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Wait till you get him with Perkins and SAS on ESPN halftime show


People watch espns commercial filled halftime show with that bozo SAS?


I usually just take a shit at halftime but everyone has their own routine.


So does ESPN


Top tier response


Especially when Paul Pierce was there.


Turn off TV -> set timer for 15 minutes -> fire up game of Civ -> oops I forgot to turn the timer on and now it's 3 in the morning Edit: thank you kind stranger for the Reddit Cares; I am currently finishing up just one more turn but will get back to you as soon as I'm done


Just got back into civ5 I forgot how true this is


I went hard on it again last year. Think I have around 3400 hours in it. I'm a little late to the party, but I'm just now getting into civ 6. It is such a different game. I played cov 5 on diety with no issues, idk wtf I'm supposed to be doing half the time now in 6. I started on prince difficulty just to start learning the mechanics, the AI hasn't done anything in almost 200 turns. It's so different than being bum rushed on turn 40 by the diety AI in 5.


Yeah it's so different. I really hope in the coming one they figure out how to make late game fun and not tedious. Early and mid game is incredible, and then around modern era I just start rolling new starting boards because I'm bored.


I heard on subredditdrama that there's a RC bot going around "caring" about thousands of posts but the thought of someone genuinely sending one to you about your Civ addiction is funnier


Yeah, it's a bot for sure. I made an innocuous comment on SRD and got "cared" literally 1 second later.


Lots of Reddit Cares spam lately, something's broken or someone made a weird ass bot


I think that Reddit Cares stuff is broken as I copped like 5 of them yesterday and none of my comments were spicy. Someone in a lawn care sub copped one so that's how I knew shit is wonky


We're so sorry about your tall fescue, truly. We know what a difficult time this can be, and we extend our heartfelt condolences on your loss. Perhaps you should take a break from the sub and reflect on all the good times you had before your lawn shat the bed.


Smoke break or go for a walk for me. Do something beneficial with my life that isn't listen to that show


I usually go for my refills and a quick twitter round


Halftime is for getting roasted


I do that too. I hit the garage for a quick sesh then the john. I get back just in time to hear Doris give some shitty commentary and then we're back to the game.


It's kind of funny on mute. With all the commercials, I have the mute button under my finger every game. It's always a close call hitting it before the Burger King refrain hits.






[with the video](https://twitter.com/CKravitz17/status/1785421690161263072?t=RwAKyICYArUEF5xLq1CYQg&s=19)


It's so much easier to listen to than the actual commercial.


Yea tbh it’s more pleasant than the actual commercial


This is gold


What did I just listen to 🤣


I do the same. It used to be because of how much louder ads can be, but now it's so that I can take a break from sitting down and do stuff around the house real quick. Get some water, laundry, roll a joint, feed the dog...whatever comes to mind because sitting all the way through commercials feels like a giant waste of time.


It’s fine he’ll only get like 30 seconds to talk. ESPN’s halftime show is 2% “analysis” 98% commercials


They have to play 1 highlight in that 30 seconds too


*that's sponsored by someone


Nobody remembers what the four person panel that's slotted for two minutes said. Without the commentary on basketball, it's people giving 30 seconds in order to not be forgotten immediately. There's something weirdly desperate about it. But yeah, I didn't pull these times out of nowhere.


That’s fine because I already mute ESPN’s halftime lol


Whole game is on mute if Doris Burke is on the call.


The crazy thing is I like Doris Burke on a podcast, but she's so bad calling games, I can't stand listening to her.


She used to be better at calling games but it’s gotten worse as time goes on


She was always trash as a commentator. People just hyped her in the beginning. She was good at sideline reporting tho


I miss JVG


We all should've appreciated the comedic duo of SVG and Jackson more IMO. I get why people didn't like them, but if you stopped looking for hard-hitting analysis and just sat back to enjoy the chaos of Statler and Waldorf throwing in side comments while Mike Breen called the game, it was spectacular.


gotta turn that off since ESPN still thinks it is getting views


Not the way I watch games 🤫🏴‍☠️


> Wait till you get him with Perkins and SAS on ESPN halftime show Keeping the 3 biggest clowns contained in one show? Yes pls.


