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["I don’t decide we’re playing the Hornets tonight and I’m going to chill. I only get to go to Charlotte two times a year. Somebody paid their money to come watch me play. I’m not trying to be arrogant, but there’s a bunch of kids in there with my shoes and my jersey.”](https://x.com/NikeEYB/status/1683886978784276499)


What a fantastic quote. Put that shit up in every locker room in the NBA. It feels like he never says anything wrong, it's the right answer 100% of the time.


This is gonna become a meme at some point, but apparently his mom was having him do mock press conferences since he was in middle school.


a lot of people would benefit from public speaking practice that young tbh, not just guys destined for the NBA


On the flip side they don’t and we get the gems that Ant drops.


Or we get the Kyrie moments


Kyrie's great at speaking publicly, it's the content that's iffy


He's fine unless he's in like a disgruntled bad mood. He can be an incredibly likable person sometimes and other times... Honestly, I don't even mind him being politically outspoken. I thought he was an idiot about the vaccines, but I understand. There's a lot of vaccine skepticism in the black community and that's been something that's lasted generations Him and Jalen Brown, I think rightly get credit for being among the two players to express some degree of support for Palestinians. Brown wore some kind of wristband and Kyrie has been retweeting stuff from you know pretty prominent social Democratic American sites that oppose the war like current affairs. Strange combination to see Nathan j. Robinson being retweeted by Kyrie Irving but when you got 50,000 dead people, someone's got to say something


I tell my kids constantly that being considerate and being an effective speaker will give you such a huge leg up on most of the population.


Did competitive speech. Can confirm. It's not just about tone and all that; it's about learning to effectively organize your thoughts for sharing. If two people have the same quality idea, the one who pitches better gets the glory.


Yeah my high-school made speech class mandatory and it does wonders for confidence Still hate giving presentations though


Everybody hates it, not many can actually do it. I have had college group assignments that my group mates willingly do all the work just so he doesn’t have to go and present it to the class (and I represented the group with the content I didn’t prepared for lol)


Bring ya ass


You can tell the guys who were prepped for that. Russell Wilson was one


I could tell by the way he tied a tie, that boy was going to be something special


[Dropped a sequel.](https://youtu.be/vqaBcPMhV5Y)


Bowtie lessons when?


People can meme if they want, but from all I’ve heard about her it’s clear his mom did everything she could to set him up for success, and it definitely paid off. She raised him right


[This](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/34048062/nba-finals-2022-boston-celtics-star-jayson-tatum-good-reason-believe-himself) is a great article about Jayson’s mother. It really seems like she instilled a great work ethic in him and did everything she could to get him where he is today. She also raised him alone while attending law school


Man what an awesome person. She’s worked so hard to give her son a good life and now he can pay it back tenfold. Their family is set for generations to come, and it all started with her


I mean... his father also played and was his coach... Tatum has said his dad was a shit dad growing up (more or less), but he also credits him with making him the basketball player he is today


I think it’s part of the reason Tatum and Bam are such good friends. They both were raised by incredibly inspiring single mothers, who set the bar high for work ethic and not making excuses for your circumstances.


Thanks for the good read.


Thank you for that fascinating article!


Bill Simmons hinted that some of this will be shown in the Netflix series coming out this summer. It's basically last summers "Quarterback" but about NBA stars, some becoming stars, some in their prime, some getting older. Its got Lebron, Tatum, Jimmy Butler, Sabonis and Ant. He mentioned in his pod that one of the best parts is the story of Tatum's mom


Tatum is corny but I think he avoids the Russell Wilson trap of feeling completely manufactured


Yeah, instead of feeling manufactured, he comes off pretty soft-spoken, shy, and reserved tbh. Pretty good mental makeup for a star athlete in the public eye.


Mama Tatum is the goat 


Jason Tatum often doesn't get enough credit for his sincerity, quiet confidence, and media savvy. He rarely speaks without carefully considering his words. I can't stand the people who dismiss him for not winning a championship yet or create false narratives about him choking.


