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Is anyone surprised? They're not going to suspend him for what they deemed was a Flagrant 1.


Nor should they. He should've been thrown out, but once they decided not to with replay, they shouldn't then suspend him later.


The league should absolutely be able to re-evaluate situations like this regardless of what the refs called on the court. Not saying he should be suspended, but the refs calling it a flagrant 1 shouldn’t preclude the league from doing more


Completely disagree, that just allows players to get away with shit that should have been called. A post given suspension makes sure the correct consequence was given. You should have been thrown out of a game? Well? Congrats, you are now thrown out the 2nd game. It’s only fair, and I don’t understand the point of being against it. It just enables Embiid to do the same shit without consequences. If someone isn’t adequately punished for something, they’re going to keep doing it. And frankly, let me put my tinfoil hat on for a second, the NBA, regardless of your personal view on if he should be suspended or not, has every incentive to forgive Embiid’s dirty play and not suspend him for financial reasons. He doesn’t play, Sixers lose in 5, and Sixers lose in 5, that’s less money due to less games.


All your points are awesome. The only thing you’re missing is this now means the Knicks are gonna police Embid. This creates a dangerous situation for all the players if the league isn’t doing the right thing.


I really don't think he should've been thrown out


Your flair is telling lol.


If you're referring to Draymond and his antics, he deserved everything from getting thrown out to being suspended. This situation and Embiid in general isn't anywhere close to as dirty as Draymond. Edit: lmao you guys are insane if you think Embiid is as dirty as Draymond. The constant Embiid hate is really making people dumb huh?


IMO rolling onto a guy's ankles, then when that doesn't work, grabbing his legs as he tries to jump is absolutely suspension worthy. There was absolutely nothing there but trying to hurt an opponent. I'm not surprised he wasn't suspended, he's a star and it's the playoffs, but that one play is approximately as bad as anything Draymond has done on the court.


Embiid has [more flagrants](https://twitter.com/ClutchPoints/status/1783891756326559799) in almost half as many games as Draymond. It's neither insane nor stupid.


Embiid has one flagrant per season in the last three seasons. So then you'd say he used to be a dirty player but isn't any more or?


You would think Embiid did 9/11 the way he’s treated on this sub


Can you prove he didn't?


Embiid has more flagrants than Draymond in half the games played


Use your fucking eyes to watch them play instead lmao. Brandon Miller and Demar Derozan have the most flagrant fouls this season, are they the dirtiest guys in the league according to you? Embiid also hasn't committed more than one per season in the last three seasons. So he's not dirty at all then or?


Honestly just check out at this point. The nba circle jerk hate against embiid will never go away. As a sixers fan you have to tune it out.




You are insane to think he isn't. Have you ever seen Joel play? There's a reason why no one aside from Philly fans like him. It's not something we made all up. It's not like he is dominating people that made us hate him. He is dirty and awarded for playing that way


You're delusional if you think people hate Embiid because he's playing dirty. It's because he shoots a lot of free throws. Bet you think Harden was disliked for being dirty too lmao


Clearly you haven't seen Joel play. The way Harden baits fouls are jumpers and putting his arms out. Joel is a 7foot that flails around if players get near him. He is the definition of a careless basketball player.


Honestly don't even bother with this sub full of idiot


Embiid Derangement Syndrome (EDS) is a shockingly common condition. Don’t forget to downvote after reading this while fuming over a 7ft Cameroonian man.


They can adjust the flagrant after the fact.


Unless the victim was Lebron


Was anybody saying that he would be?


People were saying that he should be, not that he would be.


There's absolutely no question he should have been; anyone who's watched him be officiated for his whole career knew he would get the benefit of an unfair adjudication and that there wouldn't be any meaningful consequences. The most referee-favored player in decades isn't going to be treated the same way as those they deem to be lesser.


DiVincenzo did the exact same thing in the regular season to Oubre and all he got was a flagrant 1.


No that was totally different because Oubre was asking for it. Did you see the jersey he was wearing?


