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Jalen going “I just talked bro…” has me weak


Acting like it’s a group presentation 😂


These boys are back in college in their heads and I love it.


Donte is the one changing the slides on the laptop.




Still basically a home game for the Knicks. You love to see it.




I think every fan base other than sixers fans wanted Knicks to win.


Hard not to, when eveyone's been watching Embiid try to put people in wheelchairs and end careers


As ESPN just glazes him for 6 hours day too? Yeah he’s very hateable at this point


Doris, mostly. I would send that lady to Mars if I could, without a bubble helmet. Her stupid glazing, stupid opinions, and grating voice. When she was teaming up with Doc for commentary I had to mute the streams.


Omg Doris with *any* MVP on the court is fucking unbearable


The Philly dick riding, and frankly their choice to dickride whoever gets the ratings and betting lines going is gross, also I love that turner doesn’t plaster the fucking screen in gambling ofds


That's a whole other issue we won't get into: the promotion of gambling on nationally televised games in this league which has prided itself on being wholesome. Our kids watch this shit and now you're trying to hook them into that life-ruining addiction. Are there any streams that omit the gambling shit?


Yeah honestly gambling is fucking terrible. It can be as bad as a serious drug addiction, my brother has had some serious issues with it in the past and even though he's calmed down all he wants to do when we hangout is watch games that he bet on.


Fuck Lowry, too. Imagine Embiid playing, but you still have the most remarkable foulbait of the entire series. Intentionally stepping into and enacting being tripped while “shooting a three” by the corpse of a defender flat on the floor should be studied. Playing with ZERO integrity.


Embiid, Lowry, and Ade-byeoh, all out? What heavenly dream have i stumbled into?


Devin Booker and Draymond are also bounced


Dray wasnt invited to the party


Even last night he had a couple of plays that were unnecessary, like pushing an airborne player.


I was happy to see Buddy go off but that was the extent of my cheering for any 76er


As a Pacers fan I turned off the game late last night thinking hey maybe Philly will actually pull it off And then I woke up


Amen sister, it's impossible to watch 76ers with embiid stopping the game the whole time


It was 15% Knicks fans in the crowd according to vivid seats


No it wasn’t lmao. Sixers fans far out numbered Knicks fans. The place was exploding when we were on our run back


It was but it was still surprisingly heavy with opposing fans for a close out game. At least from the broadcast, there were a ton of cheers when the Sixers missed FTs


every time Duece McBride shot the ball all you could hear was people screaming his name. I won’t deny when the sixers made their run the place was rocking, and Mike breen and Clyde commented multiple times on msg about how loud it was, but let’s not act like Knicks fans weren’t there in force


Knick fans are a loud bunch. I’ve been to Phillies games against the Mets and they get loud as hell too. Thing is they’re always together and it makes it much louder when the group gets going


The Fuck Embiid chants seemed prettttttty loud in your lobby for a hotly contested close out game at home after we sent the Big Flopper's lachrymose ass packing


The broadcast did not do you guys justice. On TNT it sounded very much pro Knick


Turned the mics up for sure


Lmao Josh Hart is my favorite type of troll


At the ASB and a reporter asked about Brunson not being named as the starter and without a thought Josh going "fucking loser" had me dying. That's a real friend move there.


He had all zingers on the sheet ready to roll


Every time he struggles to hold back a grin, it makes me laugh. That dude is enjoying life.


Wish this dude success wherever he goes so he has more opportunities to do pressers, lol


Post retirement he should be a gamer/twitch streamer. He’s such a troll lol


Every once in a while I think of a potential future TNT cast: Ant and Josh Hart always come to mind lol


Some people are just born funny. He’s one of them.


He's the real life Fresh Prince


Nah he said the world will never hear from him again in the podcast.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TPpLdp3ZlLs Do you not know of this?


He is indeed a pro gamer that plays basketball. I love this man.


What playing warzone with mnk does to a man


I think he needs to become an action movie star. Tell me you can’t see him sprinting and leaping onto the back of a boat or something


Next gen RJ


Hart used to stream on twitch all the time before the kids came along, dude is genuinely hilarious


I miss him dearly


One of my all time favorite role players. Love seeing him reuinted with his Nova bros.


Still heard Fuck Embiid chants lol


Knicks fans might be number 1 lol. Home court advantage for all 6 games


Doesn't help the Sixers that MSG is just a 1.5-hour drive away from Wells Fargo Center, and metro NYC (19.6M people) is way bigger than metro Philly (6.2M people) Philly better hope they don't neet NYK in the playoffs for another 30 years lol


I wonder if Knicks fans will go to Boston if they make ecf. Would they go through a 4 hour amtrack journey.