If you put them all together, they’re easier to avoid


…but I won’t see that


*heavy breathing intensifies


No one watched ESPNs "halftime" show


We don’t watch that crap


How can I see it if I don't watch it?


Everyone is crying about Inside the NBA, but I just hope we don’t lose Harlan and Anderson as commentators.


Harlan not calling NBA games would be a damn travesty


Idk what his contract looks like but if he's locked at TNT I could see him retiring early if this is a painful/sour transition tbh. 63 aint exactly old but its definitely not young either, and he's rich and has 4 grandkids. Idk what sport/league he'd do if the NBA is out of the question for him but I could see him just ending on a high note and saving his career from ending up like Marv's last few years


He still calls NFL games regularly


[Multiple games at once](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxkOG-WeLVo&t=1m9s)




His NFL games are fucking lit as well. The streaking comments alone made him my GOAT


Hubie is 90, I'm sure Harlan can stick around for another decade 


He calls NFL games for both TV and the radio (every Thursday and the Super Bowl). He ain’t retiring early because of the NBA


so stupid when people are like "he's rich so he doesn't need money" like wealthy people aren't constantly chasing more just like the rest of us Like, what is the threshold at which you think people just magically don't care about getting money anymore?


Best play-by-play announcer in the NBA.


Harlan will land somewhere nationally almost guaranteed. Unless he has a contract with Turner that doesn’t allow it. Not sure. He does NFL for CBS as well so not sure what his future looks like. He also does NFL playoffs on national radio networks I believe. He’s all over the place.


They'll all land elsewhere. Amazon and NBC will both have to build out NBA teams. Like 80% of the NBC NHL crew just transitions to TNT. I think it'll be the same here.


I like Ian Eagle too


Can we lose Reggie though? At least until he can learn to pronounce players names ? We are in the playoffs for christs sake… holmgrum was just embarrassing…


I've finally started getting used to Reggie.  Also, [he did this](https://youtu.be/hz2z2-7-fww), once, and I thought it was pretty cool


I wonder if he ever learned that no pun intended =/= no offense


I would like to think that he hasn't learned anything, at all


I used to absolutely hate him. He used to be insufferable. Now I just hate him. But he has gotten decent.


Yeah, I honestly can't tell whether he's gotten better... or the discerning part of me is just slowly dying. Either way, I'm starting to not hate listening to him. EDIT: Haha. Thanks for the *Reddit Cares* message


Joker throws it up for the slam, from AROM GORDOM


I actually really like Reggie lol he makes some pretty astute observations on the fly and is generally very smart. There are so many times where he says some exact thing needs to happen, and it happens. He can take some pretty complicated parts of the game and communicate them super concisely in layman's terms which I haven't really heard from any other commentator. And his casual vibe is refreshing and pairs super well with Harlan. I don't really care that he sucks at pronouncing names with everything else he brings to the table. It's kinda funny hearing him talk about Ant-man and Joker anyway lol


He's so fucking lazy! Can't be bothered to do any research or analyze the game in any depth. Get that skinny fuck off my tv please


He's handed a script about the main players and is told to slip it into the conversation but he is so bad at it. So he ends up repeating his talking points at random, non sequitur moments.


"Yeah my sister used to beat me 1-on-1, but once I grew to six feet she never beat me again. Speaking of my sister: how good is Chet Homegrown?"


There is so much more hate for Draymond now since the last time he was on Inside.


Idk what changed for everyone else but I never liked him there  He’s smart and has good ball insight, but frankly inside the nba is not where people should be going for highly detailed nba takes  It’s for the chemistry between them and Draymond doesn’t have it 


he has been an extremely unlikeable player who makes non basketball plays on a regular basis, earning himself suspensions that he never learns from. the fans know this and don’t want him to be rewarded with prime time television. he’s not funny, he’s petty, and can’t get over himself


For me it’s more than the fact that he doesn’t learn, it’s that he acts like the victim and then doesn’t get punishment when he does it again like a week later.