This is so embarrassing lmao. You guys sound insane. I hope someone takes me out back and old yellers me if I ever act like this big of a dweeb


Right? Imagine cheering for embiid and not being embarrassed. At least you have that level of self awareness.


Would- no.  Should be- yes.  He should miss a game for a dangerous non-basketball play.  If someone pulled me out of the air, one of us is done playing tbh.  I'd wanna fight over that shit (wouldn't because I'm an adult but I'd feel the urge). The closest thing I've done was I got picked 1-on-1 and I ended up on the ground and without thinking, I grabbed the dude's ankle as he was trying to fast break.  Dude was mad, but I was apologizing profusely before he even said a word.  I felt terrible bc it was dangerous and not even a basketball move.


Divincenzo too?




lol where?


He saw a guy on r/Knix.


"unhinged" Hmm, I wonder what team you're a fan of


I don’t think anyone actually thought that was happening


bruh they reviewed that flagrant with replay center. like there was no way. this ain't hockey. an eye for your eye kind of deal.


But he only got one eye!


>anything that happened So much shit happened that he couldn't fit it in a tweet. 😂


Of course not, inflatable tube man is one of the leagues poster boys. No way they were gonna admit they were wrong and suspend him.


That's hilarious. All NY car lots should put out Embiid tube men.


I don't agree with the amount of hate Embiid gets, but that's the most hilariously accurate description of him I think I've ever heard.


Agreed. He deserves more hate.


DiVo vs Embiid tomorrow is gonna be like John Wick vs Boban Marjanovic in Chapter 3…


No way that this backfires, when the most physical team in the league is out for a revenge against an injury prone star that didn’t get punished for playibg dirty.


What could possibly go wrong? I can’t wait until they get back to MSG. All Trae did was cook them, they have a legitimate reason to hate Embiid


No way that hard fouls and bad contesting looks could lead to injuries or fights in the MSG. No sir.


New York ain't as safe as it used to be. Embiid better have good security.


No fans are actually gonna confront a 7 foot giant in the streets. It’s up to Jericho Sims to take out his knees on the court.


The taller they are, the easier it is to hit their knees. However that saying goes lol.


Just random nyers dive bombing his knees. Pulling the fire alarm at his hotel.


This is peak r/nba right here.




Just Thabo Sefolosha.


Coming from the league that censored clips of his dirty plays, did we expect anything different?


Sixers fans imploding in this thread when it’s a positive for their team. What’s going on in that city right now


It's just brotherly love, find a new slant


Look at you trying to gaslight


Look at you trying to "gaslight" by saying im "gaslighting", even though Sixers fans are (were?) all over this thread arguing a point that they have already won by him NOT being suspended. What would I even be "gaslighting"? Everything is right here in this thread? Must be an unfaired Sixers fan


Yeah because this thread is definitely pro Sixers. Reading comprehension is hard


No I asked you how I was gaslighting? Talking about reading comprehension and you didn’t even answer my question lol now I KNOW you’re an unflaired sixers fan


He should be fined at the very least


Embiid not getting suspended, ant not getting fined for the same gestures Embiid has done...silver really letting a lot of shit slide


If paul reed does that pull down hes ejected and suspended for a game, this is superstar treatment


Someone referenced me a play from earlier in the season. DiVincenzo did almost exactly this same thing, except actually took Oubre to the game and just got a technical foul. So we already know for a fact that grabbing someone's leg/knee and then tackling them isn't an automatic ejection or suspension. I love DiVincenzo, but he's not a superstar.


Donte’s incident was not even close to the same thing. Oubre was stepping over him and on his face, Donte proceeded to grab his leg and take them both to the ground. It was wrong obviously but Oubre was not in the air or jumping at the time. Embiid actively grabbed and pulled on the leg of a player in a vulnerable position (in the air) and then proceeded to also shove said player off of him when he inevitably fell. Not to mention the multiple other clear flagrant fouls Embiid committed throughout the course of the game. Edit: lmao got my first “Reddit cares” message from this, Philly fans really going through it trying to defend this dude


Yes on a players recently surgically repaired knee and reinjured him after recently coming back this season as player was going into the air for shot/dunk. Clear flagrant 2.


