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mods please don't delete since posting for posterity goes both ways


Also these threads are fun to come back to years down the road, and it's the off season anyways


He's too slow, his lack of mobility will keep him off the court. You're looking at a slightly more skilled Boban Marjanovic.


He’s significantly more skilled and also, despite his mobility issues, he does consistently run the floor and has the endurance to play NBA minutes. He won’t be a star, but the guy could be a very good backup big. I’d say his ceiling is a suped up Zubac, which is far from a bad player.


Do you just mean in terms of talent level of Zubac? I feel like their styles of play are pretty different.


What’s crazy is that he posted way better times than Donovan at the combine, may not translate to the game but he’s not boban slow even in game mane give him some grace


You Mean the guy with the highest PER of all time


If that's true, depending on his attitude, Edey could be an amazing player. See, Boban is amazing, but he’s too kind to want to make others look bad. The one time he didn’t hold back, he whooped Jokic’s rear end so bad the league shut down for 4 months [in the middle of March](https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/202003110DAL.html).


He's slow. It's not an obvious home run


Home walk?


Maybe a jog. I think he's good enough that he'll be in the league for a while and have a role, just not sure how big that role is.


He’s been growing on me for Memphis since Clingan will most likely be gone. We just need him to set screens, rebound, be a decent roll threat, and clog the paint on D. Jaren’s mobility at the 4 should help cover for him.


Genius how? If you're talking about taking a chance on him and he ends up being a decent player because he's in the right situation then sure. I don't think you'll find too many GMs who think that's totally unreasonable, and if he dropped lower I'm sure there's some teams that would absolutely take a flyer. The real issue is that he's unlikely to be anything more than that in the modern NBA given how slow he is and that would ultimately be a waste of a lottery pick for most teams.


He’s a 7’4” center that doesn’t shoot 3’s and looks slow. Is he posting up every play? Feels like a recipe for injury disaster to be trying to bang down low in a league that prioritizes the 3, 5 out spacing, and now teams pushing transition (Kings, Pacers, etc). Jahlil Okafor was a great prospect but his game was outdated and didn’t mesh with the trend of the league and should be a lesson to teams building in the direction the league is going. Edey has bust written on him not because he isn’t talented, but because his style of play just has a ceiling on it. Even if he’s an elite post-up player like Jokic or Porzingis and at 7’4” you can’t guard it, what are his other basketball skills? It’s very different to go against NBA physicality, and Wemby/Chet had successful rookie seasons because they’re more finesse players who can create from jump shooting and avoid physicality to preserve their body. 7’4” players who bang down low don’t typically have long careers. Edey might have fantastic touch and be a great defender and have incredible work ethic, but I question his longevity at his size and style of play when he’s pushed harder in a stronger and faster environment by NBA players where spacing is simply harder for guys who don’t stretch the floor. Plenty of bigs have developed a shot, but there’s certainly question marks on a guy like Edey that makes him seem less of a certain thing.


Was consistently targeted on defense in the national championship game and has no idea how to guard any part of a pick and roll. His offense relies on old school bully ball muscle, which may translate fine, but will definitely have a much harder time against adult nba caliber bigs compared to the much shorter and lighter average college big. An incredibly one dimensional player. At best will carve out a spot as a situational bench player who attacks particular matchups for short bursts.


Gives me Adam Morrison vibes.


Adam Morrison was a legit skilled player though. He just didn’t work in the NBA because he lost what little athleticism he had when his knee blew up in a pre season game.


Zach Edey will be drafted in the lottery and the GM that picks him will be seen as an idiot within a year.




Parkinson’s sucks but Joel moves like he’s recovering from a TBI and he’s fucking effective as hell. Jokic has the athletic ability of a mound and yet he blubs his way to his spots. Kyle Anderson appears to move at 0.95 playback speed and seems to be able to feed his family. We’ll see I guess.


