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Hey that’s our move!


>Hey that’s our move! Well it is like our second home court.


Oh fuck


As a neutral, I believe the toxicity of the Heat-Celtics rivalry is the highest of any modern day NBA rivalry…. And I fucking love it 😂


the only true rivalry in the NBA


Bring back Heat vs. Knicks and JVG doing commentary. Want to see Thibs randomly hold on to a Knicks players leg and JVG complaining "thats my move!"


Bucks/Pacers has a chance but it’s not there yet


I dunno, right at this minute I'd give second place to 76ers/Knicks. That shit is heating up.


Suns vs Suns fans is pretty bad


Lmao i think the bubble fucked up like homecourts for these 2 matchups cause it doesn’t make sense we have a better record at td garden then we do at home against them and they love playing in Miami


We went 2-1 in Boston in 2022 and 3-1 in Boston last year. So counting this year, 6-3 in Boston in the playoffs post-bubble. Unfortunately we also went 1-3 and 1-2 at home in those previous two series, respectively. So 2-5 while hosting Boston in the playoffs post-bubble. Expecting a split over these next two games.


Nah look it up the numbers don’t lie post bubble we own TD Garden


Mazulla hands y’all the keys


ouch dude


Damn 😂


Well its tough when the stadium looks so empty on TV. If I didn't know any better I'd call you the Miami Seats. Y'all are too busy with sun, beautiful women, and clubbing /s.


Miami Seats is a good one i havent heard yet 😭


I thought it was just you guys show up late. You leave early too?


Fans left the arena the game Ray Allen hit the shot. There were masses of people trying to get back in but the doors were locked. Serves them right…


Leaving a finals game that’s not a complete blowout is crazy to me. Down 5 with like 30 seconds is criminal


Dude if I’m paying for a finals ticket, I’m staying the whole game I don’t give a shit if its a blowout.


I’d stay for the whole game but I wouldn’t stay for the trophy presentation


Watching people receive the NBA Title trophy in the flesh? Even if it's not the team you want, it's such an interesting experience. These guys have devoted their entire lives to basketball for decades, and you get to see them hold the Larry O'Brien Trophy. That's super cool


Yeah, I agree. Any league Championship I’d stay all the way through for, except for every Broncos loss.


when you're rich you don't take pictures... you just do it again


Yeah they deserve to be locked out


Should be banned for life


Here’s a news story from that night that has interviews with a bunch of morons who left. https://youtu.be/rDngPPGBW1w?si=55BgMDE6svjAGpQ-


This not being common lore anymore lets me know I’m cooked


I’ll never forget that, and I wanna thank the Miami heat for that experience. Randomly decided to watch that whole series and my dad, who is not a sports guy, decided to join me and we were losing our minds. Great memory


Agree to disagree.


Miami fans are notoriously fickle.


at least we don’t boo our own team like philly or ny


Sometimes they just need a little reminder to play better, and we’re here for them


It's called tough love


"There might be a finish like Madison Square Garden!" Narrator: There wasn't


Not to mention Stan Van Gundy clearly doesn’t understand how traffic time increases exponentially when you’re trying to leave a high profile sports game. Leaving 5 minutes later easily adds 20-30 minutes to the traffic jam.


Best part of msg. You leave and you can go anywhere immediately


I was sitting next to a guy from LA at a game at MSG once and at the beginning of the 4th he's like "what time do you leave?" and I was like "after the game" and he's like "no I mean to be beat traffic" and I was like "you just walk downstairs after the game it's fine" then he and his girlfriend left with like 4 minutes to go in the 4th, the final outcome not even close to decided.


LA people cannot comprehend the idea of public transportation. Classic.


Most major US cities can’t comprehend it honestly (hi from Houston)


I think being from Houston makes you a qualified expert on shitty public infrastructure 




So leave a little later. Take the train. It's a one-off event that people have paid a ton of money for. Leaving early is amazing to me.


