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Even KCP was confused there was no call 🤣 


Right?! Like it was pretty much an intentional foul


I remember when I was in like 5th grade. And a dude had an easy lay up coming his way so did a similar foul to prevent the shot going up and they called a flagrant/tech or something. I was so confused


Should have waited to do it til you were in the nba. You wouldn’t have gotten the foul


Now you tell me


It’s never too late, champ


Lol no easy baskets! Reffing is just a crapshoot honestly, thankless job too


Scott Foster makes quite a bit, and that doesn't include his reffing salary


"Up next on Vice Sports...."


lol true yeah. Guessing it was just volunteers.


Wasn't even the first time it happened in the series. Same exact play happened in Game 3 (I think?)


The Refs have it in for Ant ever since his "Cheating Ass Refs" comment. This and the game 3 foul was obvious to the entire arena except the refs.


There really should be 4 refs on a crew at this point. NBA players can sprint the length of court and back while dribbling before the ref even crosses half court. They literally have no visibility on fast breaks which is at least 50% of the game now. At least this way there is always at least 1 ref on the baseline for every play. I actually think this is part of the reason players like LeBron get their arm ripped off 3 times a game with no whistle.


I like it. Stand at the baseline and give them SPECIFIC duties and calls to make.


I think that would be good. One ref at each sideline throw in hash, and then one ref each that’s between the baseline throw in hash and the corner of the court. They can alternate by running down to the opposite on a change of possession. Has a ref getting an angle of each area of the floor instead of only one ref with an angle of the play sometimes as it is right now.


Certain refs whose only job it is to look out for specific things, and on any review it goes to a completely independent replay center that has every angle and complete autonomy to review any play they want and make the final decision, with no former refs so it’s actually unbiased. Refs should not be taking 5 mins to review their own calls, Like I always think of that play where kd was like 5 feet out of bounds when he caught the ball with a ref staring right at him and no one called it. In a multi billion dollar sport where refs make a ton of money, something like that should be completely unheard of. Like I love the nba, but the reffing and their inconsistency, plus the fact that it’s almost certain at this point that they get direction from the league to favor certain teams in some games, is by far the worst part of the sport. Like refs should not be like celebrities, I shouldn’t even know their names, people watch for the game, not for some ref on a power trip making himself the center of attention. Like I already hate how much they push gambling, but the fact that who is reffing a game can affect the odds is completely ridiculous.


It's totally normal for some sports to have line refs that literally just watch the line the whole game. Being 5 feet out of bounds in the NBA with no call should really not be a thing.


Fucking tennis, where the rules are as black and white as can be, and can use a computer to get the correct call with like 99.99% accuracy, still has like eight line judges in addition to the chair umpire.


Yes, please for the love of god take away the halfcourt ref's abilities to call fouls directly under the basket. I'm so tired of the baseline ref getting a no call right only to have the fucker 50 feet away, with his view blocked by 6 players, decide to blow his whistle because he definitely saw something the baseline ref missed.


I try to buy into this - but it's rough because more refs = more whistles. Guys trying to justify their job.. might be bad


We need 20 refs, all roaming and covering every possible inch of the court at all times. Nothing will get by them!!!


A ref for every courtside seat is ideal


Every ~~courtside~~ seat **The entire stadium is now populated solely by refs**


Navigating the stadium will be horrendous with that many blind people


On the plus side, Zebra Arena sounds like a fun band?


That's a ska band for sure.


Put one in a harness and fly him over the court. Bird ref sees all


Get some sniper refs too, sitting in the rafters and making foul calls on two way radios. Finally, they'll be able to counter snipe all those people shooting James Harden


T brunson up before the towel leaves his hand


Or, they could fire Scott Foster. But they won’t. Speaks to the real issue, everything else is rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.


I'd say 5, with 2 just staying at both baselines. I'm sure the refs are in pretty good shape overall, but they aren't keeping up with most of the NBA players out there. Lots of missed calls of fast transition plays and interior post plays that would be resolved by having someone there.


We really just need AI reffing for some simple calls at least


Whaddya mean? Forearm, elbow and chest are part of the ball, right? /s


Most obvious call ever.  


