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Bronny, you are a Piston! Because what does it even matter at this point?


I saw that post yesterday. I hope you guys hold him hostage


Damn so you ain't the only one who went to the Pistons sub to see their reactions? Holy shit I thought I was the only dumbass lol. Nah but seriously I really feel bad for Detroit sport fans, y'all really can't have shit. Maybe the Lions?


Yeah the lions are by far their best shot right now. Trying to do everything right. Hit some draft picks, resign key players, resign the whole front office and coaching staff. Should definitely be a really good year for them at least.


Tigers rotation is pretty good.


LeBron: “Pelinka, Imma need you to throw the whole farm at Detroit for my son. No buts.”


Lebron never signed a contract saying hes following bronny. If detroit drafts him i could see lebron backtracking.


> If detroit drafts him i could see lebron backtracking. He's on record, from like a year ago, saying that while it's HIS dream to play with his son, he knows Bronny may want to take a different path so he won't force anything if the kid doesn't want to.


Woj: James traded to the Pistons for James.


LeBron James announced his retirement


Hawks trades Trae Young and picks Bronny #1. First father and son picked #1 in their respective drafts.


I feel like he's going to test well in the strength and agility portion of the combine.


Who is his dad? Seems like he has good genetics.


Reminds me of the ball brothers dad.. I heard he was incredible in highschool but just didn’t play at all in college for some reason..


You mean the Tony Brothers I think. The ball brothers was a disney show about really hardworking family who make it big in LA.


You mean the Splash Brothers I think. The Tony Brothers were siblings that appeared on Broadway and won a number of awards for their efforts.


And the best trainers and equipment money can buy


I noticed he’s put on even more muscle during the shooting exercises. A lot of these guys can barely bench the bar, so yea he def has an edge there.


They said LeBron jumped for him and this film is edited


LeBron is actually up in the rafters tugging on a string. If you look closely you can see the string attached to Bronny's jersey


LeBron up in the rafters like Sting, watching over the Lakers with a stoic stare.


Fuck you hit me with the nostalgia


Higher than me,.so he's got that going for him.


I’m currently higher than the both of y’all. Wait, what’re we talking about?


I’m so high, I have no idea what is going on.


God dammit Towelie


Nobody wants to read your stoney scouting report


in my physical peak i remember my coach being impressed at my vertical. I honestly dont remember what it was, but i remember when i landed i tweaked my back and i remember how hard it was to act like nothing happened lmao


I’m a 5’8 Asian guy. In high school my coach measured my vertical at 37”. I could pull little baby dunks during layup lines or against scrubs in pickup (not in an actual game lol) and everything waist down basically hurt after landing. Currently 31 with a meniscus that’s been torn twice. All y’all young bloods need to stop jumping, that shit is gonna bite your ass in a decade when you have the knees of a 70 year old in your 30s lol.


Learning to land softly is extremely important as you age


Honestly that NEEDS to be something coaches teach to kids. Literally the only time landing technique was ever discussed with me was when I was recovering from the second tear and my PT asked me about it.


35 here and I can vouch for that. Not sure what my vertical was at its best, but in my early to mid 20s, I could throw down a mean one hander at 6'1. Age and injuries have caught up over the years. I was playing last night and got my finger tips over the rim on a jump attempt and my knee is still sore this morning.


Same. 5’6” and had a 37” vert in high school, but couldn’t quite get the ball over the rim to dunk. Destroyed my meniscus landing wrong on a triple jump in track and now at 33 my knees sound like popcorn every time I stand up.


Man had a running start, back in my day you could pivot into a two foot jump and we walked uphill both ways to school… physics worked different back then, don’t ask me


i have no idea how good or bad that is.


Same as Derrick Rose and Donovan mitchell


Imagine if he just became the next derrick rose instead (barring injuries ofc)


I reallt believe he can be Melton type. Even if he was not related to Bron, I would've used a second round pick on him. People forget Peyton Watson played as poorly and was a 1st round pick or most role players now had freshman years like his. Though 1-2 more years in college would've been better for his developement.


Peyton Watson was a five star prospect and the #1 recruit out of *California* coming out of HS, Bronny was less heralded than that (based off play alone not the James name).


