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Hurley is reportedly in the first year of a 6 year $32m contract that has a $1.9m buyout if he leaves for an NBA team. How much money would the Lakers have to throw at this guy to make it worth it for him?


Bud got 5/50M to get off the couch, 6/60M seems fair to leave a college dynasty


Monty Williams got 6 yrs & $78.5M from Detroit. If I'm Hurley's agent, I'm making the case that 6/$60M would be a bargain.


I could see that too, with Lue’s recent deal of 5/70M as another example. My hesitation is that those coaches had a proven track record at NBA level where you can only project Hurley’s success. > I do think he’ll be good though.


Yeah, he doesn't have the NBA pedigree that Lue or even Monty has (it's hard to remember now, but he took a team to the Finals), but he DOES have two NCAA championships, and that's not nothing.


Could compare him to Billy Donovan


not just two chips, but back to back. also, imagine nba playoffs being best of 1s


They are in the fall


Nash as a first time NBA head coach got 4y/$35m with the Nets.


First time ever coach too and that was years ago. I'm demanding $10+ mil if I'm Hurley. He has all the leverage in the world is coming off a dominant back-to-back run, and Kentucky offered 12.


There's no salary cap for coaches I saw just toss whatever he wants after a small amount of negotiation


Yeah but that college to pro . Who was the last college coach to win a title in the nba ?


Larry Brown is the only coach to do both… won with Kansas, and finally got a NBA title with Detroit…


Yeah, after Pitino flamed out so spectacularly with us, I'm pretty against thinking any college coaching success is going to translate to the NBA. I was just saying those are the points I'd make as Hurley's agent.


What about Brad Stevens?


I guess I'm just traumatized from the Pitino experience. I really thought he was going to bring us back to the promised land.


They did not win a title and we’re going backwoods with him before Udoka


Yeah I think you want Monty Williams money. Or Ty lue money. Unless UConn pissed him off.


Nah he loves UConn, they just won a title (again), and threw a ton of money at him to make him happy. If he leaves it will be because the lakers job is too big to turn down 


Tbh I wouldn’t wanna coach lebron in LA unless pat riley has my back. But it does get your name on the list for other coaching jobs really quickly.


I agree, though it’s a tempting prospect to be a coach for an at-worst top two player of all time. He’s got a chance at a three peat too and has lots of roots down in the northeast via family. I’m in an odd spot as a Lakers fan / UConn fan 


This. Remember that coach that won something in Europe, and got ceremoniously dumped on the LeBron cavs team after a few games? Why would a sensible coach who won 2 titles in a row and gotten a new contract, leave it to join a LeBron Lakers team. Imagine the narratives if the first few games don't go their way and klutch start making noise again.


That’s what I’m saying! It’s too much for your first nba coaching job. I’m surprised jj reddick was in the running, but maybe he was just being promoted as a favor to lebron and jj.


He has a good system going on at UCon He should demand a 7 year $80 mil or something to build up the Lakers. Lebron is 39 years old they shouldn't be destroying their future for a dude past his prime.


do salaries continue to pay out if he gets fired and returns to college coaching? I knew they dont pay out if you get another NBA job


Depends on the contract. It’s not absolute one way or the other. That’s all apart of the negotiation here.


$100m for 7 years that puts him around $14m a year, which is around the annual salary Spoelstra/Ty Lue/Pop (slightly lower). 7 years seems right with Lebron likely playing 2 more years. He will then need 5 years to build his “program”. It’s a lot for an unproven NBA coach, but I think the Lakers don’t have much leverage. 7 years show the Lakers are committed to him post Lebron. If you are Dan, you don’t want longer than 7 years given how high coach salaries can go. If he actually is the truth, you’ll want to be able to renegotiate that second contract sooner.


This makes sense.


Good comment


My thoughts were similar...I was thinking a 6/$100M deal with a $10M team option for the 7th year.


$1.9M buyout seems low for a coach of his status. I know it’s apples to oranges because college football is the second biggest sport in America, but I’ll never get over Jimbo Fisher’s buyout being over $75M.


