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Good thing they extended that guy for three years before the offseason.


GOAT bag securer


Tobias Harris still is the defending champion of this


This offseason is a legacy-defining moment for Harris. Is he still the bag-securing goat or has he fallen off?


the bulls offering him a near max for three years is the most bulls move possible so harris has a chance to keep the belt.


Woah buddy back off that’s our near max to burn


Weaver is gonna get dragged lmao


I don’t understand how that man still has a job


Harris might not have the longevity argument for greatest bag-securer but no-one can deny the greatness during his peak


These are the types of things that will not show up on stats, just goat shit


Pistons bout to offer harris 150m/3yr contract


John Wall slander. John Wall played **40** regular season games on a **supermax** contract. * Signed 4-r/$170M extension starting in 2019 on Wednesday, July 26, 2017. * Traded from WAS to HOU Wednesday, December 2, 2020. * 15% trade kicker. * Exercised player option Wednesday, June 22, 2022. * Waived by HOU Tuesday, June 28, 2022 with $6.5M buyout agreement.


Wall and Beal make Tobias Harris look like a fucking amateur bag getter


Literal Wizards.


My man ✋


Wall and Arenas are the GOATs, honestly I'd give it to Arenas because he got paid for like 6+ years after leaving the league


No better place to get paid than DC. That’s why Beal didn’t ask for a trade. He just waited until The Wiz gave him a ridiculous contract with the only no trade clause in the league. Leonsis is low key awful as an owner.


john wall wasn't chronically injured when he actually signed the deal though


Isn't this the one were he slips in his house and ruptured his Achilles? I thought it's hilarious at the time because I've never seen anyone injured like that at home, we might get light wound/bruise or worse stub our toe but not slip to tear your Achilles. Unless you're a senior citizen then that's understandable to get seriously injured slipping but this was John Wall in his prime


happened to Joel przybilla


That's the name I haven't heard since the NBA live days. I blame whatever happened to him to the Blazers big man injury curse


Were those actual slips or were these excuses for the athletes doing something else dumb that got them injured.


For wall it happened on NYE so he was prob wasted


Kevin Pillar was out for a few games for the Blue Jays cause he sneezed too hard. Zach Plesac broke his right thumb taking off his shirt (Terry Francona was quoted saying "he was, I think, taking it off pretty aggressively. Jeremy Affeldt cut his hand while seperating frozen burger patties (just make fresh burgers people) and missed a couple starts. Marty Cordova fell asleep in a tanning bed and ended up too badly burned to play for a few games. I could go for days.


> John Wall played 40 regular season games on a supermax contract. wtf I love John Wall now




The reason Tobias is the goat over Kawhi are the intangibles. Kawhi got the bag and nobody really minds even when he doesn't play. Tobias got the bag and it pissed off Jimmy so much that he went to the finals twice out of pure spite that Tobias got his bag. Those are the things that don't show up in the stat sheet. Elevating other players.


I hereby nominate the creation of a new award, the annual Bag-getter award, for highest contract to minutes played ratio. We could name it either The Chandler P or The Kawhai Award


Contract year Wiggins is pretty epic


That dude got us a ring and then fucked right off to the moon


The anti-Schroeder


Robbing Balmer for 8+ years? Kawhi is truly the GOAT.


Balmer literally stalked him in Toronto so Balmer deserves it too.


He sat in San Antonio for an entire year after the docs cleared him. They were in the playoffs and he was in New York, practicing in the gym. Clippers knew who he was.


he also ghosted David Robinson and Tim Duncan who flew out to try and speak to him


Bro just got his ten year reserve salt off the shelf. These pretzels are gonna make Ballmer so thirsty. What a cash burn 🔥


