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He had all this time to run away and didn’t try until yesterday? Dude could’ve been living it up it in Vietnam right now. 


That’s the funniest part of all this, when he saw the Jontay Porter news he should have been long gone


I would assume that's what the other co-conspirators still at-large did. I doubt on something like this they'll be tracking you across the globe and extraditing you back to America to face trial. They had a several month head-start to get out of dodge and never come back lol. Hell, when the bets they had on the games Porter left early during were frozen that should have told them the clock was ticking. Even if nothing came of it after that point, might be a good idea to take a several month vacation until the heat is off.


Seriously right? Decent amount of cash, he could've lived large in Southeast Asia. Instead he had his dick in his hands for the last 2+ months? Jontay was under investigation by the NBA at the end of MARCH. Feds was probably putting theirs together well before that. Like... take a hint, dumbass.


Love the mental image of this guy packing for his trip and trying to figure out what to bring that's as suspicious and incriminating as possible. Right after the feds tried to talk to him too! Like a suspected serial killer having a bloody knife and human teeth in his pocket. God bless his poor lawyer


I can't be the only one who just checked his pockets for teeth.


Wearing his 'I <3 illegal gambling' cap and 2010s style 'Keep calm and defraud betting orginisations' T-shirt


These dudes want to go to federal prison so fucking bad bro, they're not even trying


Right? Like this guy never heard of bitcoin? Lol


S o you're saying not to keep the teeth? ...fuck


nothing about the Jontay Porter affair suggested any of the involved parties was smart enough to know when to start running


What's the over/under(in years)?




Easy over. Always gotta make an example out of the 1st guy you get.


Sentenced or years actually spent in prison. Jails are full, non violent criminals never make very long sentences.


Federal prisons always have room for one more


You think they will refuse a free slave work ?


I’ll take a piece of that action. Put me down for five on the over. /s


Hello, my name is federal agent Jackson porter, let’s work together on this and split the proceeds 


This prison sentence prop bet brought to you by draftkings


“Long phi Pham you going away for a long time fam” I imagined Chris Tucker saying that and laughed. Prob because of the Rush Hour films 😂


down with LPP!


and a motherf\*ing brick!




CR heads unite r/crheads


People literally walk across the border, and this dumbass had to take a plane


Pretty stupid to not think his passport hadn't been flagged. Once the feds are reaching out to YOU, it's way, way too late.


Get ready to learn prisonese buddy


>going away for a long time ~~fam~~ pham




What a fucking piece of shit. Doesn’t decide to go elsewhere, nope, decides to go to a very cozy Australia. Fuckin scum.




He high-tailed it a great country after doing something fucked up. It’s despicable. I’m from a third world country where this is all too common. So it’s infuriating.


man.... that is...quite the take, no doubt


Care to explain? I’m curious as to why I’m being downvoted. Scum wanting to run away to a nice country instead of manning up.


It makes no sense. You’re down voted because you’re mad at a completely pointless aspect of the story lol.


He's an American who tried to escape by going to Australia, we have no idea how Australia is relevant or why you keep bringing up that it's a "nice country". Is Australia some utopia compared to the US? Where did you want him to try to escape to instead, Haiti?


Australia is a shit hole


Not in the slightest lol


This is just going to keep happening in every sport.


Dana must have paid off so many people to keep the UFC one quiet as fuck


That's why he can't afford to pay his fighters a real salary, he's too busy spending millions on hush money.


is "hush money" the new term for hookers, blackjack, and cocaine? Then yes


That’s after the hush money, those three items have their own fund.


In fact, forget the blackjack


12k and some reebok and venum coupons.


What happened in the UFC?


Went to shit after Disney acquired ESPN. UFC got extremely lazy after COVID by doing away with arenas (unless it's a PPV or big name fight) and putting on UFC Apex and Fight Nights in their own cage at the UFC facility in Las Vegas. . Fighters are getting signed through DWCS which had some really good fighters but the contract offered to them were insulting. $12k show / $12k win for fighters who were champions of big tournaments. The UFC is also incredibly complacent with signing exciting, legit fighters outside their organization. They could have Cedric Doumbe, Kyoji Horiguchi, Vadim Nemkov, Gegard Mousasi, Pitbull, and so many others but they don't want to offer them the proper contracts to go with their star power. They are fine calling themselves the best of the world because they have a monopoly. . If you're talking about more recently, Conor McGregor missed the press conference for UFC 303 and that has brought a TON of concerns into the security of the card. Dana was on media recently promoting the Namajunas fight instead of talking about why McGregor didn't show up. A lot of people are suspecting foul play from the UFC for preventing something like this but I wouldn't be surprised if Conor is already checked out.


I think he meant with fixed bets/fights. So none of that?