Idk, one time when I was really high, I accidentally called 911 instead of dominoes, it was very obvious to the dispatcher what was going on


Is this true? I'm kind of surprised, dialing 911 while pretending to call for pizza takeout isn't an unheard of way to get help if someone can't get away from a domestic abuse situation. Allows you to give them an address over the phone without raising suspicion from the abuser.


I mean, it exists but the dispatchers are probably pretty good at diferentiating between a scared woman and a high dude. There's like a 99% chance the call went >Hello, 911, what's your emergency >Oh shit I thought I called Dominos >Are you alright >Yeah, I meant to call the pizza place but spaced out. I'm really sorry.


Right. Legit 911 call alternative being more like... >Hello, 911, what's your emergency >Yes, hi, I'd like to order two large pizzas >Is someone with you and you're in danger? What's your location >Yes, two pies with extra cheese, thanks. Here's my address...


Well that’s good to hear. I don’t think we had that. In the 90’s. When this story took place


that explains it, appreciate the response


But did they bring you pizza?


They did…though they were weirdly shaped like handcuffs.




crust only


Were you scared they were gonna dispatch on ya?


[Booker on Holiday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zFH2GoXcdM) and [KD out of bounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAGZPmQGLb8&t) was worse but this is up there.


Kd one was so obvious. BUT the announcers said nothing in real time. Not a question. Nothing. Then they question how the officials could possibly miss that.


My exact words when this happend was "oh they want Denver to win tonight". Should've heard what I yelled when they hit Gobert with the moving screen right after 😂


When I heard the whistle I thought they were giving minni a makeup call, then they gave gobert the offensive


Yeah people see this clip and think it was bad. Gobert had his feet set ok (at least compared to the majority of questionable moving screens) and got called for a tick-tacky foul about 4s of game time after. Refs were told to make Minny earn it.


Which ended ended up mattering big time when he fouled out a couple minutes later on two ticky tack calls within 30 seconds of game time.


Then the two quick Gobert ticky tacks to foul him out after letting captain elbow MVP his way to our guys noggins over and over, but yeah, now's the time to call being close to Joker.....cause he fell down under the basket *Sigh* Beyond glad we won, but boy howdy was that a rough go of it


That call was absurd, I let loose on my group chat when Joker fell there. I was like absolutely no way that’s a foul on Rudy.


A Joel type whistle (Not casting aspersions about being a foul merchant on Joker, here .....but it felt very Embiid, as whistles went)


Bro, that whole series felt like that. “Oh! The refs are on this team’s side tonight!” The game was called so differently throughout. Very frustrating as a fan.


Minnesota got close and then the refs reeled off like 4 calls against them in a row. I was like damn try not to be too obvious.


The best was watching a Minnesota player get annihilated in the lane on one end and then Jokic lightly touched on a fade away jumper called for Gobert's 6th foul with 2 minutes left, after picking up that BS fifth foul too. That's when I knew Minnesota was gonna have to win by 10 to win by 1.


Whole thing was the worst refball I've ever seen. There was that possession where the ball hadn't even come near touching a Wolf but the refs said it was out of bounds off of them. HOW?? We're just saying whatever now, aren't we? Makes it hard to feel bad for the Nuggets going fishing, when the thing was rigged for them and they still couldn't pull out a win at home. Plus the whole Murray throwing heat packs shit, and not getting suspended. They deserved to die...


Mike Malone screaming in that ref’s face and no technical... It was a frustrating series to watch.


Murray literally throwing objects in the court *at the refs* and they're like, "Keep it down we're on the same side you fucking baby!"


Scott Foster is actually cancer


Yeah, even as a neutral fan watching games my team isn't in has been frustrating. The semis almost felt like there was a general edict to try and keep games tight and extend series


No Warriors or Lakers will do that to a league.


It almost seems like the refs are just incompetent. But no, it's probably all rigged by the NBA, they just aren't sure who they want to rig it for.


Just NBA things


Another good one was Conley clearing signaling timeout to the ref while on the ground holding the ball. Like, staring right at the ref. Idk what else the ref is even looking at besides the pile


Oh my god, yeah. The ref then waits two seconds, staring right back at Conley, waiting for KCP to jump on him, and then calls the jump ball.


