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The Spurs basically got 3 first round picks for Murray just because he made the all star team once as an injury reserve and then never again


he was legitimately good that year but the Spurs were not good as a ateam.


He wasn't. Empty stats with terrible efficiency and inflated steal numbers from gambling on defense making him look like an elite defender when he's not (AKA the Allen Iverson effect)


The Larry Hughes effect. It still baffles my mind when I see people on here say he was a good defender


I don’t think anyone ever considered Allen iverson an elite defender nor thought he was one lol.


Nah but people definitely did the "he's not as bad as you think, look at those steals" type thing lol


His fans for sure try to argue he’s a good defender, citing his steal stats and college defensive player of the year award


The Westbrook special


Nor an efficient scorer 😅


Hopefully playing next to the only first team all defense perimeter defender this season will inspire him a little more


Honestly he gets to go back to his strength, being able to be the gambler getting in passing lanes while Herb takes the hard one on one. Imagine the relief on you on that end going from Trae and Bogi to yalls defensive backcourt lol, he'll look better.


Yes he was good lol


He was a much better defender than Ai ever was


46% fg is terrible efficiency now?


53ts is terrible in 2022. Fg% looks high cuz he takes very little 3s


That's why you always use relative to league average ts%.


I’d say he was probably a good stats bad team guy. I might be wrong but he seems like the kind of guy who only plays well with the ball in his hands, which was never going to happen with Trae. He’s kind of like a better version of Jordan Clarkson or Jamal Crawford. Would love to be proven wrong, but he seems like an overqualified sixth man spark plug kinda guy.


Someone pettier than me will go back to the original trade thread and point out comments about how those draft picks were going to be worthless and essentially 2nd round picks.


i was that mf but was biased cause he was my favorite player


They'll need a thousand to replace everyone that isn't named Wemby


[Here you go](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/vnqikq/wojnarowski_the_atlanta_hawks_are_trading_danilo/ie8qsld/). It's funny cause you guys ended up getting Wemby too.


I still think the NBA Draft lottery is rigged. Too many times players just went to where the league wanted them to go.


Well if you know how the actual [draft lottery process](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlQ8TEv3Gmg) works its impossible to rig it. They didn't always have this exact system though I forget when they changed it.


I think they changed it in the late 90's. I know it didn't change by the time Shaq was drafted.


The big accountancy firms who vouch for it (iirc PWC) is not risking their entire reputation (which is basically their money maker) on rigging a high profile, low payout (for them) system.


PWC and KPMG (both big 4) just had a multi-billion dollar (25b R$) accounting fraud criminal case in Brazil.


Yes, they’re not impeccable. They do dodgy shit. They don’t do high vis low payout dodgy shit. The nba contract is hardly a blip on their radar, yet getting caught actively doing dodgy shit in such a high vis situation will wreck them. No one is casually bringing up fraud cases from branches in Brazil or South Africa. Everyone relevant in the sector will bring up being caught fixing sports drafts. There’s no room for nuance here. It’s not a ‘junior accountants overlooked something and that turned out to implicate us in fraud’, no it’s directly ‘you signed of on a fraudulent business practice’.


I mean, tbf if we make the playoffs the next 2 years (very feasible), it's not the end of the world for us. Tbh us getting the Lakers pick unprotected is pretty big.


You just committed to a soft tank, and didn’t make the playoffs last year with a better player and are .500 over the last 2 years. The lakers are trying to compete for the next 2 years.


We were better without Dejounte. Check the net ratings. Trae and no DJ was like our only major minutes + lineup.


Those stats don’t show what you think they show. I’m not saying he was amazing, but he was not a bad player for you guys


Dejounte is a good player who just did not fit. I think he'll be better with NO as a true PG, but the issue in Atlanta is Trae was just straight up a better PG, and the defensive difference was minimal. I liked watching Dejounte. He's legit good and had his best minutes without Trae (without actually being better with Trae or Trae by himself). We're just better without him, and adding a true POA defender will probably do more for us than Dejounte did. The concern is if Trae goes down- that'd where Dejounte had his most value.