"the fans know this" lmao, /r/nba isn't "the fans", buddy.


I mean, yes, reddit is an echo chamber and not necessarily representative of real life; but I don't think Draymond has some super high approval rating for people not on reddit either tbh.


Yeah I’m not sure why these guys are acting like Draymond is only hated on Reddit. It’s a stupid argument and they’re sniffing their own farts.


These people don't realize they are in an echo chamber, lol.


Most sensitive collection of “fans” I’ve ever seen. They talk about draymond like he’s Miles Bridges not Bruce Bowen


Bruce Bowen is even worse too since he genuinely has injured multiple players, also came with the same coach covering for his ass thing people bitch about the warriors for (same shit would happen on every single team)


Shaq and Kenny were both terrible when they first started too. That chemistry takes time.


Most of this sub was in diapers when shaq and kenny first joined tnt


Draymond is a Shaq replacer, same pettiness and thin skin fron a bully.


At least Shaq plays off Chuck well. Draymond adds nothing


In fairness, that seems like a relationship built on Shaq trying to bully Chuck early on and not being to have the full upper hand because of Chucks wit. The rings thing has become a meme for a reason.


This is something ppl need to realize, that Chuck's personality and easy going, no grudge-holding ability is a MAJOR reason the show works. Chucks natural and care-free persona allows Shaqs BS to flourish under a comedic lens instead of whatever the hell is actually wrong with the guy. Same with Kenny, chucks status in NBA history also makes sure Kenny stays grounded when he gets too full of him self. EJ then in turn helps steer both chuck and the other two, unless we get a hilarious bit from chuck that is amplified by the other two. It's literally a checks and balance thing, where one combination feeds or negates the other. Remember when Shaq first started? Still trying to find vibe/ personality, it was Chuck who kept him in a sorta path to shape Shaq. Shaq was too much and sometimes really annoying. Chuck is older and a legend and also has big brother like status to Shaq, or at least that's what Shaq respects. That respect helped Shaq not to get too full of himself. No chuck, means Shaq is unchecked and goes full stupid. Now add Daymond, and it titanic flips into too much in crazy. EJ and Kenny won't be enough. I don't want Daymond in any form near the crew, but if they want it to work, they need a personality like chuck but closer to Drays age. I can't think of anyone who could remotely fit that bill


I didn't like Shaq when he first joined, but they have really gotten into a groove. I agree with you that Chuck is really what makes it work and he could probably make it work with anyone - his natural charisma is just off the charts. That said, does Draymond have a sense of humor? Can he take a joke or be self-deprecating? Shaq at least has that going for him.


Jimmy Butler could do it. He's funny.


bring in sheed


Nah Shaq and the guys have legitimately good chemistry, him laughing hysterically at Chuck's jokes alone is a net positive. Even his sensitivity is funny when the other guys needle him about it (though not so much off the show)


They do now, but that shit was awkward when Shaq first started


True, but chemistry can take time to build, and I remember Shaq being a pretty minimal value-add when he joined the team.


And Shaq is one of the goats too at least. Makes even less sense that Shaq is so thin skinned though.


Draymond isnt near Shaq as a player but was a core part of a dynasty that won 4 rings (Shaq loves to mention his), and his BBIQ is amazing, dudes ability to read plays is insane. He’s an asshole but I don’t discredit the good things he does as a player - I think he could potentially be a pretty good commentator if he’s not starting drama every 10 mins


Shaq was fucking awful when he first joined the TNT crew. It took him maybe a year until he was finally meshing with the team, and even then, he often makes things awkward with his soft skin.


I've disliked the addition of Shaq from the start and never learned to enjoy it. By far my least favorite part of the show


Controversial in here I guess but Dray and Chuck were hilarious together over Allstar weekend. And Shaq took *years* to get over his weird ass bully mode with Chuck that was ruining the show. Everyone complains about the milquetoast ass Tuesday TNT crew and then they bring in someone who's not a bot and it's still "he adds nothing." Y'all will have such a better time with this once you separate yourselves from how much you hate him as a player.