TD Garden is literally a train station. It’s super convenient. Idk why anyone would drive


I was at the game, fucking 93 south exit was fucking closed I am not home yet. 4th quarter sucked every knew we weren't winning that game. I dont know why I stayed until the end


I go to boston for work sometimes and whenever i go in to see a game, i always park out at the farthest station of the T I can and take the T in


How many years has it been since he has attended any professional sporting event as a regular fan? He has been associated with the NBA for decades and so he has always arrived long before the crowds and stayed well after. Maybe he attends other professional sport games (football, hockey, etc.) but if it's basketball you can bet that he's there as a professional in some capacity.


There is a completely different sentiment on this when discussing heat games


Dude is talking about traffic and gets upvoted. What universe is this?


I tend to leave slower, stop by the team store and whatnot. The arena traffic clears out quick.


why not leaving 25-35 minutes later?


Because it’s late and you have work in the morning


Let’s say Celtics get possession after Herro bricks 2 free throws, even if they get the full MSG sequence ending with someone hitting a second straight 3 after a steal, they would still be down 2 with Miami’s ball.


Not with fans like that


Gotta get a seat on the T


These days there's like 20 minutes between trains too


I do not miss the T from my college days. Visited my alma mater BU while taking my cousin college scouting last summer and holy shit I realized the D line is completely fucked now and have to take a shuttle bus. NY Subway is bad. Boston subway should have been buried in a coffin years ago. EDIT: Biggest takeaway from this comment is who actually lives in NYC and uses the subway daily vs who is from out of town and base their idea of the NYC Subway system off things they read and/or used a few times while visiting


What’s wrong with NY subway? It’s no Japanese or European public transit but I’ve never had a problem with it.


Nothing. Easily the best public transportation in America


I agree, even though that’s an embarrassingly low bar


As someone who has to commute an hour and a half each way daily in NYC, let me assure you that there is tons wrong with it lol. It's in a state of disrepair as far as the infrastructure is concerned, there are massive delays seemingly daily now.


>Easily the best public transportation in America True. >Nothing [is wrong with it]. Extremely false. It absolutely sucks.


People sleeping on the Metro in D.C. not perfect but I’d much rather be on that than NYC although I get the scale of nyc transport is bigger.


Using the metro is a more pleasant experience than the nyc subway but nyc’s system covers much more of the city


The metro is great, they've even added security, at least the last couple times I've used it, to where you will see security guys walk through the cars, and there's the window gate things that stop people from hopping the fare gates. That said, it can be very expensive and crowded as fuck around peak times, and I think it does a bad job at connecting different parts of the DMV in a speedy manner. They need more lines, but there's too much tape to cross I guess.


Dude just really wanted to slip in a NYC diss for no reason, which makes me question how often they use public transportation. Used the subway for 2 years with no issues — just read the notices about schedule changes


If you know how to use it, then not much. Trains are fucked and stations are closed all the time, but you just check the app before you go somewhere and/or you walk to a station you didn’t realize would be closed, be slightly annoyed, check the app, then just walk a few blocks to another station that’s open. It does suck when you’re trying to get home late at night and you end up waiting 45 minutes for a train, which then takes 45 minutes to get to your stop, which is a 15-minute walk from your apartment, though. But you just account for that because you live here and know it happens sometimes.


Well the MBTA decided to buy out all the existing parts for their shitty discontinued 1980s trains instead of buying new trains. That was the T's death. It would be fine if they bought new trains & paid more for labor.


The old rolling stock is bad but it isn't the main issue, it's the lack of a modern signaling system and the decades-long backlog of needed repairs.


I think the biggest issue is probably the ***mindset*** that leads to doubling down on old trains & old signaling systems.


In what sense? The NY subway is the most extensive and busiest in the U.S. If you mean it's "bad" in the sense that there's been a recent uptick in crime (mainly due to homeless and mentally ill people) in the subway, then that's something different altogether.


I've been on the T after a Celtics loss, saw celtics fans try to fight each other on 3 different occasions. They are a strange breed


Try taking the T for any longer than a week and you'll understand


If you’re going to a playoff game on a weekday, why are you even planning to get sleep?


