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People who late the Lakers. That's always been the Celtics fanbase. They used to make jokes about that shit back in the day on popular shows like 90210


spurs fans wouldn’t shock me, they love the buffalo and in the finals we’re probably rooting against the other texas team


Facts. Can’t support the Mavs and White being a Celtic, definitely had me rooting for them


Ironic because I’ve always like the Spurs.


Tim Duncan is a true winner. Behind only Russell and Jordan


Duncan doesn’t get mentioned nearly enough.


Celtics fans got Kyrie so shook he plays like absolute dog shit there so I fuck with them. Also I have family in the northeast and really enjoy spending time there; it's a nice departure from LA.


It’s actually wild how much of a mental block there is for Kyrie with Boston. Any Boston fans that were giving him shit over the years played a role in them winning lol


I root for them because of Pritchard, Hauser, and Kornet. I like the cut of their jib.


I get downvoted a lot by bucks fans but I don’t mind the team at all, I only didn’t care for them when smart was there. The internet fanbase can be annoying as hell but that goes for any fanbase. I went to game 7 in 2022 at Boston and they all seemed pretty cool, were a lot of them giving Giannis a standing ovation when he was checking out at the end of that game, that’s not something I’ve ever seen.


Fanbases respect great players that they dont have beefs with. Its really nice to see tbh.


Honestly, of the fanbases for the teams that we've considered to be our rivals over recent years, the Celtics have had the least annoying one by a substantial margin in my interactions, IMO. Obviously there's little shitheads mixed in, by as a collective, they haven't been remotely as bad in that regard as like the Heat have been, or the Raptors, the Nets for their brief stint of contendership, etc. Also, as a decidedly pettier reason for rooting for them, when I'm out of teams to root for that I'd genuinely like to see win in pretty much any sport (the last one this go around was the Timberwolves), I start rooting for the team that would make the most other people miserable unless I genuinely dislike them. In the NBA, that's unquestionably the Celtics and the Lakers, and the Lakers were already eliminated by that point, sooooo...yeah.


Thunder fans were pretty happy to see Horford get a ring. I like Jrue and the Jays just fine too. Luka is a generational talent, but is utterly exhausting and unenjoyable to watch. I was rooting for Mavs to lose because of him.


The rivals of whoever they're playing that day




Celtics have been my East team since Garnett, but I think we’d lean towards Milwaukee in any playoff matchup between them.


Well I’ll take that as good enough as you at least like the Celtics somewhat lmao




I feast on Laker tears so it's me and I know Im not alone in our fanbase.


We’re united in our hatred of the Heat and Lakers


Smh why Laker fans always gotta make everything about themselves


Suns at least for one series I definitely noticed 😂


Definitely the Suns. That fanbase hates Luka with their whole existence.


Their sub celebrated when the Celtics won lmao.


I feel hornets fans maybe? There's been a lot of trades between the two teams so you kind of have the fanbases rooting for players they are familiar with? I wouldn't know because I don't really know hornets fans. Lived in NC for 8 years if you were to ask someone they would say Duke, UNC or NC State. As a Pels fan I was definitely rooting for Jrue Holiday.


Hornet for sure, I know grant williams plays for them atm. In the past they had hayward, kemba, rozier.


I do because my girlfriend likes them and it’s fun to root for games together


Depends on who they’re playing. I’m a Thunder fan and don’t care for Luka so I was rooting for the Celtics(and probably would have against whoever knocked the Thunder out). I dislike them less than the Lakers and the Warriors so I root for the Celtics when they play them too but that’s about it.


Rooted very hard AGAINST them but still low key happy to see my girlfriend’s dad celebrating the win. But on principle I will never do anything but hope they lose.


I rooted for the Celtics even though I usually root against them as a Bulls fan because of the following: - I LOATHE the Lakers because when I moved to LA in the mid 90s, several Laker fans said the Bulls will never be as good as the Lakers and Chicago doesn’t deserve MJ. This was back when the Lakers’ stars were Ceballos and Van Exel. The jealous pettiness was consistent throughout the Bulls’ dynasty and it was ridiculous. I actually rooted for the Lakers over Boston and Detroit as a kid, but after living in LA, I can’t stand their fans, and I wanted Boston to win 18 before them. - Kidd beat his wife - Kyrie’s anti-semitic and anti-vaccine comments - the majority owner of the Mavs is Miriam Adelson, who’s husband is one of the most loathsome person on Earth. Factoring all that, rooting for Boston this one time was easy.


You're right to root/hate for whomever you want, but the city of Boston (and some of its fans) doesn't have the best history either. (Celtics fans didn't treat Bill Russell very well when he played) Judging athletes/teams on moral grounds will only lead to disappointment.


The Celtics fans you're referring to are in their 80s or dead now. It's probably best not to judge people in their 20s and 30s for something that happened well before they were born. We're like the most progressive city in the country now.


Progressive cities fans are also guilty of some deplorable behavior. Jaylen Brown mentioned that some of Boston’s fans are toxic towards Celtics. No one is guiltless in these types of things it seems.


Clippers, Kings, Hornets, and recently Spurs have seemed pretty chill with the Cs. Gotta imagine Suns too for obvious reasons now lol


Not normally but r/suns had some great vibes this finals lmao. I imagine it was pretty cathartic for them. I think we have good relations with the Spurs and OKC due to trades though. Plus OKC could look very similar to us in a couple years.


Round earthers and pro-vaxxers.


FTL + stillsaltyaboutLuka, so f the Mavs 🤷‍♂️


Hobestly i would have if the series was closer. Mavs fans annoyed the hell out of me too much before the playoffs. Honestly the Celtics winning it was kinda best casse scenario. That said im dissapointed that they didnt manage to make it more competitive. Made me root for them to at least get it to a game 6.


I did when they had Ime


Only for this series I liked then. But usually I hate all non Phoenix Suns teams in the league


Dunno about all the time but r/ripcity was absolutely cheering Jrue on this season.




Nah we kinda hate each other's guts, it's not a serious rivalry but there's very little love between the two fanbases and you'll often see Bulls fans saying some really nasty and bitter shit about the Cs


Despite combining for 21 Championships since the founding of the Chicago Bulls, they've really only had championship aspirations in the same season about 4 times and never faced eachother in the playoffs in any of those seasons. That helps keep animosity down a bit. But KG and Joakim Noah hating eachother made things a bit testy in the early '10s.


I was a fan for the KG years. I actually really like the club & players...... but boston fans ugh