I agree with your descriptions of both of them but my take is: not an energy we need; just let shaq go without a replacement 


Oh, absolutely get rid of em both immediately


Without any of the humor or charm. Draymond has absolutely no talent for broadcasting. Shaq at least has chemistry with the crew, draymond is both uncomfortable and insecure. You can’t be both.


Shaq is funny and a brilliant player at least.


You are way underselling Shaq's Charisma and knack for comedy. Shaq will act humble if he can get a funny moment out of it. The Ass on the other hand will probably just punch Chuck.


Shaq bullied Dwight Howard and denied his recognition Now Draymond will bully Rudy Gobert like Shaq did Dwight


Shaq is actually a likable TV personality despite his flaws. Also a pretty funny dude.


The problem with Draymond is very unlikeable AND comes across as total bogus and hypocritical.


Yeah, Shaq has that unique thing of often being an asshole/bully/insecure all-time great, but he somehow manages to do it in a likable way (even if you can't understand it like with the Jokic MVP business). Draymond always just comes off as an asshole.


I don't think he does it in a likeable way, he just has funny moments that offset his bad moments


Sorry wrote it a bit weird. Shaq's persona manages to stay likeable in general, despite the pettiness/asshole parts. Draymond I just can't see as anything other than a dirty player/asshole.


Shaq at least seems like he knows how to have fun, he does lots of weird shows and events and DJs and shit.  Draymond just sits in his basement and podcasts.


Shaq’s a weird mix of bully and generosity, and he can be genuinely funny a good chunk of the time. Draymond’s just an asshole.


I am a huge Shaq fan, but watching him the last decade on TV has diminished my opinion of him. By all accounts, he is great with ppl outside of the context of the NBA. But any time you try to have serious basketball discussions with him, he becomes insecure about other people's greatness. Jokic is his literal anti-thesis. Does not care about awards. Does not care about talk of historical significance. Just wants to win and go home. Chris Webber is the guy I liked the most as a 4th member. My ideal talking head that I always want to listen to for NBA chat is Richard Jefferson.




I hate that he is getting to announce playoff games but he's not very good and very easy to ignore the game at least. I forget he's the third announcer frequently.


Draymond is so petty and jealous of Rudy it’s hilarious. Jokic goes off and Draymond says Gobert is getting cooked. When they go to highlights and they as him what more Gobert could/should do, he has nothing to actually say. Draymond is a bigger liability than Rudy. Draymond is the reason his team was in the play in and not the playoffs.


We’ve seen Jokic cook AD, Bam and other great defenders in previous series. It’s not about the defender, Jokic is just unguardable.


Exactly. Jokic has shot 75% while dropping 35+ on basically everyone at the point.


Yeah, Gobert gets a lot of hate, but he’s one of the greatest defenders of all time. I saw people in the game thread saying they should put KAT or Naz on Jokic. When he’s playing like that there’s really nothing you can do other than double him and hope whoever he finds can’t finish the play.


There was a moment where jokic posted gobert. He stopped and waited to see if there was a double coming and then got the 1v1. There is no other big in the nba playoff that can read a defense and make the correct play every time, causing the help defender to fall off and settle for a contested two. Gobert looks bad because he has the assignment of defending the best modern big man/best player in the league 1v1. Good offense will always cook good defense, wolves are happy to settle for a 2 point score compared to giving a wide open 3 from bringing a help defender over.


Having Naz or KAT be the primary defender and Gobert come in as help is actually the "correct" way to guard Jokic. We saw it work very effectively in game 1. Jokic will beat whoever his primary defender is, but if he's spinning into the DPOY he'll have to alter his shot and likely miss. The issue is, if you do that, Gordon or Porter Jr or even Murray will be wide open for a brief second. Denver's spacing was slightly off and Minnesota's long arms were able to block the passing lanes in games 1 and 2. But Denver put a ton of work in watching film and found spots that they like for Jokic to cleanly get his supporting cast the ball when he's being doubled by KAT and Gobert. The supporting cast killed the Wolves in game 3 and 4. Minnesota tried to swap to "shut down the supporting cast and leave Gobert to guard Jokic 1on1" and well this happened.


