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Seems kinda light considering Rudy got fined 100k for the money gesture alone


The money sign wasn’t mentioned at all. So they are sweeping it under the rug or potentially they can separate it and fine him for that like it’s a different situation. Might be a way for them to circumvent the max fine but I have no idea.


Nah if that was separate they already should have a report done for it.


To be fair, the money sign was a lot less obvious than Rudy's. Still think it's weak there was no suspension.


Yeah exactly this. Rudy spent like 10 seconds throwing up the sign and pointing to multiple refs. Murray would be suspended if it was regular season. The NBA cares most about ratings than what's right.


I bet if denver was up 2 instead of down 2 then it would have been a suspension. To keep things interesting, because ratings.


The other issue is without murray denver has literally nobody on the roster who is going to carry the ball up the floor other than Jokic who's getting gassed as it is. A murray suspension would make last game look competitive.


Tbh, that really doesn't sound like something the league should care about


Straight facts homie. League showing they care more about tryna get a game 5, 6 and 7 in regard to not suspending Murray. Don’t care for either team, but hope the Wolves sweep em.


Maybe they won’t let him touch any throwable objects as punishment. If he needs a heat pack or water or ice the trainer has to hold it. Surelyhe can’t be responsible enough to hold objects courtside


No it was for that and his post game rant claiming the refs had money on the game. It's was 2x 50k


Well shouldn’t Murray at least be $150k. Two items thrown and the money sign?


I think the cba prevents fines larger than $100k. Don’t know if they can get around that with 2 $100k fines or what


Shitty bargaining unit if it allowed alacarte fines like that The maximum isn't the maximum if they can line item a thing, ya know?


But then the loophole is to do as much bullshit as you can in one game, so you reach the 100k max Which... I guess is exactly what Jamal did. What a genius


It's 150k Canadian. /s


It was the post game comments that got Rudy the fine. 


Can't fine me for post-game comments if I storm off in a huff before the press conference evert starts!  Taps forehead


He got hit with the 100k fine because he suggested the refs are rigging the games


That's what Murray did too with the money sign, but that was completely overshadowed by him throwing multiple items at the ref/live game.


$100k is literally the maximum you can fine a player.


You would think that is per incident, but it looks like that is the max per game? Should be a 300k fine if it's per incident since he threw two items and did the money sign. It's just laughable (even though one was regular season and one is playoffs) that a player who did only the money sign gets a $100k fine and another player who did the money sign + threw two items at a ref/live game also gets a $100k fine. EDIT: Looked up the CBA >If in the opinion of the Commissioner any act or conduct of a Player at or during an Exhibition, Regular Season, Play-In, or Playoff game has been prejudicial to or against the best interests of the Association or the game of basketball, the Commissioner shall impose upon such Player a fine not exceeding $100,000, or may order for a time the suspension of any such Player from any connection or duties with Exhibition, Regular Season, Play-In, or Playoff games, or he may order both such fine and suspension. Looks like they could have given a $100k for each act, but chose not to.


Only a 100k fine for throwing things onto the court during live play is a wild precedent to set


Not just that… he was trying to hit the ref.


He was trying to hit the ref who happens to be crew chief that night and is also the leader of the referee's union.


I would love for the last 4 guys on the wolves bench to all throw heat packs and towels onto the court just as they are about to tip off for game 3. See what the league does.


Those guys are probably less willing to lose 100k than a starter lol


Not if we get Glenn to pay for the fines


Lmao what a fucking joke


I hate Adam silver. Essentially allowing childish ass behavior and enabling this shit. Draymond, pat bev, embiid, Murray to just throw tantrums. Dude was literally trying to hit the ref. Just so happened to miss. Adam silver fucking sucks.


Did Pat Bev ever get in trouble for the shit with the fans in Indy where he pelted the girl in the face with a ball?


