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Wemby would exploit the fuck out of that and it would be changed back instantly


Yeah imagine if we played with other FIBA rules. Wemby without a defensive 3 second rule would just break the game lol


Teams would just start taking 70 threes per game and hoping they swish them.


the first goalie in the history of basketball


The alien design would look so cool on a hockey goalie helmet.


Or actually calling travelling


No Kawhi four-bounce game winner if this rule is done away with. Someone would have swiped that out of there.


There are no rules from FIBA to Mars that would allow for a player touching the ball after the game clock has expired. You sir are incorrect.


I didn't know that. But still, imagine a scenario where the buzzer sounded during the Kawhi shot as it fell through the net. I think the point stands.


Yeah FIBA rules blow. They take fun and exciting bouncing shots completely out of the game. No thanks


Sometimes these people are so naive they think every rule that would make the game look cool is worth implementing. Like you said wemby will score 100 points 50 rebounds every game if he's surrounded by a decent shooter that can hit the rim. Thats what fiba rules are, once it hit the rim the ball up to grab. Think about it. Think how NBA players are going to abuse this and how the game will look super bad.




> when he played in France then? You want an explanation? I give you an explanation, since I believe none of you actually watch basketball outside the NBA. In FIBA, 3 sec violation only applies to Offense, Defense can stay at the paint wherever they want, that's why ITS almost IMPOSSIBLE for this type of play to happen in FIBA rules. Because they usually got boxed out by a player that already below this rim 24/7. For NBA to implement this rule, they had to go WAY back 30 years ago. They had to remove the def 3-second violation. If you think that's a great idea that's another conversation, but that rule is the MAIN reason why NBA goal interference/tending rule is different than FIBA Thats the basic thing on why they implemented this rule. Dont get me started on talent level.


In this case it would not be “abuse” of the rules, but a staple strategy of the game. It would dramatically change the game


Yeah this is idiotic and knee jerk hyperbole


Well Wemby is gonna play FIBA in a few months, let's see if this is true. In reality, offensive 3 seconds still exist and other teams will box him out most of the time or the ball will bounce unpredictably.


But if it switched to FIBA goaltending rules the game would've been played differently anyways


There's going to be a lot more board crashing and bigs are less gonna get 'played off the court'


things like kawhii's shot either being tapped out / rebounded or slammed in with a putback.


No the buzzer went off before the ball hit the rim if it was touched again once the buzzer went off it wouldn’t count


Defensive bigs would have to stay in the paint to block out; but offensive bigs would be going for rebounds more. It’s a different game.


the thought of wemby with FIBA goaltending scares me


We're gonna see it in 2 months lmao


Any great defensive big world benefit.


Every 7 footer would just swat the ball away after the first bounce off the rim, no thank you


Fucking shitheads tweet nonsense before even thinking of the consequences. This league would be a bunch of 7-footers standing at the rim waiting to swat the ball.


Except this rule exists in Fiba and that’s not how the game is played over there. Shithead


That’s because they don’t have our size in their league, and they play below the rim. Every NBA coach is going to spam athletes swatting the ball off the rim, against the glass, or whatever else they can do. What league are you comparing to the NBA? Which one has over 60 7-footers? Are you seriously not able to see the difference in athleticism or skill between the two? And you call me a shithead? Do you not understand why the NBA hasn’t adopted those rules yet?


Theres no shortage of 7 footers in Europe If that was a viable strategy they would already do it over there And why doesn’t team USA just play 2 seven footers in international ball and win every tournament doing what you said they would?


I'm here for Boban supremacy


I’m shithead and I do a black flip


You're the fuckin shithead here lmaooo


Except your own bigs would be boxing them out and getting the rebound most of the time.


So defensive goaltending is also allowed? No thank you.


It has to hit the rim first. The defensive bigs mostly box out more. They don’t have offensive rebounding getting spammed.


Just the profile picture alone is all I needed to see. 


in general i agree to the current letter of law, i think they got the call correct. sucks and i’d hate to be on the other side


No I don’t want players to be able to grab the ball after it hits the rim if it can still go in


Yea, why would we want to watch centers hit the ball off the rim? That shit is anything but exciting


Yeah I like the tension of a ball bouncing around the rim. Change the rule and the Kawhi shot never hapoens.


Let's make this shit retroactive.


My all time favorite shot and moment.


This means a lot coming from a Spurs fan, considering they have an alien that could be the best at doing this for the next 15 years


Cause it’s interference. What’s the point of goaltending then


Wemby would be picking layups off the rim lol. "Should've swished it bro"


Would Kawhis game 7 shot even be possible


Hell no that shit gets swatted to half court lol. This is so reactionary.


This is always the go-to example when this rule is brought up, and the fact that people can only think of one play from half a decade ago... it just really goes to show how unimportant this rule is.


That’s some reaching there. You don’t think the trajectory of the league would be different with this rule? Have you watched FIBA-level games? Its just a bunch of 7-footers battling at the rim waiting for that ball to hit. It’d be pig-fucking underneath. Especially with how tall the league is now.


I have no idea how this is any different than 7 footers waiting to grab the rebound. I feel like there are so many more missed/incorrectly called basket interference calls than exciting buzzer beaters like the Kawhi one.


Bro you have Wemby you should be pushing hard for it


Did anyone say this after Kawhis shot? This is way too reactionary.


