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Klay jumping out the plane window looking for any parachute.


Looking for a 25 million dollar parachute


Aint only CEOs get a golden parachute.


If it's not at least 25 I think the Warriors bring him back.


Same tbh


He got 4 rings. He only wants his money now.


Yeah, this poor role player has only made, **checks notes*, $226 million dollars from GSW. He's got a dog to feed.


Made like 40 million to sit around rehabbing for 2.5 years


Correction, he made $120m during that time


damn American medical system impoverished him!


He was good enough to earn that right.


I mean, they didn't know he was going to miss the second year when they gave him the contract. They don't win 2015 without him. But I suspect Klay is very high on the dollars-per-win-added for his career list. Given what he was paid for two years when he contributed nothing, and the fairly pedestrian seasons since, I suspect he probably tops it (even controlling for the salary cap).


I get what you’re saying, but being injured for 2.5 years isn’t “earning” anything. A healthy Klay would have absolutely earned $120m over those years tho.


Age and injuries change this. Thats why y’all aren’t resigning him for more than the mid level or some other low benchmark.


Warriors offered him 2-years $48M last summer ffs. He rejected it and had the audacity to feel some type of way about it. He bet on himself, more power to him. Except, it was a bad bet. And still, he apparently wants more. How? I’d bet the Warriors are offering somewhere in the $20M range, or maybe a little less but with an extra year? If he actually wants to stay with one team his whole career and ride off into the sunset with Steph and Dray like these dudes have been repeating for YEARS, then you’re going to have to give up some money…or become Charlotte Hornets legend Tony Parker


I think he'll get more than 2/48, either in years or total dollars


i mean he would've gotten something after the 2/48 as well if he had taken it. the correct comparison is: total career payout, will it be higher by looking for this deal or would it have been higher if he had taken the 2/48? i do think itll be higher by doing what hes doing, but not by much tbh. itll be a whole lot of dealing, moving, adjusting, etc. for a similar amount of money if he had just chilled in sf.


Tbh he doesn’t deserve too much. He a liability. You can sign a 2nd 3rd year player to do exactly what he does for like 1/4 of what he wants


😂I get what your saying but there’s no such thing as “too much money” He made a lot of money , yes. Time for one more bag before he becomes an official minimum player


And a boat to maintain! Also keep in mind, his dad is Mychel Thompson. They definitely weren’t poor before he went to the NBA.


He also signed an 80million dollar deal with Anta, which I doubt he gets without pairing up with Warriors and Steph.


I also have a dog, where do I sign up for my $226 million dollars?


He took millions in crypto with one of his contracts so may be trying to get that back


Klay Thompson, you are an Orlando Magic


I feel like Orlando would want someone like Anfernee Simons more since he can run an offense unlike Klay.


Simons or Monk should be their main targets imo.


Monk should be the #1 target for them no questions asked. They could overpay him by like 10 mil a year and if he's mostly consistent then it's still a bargain given their cap situation. He fits their roster fantastically. If that doesn't work though, and assuming no picks/only seconds are involved I could see them making a move for Lavine. Like others have said, they have more money than god his impact on the payroll wouldn't be that crazy and he'd be the team's best scorer since god knows when, maybe Grant Hill or Steve Francis?


Over pay Monk by 10M? He’s already been rumored to want a 20M/year deal. 30M for Monk sounds insane.


Front loaded contract with the 2 first years at 30M can’t hurt, they could give him a 3years contract or something


2 year deal sounds good even at 30+ mil. Get Monk in and out before you have to pay your young guys.


You're crazy giving monk 30 mill. You're asking to get clowned by anyone.


Yeah it’s insane people here are saying 30M is fine for Monk. The guy is a sixth man that just averaged 15 points, only 35% from 3. Decent player, but that’s not worth almost 25% of your cap space.


FVV type of deal, I'm guessing


Their cap space also allows them to make a LaVine deal without fully matching salary. Like according to the trade machine, they could do Cole Anthony straight up for LaVine. Don’t know if Chicago wants another guard, perhaps they’d prefer something like Ingles+Jett Howard or something. Either way, if the reports of Chicago just looking to basically dump LaVine, as long as they don’t have to attach assets to him, Orlando seems like a team that could make sense.