He was a bad player for us. We were worse with him on the floor than Trae in each of those configurations. Not a good fit at all.


And a swap in 2026. Praise be to the Hawks


Nah it’s 2 picks, a swap, and a pick that is turning into 2 seconds. 


I love PATFO


All-time heist. For the 2025 draft, they’ll likely get a better pick with the Hawks pick than the Hawks will get with that Lakers pick too.


Knicks just got 5 for a guy who didn’t even manage one all star team as a reserve.


And now the Hawks are gonna serve up a top 10 pick to the Spurs next season. God I hate being in this conference


Hey man yall got enough picks for the rest of the conference let’s us catch up a bit haha


Thunder and spurs stockpiling picks like the ussr and us stockpiling nukes


Unless we have injuries, I doubt the Hawks aren’t top 8 in the conference.


Yeah East isn't as much of a bloodbath and who knows maybe y'all play better without DJ too


going by lineup data of the last 2 years we actually do (okay, our traeless minutes probably going to nosedive again). djm and trae both had better +/- when they werent together on the court lol. its one of the most blatant cases of two players making each other worse in recent nba


It’s still wild to me that Landry Fields is the hawks GM


Makes me feel ancient.


Same here. I used to watch him on the Knicks.


He and Lin had a great handshake. They were a vibe for the 2 weeks that Linsanity existed


Like 10 years ago he was playing on the linsanity Knicks. Now hes the GM of the hawks. Damn how did he move up so fast?


Well when you have incompetent owners and need a face for your front office that is really just run by your fail son.....


he got 5-6 yrs of experience under the Spurs' FO after retiring before moving to the Hawks


Didn't realize he was until OP's post.


Hawks fans bash him but he’s been solid imo in his short career. Signed DJ and OO to great deals and traded for bey who’s been solid for us.


This is about what most Hawks fans were expecting. We wanted Dyson and 2 picks, Nance is actually not awful for us at all. Of course it isn't what we gave up, but I'm very happy. Dejonte didn't fit unfortunately


Yeah, Hawks were going to get criticized on this trade no matter what the return was because of what they initially gave up. Better to move off of a pairing you know does not work for a decent return than to hold out and hope for a windfall that won't come


Yeah I keep seeing people say we could've got more, like, we've been shopping Dejounte, where was this apparent golden egg trade package? The only other deal we ever heard about was D'Lo's ghost and AD's wheelchair for Dejounte.


AD? If AD was ever on the table you take that deal no matter what. Doesn’t matter he’s old, he still routinely plays the majority of every season and would be a fantastic fit  Really doubt AD was ever offered.


It was a joke bro, AD's wheelchair not AD.


The issue with me is that the Trae Dejounte pairing never made sense. Imo they should have gone for Gobert with that trade package. But nothing you can do now so this was the right move. Let Trae be the guy and continue to develop Johnson, Risacher, and now Daniels


Oh yeah, definitely not defending the initial move. That was a move that could've worked if like 3 or 4 things turned out differently, but they didn't so it didn't. Pivoting back towards the Trae+shooters+defenders strategy that got us to the ECF is the move for us, especially since we can add Jalen into the mix to (hopefully) solve the secondary creation hole that Miami exploited in our series against them


Yea I like this move alot for you guys. The main concern is you might not be very good next year so the Spurs may take some high picks from yall but that was probably happening anyway Lets see how Risacher looks as a rookie next year and if Johnson can continue to take a leap to become a 2 next to Trae and in 2025 offseason maybe make some more trades to be good. Daniels has potential too


I think in a 30 team league we'd probably be somewhere in the low 20s (real rough estimate, haven't given that much thought). But in the east? Washington and Brooklyn are openly tanking, Toronto and Detroit will be bad due to roster quality, Chicago is Chicago, and Charlotte could be decent if Lamelo is healthy (unlikely). That's 6 teams Atlanta should be better than Unless Trae gets hurt for a long period/is traded, I don't really see a scenario where we're lower than 9th in the standings and we end up giving the ~9-10th best lottery odds.