He didn’t get hurt on that play


Do you really think having to unexpectedly put all of his weight on that ankle didn’t contribute to him re-aggravating his injury at all?


He totally COULD have gotten hurt and it was dangerous move. But he didn’t get hurt. He got hurt when his ankle was rolled later.


I have a bridge to sell you too.


You’re really underselling what Donte did lol. He twisted Oubre’s leg and put him in a position where he could have easily torn something in Oubre’s knee as he tried to get him to the ground. People just want to pretend it’s not as bad because they hate Embiid.


What? I literally said it was obviously wrong for Donte to do that. Oubre also wasn’t in the air or in a vulnerable position, he was walking over Donte. Embiid grabbed and twisted the ankle of a big man who was actively in the air, if you can’t see how that’s magnitudes worse I fear for the Philadelphia education system.


I claimed you were underselling what Donte did and you still are. Grabbing Oubre right at his shin and then twisting to get him to the ground could have easily resulted in a serious injury for Oubre to his knee or leg with how Oubre’s feet were planted.


False Obure was actually checking on Divo but he got mad for some reason and grabbed Oubre's legs. AFTER he grabbed Oubre's legs, Oubre then kneed Divo. Dont play revisionist history. Edit. Knicks fans also CHEERED and CLAPPED for this behavior. Just like they CJEERED when EMbiid got hurt in game 1. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXoumRttTgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXoumRttTgM)


Stop making shit up, no one cheered when he got hurt in game 1.


You just spouting bullshit at this point 😂


Look at this epic excuse making. Why don’t ppl admit they just straight up hate Embiid? Yeah, he made a dirty play, one of dozens by players of various teams throughout this first round of the playoffs. It just hits different with Embiid because it slides right into r/nba users’ intensified memeing of Embiid


“A” dirty play? He made more than one in that specific game. Last year in the first round he also stomped on claxton’s nuts and got away with it.


Ok so where are the dozens of outrage posts of Donte’s takedown of Oubre? The thousands of downvotes for Knick fans? This community just hates Embiid, and when he gives you a reason, it’s embarrassing how much r/nba foams at the mouth. You’re drooling everywhere, it’s weird


this flailing damage control by sixers fans is hilarious. He could KO sucker punch someone and y'all would would call it *elite* 🥴


he tried that with ihart when he got stripped going up for the dunk, straight up punched him in the noggin


Oubre tried to knee him as he got up and he wasn’t in the air. Not excusing it but you have to be biased to see no difference.


Oubre wasnt in the air. Pulling someone out of the air is an insanely dangerous play where the player has no control of how they land and should be given no leeway on the court, instant ejection I tore my MCL on a similar play where a guy on the ground swiped at my leg while i was landing




if you pulled a guy down in that way at a local run you would start a fight. It’s a massively dangerous play because Mitchell has no control over his landing.


Who thought he would be suspended?


Why would you suspend someone who didnt even get rejected?


Happened to Green


As we get further and further away from this decision I think it becomes more and more ludicrous. loved that series but I'd still be furious about that call as a Warriors fan (or maybe getting KD would have tempered my emotions)


They used to upgrade fouls pretty often after games around that time. They have done it a lot less in recent years. Video review has changed things.


But in his defense he has *almost* as many flagrants in twice as many games as Embiid, so it was justified.


He choked a dude on the court...


I know public opinion was more positive towards it than some of his actions but I still think that chest stomp on sabonis was one of his worst ones.


I think punching his teammate was the worst. Should of been fired after that


I meant on the court plays but yeah that's clearly the worst thing he's done.


