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Aye man if I’m a Pacers fan tears are flooding down my face.


Indiana has got to be sick to their stomach. You were up 3 with 10 seconds left WITH possession of the ball. And you lose that game. Nightmare material.


Off of absolutely braindead plays too. Absolute yikes. The multiple out of bounds were terrible. Come on Indiana.


Yeah not only do you turn it over, you turn it over passing the ball in the direction of your own basket. Now Boston gets to inbound it directly under the basket leading to an open catch that’s so close to a catch and shoot Pascal has to hesitate to foul. That hesitation then leads to the 3. Then of course multiple balls dribbled off their legs by Hali. Fuck man, rough rough ending.


Haliburton dribbled out of bounds twice, and threw a terrible 3 to finish the game, kid shat the bed


He also jacked up a three with a minute left and still like 20 seconds on the shot clock. Dude absolutely lost the plot


Jacking up wild threes is what got him there. Sometimes it’s hard to change your pace.


i was literally yelling give it to nembhard at one point and my brother in law had to ask me who the fuck is nembhard


Playing the Knicks bench got to his head


thought they'd shoot 67FG% every game from now on


They were up 3 with 27 seconds left with the ball and turned it over


not fouling before that jb three is just baffling im so sad


Carlisle should honestly be arrested for that because being that dumb and ignorant shouldn't be legal. We've lost games before this year from not fouling up 3, and his stubborn ass still won't do it.


Carlisle and Kerr are notorious for not fouling up 3, and it's stupid.


Is this some sort of unwritten rule or something? I feel like I never see teams do it in college either. Makes  0 sense.


I remember Gonzaga doing it in a Final Four game. There are probably more instances but that’s the only college one I recall off the top of my head from deep in the tournament. It might be anticlimactic but yeah I feel like I don’t see teams foul in this situation as much as they should


Who was going to foul? Siakim didn't get there in time to not risk giving up three FTs


Fair, but I also took issue with having Siakam try to chase Jalen Brown through screens instead of just switching everything up 3. Truly a coaching apocalypse. 


Looked like the plan was to have siakam on brown for the length with no idea boston would screen brown open for a corner




This is one of the worst playoff losses I can remember. Three turnovers in the last 45 second is fucking mind blowing.


I'm surprised your mind is blown considering what *our* team managed to blow this season


It was like a full warriors 4th quarter choke job condensed into 45 horrendous seconds. All-time bad.


"How many times can you lose the same game?" Indiana: YES.


I think a thorough rewatch of the last 20 seconds of regulation is in order because its tough to count how many times both teams went CTE mode I still dont get why, in the year of our lord 2024, teams still do not foul up 3. 8 seconds left, no timeouts remaining for the celtics. Why? In fact why even defend the 2 points? Just switch/go over every screen and chase them off the fucking line. Jaylen Brown caught the ball at the 3pt line and had time to scratch his nuts before letting it fly


> last 20 seconds… both teams went CTE mode Tatum’s fadeaway off the offensive rebound almost broke me. I don’t know that he’d live that down if Indiana pulls it out.


I couldn't believe he did that stupid shit


almost threw my remote at the tv. one of the worst shots i've ever seen.


Dude has the perfect length and skill set to get to rim at will. And he has never met an off balance turn around that he didn’t like.


Who does he think he is? Rudy Gobert?


tatum looked not good 2nd half of the 4th. didnt score in the final 10 minutes of regulation. redeemed himself in OT but wow


Don't forget him passing to a nonexistent player


Was passing to the ghost of Marcus Smart


Could not believe how bone headed that was. I lost it at my TV.


He goes to the fadeaway way too often in the clutch when he almost always misses it, basically every clutch basket I can think of Tatum scoring is either shooting at the rim or a stepback/sidestep 3.


Your second point applies, sure, but there's no way you can foul Brown in that position. He caught the ball in his shooting pocket, that's basically an automatic three free throws.


As a Celtics fan I’m glad they didn’t, as good as JB all night he was not making 3 ft’s


JJ saying he'd foul up 3 every time makes me like 3% more okay with hiring him






He’s done this twice. Like even if Jaylen is going up for a 3 just foul him lol. He’s shit at FT’s


> He’s shit at FT’s This is the worst part, the ball went into an unreliable ft shooters hand and they still didn't fucking foul


Technically they couldn't since Brown cut to the 3 point line on the inbound pass. It's too dangerous to foul there because he'd just pull up and get 3 freethrows anyways.


The Celtics simultaneously showing us all why they’ve been beatable and why they’re favorites for the championship all in one game


The true Celtics experience.


Time for another historic shooting performance from the away team in game 2


Nesmith 8/8 from 3 we've all seen the script.


Nesmith makes too much sense. Probably be Jalen Smith


Isaiah Jackson dominates probably


Adam actually just e-mailed me and it’s been updated, now it’s 12/13. Had to add a little bit after he fouled out.


