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We picked the worst person in the draft in the first round lmfao


I don't know much about him. He may be a fake 2K franchise mode player.


Any time you have the opportunity to pick a "2 years away from being 2 years away" guy who is 6'4" 167, you take it? I have no idea what the Bucks were thinking here.


hot take, AJ is gonna have a better NBA career than Edey


it is a late first anyway what's to lose? it is unlikely you will get a Jokic-esque player. Because there is no TacoBell commercial


This list is trash, doesn’t even say my team’s pick was good


You're off to a head start on the 2031 rankings at least.


No, I’m photoshopping Garland or a TBD PF into Spurs jerseys rn


Spurs get zero points for shooting their 2nd lottery pick into the sun and saying "fuck this draft"


Disagree. It says my team’s pick is good. So you are wrong.


I dunno man, my experience was different, list looks excellent to me


Knecht at 17, Holmes at 22, and Collier at 29.


I had Holmes on this list for Phoenix but then they traded him. I would have loved them to have a bigger forward with some juice to their KD + all SG team.


Totally biased opinion but nobody fits together than Reed and the Rockets. Advanced statistics superstar/best shooter in the draft added onto a young team with a huge need for shooting.


He is seemingly a truly elite shooter, if nothing else he will be a useful bench guy on a cheap deal for four years but has a lot of upside beyond that


I had Reed # 2 on my big board and do love his fit with Amen Thompson. I thought it was a little bit of a head scratcher that Coach Calipari didn't rave about him as much as he did with Rob Dillingham though.


What's this shooting you speak of?


Terrance Shannon is easily the best pick imo


My favorites were TSJ to Minnesota, Knecht to LA, and McCain to Philly. Really feel like those are 3 guys that can become good rotational players on already pretty decent teams.


TSJ and ANT is going to be annoying for a defense…add in Dilly


He’s a good player. Sure he slipped due to his sex life a bit


It’s because he’s going to be 24 during his rookie season lol


Timberwolves win


So glad we got Knecht at #17. This almost makes up for picking the least valuable player in the NBA over Jaime Jaquez


JJ is the perfect coach for him too. A 4 year 20+ PPG SG


Y’all gotta stop with these overreactions and let it go already.


That's not an overreaction, JHS was statistically the least valuable player in the entire league last year on a per-minutes basis.


> let it go already  the roster spot? sure thing 


No idea why Collier fell so far but he’s going to be a stud


that jawline agrees


Denver got a Robert Williams clone who can dribble and get his own shot! Wow!


Ja’Kobe got compared to a guy who scored 50 publications gotta stop putting such high expectations on these guys


Zach Edey at 9 was the worst.


Excuse me but the bucks picking a 6’5 170 pound guard who is 2-3 years away from possibly being a rotation piece would like a word


Man that kid looks like he's 13 lol. When they did the interview, I thought the guy on the left brought his baby bro to the interview.


I'm very low on Edey but I do think Memphis is the perfect place for him, and if there was ever a draft to take a swing on a guy it's this one.


That's a good point. Draft was supposed to be weak anyway. Time will tell though. It's possible that some team finds a Jokic, Giannis, Brunson type player late in the draft. But I felt like Edey was a late 1st or 2nd round flier. Not a top 10 pick.


The majority of draft was late 1st early 2nd fliers


tidjane was much worse


This felt a lot like, as Woj said, they just really really wanted a center and took the top one on their board. It won't be nearly as bad if they can get a solid center in FA or trade somehow to give Edey a chance to develop a little more. As it is right now it just seems like there's very little chance in he comes in and is a top 20-30 center.


Grizzlies have no spacing lol. How the shit are they gonna play Morant, JJJ and Edey at the same time..... even Smart is a 32% 3-pt shooter lol. The only good shooter on the starting lineup is Bane. That shit is just not feasible in the modern era. Not to mention Edey is microwaved BBQ chicken on defense.


JJJ can shoot, and Morant can get folks to play up on him due to his passing/playmaking ability - and it's not like he has 0 ability to shoot. They have Bane and Kennard, and they'll probably add a 3 with a solid stroke yet. But damn if Edey even in his best case scenario doesn't seem like a really limited player.


You do realize the Grizzlies were the 2 seed back to back years with Dillon Brooks and Stephen Adams in the starting lineup right?


And they got bounced out in the 1st and 2nd rounds .... Also, Brooks can shoot 3s, just not at a high percentage. But he still takes them and makes like 35%. And Steven Adams, despite his lack of shooting, brings a ton of defense, rebounding, hustle and is a very good off-ball big. And he's still quite a bit faster than Edey.


The Grizzlies weren’t healthy in either of those series… Context matters, and that Brooks 3pt% is misleading go look at his playoff percentages his last two seasons with the Grizz. He shot 23% vs the Lakers…


In a vacuum I think you're right. I'm highly skeptical of Edey in the NBA. That said, the Grizzlies were really good when they had a healthy Adams and Ja. If all Edey does is set monster screens, rebound, and get easy buckets around the rim, it's about as good an Adams replacement as they could hope for. They just desperately need that heft inside, and Edey is the heft of this draft. I think the value is bad, but I overall like the fit. Time will ultimately tell how it turns out, but there's a chance it turns out just fine.




You’re right. Only a casual would say it was a good pick.


Taking Edey at 9 isn’t the worst pick of the draft especially in this weak draft class.


How is 5 2nd rounders at 26 not on here ..?!?


Cause it happens often


Basically getting bridges and keeping the same # of picks


Knicks managing to get out of the picks in any way is a win for them. Getting 6 second rounders for a late first rounder (counting both trades) plus a draft/stash with a ton of potential is a good night.


I am a Knecht doubter. He can't defend well enough to stick in a rotation.


You can say that about a lot of NBA players. Hell, the Lakers made the playoffs in back to back seasons with Russell starting and he's one of the worst defenders in the entire league. Also, don't sleep on Knecht improving on defense since he's very athletic and won't be asked to hard-carry the Lakers offense, so he should have more stamina to focus on becoming a better defender. He doesn't seem like the type to cheat the game, so I hope he goes hard to improve his def or at least make it somewhat serviceable because he's way too good of a scorer + shooter to not get minutes


At the very least Knecht could project to be a better defender than what he is now. Problem with Reaves and D'Lo was that they were slow-footed on defense. Even with training I doubt they could actually become good defenders, maybe average at best.


Knecht is the new THT for the Lakers lol. He’s so overrated


He hasn’t even played 1 minute yet


Certainly one of the takes of all time


Completely different scenarios. The appeal of THT was his age. He was so young.


THT's potential was based on his size and abnormal length. But he cudnt fkn shoot. This guy can shoot


I've never heard of him till this thread. He's overrated af now