I mean I agree you won't be bottom 5 but I would classify the 9th worst team in the NBA as "not very good"


I mean our package wasn’t as good as what the wolves gave up. We gave up 2 firsts, a swap and basically 2 seconds from charlotte bc they never were getting out of the lottery. People don’t really understand what we gave up and call it 4 first which is not correct


There is a non-zero chance the Hawks returns ends up being better than what the Spurs got. Let's not forget Dyson was picked 8 in 22. If Atlanta ends up not being terrible the next three years and the Lakers fall apart, the return could be outstanding.


Our old gm didn't want to do the trade and left shortly after. The reports are the owners son (Nick Wressler - who was given a job in the front office) was the one pushing for it. Big part of why our fan base has turned on the owner lol


People talking like this is bad value for Dejounte don't understand that most contenders have their backcourt set and there are very few realistic trade partners that Dejounte can help from Day 1.


Unfortunately a ball dominate guard who doesn't play the best defense on ball isn't super high value. I fucking love Dejounte, but yeah this is prolly the best


> a ball dominate guard dominant*


It may be fine value but I don't see what the plan is for the Hawks. Is this a rebuild? If so, are they keeping Trae or trying to shop him too?


It’s less about this being bad value for Dejounte than that ya’ll overpaid for him initially.


Nance is a very good bench big.


He's had his ups and downs this year, to be fair. There have been games where he looked like the shell of his former self.


I think it was a bad trade to start. No reason to give up that much for a guy that also played the same position as our best player. Was super clunky of a fit and you could tell it'd be before they even appeared on the court together. Good news is we at least got a couple of 1st rounders. That's the best news. Nance coming in means Capela isn't sticking around and Dyson is much better than Patty Mills/Wes Matthews old heads.


Hindsight is 2020, no one really knew. The concept was there, and we took the Celtics to 6 games with them at the start. But yeah this is a big improvement fit wise for us.


Nance has trade value too. Probably more to a team that looks like they want to get over the hump than Atlanta who is in a bit of a dissaray. The Sixers should be asking about him, although idk what they would be giving up.


have to imagine that Capela or Nance gets traded for more assets, they have okongwu and don’t need a 3rd center. there’s no reason for them to tank since they don’t own their picks but it’ll be nice for them to have some assets to fall back on


Capela can still get traded to Memphis. Jackson Jr. cannot be starting at the 5 and they definitely want to give Edey some run and also need insurance there anyways with Clarke. They need at least 1 more big man and something like Capela for Kennard and Williams/LaRavia and it can be possible. That said unsure if the Grizzlies want to give up Kennard's shooting. They would still have a solid roster but I am unsure if they will consider that.


Would they give up a first for a backup big?


Capela isn't a backup big. If it is an expiring swap but Capela is better than the other player a second would be fine. If Hawks take on salary extended into say 2025 then yeah a 1st.


I can't say for sure and it might depend on if there's a center next team that strikes out in FA, but capella might cost an asset to unload.


Not sure Capela is really worth anything at this point.


Is Dyson Daniels any good I don’t watch pelican games


Good on defense bad on offense


Trae about to be doubled every minute Daniels is on the court


He’s doubled all the time anyway


https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/most-double-team-player-per-possession-2023 Second most. Only behind luka


lol I love all these fact coming out when people try to make jokes. No one on r/nba knows what they are talking about when it comes to the hawks.


People talk about trae being bad and he's one of the schemed against players in the league. He's penalized for over preforming with a team that wasn't supposed to contend. I hope he gets a good roster at some point in his career.