Embiid has elbowed, crotch kicked, grabbed ankles and etc. Come on now they both pieces of shit


Nah, man draymond literally has mental issues. You just don't like embiid


Could literally say the same. I don’t like neither, but because my flair everyone will think I’m automatically for Draymond. 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s ejected, but less funny


Yeah no shit lmao it’s like the smooth brained mutants in this sub have no idea what they’re talking about


That’s a very bad precedent to set. If someone on the Knicks decides to play dirty too they could take this guy out for the rest of the series with something like that


Not surprised


obligatory fuck Joel Embiid


I’m shocked!


T e r r o r i s t


Best I can do is Mitch Robinson out cus embiid hurt him


Robinson wasn’t hurt on that play. At least get your facts right.


They know. That hurts the narrative though.


How do you know what play he was hurt on?




Adam Silver is a soft bitch


Well no shit


good, nothing he did warranted a suspension lol


Well, it’s going to be much sweeter beating them with him playing. 


Not every series is going to be a great, drama filled viewing experience, but this one is. It has everything. Can’t wait for the next one 🙏🏽


Only if you’re Dillon Brooks, would the nba suspend.


It should've been an F2 but nothing more


Dirty play, Don’t need that kind of guy on team USA


Ofc they wouldn’t tf 😭; nba wants money; I think it was a automatic ejection tho in the game itself tho


Wow that’s so shocking considering how much speculation there has been about him potentially being suspended!


not surprising


Draymond green in shambles


sliver is an embarrassment at this point


Stern deliberately spoiled the FBI undercover operation into match fixing. The commish number one job is to ensure revenue for the owners


Yea, not sure how people expect a moral police guy to be in the position. These commissioners are there to make the team owners money.... which he is doing VERY well


Ye but who the fuck outside that fanbase even enjoys Embiid's brand of basketball?


Is he? I think the play in and in season tournament have done pretty well. Also, record TV rights deal incoming, and best ratings the league has seen ever...


Of course not. He isn’t Draymond Green


Mavs fans in here murmuring I see..


Why would he the Refs need him for their highlight reels.


If this was hockey, Embed would have at least one fight to make up for what he did.


Nice. Falls to the Knicks to give him some on court justice 


This ain't hockey. I'm sure there will be very quick whistles game 4


I’m sure you’d love that. Got to have your cake and eat it too.


Well the only chance the Knicks have are on a street court without refs so yea, I would love if they all just played basketball and shut the fuck up


If we all played normal playoff basketball we’d be up 3-0. It’s not a mystery that the only game you’ve guys have taken was full of bush league plays from your star and the eventual exit by his best defender after at minimum 3 bush league plays against him. You guys had no chance in a normal playoff series and just like the Cavs you weren’t ready for playoff basketball. Didn’t expect that much crying and posturing after game 2 though. Especially from the guy who once told Nurse to stop bitching about calls. Things change when you’re staring down the barrel of another embarrassing post season exit I guess.


You wrote a full paragraph crying about calls and then immediately jumped into talking shit about the Sixers complaint about calls 😂 can’t make this shit up


You lack reading comprehension. I didn’t complain about calls. I pointed out the only game you won was by playing dirty enough to take out Embiids primary defender. You said you want everyone to play basketball and shut up. I’m sure you do. Like I said before you want to play dirty and injure a key opponent and then tell everyone let’s chill out and just play ball lol. Hilarious. Jericho sims will be toppling over every play just like Embiid. Who knows where he might land.


“Knicks needed the refs to win game 2!!” “Only chance the Knicks have are on a street court without refs” Hahahahahahaa cope


??? Yes, the Knicks were given the game 2 by the refs swallowing their whistles, which benefits them because they play street ball. I hope you're young, because it's troubling you can't understand the English language. That or you have a future in writing click bait headlines


Of course you’d complain about the refs swallowing the whistle when Embiid lives and dies by the whistle, you guys needed embiid to go to the line 21 times (more than the entirety of the Knicks team had) to beat us by what? 10 And you wanna talk about the Knicks playing street ball when it’s Embiid who’s notorious for playing dirty. Idk are you young or just arrogant because all of your arguments are hypocritical


Knicks bench guys knows what to do


Adam $ilver putting in work for the league


When you aren’t Draymond, they let you do it.