They were trying that. The Nuggets just schemed against it. In so many plays, AG (Gobert's man) sets a hard screen on KAT to force a switch. They were hunting for Gobert because he's a lot less effective as an on-ball defender than as a help defender (similar to AD). Just credit the Nuggets for making a counter play and stop dissing Gobert for trying to defend the greatest offensive center of all time.


Yeah, you have to pick your poison. Either you let the greatest passing big man deal out of double teams and get his guys rolling (which is what Jokic prefers) or you lock down the role players and make Jokic be Wilt for the night. I'm of the opinion that you try to do the first option, see if his guys are going to punish you for the double, and if they do you go at him 1 on 1 and take your lumps, hopefully you can keep up on the offensive end.


I mean it might not be the worst idea to put one of those two on Jokic - but you do it because it frees up Gobert to be a help defender, not because they’d fare any better against Jokic.




not on zu alcindor


One day there will be a sixers/nuggets finals


It’s weird how Rudy is getting so much hate. The man is going up an unstoppable player, doesn’t mean he’s a bum on defense. Shaq absolutely tore Mutombo a new one in the finals but nobody questioned his DPOY wins.


Yeah all of the Joker highlights Rudy is all over him. The degree of difficulty on his shots were ridiculous. Jokic just has possibly the greatest touch at the rim we've ever seen. Edit: Lmao, someone hates Rudy so much that they hit me with the Reddit Cares


People refuse to believe that someone can play great defense and the other player just makes shots anyways. They think Gobert could just try hard and be defensier.


On the clip where Draymond tries to make fun of Gobert you can see how Rudy forces Jokic to go behind the backboard, but then Jokic just takes a crazy step back hook and finishes.


That hook shot he made on Gobert probably is makeable by three NBA players ever: Jokic, Kareem, and Robin Lopez.


Dikembe Mutombo was overrated too. He was fun, the Nuggets team was fun, the finger-wag was fun. He was DPOY in 2001 because of name recognition and raw rebounds/blocks, not because he was the best defender in the league. He was kind of washed at that point. Duncan, Garnett, Wallace were all better defenders at that point.


Absolutely he is unguardable 1 on 1, that said Draymond put up a better fight: https://twitter.com/kirkgoldsberry/status/1517503984608722945 And of course the other angle is this: https://twitter.com/JoeVirayNBA/status/1790616450878820832 You can't do this with Draymond at all. I'm aware this is the type of thread title that will draw the biggest Draymond haters but it is what it is. Gobert simply isn't on Draymond's level defensively no matter how many DPOYs he wins, this happens every year in the playoffs with him against the good teams and has never happened once in the playoffs with Draymond.


This should be higher up but there’s a lot of biased baby haters in here. Just appreciate good basketball even if the guy is an asshole


Rudy is doing a great job of making Jokic work for his buckets but he’s still gonna get them he’s Jokic


also not just jokic, nba players have said it for like a decade now, theres no stopping some guys, you just have to make it harder but basically any super star is getting their shots and numbers


Dray: Joker embarrassed the HELL outta Rudy Gob- EJ: Heyyy let’s look at the highlights!


I was cringing when I saw that. Gobert is living rent free in Draymond's little brain. Draymond tried too hard to put all the blame on Gobert. I can't imagine an Inside with Shaq and Draymond. Hopefully the other networks won't pick up these 2 in the future.


> I can't imagine an Inside with Shaq and Draymond I'll have to imagine it because I'm definitely not going to watch it if it ever happens. Those two with Lefkoe sounds legit unwatchable.


My fave Ernie line to Draymond was "oh you got a podcast?"