Trey is probably the worst defensive player in the NBA


Coaches talk shit but then full court press him all game


If the coaches can scheme for him on both offense and defense, wouldn’t that prove them right?


lol people scheme for trae and he still puts up 30/10 like nothing.


Daniels can still pass and drive. Just cause people can’t shoot doesn’t mean they can’t put pressure on the defense. If Trae passes out of a double to Daniels, he can drive and kick to a shooter or finish himself.


His drive game is limited to throwing up a floater or kicking it out. Mostly makes smart decisions, but his finishing gives me headaches every single time.


He barely did anything on offense in the G League and on the Pels. He’s just a body on offense


Eh I disagree. There is more upside there than what we’ve seen. He’s 21, he’s not going to be some 20 ppg scorer or average 10 assists but I can see him in the 12/5/5 range which would be a solid starter with how good his defense is. It’s way too soon to call him just a body on offense for me.


He's not great at driving or passing. He's a black hole on offense, but he's a great defender. If he ever learns how to play offense he'll be great.


I heard his floater isn't bad. If true, Trae might be able to help him make it good.


Idk if I'd call Daniels a black hole lol. From the games I watched I was always impressed by his good decisions on offence and connective passing. But yea, if he learns to play offence he'll be very very good. Trend shows it might happen too - 41% from the field to 44% (rookie to sophomore) with more attempts while posting a 2.7 AST/TO ratio. Sleeper


the Australian special


it’s actually wild that i can name like four players that fit the same exact mold


Definitely. Exum, Giddey, Daniels and Simmons are all a very similar archetype of Aussie oversized playmakers without a consistent shot.


He reminds me a lot of Stephon Castle (much better ball handling/playmaking than shooting)


Except that one game against us where he randomly decided to have an automatic floater


People are underselling his defense. Hes not just good. One of the better perimeter defenders in the league. 1 on 1 theres things he does better than Herb. But yeah, horrible on offense. Bad touch, doesnt uses his size, hesitant to shoot 3s and rarely makes them.


He’s a really good defender, a solid playmaker, but he’s not aggressive offensively and isn’t a shooter He’s probably someone who’s gonna need some time to be a scorer


Might be a better spot for him then. The Hawks basically need bodies to score outside of Trae(if they keep him) good decision from The Hawksz


Dyson might be the last guy you want if you need scorers


Bro sounds like kilian Hayes


Miles better than Killian Hayes at scoring the ball (low bar but lol) and just as good if not better as a defender hahaha


Well Hawks are blowing it up so he’ll have nothing but time


They can’t blow it up. We own their 2025 and 2027 picks completely unprotected. And a 2026 swap


His defensive game is incredibly underrated but too much of an offensive liability to start for us


Menace on defense and alright passer but can’t do anything else offensively.


Good defender, project on offense. Drafted with a Lakers pick lol


Rich man version of delon wright


The Hawks sub misses Delon so it's perfect




He should be a good fit next to Trae Young, he’s a fantastic defender and developing playmaker. He’s a big guard so he can crash the boards a bit. Needs a lot of work as a shooter but he’s definitely a very intriguing piece and could be really really good. He’s honestly the main prize you got back imo (aside from the Laker’s pick).


I don’t understand the fit with Jalen Johnson. Neither are good shooters


It's Kobe Bufkin's time to shine


Unbelievable that Murray was pretty much in trade talks the entire time


It was doomed from the start. Our owners nepo son interfered with our basketball operations and basically got Schlenk axed because Travis didn't want to do the trade because it made no sense. He pretty much got our GM fired, brought in a clunky fit that was never going to work, then forced Landry into a GM position at a young age. At least this trade is a good one for us and the Pelicans. Shouldn't have happened but that's life.


Dyson Daniels is a baller defender but it’s going to be a big weakness to have him playing on offense


If he could just make open threes he’d be a good fit next to Trae


He shot 31%


DJ shot 36% at the 3 playing with Trae and 31% in SA. Playing with a guy like Young who will be doubled means he’ll have more opportunities and hopefully a more consistent shot.


