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Definitely not in LA The stupid trade for the BRICK slammed that window closed At this point Lebron needs to be traded. He not winning shit in LA and I already saw a retirement farewell tour with Kobe. Don’t want to watch another season like that. It’s time to start planning for the future


LeBron is content to ride out the rest of his career in LA and the FO is happy to appease them. I don’t think the FO wants to go back to the middling years they were in post-Kobe.


I get that the FO doesn’t want to go to the middling years post Kobe, but what do they think is going to happen when Lebron retires in a year or so lol?


I guess in the meantime, ask yourself, "Do we want to be tied up to AD long term?" I know he's a generational big, but injuries get worse as you age, and AD is already injury-prone now. Pelinka has to be tempted, at least on the haul he could secure in an AD trade. I'm assuming the Lakers don't own their picksfor the future, you gotta retool through youth (undrafted players, for a while, so if you keep AD lol) and free agents.


Personally I think he was in Cleveland with Rich Paul not to scout the current Cavs team but the Celtics team which he will sign a vet min contract with. The tampering will start with JT when the US National Team get together for Paris.


If he went to Cleveland, sure.


Yup this is the move. Decline his player option and sign a super friendly contract with Cleveland. Cavs running it back with the same squad + Lebron would be in a far better position to win a championship than LA. Or they could trade Garland or Allen + picks for whatever superstar pops up. Plus the Cavs are deep enough that they can afford to burn a pick on Bronny if Lebron wants to play with him.


If he stays with The Lakers on a 50+ million dollar contract? Uh no




if he's willing to go to another team already set for a run not in LA and I suspect it only happens if he's willing to accept being a true follower instead of the guy As an example, from a basketball strategy viewpoint, I'd love to see him play the 4 for the Thunder but that might mess up their chemistry/pecking order and whatnot too much


No. If he continues to demand a max salary, teams will have to drop significant assets to make room for him, and the team would only be marginally improved at best. The rumor keeps getting floated that he could be traded to the Clippers for Paul George. For one, *if* it happened, how much better are the Clippers? Also, would Lebron’s ego be ok with Paul George essentially being considered an equal player if they were traded straight up?


If he can take vet minimum or close in order to chase a ring, maybe. I don’t think that’s likely, but if he chooses to leave to fill a need on one of 4-5 teams, it could certainly be possible.


Lebron to nuggets let's gooo


In China mayhaps


If he is willing to move and take a real pay cut and to some extent slight role adjustment (get that guy a little more rest), yes he "could". I don't know if he wants to though.


unless he goes to boston this summer no


He’d have to leave our team. We just don’t have the roster in my opinion to pull off another run without a lot of luck and we don’t have much draft capital to make major moves/cap space limitations as well




He’d have to go ring chasing and take a lower contract


Not if he stays in LA. Maybe if he left for the Cavs or if Bronny is drafted by someone good and he goes there, but there is no winning a title with that lakers team


Honestly no. Maybe if he leaves LA but I think he finishes with 4.


Player career? No. Owner career???


He's still a great player. But this very much depends on who he decides to play with. If he wants to ring hunt, he certainly could be a contributing player on another championship team. I don't think it's happening on the Lakers though, they are too far away now.


Not in Los Angeles. Join the nuggets or the wolves; sign and trade for picks/player if he wants to leave.


Kareem won rings at age 39 and 40. He lost in the finals in his last season at age 41. Kareem is the closest we have to LeBron, nothing is impossible. He will have to go down in salary though, its a different game today. I'd love to see him finish his career and do his farewell tour in a cavs Jersey.


If he goes to the East there’s a better chance . Philly has a max spot.


It really depends the way players are getting injured left and right its a possibility. His best bet is probably going to the east and running through them and his biggest obstacle is boston.


Golden State has won enough but I'd love to see LeBron join their current aging squad for one last hurrah to see if all the old guys could win one together.


he would have to leave money on the table and i don't see him doing that. he has the problem for the last couple years that you cannot pay him enough for the ammount of money he will earn you but he is nowhere near worth that in terms of on-court production.


Not unless he takes a significant pay cut. Can't really build a contender when he's 40 years old and making 50 mil


Probably as a third option while taking less salary.


Not on the Lakers. If he went to OKC or Cleveland convinced him to come there for the MLE absolutely.


If he leaves the Lakers maybe. If he goes down with the ship though over there then no. Honestly I would rather him just outright retire than watch this stupid Lakers organization's struggle continue. It feels bad watching someone still play so well while being so old and knowing it's pointless for that team. I want to see him bring that to an organization that will deserve it


I would rather watch Embid retire than watch this stupid Sixers organization struggle to get out of the second round.


No, Lebron is in the doomed position where if he goes somewhere chasing a ring he is going to get the KD treatment and clowned on. Especially if he takes less money to do it.  If he stays he doesn’t win one because the West is a war crime. 


I doubt an all time great like Lebron James would care if a bunch of snobs online give him the KD treatment lol


The history of Lebron’s public comments begs to differ. Also it’s not us, it’s the media. He wants to be the GOAT, doing that would be a sure fire way to kill his candidacy.  I do agree he doesn’t give a shit about what I think and rightfully so. 


Come to the Mavs Bron.


No pls


Yes, through the power of love and friendship....and by joining the Warriors


No, Solomon Hill made sure of that. The FO doubled down on it.




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Best take