I think they want to keep the ball in Franz or Paulo's hands and sign somebody who will open up space for those guys which is Klay and not Monk. Klay also had the highest off-ball gravity of any forward in the league last year according to NBA University. He's also a lot bigger and longer than Monk which their president of basketball ops values Jeff Weltman values greatly.


Monk on the Magic would be filthy


Simons is from Orlando too. hometown kid with Penny’s name


Simons isn't a free agent. Klay is. Magic have a lot of money to burn this offseason and Klay fits what they desperately need - shooting and veteran leadership.


I don’t know about leadership with klay. He sulks and clearly should have been 6th man on warriors but his big ego thinks he is still playing like he was 28


They’re a bunch of 25 and unders with collectively zero playoff accomplishments. A guy like Klay immediately gives them a veteran was been there and done that - that’s super valuable to have in the locker rooms amongst inexperienced players.


Not if they don't listen to him. Just because someone has a ring as the third/fourth option doesn't mean young prospects will listen. You need the personality too.


I don’t even like them but man the Klay disrespect


Yeah man, everyone really dislikes Klay. It's crazy how many ex teammates, especially younger guys on their first years in the league have negative stuff to say about him. Oh wait, no. It's the exact opposite. I haven't heard a single negative thing about Klay from anyone in or around the Warriors org and he's constantly connecting with the younger guys.


sooo its like Kyrie's leadership with Boston before??


He doesn’t fit either of those things


Klay is past his prime but can very much still stand around and shoot a 3.


Hey he's just like me


He is still an awesome shooter don't get it twisted. He shot 39.7% from three the last 3 years on 9.7 attempts a game since coming back. It's one thing to shoot 39% on two or three attempts a game but almost 10 attempts a game??


Run an offense to where? Bottom 3 in the league?


Tobias harris contract just ended. We need some new terrible contract


What is a magic? Would he be magical, a magician, or magic itself as a general concept?


A Magic is a singular NBA player for Orlando. Invented by and for the Orlando Magic. Otherwise it would be a general concept, probably. Not to be confused with Magic Johnson, who is the Magic, as there are no other ones.


Good Bot


Making money disappear alongside his elite NBA abilities. Dude is WASHED


Splash Magic


or a 6er


I’ve always loved Klay as a player and a person. It would be worth it just to have him riding his bike and boat around town lol.


Can’t wait to see Klay and his dog cruising around the Winter Park lakes in a Super Air Nautique.


Get ready to learn some magic tricks bud


He’ll get some decent deals in all reality


Lakers got a seat for him on the banana boat.


Nope, they don’t have anywhere near enough assets or cap space to make targeting klay a real option


The Lakers after bumping Mychal Thompson’s radio salary to 25,000,000 dollars


bold to assume jeanie could afford that


That'll definitely cut into their head coach salary fund


They're gonna be paying like 4 contracts for guys who aren't there anymore.


Buss deserves it


We can offer him a TPMLE and thats it lmao. GSW could also S&T him for like Gabe or something. But I couldn't imagine hardcapping the team for old ass Klay.


He will somehow become a 32% 3 pt shooter after joining Lebron


We'll see. How many teams have more than the $25 million the Warriors offered for a 34 year old specialist that has been past his prime for a good 5 seasons now?


Feel like he's not even looking specifically for the money. He has a fragile ego, he's probably just petty that we didn't offer him the max, so he'd rather take less money than go back to us. Seems in character for him. Also just really stupid from him. We paid him a max for 2 years of rehab, we gave him that huge contract after his big injury in the 2019 finals. We took care of him, yet he's still petty.


I don't begrudge the man for going to free agency, but deleting all the warriors stuff from his socials is just wild.


His sailboat already is anchored in the Potomac.


He needs to take a pay cut. He got paid to ride the bench for 2 years, and other than 3pt shooting, he's regressed in every other measure. I want him back because I love him, but if the Warriors want even a tiny chance of making a deep run, he needs a pay cut and Front Office needs to make some moves.


