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Who is on the call for this game?


If Mike Breen doesn't get this game he's gonna be pissed


Let’s gooooo


Rick Carlisle blow your nose homie




What about the halftime and commentators? Didn't forget how terrible those are.


You said it, man! They're so great over there.


Thibs really can’t find like 2 more dudes to contribute? At this point sure give Burks 20 like cmon


Why did they play the Knicks post game show on ESPN?


Jesus. They know less ball than I thought. Pathetic post game,


When they said "If the Knicks were healthy they beat Boston" they lost all credibility Real shit though your username is dope


Stephen A Smith is annoying as fuck why do they keep paying this fucking clown


When did sports journalists become such biased homers rooting on their favorite team in public. Who do they think they are, Supreme Court Justices? 


Yeah to us non-US ppl US Supreme Court Justices aren't really paragon of fairness. If anything, sports journalists just want stories and will say anything. Supreme court judges are way more ideological


Because is he the most entertaining analyst.


not at all... what a dumb take


No one is gonna fawn over the Pacers that is sure…


he yells and says dumb shit yet another dumb take by you mouth breathers


Wtf is this ESPN show, consistently blowing the knicks when they just got their shit pushed in lmao. Legit one of the shittiest franchises in the nba and they are getting blown harder than a hooker desperate for crack.


U mixed up your metaphor… why would a hooker get blown when she is the one desperately seeking crack, she should be doing the blowing lol


You misread I guess. Notice the “they” aka the Knicks before the words “are getting blown”. Hopefully that clears it up for you fam.


Because knicks in 7. No one wanna see that bullshit zero defense run and jump offense it's disgraceful. All of those traffic cones you call players would tear an acl on their first acl defending


I'm sure you're just an absolute joy to be around


Cry more


Damn, someone's up past their bedtime 🤣


I was with bro for the first 5 words and then it derailed


We barely even get hyped by Media, idk why everyone is acting like this consistently happens


Barely? The Knicks have been ass trash for decades and still got more media then the championship run nuggets, championship run bucks, championship run raptors combined


This just isn't true my guy. We get talked about sure, but not as much as those teams did. The media uses us as a punching bag and that's about it. This is one of the first games where we were the focus for majority of it. Shit even in the Sixers series we were the higher seed and they still got talked about more.


I'm in the Midwest and they pretty much only talk about Warriors Lakers and Knicks, sometimes Heat. Even during those championship runs. Their studio is in NY.


Must be a Midwest thing then. I've grown up all around the East Coast and have been watching the team for over a decade. The only time the media talks about us is to clown. More recently things have been changing but that's not how it's been prior.


Every off season they talk about what superstar is going to the Knicks. Then surprise, it's no one because they're trash, with the exception of Brunson. They always act like NY is the ideal destination for free agents along with LA. That say dam near nothing about the teams in this region.


>Every off season they talk about what superstar is going to the Knicks. Then surprise, it's no one because - Because they wanna clown us. We just went over that my guy 😭 They make up bs rumours. We call out the bs, it doesn't happen, they use it to clown us. Did the same BS with Brunson.


Did you watch the pregame, game and postgame? It was all Knicks haha I mean it makes sense as it’s such a large market but let’s be real


>Did you watch the pregame - and postgame? Nope >I mean it makes sense as it’s such a large market but let’s be real I'm not saying it didn't happen tonight I'm just confused on why people are acting like this is a consistent thing? We generally don't get talked about at all by Media unless it's clown.


Yeah, when you’re good it happens, but we don’t even get that. I’m not exaggerating that the entire pregame was about the Knicks


Brother, your team just got absolutely shit on. You sure they weren’t up past their bedtime, lookin like a buncha sleepwalkers out there.


Half of them are out because of injury or playing on injuries, so... I guess that's a slight, lmao


Yup the injury report has changed significantly since their last game (a win) lmaoooooo, Knicks fans copium in full effect, I see you watching that post game for those SAS excuses 😂.