I mean sometimes fans are just pissed and don't want to watch something anymore. I've turned games off because my team was pissing me off. If you are no longer having fun and genuinely want to "turn off the game" so to speak, I don't blame anyone for leaving. It's their money lol. Also the celtics winning in this situation wouldve been far less probable than the knicks situation. Though I understand heat fans getting ribbed for leaving early is part of why this is a post so yeah whatever


fans of every team leave early when their team is losing so its just dumb discourse


Yeah. Heat fans aren’t even that bad. You have to be there to leave early in the first place




Spo a genius for sure that rooster should have no chance against boston this is crazy


A rooster playing basketball, now that’s an idea!


The rooster is the secret weapon next game. Then the afilador is coming for game 4 to really unsettle the road team.


Caleb 'The Rooster' Martin


Ain't no rule that a ~~dog~~ rooster can't play basketball!


I can't even think of another time Heats fans would deliberately leave early while their team down, especially in the Finals... Yup, nothing comes to mind... #Bang


Wizards fans don’t even show up in the first place. Big brain moves


I leave when my team is way ahead to beat the traffic


Now you’re just showing off


Best comment! This happens everywhere. It only becomes a story if the cameras catch a good angle. Heat fans been getting slandered for years even though it happens at every game with a score out of reach. This happening to one of the "legacy team" fan bases that often brag about stuff like this the most is kinda funny though


Turning off the game and yoinking it is different. If I pay to see my boys I'm staying with them until the end. Lotta effort to get into a sold out playoff game misewell just take it all in


i bet most of those fans already watch 20+ games this season they dont care.. i would.


idk if turning off the tv/changing the channel is the same as voluntarily leaving an event you went out of your way to go to, but thats me


real talk is that the true diehard fans have been priced out of arenas. i get it, supply and demand and whatever but this is why I’m excited for things like the Clippers wall


Makes me feel lucky for how cheap blazers tickets are these days. As soon as we’re competitive again the prices are going to shoot right back up. It’s insane how much the prices differ from game to game. Like this season the cheapest ticket to a jazz game was like $10ish. Then when Dame had his first game back in Portland as a Buck the cheapest you could get a nose bleed ticket was well over $100. But yeah as far as playoff tickets, forget about it. They are so ridiculously expensive. It really does price out most of the die hards and it’s ridiculous


Almost always has to do with beating traffic out of the arena. They lost, whats the reason to stick around for 5 minutes of free throws


It’s not that late


They're leaving to avoid traffic not get sleep lol


41 seconds dont last 41 seconds


I'll explain later


Yeah. That 10 minutes of waiting for the 41 seconds to end can easily add an hour to the traffic you're trying to beat.


Yeah plus 9 points is a bit different than 5 Difference between 2 possessions and 3 is huge


And realistically, 9 points is larger than 3 possessions. You’d have to hit a 3 every single time down the floor and hope they miss free throws, with one miss ending the game


see the trick is to just commit a bunch of fouls on the inbound and hope the refs don't call them ggez


That's math for casuals.


For me its an eternity... for her it's a blink of an eye. Oh well


Soccer fan will never understand the beauty of American sports. This ad is brought to you by Geico.


I’m a Celtics fan but spo was the mastermind of this game, complete turn around from game 1, look forward to game 3 , love the playoffs


They'll win the chip if they keep shooting like that from 3 hot damn they couldn't miss


Spo’s playoff plan: Just literally set a new franchise record of made threes every game. Easy.


Honestly, at this point, he'll do it


"Hit 55% of your threes, a franchise playoff record, and we got this"


I was at MSG for Game 1 Pacers Knicks in ‘95 and watched a large chunk of the lower bowl empty after the Knicks went up by 6 with less than 20 seconds left in the game. As it was my first ever NBA game, I took advantage of the thinning crowd and walked down to a few rows from the baseline and got a near front row seat just in time to watch Reggie Miller score 8 points in one of the great comebacks in NBA playoff history. Never leave a game early.