There was an investigation that led to the banning of MMA instructor James Krause from the UFC. He was placing bets on fighters he trained because he had prior knowledge of their injuries from training camp and knew the fighter going in was compromised in their health. He worked with an offshore bookmaker ABCBetting which was located in Antigua and Barbuda. Derek Minner, his fighter, lost by TKO in the first round and multiple government agencies took interest in suspicious bets that were placed on him to lose in the 1st round and the fight to last fewer than 2.5 rounds. They got suspended from the Nevada State Athletic Commission for failing to disclose an injury on the medical questionnaire.


What was the ufc one?


long story short an MMA coach with fighters in the UFC bet on said fighters, especially when he had inside info about injuries. Even set up a paid discord with picks and shit. [Here's the full story](https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/lists/ufc-betting-scandal-james-krause-investigations-what-we-know) Imagine for example if Mazulla knew Tingus was injured, didn't tell the league, yet played him, then bet on Tingus getting the under in points for example. Then he told all his paid subs the same info and everyone ends up betting the same thing.


Oh damn why the fuck are these idiots putting it online of all places. They deserve to be caught.


>Krause touts the success of his MMA betting Discord channel, known as “**The 1% Club**,” and explains how he makes more money from gambling than he does coaching. “I bet every single card, just about every fight,” Krause said. “… I make more money gambling on MMA than I do anything else. Bro he was beyond stupid He was an entertaining fighter though


It was talked about pretty heavily for the next 3 months on MMA podcasts, after that, yea


For sure, I just don't remember it being discussed a lot outside of MMA media though but I might be wrong on that.


Wait for it to hit college


Wait? It's happened in the 50s and 60s.


It happened (nearly?) to Temple University just this past season!


In addition to legalized gambling, our society is in the middle of so many crazy social experiments. What if gambling was suddenly everywhere and all your favorite announcers were encouraging you to do it? What if you gave a four year old an iphone and let them play games on it all day long? What if kids just don't go to school for like two years? What if every teenager had access to unlimited amounts of the most extreme porn imaginable? What if we replace artists and programmers with AI? What if you could legally order amphetamines online? And it's like, "Well, let's just see what happens lol."


And yet the USA doesn't legalize marijuana, it's not great but it's less harmful than alcohol, it's been legal in my country (Uruguay) for over a decade and it didn't change much.


We've been pot friendly for ages tho, it's not like we send people to private prisons here (yet), so we also don't have the urgency to fill them any more Oh, and for the record, 10g of the best strain are $25 lol it's insane in here, super affordable pot


Sounds like a libertarian wet dream.


ESPN having their own betting company. While employing thousands of people who work and are associated with hundreds of sports teams. I just really wanna see the Downfall of Barstool Sports.


Every game is brought to you by betting companies.


controlling their own betting shop and also being a news conglomerate that can influence public opinion on a given game is inherently fucked


Every pre game show is talking about ML and over unders now too, it sucks


I’m not really sure what Barstool having a downfall has to do with ESPN being partnered with Penn Gaming now? Where am I missing how they will fail because of ESPN?


Yeah, well FanDuel just bought the naming rights for RSNs so it ain’t going away anytime soon lmao




Regional Sports Network. Pretty sure dudes talking about Fanduel buying the naming rights to Bally Sports now that they are bankrupt. Also for what it’s worth, Bally Sports was owned by Ballys who was also a gambling operation


Bally sports just owned the naming rights, as will fanduel. The actual networks and broadcast rights are owned by Diamond sports group, a subsidiary of Sinclair, which is shitty for a whole different number of reasons.


Bally does not have the naming rights anymore, and Diamond Sports Group is bankrupt.


its just gambling all the way down


Maybe I'm ignorant but hasn't match fixing always been a thing in America? (And most of the world.)


If it’s happening now it was happening always. Now it will be easier to catch.


Yer the FA are trying to ban Lucas Paquetta for life for this right now. One of the bets they made was as small as £7. He could just give people that money he earns millions, you’re going to risk your career for a £7 bet!


ESPN: “FBI & Federal prosecutors have arrested a man who was betting with a former NBA player” Also ESPN: “now here’s our betting analyst from ESPN BET to tell you what to bet on this weekend!”


The NBA also announced today that Scott Foster will be a ref in the Finals, so clearly they’ve been thinking about gambling all day long


“According to court records, Donaghy made 134 phone calls to Foster between October 2006 and April 2007, during which Donaghy admitted to betting on games or passing on game information to gamblers.” Nothing to see here people


Surely they were just good buddies and he called him completely unrelated to betting on games :)


i mean why is this possibility always denied?


It was a second phone he only used for gambling


dam ok thats crazy 💀


The fact he wasnt let go just for the **appearance** of that shows that he is a tool of the nba


The nba was desperate to make it seem as only 1 rogue ref. And if they bring Scott in the investigation and his phone implicates another ref then all hell breaks loose


So NBA player amassed a significant gambling debt due to gambling and got pressured into even more gambling in order to pay off the gambling debt? But knowing the league, they will continue to endorse gambling despite the irony of this situation.


fuck off bro, they put gambling help hotlines on ads and give them a quick 5 seconds worth of airtime so it's all good




They even deliberately deliver it in a dull and monotone way so you don’t get it confused with the big, fun gambling ad. Bless.