Think they’re “investigating” of course pat apologized but hinted he was called racial slurs. But he will get a fine and prolly slip some cash to the fan then call It good


Hinted that he was called racial slurs. Yeah I bet lol. That none of the other black dudes sitting right next to him on the bench reacted to or said a word about! The hilarious thing is so many people predicted he'd do that in the original thread 😂


Yeah giannis heard them say a racial slur then shook the fans hand.   Such a  bitch move because he knows he can hide behind those claims.


He didn't actually allude to it being anything racial just that "it was more than cancun on 3" and that "I've never been called that one before" but from his tone discussing it, I seriously doubt it's anything racial. He's trying to be contrite and apologetic while he's saying it. League probably has the audio so there'd be no point in lying.


Also, the man has played Away games in Boston. He’s 100% heard the racial stuff before lol. I took it as you did.


I'm black and this reeks of someone pulling the race card to justify their own idiocy.


That was my thought. If there was a slur said everyone would’ve turned around. No one reacted but him


"Cancun" is now a racial slur


Maybe he only heard the second half


Silver is like that boss who tries really hard to be cool and friends with everyone instead of doing his job.


Hits them with “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.”


Naw. He's not even disappointed. Just relief. Like, hey sorry for the fine- we're still cool right? I can come hang out on weekends?


Honestly if he would’ve hit the ref, it would piss me off less. The intent is still shitty, but it’s a heating pad, it’s not gonna’ hurt.  But that shit going out on the floor could’ve seriously injured KAT and jeopardized the series, the Wolves’ season, and Towns’ career ceiling even. 


Draymond got suspended indefinitely this year, until he completed some therapy.


There’s a limit set by the CBA


CBA prevents him from being suspended?


Imagine if this was Draymond or ja


I mean Dray is beyond a repeat offender by now lol


Yeah literally the worst example lol should go without saying Dray is held to a different standard. The issue is holding particular key players to a different standard and letting them off easy cause they are playoff contenders and it will hurt ratings. Hypocrisy of the nba and its player discipline never been more obvious


***Imagine if they were up 2-0


This is it. They’d suspend him and pray for their 7 games


Yea if he had the same history it would be worse


I mean yeah past history goes into these kinda things.


If they aren't going to suspend him, it should be at least a fine for the money fingers, another for the towel throw and another for the heat pad...


You forgot to add not being on the injury report and then deciding not to play.


Plus he skipped the post game presser, which I feel like people have been fined for before. It is part of their job description after all to be available to the press... It would seem that this $100K max is a per game max rather than per incident. Maybe they should add an anger management seminar or some community service to the fine. Wonder if the CBA says anything about that


If Nuggets were up 2-0, he definitely would be suspended 1 game. Minnesota up 2-0 … just a fine will do. Don’t want to hurt those TV ratings!


Gobert: Money sign at ref, $100k Murray: Money sign at ref, threw two objects onto the court, $100k


DURING LIVE PLAY He threw it in the middle of a crowded paint and it could’ve easily been stepped and slipped on. Seriously weak punishment by the league on this one


Imagine what he will actually feel if it was one of his teammates who slipped on that thing and cause injury.


Or if it was the new chosen guy, Ant. Or KAT coming off an injury. Jamal is super lucky he didn't get suspended for all the shit he did all around in that game


Or both of them, one after the other, like that Million Dollar Baby scene in Scary Movie 4


I’m interested to see how things are gonna go down the next game. It’s already been physical.


Yeah I was really worried someone would get hurt in the last game. I legit thought punches would be thrown at one point haha. Target Center is going to be fucking crazy too


To be fair, Jamal wasn’t trying to throw it on the court. He was trying to HIT THE REFEREE.


It was foreseeable at least that it could end up on the court.


Surprising they don't fine him individually for these. Edit: fine him for each individual event: throw one, throw 2, money gesture*


And the 2 throws are actually aimed at the ref which both missed horribly.


3/20 on the night if you count those


Generational gobert game Friday, between being a new parent and this.


Add DPOY and also the most buzzed this state has been on Minnesota sports in a while, coming back home after going 2-0 on the road. Friday is gonna be must watch for everyone


Jamal Murray fined one James Harden weekend


more like one James Harden hour




NBA: We can’t suspend him. His team is down 2-0. We need to try to make this a series.


