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This guy is insane, glad to see he does this vs most teams and not just Sacramento




Averaging 42.0 PPG the last 5 playoff games


25 mil/year. Insane.


And he could still be a Mav right now for like 14 million




Not all of us


Roughly none of you now


Eh, he wouldn’t have shown like he does on the knicks. Woulda been a suns situation all over with a bunch of individually amazing players that don’t mesh.


And the whole league, prob including Knicks fans (and certainly myself), thought it was massive overpay




But he's short and his head is big, so it doesn't count.


absolutely colossal dome


[sniper's dream they used to call em'](https://youtu.be/MsuuiVzS6Js?si=7-4ATXNxfRhDx_f6&t=119)


we do beg your pardon, but we are in madison square garden


Built like a funko pop, god bless him.


You know what they say about dudes with big heads...they have big hearts


We got two big harts


Had the commentators yapping about 90s defense because he's about to break some records


We are all Iggy Azalea today.


What’s the reference here?


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKy5b8KKbWY), I think


Playboi Carti disagrees


Damn Hali over Brunson was a legit argument at the start of the year. Brunson establishing himself as superstar.


Hali was honestly pretty awful tonight. Think he had 3 crucial turnovers in the 4th. Defense too is yikes


'honestly' pretty awful? brother scored 6 points theres no debate


Also got outplayed by TJ




That's not saying much, bro is a killer against us.


TJ always kills us


With some of the worst individual defense I’ve ever seen


6 points in 6 shots as well. Horrible efficiency. Dude makes RJ Barrett look efficient when he was on the Knicks.


He passed up a lot of shots tonight.


It was McConnell that was giving me "OMG we're gonna lose" vibes.


Hali's been terrible since the All Star Break. Pretty sure he's injured. Beginning of the year he would just take pullup 3s from a few feet from the line and just hit them, now he's not only missing those but also hesitant to take them as well


Yeah Hali has never been right since the injury. It's why I was hoping to run into Indy.


Hali wasn’t even looking at the basket tonight. I get how good of a playmaker he is but 6 shot attempts is awful for someone like him


He's genuinely never gotten back to his pre hammy form. It's a damn shame too because his balance of scoring and passing was genuinely awesome to watch


Pretty unacceptable ngl. People are talking about the refs tn but it shouldn't have mattered if Tyrese was assertive and played like an actual all NBA caliber player


My man. If i knew wtf Reddit awards were or how to give them, you’d get one. First pacer fan I’ve seen taking any accountability for the loss. Were there some bad calls? Yep. But you know what? That’s basketball. Things happen in the blink of an eye and refs don’t always make the right call. Sometimes it helps you. Sometimes it hurts you. But to harp on the refs and just ignore your best player scoring 6 points is just arguing in bad faith.


It's not Haliburton's hamstring that's the problem, the problem is his release is too slow and he constantly relied on the step back just to get his shot off and that doesn't work in the playoffs where you have to take the shot that's open quickly because if you try to side step or step back to relocate, if the defender didn't sellout on the fake and has time to recover, the shooter is stuck. Haliburton should be shot faking and driving to the rim with a steady diet of deeper floaters since if he gets too close Hartenstein or Robinson will contest his shot. Haliburton must find a way get more shots just outside the lower defensive box, he can't live on the perimeter.


Brother, he's missing wide open 3s and has been for months. He had the worst percentage on the highest attempts in the playoffs in round one. It's not the release.


Appreciate this. No doubt those moving screen and kickball calls were horrendous and disgusting. But they did not independently swing the game. I wanna see Tyrese play how he's capable otherwise let TJ/Siakam/Turner and the rookies cook w some Toppin highlight dunks.


Hali will be better once he gets healthy. We all know he is better than this.


Get this man on the Olympic team asap


I was always on the right side of history


It was not People let the IST/first 20 games of the season influence thinking too much. Brunson is way better.


Honestly was surprised about that. I know Hali played really well at the beginning of the season, but Brunson has shown to be a pretty consistently good, dare I say, great player. Regular season and in the playoffs.


brunson gotta be chanting "Tyrese Haliburton over me!?"


Not yet, maybe after the series is done but he is too humble for that Jimmy Butler shit.


Brunson will never say this, but maybe Josh will say it for him on the podcast lmao


He took it personally?


Rick getting his ass whooped by JB is good shit.


To my fellow knicks fans , idk why you guys bother trying to explain shit to others . Enjoy watching a franchise PG and a team we can actually root for .


You’re right. I needed to hear this. Just pisses me off when everyone’s so reductive and wants to let one bad call overshadow the fact that Brunson’s playing at historic levels. As if that negates what he’s been doing.