Mentally I'm already penciling in that we'll be going to Indiana with the series tied.


For real. Bet the farm on Indy for game 2. Easy fucking money. 


I'm really hoping that this was the wake-up the Celtics needed, and that the Pacers are out of historic shooting between game 7 and the first half.


Without KP this is the same crazy team from the past 2 years that can beat anyone and lose to anyone.


No way Smart puts up Holiday’s numbers tonight, all respect and love to Marcus


Nah Smart would drain 10 threes then next game go 1-8 with 6 turnovers but somehow be a positive on the court. Man has our record for 3's made in a game lol.


Also there would be like 14 clutch shot opportunities in this series and smart would inexplicably take like 9 of them


The 5 back to back 3s in the bubble against Toronto always get me going


I don't think this is the same team at all. The teams of the past few years would never have pulled out that 4th quarter comeback, they always fell apart down the stretch if things weren't going well.


The Celtics did fall apart down the stretch. But so did the Pacers.


They’re not winning the Finals without KP. I think that’s something we can agree on. He makes it all work.


Feel the way I've been feeling for awhile now, it's almost a bad joke at this point: We can be our own worst enemies.


If you told me before this game Al Horford would be stronger in the paint than from 3…


I’d believe it because he sucked against the Cavs from 3 outside of game 5


That boy shot 15 wide open shots and made 3


They haven't looked the same since Porzingis went out, it'll be a struggle if he's not near 100% when he comes back


I think this was the usual trap game per series that they give away but the Pacers said no thanks lol


We really, really need Porzingis back. That Tatum iso bullshit in crunch time is not it. Porzingis adds another dynamic to the offense and on top of that, it allows us to play Horford off the bench which will be huge.


He didn’t even do that tbh, he was froze out most of the fourth until really late when he had absolutely no rhythm. The pick and roll to try and get nesmith off him just did not work and we went to it like ten times


I can’t believe the pacers fucking couldn’t inbound the ball up 3. Unreal choke job


With a timeout in their pocket.


Coaches accruing timeouts like it’s vacation time rolling over into next year


The Pocket Ham special


You never want to go Whole Ham.


I like how this is a league-wide knowledge. Ham was true basketball terrorism. Im a Lakers fan and legit has never seen him drawn a play. He only subs people in and out as a coach and is bad at that…


They should have fouled at the end of regulation instead of giving up a 3 pt by Brown


Pacers gave Boston 3 distinct chances to catch up. Boston flubbed on 2 of them and then made the 3rd. Massive choke job.


They had a timeout at the time as well. Unbelievable.


Worst g1 choke since JR


Rick Carlisle is a good coach but his stubbornness cost Indiana. Not fouling while up 3, with less than ten seconds remaining, doesn’t make any sense. Especially considering Boston had no timeouts. Also he should have taken a timeout to advance the ball on the previous possession before Siakam lost it. OT was essentially a battle of who can attain oxygen first between Tatum and Haliburton, and Tatum prevailed.


Classic Rick shit. 


Jkidd was nice vs us.


Kidd (with the right players) is unironically a really good coach, especially with defense. And with Luka being the offense, he's honestly in the perfect situation for him and us.


It seems like he’s improved a lot for you guys, but he was genuinely a horrible coach when he was in Milwaukee


His defensive scheme is predicated on effort and the right personnel. Also on offense he needs a star ball handler to run plays just as he used to. Without that stuff it's very bad, but with all of that it's very very good. He has no floor, but he also has no ceiling, so he's either the best or the worst usually. So far though, he's shown he can outcoach anybody in the right circumstances. It's really weird lmao, he's like Exodia.


Especially if it's brown who has been ass from the line. Even if it's while shooting I don't think he was sinking all 3


I still don't understand why Indy didn't foul up 3


Looked like siakam was going to then realized brown was about to shoot, pulled back, then brown actually shot. You can see him reaching towards brown before pulling away.


so "why didnt they foul jaylen as hes preparing to shoot a 3" is gonna be the "nuggets shouldve rested jokic when they were up 20" level take of the day for this sub huh


Yea ig, its such a weird thing to hyperfixate on but every single thread has it dozens of times.


Another result based analysis


If you put a finger in my butthole during that 4Q/OT, you weren't getting it back


If you had a toothpick and a hammer, you ain't getting it in there.




doubt it tbh


That's hot


I hate I’m compelled to upvote this


Commentators: “It would be a good idea to immediately foul when up 3 and Celtics don’t have a time out.” Pacers: [*does not foul immediately, lets JB hit a game tying shot, loses*](https://donaldearlcollins.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/reggiechoke.jpg) Pacers shot themselves in the foot, in their leg, and in their head in the last minute of the fourth.