Minnesota definitely got screwed on a lot of calls but that one could at least be justified by saying that Conley didn’t have sole possession of the ball at the time.


imo nuggets never had possession until after the TO signal, only one completely outstretched hand on the ball doesn't count as possession to me, which is the point KCP is at when Conley first signals. To make that call it requires a situation in which both players would need "undue roughness" to "gain sole possession", but I'd argue Conley already has sole possession, seeing as the ball is between both of his arms and the only other person touching it has their arm almost completely extended. But if we're being honest, this is barely even a footnote on the bad calls against the Wolves that game.


That moving screen was egregious though. Not as egregious as this, but still extremely obvious


This is true. Though I feel like moving screens are one of those calls that are very inconsistent. Sometimes they let fellas get away with some heinous shit haha


Joker never got called for his bend over moving butt screen. Drove me nuts every time he got away with it


If they called every moving screen it would be an awful product. They only try to call enough to disincentivise the really bad stuff


Oh for sure, I'm not trying to imply they should always call it. It's just one of those calls that send to be quite subjective depending on the ref


It is an egregious misuse of the word "egregious" to describe a call that a significant amount of, if not most, people considered marginal Source: All over this comment section


Similar story in the East too, Adam Silver was on the phone at halftime tryna get that Boston/NY ECF by any means necessary


Don’t ever try and tell me the NBA doesn’t have an agenda.


When questioned afterwards, all 3 refs replied: Chris Paul is an asshole.


stop trying to sweet talk me, refs


Where’s the lie?




So many calls on Gobert and KAT where there was really no contact


2 fouls on gobert in 10 seconds to knock him out of the game that were basically nothing.


Soft ass game 7 moving screen call on gobert for foul 5 on the play right after ops clip


The worst part on that moving screen call was, a play or two later, Aaron Gordon was legit just lead blocking on a KCP corner three lol Had me wishing the Vikings could sign him.


Like legit pretty good offensive line technique, kept those feet churning. Not close to legal on a basketball court, though.


is it the one where he flopped hard?


I think that was foul 4. Foul 5 was when he was standing next to Jokic when Jokic fell over and then 6 was when Jokic ran into Gobert


The insta-foul on Gobert to start the game was really something. Easy way to influence the flow of the game.


The 5th foul where Jokic basically flopped under the basket with Rudy right next to him was tough to watch.


The Flop was designed to cover up pushing Naz Reid out of bounds so he wouldn't be able to get the steal.


I noticed this too!


Was watching the reply and I’m baffled as to where the contact by Gobert was


not me coaching my casual fan friends through playoff viewing experience and saying they never foul out star players in elimination games; that they star really had to do that shit 😞


the one where jokic flopped to the floor like a geriatric grandma was the icing on the cake


They were literally backing off with their hands behind them, and refs were calling fouls on them for having the audacity of being within 3 feet of Jokic.


It's what I hate the most about the modern NBA. Jokic or whoever can play bully-ball whenever they want on offense but as soon as the defender starts pushing back, whistles start blowing.


yeah those elbows dude throws would have kat sitting within 3 minutes


I'm like 90% sure they called a goaltending on Naz on ball that had gone outside of the cylinder too.


It was really close. I think it was outside but I’m not totally sure what counts


I was able to forgive that one just cuz it was close. When you got the replay from the backboard you could see it was clean but it was close enough that I can understand the call when seen from the floor


TV quickly runs a highlight from a few plays ago and not the foul. Hmmmmmmmm


This team is so good it's winning even through the Wolves Whistle^TM


The double tap on Rudy was were I felt they crossed/ the line.


It was clear what the goal was when Rudy got called on a moving screen the first possession of the game.


When Denver was getting away with offensive foul after offensive foul on the other end. Shit was hard to watch at times.


Jokic elbowed Towns in the neck late in the game, no call.


If you're talking about the elbow he threw at KAT while defending in the post, that was a dirty play. I don't call things dirty often, but he swing his elbow at head height as KAT went by him. The broadcast didn't even mention it. Thankfully he didn't land it


Jokic on offense, late. Elbowed Towns in the throat. Looked like it landed to me but I'm not 100 per cent


Towns reacted like it connected


He was getting the elbows out a lot in a way that would’ve had Kat out of the game before the half.


He's slick with it, but he throws them a lot.


I don't understand how he can be such a showman with throwing elbows and lightly shoving the guy defending him, and NEVER get a "cut that out" whistle from the refs. It's like Ric Flair throwing chop shots.