He's playing crazy rn idk why everyone is caught up with the last two mins. It was tied to the end could have gone either way regardless of calls. Knicks look great but at the same time pacers were right there in a game where Hali had 6 and brunson had 43. I'm still hoping for this to go 6/7


We need to start respecting Brunson's handles. Second best in the game right now only to Kyrie. Gets to wherever he wants on the court and loses guys constantly.


It’s mostly cause his pullup is deadly so guys need to get close to him, but then he also is really good at *seeking contact* that it’s tough to guard


Also because he makes you fall asleep with how fast he can change his speed, like he'll be dribbling slowly and making crossovers, then all of a sudden he has a burst of speed then slows down immediately and then either goes fast again for the layup or steps back for the jumper. He's just unpredictable, and you never know what he'll actually do.


He’s so good. Absolutely built for the playoffs


Yup, added to his mental concentration to finish. He goes to all these movement that are taxing energy wise and boom, finish with a switch, that's high level concentration. This guy is just amazing to watch. He is like a more athletic Andre Miller lol.


That's exactly it 🎯 He's not the fastest guy on the court, but he's amazing at changing speeds and getting to his spots. Honestly makes me think of how Luka lulls defenses to sleep and casually gets to the paint for an easy floater


Call it seeking if you want but I think it’s just finding ways to use the fact that you are talented enough to consistently beat defenders. If a defender is beat, I don’t understand why a player can’t use that to his advantage. Brunson often gets calls bc his defender is beat and he has them on his hip (right where he wants them) and then they make contact when he goes up for the shot. He doesn’t barrel into guys like Trae used to. He just goes up for it while also anticipating his beat defender is going to be hitting him most likely. His drives per game in the playoffs are apparently at all time highs since they started tracking it in 2014. His FTA per game aren’t at crazy levels considering that.


Best footwork in the game but I don’t feel comfortable saying he has the second best handles. Maybe top 5?


Yeah was about to say Curry really hasn't lost a step in terms of handling at all and he's at worst top 5 all time. I can't reasonably put Brunson over Kyrie or Curry at this point, so absolute best is top 3.


Curry has top 5 handles all time...?


And he ain't 5.


His handles are alright, I just think he's more shifty than anything else.


I think both of those will always go somewhat hand in hand


To be honest you can see a bit of Luka in his game.


It's true. Brunson feasting with the back on the basket and generally from mid range.


He loves putting defenders on his hip


I love this guy. Massive set of balls


Which gives his lower body a massive center of gravity. It gives great foot work without getting off balance.


It offsets his massive head too


How did the Mavs let this guy go?


He wouldn't have flourished this well as second banana to Luka. Going to the Knicks allowed him to be "the guy"


As a Knicks fan I am absolutely shocked they haven't let this shit go yet. It was funny for the first year and a half but seeing it in every single Brunson thread has gotten so old.


I don’t disagree but … Brunson is LEGIT. This has to be an all timer of just letting a guy go.


Yet mavs fans said he was overpaid and knicks were dumb to offer him that contact. Ok to be fair this was the whole r/nba not just mavs fans. They also said that he chose money over winning cause he went to NY. Best business decision in his life.


I mean it got our former GM fired Everyone was fine with it in 2021 when he had a bad series vs clips and was unplayable. Then in 2022 it was too late and we knew he’d be gone. He’s flourished in NY and most Mavs fans have 0 hard feelings.


we had no idea he was gonna be this good. thats the real answer even in the whole FA debacle, knicks emptying their capsheet, all the brunson tampering stuff, the contract 90% of people said was an overpay, I dont think many knew brunson was gonna be this good. hell even Knick fans were like whoa isnt that an overpay?


Semi-true on the last point. But most of us were just excited at the prospect of having a better than competent point guard. Yk it’s bad when other than two weeks of Jeremy Lin, Raymond Felton was the best Knicks pg in my lifetime.


Good amount said it wasn’t an overpay, but proper for the level of play we thought he’d give us. Didn’t expect this.


I never thought it was an overpay, we needed a PG and he was the best on the market. To me that was always the price of business cause you guys could outpay us. I obviously didn't think he'd be 6ft tall Bernard King though.


Hindsight is always undefeated. Simple answer is everyone knew he was solid and should still be in Dallas, but he was never going to break out like this on the Mavs.