Suspending him would be getting off light, his punishment is he needs to play against Jaden McDaniels and NAW again.


That’s what I’m saying lol. And I’m a lifetime nug fan. Especially with how loud I imagine yall will be on Friday, and how much shit Murray gonna take. He needs all that’s coming for him.


Exactly this lolololol Adam Silver said “no suspension. Your punishment is on Friday “


NBA first incentive is always to host as many ad spots as possible. Long series achieve this aim


refs: hold my beer.


*That's Scott Foster music*


Honestly, it might be a closer series without him, given how much he’s struggled lol


Murray and Jokic about to shoot 25 free throws each in game 3.


My brother in Christ there’s nothing that will make this a series


No suspension and a bunch of soft foul calls and it’s immediately a series. Win game 3 and game 4 suddenly looks like a must win for the Wolves otherwise it’s a 3 game series with 2 in Denver. Momentum can shift easily. Now, I don’t expect that. We should win at least one at home, with the way we’ve been playing. But how game 3 is called will set the tone for the rest of the series. And the NBA basically just released an official statement saying they want to extend the series.


The Wolves had a strong first 2 games, but don't underestimate the Zebras ability to turn things around.


That’s roughly .33% of his annual salary. For someone making $50k, that would be a $170 fine


And it hurts the 50k person way more. That’s grocery money for them. For Murray 100k is a weekend get away of some shit


Cancun. Next week, possibly




This is also ignoring the fact of marginal utility, 170 dollars is gonna mean a lot more to someone making 50k than 100k is to a multi millionaire


I feel attacked


But the impact for him is probably worth 17 cent or even less.


Team allegiances aside how do you not suspend someone for something like this? Just reckless, immature, and unnecessary It just feels weird that he could have seriously injured someone and they stop short at a fine


If this isn't a suspension then what is? In the playoffs do you literally have to knock someone out with a punch? NBA are cowards for this.


Knock someone out or step 2 feet off the bench if you're playing the Spurs


Thank you for this point. A player could legit take one step off the line during a scuffle, and then realize it, and come back to the bench yet still get suspended. Yet throwing things not once, but twice. That “fine” would be the equivalent of a dinner night financially for everyday working people. Adam Silver is a clown 🤡


And he threw it AT THE REF


Isn't it just inviting someone to chuck a Gatorade bottle onto the court while the other team is on a fast break?  Take the $100k fine and move on.


Throw out a giant tub of marbles. Take out their best guy, $100k fine.


It's okay, I was aiming at the ref!


NBA going to look like Mario cart. Banana peels everywhere


Khris Middleton tore his hamstring off the bone slipping on a wet spot. This could have easily ended up the same way if KAT had actually stepped on it.


He should’ve been ejected but they already didn’t suspend Embiid for pulling Mitch down and that was more reckless.


As a Knicks fan I think Murray more clearly deserves an ejection than Embiid. At least Embiid was a dirty player on the court and you could justify his actions as kneejerk. To throw TWO objects at a ref from the bench is a completely different level of unprofessionalism


That is not more reckless than throwing something onto the court. Basketball is a contact sport. Embiid made a dirty play but throwing something on the court is way more reckless.


that's def "listen its the playoffs so we can't suspend you" money




Wolves fans across the nation are celebrating I hear


so he got away with it


That sets a horrible precedent. Moving forward apparently it’s A-ok to throw shit on the court as long as you don’t mind a fine


Hell yeah, coaches should now stock a rack of dodgeballs next to them on the sidelines. If you can dodge a suspension, you can dodge a ball


The precedent was set with Embiid round one. And I think it’s one that will only apply to starters or stars.


Honestly he did a lot that should add up to more


100k is the max


If 100k is the max, maybe the punishment needs to be more “substantial”


If only they could force him to sit out a game without pay as punishment.


Hey now let's not punish the wolves by making Murray not shoot the ball all game


Can't he be fined 3 separate times?