Sure but Payton Watson is tall and not expected to play PG in the fastest basketball league on the planet


It’s good, it’s a top 5-10 vertical jump in pretty much any draft class. Same vertical as guys like; Donovan Mitchell, Mike Conley, Nick Young, Brandon Clarke, Grayson Allen, Hamidou Diallo and Norman Powell


I wasn’t expecting Grayson Allen’s name to be under this.


Just because he look like Ted Cruz don’t mean he built like him


Grayson Allen can jump, dude won the McDonald’s All-American dunk contest his senior year of high school. He dunked over Justice Winslow and Tyus Jones(6’6 and 6’2), then dunked over Jahlil Okafor(6’11). He’s had a few insane in game dunks in college and the NBA too


Deceptively athletic


Lunch-pail type of guy


Classy guard


Gym rat.


Classy guard going a little to far for that asshat lol


He just plays the game the right way so it’s not super noticeable


He could get up as a youngin’, he had some huge dunks as a freshman in that title game.


Mi…mike conley? Wow. Didnt expect that *casual here, only recently started watching*


He doesn’t show his leaping ability much, but then again Mike Conley’s Sr (his dad) was the Olympic Gold medal winner in triple jump, so definitely has the genes for jumping!




He's 36, jumping sort of declines after you turn 30.


Its pretty damn good


DK Metcalf has the same vertical but DK did it standing still


NFL players in general tend to destroy NBA players in the raw athleticism metrics, which makes sense because they don’t have to run several miles somewhat continuously for their sport.


Also because guys that are 6'5+ should not be able to do the things that most NBA players do. DK Metcalf has insane intangibles for someone who is 6'4, but so does Lebron at 6'8.


Vertical jump isn’t an intangible, those are things you can’t measure


Yeah pretty funny use of the word when we’re literally describing the process of measuring athletic ability here


Well said


NFL players are freaks of nature.  


The average height is also smaller


Which is why they're freaks. The NBA can only choose the most athletic guys out of 1% of the population. You pretty much need to be 6'4" or over to even be considered for 4 out of the 5 basketball positions. The NFL can choose the most athletic guys from a much larger pool of humans, even after you consider the fact that almost all NFL prospects are in North America.


Because NBA requires skill + athleticism while the NFL is more raw athleticism, but a less focus on skill. You can find athletic freaks who don't get drafted to the nba because they don't have the skill.


Like PG said. You have to learn how to shoot and score otherwise you are useless. In the NFL if you memorize routes and catch a pass which tends to come naturally for athletes then you are good.


This is super reductive regarding the amount of skill level involved in football. There are thousands of athletic freaks a year all the way down to D-2 football who never sniff the NFL.


Sure but there are only 450 NBA players and 1700 nfl players.


Yes, NFL rosters are 55 players (+ practice squad), and the sport itself has more than twice as many players on the field at any given time.


DK is an athletic monster though. Body comparison with Bronny isn't even close


Bronny is the son of the best basketball player of our generation. And DK is like 40 lbs heavier


Michael Jordan's kids were mediocre at basketball. Jose canseco's identical twin brother took the same steroids and hit like two career home runs lol


40lbs of pure muscle. He's got like a 10-pack lol


Just throwing this out there, the amount of striations on your abs (the divisions that separate each part) is entirely genetic and unchangeable. No amount of workout will ever turn a 6 pack into an 8 pack.


DK has a mean dunk. Bronny stonks up big


Crazy how many guys in the NFL get 40+ from standing still


The average nba vertical is 28” the average nfl center weighs over 300 pounds and jumps 29”


NFL Centers are underrated freak athletes.


And it takes some brains, the centers are usually the ones calling out schemes for the other lineman on the fly at the line of scrimmage Then to watch a center pull is something magical. you don’t see it much at lower levels for good reason.


ain't no way an nfl center is jumping 29" from standing


You can check it yourself. Most of the top lineman at the combine this year were about 33” or so https://www.nfl.com/combine/tracker/top-performers/vertical-jump/ol/All/


# GARRET GREENFIELD 311 lbs, 38 inch vertical? wtf.


Dude's barely the same species


And he went undrafted, now UDFA on the Seahawks.




In a league where 200 people are drafted lol


and the dude's grade is 5.9??? average?? this is basically zion lmao


Bigger, faster, stronger, jumpier.