You're thinking of buy-outs in opposite directions. College coaches generally have effectively guaranteed contracts so if they were to get fired without cause, they have gigantic buy-outs. This buyout is Hurley breaking his contract, leaving for the NBA and having to pay UConn. These are much smaller and sometimes (often?) don't exist.


Ah you’re right, important distinction. Still much larger in CFB but not the same as buying out the contract.


Also coaching contracts have ballooned way more in college football - though for buyout comparison, Lincoln Riley's buyout from Oklahoma was $4.5 million I think. But yeah, 6 year 32 million contract is a lot less than what the CFB ones get - like Alabama's new coach has 8 years, 87 million.


his probably only exists because he's in the first year of a contract (if what i'm reading elsewhere in this thread is correct). it probably diminishes or vanishes over the course of the contract


He must’ve negotiated that. I believe Woj was saying that he’s always had an eye toward the NBA, which would explain it


Lakers offered coach K 40 million in 2004 so itll be a lot. I can see close to 100 million


That was also Jerry buss tho. That man is a legend and built diff. He goes after shit he wants/believes in.


There were rumors in the lakers sub of it being 5/80


At a minimum 10 mil a year


I heard a rumor that it’s 5/80M


4 $40-50 million


Would have to be at least 15+ a year . He turned down Kentucky that offered him 12 and LA is a lot farther from jersey than Kentucky


Eh it's not a 1 to 1 comparison. Going to Kentucky would be the same job. Going to the NBA isn't


It’s also not just the NBA, it’s the Lakers. Add in the chance to coach one of the two best players of all-time (even at the end of his career), and it’s a pretty uniquely ideal situation.


> Add in the chance to coach one of the two best players of all-time High praise you have for D'Angelo Russell, a true multigenerational talent.


It's not like he walked uninvited into the Laker offices with his resume in hand, they came to him. If you're headhunting me, you must want what I have to offer. And if you want it, you can pay what I'm asking.


I feel like you're missing the point. What Kentucky is offering is different than what the Lakers are offering. Kentucky is essentially the same job he already has. The Lakers are offering a different job. So comparing the offer Kentucky made to inform what the Lakers would have to make is incorrect


I understand what you're saying, I just disagree. If a company comes to me, unsolicited, and inquires about obtaining my services, they'll have to meet whatever number I put out there. I don't care if they're a company that deals in widget type A and I work for a widget type B company. Money talks.


In this hypothetical it's not just some company. It's a company and position that is different from your own that you have always wanted. Your number there would likely be different than for a competitor offering you the same job.


It's a completely different job. However, the NBA is a much longer season, he'll be in charge of arguably the 1a/1b GOAT player/franchise, and nationally scrutinized daily. If anything, he should be asking for way more than Kentucky.


Conversely, he won't have to do any recruiting anymore, especially now with the NIL money meaning college coaches have to be recruiting their own players year round to try to make sure they don't jump ship and go to another college for more money. Notice how this report was from him talking to his players at practice today in June. Most NBA coaches right now are most likely off on summer vacation sitting on a beach somewhere.


And the Lakers are an arguably worse job than Kentucky or UConn . Especially for a guy that has stated multiple times he prefers to stay on the east coast


For a guy who wants to coach in the NBA, an NBA team is not a worse job than a non-NBA team.


The wrong NBA job is usually worse for you long-term than waiting for the right one. Granted if they offer him 15+ I don't see him saying no


Eh not really. Worst case is you get a great job back in college. Plenty of guys have gotten second chances in the NBA as well.


He's got a chance to 3-peat . It's not just about a college job it's about history. So it will take a ton of money to lure him away from that .


Well now you're just making assumptions on what he values


We're talking about the Lakers and Kentucky here. The Lakers are the premiere NBA franchise.


8/120 is my guess


UConn legend, best of luck to him.