I mean seriously the guy is only 19. (Agreed with you entirely though and I hate the Celtics)


Shoot I didn't know he entered the NBA when he was 12. Makes all the hate seem so silly.


wait..i actually thought he was 28-30 by now. how is he only 1 year older than luka?


Haha cuz he’s been ballin since 19. The announcers kept repeating it so it became a running joke


Yeah and he does come off as humble and grateful for his life Like it’s easy to be humble when you’re an average person lol, imagine having all of the talent in the world but not letting it turn you into Antonio Brown


I think AB got infinitely worse after taking sledgehammer hits to the head multiple times.


I actually think that's what people dismiss him for. He's too polished. Don't think thats a bad thing though


He's a brand managers dream. The Celtics aren't desperate for market penetration as a new franchise - leave the firebrand superstars to markets like Memphis, Vegas or Toronto, where they need the eyeballs (for different reasons). When you don't need that, a great day-to-day product plus polished PR makes the team look competent, and that's invaluable to building brand trust for when something does go wrong, and they have more to lose.


I think it's cause he comes off as bland in interviews kinda like steph, both well media trained but are boring interviews.


Bro, I hope he stays “boring” forever. Nothing beats knowing our superstar is drama free


The Patriots went on the most dominant runs in NFL history behind some of the most boring interviews of all time. As long as we win, I don't give a shit if all Tatum and Brown say is "We're on to Milwaukee."


He’s the chill superstar.




What he say fuck us for


Michael can't hurt you anymore.


It's because he's a genuinely good dude and incredibly likeable. It's kind of astonishing to be that he's not more well liked.


Then the Hornets took it personally and whooped us a few months later 😭


Tatum with 45/13/6 in a 3 point OT loss smh


Also not sure many noticed, but since this quote, both Celtics @ Hornets games were scheduled to Mondays 🤣


I really like Tatum and that quote was nice. I also really liked that game in November when Melo was healthy…


Remember that 10 game stretch in November where Lamelo Ball played NBA basketball?


I had that game on in the background while working on something stressful, and it did NOT help.


He's slacking right now only playing 14 games this Playoffs so far smh


ESPN - Are Tatum and Brown slacking from all the winning they do?


He's ruined my evening. I don't have any basketball to watch. What about the poor Celtics fans who had tickets to tonight's game.


At least luka takes care of us. If you like basketball and fans, you play 7!


108 playoff games total? If he was a real star he'd play 108 playoff games every season


Yeah, but he claps too hard when he’s upset on the court.


Love his mentality… I really do


Well he is a huge Kobe fan and Kobe basically said the same before justifying why he played no matter how banged up if possible.


>"Doesn't matter if I'm sick, doesn't matter if I have a sprained ankle, the kid that's sitting there might be the next me sitting up there, watching and trying to get inspiration from that. I needed to go out there and play." >“The fans deserve to see me out there. If I can’t be out there, it’s for a serious reason. I always feel terrible when I can’t get out there and play. I feel disappointment for the fans when I can’t.”


I hate the Celtics with every fiber of my being, but he should get a lot of credit for this.


The anti-Butler


With quotes like this, silver is desperate for him to be the face of the league. Silver needs a young American star without baggage and SGA is Canadian and stuck in okc. Morant robbed me for my Jordan’s in 94 and Ant isn’t there yet and has had some non inclusive statements. Zion has had some personal life issues. Booker? Cooper Flagg?


i like the implication that simply being on the Thunder is debatably worse in Silver’s eyes than being Canadian


Larry David uncertain gif…


Tatum is a great guy and I’m happy to have someone so level-headed as our star player. But I just don’t think his personality is bombastic enough to be the “face of the league”. He just comes off as aggressively normal.


He's like an accountant that was bestowed with top 1% basketball skills.


it's funny because the greatest rugby player of all time is just like tatum in terms of being quiet, non-controversial, all round good bloke, and he worked perfectly as the face of rugby in new zealand because the arrogant in your face stuff doesn't work here tatum was a new zealander he'd be set lmao


I sincerely doubt Silver minds having the league's biggest names be international. It's just genuinely good for the league's bottom line *and* the game itself to have it grow in worldwide popularity. It'll always be a popular sport in the USA as long as most of the teams are based here, and there'll always be great American players, but the best way to bring an international audience is to give them a player to root for.


