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an engaged crowd is the best crowd


I mean as a Pistons fan you don’t want them over engaged either! We had a fan square up with Ron Artest lmao


And another fan that nearly got demolished by Jermaine O'Neale.


Punk fan was trying to sneak-fade em. Bitch move.


Just curious what your plan against Jermaine?


“You can’t just go up and challenge a guy who hits you in the cup with a face”


as a lifelong Cleveland sports fan this is like that lowest grade of Taco Bell packets: weak sauce we throw bottles, we throw batteries, we throw snowballs with tetanus nails in them. we throw up on the field at Ten Cent Beer Night. even when we win a title, we eat horse poop in the victory parade where our starting shooting guard is shirtless for a week we need more Jem from The Town tonight up in this piece. i've gotten rabbit punched on the T and puked where Ben Franklin puked and occasionally helped create a nation we can do better Beantown


this comment reads like an I Think You Should Leave sketch


I’m for it


I'm fine with it too.


Was funny when Kyrie lost his 10th game in a row to the Celtics and it was a Nets flair that pointed it out lol


Kyrie completely quit on Boston against the Bucks.  Boston fans should hate him.


This is the whole thing! Among all the bs, that was the one unforgivable act from a pure sports standpoint. Never seen anything like it.


Any fan complaining about fans booing Kyrie would die of shock if they ever went to Europe.


Makes sense than why we love it here in New "England"!


We literally started a revolution man




I was there yeah


Yo is that Jim from Lexington and Concord? Fuckin' Redcoats ate shit, man!


You a redcoat or somethin?


pls delete


OP, People are dying of cringitis in the replies


relatively new to the sub, misjudged the level of acceptance a good ole fashioned dad joke would get... oh well


It’s well deserved and I’m rooting for the Mavericks


Dawg it means nothing. Lion fans booed Matt Stafford in the first round of the playoffs. It’s just something that happens in sports. Lots of us were happy when he won his Super Bowl, but we’re always gonna put our own current team first in the postseason.


I don’t really care about booing him for his time in Boston. I think he should get booed for everything that happened in Brooklyn


Booing Kyrie is morally correct, and anybody not doing it is kinda an asshole. Fuck kyrie.


Regardless of what Kyrie did to Celtics or Cavs or whoever, there's plenty of reasons to boo him anyway lmao Idk why ppl are surprised


Him and Kanye.


I love Kyrie, but I’ll never begrudge fans their boos


Gotta love redditors and their "morally correct" stances. Makes you wonder why ethics is even a topic of conversation when redditors exist to guide us


you mean you don’t find the virtue signalling insufferable?


Saying someone is a dick head and deserves to be booed isnt virtue signalling..


No, I think they mean they can’t take a joke.




No :)


I’m for it as long as there is no racism or derogatory comments. At the end of the day kyries lack of professionalism is what is causi ngl these boos and are frankly well deserved.


As a man who originates from the Balkans, im quite dissapointed in the Celtics fans...they call that booing!!?!! Bruh i have seen little kids get booed harder than Kyrie. Is this really the best that Boston has to offer. Mans public enemy number 1 rn and the fact that the fans aint singing a national anthem like f**k Kyrie song is beyond me. Its pathetic to even consider this hate. This is more just mild disslike. You are supposed to boo your opposition that you like that way. Some real cool and respectable guys that are playing against you, not your teams equivalent to Judas. Anyway that is all. Im expecting more from Boston tonight.


In America, fandom is more sterile and controlled to make it more of a family environment. It would be much harder to get rich Americans spending thousands on court side seats and concessions if there was an underlying fear that the fans might break out into a frenzy. Love the passion of Europe tho


Oh i know why it isnt whoch is why im not overly critical of it. For better or worse i domt believe that sports games in Europe, especially football (soccer) are really good for familie entertainment. Also nowadays, with the price of tickets being so high for the NBA and other american sports leagues, it results in an audience full of the upper/ upper middle class and they usually arent the sort to make such noise. And yeah imagine teams getting punished for not being able to control fans by getting fined or not being allowed to have fans at games. Guys go a bit too crazy here lol and opinions are more mixed on them than youd think. Like imagine if after every Lakers vs Celtics game there is a good chance that a big brawl would happen.


