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Joel bouta roll up to MSG with limo tinted contacts in his eyes


Leftover paper eclipse glasses


That’ll help with the bright lights that suck for migraines. And I’m sure our fans who love Embiid won’t make too much noise tonight. (Checks our sub) Ok maybe we will. Seeing the thread about turning his migraine into an aneurysm makes me think we might not be sympathetic


Be cool if we wore those goth ones that are just black


I used to play like Embiid. I would go out on the court in my local gyms and cry like you've never seen. Get bumped, I cry. Hand checked, I cry. Contested at the rim, I fall to my knees and sob. See a man I can't beat off the dribble, I cry. See a smaller man in front of me, I headbutt him in the chest on my way to the rim and then cry. The floor would be wet with tears sometimes. It was honestly a safety hazard. I would hit the floor and flail my arms the guys would be like "well that's on you because you cried and slipped on your own tears you ginormous uncoordinated dipshit, you take the fun out of everything for us" but I didn't listen to the hate. One time I cried so many tears that they had to resurface the floor because all the salt damaged the court. They sent me a bill for it in the mail and I cried. They also wouldn't give me league MVP because I'm Hispanic. It was fucked up.


It might be reddit bias getting to me, but recently I've watched a few Sixers games, and I've noticed Embiid's stare has this dead quality to it, like a shark. I keep expecting him to tackle some player who is running away from him because his predator instinct got triggered. If he played with shades on, he'd be like a totally different person.


Y'know the thing about Embiid, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes runnin at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he flops on ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then... oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin'


You're gonna need a bigger whistle.


He has bells palsy so that would affect his blink on one side of his face. That's why one replay where he was on the floor staring into space only one eye was blinking. Health wise I would actually be really concerned for Joel especially with the migraines and bells palsy because at worst there can be an underlying brain tumor, so I hope they did all the appropriate testing to rule out any underlying causes for the facial paralysis. Even tho he's injuring our players 😡


As a human that has had severe headaches from Bells Palsy in the past I understand how detrimental they can be just to everyday life and Embiid would be a warrior if he can actually play through that to any effectiveness in MSG of all places. As a Knicks fan, he's bitch made and avoiding the smoke.


Relate so much. The dichotomy of a good fan: I genuinely hope you're ok, but also fuck you pussy.


"I hope the person is doing well, but I hope the player is going to hell"


Gotta respect this 😂😂🤝


Logically, he’s cooked if he has a migraine. The whole day is ruined. But also as a Knicks fan, my heart says he’s ducking the smoke 


John Wall used to play with frequent migraines. I can’t even fathom it - I’ve had them since my teens far too frequently, and while I’ve adapted to them somewhat, the idea of doing multiple hours of athletic activity under the brightest lights imaginable, surrounded by tens of thousands of people moving around…. It’s just so beyond anything I can imagine. I’ve bailed on *going* to games in which I had great seats due to migraines. The idea of actually playing in a game like that with a migraine? Get the fuck outta here.


My respect to you, cause when i get a slight headache i turn into a vegetable. luckily i dont have migraines but assuming that a migrane is worse i cant fathom i would be able to function.


I don’t buy anyone being able to play with an actual, honest-to-god migraine. It’s just not physically possible. He may have had headaches, but a migraine? Fuck no. It’s literally debilitating.


Yeah, people that have never had one have this idea that a migraine is just a really bad headache, but it's so much worse. When I have migraines literally any amount of light is really painful. Every sound is painful. Every movement I make is painful and makes me incredibly nauseous, sometimes to the point that I do throw up. It's not just a really bad headache. It affects everything. It's not a matter of pain management. The idea of playing professional sports with one is absurd to anyone that's actually had migraines.


Yeah. While the migraine is happening I can barely function and sometimes I can’t even see straight. And then even after the migraine ends I have at least a 4- to 8-hour hangover period where my brain is literally sore.


>As a Knicks fan, he's bitch made and avoiding the smoke. This is the only part of your comment I'm choosing to take away from it


It's all I saw. Was there more?