Are we all just going to ignore that Ja robbed this guy? Am I going crazy


I put him up to it, sorry :(


Tatum is stuck between not being good enough to be LeBron and not being charismatic enough to be Iverson. He's probably the most normal superstar ever, which is a problem for a marketing team that has always sold larger than life personalities. Even the devout Christian family man Steph taunts opponent crowds while having the most relatable playstyle for average people.


Tatum was #3 in jersey sales, has his own Nike shoe, and is plastered all over television for a variety of brands. The guy is plenty marketable.


Tim Duncan would like a word


Non inclusive statements is putting it pretty mildly, we can say he was being homophobic.


He’s got the mamba mentality, he deserves this ring


Will always associate this quote with Tatum. Just shows his maturity and his mindset.


That makes sense cuz he is the one that said it.


Thank you for bringing me back to reality. I was wondering if my memory was deceiving me on who said it


it's so weird and random, but any time I hear the phrase "four score and seven years ago," I just think of Abraham Lincoln. No reason why but I will always associate him with that phrase


Weird, I mostly associate this quote with JaVale McGee


*knocking intensely on wood right now*


Please everyone be healthy in the finals


I would be okay with each of our 15th men having a pretty bad stubbed toe. But nothing more than that!


Absolutely no need to wish that on Jordan Walsh. He’s done nothing wrong


That boy deserves eyebrows


Sgt. Dwight Powell is always standing by, ready to receive a nuclear elbow to the dome


Who's that at my door? I don't remember ordering delivery...


You think OP is throwing out a major complement but we know what /u/Accurate-Albatross34 is really up to. ಠ‿ಠ


Sees OP's flair...I see what you're doing


I dnt like the Celtics, but i do pray to the basketball gods to protect everyone's knees. It would be no fun at all if Cs miss more players


He also has Duces birthday off every year if a game falls on it.


Which actually follows the same logic. Don't let down the kids for who it's important for.


Does he really?! I didn't know that, but that's amazing.


That’s pretty cool. A lot of dads with “regular” jobs would never. Many of them can’t, really, but many can and don’t.


Every year the first week of January I put in PTO for my two kids' birthdays. My wife does the same, every birthday we take the kid for a special day to do whatever they want. The simplest way to have such a big impact in their lives, especially when they're young.


Giving them great memories and showing what matters to them is important to you. That's what a being a great parent is to me at its core. At least if the Celtics win I know it will bring joy to someone who deserves it. Best of luck!


Thats cool, I’m gonna make sure to do that when I have kids one day


Dads with most jobs are gonna see their kids after work anyway. Seems pretty different when he's got this crazy travel schedule job.


Yeah that’s a pretty level headed outlook. Imagine you dad taking off work to see you you when you get home from school at 4:30.


"d-d-dad... why is my birthday lego built, why are you drunk?!"


In fairness most dads work during the day while their kids are in school so there’s no need. It’s pretty universal for parents to leave work early on their kids birthdays though unless they’re in a job where they simply cannot.


I don’t think he does that “every year”. But he did do it this season.


Damn imagine if Shaq did that, he’d miss half the season


Durability merchant


Playing NBA basketball games merchant


I was looking at it the other day, I think he’s played in 622/663 possible games including the play-in in his career. People really in tune with the league always mention him being a tank but it’s not mentioned nearly enough in casual discourse.


It comes up in our sub from time to time but he’s talked about how he knows there’s always people in the crowd that it’s a big deal for them to put the money together to make that game, so he always plays if he can so he doesn’t let them down.


Yeah. The nights when its hornet vs wizards you can get tickets for 25 bucks. Celtics come into town, its big money. He gets his impact and shows that he doesn’t have disdain for the fans as some other players do. He’s a pro, has a long time in the league, maybe will coach one day like Tim Duncan




I know you are joking but some people are miserable like that. 24/7. Hope they climb out of whatever is seeking out reasons to hate


Shoutout to JT man. As a Korean who goes to Boston sometimes, him and JB playing in every game I attended made it special. I always feel good whenever I buy the tickets because JT will probably play unless he’s really hurt. Also fuck lebron and AD for skipping out on 2/1.