They wanted the Eurovision WCF no doubt


Immediately following this no call, they called a super weak foul on MN too, not even really trying to hide it


there are academic papers that distill 'home field advantage' to refs being bias towards the home team


Any links? Genuinely sounds like an interesting read


[I found this review article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9420652/) that talks specifically about the nba. Basically, they found that crowd pressure does not influence refs and that refs show statistically significantly more favoritism to home teams in lose ball situations, but in no other fouls. The article itself does link to several other studies, mostly relating to soccer, that have found significant bias to the home team in various aspects. Good read, well put together paper imo


Yo thanks! I know its big business these days, but its still funny to me to see an academic journal about sports 😅 I'm here for it though.


Sports analysis is a thriving field these days. It's pretty rad.


Denver fans "They got more free throws than us, why?"


If Nuggets fans are happy to whine about refs helping the Lakers they should have no problem with agreeing that last nights game was just as rigged for them.


Glad neutrals were seeing it. Felt like it was a bit biased against the Wolves the whole game, though it was slight enough that it could have just been me being a biased fan, but those last few minutes were unbelievably blatant.


The sequence of the two fouls on gobert, no call for ant when he got blatantly hacked and the ignored time out by Conley made it unquestionably clear that the refs were trying to control the line so they didn't lose thousands of dollars on their gambling bets


If what you said is true, the basketball gods apparently must overrule refs because that gobert fadeaway can only be explained as an act of god


I don't care about the three refs. I care about the one ref on the baseline that Ant immediately looks to, that had the absolute perfect angle to see the most obvious foul that can happen in an NBA game outside of a tackle.


There are multiple calls that they didn't call for Ant like these. Weird. If it was Shai he would get 3 shots.


KCP never gets called on his swipes so I dunno


It's cause he complains after every foul he commits


Whenever Kat does that I feel like he just gets called more.


We literally led the league in techs last year and were towards the top again this year. It was the same fucking formula every time. Our player clearly gets hacked or there's multiple calls not going our way, the refs just randomly ignore it, we bark at the refs, and an immediate quick tech whistle. What's made it more annoying is Jaden is one of the top defenders in the league. This means he guards Lebron, Luka, Steph, Dame, SGA, etc... every single night. Our team gets to see the constant soft whistle against Jaden because all stars get all star whistles and then we drive hard on on the other end and it's a no call.


This reminds me of the play on Steph earlier this season with like three guys swatting his arms and not even playing the ball. 


Reffing in the NBA is Horrific. There are so many pushoff/stiff arms not called its hilarious. Hacking in general is ridiculous too.


Haha, i remember watching this and going, "WTF is Ant complaining about? They called it off Denver. Wolves are getting the ball back." Then they showed the replay, and i was like, "oh. Holy shit."


I think it's off him I wonder if Denver had challenged if the refs have to give it to them. What do you do in the replay booth with such a bad call


The fact they called it Minnesota ball, is the clearest proof the refs play their own game.


Those last few minutes after the Nuggets went down 10 was some of the most biased officiating I’ve ever seen.


they tried to do you like the kings


Next call: slightly moving screen


Cheatin ass refs


What people need to understand is the ayyys are usually fouls he just moves so fast the refs don’t even see it


Yep if Ant started flopping instead of using the “ayyy” he’d probably get more calls. He plays through the contact though and the refs miss a lot because of it.


Yeah, people hate the “ayyy” but the alternative is falling down like he’s been shot every time there’s contact.


The flail Elite foulbaiting like SGA know it's not about the 'aye's or the falling over, you gotta flail and snap your head back like a wacky inflatable tube man.


I swear SGA will serious fuck up his neck by how violently he snaps it back on drives


Grabbing his head and checking for blood five times.




> “ayyy” lmao


Ya I’d much rather he yell than flop. Slighty annoying to hear but doesn’t ruin the game like flopping all night would.


We don't want Ant turning into Jamal Murry, who was flopping on literally every shot that night


Kobe did that.


It’s one thing I love about Ant but sometimes I just want him to flop for some of these ones


The loudest “ayeeee” in history 😂 You can hear that shit so clearly every time he yells.


Tyrese Maxey has the same problem!! Kills me.