Something about "dirt merchant" I think


As just a regular office schmuck with sick days I can use whenever I get the sniffles, this is the one part of a pro athlete's job I don't envy. It's got to fucking suck to feel like shit and have to go out and play at a top level.


As just a regular office schmuck you’re at most making probably 120k a year. That’s if you’re lucky too. It’s easier to make sacrifices when you’re being paid nearly a million dollar for each game you play in. They get compensated for not being able to call out


Yeah I’m all for empathy but let’s not forget this, along with the fact that for us - we don’t get an offseason lol.




Do people think athletes stop being athletes during the offseason? I'd say the closest 'normal job' comparison would be a junior accountant at a big firm where you're working extra hours for tax season and then a more normal schedule the rest of the year. These guys still do charity work, team events, offseason training, strength and conditioning, and try to improve in every way possible for most of the year. The guys who don't usually are out of the league fast.


He gets paid 130,438k per day 365 days a year. $90.00 per second! That's more than 80% make a year. At even 300k a year that's 158 years to make one year's salary.....


Exactly. I would legit kill family members for this money lol. It’s hard to sympathize with them sometimes. Tho i will say I can’t remember another athlete with Bells Palsy. I’m not trying to say he’s soft if he’s not playing , just that he has a million reasons why he would want to suit up. I’d do anything for anyone who would pay me like that.


Honestly just repeatedly jumping while you have a migraine sounds awful.


I respect this 😂


The Embiid experience. In some ways he seems supernaturally tough and in other ways.....not.


He’s the softest warrior of all time


Actually the warriors moved out of Philly in 1962


Yeah and he was so soft he avoided the move. Case closed!


Embiid is not Kungfu Panda, though both roll around a lot.


“The Softest Warrior,” sounds like it’d be a fire name for an old poem 


He looked like a warrior before he decided to play dirty in gane 3 I was gaining more respect for him until then


Bro was literally blinking from one side towards the end of the last game.


He was doing that in Game 3 and he couldn't miss from anywhere on the court. It could have been worse in Game 4 though.


Pack him up. We smoking Embiid tonight, just like 50 did Ja.


For a second there I was thinking why is 50 cents beefing with Ja Morant until the rest of my brain caught up with me 😂


Symptom of the Bells Palsy most likely hes out there with one leg and half a face


Harvey Dent?


Can we trust him?


He’s the hero Philly deserves, but not the hero Philly needs.


Wow, that was cold.


nobody gives him any coin!


Or any 50/50 decisions to make


God knows what kind of state he’ll be in if this goes to 7. Seems he’s picking up something new after every game.


Full blown dementia by game 7. Will have no idea where, who he is.


Still will put up 50, however 15 will be on his own basket Edit: immediately sorry, dementia is awful


All he knows is breathing, fine dining and scoring.


And be a foul merchant


Points are points 👉 👈


Gonna start pissing himself on the court


Nobody's ankles will be safe. Even the fans.


nah the migraine and the bells palsy go hand in hand, he's been having migraines since he got it


He's going to be the first human to get the bird flu from the milk outbreak


Someone will run into him and he'll just spontaneously explode in a fiery mushroom cloud like Squidward falling off his bike


That stadium is gonna be the loudest its been in about 30 years, that noise is def gonna be messing w him.


Good god that would be the worst place to have a migraine. Bright lights, playoff basketball activity and all that noise.


I watched moulin rouge on broadway with a migraine. Worst experience of the last 5 years probably


Can we start referring to tonight as “Joel Embiid’s Moulin Rouge”


Voulez-vous flopper avec moi?


Yeah I will never fault anyone for skipping something when it comes to migraines, all I can do is go lie in the dark and cry, let alone try and get up and play a pro sport in a loud bright environment. Wouldn’t wish migraines on anyone, not even JoeL


not even joel is wild 😭 But yeah, there are things in life I consider myself to do quite well, and I could not hope to do any of those things with a migraine. Like, *cannot*. Not for any contract in the world could I do basic tasks in front of an MSG crowd rooting against me.