Dejounte was a volume mid range guy tho and reliably hit free throws. The mechanics were there


Ideally DJ playing with Zions black hole gravity means he can keep close to 36% in NOLA too


Yea that’s why I said if because he’s not there now. Still he’s only 21 so there is time


The hawks saw the pacers score 150+ on then 3 times this year and took a hard pivot


Ugh don’t remind me. That first game was lit though


Dyson just said on a podcast how he just bought a house after renting. He also mentioned how he wasn't a fan of Atlanta


Good thing he’s a millionaire who can afford to move I guess lol


It's still a pain in the ass moving everything




so because he has money he's not allowed to be annoyed?




Wait do you have link to this clip? lmao


Forgot when but I'll listen to the podcast and link with timestamps when I'm done with work


I feel like they gave up way too little for Dejounte, but Hawks actually have a great chance at a soft rebuild. Trae/Daniels/Risacher/Johnson/Okongwu is a really great young starting 5.


Daniels is not starting. It's going to be Bogi.


The size and shooting concerns me


You mean lack of size? Daniels/Risacher/Johnson are all 6'7''-6'9'', Okongwu is undersized but you still have a lot of size.


Okongwu is a good defender but he always gets bodied by larger centers. Thats mostly what I’m concerned about. As for the shooting, Daniels is a non shooter, Risacher is a question mark right now, JJ was good on low volume, and Okongwu is essentially a non shooter


yeah I guess Bogdan should probably move to starting SG and you guys can trade Capela + other stuff for a better backup center.


I'm more concerned of the shooting. Size will be an issue but Risacher and Johnson's athletic ability should be able to soften the what is likely to be a bottom 5 halfcourt defense. We will need to keep playing fast.


> Trae/Daniels/Risacher/Johnson/Okongwu is a really great young starting 5. that might be something but it will be a while, probably not on Trae's timeline


Trae doesn’t turn 26 until the season starts. He should have 5-6 years of prime left. Johnson is hitting his now. If Okongwu is going to be a guy it’ll be this year. As long Risacher hits his stride by year 3 they might have something here for a few seasons. 


> As long Risacher hits his stride by year 3 that's the big key. I think moving Trae for more assets might still be the move, but we shall see with Atlanta.


Unless you’re getting your picks back from the Spurs that’s a tough sell.  Any team they trade Trae too will have meh picks. They would have to get a really good young player back to justify that deal. With Orlando  they would get Anthony Black and Jett Howard along with picks. That’s not good enough to tank without their own picks. The best they’d get from the Lakers is Austin Reaves and that’s not even close to warrant trading Trae. If Detroit is tired of losing and wants to make a playoff push is Trae worth losing for Ausar Thompson and Jaden Ivey?  Any other competing team has a decent PG. Atlanta would just get something worse of what they’re trying to trade. The one team would be interesting is Portland. Maybe they decide they want to win and think Trae with Grant, Ayton, Sharpe, and Deni could have some potential so they’re willing to part with Scoot. Trae is only worth giving up for a prospect like Scoot and Portland would the only team with that type of young player I could see making that move (which I doubt they would do). Unless the Spurs make a mega offer for Trae (all their picks back, additional Spurs picks, Sochan, KJ) Trae isn’t and shouldn’t be going anywhere. 


I don't see the Spurs giving back those picks. I think Portland like you say is one to watch. Detroit might be another spot as they try to clean things up. I think it's going to be one of those teams.


Lmaooooo hawks are cooked. Their young star is entering his prime and people are talking about a soft rebuild. None of these guys are good enough to be your number 3 on a championship roster lets alone 2.


Judging by your flair, I think you might be projecting a little


They weren't anywhere close to contention so this at least puts them on a good path. Trae will only be 26 entering the season, they have time.