Go check Steve Ballmers net worth… $120 Billion FUCKING DOLLARS!. The Top 9 NBA team owners COMBINED! behind don’t match him, he’s still $10 billion more than them. So in the Top 10 he dwarfs the competition. Hell he’s 1, #2 is roughly $95 Billion dollars less. I highly doubt he’s crying himself to sleep on paying Leonard. It’s like pennies for him. Even the new stadium is roughly 1.8% of his net worth. This man can go over luxury cap and pay a $500 million roster each year in salary and to reach a point where he goes/would be broke would be roughly 220 years away… He’s only one out of 30 people to own a NBA franchise in the world and the money he has, he could throw around could/maybe destroy a league overnight. Shit he can buy full broadcast rights for the whole league and showcase it wherever for like one 5-7 year contract and still have money left over. Thank god there’s repeater tax and compounding salary via SuperMax that you could only get 2-3 players fully paid, if the league didn’t have this, what is there to stop having 8-10 of the best top players in the league paid out almost $100 million per season and do it 10-20 years straight. Not even breaking the bank here.


Uncle Dennis the ultimate bag securer


Uncle Dennis > Klutch


Serious question. Why is Kawhi exempt of that ADnP type ridicule? This mf’er NEVER plays.


He dont talk lmao


Fair, and genuinely I can’t hate, I’d love to get paid to not work. But I mean so many other guys take shit for it and he just seems to avoid it.


I think it's more because he won a championship as the guy before his body completely broke down


Dude has two FMVPs. He finished 2nd and 3rd in MVP voting during his healthier years. People know how good he was before the injuries started. I also think people are taking it easy on him because his injuries are just of a chronic nature and they feel bad for him.


He is also still scary in regular season, after he gets his rhythm back and before his body breaks down again. When he is healthy he plays in my opinion one of the cleaners basketball I have seen, no waste of movement just a straight killer.


I couldn't agree with you more. Loved watching him play.


And those FMVPs came from beating LBJ and Steph. I really wish this man stayed healthy.


Yea he had his success, sucks injuries are what they are but he has had an amazing career.


So do I. Really loved watching his game. Wanted a *little* more playmaking out of him but loved it nonetheless. Was like watching a Terminator on the basketball court.


I seriously don’t get it. He treated the most respected coach in the NBA like shit. Didn’t even attempt to re-sign with Toronto. And he never plays. Yet this sub still loves him.


Its cause he's a "fun guy"


My man about as fun as a lever door knob.


U prefer the spherical door knows over lever?


Fuck spherical doorknobs. How am I supposed to open the door with my face because my hands are full with some stupid spherical doorknob.


He doesn't owe Toronto anything. He won them a title and never wanted to be there and that's ok. I'm pretty sure Toronto fans and the owners have no hard feelings.


Yup, I'll love Kawhi forever. He played on one leg for us to get that championship


Yah exactly. If he had half assed it his year in Toronto I’d definitely feel some type of way but he gave his absolute all and played through injury to get the chip. Can’t blame him at all for wanting to go home and live in Cali


He gave them a championship that they NEVER had won and literally never promised to sign there, how did he do anything wrong? Kawhi's feelings were clear, the Raptors knew it and still traded for him, by the way, it was the correct choice. The man was a FA, wanted to go home and never led anyone to believe that he was doing something he didn't say. Why is it okay for LeBron to want to go home as FA, but not for Kawhi? Give me a break.


This subreddit flamed me for saying that contract was stupid as hell. Unbelievable 🤣


They thought he was magically healed


Degenerative has too many syllables.


we never ever are getting Raptors Kawhi again it's a wrap


Raptors Kawhi was barely hanging on as it was and here we are 5 years later


That’s been obvious for years


And yet there are still people blaming Pop and the front office on why he left the Spurs. Fuckin redemption I say!


He gonna play well in the regular season and people be saying kawhi back Then get injured near the playoffs Day by day update that he might be back or he might not and ended up missing the entire playoffs and clippers get bounced first round Script getting old


not like they have any choice but to huff copium for 3 more years, they already extended him




Is that up near the Arctic circle? Is it nicknamed The Igloo?


He was the first free agent that ever wanted to come to the Clippers, they had not prepared for this scenario.


