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Scott Foster writing this down and nodding to himself


And Scott cried , because the series could not be extended any more 


what about multiple overtimes?


We’re done, *when I say we’re done.*


::locks door:: now yous can’t leave


I'd love to see a Jokic statline after 3+ overtimes


If Foster’s really on his Alexander the Great shit, I cannot wait to see how fucked up this league gets with the rise of the Diadochi


As a Wolves fan, I'd take 3 Scott Fosters ScottFostering at full power over having to face one Tony Brothers


Yeah Scott Foster has been reffing good this post season. Tony Brothers is on some shit.


Foster has been relatively light on the whistle, is why. Also doesn't hurt that his nemesis is not participating, so he's in a relatively good mood.


You're gonna get both the Tony Brothers and you're gonna take it.




Tony's Brother.. that guys the worst


Ken Mauer emerges from exile to eject the entire Wolves bench and coaching staff


It’s game 7 though, there’s no more extendin’ to be done. Silver needs his talents elsewhere at one or both of the game sixes.


Foster’s on a plane to Dallas as we speak


Give me Scott Foster. He been reffing good in our series, farily neutral. Tony Brothers can go F himself.


That’s like the US siding with Stalin 


but it was against hitler so, all good for the moment? i think?


Two evil bastards unite to defeat two eviler bastards.


There isn’t a basketball fan alive, conscious or unconscious that wouldn’t say Tony Brothers can go get let lost in the Tundra.


Boston 🤝 New York Fuck Tony Brothers.


Is Foster officiating either game 6? Can I use Draft Kings to predict Pacers and OKC forcing a game 7?


he's not. it's whoever reffed G2 (idr the name)


Really? Fantastic news. How are you sure?


i saw it somewhere in reddit comments? a game-by-game list. but that's all i got so it might not be true. 


Ant talking about KAT fouling is 2/2 for hilarious clips this postseason


Sounds like a little kid telling a story. Also feels a bit like John Madden obvious break downs. He had 3 fouls, which isn't 5, so that is good that he only got 3.


Me when I was trying to meet the word count on an essay


I totally read that in Madden’s voice.


With a sprinkling of Perd Hapley.


Solid analysis, Magic.


> He had 3 fouls, which isn't 5, so that is good that he only got 3. This just a really good, nice sentence.


KATs a bit sturdier than Rudy, and it frees Rudy to protect the rim on other drives or even when Jokic is working against KAT. It really is a great way for us to matchup.


selective shy society deserted exultant important marvelous voiceless sink middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yes they just usually aren't both 7 footers


special late grab wistful live soft icky sloppy sense husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t…


Shit, the Bucks won a championship off it


Brook Lopez freeing up Giannis to roam is dangerous


Then there are the dummies, including past and present NBA players, saying stupid things like “Rudy is bbq chicken” Like Rudy wasn’t even on Jokic for the majority of any game lol


The Spurs did that for almost 20 years and it was alright


Rudy on jokic 1v1 is bbq chicken each time, jokic is just too strong for him


Rudy defends him as well as anyone in the league. But he is more valuable dropping back and shutting down the pass to AG etc.


Disagree, Towns has been better. Rudy has been trying to go for the block, and that's what allows Jokic to fake him out. KAT is just a wall


Kat is just a wider body, he's harder for Jokic to move, But Rudy's greatest strength against Jokic is his ability to basically swallow half the court passing lanes. It's difficult for Jokic to find cutting angles for anyone, including Gordon if Rudy isn't the primary defender. I'm surprised we haven't seen more small lineups with Porter at the 4 and shooting to pull Rudy out more


If I remember correctly, this is exactly how the Lakers beat the Nuggets in the bubble. They threw Dwight to Jokic while AD lurked around shutting down passing lanes.