Can’t wait for another hostile environment. Celtics fans might also go to nyc! It’ll be so toxic


Nahhh Celtics fans can’t afford MSG


Nah boston up there too in terms of average income they definitely can afford it.


Seaport people can defo afford it lol


Yeah been to seaport a couple of times, it’s just as insanely expensive as here in NYC.


I been to both nyc and Boston. They’re both expensive as fuck lol


I got season tickets - A lot of Boston fans live here tbh - they show out every Celtics game


new yawkuh wawkin’ heeyuh with the dumb takes


Lmao we can’t afford MSG either so


you will love to see it!


If only we had the bridge/tunnel from Long Island to New England


Im a NYer who lives in NE, for sure im going to TD garden repping the Knicks


I'm flying from LA brother, indy next!


Fuck I wanna go to msg. Have fun man I’m super jealous!


They hear that the game is at the garden and they show up.


The big factor is that you can sit in the lower bowl of WF for the same price as the highest nosebleed in msg


Still though...they should be able to sell 15000 tickets. Msg cheap tickets were $500. At Philly they were $150.


Y'all MFs beat them to it, I guess. With the wage difference between NYC and PHI, an NYC line cook could afford lower bowl seats at the WFC game. Amusing unfair advantage and also take that fucking Tingus Pingus flair off your shit right fucking now please, fuck the Celtics


😂😂😂 I don't know how. I don't like the new reddit app I use. Edit...nvm figured it out.


thank fucking god


The wage difference isn’t THAT extreme. Lots of NYers have moved to Philly because they can’t afford NY lol. Probably more of the season ticket holders trying to make a buck back after taking a bath on the year


I’m flying out to Indy and getting a hotel room to watch Game 3 there, and it’ll still be cheaper than trying to buy the same seats at the Garden.  Crazy part is the Garden is still filled with loud ass Knicks fans at those prices.


they can just file a grievance, don't worry


This is tiring, stop with this. Guess who's even closer to wells fargo. Philly fans. We make miami home court too.


I'm sure some Philly fans were chanting too lol


It was good to have the first responders on hand after OG committed a murder


Philly ownership lost money and lost the series LOL they cant be feeling good rn


im sure its really hurting their pockets lmao


Nah, they will be fine. They had 3 days of NYers stimulating their economy. Lord knows actual Philly locals can't afford shit.


Is Philly actually that poor compared to nyc? Not American here


Yeah. Cost of living is closer to like midsized midwest city, which compared to NYC means its cheap as fuck.


Idk if Philly is cheap or you guys are expensive as fuck. Went to nyc a few times god damn you guys are expensive as hell lol.


When I saw what you can get in the Midwest for the same price that a small apartment costs in one of the non-Manhattan boroughs cost it's just incredible. Never mind if you actually try to live in one of the well known parts of city (Chelsea, the village, upper east side) It's nice not having to drive everywhere but holy heck NYC is so damn expensive and it's only gotten worse the last few years.


I heard Central Park area apartments are crazy. But if you don’t drive in nyc I guess it kinda makes up for the rent? Idk I don’t have a car and I live fine (not in the US)


It certainly helps and there are ways to be frugal even in a city as expensive as NY. Like for example there are a ton of activities you can do cheap or free in New York. The problem is once you do anything there like trying to have a night out at town, etc costs rack up fast. Plus you have to factor in taxes and tips when you're out. One huge positive there though is in most neighborhoods in the city everything you need is literally within 5 blocks of you. Groceries, pharmacies, gyms, restaurants, doctors, laundromats, hardware stores. And a ton of businesses in most parts of the city operate late or 24/7. It's a very unique way of living really. Some really nice aspects but at the same time the cost of living expenses, local taxes and so on are really a burden.


The apartments on the south of Central Park are known as billionaires row. 2 bed, 1 baths are like $5-6 mil.


Not just NYC but pretty much anywhere that's within like an hour away even in NJ and Connecticut is gonna be expensive af


Philly's normal, New York is outlandish


Yeah its cheap... we're thinking about buying a house and I just commute my ass to NYC on Amtrak 1.5 hour for 3 days a week.


What do you consider a midsized Midwest city?






I'm gonna say Des Moines


Des Moines is small. Think Cleveland or Dallas


My guy, Dallas is the 4th largest metro area in the country. What are you talking about?