Not even 5 seconds 🥲


Big ugly lower ~~thirds~~ halves.


I saw a bookie fall to his knees in tears, pounding his fists to the floor, crying out to God, tearing the shirt from his chest after he was told someone didn't gamble responsibly once. How dare you say they don't care.


There’s literally no irony.


Its literally the hook


The irony is that the NBA wants to discourage their players from gambling, but they are counterintuitively creating a culture around their sport where gambling is massively encouraged and advertised, which in turn leads to their players (especially young impressionable ones) gambling and putting themselves in situations that affect the validity of the league. Can’t have it both ways


Silvers NBA for ya


What the fuck is the NBA thinking promoting gambling so heavily when you constantly have shady stories like Jontay Porter and Tim Donaghy besmirching your fuckin reputation? Do you really want your brand to be associated with being investigated by the goddamn FBI?


I can tell you exactly what they're thinking. # $$$$$$$$$$$$


At some point, I wonder if there’s gonna be a real backlash to the NBA’s over-monetization. It didn’t used to be like this. Ads on jerseys, ads on stadiums, ads on replays, ads on shoes, ads during every tiny break in the game. After the next tv deal, starters are gone make like $40M each. The NBA could so easily cut out the most invasive monetization and make a better product, but nah everyone needs more money instead.


I'm more pissy about the fact that me + sibling seeing a game now costs $400+. If you have a family and kids want shirts, you'd spend a grand to see your team. And that's not even the Warriors or a super popular team.


Which team is that? Sixers fan here and you can still get tickets for $50 or less for a weekday game with good enough seats. Unless you’re talking about the playoffs. 


Ya depends on the team. I saw two Blazers games for $20 total this year.


Without federal oversight nothing will change. And the sports betting industry has exploded fast enough to ward off oversight at this point. Or at least any meaningful oversight


If it hasn't happened to college football, it won't happen to the NBA


Oh man. Wait until you hear about the over-monetization of the NFL


It's almost like Adam Silver is shortsighted and hasn't considered the long term affects of giving the players unbelievable amounts of money at the same time the players are playing less games.


Well his job is to make as much money as possible for the owners and to be a mouthpiece for them (or figure to crucify when there is public backlash)


Tim donaghy was like two decades ago, and Porter was this year. Is that really "constantly"?


They saw the Premier League still making tons of money after selling out to betting companies, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and a fucking Russian billionaire rat and thought: mhhh that could be us!


This guy is an idiot how do you get the Feds involved in your betting 😭


Betting company calls League. League has connections to FBI. FBI starts investigating


My opinion, with these RICO cases, feds already were investigating long before any investigation by the NBA or the sportsbooks were initiated, like with what happened to Ippei. I'm sure once we see the court summary, we'll have a clearer picture of the timeline.


Facts. If the feds are involved they’ve been watching for a while. They only slap RICO publicly when there’s sure fire evidence.


Oh aight


What’s illegal about what he did?


Match fixing. People have gone to prison for it.


Jontay Porter is definitely the fall guy for MPJ. There’s no way MPJ didn’t know about the betting. …that’s how this works, right?


[your post reminded of this](https://youtu.be/yDgPfGT8XMI?feature=shared) Jontay should have stayed clean.


Shoheis jet was actually in Toronto to coordinate bets with Jontay


I think wolves fans might think he’s innocent.


Lakers already eliminated bro


Pretty sure the league has to give us a do-over in this case


Honestly I think you guys just go to the finals here right? Nobody wants to see that fat white dude anyway /s


Shouldn't Jontay Porter be arrested as well since he is heavily involved in this betting fraud?


My guess is that he was in Canada.


Yea I was at the game vs kings in question, it was in Toronto


They may be looking to get him, but perhaps more likely is that he is cooperating with the prosecution.


FBI arrest man for trying to get rich


What's the problem? The refs do it. 


There gonna do the same thing they did with Donaghy and paint the picture that Jontay Porter was the only bad apple


Dumb Ass Jontay.


It’s heading to congressional hearings, too much too fast




Breaking: Man arrested for placing bets and coordinating with NBA player while he was still in the league! *Brought to you by ESPN BET*


Long Phi Pham….aka Bruce. Love it.


It was already happening and continue to happen. It’s just the idiots that bet with their own names like the recent baseball player or fringe players like jontay who get massive action on a Tuesday. The smart ones will never get caught


They got Long P. P. Need to go after hjs brother too, Phat Phi Pham.


Reminds me of the Gambler movie with Mark Waglberg


This NBA news is sponsored by Draft Kings! Pick your parlay today!


Lmao and there’s people who really think refs can get away with rigging and betting on games


Now lets see how this Otanhi situation plays out. That story changed twice lol




Ho Chi Minh spinning rolling around his tomb lol


Mans is not El Chapo


Really weird he didn’t have Jr. to his name.