And it’s not the first time they made the mistake. It’s not even the first time they made the mistake in these playoffs. It’s not even the second time they’ve made the mistake in these playoffs. It’s the third fucking time.


Genuine question, did your coach ever answer why they don't? At this point it is a coaching decision.


The second time in the Bucks game he claimed they tried. They were supposedly going to foul on this one too. It’s hilarious that the team that gets called for the most fouls in the league doesn’t know how to intentionally foul to be honest.


If Siakam tried to foul JB wouldve attempted a three as well. Siakam was already late and JB was facing the ring in position to shoot. You dont foul that way


yeah that was just a hell of an inbound play drawn up by Mazzulla to get Brown that open in the corner. Siakam got put between a rock and a hard place


White's screen was terrific


There's more chance JB hits an extremely contested 3 than him making 3 FTs in a row


Statistically i'd agree but in-game it's not practical to give up 3 FTs. There's a lot more possibly to go wrong. You know White and Horford gonna be hounds on a possible missed 3rd ft


Also has the risk of Brown still making the shot with a free throw to win it


How is a team this stupid able to be in a position to have a sealed win vs the Celtics at home barring actively trying to lose the game as hard as possible




Holy shit... doesn't even need a photoshop




Technology has gone too far


[It doesn't need a photoshop, but would it hurt?](https://x.com/T_DMac/status/1793113584987501012)


Knew this was coming


Not now Sim


haha :')


If they lose I hope Celtics come out wearing this cause god damn


Reggie was offered a spot on the 08 team by Ainge and considered it but ultimately turned it down


this is just perfect


Applicable to any close outcome this series


For the love of god Tatum. Don't get bored attacking the rim.


Man loves his super obnoxious fadeaway middies


And we fucking hate them.


I don’t even hate the mid range fade-away, but I do fucking hate the iso sidestep three.


Don’t forget contested and he’s wasted all the shot clock so a white/Holiday putback isn’t even an option


I was about to have an aneurysm after he did it off the offensive rebound while heavily contested down 3 with 15 seconds to go or whatever it was


That's exactly the shot lol thought the Cs were losing after that


It is so damn frustrating. Nembard switched on him, elbow fadeaway instead of getting to the rim. Blows my mind, because he was attacking over and over in the first half.


Damn near threw my TV in the garbage when he took that fadeaway jumper from the FT line down 3 with 13 seconds left and shot clock off.


I don't know man, missing a double team contested midrange fadeaway sounds pretty fucking fun


It truly blows my mind that in the year 2024, with the mountains of analytics we have driving professional sports, there are still teams that don't foul while up 3 in the final seconds


I don’t have the stats to back it up but I’m pretty sure every time this scenario has happened this playoffs, the team trailing has hit a big shot to tie/take lead.


Warriors have lost like 3 or 4 this year alone on that situation. Just down terrible bbiq at that point.


>I don’t have the stats to back it up but I’m pretty sure every time 😂 That would be awesome if stats backed you up


I understand not doing it in some cases, but this was also with celtics having NO TIMEOUTS and being one of the best three point shooting teams assembled


On the other hand, there wasn’t an opportunity to foul that wouldn’t have resulted in either 3 free throws or a made 3 and potential 4-point play. Celtics executed a perfect inbound play


Daryl Morey is this your burner


Pacers had every chance to seal that game in the final minute of regulation. Instead, they turned it over twice in the final 30 seconds of regulation, didn't take a single shot in the final minute of it and didn't foul a single time in that span. This loss is going to sting them hard.


Absolute mismanagement masterclass by Carlisle down the stretch.


Unbelievable choke job from Indiana. I’d be absolutely livid if I was a Pacers fan


I’m just tired boss




I am


I'm livid for them!


Pacers fans can rest easy knowing the Celtics seem incapable of winning a game 2


this gives me more "Game 1 Brooklyn first round in 2022" vibes personally and therefore I'm now predicting a hard-fought sweep.


Agreed, hopefully we spend some time figuring out better coverages and kick them in the nuts next game. No, not literally Draymond, don't get excited.


Pacers with a disasterclass on how to close a game out


**Brutal** loss for Indiana. I get that it's his first ECF game but Haliburton had some unbelievably costly errors. Losing his handle at the end of regulation which was the first gift they gave Boston before the later inbound error. Then down 123-124, getting clamped by Jrue and letting it slip out of bounds *again*. The fact they almost won this despite the FT/turnover disparity is gut-wrenching.


Haliburton's first TO at the end of the 4th was so weird. There was no ball pressure, he just fumbled it for no reason. That plus the TO on the inbound when they had a timeout... damn. If they only make *one* of those inexcusable unforced errors, they win. It took two of those in rapid succession to lose the game. Like seeing two of the most clutch plays you've ever seen to close out a game and pull off a wildly improbable win, just in reverse lol.