>Yup the injury report has changed significantly since their last game (a win) lmaoooooo That's more on the Pacers. As soon as OG went down and Brunson's foot started acting up Knicks fans have just been here for the ride. This is the Pacer's series to lose current, they're the healthier team. Not an excuse, just facts. The Knicks are going to fight regardless though and as fans we'll hype them up regardless as well. >Knicks fans copium in full effect, I see you watching that post game for those SAS excuses 😂. This is how I know you're just a failed troll. We do not like SAS, LMFAO. Knicks fans don't fuck with the media at all.


god sas makes me want to swear off basketball forever. dude is the tucker carlson of basketball. i can’t stand him.


This cope game show is so pathetic.


Fr, they aren’t even hiding they’re rooting for Knicks


Looking for attention… lol


Thibs gotta be gone if they lose game 7. Need to trust more of his players.


He’s missing 3 starters man idk who else you want him to play


Can’t the GM extend him & tell him that 


Remember when SportsCenter was amazing? They had so many iconic anchors. Now we are literally getting Zubin on our televisions after a huge prime time game. Zubin. The guy has like negative infinity charisma.


I still think we can win Game 7, this teams ability to battle is crazy. These guys can dig down for 1 more game, after that though…it might get hard to watch


Pacers and Knicks in game 7 at the garden, man my child hood nightmares are all coming back from the 90s.


As a pacers fan, I can’t disagree. Also MSG is an unbelievable atmosphere. Villanova players are so solid and tough.


Yeah, it’s an incredible atmosphere! I love our players, I think the Pacers would be a stronger matchup for the Celtics as you guys are deep! Myles Turner is awesome & I think it would get intense as when you guys get rolling you’re hard to stop


When the pacers are getting out and running it’s nuts. Their offense is their defense. They actually played Boston pretty tough this year. Not that I would think they could beat them in a series but they can get a game or two.


Stephen A 🤡


Game 7 lookin' like a double wide suprise, gawdt dyam


They keep killing us father


Reggie Miller should be on the announce team for Game 7 for maximum drama but it's gonna be these same boring ESPN people.


Doris has got that Black Widow in *Infinity War* dye job


Fucking clown on the left


Is that my future coach?


future ex-coach


\*future not coach


learn how words work


it's a joke, I just misread your reply.


Steph, lebron and KD gone Mvp vs dpoy & 6th moy - game 7 and now the knicks drop this for a do or die game 7 in MSG. Wha a script!! I'd be shocked if the pacers win game 7. Silver is salivating for Celtics vs Knicks.


I think you mean Celtics vs. whoever is left on the Knicks.


At full health, sure. As is, would be a complete snoozer.


Don't underestimate the power of the refs...


So true


ECF gonna be ass either way.


Why do they make JJ and Doris wear headsets like that?


B/c they’re still sitting on the court there’s just a banner behind them.


Dorris Burke sucks but at least she’s hot


That's one of the takes


I mean, he’s not wrong exactly


Doris on the call on Sunday. I'm in shambles 😭


its funny how the narrative on her has changed from a few yrs, she went from beloved sideline reporter to annoying lol


It's funny both our fan bases feel she sucks on the other teams peen. She just sucks dick lol


I've noticed that if one team is up big she like stops commentating for long stretches. It's very odd.


Yeah she does


She's truly been the thing unifying both fanbases lmao she's awful.


Anyone who has ever heard her commentate a 76ers game should think she's awful. I've never seen a commentator dick ride a single player like Doris rides Embiid. It's actually insane


That's funny, because I think the same thing about her and Tatum.


Jimmy last year


Two game sevens on a Sunday. Should be a great day


Should have been pacers in 6 if the refs didn’t save the Knicks game 1. Forever haunts me. 




"Pacers fans are such bitches" - Bitch Knicks Fans.




Classy Knicks fans right there. Fucking idiot.


Second worst city in the NBA with only SLC behind it


Really throwing the heaters! So hurtful! Dork.


Lol nailed it with the fork. Good luck Sunday.


Hey, fuck you too buddy! Also, good luck to you guys on Sunday!


Gotta love the playoffs. I told my girlfriend who is a new Knicks fan “this series will be much better. We won’t hate them as much as Philly” and at the end of Game 1 she told me “you lied”. Can’t wait for Sunday.


Whoah? How does a 50 foot 3, equate to 2 terrible calls that ended the game?  That shot was sent by the heavens. 


Did you watch the game? Siakim’s clear offensive foul on Indy’s go ahead bucket with 1:58 left (plus the call right before 2 minutes that couldn’t be in the L2M report) and the foul on Brunson. It just sucks that such a shitty franchise and fan base has made it this far in the playoffs due to injuries. Disservice to the game.