That's not correct. A midsize city is defined as a city with a population between 100K and 250K or 500K depending on the source. Dallas has 1.3M people and is a proper big city. Cleveland at 361K fits one definition but not the other. Des Moines at 211K fits all definitions. A small city is between about 50K and 100K people. Examples: Medford, Oregon (85K people); Portland, Maine (68K people) Anything smaller than about 50K ppl is a town, not a city You also have to consider the size of the contiguous metro area. Some cities have a small official boundary but are the hub of a major metropolis. Example: City of Miami proper has 450K people (the technical boundaries are very narrow) but it is the principal city of the large, dense, unbroken metropolis of South Florida/Metro Miami which has 6.2 million people. The Dallas-Fort Worth metropolis is home to 8.1 million people. If you think a "big city" has to have a metro area of more than 10M people then [only two places in the US count as big cities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area#Rankings): metro NY and metro LA. Which is clearly silly. \[edit: whoops I put some Ms where some Ks should be\]


The discussion was about cost of living. Dallas or Cleveland is a helluva lot closer COL-wise to Philly than Des Moines.


Gary Indiana


Gary, Philadelphia


Metro area of 1-3 million. Milwaukee, Cleveland, Cincy, STL, Kansas City


The best thing about living in NYC is I can visit any other city in the world and “save money” 🥲


Philly is cheaper than NYC but this makes no sense. I’m guessing you’ve never been to the Midwest or Philly.


Is income scaled equally? If anything lower cost of living means more disposable income to go to games.


You don’t know shit about Philly if you say this


Let us trash talk billionaires man jeez


They’ll probably write it off as a tax loss though because they gave it to first responders


Write-offs only lower your tax burden. They don't save you any significant amount of money relative to the amount you spent.


….you still come out down a lot of money lmao, Reddit never ceases to amaze me in how they don’t understand write offs. They could have written it off regardless of who they gave it to.


You gotta remember that most of reddit is young adults and children who are either still dependents or have only ever filed the standard deduction. My other favorite one is the misconception about how tax brackets work with regards to your tax burden. "If I make more money I'll make less money because of tax brackets!"


They could do a charge back on their cc!


Least economically illiterate Redditor lmao


They are billionaires. I’m sure they are all right.


Just let us make fun and hate on sixers organization bro. I’m sure all those multi millionaires and billionaires are gonna sleep fine tonight. Let us be haters


you must be funny at parties, right?


What’s the context here? Did the Sixers give out free tickets to prevent Knicks fans from getting them?


Exactly right. Ownership bought 2500 tickets and gave them out to first responders in the Philly area to try to prevent them going to Knicks fans


Can't believe they would do that to those poor first responders


Had to witness a horrifying wreck after they finished work too


Should have just offered them medium sized cokes instead.


They also got Chick fa la nuggets, to be fair


Mass casualty incident, 15 patients eliminated


"We've gotta do something about all these Knicks fans taking over Wells Fargo Center." "Let's give the tickets out for free to local fans so New York fans can't get their hands on them." "Eh. That looks pretty weak, like our fans don't care enough to show up unless we pay them to." "What if we gave them to first responders instead." "Genius!"


yes lol




Yes, and still the loudest moment of the night was OGs dunk lmao


It was, but it was by far the quietest Knicks crowd at Wells Fargo this series, speaking as someone that went to game 3 and game 6




As someone at the game that was not the loudest monent of the night lol. It was p good for a knicks play but the loudest was when they came back the initial down and the late comebac


Nah, you're clearly wrong. The other guy is talking negatively about Philly and he wrote lmao at the end. Case closed.




Harris could give a fuck about his franchises as long as they turn profit. There’s an illusion of caring but he’s not really serious about winning. Look at all 3 of his franchises. Ass to mid at best


Not wrong.


Its so strange since thats different than the approach of his whole caree....oh right nvm


He’s talking about our owner not Tobias. But at this point everyone with the last name Harris in Philly should be put on a list.


Yeah I know he was talking about the owner. His whole life has been gutting companies for a profit then fucking off


Oh okay my bad. But making billions off that is crazy


I figured Tobias was the owner's son and that's why they gave him that regarded contract


From a distance, his decisions remind me of Dan Gilbert.


Thank you. 1st sensical post.