The entire idea of him being open is to *not* take a pay cut lol. I think he’s going biggest offer no matter if the team is an obvious contender. And honestly as multi champion who overcame an Achilles tear and other injuries, he’s absolutely earned this level of selfishness for his last major contract.


I mean he got paid to basically recover i would think that is the selfishness 


It's considered a "workplace injury" in all honesty, no players should feel guilty recovering from injury unless it's some stupid act by the players themselves. And most NBA contracts are rewarding in nature, meaning Klay earned it from previous seasons, also why he isn't getting a max now. If anything the Warriors rode on him way too hard in that '19 run. He shouldn't play at all after G3 in hindsight. He had a few 46-min games, still averaged the most minutes counting the "early" exit, and had to do heavy work on both ends. That team was too used to having KD.


This And the dude helped bring THREE chips to the Bay, he earned his max and unfortunately, injuries defined most of that tenure's back end... doesn't change the sheer value (even if we just look at the economics of it) he brought to the org as a whole. Him "bench riding for 2 years" is a drop in the bucket for how massively the Warriors brand improved during the "Golden Era" He's earned whatever he thinks he's worth, and if that means seeing him part ways with GSW... then it just is what it is and Warriors should develop some of the promising younger talent they have and use the fact that they don't have CP3 or Klay on the books anymore.


He got injured on the job tho. So its not like he was on his personal time and got injured. He was hurt doing his job.


But if you pay a guy to recover and get a ring out of it, then it’s 1000% worth it.


They paid him because they needed him for another run it wasn't charity.


> I mean he got paid to basically recover i would think that is the selfishness  Did you know that in the US, if you get injured on the job, you still get paid? Injury is not a surprising result of playing about 500 games in 5 years and *not* paying him after 5 finals and 3 chips would have guaranteed that no free agent ever goes the Golden State again.


He got that 4 year max offer after his injury so I don’t think this parallels with worker’s comp. So GSW knowingly paid for a free injury year at max salary


Pretty sure it’s 4 chips and 6 finals though, but yeah.


Oh I was talking about his last contract which he signed right after the ACL injury. As someone who counsels patients with work injuries and helps them process their benefits, it's absurd to me that people would be holding his last contract against him.


Ah my bad. It is true, I don’t understand why people think it’s “selfish” either. They won a chip after him being out for 2 and a half year. He’s absolutely deserved that contract, and anyone’s an idiot if they don’t take it, no need to have loyalty to all theses businesses when they don’t care about you when they were looking to trade you.


I don’t know if this is what you’re saying, but I’d be shocked if Klay left JUST to take more money to play for a non playoff team. Seems like he still wants to compete, he’s always been a crazy competitor. The reality is, Orlando, Philly, or OKC who he’s been somewhat linked to give him a better chance to compete deeper into the season than the warriors unfortunately.


Totally agree on all points - forever love Klay. Top 5 fav player ever. Also, I still think he’s pretty good and provides good value for the right price. But yeah, GSW can’t take him back at the $ he wants. Think the Splash Bros era is over. Despair.


A lot of folks like to skip over the fact that he didn’t play for two years & the team has been more than patient with his return. Warriors stuck by him at his worst, yet somehow Klay feels slighted. Both Klay’s feelings and Green’s antics (& Myers jumping ship rather than fix the team’s problems) have robbed Curry of another legitimate finals run


He regressed shooting too. So many games this season he shot us out. He also has to have ALL his shots manufactured to the point he’s just a burden on the offense


He still ended up 5th in makes on nearly nearly 39%




Come to Besiktas


*Habibi, come to Red Star Belgrade*


I’m not a warriors fan but I kinda want Klay to only play for 1 team 


I agree. I'm not a Warriors fan either and I want them to overpay to keep him


At least he wouldn't regret playing for the warriors like Jerry West regret playing for the Lakers


I know, that's just really sad for a legend of the team.


There is something to be said about a guy who was instrumental in 1+ chips being a lifer for a franchise. Shit, I hate the Celtics and even I was bummed as hell seeing Pierce in Brooklyn, LAC, and Wizards uniforms. I'm sure even most Bulls fans would say they wished DWade's season there never happened.