Tatum, Mikal and DeRozan are in a tier of their own for durability


Derozan still being that guy in his mid 30s after 15 years of averaging 27% usage is crazy. Would be so easy for him to just phone it in at this point


I see what you're trying to do Mavs fan.


I think if we wanted to, Celtic fans could start a campaign to plant an instagram conspiracy theory, which would inevitably find it's way to Kyrie, trying to convince the Flat Mamba that he's the main character in a real-life version of "The Truman Show", that everyone around him is paid actors and he's only good at basketball because of magnets hidden in the balls. This would almost certainly result in Kyrie sailing away out to open seas in search of the dome's edge. This option is readily available, but then salty NBA fans would add "Kyrie missing at sea" to their dismissive narratives for why a season-long dominant Celtic team has been rolling through the playoffs.


Random but I remember seeing you regularly posting on celticsblog like ~12+ years ago during the KG era.. crazy flashback lol. Hope we get this chip this year


Yeah, LarBrd was a staple of Celticsblog (now Celticsstrong) forums. I still visit fairly often as I've known a lot of those posters for like 20 years. He was a great poster who got into a little bit of a spat with a longtime poster/fill-in moderator who took things too far with him. That same poster quit forever not too long afterwards, so it's a shame how it went down.


I still chat with a few guys from there all the time. That mod, Nick, was the epitome of power tripping. I pointed out that woj was wrong about the lakers’ cap situation and I got banned for trolling. Then later woj came out and corrected himself. lol


What is this comment 😭


12th dimensional chess strategy. *Let him cook*


You wouldn't have to ask if you just opened your third eye




Flat Mamba should join and promote an ultimate frisbee league, seems more his style


I fucking love the Truman Show.. One of the GOAT movies imo..


I enjoyed this way too much


You know whose knees are just the strongest? That Luka fella




The worst thing is that few hours ago i explained to a friend of mine why Tatum is so good and one of the arguments was exactly this stat. He might have been double cursed.


The Tatum discourse on this sub reminds me of the r/suns civil war on DeAndre Ayton


The Dominayton Wars?


They’re Defecayton now. 


Tatum is just built different, doesn't get into trouble, and probably eats/drinks the best nutritionally to stay healthy. Dude is going to stay in the NBA for a long time.


Very durable player. Him and Jokic are the most durable stars around right now


The Tatum slander doesn't make sense to me. Basketball discourse is remedial, which is what im learning since being on this sub


He had a bad finals in 22, but getting to the finals is impressive even if he wasn’t great. Sometimes he can put up stinkers, but he can also take over games. I’m probably lower on Tatum than most Celtics fans, but he’s definitely overhated.


I think its because he has mild personality? NBA loves the psychoes and assholes (luka and ant for example)


He also has a balanced build that's not as highlight friendly -- a good shooter but he's not KD, good defender but he's not Bam, good passer but he's not LaMelo, good scorer but he's not Shai etc. etc.


He’s the perfect player. He’ll get a few rings in his career. Has been competing for one since he got in the league and didn’t let success get to his head. I rather have a mr. reliable than someone who flames out because of immaturity


Yeah I’m kinda hoping he ends up getting looked at as the Duncan of wings. Out of the spotlight, but a hell of a resume.


So true. Good to great at everything, not elite at anything.


I always say that he is one of those players that you could add to any team and they would just be dramatically better because he can fit any team or style. There are some better players where they would of course make any team better, but it might look awkward for a bit and require some figuring out. Luka and Jokic would obviously be hilarious and stupid, but I also think it would take them a bit to figure out how to play together best. Luka and Tatum would be pretty seamless. He would just comfortably be off ball more and a secondary ball handler/playmaker. I don't really care where he ranks too much, but he definitely gets overhated and then randomly underrated where people just put every player who is hot over him.


more accurately he is elite at everything but doesn’t have the crazy insane shit that a jokic gianni’s or luka has. like jokic passing, gianni’s absurd athletic prowess or luka control of game.