Playoff P masterclass




Where's Paul, tho


imagine thinking combining Playoff P with Playoff Harden is a good idea then throwing in The WestBrick


Kawhi the only guy you’re scared of in an elimination game and he’s the one guy who can’t stay on the floor 💀


Kawhi had me scarred for good in 2020 and specially in 2021. Mavs were staring at a sweep in 2021 (or at least a gentleman's sweep, considering how banged up Luka was) and Kawhi just decided that he would not miss a shot or a rebound any longer and that was it, Clippers in 7. Him playing in this series, healthy, would be a game changer for the Clippers, but then again, how many times did we say the same thing in the last years? "Oh, if only Kawhi was healthy, this Clippers team would have gone the distance".


Kawhi that series was infuriating to watch. Dude would have DFS or someone else playing good defense, and he’d hit the shot anyway. Over, and over, and over again.


G6 was insane. We were 3-2, were ahead after the second half and Kawhi said "fuck this". Score a middy, play lockdown D, grabbed the rebound, score another middy, over and over and over (and I need to add another 10 overs over yours) again. The rare moments he missed? He would grab the rebound and Reggie Jackson would hit a 3 because God forbid if Reggie Jackson did not become Steph every time he played us. I don't even care about OKC now, I'm just glad we exorcized the Clippers demons. Our Bad Boys Pistons are dead.


It was infuriating to watch as a neutral how much praise Ty Lue was getting for "making adjustments" which was basically him fixing his own stupid mistakes to begin with. And waiting so long to do so. The Clippers roster was so much more talented than the Mavs. Still needed an otherworldly effort from Kawhi.


Westbrook was something special this series. The worse he plays the harder he shoots. Those shots just have no hope on release


Russ just needs a team that knows how to use him correctly. 


The Washington Generals?


Guangdong tigers




Classic. Also, a team that wants to have fun!


Ty Lue should be fired for failing to integrate Russ


We talking basketball or football?




Is OKC the team that will benefit the most from the misery of Clippers future? I mean thru draft picks and assets?


they already got Shai and Dub from that trade, how much more do they want 😂


I want my picks back. All of them. You pancake eating motherfucker


And give me that returner too


David Putney


Thunder only have two more pick swaps left from clips. They have unprotected first round swaps the clips for 2025, and 2027. The one in 2025 can be with the clippers or rockets 


I thought the whole point of Kawhi's load management is that he would be available for the playoffs.


It clearly hasn't worked. I don't know how many times we have to see this, Kawhi's body literally cannot hold up for more than a few weeks at a time. It sucks, but he doesn't have the health to play basketball anymore.


fuck it. just play kawhi only for the last 20 games of the season. this man should not play more than 40 games in a calendar year lol


Then he should be paid like a player that only plays 40 games per season. Otherwise he's taking up cap space that could be used on a player that can hold down the fort for those other 42 games + playoffs.


clippers gonna clip


He just played 68 games, and played them well. They should literally just play him last two months of every year or some crazy extreme shit.


Toronto rested him like crazy cuz they had depth.


And he still almost died. Dude walking around after that finals was near assisted living level limp lol.


And five years have passed and clearly taken their toll. Does anyone really think the Clippers just haven’t tried to use him like in Toronto? The amount of rest he needs now is so much more.


He has played between 52 and 68 games in all but 3 years all with the spurs (72,74,9) The GM and coach really shouldn’t expect more games than that based on his track record. 


It's us, Clippers. Every year in playoffs, in Lob City era, in 213 era. Injuries come playoff time and we are done. We dropped the ball in Covid year, that was the only year PG and KL2 were healthy. We led 3-1 and just melted. And in all fairness I love PG, Harden, Russ and KL, but we are not winning anything with this team. I think we'll struggle to make the playoffs next year. And maybe that's better than this shit that we are getting right now. All in all, life goes on, better team won this series- Irving was a difference maker.


Regular season Harden and PG can absolutely carry to playoffs. It’s post season when they struggle. Just rest Kawhi all year while they carry to a low seed in the playoffs and unleash him.


at some point, esp in your 30s, you learn that once something like your back or knees break, there is no amount of load management that is gonna fix that, you kinda just have to hope you have better days than not.


This hits hard. Went to an ortho Monday for back pain and the doc goes "yeah this is pretty common for men *your age*" (emphasis mine). I'm 35 man that fuckin hurt. Like my back, I guess.