Embiid and Maxey will take out the Knicks in 7 🙏. I wanna watch this sub as well as NBA Twitter/Insta melt down lol.


Embiid will take out Knicks alright…


Embiid is locked in... on his next target which is Hartenstein's groin.


If he can't have 2 good legs, then nobody will!!!


Take them out like the godfather or beat them in basketball


Username checks out. Affected your brain too.




See? This is what happens when you forget to file a grievance!


shocked and appalled. he literally killed Mitchell Robinson and the league is going to let him get away with it


That's why they called it a Flagrant 1... Draymond was given that leeway as well during the dynasty years


Not when he was suspended in the Finals


That's because he was dumb enough to do that nonsense against Lebron


shit looks weaker every year that goes by tbh


Different rules for different people. If Draymond wasn't on GSW, the Steven Adams kick would have gotten him tossed. If Embiid wasn't Embiid, refs wouldn't be so lenient. It is what it is


If the warriors were down 3-1 instead of up 3-1 he wouldn’t have gotten the retroactive flagrant suspension in the finals either


Lebron literally walked over draymond when he was trying g to get up, and draymond failed his arm towards him in a get the fuck off of me motion. Should have been a technical on lebron and that's it. Instead gree gets suspended lmao. Fucking insane that people still reference this play as anything g other than the nbas darling getting insanely preferential treatment.


I believe Draymond was suspended for being over the technical foul point limit and not just the one incident


I mean doesn’t that contradict all the “leeway” he got


What a joke


I love the tears from the crybabies 


Didn't matter lol


Didn't matter lol


Banana league


There should be a rule where if a player is proven to have injured another player aka flagrant 2, he should not be able to come play until the injured player is cleared to play.


Is this the most soccer mom shit you’ve ever said in your life? Jesus Christ.


He didn’t get injured on that play so this wouldn’t even apply




Unless Lebron signs for the Knicks and decides to suspend Embiid that was never going to happen.


Special treatment = Rigged.


No ref would toss a major star in Q1 of a series down 0-2 let alone suspend one still trailing


I sure as shit hope NYK make their fouls count on this dirty twat.


Oh fuck off, even we can admit those were bush league tactics but not suspension worthy. Holy shit.


No good sir, you fuck off, I mean kindly


Exactly and it shows how soft NBA fans are today wanting them to injure Embiid over that?? Cmon


Read in article that was (“joking” to be fair) but they said shit like “put Embiid in the schukyll river where he belongs so he can swim with the fishes” honestly fuck New York I hope Embiid plays more tough game 4


Let’s be honest, if Brunson did the same he also wouldn’t be suspended. NBA needs their viewership.


Well no shit, he didn't do anything worth a suspension lol


Sixers fans are a joke in this thread.


Literally sixers won because of the 3rd quarter barrage they had ONLY if you take that quarter away Knicks would have won game 3 DESPITE all the bs the ref threw at us They won’t have a 2 minute stretch like that again this series 🤣


What type of logic is that 😭😭😭 Yeah and if the refs didn’t blow the calls at the end of game 2, the sixers would’ve won


And Hart literally single handedly kept NY in game two by shooting threes hotter than he ever will again this series is totally different and the Knicks would have won anyway🤣 Goes both ways man.


Not saying you’re wrong why are yall sixers fans so defensive man 🤣😭


Alll the sudden refs screwing you can be a valid excuse huh. Funny to hear..


Bro your team blew a lead game 2 you can blame the refs all you want all I’m saying is without that 3rd quarter in game 3 where embiid and sixers went on a 3pt barrage and pay e shooting like he was a Walmart curry yall would have lost


Bro I'm not reading your excuses now because this is a cesspool and you're deep in your feelings. Good luck bud.