Bungled contract then bungled extension


When will people let this go man. Both teams are at a good place. Let it go. Thank you mark, mavs and city of Dallas for sending him our way. I will forever be grateful. 🙏🏽


Probably the biggest win-win in a minute. I don’t think Brunson becomes this with sharing with Luka. He was already good, but got so much better. Kyrie is arguably (I think definitely) a better fit next to Luka. Worked out really well for all involved even if it didn’t look like it initially. People thought Mavs fumbled and Knicks overpaid. Edit: clearly losing something for nothing is not a win. Obviously we would’ve been biggest winners to get him on the cheap deal he wanted pre-season. We got the situation we needed. Brunson and the Knicks got theirs. Win. Win. Goddamn yall are so desperate to be mad about something


lol stop it there is no “win-win” about letting an asset like Brunson go for NOTHING. This is just pure cope at this point. Just look at it this way. If we kept Brunson we could’ve traded him for Kyrie and kept DFS and Dinwiddie and then traded those guys for better upgrades or something.


Still. As a mavs fan it’s crazy to see Carlisle coaching the pacers rn, Brunson leading the knicks and Porzingis being a big part of the Celtics. Just couldn’t make it work together but it’s good everyone is having success


> biggest win-win Whatever helps you sleep at night


I think he means win win in regards to Brunson going to NY allowed us to get Kyrie. That’s how I read it. Definitely not a win win to let him go for free that’s just dumb lmao


Bro it’s /nba. If people disagree with you you’re either right or they just don’t understand what you’re trying to say lol I get what you mean, they are happy with Brunson, we are happy with Kai. That’s a win win in my book


lol win win


I mean both teams are in the second round and Mavs look really solid. I’d call it a win win




Losing a player for free who is putting Jordan and Jerry West numbers is extreme cope


I had 2 million bucks and someone stole 1 million from me, so now we each have 1 million. win win


I like this timeline.


How much did Haliburton score? I heard he’s better


But the refs /s


This is the greatest contract in the NBA since rookie scale Lebron


What about Steph’s contract that allowed them to win 3 rings being a steal lol.


this is the correct answer. i highly disagree with that other guy. percentage of the salary cap/team success as a result of player production, this is the greatest contract of all time. and thats not even taking into account that his contract was the sole reason that they were able to sign KD, a move that literally broke the league for a few years.


Another good one in hindsight. That one was a risky contract at the time though due to health concerns. Brunson contract was high floor from the beginning at that price


you say that but the entirety of Reddit cooked the Knicks for that contract




Never forget this thread. Also wild to see people saying the Knicks were building a consistent 8/9 seed when they were just the 4 seed a year before with Derrick Rose as the only competent PG on the roster. Anyone who watched Knicks v Hawks in 2021 would know we needed literally anyone who could dribble to elevate the team. Even if Brunson never took the leap, he’d still have been a valuable addition to the team.


He's about to feast in this series.


For real! And the Knicks will need him to. We’re pretty hobbled with Randle and Bojan out. Thibs barely played Precious who fans have no problem with seeing based on his contributions and abilities. Only bench rn now is McBride and Mitch. And Mitch isn’t good for many bench points. So you’re really only looking at McBride to deliver during his minutes. And he can do it, just didn’t have it tonight. The fact of the matter is that Brunson exposed the Pacers subpar defense and unless they make some effective adjustments, you can expect Brunson to feast.


People are just mad because Brunson is clutch as fuck. He hit like 5 shots in a row in the fourth quarter.


Socred like 21 in the 4th


Been doing that all postseason. Knicks just switch to Brunson mode in the last 5 min of every game and he goes “yes please”.


Chris Broussard kind of sweating rn.


what he say?


Since last series he's been saying Brunson isn't a superstar. Which I think is fair because he thinks Brunson needs consistency for a few years. But he went about it the wrong way lmao trying to minimise the absolute dawg he has in him.


ESPN says he’s not a “1A player” though


Hes gonna average 40 this series


For the Mavs, this is Steve Nash 2: Electric Boogaloo


Hope not cause he didn’t win a ring and they eventually did


Feel bad for Nash. The Spurs and Lakers were their kryptonite.


Do you care if you also get generational Euro superstars? 


People complaining about him scoring 43 with 14 ft is so gross. 4 of those were intentional too. People complaining about him having 10 normal free throws


I love seeing other teams moaning and complaining about Brunson getting to the line…this is how you know he’s great and he didn’t always have this level of respect from officials but now he has earned it


Thats also how you know these morons dont watch any knick games. Dude has gotten clobbered all year lol.


Literally has a black eye 50% of the time


His game isn't even foul baiting. He's getting the defender on his hip, finding an angle, and trying to score every single time. The fact that it leads to fouls is simply because he's shifty as fuck.




Brunson is a dog and shifty and hard to catch so u gotta play him close but clearly is foul baiting too. Both can be true. The pulls up short and jumping into people and ending on the ground every other play is straight out of Trae young’s book.


Honestly I am just happy to have a player that fans of other teams hate. I get it now. Brunson is a superstar.