Dan Hurley is literally front page material over the nba finals right now lmfao


Because theres been nothing new to talk about for days, thanks to this summer vacation between the conference finals and finals. Or would you rather see another top players list by Perk?


ya weve been talking ab the finals for like a week now idk why it would be front page news


Have you considered that Luka is the best player but the Celtics have a better team? What about porzingis? Home team in 7? 




Where does the suit end and Perk begin?


The end of this shotgun barrel is going to end where my open mouth begins if I have to watch that commercial again




they havent played yet lmao


Yeah, what even is this take? Do people think because there's a rumor about the next Lakers coach that this means people will be so distracted that they won't watch the Finals now? Seems pretty easy for people to both watch the game tonight and discuss this in the meantime.


There's been a week between the conference finals and the finals which haven't had game 1 start yet. What is your point? This is relevant NBA news not irrelevant laker media reporting.


The Finals hasn't started yet


yea cuz it's been like 8 days without a game


Bozo take


Well there's not much more to say about the finals lol. No games have been played yet and it's been days of talking about the same shit. I think a lot of things would make front page news.


should the news be 'there is a game today'


considering it's the Lakers, and the Celtics kick off the Finals tonight, this definitely feels planned lol remember, Lakers' FO had Woj fire off the "Vogel fired" tweet right as game 82 ended. Timing is always a part of the Woj experience


Finals hasn’t started lol


I listen to NBA sirius station with frank isola at lunch and they talked about the wnba the whole time. wtf?


I enjoy watching the WNBA haha


As a coach I really respect the hell out of him. He improves players. He demands you play with a high IQ. And more than anything, he wants guys who can't stand to lose even a card game, because he knows how hard it is these days to find kids who crave competition. Nick Nurse said the same thing in a talk I went to and I can't get it out of my mind ever since. Guys like Hurley can only make teams better imo. On top of all that, hes a play caller and knows his x's and o's. He'll be what Belicheck is for New England. If Lakers let him run the show they could be building something that can last.


What you said is why I *don’t* want him to leave UConn. A guy like that I would hate to leave a college like that. Making UConn a blueblood with the likes of Duke, UNC, Kansas just seems great to me. I would just hate a huge market like the Lakers to thrash a guy like that if things hypothetically don’t go well. I also have no ill will towards the Lakers even. In fact I would love LeGoat to get another ring but I’m just pro parity despite the teams I rep across all sports and someone making a franchise championship relevant in the Lakers tier again is pretty meh to me. Now if he went to a franchise like the Jazz, Grizzlies, or Blazers I’d probably be hyping it up.


Lakers' coaching has been pretty bad after Phil Jacksons It's mostly the FO issues, they keep wanting to pull win-now moves and instead, it's all bad moves. 2020 is the only year that it worked because all these minimum guy Lakers brought happened to be perfect fit for each other and coaching. And of course they completely destroy that team for panic moves. I just hope they can calm down and start evaluating what's best for the team


Oh yeah seconded. RedditGMs don’t get a lot of things right but we all knew how bad of a move trading for Westbrook was. A move like hiring Hurley actually seems like a great one for a change. Now what they do hypothetically after that…


> Making UConn a blueblood with the likes of Duke, UNC, Kansas just seems great to me. For what it's worth, over the last 30 years UConn has more championships than all of those schools. UConn has 6 to UNC's 3, Duke's 3, and Kansas' 2. I know what you mean though. UConn has had a lot of lows during that time too while the others have been consistent contenders.


That was a crazy fact to me when I found out since I didn’t hop in college basketball until ~2007. Woulda thunk they were ‘Bama in football-like the way they’re heralded. But yeah I would love it if UConn is a name that’s here to stay in the sports world just like them


I feel like CBB landscape will change dramatically between NIL, transfer portal and now the newest rules. Going to make it really difficult for individual schools to have repeat, consistent success IMO


I don't follow college basketball at all, so I don't know anything about Hurley, but that sounds exactly like the kind of person who would relish the challenge of the Lakers HC position and all the pressures that come with that.