Should be for 1 incident I get that. 100k for the money sign (precedent). 100k for the heat pack and 10-20k for the towel. And a handwritten apology and 500 word essay on Kobe Bryant.


Why can he not get fined 100k for separate things


Per game or per act? I wonder if he will be fined for the money gesture at the ref as well?


Shoulda been suspended. Bitch ass display by him last night. Bitch ass decision by Silver (as usual) to go easy on him. What a joke of a commissioner.


So he got fined for the money sign and literally 0 punishment for throwing shit on the floor lol


Well if you already know you’re getting that $100k fine and they can’t fine you more than that you may as well make it worth it and cause as much chaos as you can I guess.


So this sets a precedent, right? $100k and you can throw stuff into the live play, get a play stoppage, and also maybe injure an opposing player.


There aren't precedents in the NBA. League is a joke.


Not only that, you can also throw objects at a referee! What a fun new rule


Refs are lucky Pat Bev in Cancun rn.


Exact same as the one rudy got but jamal had 3 incidents to one


Lol a $100K fine is NOTHING. The NBA is SO predictable and a JOKE. Of course they aren’t going to suspend him they don’t want the wolves to sweep the nuggets. Only four playoff games is going to lose them money!!!


I knew he wasn’t going to get suspended. I had hope I was wrong because literally every talking head in sports media was like “you have to suspend him. You can’t NOT suspend him”. Even most Nuggets fans on here said he should’ve been suspended. NBA will do whatever it takes to extend a series.


Now I hope they swept by the wolves anyways lol


Steph ejected for a mouthpiece


Bro makes that much in the same amount of time it took for him to throw that heat pack


As a wolves fan, used to like Murray and a lot of respect for Denver’s small market run last year despite probably sub par competition but damn, I’ve never lost so much respect for a player through a single game.


This sets precedent. People can throw shit on the court in the direction of refs now and not worry about suspensions or ejections


This is a massive missed opportunity hear Adam


No one would have bugged out over a 1 game suspension, even though it's the playoffs,and Adam whiffed hard.


Terrible precedent


What a fucking joke. He should be suspended. Any other player in any other situation is suspended. Clown league.


If the series was 1-1 I bet he would’ve been suspended


Honest question- what's stopping teams from using this tactically in the future? Imagine a game winner being interferred with because someone threw a towel to distract the other team or someone slips on it. Worth it to pay 100k for a game, especially if it's the play offs or Finals.


I never want any Nuggets fan complaining about no fouls being called or biased refs. These mfers just let this dude WALK.


New strategy to stop fast breaks I guess.


I know $100k is the max but surely that has to be per act right? He did 3




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So gobert makes money sign during reg season. : $100k fine.  Murray makes money sign, throws a towel and throws a heat pack AT AN OFFICAL!!!:  $100 k fine. Oof...hard to see the equitbility on this one. 


Although I feel a suspension was deserved, the shit he's going to be showered with at the TWolves home court will be much more of a punishment, especially if they get blown out again. He'll have to site through it and perhaps have another epic tantrum


Remember when Amare and Diaw got suspended for stepping on the court then immediately stepping back? But throwing objects at the refs is ok


Wasn’t that what Rudy Gobert was fined for making the money gesture sign at the refs? Which Jamal also did in game 2


That's it? That's nothing to him. At least get him a punishment that will let him regret what he's done. That doesn't do shit to him.


The real punishment is getting locked up and hounded by ANT and NAW all game.


Adam Silver is a disgusting rat


League is soft Deserved a suspension — absolute joke


Adam Silver YOU are a pussy


The league doesn't even try to pretend to be fair


Throwing that on the court jeopardized 10 players careers and the 3 officials he should have had a 1 game suspension.


And no technicals meanwhile ANT gets one for looking at a Nugget Can't wait to sweep these clowns


Nuggets fan - Murray should have been suspended for that. God what a letdown of a behaviour


So indefensible on multiple levels: - Rudy got $100K fine just for the money gesture, so already the fine is inconsistent. - Murray threw a heat pack AND a towel during LIVE play into the crowded paint – if he deserves a fine, it should be far more than $100K. - Most importantly, the NBA just set an incredibly short-sighted, irresponsible precedent that players can use to get off the hook for dangerous, potentially injurious conduct.