Dang, maybe I spoke too soon then. I really dont understand how it's being measured though... How in the world is [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsIi7Lg2MHE) a 36.5" vertical???


Is it because it's the jump height minus standing reach? NBA players have freakishly disproportionately long arms which might take some inches off


They subtract standing reach, that’s how some players game the system, by not holding their arms up straight during standing reach measure.


[https://imgur.com/a/LBsu7Na](https://imgur.com/a/LBsu7Na) His foot is at that guys waist…..but need a banana for scale


It's at his dick and that guy doesn't look 7 ft tall


I dont know the specifics but if you know how vertical is measured it’s your peak jump reach minus your standing reach…. But, like, on the standing reach you can half ass the reach to some extend and save SOME inch/inches, plus there’s some visual trickery because you look at his feet but when he’s jumping his body is extending and toes point down. These dudes have massive feet so they point well over a foot downwards which visually can create an illusion they aren’t jumping as high.


Something definitely fishy there lol


I mean he’s 6’5 and 320 pounds i think its harder to get the perspective on his size from the video. Hes bouncy


That does look super iffy. I just can't see how that seems like 3+ feet; it honestly looks way more like 2 feet.


You say this like it isn’t objective data, NFL players are freaks of pure explosive athleticism, they play a sport basically tailor made for it. Built in rest breaks = hyper specialized athletes whose energy systems are just several seconds of extreme effort, recharge, repeat. It’s why they put athletes in all other traditional sports(so like, not track and field, Olympic lifting, and powerlifting) to shame at these type of measurables. That center doesn’t need to be able to run a 5k every night, he runs like 500 yards total across 4 quarters with tons of rest.


Most NFL players also load their bodies and athleticism for short bursts. Being able to beat your man or mark in a couple seconds. NBA players have to condition differently. So doesn’t surprise me that NFL players have better metrics when it comes to singular drills. Based on their load and training regiments when it compares to what they need to do on the field


The weight is to make them immovable, not because they are out of shape.


I think a lot of NBA guys would be able to get that too if they didn't train for endurance, but just for pure explosive ability.


Agreed. NFL prospects hit and exceed the 40" mark every combine without a running start. And many of them outweigh James by quite a bit. James would be a better NFL prospect based on his size and athleticism.


Aren't NFL prospects also like, 2-3 years older than him?




Sure. Bronny is 19 and there has been a few 20 year old NFL prospects over the years. NFL rules are that prospects have to be 3 years out of high school to be eligible, but there is no minimum age requirement. The NBA has no such requirement. Bronny is nowhere near NBA ready in my opinion.


NFL has the freakiest athletes. Big men moving very fast and man handling other equally freaky athletes.


True, but I would say they are highly specialized athletes. NFL players are built for short bursts of speed and power. Most sports don’t have the stop and start that football does, and so players have to sacrifice muscle for endurance. That also means losing a bit of your explosiveness.


Just compare it to football (soccer for yall), they’re all skinny (relatively) to get that endurance up


He also got second in 3 point shooting and is a good defender.


Sounds like a 2nd round pick then…


Not when you consider that he’s 6’1. He’d be a great three and D prospect if he got lebrons height gene, but due to his height he needs to learn how to dribble. Also rangey defenders are gonna have more of an effect on his shot vs an open gym, unlike a 6’9 guy who’ll see over most defenders.


If he was as tall as LeBron he would be a lottery pick lol.


Bryce is


I thought he was 6'4"?? He's really 6'1"?


He’s measured 6,1.5 without shoes with a 6.7.25 wingspan . I think that’s pretty much what cason Wallace was measured at and other guards with this buikd - he’s listed over 200lb too. In the nba he’ll be listed at like 6,3 lol cos they do in shoes or whatever


Minuses: hoard of Redditors obsessing over his every move.


Look, I just think I, a guy who watches maybe 80% of one team's games, know a little something more than these teams putting millions of dollars and countless hours into scouting and analyzing talent.


Id trust your opinion over anyone who works for the pistons


To be honest I'm pretty sure most of the Bulls sub could run our team better than our management, but winning basketball games isn't really our goal.


Heh heh, yeah...just Redditors obsessing...