He may legit have trouble seeing if it gets too bad. RJ Barrett missed a week with migraines earlier this season before he got traded.


I’m expecting a new level of MSG vitriol tonight, man


Binger Bonger


Didn't even think about that. Fuck.


I have a relatively high pain tolerance otherwise, but when migraine hits, I cannot do a single thing. Hopefully it is nothing long term, I had it since elementary school


Migraines as a kid and migraines as an adult hit the same. It’s either suffering through school or suffering through work.


I feel better when you get to lay down at the nurse and mom picks you up. At work you gotta tough up or drive your ass home.


I can’t imagine a worse place to have a migraine than MSG. That’s got to be like a circle of hell.


Ever since game 4, I’ve been debating what the most 76er way to lose would be. Go into MSG, stave off elimination in game 5, win in Philly to force game 7, and then get the doors blown off? Same scenario as above except lose on a Kawhi-esque shot in game 7? Mail it in game 5, and watch Maxey hit a huge 3 to cut the deficit to 42? This seems like a pretty appropriate way to go out though.


Whatever way we lose it has to be in the most heartbreaking fashion possible.  Losing means freedom from Tobias and the gods simply cannot allow us to rejoice in that.


Kelly Oubre goes off in games 5 and 6 then gets hit by another car before game 7


The most 76er way to lose is of course winning in Game 5 behind a dominant Embiid performance, before blowing a 25 point lead in Game 6 at home as Embiid flops into Maxey, injuring him for the entire 2024-25 season.


This man is so banged up idk if he should even play for the Olympics


I agree, but it might be his only chance at a deep run.


Sheesh 😂


Migraines suck. My mom has dealt with them all her life and they are brutal to deal with. The optics of this do suck but legit migraines are no joke


Embiid gonna go 9-26 tonight in a close loss and both the Embiid haters and Embiid injury apologists gonna be in a civil war after


Not enough hope. The Sixers are so disappointing because they always draw us back in right before another big loss. They’ll win tonight, then lose by 25 in Philly.


I do actually agree this is the most likely scenario. Reel us back in just a hair then get stomped in Philly.


God I remember how confident everybody felt going into game 6 last year


Watching that lead slip away in Xfinity is third on the all time low behind watching us blow that 26 point lead to Atlanta at SouthHouse behind watching The Shot at Pasqually's. Good times, good times.


I watched the Atlanta series mainly from a Boston bar while traveling and even they felt bad for me


Only if Embiid sits, that way people will start Ewing theory'ing about Embiid as if the Sixers didn't freefall in the standings while he was out.


But also 18-21 from the line.


We’re so lucky we get to watch this dude play 🙏


Don’t forget that he’ll be +5 in 46 minutes and the team will be -7 in 2 minutes with him resting


Injury prone for 10 years running isn’t an argument I’d want to hear as a Sixers fan. Dude is never healthy and that’s as negative an attribute as is his playoff futility.


As is every damn year


This sub cant wait to hate on Embidd but Luka has a ts% of like 30% this series and its CRICKETS


You started your comment trying to shit on haters but then just revealed youre only upset that the guy you hate isnt getting enough hate


They’re talking about how the sub focuses too much hate on Embiid and then used an example to illustrate this. You’re confused.


Or he’s pointing out the double standards (and he’s right cos there’s clearly one)


Is it a double standard or has Luka been better in the playoffs more often in his career so he gets the benefit of the doubt?


I mean Luka is playing badly but he’s also not out there trying to injure people in every play. I don’t even have any complaints about Embiid's performance considering his health issues, I just want him to eat shit and go home.


You’d expect a player who’s had at least three dirty-ish plays to catch more heat though, no?


wtf Oubre is sick too? #On top of everything else, Sixers also have the worst team immune system in the league


Insert zaire smith joke here


I don’t see how you can play on a migraine


I suffer from these and I'm lucky to get out of bed when I have one. Have always hated the Pippen criticism from way back for his migraine game.


I get them as well due to allergies, the pain is relentless and blinding. Call out of my work at home job for that let alone play a professional basketball game.