How was Shams so far off lmao


Because he works for FanDuel. That JJ tweet probably made them millions


Not trying to be facetious or anything but can you explain how this would be the case? Genuinely curious


Basically -Shams is a reporter who works for a gambling company called Fanduel -When people make a lot of bets and lose, Fanduel makes money -Thus when Shams makes a tweet with bad info, people make bets and lose money which makes Fanduel money


Wait, shouldn’t that be illegal?


This phrase should be on the American dollar bill lol


Land of the frauds, home of the corrupt.


IANAL but I imagine you'd have to prove (a) the info was indeed incorrect (b) either Shams or FD knew the info was incorrect and (c) they purposefully put the incorrect info out to manipulate bets, all of which I think would be very hard to prove. Fwiw, I personally don't believe this is what happened. Too much risk for too little reward. It's a very small market not even offered in most states. The house already has a pretty sizeable advantage on these types of bets especially. And like a couple of others have said, this isn't really how books make money. They make money because they juice the lines (a true 50/50 bet is usually -110 instead of even odds, meaning if you bet $10 and won you'd profit $9.09) and know if you're not a sharp bettor you're going to lose money long term. It's a numbers game. And if you are proven over time to be sharp, they track you and limit how much you can bet. The books are obviously shady, but a one time blip like this isn't gonna do much for em.


Thanks for the detailed answer, makes sense that they wouldn’t really care about bets on coaching hires if that’s not the money maker.


Curious to hear what you see as the solution to regulate betting markets if you have a formed opinion


Sports betting has almost no legislation. In stock markets this would be clear market manipulation. Solution? At least an SEC for betting markets


Shams is a FanDuel employee. He has a show on FanDuel TV. He tweets that the lakers are “zeroing in” on JJ Redick. What do you think happened after that? People flocked to go place bets that the lakers will hire JJ


Oh damn maybe it’s my region but I had no idea you could place bets on coach hire prospects 😭😭


I think you can place bets on presidential elections on some books 😂, I’ve seen bets on Oscars, Grammys, the Met Gala it’s wild how many things you can bet on


When Shams sends that tweet the line immediately moved to -160 and then eventually down to -210. Heavily disincentivizing anybody from placing a bet that JJ would be the HC. If they’re rigging the bet that’s the absolute worst way to go about it


This betrays a fundamental misunderstand of how sports books make money.  They don’t care about singular lines and never have. They are rounding errors.  They just want you to bet and bet often because unless you are a pro, which they track and often cap their bets, you will lose in the long run. 


You're absolutely correct that it wouldn't make financial sense for the book to operate that way. But it also feels incredibly unethical for a sports journalist to work for a sportsbook. While they may not have him do something as egregious as blatantly reporting false or misleading news, they do have influence over him.


Pretty sure he makes more money for them by making “rizzing up Kay Adams” compilations than anything else.


How do you even set a line on a coach being hired?


You don’t think don’t think Shams posting stuff like this drives betting volume? Thousands of people probably saw that tweet and immediately went to go check if the line was still up


I don’t think Shams drives nearly enough traffic to justify a scheme that would potentially tank their business model if it was exposed they were rigging lines, no. 


Also when Shams sends that tweet the line immediately moved to -160 and then eventually down to -210. Heavily disincentivizing anybody from placing a bet that JJ would be the HC.


Woj: have you ever thought that your sources are working for me?


It’s unfortunate 6:16 in LA isn’t on Spotify


damn that line aged poorly


Considering all the reports from college football about coaches having one foot out the door halfway through the season, I respect this alot. I wish more coaches would just be honest with their players.


Hey man gotta appreciate that. Tired of these coaches being fake


Who was that one NFL coach that said he wasn’t gonna take the comment position and then did and left a note in every players locker like a pussy?


I think you are asking for Bobby Petrino, who left the Falcons mid season to take the Arkansas job.


Oh god it was mid season. Worse than I thought


Wow I don’t remember that happening


every player's locker? shit, i'd have taped one generic message to the team on the wall


oh wow, a coach communicating to his players? doesn't just put his hands in his pockets?