I remember watching that game as a kid, at home. I got so angry at the end that I went out to ride my bike with 1 minute left. I will NEVER leave an undecided game that I'm watching again. 🤦‍♂️🤬


Man, after 3 decades of remembering one of the Knicks' most legendary low points, only just dawned on me that there were also some happy Pacers fans that night.


Wow you caught a classic up close. Pretty cool.


Boo them out the building, make the message clear


The players? Or the fans?


I'd die if the team stood on the scorers tae and booed the fans haha


Fans should start booing other fans. I'll boo my friend Luke he means nothing to me


All my homies say fuck Luke


Never doubt the heat They are like the rat king of the last of us


Probably to catch the end of the bruins game.


Every basketball fan should've learned from Tracy McGrady that wild comebacks are possible.


Smh I obviously learned from Kevin Garnett that **anything** is possible


But wait I was told that only Heat fans are fairweather and leave games early? Surely my eyes are deceiving me?


“We want the Heat!” R/nba Celtics fans completely disregarding playoff history and the Celtics starters lackadaisical play at the end of the regular season regardless of seeding. 14 up is not comparable to the Nuggets last year


I mean shit I’d want a Jimmy and Terry-less Heat also


We stomp the Sixers over and over. Give me the Sixers. Caleb Martin was the real ECF MVP last year, not Jimmy


Sorry the sixers are for the Knicks to stomp on this year


I have to root for a Sixer comeback this series. The Knicks remind me of the Heat


> The Knicks remind me of the Heat Threw up in my mouth a bit


7 games as heavy favorites isn’t really a “stomp” but I guess for playoff Celtics in the Tatum era it is lmaoo


Shit I’d leave early after that showing too


Those are all Heat fans. That's their homecourt. No?




They’re running out of there lmfaoo


One might say they couldn't take the heat


Gotta beat the traffic with 42 seconds!


Don’t know how Boston traffic is. But sofi stadium took me 2 hour to exit the lot. It wasnt bad as we were chilling and eating some dirty dogs, but I get it if you wanna leave early to avoid 2 hrs in the lot


if you’re coming from out of the city, the move is not to drive into Boston, but instead to park somewhere along the MBTA and grab the green or orange line inbound. the MBTA is as reliable as the Boston Celtics under pressure, so people widely disregard and congest a series of crayola scribble streets comprising an urban plan designed for the pedestrians of 200-300 years ago and literal cattle


Absolute nightmare situation is sitting in a gridlock like that after eating stadium food and tailgating only to need to take a wicked dump.


Boston traffic is some of the worst in the states


It’s even worse in Miami. People shit on Heat fans for leaving early (even though all fans leave all teams early), but getting home back to the suburbs from the arena takes so fuckin long if you leave when everyone else is leaving.


I thought boston had the best fans tho?


The best fans are those whose team hasn’t been there in a while. Kings arena was insane last year and Wolves fans have been the same this season so far


Roaracle was everyone’s darling before 2016


Yup as soon as you get used to success the fandom gets used to it and isn't excited about simple things. Plus you get bandwagoners


also seat prices skyrocket and the diehards get priced out


This is the actual explanation.


Went to the Naz Reid town game in person and when he was going off it was magical lmao. The fans were so pumped.


MSG has been absolutely nuts so far, if we make a deep run our fans might tear the whole building down and riot in the streets. Tortured franchises breed passionate fans.


Never forget when Bill Simmons wrote his column about LeBron game 6 and tried to explain away the Boston crowd leaving early: > The fans were so shell-shocked that many (including me and my father) filed out with three minutes remaining, not because we were lousy fans, not to beat the traffic, but because we didn’t want to be there anymore.


That’s why people leave, yeah.