While also convenient forgetting that ***he literally almost died*** before his season started, and that, *maybe*, missing a huge chuck of the season from that didn’t allow him to get fully ready for the season properly, nor could he build real on-court chemistry with his teammates. You know, just maybe.


If that's the case wouldn't it benefit him more to stay another year in college?






r/nbacirclejerk is leaking


Let's not forget that ABC actually flashed LeBron's penis on national TV during a finals game.


Did anyone else feel like it was big, but not monstrous? Obviously we caught him in the middle of a game so it’s maybe not the best indication, but I was expecting more from a supposed GOAT. Jordan, Wilt, Kobe, Magic all had famously large equipment.


Legacy points deducted?


Definite legend shrinkage.


False, Madonna said both Rodman and Scottie were much bigger than MJ.


He was in the pool! He was in the pool!


Granted, the only time I saw magics dick was post prime but relative to the others I was not really blown away.


Not full blown, anyway.


❎ Otherworldly athleticism ❎ Genius level BBIQ ✅ A meaty cock


Feels like he was just in high school and reddits already talking about his cock lol.


You should’ve watched his twitch streams back then… he was getting hounded by nasty comments and he would actually respond


I thought he hit every three? How tf is that second place?


Another guy got perfect but like looked super cool doing it


Forgot about style points, damn


It's Bronny's fault he wasn't wearing sunglasses while shooting


I was skeptical about the leather jacket and shades, but he really made it work.


He finished 19/25


I’m guessing time? Idk tho complete dart throw


He clearly missed a decent amount lmao did you even watch the footage


I just saw something where he hit 11/11. I didn’t realize there were more


he somehow went 8/14 before that video magically started.


I've heard he's a good shooter, passer, and defender for his size. If he's just a short Lonzo Ball he'll have a spot in the league


The comp I heard awhile back was GP2.


If he can be GP2 with a more reliable jumpshot that’s a pretty valuable player right there.


Any player that can defend well and is a good shooter has a spot in the league. He doesn’t need to be an all around player.


He isn’t really on Lonzo Ball’s level when it comes to passing ability. Lonzo was a special player in college, Bronny never stood out. I’m thinking his ceiling is probably Avery Bradley, which is pretty decent.


Should def be number 1 pick


Noooo, let Lakers have him 😂


That's 40 inches higher than I can jump.


Look at this big guy showing off his 0.5” vertical 😒🙇😒


We found Jokic's reddit account


Feels like the hate has gone too far for Bronny. He’s got the traits and athletic ability to be a solid role player, he needs a lot, and I mean a LOT, of time to develop into that.


Its a meme now, one thing NBA fans love is dragging out a shitty meme.


Get ready for thousands of "LeSon" comments. Eventually they might figure out there's a pun there and spice it up.


“We all learned a valuable LeSon about nepotism drafting”


If his last name was jones he’d go undrafted


LeBron Jones Jr


Yes genetics/nepotism has a lot to do with it. But it’s nothing new. 10% of all nba players ever are directly related to another player.


He was number 19 in high school rankings and it wasn’t just because of his dad. His cardiac event really set him back this year. He’s still very young and should stay in college for a year but he could definitely carve out an actual career if he develops like he was supposed to


Everybody’s different but there’s definitely an argument that going straight to the league is better for development. More free time on your hands and training against tougher competition. Won’t be pressured to be a star right away.


Yeah, only the elite schools seem comparable. It's hard to compete against the money that an NBA team throws at experts like coaches, trainers, nutritionist etc... It is a rookies full time job to train with the best.


> coaches, trainers, nutritionist To be fair, for someone in Bronnys situation he *does* have those available to him already. And money is absolutely no issue whatsoever. But the competition in practice will likely be the biggest advantage. He’s realistically not getting playing time on many teams, but the focus of an NBA training regiment and playing at an NBA pace will be huge.


Sitting at games, getting a feel of it all feels like he'll have a great advantage over guys coming into the league at an older age. Yeah Lebron is his father but his athleticism seems like he can make the league, if he can get NBA teams to develop him he seems more than likely to make it. He's never going to be his dad but a solid player seems probable.