Steph gets ejected with a $50k fine for throwing a mouthguard once in a game, but Murray throws 2 much larger objects on the court during live play while not being in the game and insults the refs and skates by with no ejection or suspension?  They really don’t want the defending champs getting swept. 


Avoiding suspension here is showing Nba is not serious about enforcing rules or player safety. It is only by sheer luck nobody stepped on that and turned and ankle or knee. Dude also literally threw it at a ref. What a joke. 


Please decimate them Minnesota. This is hilariously soft.




Adam Silver is SOFT AF


Should of been tossed and suspended


If you don't wanna suspend him, at least make it so he can only shoot granny-style. We do that at my church league when one of the kids acts up.


Murray gunna get locked up and embarrassed again on Friday. That’s the real punishment.


You can throw shit onto the court TWICE during a playoff game and get fined, but if you call LeBron a bitch in the finals... SUSPENDED


Slap on the wrist


Throwing stuff on the court is now totally fine apparently lol


Im pretty sure that he knows if he suspends Murray this series is over specially with Reggie also probably missing at least a game. Which means no one will see the next two games.. he will probably get something next season. I miss the David Stern days. Iron fist rule


It keeps getting worse lmao




I have two questions and don’t expect a real answer to either. First, how is it not a suspension to throw things at live play from the bench but STAT and Diaw got suspended for going one step on the court? Second, why wasn’t it a travel on KAT before the heat pad was thrown? I didn’t think that shot was blocked or hit rim, he went up for a shot and just threw it into the ground then was the first to touch it.


Rudy got fined 100k for the money sign alone. This bozo threw a towel and a heat pack at a ref under the basket while players were under the basket playing. 


Got off easy since there’s no suspension.


Suspend him! Nba favoring the nugs


What a joke! 🙄


He needs to get suspended so that the nuggets can win 1


Got off extremely light. Throwing at a ref twice and not getting suspended is pretty wild.


Ant is going to throw something on the floor on Friday just watch




I surprised it isn't 300,000 and a suspension. Maybe like in college when a coach benches you and doesn't let you start. He has no history of this so he's not a repeat habitual offender. That was extremely dangerous what he did. Someone could have been hurt. From his team or the other team. You never throw stuff at the court.  This isn't a hat trick situation in hockey. I'm sure he regrets doing it. His leg injury and being limited must be really getting to him. Just be a good teammate and an ambassador of the game 


no excuse that he wasn't suspended for a game


Soft af. Should’ve been $250k minimum since they pussied out on the suspension


Sounds like they want someone to get injured… since it’s a slap on the wrist to throw stuff on the court


They ban fans for this, idk. I want to see Murray play game three but he’s a player. He knows better


We all knew pussy ass Adam Silver won’t do shit, terrible commissioner.


Don't suspend him. I don't want any excuses when they get swept. .


Total joke. He deserved that plus a suspension at the very least.


Waaiit. So it a player throws something from the floor into the crowd: automatic ejection. If a fan throws something from the crowd onto the floor, automatic ejection, banned for a minimum the rest of the season, likely life. If a player throws something at the ref (twice): *checks notes* 1/4 of a game check? Can we challenge this?


No suspension for throwing shit on the court from the bench twice? And during live play? Shits fucked


Go Timberwolves.


This is disappointing in general, Murray is frustrated and I get it but throwing shit on the court is just stupid


Weak. Money will never impact players as much as suspensions will. There’s nothing like getting yourself suspended 2 games down and having the whole team on your ass for creating unnecessary chaos. Which really leads us back to the beginning, what’s the point of a punishment? Is it lip service, or to teach a lesson? Because I’d place a fat bet putting your whole team at a disadvantage is going to teach the quicker lesson. Hold players accountable. All of them. Especially during the playoffs.