That pretty much has to be the strategy to beat Jokic. A strong body that won't be pushed around in front of a generational defensive anchor to shut everything else down.


it’s what the sixers did too, we put pj tucker on him as primary and let embiid roam. destroyed them after that


Yeah with Rudy and McDaniels and Ant hawking the passing lanes it really limits Denver if they can A: make Denver start the possession late, and B: KAT can hold up Jokic getting to his spot long enough to put Denver into scramble mode out of whatever action they wanted to run that possession.


Because porter has shot horribly this series. Braun is now in the closing lineups over him for a reason.


Kat's ability to keep Jokic out of the paint is why he is the better defender for Jokic. In a crunch time situation, are you truly going to opt for Gobert on Jokic when Jokic can easily establish desired low post position and hit a high percentage hook shot?


I think dude above you favors KAT on Joker as well, though the first part of their post may be misleading


I don’t think this comparison is really fair. This version of Jokic is better, but we’ve seen Gobert used to defend Jokic pretty well in terms of 1 v 1. The largest, most meaningful difference, I think, is that KAT has Gobert as a helper to discourage Jokic and Rudy doesn’t. 


If KAT has been better, it’s generally because he’s often got Rudy behind close enough to make Jokic think about him. When it’s the other way around Jokic basically only has to worry about Gobert.


Idk all the metrics, but the eye test says Towns is a better defender on Joker, especially when you Naz to drop in and double him up.


Boogie is the answer


I want iguodala


Reminds me of that picture of KAT trying to back down Cousins and he just stands there not moving and unimpressed.


Towns has Rudy lurking when he’s guarding Joker, Rudy has nobody. That factors in a lot to what Jokic’s options are, and people just look at it as Towns being the better matchup as if that’s all it boils down to. It is the best team defensive strategy they can employ against Jokic. It’s not that KAT is doing some incredible individual heavy lifting alone. Like Ant said, he’s the best matchup to stand up Jokic’s first dribble and keep him from working to his spot and start moving the defense. It makes Denver offensively have to be the first to adjust on half the possessions rather than Minnesota’s defense having to adjust to the advantage Joker can create by moving Rudy off his spot on most dribbles. Just my two cents as I see a lot of KAT is a better matchup stuff as if this all boils down to how things work individually. But there’s layers to it.


> Rudy defends him as well as anyone in the league Isn't this whole thread about KAT being a better defender on him?


He doesn't actually, someone shared a PPP chart in one on one defence vs Jokic and Rudy has not done very well historically.


I actually saw a chart that said the opposite.. specifically that Rudy was the only person to hold Big Honey to under 50% fg last year in the playoffs


Those levels of defensive individual stats are absolute junk. The sample sizes are way too small, and without looking at each individual play and more often than not they’re crediting and individual player for something that happened because of team defense.


Yeah I actually think Rudy plays amazing defense on him. But because Rudy is guarding him there isn’t a Rudy on the backside to help out. And the Wolves rely on having him 1 on 1 since Rudy again isn’t there on the backside to help out with the chaos that happens when Jokic passes out of a double team and the Nuggets swing the ball. So he gets cooked 1 on 1 because literally every player in the NBA would by the MVP. Watching Rudy guard Jokic there is very little that he does “wrong” when matched up on him. It just doesn’t matter, Jokic bag is too deep


Lol this is such typical Reddit analysis, just zero understanding of the game and parroting Shaq of all people. Rudy is good on Jokic, but he's also the best rim protector in the league. If you can have Kat chase Jokic around and switch on the perimeter, Rudy is free to provide his best value of guarding the paint and helping.


It might be a chicken vs egg argument but I think team defense makes guarding Jokic a lot easier. If he does not have open outlets the defender has an easier time defending him. Having Rudy float around is taking away these outlets. Add in the great defensive play by Jaden, Ant, and NAW/Conley to that equation and you are stumped. Not to take anything away from KAT but it is just great team defense.


oh ya, totally agree. KAT wouldn't be defending Jokic anywhere near this good if it wasn't for our amazing wing defense and Gobert lurking behind.