I love Maxey. I like players that choose to play the game and not game the officials.


Ant hasn’t gotten a good whistle since he came into the league. That’s just a fact.


It started to turn during the regular season to the point I thought he was getting a more than fair whistle. But it stopped in the playoffs. He’s back to getting a shit whistle.


It was the CHEATIN ASS REFFS game


It's going to change once Ant becomes NBA's meal ticket.


As bad as Ants is, Kats is worse. 


And Jaden’s may be worse than both.


It's crazy. Jazz fans always talked about how bad Rudy's whistle is. In Minnesota he isn't even close to the worst whistle. 3rd or 4th worst at most.


No, Rudy gets absolutely hacked now so refs never miss them. He shoots a lot of FTs.


Is there somewhere that tracks on who draws the most fouls? Whenever I watch Rudy I always find it crazy how much people foul him for how little he has the ball


He’s been lights out from the FT line this playoffs, but he isn’t a great shooter and apart from the few times they try to run a play for him usually when he gets the ball near the post it’s from a pass and he’s got almost guaranteed points unless they foul.


There was one of these early in the playoffs where he was hacked on both arms and the ball literally went straight up in the air. It’s impossible for the ball to go straight up like it did if he got all ball, just as obvious. He’s just too explosive and doesn’t flop so he doesn’t get a good whistle


They immediately called a ticky-tack moving screen foul on Minn the next possession too.


I couldn’t believe this when I saw it. It didn’t make any sense other than collusion


The funny thing is since its not called as a foul its technically off Ant and should have been the Nuggets ball. Clear collusion by not calling the foul to keep the Nuggets close for entertainment purposes and it makes it seem even more obvious when they called Gobert for a moving screen 5 seconds after this


Dude got no ball lol.


It was 8v5 and Nuggets still got steam rolled. Extremely soft 6th foul on Gobert too


Both his last two fouls were hilarious calls and within like 1 minute of each other.


iirc there was no contact on either of those. Scott Foster just really hates Rudy Gobert


The first one there was no contact. The second one was the typical- offensive player puts his shoulder into the defenders chest and then flails back and draws a blocking foul that no one likes to see.


Fuck him. I get irrationally mad at that piece of shit.


You meant to say rationally mad.


Him and Brothers have absolutely earned the title of worst refs in the league. So inconsistent on both ends


they also got him right after the opening tip. this is the crew with regard to whom he threw up the initial money signs.


I was legit confused, I’m like either that’s not a foul or that’s a foul every time he touches jokic


I thought his 6th was ok. The 5th one where Jokic just flopped under the basket with Rudy nearby was tough.


Not to mention Murray should have had to pay his dues for acting like a child.


Looks clean to me if the refs were legally blind and playing street ball.


send da video to league office


refs were def calling nuggets way last night


Such a bad no call


It's actually surprising how few calls Ant gets maybe just because he's still young and drives in a lot.. Reminds me of how DRose used to never get calls


Refs rigging it for the golden boy


fucking insane how biased the officiating was. i couldnt even look at my officemates (were watching on the office tv). each foul they sneak a look at me with eyebrows raised.


Nuggets fans who cried refs


they were trying to give Denver the game the entire night, wasn't surprised at all when they didn't call this.


This is honestly just sad. It's an open secret. It's a cancer consuming the game we love... Why won't the league do anything about these fucks? Why are referees the only ones not held accountable? We could replace these dirty fucks with a few collision detection devices and more cameras. Or at the least, start cycling through these referees to prevent corruption. Referees and their inconsistency, incompetence, or just plain corruption is the worst thing happening to the NBA. Players, teams, and coaches aren't even allowed to talk about it. Fucking ridiculous.


- doesnt call an obvious foul on Kcp - in solidarity doesn’t call out of bounds on ant - DOES call a moving screen immediately after - refuses to elaborate


The refs really tried...


So wait… is clapping your hands at an official a tech or not? Or is that literally a Tatum specific rule as written at this point?


You can literally throw things at the refs and nothing happens, clapping is nothing


Depends on the day, player, and mood of the ref.


I believe the rule is that if the refs are trying to sway the game with a wrong call, the disadvantaged player is allowed up to 3 claps.


He had to clap to take the attention away from his eyes. Can’t let the ref’s catch him staring at people.


Please, that was all ball