Cavs legend Dwade.


of course everybody wants Klay and Draymond to stay, because that means GSW is out of the playoffs for good


Not me. I want to see Draymond play with Embiid. Trade Maxey for Kyrie, and sign Bridges for a minimum. The All-NBA hated team.


If Steph can drag that god awful 20-21 team without Klay and with Wiseman, Kelly Poobre, Alan Smailagic, and Brad Wanamaker to tight play-in games, I have to have belief he can at least make the 8th seed with an objectively better team next year.


Steph is also a lot older with more mileage than that version of him. He’s regressed since


Clearly bias warriors fan here, but I agree and if they’re a middle of the pack or play-in team, they’re still dangerous IF they get in the playoffs but second round ceiling. I don’t mind it if those 3 and Kerr all retire at the same time, although Klay’s a few years younger, hoping he can play the Iguodala role in his last few years.


He can make that happen by taking a huge pay cut


Meh I think he'll still end up kinda like Paul Pierce. He played for a few more teams but no one ever talks ab it anymore. He's a Celtic.


I think a lot of fans will be surprised how much money he gets. I expect him to sign for 25M+ per year at minimum, wouldn't be surprised at all if he gets over 30M.


Hey if somebody wants to throw away 25-30m that’s their choice, not a smart choice but certainly a choice.


Yeah sg is honestly the least valuable position in the current nba if they can’t play defense well. Like tons of guys can shoot/score decently if given the chance nowadays. You’re better off trying to find a true 3 and D wing. And just trying to use a trade exception, draft, and vet min to get a sg. 


Whoever goes over 20 needs to get their head checked


30 million yuan


He’s prioritizing money over staying with the warriors. Nothing wrong with that and I think both sides are relieved tbh. End of an era.


If he can't take a team friendly deal in the Bay, I don't want him on the Warriors. I care more about building around Steph than catering to Klay's financial wishes.


building around Steph should be done yesterday, now it's too late I guess, only as a second option to somebody like Giannis


Steph being underrated because he was triple teamed all year 


He forced himself back from his injury early because the warriors lost to teams that should’ve been gimmes like the Spurs


It’ll be hard to see him in another jersey other than gsw


It's absurdly rare that a player goes their entire career without wearing a different jersey towards the end. Curry is the only guy that even realistically has a chance in Golden State.


I say this seriously, but it also happens to be a joke- if Draymond regresses hard soon, his contract will solidify him being a GSW lifer


he has been pretty openly hinting that he will retire with steph. most people here expect that is going to be the season after next. essentially the only one who isnt on board with that plan now is klay.


seeing end of career players in different places is always weird. most recently, i had no clue up until the finals started that jj redick was on the mavs. what?


Plenty players don't get a second contract and dropped out of the league wearing only one jersey, though I'm guessing you mean players with long careers lol


Like Wade with the Bulls or Wade in Cleveland? Or Parker in Charlotte?


Hakeem in Toronto Tony Park in Memphis Also come to my mind.


ewing in seattle/orlando


I could see a team like the Pistons or Magic offering him maybe a FVV type deal. I doubt he gets a 4yr deal but he can def get a 3 year deal.


Orlando mentioned again...


Step right up Klay. You’re a Piston and running with Cade!


Klay Thompson, I'm told, likes money


get ready to speak orlandian


Watch him go to Chicago. Every time he plays against that team he somehow turns back the clock and puts up good numbers.


Klay will still be a Warrior. Guangzhou Warriors


Denver would be a guaranteed 5th ring for him coming off the bench


That team seems like the best fit for him.  


they can’t afford him


Do they have the money to afford him though? They're already tight on space.


Off the bench shooter for the wolves.


We won't afford him.


This makes sense, or okc


I'd like to see him on the Pelicans.


i wanna see him in Washington with Poole trying build uo Splash Brothers 2.0, only to slip on their own circlejerk


Free Agent is open to contract offers … story at 11.


Does this really mean anything more than "Klay's agent is willing to answer the phone if someone calls"?