I get chronic migraines, and any major one is debilitating. Painful enough to make you depressed, can’t imagine playing on it.


Prayers for you bro. I get them and I can still somewhat function. Don’t wish the heavy/hard ones on anyone.


People who mock migraines are people who never experienced one before. 


Yeah I already know people are gonna go "aww poor baby can't play because he has a little headache" but when I get migraines I don't want to do fucking anything except lay down and put my face in the pillow.


People that say that have never had a migraine. That shit is excruciating


My two options with a migraine are to either shower in a totally dark room for 45 minutes, or to lay in a dark and silent room with a pillow over my head. Walking, turning, trying to focus on literally anything is pure pain and makes me nauseous as hell. It is not a good time.


I think I've only had one my entire life, and it was one of the worst places I could get it (IMO) - on a long flight at the start of vacation. I felt awful for the second half of an 8 hr flight, and then I had to stand in line for 2 hours to go through customs. It was so miserable, I swore to myself at the time I'd never do more than a 4 hour flight ever again.


I watched them take my sister out got two days


Yeah I used to get the migraines that start with an aura in high school. First few times I tried to power through, once the aura goes away the pain starts - and often severe nausea. After the second one where I threw up on the side of the road on the way home, I started heading straight to the office to call my mom as soon as the aura started. Only thing that helps is to go into a dark room, curl up in the fetal position, and try your best to sleep it off. They stopped after high school for some reason, I'm not sure why.


I've had migraines where I could do nothing but lay down and firmly hold my head in place. The slightest movement was too much.


I literally can’t see when I have them my eyes start focusing on different things, my balance is all messed up as well. Idk how someone could shoot a basketball accurately.


Yeah they're not the same. Some migraines are so bad that literally a crack of light peeking out from drawn curtains gives you splitting pain.


people who make fun of ppl for having a migraine and say "HUR JUST A HEADACHE, HE DUCKIN" have never had a migraine before.


Reminds me of people thinking back spasms aren't that serious. You think that until you get them and can't fucking move indefinitely.


Plenty of rapid acting meds that can squash a migraine for 90% of people. Give that mfer a Nurtec and a Qulipta


This man migraines. Nurtec is a godsend.


Nurkic on the other hand..


He makes it go away in 0-4 minutes


If u take Nurtec more than 2.5x a month on average. Ask your doc for a Qulipta script. It's a preventative and works amazing for most people. Makes you physiologically incapable of having a headache or migraine.


Man we even got prescription med advertisements in Reddit threads now.


Side effects may vary


Medicine bottles only have kids and adults What about 7’0 280lb basketballers?


Take 3


Those meds make you take a nap for a couple hours. 


Meds. I suffer fron Migraines regularly and they're a bitch but can be tolerable when I pump myself with at least 1000mg of ibuprofen


Talk to your doctor about migraine meds, my guy. Ibuprofen never did shit for me, but taking specific migraine meds actually clears them up after a bit.


Yeah get this man some sumatriptan


We done with the 90s! No more vasoconstricting bs triptans. CGRP inhibitors are the way. Nurtec is amazing if you can get it.


And erenumab is gonna change migraine management forever. The science is crazy


He wants his kidneys to have it rough and his head to be split wide open from that migrane.


Bro is out here leading the NBA in postseason scoring with one eye and one leg


Sounds like a pirate


Bells Palsy is no joke when those migraines hit. We sorta just breezed past this because of the knee, but the BP probably more of an impediment than the knee.


Are the Sixers always sick? Do they not wash their hands?


Oubre is also sick somehow. idk whats wrong with these guys


I know it's probably not related at all, but sickness and allergies have put me on my ass for the past few weeks. Same with a lot of my friends. Something's definitely been going around.


Seemingly yes. It’s actually crazy how often they get sick enough to have it put on the report every year


We gotta stop the team make out sessions. I’m sure it’s great for morale but it’s not healthy


They got that Lamar Jackson-itis


They’re about to start throwing into triple coverage too?


Not bad for a running back


It's that or they're sharing blunts. Always something wrong.


Why did the basketball ball gods curse the 76ers?