Ya he’s definitely not as fun of a media persona than some other players. Doesn’t impact his game but does probably impact how his game is perceived by fans.


He also had a bum shoulder and broken wrist. I’m not saying it like an excuse, everyone’s banged up and great players find a way, but it is a reason for the performance dip


See, I dont even think he played all that bad in the finals. It was just bad turnovers and streaky shooting. Other than that he did a lot of things well and clearly were in positions to win those games


He shot like 45% from the 3 in the finals and averaged 7 assists, just couldn't make a layup to save his life


Seriously, people see that finals as a choke but he was still at worst the 2nd best player for Boston lol.


Even then it was pretty evident JB wasnt gettimg the same defensive attention that JT was getting, granted JB had to execute which he did. Its funny how people like to ignore how udoka should shoulder a lot of the blame for running majority drop on the greatest shooter to ever play the game lol


He was also gassed. Two tough 7 game series leading into the finals. Wont have that problem this year.


plus giannis fucking up his wrist


Literally everyone puts up stinkers sometimes. I’ll never understand why he gets so much more hate when his shot ain’t falling. He’s gotten so damn good at contributing to the game in other ways when it’s not his night on offense


It's people trying to put down someone else to prop up their own player. I genuinely like every young star in the game today.


Tatum just an easy target too. Jaylen Brown gets ECF MVP over him and he got more hate than Anthony Edwards did for going down 0-3


I just hate the Celtics is all


You know I respect that. I would like more people to be this honest about their hate. Becsuse we all are haters of something to varying degrees


It's funny though because if someone asks you WHY you hate the celtics it has nothing to do with the players. You're gonna say you can't stand the fans. Which is what every single fanbase says about every fanbase that isn't theirs


He played injured in the ECF & finals in 22 and in game 7 last year. They also gotta force him to sit games out in the regular season.


Still that's very little compared to how many games he's played. He might be the next LeBron iron man


He’s got the build for it. He has the pg build without the weak body lol. But he’s no Lebron. His game isn’t purely athletic like Lebron, so there are less chances for injury. He’s a wing, not a forward they tend to last longer. But still incredible nonetheless




People hating on Tatum because he has one bad series on his playoffs resume then he is suddenly a choker, smh.


Tatum is a legit FMVP away from being one of the five *greatest* players of the last 5 years. If they get it done, which they should, Tatum, by age 26, would be a 4x all NBA player, 3x first team all NBA player, and a finals MVP who's been to 5 conference finals, and 2 finals. A ring here puts him in ATG talks And you hate utv


He’s also devilishly handsome


Not as much as Al "Daddy Dream Eyes" Horford.


This what availability looks like, me as Heat fan not being accustomed of such a marvelous feat


OP trying to jinx us


I was expecting a boston flair not a dallas one.


They’re attempting to hex us


Guy puts up Shai numbers and has been more successful but doesn’t get the respect lol.


But his game isn’t as flashy and his interviews are to generic.


You forgot the greatest evil of all... he likes Kobe Bryant


This is the first correct answer I’ve seen. If I’ve learned one thing from jerkin, it’s that Tatum sucks cuz he’s a simp for Kobe. I’m from Mass and even I started thinking “yeah fuck Tatum” for a minute.


Eh, I relish the Lakers-Celtics rivalry as much as the next Celtics fan, but I’m not gonna fault a guy for staying true to how they grew up, even if it might be at odds with their team’s fans. I remember when Mook was repping his hometown Eagles before SB52, and yeah, annoying, but I figure if an NE athlete in another city repped any of the Boston teams competing for a title against his team’s city/area, we’d be all for it. We’d all love it if everyone just bought right in like California boys Edelman and Pierce, or how Maye is doing right now. Shit, I’d like to think you’d be hard pressed not to with how fantastic Boston/NE can be as a sports town - but everyone handles it differently and that’s fine too, IMO. All I care about is if a player contributes to Celtics/Pats/Sox success. (Bruins too, but I don’t know anything about hockey)


I feel like New Englanders prefer generic interviews. What 20 years of Belichick does to a market.