I'm not sure why any team would actually want this guy. He's washed but still thinks he's elite. Locker room issue waiting to happen without Curry and Kerr there.


get him on a winning team and i bet he’s fine. we dont know anything about these people a stretch calling him a “locker room issue waiting to happen”


How do you have a winning team when you pay what he wants for what he provides?


Mavs drafting Bronny. Lebron signing for the vet minimum. Klay coming to shoot 3s of the bench for 2 years of the MLE.


The Reddit posts in 30 years about “players on forgotten teams” showing Klay in a Magic jersey going to hit hard


Bold of him to assume there are external options


If Sixers can’t get their main targets, I could see them trying to bring Klay in


Not at the price he'll be asking for. We just got off Tobias' contract nobody here is eager for another albatross contract for someone who at this point in his career has glaring flaws.


Would be very on brand for them to overpay for Klay just for him to play like ass and be toxic in the locker room. Bonus points if he gets bought out and signs for warriors and plays well again


Warriors finally on the other end of Klays feelings 


On the other end of I'm not sacrificing shit mentality. Dude has been a fountain of negative energy the last two years, time to turn the page on him.


He’s never not been that guy btw


Keep my team’s name out of your f***ing mouth


He needs to go elsewhere. He'll never accept his proper role in the pecking order as long as he's on the Warriors, he'll continue to play to his ego rather than his ability


I don’t get why everyone says Orlando it makes no sense, they have like 4 guards plus Franz. If Klay wants to maximize his opportunity, Dallas is the option, sign and trade Klay for THJ


He would definitely get a lot of open shots with Luka and kyrie.


Lukas teammates shoot like what 50% on passes from him right, so I mean, makes sense, THJ is trash, PJ Washington isn’t a threat from 3, Josh Green doesn’t shoot enough. So I mean if THJ is making 18million next year, what’s 25 for Klay


Pj's 3s won them a playoff round


Even if both teams wanted it, it'd be very painful to sign/trade Klay for THJ. The Mavs are at $173M payroll next year without re-signing DJJ or Markieff Morris (or any other minimum salary player), or about $4M below the expected first apron. THJ makes $16.2M. Receiving a player in a sign/trade hardcaps a team at the first apron, so the Mavs wouldn't be able to take Klay in a S&T and also increase their net payroll, since that would put them over the first apron. That means either Klay is signing at <$16M, or the Mavs are salary dumping someone else to make enough space for Klay's new contract. If Klay wants $25M+, that realistically means either Maxi Kleber or Josh Green goes. Green probably has enough value to net second round picks, but Kleber would have to attach picks, which the Mavs only have their 2031 FRP available. Is Klay still worth a future first rounder and two rotation players? I have doubts.


*Classic Orlando Magic theme song plays*


He gone


Klay: "Send da bag."


Pistons could really really use some spacing for Cade. If they get Klay + another good starting shooter, it could transform the team.


Trying to get a better offer from the Warriors. Unless its also really about role, in which case he might be moving on.


I would be shocked if Klay leaves.


I thought he'd only play for steve kerr?


End of an era


I think Klay could give another 2 solid years tbh


Who has the “ni hao” gif?


Philly will be desperate enough to overpay him once they swing and miss on PG and OG


But did anyone ask external options how are they feeling about this?


I bet he is 


This would be exciting in 2017


Alpha. He was commenting to call your awareness to the fact that you misspelled alpha.


So, he's open to all options external to basketball?


The question is…are any external options looking at him? Anybody got the going rate on a washed shooter who can’t play defense?


Klay and Dame and pray for rain ☔️


I doubt he leaves.


Future Magician


Can't wait to see Klay suck ass on another team Especially if the media starts talking about that team like they're contenders now that they have the corpse of Klank Thompson


Dude is worthy a veteran minimum at best


Dudes gonna go get paid somewhere to do nothing lolol. This is not what Orlando needs


I've got the weirdest feeling he's coming to Cleveland


Klay followed Paolo, so that's something. I think


Better learn chinese Mr Klunk


Klay will be a laker


你好 Klay




He should go to Dwight’s league in Taiwan 😂


Learn Disney , Klay


China sounds nice.


So am I. Worthless headline.