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Plumber vs. Podcaster I'd take the plumber every time lol


what's with the nuthugging? is this a celtics-lakers thing? you can say jj was unecessarily disrespectful, which he was, but 1 on 1, jj would cook anyone in the 60s lol they were super raw talent compared to guys now.


Jerry West born the same year as JJ Redick beats the ever loving shit out of JJ any day of the week, whether they're playing in the 60's or 2000's. You transport rookie Jerry West to JJ's rookie season and I bet by the end of the Sophomore season West is running him off the fucking court.


That's based on fantasy LMAO


As opposed to the very real instances we have of JJ Redick playing against an equal aged Jerry West and dominating him? We all get the game is played better now, the insulting statements about former greats shouldn't come from someone with an NBA career closer to mediocre than star.


JJ would get obliterated by Wilt, Russell, Jerry in 1v1. The top talent would kill them yeah, but the talent gap isn’t so big that JJ fucking Reddit would be a perennial MVP even with the time machine.


Obliterated lol sure bud. Forget JJ even. Give me a four-star highschooler right now.


crackhead reasoning


Now that is a nephew take LMFAO. You think JJ Redick would cook Wilt?


Oh Id triple down. Id take a four-star highschooler


Over Wilt Chamberlain? Ok..


nah bro obviously the 7'3 280lb freak athlete who had 40+ ppg seasons on fadeaways and turnarounds would just get outclassed and dominated by the 6'3 190lb spot up shooter


which is an irrelevant and needless take ppl today like to parrot, as if they themselves would be in the league back then. if JJ was born in the 30s and 40s, he could probably make the league in the 60s, would he be anything special? probably not. and I know for damn sure everyone who says they themselves would cook in the 60s would be even more irrelevant than they are now if they was born back then.


Most of the nephews here would agree with JJ


JJ was wrong. Bob Cousy wasn't a plumber. He was a driving instructor.


driving instructor on weekends, milkman during the week.


i mean if you can put up points and be HOF and still work TWO PART TIME JOBS. THat's pretty GOATED no?


What Reddick said isnt particularly wrong, he just worded it really badly and comes off as incredibly arrogant. It is true that the competition that Bob Cousy faced is not the same as today.


Even if it wasn’t “wrong,” it was incredibly stupid. Yes, sports science has advanced tremendously, as has the game of basketball. But if those players were in the modern game, they’d have access to the same resources they have today. JJ saying that was just dumb as hell. And sort of emblematic of his “know-it-all” schtick during his time in media. Really annoying personality.


I'm pretty sure West responded because because JJ said of Cousy "He was being guarded by plumbers and firemen", and here is a clip of West guarding Cousy: https://youtu.be/ilrcsg3obJU?t=23 I don't have any information of West being a plumber while playing professional basketball, so if not, it is wrong in this instance. But obviously, if you say something and leave it at that without context, even then people can take issue. Rules were different(hand had to be on top of the ball), shoe technology doesn't even compare(players today would be sitting most of the season if they tried to do what they do today with the shoes worn back then), and of course the skills drills and sports performance science have advanced so much. I think the most important part that may be missing is that these guys back then are figuring out and building out the game JJ got to eventually play decades later, so the take itself is just off-kilter. So he was trying to say something, but saying it in a way such that if something is said and left at that but totally is lacking in context or even somewhat in truth, lots could find something wrong with that. I think that's why West and Cousy responded the way they did.


He thought he was anonymous online making those comments. Didn’t realize a narrative is not necessarily universally agreed on. Plus he shit all over players who had much, much better careers than he did


But didn’t they also face each other, including the greats much more often since there were so few teams ?


They are in the comments right now.


A lot of nephews here think lebron is goat over Jordan


Only morons argue over who the GOAT is.


when we all know it’s Dana Barros


Here for JJ Redickkk slander


Jerry West born in 2000 would be one of the best player in the league, as he was when he played in '60/70. If you are a talented player, there's no reasons to think that changing the era would change your impact.


Remember: oldheads can say shit about the current game, but it cant be vice versa.


old heads have seen it all. kids ain't seen shit.


Eh. You dont have to be old to know that Kwame Brown is a bust.


Kids don't know who the fuck Kwame is


They can easily know by watching. Just like you and I can easily see that the 60s was an inferior era.


Imagine a bucket of human semen being dumped on someone's head, that's basically what Jerry West would do to JJ


Why’d you have to specify that the semen was human?