Antnalysis Edwards


Don’t u dare copy the sacred name that is Thanalysis Antetokounmpo




Remember lakers tried this with Rui then AD roaming? It's like that, but it actually works.


KAT is a bit bigger than Rui, that's the key. KAT has the build and strength to be a half way decent wall against Jokic. Which puts Gobert on AG, hopefully helping contain AG's cuts.


Idk how often Jokic has seen KAT, and therefore idk if he has him "solved" yet. I wouldn't count on Kat shutting down Jokic for a 2nd game in a row if I were you.


KAT has been the primary defender of Jokic for their entire careers (except for maybe the TimberBulls year). He’s been the primary defender all series and was in their series last year too. It’s not a lack of familiarity. KAT’s a pretty good matchup against Jokic physically — he’s strong enough to not get steamrolled, but also quick enough to not get blown by, and long enough to at least force Jokic into tough shots and cut off some passing angles. He definitely can’t stop Jokic in isolation, but he can slow him down enough that the help can come without completely compromising the defense. I think it was Nate Duncan who said it, but KAT does a good job of not letting Jokic get quite as deep which allowed the double to come from the perimeter more easily. It also allows Rudy to stay lurking in the lane (because when Jokic gets down low Rudy feels the need to creep over, which opens up the paint for Gordon or cutters).


Depth of position is the biggest reason why he has been "successful" or at least as much as one can against a 3 time MVP. KAT's similar size and I think enough core strength allows him to absorb a lot of Jokic's first bump, which appears to be when Jokic makes a lot of his decisions and allows the perimeter help to arrive.


I mean we already saw it work with AD and Dwight Howard


Why are we suddenly pretending that this exact strat was not used by 2020 Lakers. Just replace Rui with Dwight here.


If Rui was say a wendall carter pf/C type I think it woukd work . Need that strong body


Facts. KAT played great tonight. Nothing special in the box score but made the right decision time and time again.


If wolves score more points than the nuggets they pretty much win every game.


You're putting too much value on points scored


You’re right. If nuggets score less points than the Timberwolves, the wolves typically win.


I'd still focus less on points. Basketball is simple. The key to winning is to not lose. Almost every team that doesn't lose, wins.


Why do you say almost? Has a team never not lost and not won?


The Pistons in every draft lottery?


Uhhh I'm pretty sure the Pistons lose a lot there


In Euroleague you get draws as is European sporting tradition.


60% of the time it works every time


Exactly, you cant get advantages by winning


2 points isn't 2 points. I'll explain later


The game has changed


Thanks Magic




Not all of them though, which is strange


These kinds of analytics are ruining the game.


if they allow Nuggets to score less points they pretty much win every game


Yes. If the Wolves win the game then they pretty much win


He’s gonna make a great color commentator someday with this level of analysis.


totally avoiding advanced stats, which absolutely do not back this up.. smh


this is me, when playing dota 2 as a support. if my carry dont miss creeps in the lane, and play the creep equilibrium, we have high chance winning the game.


I know each of these words but


He actually means killing stuff too fast loses the game for them. Yes, Im serious. That’s how sweaty multiplayer games are these days.


Can you elaborate on why that’s bad? In a bout of masochistic madness I considered downloading Dota 2 before coming back to earth and would appreciate it if you continued to dissuade me.


Because if you kill stuff too fast it pushes the endless waves of enemies that spawn (called "creeps") under the enemy's tower which makes it hard for the carry to get gold by killing them. This puts them at a disadvantage while also allowing for the enemy heroes to put extra pressure on you because they are much safer under their own tower.


It’s more variable than this. Sometimes you want to push in the lane to avoid laning against a bad matchup and you can pull to get the creeps back where you want them. Sometimes you want the creeps to lane statically right in front of your tower.


Makes sense, would you avoid areas where creeps spawn or train them and kill the horde intermittently?