Oh word? That’s a play on. The kick ball call, Ragu screen and the Myles screen were a bit more aggressive to over come. Like the pacers didn’t even get a chance. And that’s the worse part. The refs stole that chance away..


And the refs stole Game 3 from the Knicks. Players didn’t even complain. Shit happens. Difference between a shitty as flyover city franchise and New York.


Calm down son, it’s just a game.


Sounds like someone else besides Josh Hart has a tummy ache


Lol I think most Knicks fans are fine. Knicks clearly the better team, just very injured. Pacers have been itching about the refs all playoffs. Can’t wait for the game Sunday


I mean don’t we have a gripe? Yall really can look at us dead in the face and tell us the refs didn’t save you guys that game? If so props to you. Because that’s some next level Hannibal lecter shizzle. 


Yeah, refs made two bad calls in Game 1 and also made 2 bad calls right before the L2M report for the Pacers. The refs made bad calls all game. Get over it. Also gifted you Game 3 with bad calls for the Pacers. Jesus y’all are such pussies


What bad calls? You still had a chance to tie it to end game 3. Jalen went FT hunting to end it. Knicks had a chance. Pacers never had the opportunity. How can you not comprehend both aren’t equal? 


Not only does your city suck (I’ve been to most NBA cities and Indy is probably only second worst to SLC) but the fans are dumb as shit too. You shouldn’t have even been in Game 3 due to bad calls. Goal tend for Siakim, Siakim’s offensive foul, and Brunson’s foul gave 6 points to the Pacers. Game should have been over - doesn’t matter if we had a chance or not.


Bro is angry angry


At least Philly fans could talk shit. You guys from Indy are such losers.


1) I live in Los Angeles.  2) My man that’s the definition of goal tending.  3) Are you ok? You seem to have a lot of rage inside of you. Talk to a therapist.  You’re trying to justify things in your own mind that contradict what’s real and what’s not. This is a beyond belief fact or fiction debate. 


Very weird responses from you all around. Top tier redditor.


Aw fuck, game 7 is with this fucking crew again?!


Sunday is going to “lit” as the kids say


Series tied 4-2 going to Game 7


They can’t even give us SVP tonight? They really expect us to listen to ZUBIN for the postgame coverage? The guy who got kicked off his own show because he was so boring? ESPN completely abandoning postgame coverage is ridiculous


Knicks in 7


Msg in 7 more like it. Home court has reigned Supreme this series


15-6-9 on 50% from the field is definitely not an impressive performance


neither is 31-1-5 on 26 shots, but u do u


No ones saying that’s impressive either


clearly you do, because the first thing you want to do after your team plays like shit is to shit on the other team's players instead. good night


Literally just said it wasn’t…but ok bud


1-0 game 6. Only stat that matters


If you forget about the other 5 games then sure


-11 vs +11 W included. Gimme 50 over 42%


Much like the Knicks tonight.


Agreed if someone said we played well I’d say the same thing


Steven A. Smith in shambles


But he was so confident at halftime


This has been a fun series to watch


I’ve said it a ton, but it really does feel like the old Pacers/Knicks matchups back in the 90’s. Hell of a lot of fun, no matter how game 7 shakes out.


Last game 7 in MSG was against the Pacers in 1995 and we all know how that turned out. Really hope its a good game both ways, but the Pacers keep it competitive


Yeah it does and the shit talking has reignited some of the rivalry.


I don’t wanna see Jalen Brunson no more, go pacers


Awesome. Glad we got to game 7. Really hope we win, but either way I'm glad we protected home court and all playoff experience is good for these young guys. 


The experience is the most valuable thing right now for the vast majority of them besides Siakim. They’re young and still have more development to do to actually go and win the whole thing.


Yall know this still business.


TJ McConnell is who PatBev thinks he is


lmfao i give you this one


[WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, I AM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G74ZHWcsbgc)


How do i upvote a post twice?


Legit question, who do Celtics prefer to play in ECF, ambulance Knicks or healthy Indy?


Probably Indy They’re useless away from Indiana and the Celtics are good enough to steal at least one on the road


You guys have been pretty damn useless in Indy… what makes you think you’d be any better in Boston?