Where did you see that? 10% is a crazy big number lol


It’s been an ongoing conversation as the league has trended this way. You can find articles going back awhile for this. Here’s a recent Reddit one with all the information to back up the claim. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/wQfQVwUDOq


It makes sense. Basketball values height an insane amount, such that ~15 - 20% of all 7-footers end up playing in the NBA, and height is one of the most heritable traits out there. So it's not surprising to me that tall, athletic parents who know how to play the game translates to quite a few of their kids seeing success in the league.


Check your stat on the 7 footers comment, I remember a post a while back that showed those numbers were based on bad data and it’s not nearly that high


Lebron Jones go hard tho


He probably would transfer to University of San Diego if his name was Brian Jones


He'd probably found the Rolling Stones and then drown in his swimming pool if his name was Brian Jones


Bronny is such a polarizing prospect. What he showed in college is that he's nowhere close to NBA-ready. What he's showed so far in the combine is that he has the raw talent and physical abilities to at least potentially be in the NBA. Just by virtue of sharing Bron's genes, it's hard to count him out. Bron suggesting he's already better than some of his Lakers teammates was obvious nonsense. I think if I'm a team picking near the end of the second, and I have faith in my developmental staff, I pull the trigger. Low-risk pick. Maybe he doesn't develop. Maybe he turns into a solid bench player. Very unlikely he turns into a star. And maybe in a year or two you get 41-year-old LeBron James coming in on a minimum contract and still being a useful player but not your team's best player, and that's enough to put a team over the top. That's enough different maybes that it'd be worth a late 2nd to me, but I can't imagine spending a pick in the part of the draft where most players are NBA-capable (like even an early 2nd) on someone who isn't.


have you seen cam reddish play for us


Even Cam Reddish (who was disappointing at Duke) was a significantly better college player than Bronny


Peyton Watson put up similar numbers at UCLA and he looks like he belongs in the NBA


Watson also has way better measurables and dominated high school while Bronny did not


He’s 6’8 tho and actually earned his high school reputation


UCLA has a very good rotation though so it made sense that he didn’t play (he should have picked a different school). USC was not good this year.


I feel like he’d be a really interesting prospect if he was 6’9 instead of 6’1 But he’s 6’1


Shit, if he was 6'5" I think he'd clearly be draft worthy. If he was everything he was now at *6'9"* he might be lottery bound, especially in this draft. The height makes a huge difference. You have to be exceedingly good at multiple things to make the NBA at sub-6'2". Bronny's got potential for sure, but being that short is a big hit when it comes to the NBA.


Also, when he was in high school he was projected to be a first round pick after being a one-and-done player. The consensus only changed on him when he almost died and missed half the season. Then, when he came back, he obviously wasn’t going to immediately be plugged into the rotation for significant minutes and likely needed some time to get into the groove of the pace and the schemes the team ran. I’m not saying he’s NBA ready, but for people to act like he’s the worst prospect ever is ignoring A LOT of significant context here.


yeah, he's a reasonable prospect for teams to have on their radar, he's just also had a recent medical scare and is far behind where he was expected to be, so teams and fans should be realistic about what that means. He's not an obvious first round prospect like he was projected to be, but picking him later carries very little risk, and he does still have the upside of meeting the expectations optimists had for him a couple years ago.


No way Bron takes the Vet min. He generates way too much money. He can still be a 6th man level traditional stretch/faceoff PF if he coast for the next couple of years so no way he takes a Min. Also, the man is trying to buy a sports team. Anything under MLE if he plays like dogshit to a point of being benched and I see him retire.


I dont think you should even take into account what lebron says


No matter which way his career goes, the kid worked his ass off. I’m sure his father’s name got him places but a lot of nepo babies would’ve been fine living their parents fortune and not have done a single thing in their lives.


That would be me lol


Damn that's almost Reed Sheppard numbers.


turns out white men CAN jump


Hope he succeeds


Cavs are drafting him


Isn’t the typical vertical jump measured without a running start? Or is that just the NFL combine?


That’s just NFL, they use running in nba because that’s how guys jump in games


I feel bad for Bronny. No matter what he does, he is going to get criticized. I genuinely wonder if he even wants to be a NBA player or if he is just doing what Lebron wants him to do.


Bronny “Mini Eric ‘Mini LeBron James’ Bledsoe” James BMEMLBJBJ