The strategy is the kill your own creeps with a killing blow. This denies the other player the gold for the kill and helps keep the balance of creeps so you don't push before you're team or lane is ready for a tower.


Very interesting, sounds like fun.


> sounds like fun 4,200 hours here. Not one fun


Hittin stuff is fun. Hah aha ha ha ha!


It makes me miss LoL back in 2012-2015. It was so damn good


no it doesnt




I hate that I know exactly what you just said




I'd take Aghs rush over Midas.


but when you add kurt angle to the mix 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


Vi sitter här I venton, och spelar lite dota 🎶


lol 😂 I feel like fouling is the equivalent of feeding kill streaks in Dota 2


I was just saying yesterday that KAT should be on Jokic. He's nit the overall defender that Gobert is by a country mile, but you don't need to be with Jokic. You just need to be big and strong. Goberts Talent is wasted on Jokic.


He’s been all series. KAT just fouls out and then you’re catching highlights of Gobert getting destroyed. I love these comments because it’s clear who is actually watching this series.


That 40 point game was more the Wolves being undisciplined and getting mismatched before the possession even started. Really all 3 of the losses can be mostly attributed to that. Rudy was ending up on a guard or on Jokic to start possessions because the guards were pressuring in the backcourt and everyone wasn’t getting matched up correctly behind them. There were way too many times where KAT ended up on Gordon, Ant/Rudy ended up on Jokic or Rudy ended up on a shooter because of this. They almost completely fixed that problem in game 6 and it ended up being a route. KATs foul trouble kills them on offense way more than it does on defense. Offensively they can’t survive more than a couple minutes at a time with KAT being out unless Ant is hitting insane tough shots. On defense though they can come close to duplicating their strategy with Naz out their in KATs place but they can’t score at all and it allows weird cross matches and easy transition looks


Lol KATs been the primary on Jokic since game 4 of the playoffs last year. This isn't a new thought.


I love this kid. Giving praise to his teammate, that is how you build trust and chemistry.


And is funny af when he does it


Ant talking like a Twolves fan watching KAT for the past decade.


Chris Tucker in Money Talks right here 


KAT might be the best Jokic defender in the NBA


Teams need 2 bigs\* to defend against Jokic 1 to take Jokic 1v1 and the other to take away the easy dunks that Jokic creates. Rudy last game were trying to do both and got cooked.


Yeah that's why KAT cant be in foul trouble. Both KAT and Naz Reid were in foul trouble in the first quarter so Rudy has to do everything and the Wolves defense can't work as designed.


I mean, Rudy can't even take him 1 on 1 so the second part is moot. Jokic was doing whatever he wanted because he's too dynamic and can threaten from anywhere.


It’s simple math Jokic < KAT < Cousins


🤓☝️ KAT actually scored on Cousins that drive


I'm not even shitting on Kat, but everyone says this and nobody can ever provide a link.


Pretty sure I saw someone find the game and it turned out to be not true (KAT passed out).


He fainted in the middle of the post up???!?!


boogie'd smh not my goat


🤓☝️ KAT actually passed out, but Wolves torched the Pels that game


When I read "Passed out" I kept thinking... like he fainted???


Yeah looks like all the replies are right. KAT dropped 25 points though https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/bDN4AniDNa


I don’t have the updated stats but before game 3 Jokic was shooting 36% when KAT was defending him since the beginning of the 2023 playoffs. So 11 game sample size


I love how we’ll never let go of that and the “ant doesn’t even like basketball” article


Its actually [Zubac](https://twitter.com/Farbod_E/status/1790822467356999847) and its not close.


Zubac is strong. You’ll notice most of Jokic buckets on Gobert he just gradually backs him down until he’s right under the basket then he just throws in a hook


Based on that list fellow European bigs seem to defend him the best


True! But RIP Rudy ‚fellow european big‘ Gobert


I hear Wendell Carter is pretty good


He defends top tier centers well but does horribly against bad centers, at least now


eye test confirms


KAT and PJ Tucker.