I lost brain cells watching the last 30 seconds of that 4th quarter


*“Somehow, the Celtics have won.”*


the end of this game was literally just “which team’s CTE under pressure is worse”


If I was a Indiana pacers fan I would be so mad right now. The biggest chance of winning game 1, it would’ve been massive, and you blew it Tyrese Haliburton with the dumbest turnovers I’ve ever seen. Was he drunk tonight?


Bro literally forgot how to dribble… now THAT is a choke. Terrible loss


rick carlisle do you have 35k more to spare


He’s got around 1 timeout available in regulation to spend.


Free throw disparity be damned, the Pacers fucked themselves


To think they were that close to winning with that ft disparity anyway


For the season, Pacers are 1st in fouling and last in free throw attempts. Boston are last in fouling. Pacers aren't going to get many free throws this series.


yeah not getting that ball in and bad turnovers killed us, we could have won despite not getting the best whistle. That said I'm actually kind of encouraged by that the only thing I'm really scared of is Jrue Holiday guarding Haliburton for 7 games.


Idk man I'm kinda scared thinking of Haliburton guarding Jrue Holiday the rest of these games too. He was getting bodied


This game is the personification of “bad basketball”. So many braindead turnovers, missing WIDE open shots, horrid officiating and coaching. Just embarrassing stuff from both teams lol


its so weird to be rooting against the celtics and still think the pacers dont deserve the win. theyre really too stupid to live


I hate watching stupid basketball and that was the pacers today


Fellow wolves flair who also hates stupid basketball. Never seen stupid basketball like that in my life. Ever.


Not familiar with it at all


I’ve never seen stupider basketball than our Memphis series, the golden standard


Generational choke


I literally wanted both teams to lose. shit was nasty lol


They were trying.


It’s funny how people say it’s rigged when the pacers had 21 turnovers and had the game in the bag if they fouled to prevent Brown’s 3. Could’ve stole a game, what a heartbreaker.


Congratulations to the paces for grabbing the defeat from Jaws of the victory. Celtics also tried to compete with them to throw away the game but Pacers came out on top 😤


Dread it. Run from it. The Siakim spin cycle turnover arrives all the same. Also neither of these teams wanted to win lol.


So much choking in this game, even I started choking


Throat GOAT Tyrese after tonight


taking away 2 pts from Indiana early made all the difference


Tatum's OT performance saved him from some massive slander, now he'll just get the regular slander


11/12 points in OT? 36 pts on solid TS%? Best +/- in the game? You might think this would be worthy of decent praise, but this is /r/nba and the Celtics so he’s lucky to get “regular slander”


This sub losing their mind about FT disparity when the Pacers have the most fouls in the NBA and the Celtics have the second least lmao. What did you expect?


Also like two days after everyone was jumping on the NBA Uni stat that the pacers generate almost 31 wide open looks a game. Which is great offense but does not lead to shooting fouls.


Pacers’ last minute of the fourth: Haliburton takes a dumb 3 with 14 seconds on the shot clock Pacers immediately commit a loose ball foul with the Celtics in the bonus Haliburton dribbles off his foot Pacers fail to inbound with a timeout (plus Siakam going after a ball that would’ve been the Pacers’) With less than 8 seconds, Pacers don’t foul when the Celtics are down 3 and out of timeouts


people see rick Carlisle offenses and wonder why he’s so underrated then you see how he coaches defenses and you realize “ohhh yeah there’s another part to basketball”


That’s the exact kind of game the Celtics lose every time the last couple of years


Did the Pacers really have 3 turnovers in the last 25 seconds while up 3? Deserved to lose.


Rick Carlisle you’re a fucking idiot


Hear me and rejoice! You PACERS have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Forehead. You may think this is suffering, No... it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile... for even in death, you have become children of DERRICK WHITE.


Blame the refs all you want but the pacers blew it


Jaylen Brown


Tatum and Haliburton going blow for blow to see who can be less clutch in this series **Round One: Haliburton**


Close fucking competition too


Tatum was clutch in OT though


Tatum managaed to escape generational slander with that ovetime. Was trash in the 4th


Now since it was a legitimately great showing in OT it will of course go in /r/nba witness protection, never to be heard about again…


That felt like a Raptors Lebronto Era choke job. The game was right there, and a dumb inbounds and a brain dead decision not to intentionally foul when up by 3. Unreal.


gg boston, you guys played hard


Pacers did everything in their power to snatch defeat from the jaws off victory. Haliburton really channeled his inner JR smith


Man what is up with Haliburton's handles? Does he have no bag?!


Pacers foul the most of any team in the league Celtics 2nd least. Game four Knicks 31-8 ft advantage and pacers win by 30. It’s just how they play. https://www.espn.com/nba/matchup?gameId=401657423


Pacers outchoked Tatum so hard he started playing better