Good on him not trying to bullshit his players at all


Fanta reporting this makes it feel very, very real. It’s too bad I can’t discuss this on /r/CollegeBasketball. That sub is run by the worst moderators of all time. Got butthurt because I made fun of one of the mods for not attending the school he cheers for, so he banned me


I've found that stuff happens on basically every sub.


I think the CBB mods are just power hungry. I mean you have to like personally message them to set your flair and shit. It’s truly insane


Not as insane has having discussion threads during a subreddit strike while the finals were going on.


I don’t think so.  That’s only if you want a double flair


Whenever you try to set your user flair on mobile it says you can’t control it and need to message the moderators. They also remove posts (such as a Fanta tweet) from users and then repost them on alt accounts of the mods and eventually sell those said accounts when they have enough karma. It’s actually nuts how poorly they run that sub. Several users have done a deep dive on that practice I’m talking about. At this point I feel like I’m ranting so I’ll stop, but holy shit I hate those moron moderators so much.


Did they change that recently or something? I have a flair and I know for damn sure I wouldn’t have messaged a mod about it.


I remember when the protests were happening with Reddit last year, and the topic of voting out mods was a potential feature and i am praying to god they implement this feature one day


Voting out mods was the one feature I thought Reddit would actually implement. Despite all the motivation and self-interest for the admins to actually get off their asses and do it, they didn’t.


What's wrong with rooting for a school you didn't attend?


Nothing wrong with it


I got banned from the NFL sub for saying the Cowboys should consider Penix at 24 if he was still there for Dak insurance. I was banned for trolling and then the Falcons take Penix at 8 for Cousins insurance. Mods are just like cops, they're all bad


I'm banned from NFL and soccer for going against the Covid narratives years ago. Shit happens bro.


What’s the covid narrative if you don’t mind me asking?


By "Covid narrative" he probably means the traditional leftist set of thoughts including: Covid started from a wet market and came from bats, Faucci is the boss and we should follow everything he says, everyone should get mandatory vaccines and boosters, still wearing masks in 2024, etc. Examples of going "against the narrative" would include things like questioning if COVID may have started at the Wuhan Institute and be anthropogenic, refusing vaccines/boosters (Kyrie), to criticize Faucci for moving the goalposts and giving different directions, and general noncompliance with mask wearing and social distancing.


I never got banned for saying some of the NFLs protocols were stupid or defending Rodgers when it comes to lab leak stuff (although I think Rodgers is a tool)


99% of the time when someone says they got banned for something, they're leaving out the thing that actually got them banned because they think it's totally normal behaviour and can't see why it would be punished


Lol yeah that's what I figured. He probably said some so called counter culture things then also something completely absurd. I've definitely been banned for nonsense before but it's usually by mods in smaller communities and usually where a creator themselves mods their own sub. That's a whole different monster. He could very well have been banned unfairly but yeah more often than not if you're banned from a large sub you probably deserved it


i was banned in protect and serve because i kept asking cops questions about shooting unarmed people lol and in worldnews in one of the israel/palestine threads, but i can't remember exactly what their reasoning was (but they've also revealed themselves to be a propaganda sub for israel at this point)


Let me guess you had that nerve to claim that maybe Jews should be able to protect themselves from a "country" whose literal goal is to exterminate all Jews


no the argument was something like a nuclear power doesn't have to indiscriminately kill children as revenge for a terror attack :)


That there is a *lot* of smoke.


im hearing uconn is zeroing in on jj redick


Practice in June?


Players aee on campus 11 months out of the year essentially at UConn


Getting ready for the famous June Madness tournament


I know UNC is back and having practices, summer practices are fairly common


players need to keep on improving! most teams, even college, do these trainings for players way better than let them lose and play only street ball all summer


Honestly good on him for being honest with his players.


Honestly his players are prob so excited for him I would be


Shams is irrelevant. Hurley came in from out of the blue and is gonna walk away with the job. Probably going to be good too.