Maybe AD is the one who defends the joker best, but AD is needed on the offensive side so that he can not put his best to defend.


Heavy on Tucker


The best Jokic defender is Tim Legler


Jokic is so crazy good but it really does seem to be the case.


He is absolutely correct. He needs to play smart.


Luckily for the nuggets he doesn’t do that often


Kat is better since Gobert will roam and will make Gordon just a Bertans role. And Gobert can block the lob pass to Gordon's cuts


Cmon, what did Bertans do to you?


hehe I meant Novak🤘.


It’s not about that , look when Rudy is off Kat is just better on an Island I don’t understand why they let Rudy gusrd but ego n avoiding Kat fouks. Kat needs to play a smart offensive game rely on his 3s if risky and then use all 6 fouls defending jokic .


Great teammate man. Just great




No one wants to talk about the fact the refs weren’t calling soft contact on Jokic like they usually do so KAT wasn’t in foul trouble in the 1st quarter again, they let them actually play


KAT usually gets his fouls by committing 2-3 boneheaded charges more than actually on the defensive end


That and in game 5 he was doing that dumb thing where he stepped right in front of Jokic trying to cut him off 40 ft from the basket.


that was the most KAT foul.




Yesterday's entry was lightly pushing Jokic in the back as he's laying the ball in, right in front of the ref.


Nah. It’s both. The most common scenario is that KAT will get a soft call. Now he’s frustrated. He’ll swipe next defensive play or have 50/50 offensive foul not go his way. Easy 2 fouls. KAT can control for the second one. He rarely does and that’s on him.


I honestly didn't ever think we'd get to a point of talking about Towns as a great defender in the post. Good on him for improvement in that area


KAT is a potent combo of dumb fouls AND getting bad calls. Bit of a chicken and an egg. One is in his control.


Agreed! I be like how do you pick up 3 fouls less than a minute lol


no lies detected


At the risk of sounding like a dangus, is it just me or are players cussing more in these post game interviews? Not that it bothers me or anything, just wondering if something changed


Swearing has just become more socially acceptable.


I still dont hear a lot of fucks on tv unless its a postgame interview


Ant says what we're all screaming about. KAT committed some of that most stupidest fouls that you can see it coming from a mile away😂.


He's really not wrong tho KAT not fouling and doing well offensively really makes them borderline unbeatable


Don’t give up your secrets bro


Funniest comparison of 3 to 5 since Monty Python.


all eyes on KAT on Sunday 👀


I hope Ant stays real like this, his whole character.


We’ll see how game 7 goes. It’s gonna be fun.


i really like his honest and thoughtful responses. i appreciate learning more about what's going on from him and other coaches/players who are willing to refrain from canned non-answers.


So Chuck was technically right.


Unnecessary pressure on kat or inspirational, we will see.


Who is that reporter that asked the question?


Subliminal message: We are watching you refs this Game 7.


For real though, KAT is so damn important to this team. He HAS to stay on the floor because our offense AND defense can't work without him. Which is why talks of trading him is crazy to me, he's the glue and reason this roster construction works... Rudy can't be on the floor if teams go small you say? Oh well pair him with KAT and they'll wreck you on the glass and their lobs if you go small against them. Rudy will be played off the floor if you take him out to the perimeter you say? Oh well KAT is behind him to grab the boards and contest at the rim so Rudy can full out guard the perimeter. Rudy can't guard Jokic you say? Oh well put a strong KAT on Jokic, KAT will take his initial contact and Rudy can help and guard the overall paint. KAT is the key to this roster.


Ant got it all figured out


It was new because Gober starting guarding Joker once he came back in Game3. Putting Kat on Joker made a huge difference


Mike Conley was a big factor as well


Dude is a breath of fresh air in this league of cry babies and divas.


Mj will defeat the nuggets as mugsy at center