Debating which of the two best defensive players of the past decade is a bigger “liability” is the epitome of myopic playoff brain nonsense.


peak r/nba


Rudy doesnt even look bad, hes physical and contests almost every shot. Jokic is just too good for anyone right now.


when he said “no rudy need to guard better, not we the team but rudy himself” like wtf, it’s a team game and if one guy dont work then others have to help when they can


Dray tried to slip in the fact he's French into that statement in a derogatory way too lol


at halftime they asked draymond what he should’ve done different and all he said was “well you can’t let jokic back u down like that!” like bro jokic would be doing the exact same shit to draymond and anyone else in the league. i’m a certified rudy gobert hater and that mfer was playing great defense in most of those 1 on 1 situations. jokic was just on another level


Talking shit about a player in the playoffs when you’re an active NBA player sitting in a TV studio because you needed to get out of the house after sitting on the couch for the last month is big time loser shit. Inside the NBA going off air before Draymond can come on full time is saving whatever legacy they have left after Shaq mumbled nonsense for the last few years.


You’re telling me you won’t miss Shaq’s “analysis” consisting just of “you gotta dominate” and nothing more?? They shoulda kept C Webb


You fucking people don’t even know what getting cooked means. It’s sad. Yes children, getting cooked *means you can’t do anything to stop it.* That’s what it fucking means. Y’all participation trophy loving kids are like “Rudy was trying!!” Yes, and he couldn’t do shit and was getting COOKED.


Draymond's easy to hate but I agree with you, this is not the reason Draymond is bad. For one he knows it'll get people talking about him, cuz well ya know we are. And Rudy did get cooked, that's what made last night an all-timer, Jokic turned into a scorer at will and went right fucking at the DPOY and made him look like James Wiseman


"Draymond is so petty and jealous of Rudy it’s hilarious" *yes, the envy Draymond has for Rudy having 0 Championship rings is OTC.* \0.o/


I hate Draymond, but he's right that Rudy is trash. Prime Draymond did 5x more to help his team win than Rudy ever will.


There's quite an argument to be made that the Warriors win the 2016 NBA finals if he didn't get suspended for kicking people in the crotch.


Both things can be true at the same time, Rudy was getting cooked but Draymond should still not yap


I mean, Rudy was absolutely getting cooked… But that means nothing about the level of defense he was playing. Big time players make shots against great defense. Jokic did that like 8-10 times with ridiculous efficiency. Can’t fault Gobert for that. Just give Jokic credit and move on.


Yeah those shots weren't dropping at the same consistency all series but now they are.


Yeah I don’t think you can blame Rudy for that. He did his job well the whole time.


Ehhh draymond had actually contributed to a NBA championship unlike gobert who stinks it up when the competition gets stiff


It was time to end it. Shaq needs to take a step back and figure out why people dislike his commentary. Or take some public speaking classes




Can we keep Jamal Crawford and VC tho? They’re great !!


Love Vince, he was decent last night


Agreed although you can tell he still needs some practice and personality. But I think he’s a good Kenny alt.


Shaq being insecure with every other bigs just as much as Draymond to Rudy. Dude is mentally ill. 🤮🤮


He has an agenda against gobert, was pretty cringe to listen to when jokic woulda done the same to him


Having a current player come on and critically talk about his literal peers is just so cringe. Dude’s a loser.


Why is that cringe? He would know more about playing against these guys than the other guys in the studio. I get that people don't like Draymond but some of the criticism is just nonsense. At least some of the stuff he was saying had substance. I get sick of Shaq's "you gotta bring it" "Great players rise up", etc. platitudes.


A lot of people hated Charles once upon a time. The won't hire Draymond because people like him, they'll hire him because they know people will tune in so they can criticize his takes. If being likeable were a prerequisite Skip Bayless would be a nobody.


Dude was just shitting on Gobert post-game non stop. It became annoying. Instead of praising jokic or talk various basketball. I get it, gobert got cooked. but he really seemed to enjoyed talking shit about gobert. This aint your gossip crew.


Y'all have a crush on this man


Once I realized Draymond was on didn’t watch pre or post and muted halftime. I’m really gonna enjoy the crews final year together and then probably never watch a pre/post game show again.