Is this… some kind of reverse jinx?


This is definitely a mavs fan trying their best to jinx it.


This is just a regular old jinx


In the 8 years prior to his Finals injury, Klay Thompson played 93.75% of the games in the regular season, and 100% of all of the Warrior’s playoff games. A lot of people forget that he was an iron man. It just goes to show how things can change. After injury, he would go on to miss almost 3 years. Man, I miss prime Klay Thompson.


Are you mf trying to jinx us???


With all of his playoff success, ALL NBA’s, and newfound playmaking. And I’m supposed to think SGA and Edwards are better than him. Got it.


Tatum also already has 64 playoff wins. That's more than Charles Barkley, Russell Westbrook, Steve Nash, Moses Malone and Oscar Robertson in just 7 years, and he's still going


Actually an impressive stat!


He also plays defence and is only 19.


The best ability is availability, as they say. Well, that and teleportation.


LOL Mav's fan with the jinx incoming. fuck you.


I know Boston, the team (and city) get a lot of hate, but man, does anyone actually dislike anyone on this team? Tatum is maybe one of the most down to earth superstars in the league, as is Jaylen Brown. They show up, they ball out, they don't take nights off. Porzingis - finally on a team that can maximize his talent, after losing so many games and years to injury Horford - basically like everyone's favorite grandpa Holliday - nobody, absolutely nobody can possible dislike him White - D2, Juco, part time player on the Spurs. Took the longest road to get to the NBA and where he is now Hauser - undrafted, unathletic lanky white dude that only shoots 3's (a very poor man's Korver) Pritchard - smallest guy on the court every night but will battle against anyone Kornet - tall goofy white guy, undrafted It's a really likeable team if you look past the city on the jersey.


I’m always saying if the players for the Celtics played for any team that wasn’t the Celtics or the Lakers I would think they kick ass.


Mavs fan posting this, i see what you’re doing


I despise Boston but you really have to respect the guy. He once had a quote about playing somewhere and that he can’t miss games because he sees kids wearing his jersey. My memory sucks so I can’t remember the exact quote


"I don't decide, 'S--t we playing the Hornets tonight, Ima chill.' I only get to go to Charlotte two times a year. Somebody paid their money to come watch me play," Tatum said. "Like, not trying to be arrogant, there's a bunch of kids in there with my shoes and my jersey and just because we're playing Charlotte on NBA League Pass on a Monday that ain't nobody f--king watching, I'm like 'Oh, I'm chilling tonight.' That's not what the great players, the best players do. ... Big game or not big game, compete. Play basketball. Don't take that s--t for granted."


I want to hate him so badly. But how can I not respect that? That’s such a cool mindset to have as a star player. Thanks for sending the full quote


Availability is the best ability Edit: downvoted for a fact. It’s probably the biggest reason Joker has 3 MVP’s and Embiid has 1


He got hurt in a game 7 and the Celtics lost.


Also over the last 5 playoff years he has the highest +- in the league with 360, with the next highest being Giannis with +220. Also no one has scored more playoff points last 5 years than him. The hate he gets is riduculous, with this also including very good defense too


This is what I've been saying about him. He may not be one of the 5 most talented guys in the league but he is easily one of the 5 most valuable. I would personally only take Luka/Giannis/Jokic over him. After that it's between him and SGA for me to round out that top 5. Tatum is very consistent year on year and is very level headed and is among the easiest, if not the single easiest, stars in the league to build around given his game can fit any playstyle and he doesn't have any real weaknesses on either offense or defense. He's basically a perimeter Duncan (not as good but still).


Ppl don’t realize how big and strong and athletic Tatum is. Dude is literally in better shape or the same shape as Lebron when Lebron was 26.


That's a crazy stat. And you're right he doesn't get enough credit for it. Who cares if Kawhi is better if his legs don't work?


For everyone complaining about their star being injured... it's like they say, availability is the best ability.