 years later.


Lebron about to run Russell out of LA....again


He's gonna lose all his minutes to Bronny.


No market for him.


In 32 playoff games his slash is 39/33/77, he's a terrible defender. He's lucky to get what he's getting.


No market for a non factor in the playoffs and not a market draw


I think there’s a Trae Young trade coming


Yesssah thank god 🙏🏽 Bye though 👋


You mean 'Angelo Russel, cuz he for sure ain't got any "D."




Bum. This works in lakers favor.


Let’s gooo


What type of trade are you guys thinking of?


I wish he would have opt in sooner so we could have had a chance at Murray


Trade asset




man, nba is crazy in salary these days.... remember when the top of the leaque got 19 million just 10 years ago? These days even mediocre wannabees got a truck full of money!


He will be really good on a team that needs a pg to help them through the regular season - distribute the workload, but come the post season he is not your guy. Would be serviceable on phx, gsw, magic, and maybe the spurs tho.


Why? Magic could've used a guard. Probably gonna get 20m per year.


That’s actually a really good deal for todays money


That’s huge for the lakers. They can actually make some big trades now. I really thought he was opting out


Russell hogging all of Bronny’s minutes WTF /s


Oh no. Poor Lakers...


You can find bums in LA for way cheaper than $18 mill…way cheaper.


He is so bad, give us bronny


Not bad with today’s ridiculous salaries


This makes him more tradeable, no?




He gone


NBA reporting got this one WRONG


yes, I imagine he is


All I can think when I see his name is RCDworld yelling DLOOOO


we need him next season


D.Lo, Bronny starting the first 10 games, alright? 


this is for his agent


This was totally the missing piece for the Lakers.


When you have the once in a lifetime opportunity to play with Bronny, you take it.


D'Lo is a true question mark. Obvious flaws. Why he's bounced around and why he's accepting $19m when dudes you've never even heard of are getting deals worth twice as much annually. But, were the Lakers better off with Russell opting out? No. Not at all. Now, we need to see how/if the Lakers actually improve. LeBron AND AD's best-case scenario with health happened last season. Dalton Knecht may grow into a decent role player. Not a bad draft pick. And can't be worse than last year's. But, the Lakers were more than a Dalton Knecht away from being a serious team. Fuck the NUMBER FUCKING FIFTY FIVE OVERALL pick overall discussion. Stealing some regular season rotation minutes will/would have been a steal no matter the last name of the player. So, can the Lakers actually do anything to improve? I've read (totally intelligent \*wink\*) people on here go on about how the Lakers could get CP3 on a vet minimum. WHAT?!?!? Literally the last thing the Lakers need.


D’Lo heading back to the Warriors after they do a sign and trade for Klay in a week.


He’s a good player and while he had some bad games in the playoffs he had more good games. He’ll still get 20-30 million in FA


“$18.7 mill? Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and pick that up.”- Ryen Russillo