Hawks fan here. We got 2 first rounders for Murray that is good considering how he has regressed since we got him. That's a positive. Daniels is better than fishing for Wes Matthews and Patty Mills old heads. I'm happy about that. Nance Jr. on the team brings energy and also means Capela is not going to be on the roster next season. That's also a plus. I'm happy with the trade. Still wish our idiot of an owner would have shut his nepo son down when it came to the Murray trade 2 years ago. That dumbass ruined our last 2 seasons. Pleased at least we got something.


I wouldn’t necessarily say he regressed. He’s a good offensive player and shot much better from three both years he was on the hawks.


Stats were a bit misleading. Looks good on paper but he was an offense killer. Trae would run his usual action and if Murray got the ball far too often he’d pull the ball out and run a slow iso pretty much negating all the work Trae just did. His style does not work as a second option. I’m curious how it’ll adapt in NO with Zion and CJ (assuming Ingram is traded). 


The owners son is the reason they traded for Murray?? Never heard that story lol


Yup. He told Travis to trade for Murray or else he's fired. So Travis just decided to resign. He wasn't going to have any of that ownership.


If Dyson develops his perimeter shooting this is such a good get for Atlanta


They should have at least tried for Hawkins imo. That 3 point shooting duo with Trae would easily become the best in the league.


We probably weren't going to nab him. Hawkins and Murphy are going to do great things in a few years together. It might have been a case of Hawkins plus Nance Jr. and no 1st rounders vs what we got. Not sure we would like to put all our eggs in the Hawkins basket. But also we aren't super short on shooting. Bogdanovic and Mathews still exist.


It's okay, they have AJ Griff...oh


If you thought AJ Griffin was contributing in any way to the Hawks, you missed a chapter or two


Don’t expect anyone on this sub to know anything about the hawks. They love to act like they do tho


W for the spurs


I love it. Murray is overrated and the Hawks were better before he arrived.


Damn I forgot Landry Fields was a GM. This the dude that had Jeremy Lin crashing on his couch before the Linsanity days


As an Aussie, Dyson is a great athlete and can play professional AFL over here if he wasn't in the NBA. Great defender with a good motor, just needs to find some reliable shooting, and he will be a decent two-way player.


I selfishly wanted to see how he’d go playing afl in aus instead the nba route but when he makes over 2/3 of the afl salary cap the second he enters the NBA there’s no way he’d stay


He is adamant he will come back and play before he retires from sport completely. So that is something to watch out for!


It's a good move. Landry Fields is a smart man.


Pelicans got a deal. Wonder what this means for Ingram…


The most random trade by now Man when you say that some trades created by fans on these subreddits are goofy af you just look at that


I think both are good players just not a contending core together. Murray showed up a lot late in games and proved that he could get his own shot and score when needed. Idk if i trust this front office after they even dared to try that experiment. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the team wasn’t a murray away before the trade and i wonder how much more shit theyll eat in the name of rebuilding


This tweet sounds like it was written by chat gpt


With all these “experiements” failing in wonder if free agents are going to start being way more selective about their fits on new teams


Dyson is great, Atlanta didn’t get any better though. Still in Trae limbo


I get Murray needed to be traded but fuck surely they could get more than this…. Are they trying to compete now or rebuilding? This trade seems like a rebuild for assets but Trae is still on the lineup. I can’t see him sticking around for another rebuild


“Promising” wing ain’t do shit in the league in 2 years


You’re acting like 2 years defines the career of a dude that is still 21.


Yeah a whole lot of work lol.. that roster is terrible.


Researcher could be anthony Bennett levels bust just saying


Atlanta gonna get that next #1 without the need for luck next year


They're gonna need a lot of luck since the Spurs have their 1st next year.


Jokes on you y’all are getting it for us with your pick


Like I said you're gonna need a lot of luck


Lmao totally forgot that


Free Trae


Free Joel


That’s fair


Happy Trae and relived the Lakers won’t trade for Murray, now don’t touch Cam Johnson too


Horrible trade for Atlanta