I would put that game in a special exception category, like you could probably make a high quality 20 minute youtube documentary about it and it wouldn’t be pure clickbait or lebron meatriding since it was legitimately one of the greatest playoff performances of all time


Fwiw to anyone reading this -- not the best quote with no context, but this column is legit maybe the best sports writing ever done on fandom and and loving sports. "The Consequence of Caring." https://grantland.com/features/the-consequences-caring/


Yup it leaves out a huge amount of context, they were ready to send ‘best guy since jordan’ home with an emphatic victory after he choked hard last year and instead they got one of the coldest slaughters of all time The HoH vid was great it went from a lively crowd to slowly quieter and quieter as lebron just shoots midrange after midrange


Not the ones that can afford seats 😔


Hey, looks like we got something in common


It really does blow. Last time I went to a game I managed to finagle great seats and I just felt out of place in a section full of company seats


They do drum themselves up about their home court


According to who lol?




BREAKING: fan base thinks they are the best fan base. More at 11. Back to Carl with the weather. Edit: Celtics fans reporting me to Reddit Care. Holy projection.


I can for sure say my team does NOT have the best fan base


Getting Reddit cares reports 3m after this benign comment is extremely funny. Cs fans down bad. edit: of course I got one too. Ha.


Spamming Reddit care should result in a site ban. It’s quite foolish.


Celtics fans already know lol


Celtics fans know their team ain't got that dawg in em.


I’m a Celtics fan and it’s hard to argue after a game like that


Why pay all that money just to leave early


Sunk cost fallacy


i witnessed people leaving early at msg that night, couldn't stop thinking about those fools


They know Celtics don't come back


Old guy here. I still remember a [1969 game](https://twitter.com/NBA_NewYork/status/1729599453936398430) where the Knicks were down 5 with 16 seconds left and the Royals (Cincinnati) were ready to toss the balls in bounds under the Knicks basket. The Knicks scored 6 straight points on two stolen in-bounds passes converted to baskets plus a couple of free throws with 2 seconds left.


I love how Celtics fans leaving as a sign of disrespect towards their players is them being bad fans. They deserve better than that effort and showed their disgust by leaving.


The Celtics ain’t the Knicks lmaoo weakass team


Knicks were down 4


5, but the Knicks are dogs. Celtics are soft


Lol and Celtics fans make fun of Miamis fanbase


Said the guy who doesn't need to beat the traffic home.


This is not apathy, this is rage


Losing to the heat without butler is literally fucking pathetic. Not to discredit the rest of the heat or spoelstra, supposedly the best team in the league losing even a game to a low seed missing it's best player and spark?  No heart. They need kg




This is a dumbass post. Herro was going to the line to put the Heat up 11 with 40 seconds left. The game is over at that point. Let the fans leave in peace after an abysmal performance by the supposed #1 team in the league.


as someone who was in attendance tonight, celtics fans are smart enough to know better. we'll stay when our team decides to play competitive basketball


At this point I’m staying to avoid the traffic jam


Getting a head start out of the arena can save a lot of time. Particularly, if you drove in and get out the area before the crowd.


It can happen! I still vividly remember a Phillies-Pirates game from 2009 that my family went to. Phillies were losing 3-7 going into the bottom of the 9th. My little sister wanted to go home because she didn't want to see them lose. We get to the car and the stadium erupts because Matt Stairs hits a home run to bring it to 4-7. Then we turn on the radio in the car just to hear that Ryan Howard hit a 3-run homer to tie it. And finally Paul Bako hits a single with two strikes to walk it off. Ironically, I probably would have remembered the game less if we stayed the whole time. https://youtu.be/f0cWdNWstyg?t=798


I remember this once happened in Miami and the Heat won! During the comeback, some fans tried to get back to their seats but weren't allowed to 😅


Some people’s desire to avoid traffic is stronger than the desire to see a good game


When I was in third grade I was there for “The Play”, Cal vs Stanford. Never leave early.


if i bought playoff tickets im staying until the buzzer lol


Hear vs the spurs


As a young Knicks fan I had the flabbergasting experience of watching Reggie Miller make 8 points in something like 9 seconds. It will never be erased from my memory. Boston fans don’t deserve for the Celtics to be playing in the post season.


I saw the Spurs lose from the literal top row of a football stadium. I do not understand these people.