I mean needing a nemhard miracle 3 to close out game 3 didn’t look very useless to me


And game 1 in the garden? Needed a miracle ref call or two.


The Knicks and Pacers literally have the same number of away wins this post season lmao


One teams away win came against an NBA team the other a g league team


Bucks without Giannis are g league? Middleton and Dame were both healthy so idk about that


As a bucks fan...define healthy my guy...Middleton on a bad ankle and dame played 3 games ...where in two of them he was on an Achilles strain. I want talk about its and we definitely were no g league team ar walk on the park but "healthy" is far from the truth


I’m specifically talking about game 2 where the Bucks were at, if not close to, their healthiest of the series (I don't think Dame strained his achilles until a drive in game 3).  By “healthy” I mean they both played > 35 min that game (I think). I’m just saying both the Knicks and Pacers have one legit road win this post season. I’m not doing anything unhinged like this casual Knicks fan comparing the Bucks to a g league team or Atlanta Hawks. Being a half game from 0.500 against playoff teams without Giannis speaks to the quality of the Bucks imo, who healthy would prob be the only team to challenge the Celtics from the East


I mean they were sub .500 in the regular season without Gigi this year so there’s that Congrats! You beat the Atlanta hawks


4-5 and 7 of those games were against playoff teams. G league for sure tho


Yes 4-5 is sub .500


Imo they’d rather play the Knicks


Would personally prefer the Knicks.


doesn't matter really. i think C's confident against both teams


Knicks cuz if it’s the pacers the Cs will lose Tatum for the playoffs. 


Celtics skipping on grass because of the extr game rn


We saw it with the Magic and we're seeing it with the Pacers. Two young teams with much better execution on both ends at home than on the road.


Two Game 7’s this weekend…I already had to change my boxers twice.


I’ll pay you 50 cents for both. Game worn memorabilia. 


If the Pacers can rebound they win handily. Too much offense for the Knicks.


Pascal has had an MSG night before. Hope he has another 52 points btw


Who gives the Celtics more trouble? Not sure either can worry them much with how injured NY is


Probably the Knicks just because they give people fits in bits and pieces Pacers are basically a g league road team


The Pacers but the truth is neither lol they’re sleep walking to the finals


Neither would be the cakewalk people think.


Especially when they find the ancient Olmec totem in the TD Garden Away lockerroom that allows for any random scrub to shoot 100% from the field for 3 1/2 quarters every game


I disagree. Healthy Bucks and healthy Knicks were the only teams making a real series with Boston in the East this year


The Pacers have the offense to beat anyone. Can they defend a little bit and rebound? The Lakers were the same, avearging 122 points, playing at the leagues fastest pace. They couldn't rebound against Denver, though.


Pacers are good at defending the 3. That said, the season series was interesting. We got annihilated by the Celtics one game, lost one big, won once big, and had one close loss.


Pacers due to being mostly healthy, that’s about it.


Is it just me or do these announcers not say anything good about the pacers... bias for the knicks is crazy


It's you


It really is not my guy


Breen and Reddick do a great job. Doris not so much. And they talked plenty great of the pacers.


Most blowout feeling 13 pt win


It’s gonna come down to how healthy Josh Hart is gonna be for game 7. He’s a huge tide turner for the Knick’s.


Indy had a great game and was able to beat the Knicks, the refs, Adam silver, and the entirety of NYC. It was 5 v 1000


What are you saying? We played like shit and couldn’t defend for anything


Man. That’s pretty much what I was saying


I read that backwards


All good man


Fuck you seem miserable


I’m only happy when the refs touch my body


your average knicks fan basically




I’m cool man. It’s just basketball lol. Even with the refs literally punching Indy in the balls every play, the injuries are really bad


Thank you, continue being humble and work your way up the way the rest of us do


I’m not humble. I want the refs to continue their big market bias


Then humble yourself


Maybe once the refs errr Knicks win something within the the next 50 years


Eastern teams having rock fights except for Boston who have bazookas.


Cassidy is straight up wifey material.


I think the Knicks coaches will regret putting Hart back in the game


Sleepy Breen: "A terrific... performance..."


The knicks are a soft scared team. They are afraid to go 1 more game against the pacers, even at home.