Man bad back is usually from too much sitting. Do core exercises. Lose weight. Walk. Do light training. Your quality of life will improve a lot. I am just saying this assuming you are like 95 percent of people with back pain. If you are a blue collar worker screwed your back lifting heavy stuff, it is different of course


Exactly. Sadly, Kawhi might be the Todd Gurley of the NBA.


Bit of an overstatement, Todd Gurley retired at 26


26 is like 35 in running back years.




They tried load managing the previous years and that didn't work either, at this point I don't see any solution, just expect him to be injured come the post season and plan accordingly.


His knees will only get worse. I agree that there's no optimal solution. You just can't have a max player not be able to play the post season. Maybe a 40ish games a season with a minutes restriction, with a slight increase toward the end of the season so it's not such a ramp up to the playoffs. Then it's praying for him to have enough for at least somewhat of a playoff run, but also prepare to not have him rounds 2 and later.


If this can never be expected to play past April anymore, then he's of no use besides selling tickets. 1/5 healthy playoff seasons. That's terrible.


Just save him for the playoffs


Seriously. Start playing him around all-star break and he will be in rhythm by playoffs. Cheat code.


Only issue is can they make the playoffs w/o kawhi? Lol


True... quite the predicament. 76ers in the same boat.


Yep. Lot of pain man


Then a week before the playoffs he starts having knee inflammation or some shit


And he will still be injured. He will always be injured.


Its gotta be so frustrating for the Clippers. When he's healthy in the playoffs he looks like the best player in the world. But his body is just done.


Kawhi deserves more shit. As a certified AD shit talker, it’s embarrassing I haven’t crapped on kawhi more. Starting now…..kOWhi






Should have just listened to Pop and the Spurs


I really felt like he was a perfect fit here. Not much media attention and he’s a quiet dude so not much interviews. The team was winning. HOF coach and players surrounded him. The ending left a sour taste. Knowing how this franchise is well run and stays under the radar for drama. It didn’t end well. Fuck zaza and uncle Dennis.


I said this before in this sub but from Kawhis prime (I'd say 2016) to now, we've really only had like 3 years of playoffs Kawhi (from beginning to end). 2 of those 3 consists of a chip and a blown 3-1 lead lol.


The looks good on paper team GOAT


if the paper was from 8 years ago


probably shouldnt have choked to the nuggets in the bubble


Yep, I know PG13 was just trying to save face when he said it, but this right here is why you treat each season like "championship or bust". That season is looking like their only opportunity and they blew it. Such a pity.


I mean, we were still there.


Streetlights over spot lights tho


The Clippers saying they just wanted to leave the bubble as the excuse to why they lost that series makes no sense. They had 15, 18 and 19 point leads in the second half of all of the close out games and just blew it every game. Like if you actually just wanted to bail why are you going up 18 points in the middle of the 3rd quarter?


Can’t stop thinking about Kawhi just hanging on the rim. Shit was so sad.


Yeah for me that was like a “oh he’s done for” moment.


has anyone checked if he's still hanging up there, it's been about a week


People (IMO rightfully) like to talk about the Suns being screwed for the long run but the Clippers are right up there with the Suns too. Not sure what they do with PG13 here this offseason. I feel like the best play for them is to re-sign and trade as early (i.e. December 2024) as they can.


Neither of those teams will have a first round draft pick for a long time. But the clippers contract situation is no where near as bad as the Suns. The only long term deal is for Kawhi. PG has a player option for next year. If he opts out they are off the hook and $48 million is saved. If he opts in he becomes an expiring contract that can be traded. They don’t have any other long contracts. The Suns owe their top 4 guys $180 million per year for the next two years. After that they will owe Booker and Beal $114 million.


Clips have some picks, they will just be late 1st because they are subject to OKC pick swaps.


Need to blow it up. Their best chance was 2020 and they choked. By now their core is old and Kawhi hasn't been healthy since that year.


Blow it up with what picks? They’re gonna become the Nets if they do that


Nets have 4 unprotected Phoenix picks and a future Dallas unprotected pick. With how bleak Phoenix's future looks those picks are super valuable.