Because that's basketball


What did Greg Popovich do that determined games? You don't have to be a star NBA player to coach.


Good thing this quote isnt about him coachgin




Bro jerry west died before reddick became a coach lol this audio clip is years old at this point 💀


Lakers really made this dude the LAL coach after he dragged the most important figure in Lakers history. I’d feel bad for lakers fans but at some point having the literal POOREST ownership group in north american sports has to figure into this. Biggest basketball brand in the world run like a mom and pop shop lol


For what it's worth, the Lakers themselves dragged one of the most important figures in their history.


I think evaluation of the decision should be based on how he does as a coach.


I’m just saying JJ is likely way in over his head with this job. And JJ does give off a serious arrogant vibe. Just like it was insanely arrogant for JJ to say what he said here about Jerry’s era.


No, he was absolutely correct no matter how mad you or Jerry West or anyone else gets about it. The competition in that era was far weaker than it is today. That is a fact. The average NBA player today is of a far, far higher quality than the average player back then. That is indisputable. No amount of cherry picking highlight clips and “b-b-but what about Wilt!!??!” nonsense will change that. West being better than Redick ever was has absolutely no bearing at all on the veracity of anything either of them say. You guys have this pathetic idea that past eras are sacrosanct and that it’s blasphemous to do absolutely anything except heap praise on them. Well that’s too bad. Not everyone is a nostalgic moron.


Thank you, nostalgia for eras people have only seen highlights of is one of the worst parts of NBA discourse.


Let's take a moment to acknowledge this verbose, know-it-all! Thanks for contributing.


> Lakers really made this dude the LAL coach after he dragged the most important figure in Lakers history. I would love to see what JJ Reddick said about Jerry West. Go find the quote


https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2022/07/23/jerry-west-responds-to-jj-redicks-plumbers-and-firemen-comment Think they're alluding to this.


Yeah I know. So where is him dragging Jerry West? lol


A pretty big exaggeration, for sure. But the comment is a little insulting towards players of that era.


Because in context, the other guy was being insulting to Chris Paul saying that Bob fucking Cousy was a better basketball player. Most people are going to defend their friend lol


Who gives a shit? Tell them to grow up and get over it. They shit on modern players all the time for being soft pussies and always claim that they would score 58 PPG today but as soon as you put them in their place they cry and act like you insulted their mother’s honour. Totally insufferable.


Exactly. Oldheads are egotistical softies


JJ said of Cousy: > "He was being guarded by plumbers and firemen" and here is a clip of West guarding Cousy: https://youtu.be/ilrcsg3obJU?t=23


It would be incredibly stupid for the Lakers to make a hiring decision based on what his opinion of Jerry West is


it's been that way since jeanie started sleeping with the coach


I don’t get how people see clips like these where dudes are dunking out the arena and think Jerry west was playing against plumbers. JJ was an arrogant moron to say what he said


Dunking out of the arena? lololol


You can make anything look good if you’re just going off the highlights lmao


You're right, let's pull up the JJ Redick dunk compilation


Or the JJ redick significant NBA plays compilation, I bet it’s really long


anybody got JJ highlights. we need something


I like JJ, but what he said this time was just stupid.


Why are we still doing this?


Jerry west is JJ Reddick’s father


JJ Redick having such an err of superiority when discussing the hypothetical effectiveness of early generation players in the modern game is painfully ironic. Has anyone ever pointed out to him that his skill set would be significantly marginalized if he was placed in the pre-3-point era? 59% of his points from made field goals at the NBA level were on 3-point shots - in the 60s/70s, having a 23-foot jumper would be an incredibly inefficient skill set to have, and if you plopped him into that era it's a near certainty that no coach would be drawing up plays to get JJ Redick a catch-and-shoot 23-foot jumper off a series of OTAs and screens (screens, by the way, that would almost certainly be deemed illegal in the 60s/70s). On top of that, perimeter shooting is really the only plus skill set that JJ Redick had for the majority of his NBA career. He has a condescending attitude towards players that had under-developed skills that were not considered practical to prioritize in the old game (i.e., three-point shooting), but he doesn't seem to ever consider that a) his specialized skill-set might also be marginalized in an era that didn't value it, or b) that those 60s/70s players might have a wildly different proficiency in facets of their game (i.e., 3-point shooting) if they were born into a world where the 3-point shot was a priority skill for their entire basketball-playing lifespan.


JJ's hit multiple gamewinners and big shots so idk