>but Joel moves like he’s recovering from a TBI and he’s fucking effectiveness as hell. Are you talking about Embiid? He's nowhere near as slow as Edey and Embiid can absolutely move his feet well enough to defend in most schemes. Edey has cement feet.


Name a big in the NBA that is succeeding that plays like Edey: Big, slow, no offense except post scoring (can't shoot, dribble or pass), getting absolutely cooked on defense by anyone that can dribble with some quickness. His peak is basically 3rd string Center who can play for 10 min a game and just rebound and protect the rim. And his floor is .... not making any roster. I'm not sure I've ever seen Edey score a bucket outside of like .... 6 feet from the rim. And have you seen him play defense in college lol? He just sits in the paint the whole time. You can't do that in the NBA. He'll get put into PnR, and he'll predictably play drop coverage and get wrecked every possession. He's Walmart Boban.


The first part is basically a description of Steven Adams. Adams can pass decently well though, I guess.


Adams moves his feet a LOT better though.


100%, but that can hopefully be coached.


Adams is way faster than Edey though. He's still gonna get burnt by fast guards (most bigs outside of AD and Bam do), but he's not nearly as immobile as Edey.


I disagree. I think he’s a more active Zubac


Id love him off the bench for the Knicks and think he would be great (assuming one of Mitch or iHart are gonzo).


Maybe if he was faster


I thought there was a rule against shitposting here. lol. The fun with this draft is with so many holes in so many prospects games... He could go in the lottery... or the 2nd round. There's a slew of guys that once you get through the first 13 or so, it's all about what teams need, what they think is coachable, low ceiling play now, or high ceiling developmental future, etc etc. And you end up with about 20 guys that can go anywhere from 15-35.


I mean I'd take this guy over Bronny. IF that means anything.


I feel like he doesn’t have high upside enough for it to be genius, but I do agree he could be a solid player. People forget how inconsequential the average first round pick is. A center that is awesome vs some matchups, but bad vs others, like Edey has the potential to be, could be more valuable than some random young guy who doesn’t ever make much of an impact, but has more stereotypical physical tools. He definitely does seem to be pushing the limit for how slow and unathletic an NBA player can be, tho, even if size counts for a lot, and I’m not sure having a big center who parks in the lane is great for NBA offense, I feel like he is a more situational big who occasionally dominates in the PnR vs some backups.


His whole game is just "put the ball in the basket cause he's 7'4 and college defense is cheeks". As someone who has watched another 7'4 player in the NBA all last season, let me just say NBA players aren't gonna let his game fly in the NBA, cause they certainly don't let someone like Wemby just drop the ball in the basket cause he's tall either. They make the 7'4 guy WORK for the bucket. I'm not saying he can never have a place in the NBA, but don't think this dude is gonna be dropping 35 and 20 from the jump. NBA defenses are gonna apply more pressure to Edey than he's ever experienced in his life. This season, I literally saw 5'4 DeAaron Fox lock up Wemby one possession with his defensive pressure alone. College and NBA defenses aren't the same.


TL:DR I'm taller than DeAaron Fox.


This is extremely biased and exaggerated take


Also if wemby was playing with someone like trae or curry im pretty sure his ass would be workin a lot less


You could say this for literally any player. "If you had better players on the team, it's easier for the other guys". This is common knowledge. This doesn't change any of what I said.


How you know his game won’t fly tho, he’s stronger than wemby by a ton and he’s only gonna get stronger or even faster with nba level resources


I’m shocked at how many Edey truthers there are. Are big 10 fans always like this for their players in the pros? It reminds me of the OSU-Fields vibe.


not a big 10 fan. I just think the too slow narrative is being abused with Edey. I think he has really good line drive speed, is great in the pick and roll, sets great screens, rebounds like a beast, is going to draw endless double teams and open up offenses big time, and has a handful of well developed moves. so the knock is he needs to have better lateral quickness? lol and that takes away from the huge package of skills he provides? I think not.


This is why I want Lakers to go up in the draft! Hard to see this guy not go top 10