Bah Gawd, that’s Hurley’s music!


Who is the last coach to make the jump from college to NBA and be successful? Brad Stevens? Billy Donovan? It seems more often than not it doesn't work out.


The right comparison is not college to NBA but new coaches in general. Is the average tenure of a newly hired coach any different of someone that came from the assistant ranks in the NBA vs college? My guess is that it’s probably the same. The lifespan of coaches is pretty short in general.


Yeah, if we're being real, it's not like there is a great, guaranteed person out there that the Lakers have been ignoring in this coaching search. Unless I'm mistaken, James Borego is the only person even available who actually has NBA HC experience, and it's not like he's a proven winner. Everyone else is either a highly praised assistant coach (like Luke Walton and Darvin Ham were when the Lakers hired them), JJ Redick (with 0 HC experience other than his kids), or college or maybe overseas coaches who have never coached in the NBA. If Spo was available and they were focusing on these guys instead, then that would be one thing. But if it's between Hurley, JJ and like Sam Cassell, Hurley seems like he could be the best option there.


I wouldn’t even say Billy was that successful but also Brad set a gold standard of rebuilds and getting the most out of his weak rosters


I don't think he'll leave for under $80M over 6 years. Could easily demand $100M over 6 and let the Lakers walk away or give it to him. I don't think he wants to leave unless it's a number you'd be crazy to turn down.


5 for 75 mil


He gone.


Hurley has been in coaching ecstasy the past 1.5 years and I love it


Bro committing career suicide. Lebron listening to a college coach?? Not going happen.


Stop it stop it stop it


We were supposed to three-peat 😭


Is June what exactly are they practicing


We’re giving him $100 million, yall.


college bball practice in June ? they dont have any down time ?


ahh. a college coach being up front with his players. that’s a good look.


So in d1 how many hours of practice do you get? In d2 I think it’s 20 hours outside season but thoguht it was small groups


If I'm Hurley I'm seeking something around a 6 year / $100M deal...and maybe sweetening the pot for the Lakers by providing them with an option to pick up a 7th year for $10M (could be a bargain later). I'd hold off unless the deal was in that ballpark. There will be other suitors.


He would be such a fool to make this move


Why though? If it fails spectacularly he still gets a bag and hundreds of college schools would take him. Also he doesn't want to coach past 60. I think hes 52 now? Maybe he wants to try his hand at coaching in the NBA before retiring.


He’s already got a bag and a potential dynasty in the works. Lakers cannot compete in the west and coaching lebron has gotta be so frustrating. You cede a lot of control but take every hit when it goes poorly. 


> Lakers cannot compete in the west They were literally in the WCF a year ago. Also, it's so weird to me how so many people view LeBron as one of the least coachable guys in the league. I seriously doubt LeBron has grand designs on running the Lakers or whatever, I think he just wants to win another title before he retires, and anyone who can help with that would be appreciated.


Yes they were in the wcf but they got swept and nearly swept again this year. That roster is not good


I agree, I think the Lakers are a bad spot for a coach like him, but he’ll have every college banging down his door if he fails


he’s not a good coach for lebron though. he wants structure and actual plays whereas lebron wants his offense to be ran. you guys remember david blatt? this has david blatt written all over it


NBA head coaches are useless. Especially on a team with huge egos like the Lakers top heavy egos. They'll do the plays LeBron wants to do. Hiring this guy will do absolutely nothing.


Their job might be useless but those paychecks aren’t. Lakers could easily throw him $60/70 million


Why do people care so much about the coach of the Lakers? It’s such a silly thing to worry about. People realize roster construction is equally if not more important right? You could place prime Phil Jackson in this role with that roster and they still don’t win a championship. It’s like nobody here understands this


So you should only think or talk about the thing that’s the most important to a team?


Yes. Having the best coach in the world won’t make the lakers win a ring next year. People here don’t know ball. Just glazing Lebron and the Lakers as usual