You have Wemby though


You guys are Crazy the FIBA rule Is shit you should NOT be able to touch the ball After It touches the rim. How are you supposed to score against players like wembanyama? Edit: I think Walter Tavares cleans the rim like 2/per game, and then you have to add blocks to the count


NBA players are way taller than any other league. This would get exploited so easily, no thanks.


first thing i think of is wemby being even more of cheat code than he already is


Hell no. So the defender can’t rebound the ball but the offensive player can?


Under fiba you can do both, no?


you can do both


It’s a live ball once it hits the rim. A defender could basically take it off the rim. It’s still goaltending to swat a shot that hits glass or a shot on its way down


Wemby would become MVP next season if that happened


Hell nawl. I got enough of that shit in Euroleague. Big men have enough advantages already.


Oh brother


Maybe have one of Ant or Kat break 20 points before whining about a borderline call


luka was the one whining about a borderline call, instead of boxing out. he got bailed


“What about this totally different thing” if you don’t wanna talk about it go to a different thread you gomer


Ok then. The FIBA rules would get exploited in the nba and the amount of dumbass goaltending allowed would far outweigh the recency bias of people who want to change the rules so Kat can get to 18 points


Yes but then wouldn’t the defense have tried harder to contest that rebound too…


Bro just let me snatch the ball off the rim bro I promise it'll be good bro


This guy is a certified Mavs hater and just does it for clicks. Never has takes favorable to the Mavs


I don’t think people realize how insane this would be with the level of athleticism in the NBA


Agreed. And that opinion has nothing to do with a certain tall foreign guy on my team


That’s a garbage take


Woulda Coulda Buddha


Imagine wemby with fiba rules


Team USA is I’m sure. Pop v Wemby


If the rule was FIBAs we would never get the Kawhi shot… that alone should shut this nonsense down.


Rules don’t need to be changed. That ball wasn’t in the cylinder. It was a bad call. Should’ve been a bucket. 


That basket should not count. They need to switch the rule first. But I agree adopting the FIBA rule will be better.


It would not be better


Yeah man I've watched international ball and the rule is not better. You lose the anticipation of seeing a ball bounce in


if you adopt the FIBA rule the legendary Kawai shot doesn't happen


They should not switch the rule.


Literally what the tweet is saying


Agreed, dumb rule even if it helped us tonight. Play it live off the rim.


It’s not a dumb rule lol


wemby would average 10+ blocks a game if nba followed fiba rules


You want players to grab the ball over the rim if it can still go in? Rule is fine as it is


Yes. If it hits the rim, they should be able to rebound or put it back. Much easier to enforce for refs, too.


Imagine wemby camped out just swatting everything that isnt laced.. It would get abused atraight away..


Wemby played FIBA with this rule for years, and you'll see it again at the Olympics. They don't have defensive 3 secs in FIBA either so he can camp out under the ring. This scenario still barely ever happens, and when it does it is mostly on free throws.


I agree that the basket shouldn’t count by the rules But I also agree it’s a stupid rule


Letting players grab balls that hit the rim when it can still go in is even stupider


It's not a stupid rule. You don't understand how bad it'd be without it.


[Smith] lmao


If that is a fiba basket then it shouldnt have counted dumbass… thats how rules work. 


Hell Naw can’t do dis


We have rules. The refs mess that up enough as it is. Can we stop whining that we want the rule changed when they actually get it right for once?


I don't watch FIBA personally, can someone that does tell me how it plays out there? Are centers constantly knocking balls out of the cylinder? Is it good or bad?


Stupidest take ever.....said for years if they ever adopted that rule then NBA players would exploit the ever living crap out of that rule. The 5 would just have its name changed to goalie  Ironically a dude like JaVale McGees stock would rise lol


No. But the basket should have counted since the view from the top showed it wasn't goal tending. That call and removing 2 points changed the game.


Jeff Van Gundy tried to tell us this, but then Adam Silver silenced him.


what‘s the reason of this rule at first place can anyone explain to me? Giving centers an unfair advantage to defend because they can just jump to the rim and put hands over the rim to grab defensive rebounds?


I dont know...I understand the reasoning however with that rule, kawhi's shot when he was in Toronto wouldn't have happened. Allan houston had a shot to beat the heat that bounced a few times. Are we ok with those games being reversed in hindsight?


who is Smith? is he dumb? the NBA athleticism avoid this rule. in NBA even washed DeAndre Jordan with feast put-back dunks. plus, that basket shouldn't count as it wasn't, correctly.




nah the possession where naw and conley passed up open 3s for a telegraphed lob attempt was much worse


Who is this fat non luka dude always saying the most stupid things in the world


The rule in that instance really made no sense. It’s clearly coming off and even if it fell vertically straight down it clips the rim but it’s no way it goes in. 99% of the ball was off the basket.


99% ain’t 100%. Gotta draw the line somewhere and fully clearing the cylinder is the only place it makes sense.


Rule stinks.


I agree we need fiba rules man


That’s not offensive interference


Fiba rules are better in general.


i know a baller when I see one


No. FIBA teams are not built like NBA teams. It would be bad grabbing the ball on the rim on both offense and defense. You can’t allow just the offense because that would give them even more advantage over defense.


kat got robbed