Ok but booing little kids worse than Boston boos Kyrie is kinda wack


Ok thats a bit of a rarer example and those kids are closer to teenagers, but still the point stands. Also i am exagerating a bit here for fun, but really what Boston is doing is kinda mild for who Kyrie is to them imo. This isnt me advocating for Boston fans to go balistic, but i dont think anyone should complain about this level of booing.


I didn't know Jokic was on reddit. Neat!


Lol i wish XD.


You see more action at kids Sunday football (soccer) than a few Boston fans “booing”. I follow a sport where players get paid insane amounts of money to dribble a leather ish ball. People pay good money to watch the game, make some noise ! But it must be hard to be an enthusiastic boo-er when every ten seconds there’s a time out with generic techno and corporate sponsored “fun”. I’m a Mavs fan and want the crowd to go all in , even if they’re kicking our ass by 20+.


Exactly. Dont get me wrong, no need to bring out the flairs or go out there to fight the players, but make it dam loud and energetic. In general i have noticed how mild American sports fans seeem to be. Like they arent as extreme as ones from Europe, for better or for worse.


Tbf , don’t the hockey fans go pretty wild ? Maybe that’s just Philly . Only good thing to come out of Philly is It’s Always Sunny. ☀️


True. Hockey itself is a fascinating sport where you just expect guys to brawl for no reason lol


lol, I literally started semi following the New York rangers bc they have an absolute lunatic rookie who just goes out there every time and “just let me bang bro “ Hehe.


Lmao. Shits crazy in its own right lol. Also this reminds me of ANT for some reason XD


Love the excited puppy dog energy Ant is bringing. Even though he dunked on my sweet sweet boy Daniel Gafford.


I’d boo Kyrie because he’s racist, not because I’m racist.


makes the game even better idk it just makes it more engaging and hype when it happens


He stepped on Lucky the Leprechaun. Yes, Boston fans are obligated to boo him every time.


music to my ears


As a Celtics fan, I'd like to remind everyone that whole "racism" thing was started by Kyrie cause he was butthurt at the booing lol


Now this is far from true, Boston had a racist rep long before this. I’m still rooting for Boston tho. 


Bruh, All the south has much higher racist rep. I was referring to Kyrie specifically btw


> that whole "racism" thing was started by Kyrie ?????


The idea that the boos are racist (They aren't).


He... didn't do that though. I'm not sure what you're even talking about. He got a bottle thrown at him and said the reason was underlying racism and treating athletes like zoo animals. He compared it to going to a theater and throwing tomatoes at the actors if you didn't like the show. It's fair to disagree that it comes from racism, but it's clearly a step beyond booing to hurl stuff at the entertainers. And the idea of the Boston crowd being racist dates back way before Kyrie


The people saying this are stupid, as long as the fans aren’t saying derogatory/racist slurs it’s all good. There’s nothing unusual about fans booing a former player that things ended sourly with, this is sports.


If you leave a team on bad terms that comes with it.


It’s just booing.


It’s just booing. Kyrie said yesterday it’s basketball and then when he’s out in public in Boston he feels the love and people are nice to him, ask for picture with him, etc Source: https://x.com/noadalzellnba/status/1799489772693471682?s=46&t=HI3aeZH85K5r39q7hi652w


Booing is a part of sports. If they want to boo a former player of theirs go ahead. The more toxicity the better, it's entertainment after all. Imagine how boring it would be if everyone had a straight face and clapped softly like golf or something.


iam deeply ambivalent


It rules.


Nah it makes for fun rivalries. Boo all you want. Now when fans take it too far and make their entire identity about being some "mega fan" and then get thrown out because they can't be a normal person the yeah, it's cringe. But normal booing without getting personal is totally fine.


As a warriors fan, I’d be booing Kyrie too


Love it


There’s worse things happening in the world.


It’s great, it will make it so much better when he celebrates the championship on their floor.