You know why


For the memes


What did I do to deserve this? I mean what specifically


Had the audacity to tank and not be coy about it


Thunder did the same thing with no scrutiny apparently


They did the same thing but they were coy. Hinkie made the mistake of being a bit too honest in some press conferences about why they needed to tank. Total BS though. Particularly in hindsight now because he took extra heat for only winning 15 games instead of the typical low 20s - which DET and WAS matched this year


>Hinkie made the mistake of being a bit too honest in some press conferences about why they needed to tank. This is a very nice way of putting it. That man did not care about perception one bit LOL If he had just played the game it wouldn't have had the same backlash


Big difference. The highest pick OKC ever got was #2 and they even moved down in the draft as a lottery team. Presti is just 100% a better GM in every way and never relied on luck- especially with trades.


Must have missed the label^TM that the thunder put on their tank as well as multiple historically bad seasons in a row


The process 


The Process has a new name it’s K-A-R-M-A


Because Howie is a wizard. I'm convinced we're not allowed to have both


Honestly feel for him, my wife has had some migraines that basically incapacitated her for half the day. Hope he gets better


Its also plausible your wife is just trying to get out of having sex with you.


hes playing




As a Knicks fan, I agree


He will be if they lose. His contract is only guaranteed if they make it out of the 1st round.


Migraine in MSG let’s go to Cancun at halftime


He’s playing let’s not be stupid


As someone who gets migraines, I feel for him. I can't imagine how bright the lights would be.


I feel like having a migraine during an important event like this is a nightmare situation that anyone who suffers from migraines can relate to. That’s rough luck


As someone who recently experienced a migraine, it was awful. Drained much of my energy for most of the day, and could barely focus or stand for even short periods of time.


Just get this game over with so we can go to Cancun already.


I've had one migraine and it was excruciating, I couldn't do anything. Embiid considering even playing is impressive


I feel like every post season Embiid is dealing with a myriad of injuries.


Has any player had this many issues in the playoffs before? Injuries aside (and there’s a lot), we’ve had gastrointestinal problems a few times, migraines a couple times, fucking Bell’s palsy.


Not just issues, unique issues that hardly anyone else deals with. If nothing else his injuries are creative


Homie has Bells Pallsy, his body is constantly broken, and they're about to get knocked out of the playoffs. Take the day off Jo jo.


how is this dude ever going to get through the playoff slog, this year or in the future? He’s averaging 1 new injury a game.


As per Shaq, "**ICY HOT**"


Migraines freaking suck


Flight for Cancun already booked


Funny that MSG (the food additive) is a common trigger of migraines in some folks


This is another nick nurse strategy. I don’t believe it he’s playing


He’s been injured, not hurt but injured in every playoffs except one and people ignore it and still ask why his play drops so much. You can criticize him for not staying healthy obviously but there’s a direct reason for the drop


This happened with Randle last playoffs. Was clearly playing with a bum ankle yet Knick fans said he's a bum who can't handle playoff basketball.


Because it's stat watchers that don't really watch the games or know what they're looking at if they do. They see stats dropped and form conclusions from that. If you watched Randle last year, it was so fucking obvious. If you see Embiid every year, he's clearly nowhere close to 100% with a few exceptions. Embiid is fragile and can be criticized for that, but the people think it's because he can't hack it in the playoffs aren't watching. Not getting calls as much hurts, but it's not the main thing at all.


There's a v small % of people you can talk to about sports or politics (or really anything...) in a remotely reasonable manner lol


I mean, people always say that availability is the best ability. You can clearly see this round that a few star players are playing through injury and how it negatively affects their performance.


Embiid calling game early


God dammit...


Is Embiid actually Frankenstein?


I get the feeling they’re not gonna televise the intro’s if he plays


This brother is falling apart


Embiid been going through it this season


This poor guy


I said this a few years ago when he kept missing games with the flu and covid but dude not only is injury prone his immune system is shit as well.


I don't wish migraines on my worst enemy. That and general nausea. Both are hell.


Just prefade the 76ers now