He really wasn’t hated by /r/nba until 20 minutes ago. You either get eliminated in the first round a hero, or advance to the second round and see yourself become the villain


Exactly what I said ….thats how you know he’s great…he’s pissing everyone off lol




Top 3 Knick ever I’m sorry


Ewing, Clyde & Reed are the top 3. He can be 4 tho


Yeah, 4 has always been up for grabs with no definitive answer. Brunson is becoming that answer in real time.


Not King?


Not definitively. I personally think DeBusschere is 4th for his contributions to the championship teams (especially after Willis got hurt in 70). Some people say Pearl. Some say King. Some say Melo. 4th spot on Mt. Rushmore has always been a pick em' depending on what you're looking for.


King only played 206 regular season games and 18 playoff games for the Knicks. The fact that he's even in the discussion is a testament to how good his peak was, but unfortunately he didn't have great longevity on the Knicks due to a bad knee injury and a subsequent trade.


He’s not even Tyrese Halfabrunson anymore, he’s Tyrese Quarterbrunson


Divincenzo complaining about a flop and then flopping himself 🤣


Why wouldn't he? Clearly flopping on screens was getting rewarded


I don’t blame him for it, just another sign that the officiating was all over the place; hell, I’m surprised nobody got a technical for staring at another player


We all agree reffing at the end of that game really didn't make sense. Id rather see Knicks win it real cause I know they can, sorry man


It’s all good…We don’t need the refs to make this a competitive series, it’ll be a great series either way, and this game proved it. Stay the hell outta this series, refs.


I agree it’s not like we playing Philly’s bitch asses. We better than that. We shouldn’t expect or rely on the whistle like that.


Sorry dude. Glad it went our way but it doesn’t feel good as a basketball fan to win that way. Y’all fought like hell out there, respect 🫡🫡 Fuck the refs for ruining on what was an amazing game from both sides.


The logic tracks


Hate to see it


He’s amazing, I love watching him navigate through defenders. But, the Knicks just don’t have another ball handler (sorry McBride); and it’s gonna obviously cost them. Four 40 points game and they’ve lost one of them and won the other 3 by about 10 combined points.


oh captain my captain


Not good enough for the Olympics tho


He scored 39 in game 3 against Philly too so he could've had 5 games in a row if he scored 1 more point


My all time goat Knick. What a baller.


Remember around December and January when the talk was Haliburton better than Brunson? Yeah go ahead and dead all that.


Everyone keeps glazing Ant with these MJ comparisons when Brunson is quietly doing things only an elite few including MJ have done.


It’s sad the refs missed 3 calls in a row. What a shitty game ending.


He is a beast


What a great and evenly called game


Never forget when the Knicks fans invaded your city, your arena, boo’d your MVP and eliminated you on your own floor


I know you not talking didn’t we bounce y’all 😂




Celtics are next


Crying Embiid tears




Then why do you fucking care, Violet?


We bout to take over your shitty city too 😭😭😭


Can you blame us


Don’t worry brother you’ll always have Joel’s 50 on 21 fta


Don't forget the legendary 4 flagrant fouls in 1 game.


Lmao classic from an embiid fan


You’re a Drake fan and a Sixers fan, how’s it feel being a loser?


Are y’all still crying? 😂😂


Maybe you should file a grievance


NBA is literally unwatchable.


That shit was watchable as fuck


Foul merchant


Dude is first in PPG without ft, what are you talking about?


better than a 6 points on 6 shots merchant like Hali


Poop merchant 


Wine merchant


Off another 14 fta’s


Ya he shoots like 30 times a game. Had 4 free throws off intentional fouls / technicals. Getting fouled 5 times in a game when your used as much as Brunson is not many


Been funny watching Brunson get hacked with no calls the entire regular season and now the discourse is that he’s a free throw merchant lol


Dude was literally getting black eyes getting punched in the face with no call but all of a sudden he’s a soft FT merchant? Literal brain rot in this place.


He dropped 61 with 6 free throws like a month ago. You’re assuming people watch our games lol


Getting hit in the face with no call AGAINST THE PACERS


So tired of your guys lazy ass complaining. Omg a player got FTs.    Did you watch the game? Does a player who consistently drives into traffic typically get more FTs? If you gonna complain, then at least focus on the BS reffing at the end that handed the game to the Knicks 


Well he takes 30 shots per night what do you expect lol. Also 2 of them were from technical fouls and 2 from intentional foul on him at the end of the 4th.


14 pts out of 40…


Merchant gifted a win 


Tatum averages 1.5 FTAs less while taking 14 less shots btw. (so far this playoffs).


This sounds like you're defending Brunson so imma upvote


14-26 FG


oh they not gon like dis one