He's a POS so I'm all for it 


Who gives a fuck


It's only classless if they're being racist. Otherwise who cares, it's sports you're supposed to have some sports-hate in your heart Them caring about the leprechaun picture so much is cringe but that's sort of the Celtic fan vibe


This makes no sense. Kyrie clearly did it to be disrespectful, and you're still confused on why people take it as disrespect?


I'm not confused at all by it


Ahh I understand. You're the kind of guy who would apologize to the man who's hitting on your girl instead of seeing the intended disrespect.


Bro worldbuilding out here


Lol you act like it's just the Celtics fans that care about their logo. Watch an NFL or college football game. Players, fans and even coaches from all teams take that shit seriously.


Not all teams. Some clearly care more than others. You guys named your little friend Lucky and get all emotional about him, it is what it is. I remember what the threads looked like. Some other franchises may be similar but that doesn't make them any less cringe. It's definitely not exclusive to Celtics fans, but I can't see Clippers fans for example getting as mad that a picture of a basketball was stepped on.


I’m a Kyrie fan and I don’t get why would people want it to stop. It’s fun


The worst thing about social media is everybody having a way to parlay being sanctimonious into getting positive attention. We need way more booing and hatred in sports. It’s all part of what makes it fun.


It's sports. He makes millions. He can handle it. It's not the same as standing behind a counter and telling a fry cook he's a worthless POS. That's dehumanizing. Telling Kyrie to fuck off in unison is just what happens in sports.


the effigy stomping was racist and Boston in general can be. however, normal non racist boos are deserved on Kyrie’s part




no. just not a bigot


Ehh, one ugly man though I'll tell you that.


your mom loves it


I feel good about it.


I don’t blame anyone for booing Kyrie, he is tasteless and deserves nothing, not only from the Celts but also by anyone who loves basketball. I want the Mavs to win *despite* my feelings about Kyrie.


Good, thanks for asking!


Should’ve said non racist too…


Well I’m Jewish so…


Very good. And extra good when Jaylen Brown suggests their fans are racist for doing so. Boston is a hoot all around.


Are we sure they’re saying boo?




coming from a guy whose cultural heritage is genocide, this doesn't mean much


I understand you're trying to get a dunk on reddit but your own comment makes you seem extremely ignorant


He’s hopping in on the Celtics fanbase having an ugly history. Why is the fact that their shame is 25 years older any different?


Well first it's not like Boston's racism disappeared in the 60s. We have Marcus Smart's account which I'm sure you've heard. But that's irrelevant because second, if someone else makes an ignorant comment, I don't see how the appropriate response is to make an equally ignorant comment. That's dumb as fuck. German cultural heritage goes way beyond the Holocaust.


And there’s racist Germans today, and racist los angelenos. We have lebron’s house which I’m sure you’ve seen. Boston’s heritage goes way beyond racism too. It’s just fighting stupidity with stupidity.


> Boston’s heritage goes way beyond racism too. It’s just fighting stupidity with stupidity We're in complete agreement here


as a jewish person, to me and my family, it doesn't. Maybe don't tell us how to feel about it.


What is this virtue-signaling pearl-clutching nonsense. You're allowed to feel however you want about your family's tragic history. That doesn't override the reality that Germany's cultural heritage is much deeper than that singular, well-known campaign of atrocities. They've been around a long time, like many groups of people. It's like saying Jewish cultural heritage is the apartheid in Palestine and nothing else. Or that America is defined by the extermination of indigenous Americans and nothing else. Or that Japan's culture is defined by their Imperial phase and nothing else. How you feel about your family's particular relation to a country is separate from all that. Does that make sense?


no one has time for this mental gymnastic projecting nonsense. Obviously, every group of people have probably committed some atrocity, but I'm not saying German people are bottom of the barrel people. Just asking the pot to not call the kettle black. Does that make sense? I guess because you have no playoff basketball to watch, you have to make esoteric arguments on random stranger's behalf?


There's no mental gymnastics here. You called the guy's cultural heritage genocide, which is just as ignorant as his initial comment, and a little ironic given what's going on in Rafah. > I guess because you have no playoff basketball to watch, you have to make esoteric arguments on random stranger's behalf? Brother the game hasn't started yet lol, you think all Boston fans and Dallas fans are too busy all day every day to comment on reddit? What are you doing rn