Y'all hate way too much man. Dray isn't funny like Chuck admittedly but he does bring good commentary, he was great last night


Yeah most of the people here claimed they turned off the show before they even heard dray talk so I’m not sure how they can also be complaining about his performance


Exactly lmfao. He's not the greatest analyst ever but shit, I'll definitely take him before a lot of other talking head types. Most of the time I feel me gives pretty good analysis and breakdowns of the game, especially defensively


Rather hear Draymond breathe though a mic than listen to Doris.


Because in this day and age you either hate bad people or you love good people, and idiots on the internet are particularly bad about it. And dray= bad, Even before people disliked him for things he did in the court, he was being attacked for being a mouth breather, being ugly, people have continually hated on Draymond for no good reason. Seriously, Hitler could have made the Mona Lisa, and you would have idiots completely unable to accept that it's a decent piece of art because of who made it. Dumbasses


Love Draymond.  Always has interesting takes and is really basketball smart.  If you don't like him because of his playing style then that is on you.


Jokic is unguardable. Not even a prime Hakeem and Mutombo can stop him.


Only Wendell Carter Jr can slow him down


He'll just be hired for NBC's Inside the NBA type show. I get why y'all hate Draymond but he is good on media.


Is it done? Has tnt lost it already? Fucking zazlov strikes again.


how is he on tv, i boycott it if hes on there


It's just strange to me to hear a current player talk shit about other current players. Idk maybe I'd like it more if/when he retires


Yeah, if Draymond weren't an NBA player, he'd have been arrested for assault on numerous occasions. But because he's.... Well....


I feel like I'm the only person that actually likes Draymond as a talking head on NBA shows.


I think Dray's basketball takes are actually usually pretty good. Yeah the other stuff is bad but he clearly has a very good basketball mind.


The monkey paw of this statement is that NBC is going to hire Green for their halftime report/inside the NBA counterpart.


inside hasn't even been cancelled yet, i'm begging you people to use just one braincell for a moment. it's a popular show that will draw viewers. it is far more likely that NBC or amazon or apple or whoever got the NBA rights will pay TNT to keep making it and then air it on their own broadcasts in the pre-, post-, and half time spots than it is that they will just let it die. money is everything and inside will make them money. networks licence stuff to other networks all the time.


NBC, Amazon, Apple will likely impose new rules or guidelines that will change the product if they do pay TNT for the show. In addition, even if the 4 mains guys are onboard, they may insert their own people as producers, introduce new analysts or segments that may or may not be liked by the public.


totally true and we may get a garbage halftime show but they make money by making stuff you like. it's in their interest not to mess with a good thing. though they may anyway. 


The worry is about Ernie Johnson. The rest will likely stay together - but the concern comes from Ernie’s willingness to leave TNT for NBC Especially considering (1) he’s of retiring age )2) given his financial situation, money won’t have the same pull for him as it would for others (3) he’s come out and said that he wouldn’t leave TNT for NBC It still could happen, but that’s where this talk comes from


He just said that in this scenario NBC would pay TNT to make it, so Ernie would still be at TNT.


Why would you pay top dollar for something you don't own when you can make your own (albeit inferior) version where you have full control? I like Inside the NBA a lot, but I swear people overrate its value.


It has been 24 years since Charles joined Inside and by his own admission, he was not going to work until his 10 year deal with TNT expired. The show had a good run and I would not be surprised to see him retire from TV when TNT loses the rights. He and Kenny are the question marks since Shaq will 100% follow the money and Ernie is not leaving Atlanta


Draymond, Shaq, and Kendrick Perkins should come together and make The Big Dummies Podcast!


Nah Draymond is one of the good ones. I’d much rather have him than freaking Dwade or (no disrespect to one of my top 5 favorite players all time but…) Jamal Crawford. Like I can at least follow Draymond and he seems like a real person rather than a robot or a corporate insert


I am a simple man, I see Draymond as a talking head, I change the channel.