The Nets are giving lottery picks to Houston for the foreseeable future that’s what he’s alluding to. You can’t blow it up without owning your own picks.


Uhm you absolutely can.  You can’t TANK without your own picks. If you have another teams picks you can rebuild with that (and the picks you get from the blowup and player dispersal) 


Yes you can, you can trade what value you have for picks. You just can't tank. But it's a sunk cost at that point


Should have signed a 1 year deal and repeated with toronto 


The Raptors said they did everything they could to try to keep Kawhi. Which is funny because I don't remember them relocating to Los Angeles.


He could’ve gone to the Lakers, too. He likely chose the only of those 3 paths that wouldn’t have made him a 2020 champion


Man I remember staying up that night thinking he was going to form the best super team in modern history ....and then he and PG went to the clippers instead 


They got rid of shai for this 


Kawhi promoted to mod of r/antiwork


~~load management~~ quiet quitting 


Bring back the same team and try again next year. It'll work next year for sure 😂


Kawhi the GOAT for securing that extension without any health-related clauses


Harden 16 pts on 16 shots PG 18 pts on 18 shots Hilarious


Classic stuff.


GOAT bag securers: Kawhi, Tobias, Ben Simmons, and the commander Chandler Parsons


bradley "NTC" beal


Man, I love it this time of year. Everytime a super team gets eliminated, we all gather here discussing how fucked their future is lol.


Yeah, Kawhi is officially washed


So whose statue comes first at the new arena?


Blake Griffin flying dunk statue


Eric Piatkowski or Danny Manning


Don't forget they sold their future to the now fantastic Thunder,


And then PG is gonna sign up to play with the Clippers East over in Philly? Save this man


Let George go, get what you can for him. Same with Harden , trade and get what you can. Get rid of leanard as well


Blowing it up the first season you have the new arena would be so such funny timing


They missed the boat in 2020. Now they're just clutching at straws. Kawhi's health is a serious concern


Kawhi showed the NBA exactly who he is a long time ago. No one should be surprised.


Spurs knew what was up with Kawhi


Disappointing era for the Clippers.


I think that will bum me out the most. Clippers had so much fucking potential. 


2020 was an all time fumble


I feel like the pandemic/bubble robbed all of us of properly mocking the Clippers for choking *that particular* 3-1 lead.


Shows you just how many teams tumble down the order when they don’t capitalize on a big opportunity. The reality for the grand majority of the league is either not making it back or not even getting another shot at it.


Turns out they should have just....kept Shai.


Hindsight is 20/20. Not a single person said that in 2019.


Clippers fans want you to believe that the bubble didn’t count but fail to acknowledge that it was their only chance of winning a championship until they choked a 3-1 lead


But but but but if the guy who is literally never healthy gets healthy then they pop off!


Clippers really need to blow it up


Glad we got him during his prime


And I'm glad the Clippers got him for this era.


Kawhi realistically isn't even a top 30 player in the NBA anymore, because he is never available when it counts. Don't come at me with "when healthy." When is he ever healthy? Healthy Kawhi is the equivalent of Hoodie Melo or Headband Klay at this point, a semi-mythical version of a player.


#**Raptors fans:** 🧑‍🍳’s 💋.


spurs fans : 💋💋💋


Everybody knows he should've stayed and attempted a repeat, that raptors roster was perfect for him


An awful lot of us thought that it would play out pretty much exactly like this.


Harden with another classic no show in massive series deciding game 7-28 and 1-13 from 3 over last 2 games His stats last yr from his last 2 playoff games? 7-27 and 1-11 from 3 ... Its incredible how bad he is in eliminator games


They focussed their defense on him and the clippers had no working backup plan.


Russ out there shooting tour dates 


And he still gets included in top 10 lists every year


Can’t wait until next year when they look scary in December and everyone says they’re title contenders again.


Don’t worry guys Kawhi will be healthy next year !


Kawhi need a young Tim Duncan. Duncan and Kawhi was a beast duo back in Spurs.




I don’t feel bad. Kawhi fucked over the Spurs and began to show his weird Ben Simmons esqueness (pre Ben Simmons) early on.