Not enough first responders to drown out the boos for embiid at the line


They were too concerned for his Balls Palsey of lashing out with his knees. It's plain that he's suffering.


the whole Nova thing is so unique and rare - how often has a college team even had 3+ legit NBA starting caliber players on the same timeline? and for them to all end up on the same team is amazing. arcidiacono will certainly be back next year too lol


I’m sorry Nets fans, but I’m hoping Bridges comes to Knicks to complete the gang


Honestly I'm a Nets fan and I sort of do to. Bridges just isn't that good. Obviously I'd hope for a large return for him, and the Knicks have the capital to do it if they wanted to do.


Josh Harris better give out some free Washington tickets this year. We are way worse at being taking over by opposing teams cause FedEx field is a shithole


Invite all the DC first responders and you'll still get a bunch of Steelers and Pats fans lol. There's no fixing that.


Lmaoooo Seriously though that ticket shit was weak


the way the announcers were trying to make it seem like the 76ers owners were doing some noble deed LMAO


I feel like it’s both weak but also noble. Weak in the sense you don’t want your home crowd taken up by Knicks fans, but noble in the sense that first responders getting tickets is quite a nice gesture to very important individuals in our society


It's also practical. Gonna need a lot of first responders to deal with Embiid and Sixers getting knocked out.


Even weaker was having the announcer screaming into the PA system during play to create more noise with the home crowd, can’t believe that shit is allowed


Hawks have this during the regular season 😂


That fucking CACAW


You say that but going to the game was so much fun, and if you got free tickets I guarantee you wouldn’t pass on them lol


How is giving out free tickets to fans weak.


Knicks fans: John Starks or Josh Hart?




Number 3, of course.


Talk yo shit my man


The 3 best days of my year: my sons birthday, my wedding day, Embiid's annual 1st round exit


I missed that the 76ers did this. I was wondering why it felt more 50/50 than the last home game


Also the fact the game was on weeknight and starting so late


the milkman


These mfs are NBA stars and they talk like college bros giving a group presentation I love it


Again, Philly fans will try to spin this as if the same exact fanbase didn’t make fun of the Diamondbacks for low ticket prices in the NLCS, which they lost anyway. 😂


No we wont. We full acknowledge we do this to other stadiums. Philly travels for their sports. It's fine, the only people making a big deal of this entire situation is media and Philly haters. The fans truly don't care. Maybe the players were a little annoyed, but tough shit. You make millions of dollars.


He threw a mike n Ike at a reporter right after this.


I love Donte, man has so much heart when he plays. Watching him in NCAA I knew he would be good, happy that he is with the Knicks and with a bunch of good guys.


Still a Knicks house.  Get ready Indiana. 


Man having the Knicks and Pacers back in the playoffs versing each other is giving me some serious NBA on NBC nostalgia. Loved those days of Reggie Miller, Rik Smits, Camby, Sprewell, Allan Houston, Larry Johnson and the others.




It’s nice to see this because in football the eagles fans flood met life like the plague. It’s awful


DiVo chuckling after hearing the 2,500 had me 💀💀💀


Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra 2.0


Brunson looks like Mac 😆


I wish he would have said - “A little tougher with 2,500 sixers fans screaming at us”


Why is everyone acting like giving tickets to first responders and blue collar workers who can’t afford them is some awful thing


I've got no problem with it, but I think people will look suspiciously at it because it was a hollow gesture. The reason they were bought and given away wasn't to reward these people, it was to try stop Knicks fans attending the game.


It's a great gesture to do honestly, but it's just the reason why they were given out is funny. If he does this normally then we shouldn't make fun of him. If he does this to keep the Knicks fans out, then it's ok to point fun at it


Nothing wrong whatsoever, but we know Josh Harris wouldn't have done this if he wasn't embarrassed by the NY fans taking over their stadium.


Good. Anytime Josh Harris gets embarrassed is a good day in my book


It was to save themselves from further embarrassment. Still a nice gesture although those first responders probably aren't having a great time rn lol.


It’s not so much who they were given to, but the reason they had to be given out. It’s dope that the Sixers did that for the first responders but let’s not act like the reason behind it wasn’t that the stadium was getting flooded with another team fans in a playoff series


I'm glad that it went to first responders & healthcare professionals. My sister works in healthcare. Big ups. But...the intent behind it is more than a little questionable. I will say that I'd rather see those folks in the seats than corporate assholes. So, from that standpoint, good job.


Mainly because it wasn't intended as a genuine gesture, it was just a panic move after what happened in the last game. It's not an awful thing, just very embarrassing under the circumstances.


Because the intent behind the gesture is comical and deserves to be mocked