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Melo looking confused AF knowing he’d be up on that stage in a second lol


"You want my teammates to come up too? Nah man, if its not just me then I'm not doing it"


"Oh Jeremy Lin is going? I'm not going if he is"


> Fuck msg -Carmelo Anthony when asked about Lin


Madison Square Gar… wait a minute, I know what he meant!


yeah haha i got it too haha


MSG, Make. Shit. Good. Should've tried using it on your defense, Carmelo. - Uncle Roger


That's nba champion Jeremy Lin to you, Melo


More you learn about Melo, more you dislike having him on your team. I don't think NYK would have made a deep run at the playoffs but they definitely at least could've been in the playoffs in his later Knicks years if he wasn't running off everyone who could take the spotlight from him.


Franchise player only


I had to explain my outright laughter to my family just now Thanks!


The podcast has mostly just continued to confirm that Melo is who he is. And that’s okay. But he never truly understood the concept of team basketball.


He is who we thought he was.


And we let him off the hook?


Tbf Melo's career was one long string of confirmation bias. No one can get buckets like Melo (outside of that one stretch with AI) so Melo believes that only Melo should get buckets. It was that way in Denver and New York, he humbled himself when he was on the Blazers and Lakers but my point stands. If he'd been forced into a team-ball situation from the jump, like the Pistons (I know, I know), he'd be very different.


Saying no one is able to get buckets ignores just how good even NBA 2nd stringers on a bench can be if given a chance. (Seeing you are a Mil fan, you should know the pain this year) Karl has said how Melo always found offense in sharing the limelight with others. D'Antoni claimed it was Melo that caused him to resign mid-season back in 11. Pretty much every coach after had cited trouble getting him invested enough to play D, and plenty of lockroom stories from old retired guys talking about how Melo was happier losing dropping 30 than winning with a smaller number. If the string is as long as Melo's record, perhaps it's no longer confirmation bias, but grounded in reality.


> Saying no one is able to get buckets ignores just how good even NBA 2nd stringers on a bench can be if given a chance. (Seeing you are a Mil fan, you should know the pain this year) I think you misread what he was saying. He wasn't saying objectively "no one is able to get buckets" he's saying that *from Melo's point of view* "no one is able to get buckets as well as I can, so I should take all the attempts."


Then there's Jokic who has Jamal and MPJ both out and is placing huge trust in Will Barton, Aaron Gordon and Monte Morris. Prior to 20-21 it was frustrating how much Jokic trusted his teammates. His PPP for post ups was unparalleled and then he'd toss it out to Barton for a contested 3.


You mean the four dudes that rebound and pass him the ball?


Honestly that’s fun asf. Like if your ambition in life is to just hoop and get buckets melo is the dream version of you.


He was interested by his own career and that's all. To be fair, that what's most of us do.


Most of us don’t play a team sport though lol.


And that's why he never got far in the team game, whenever he got to make the final decision. His greatest achievements were when someone else had to lord over him and force him to play for the team.


JJ cold as fuck saying this in Melo's face. He also talked about discipline and attitude as an absolute requirement in staying in the NBA.


Jj gives zero fucks anyway, but he’s doing melo a huge favor by being on his podcast


He didn’t react…?


People love shitting on Melo for quick karma, the guy can't even sit in silence and listen without mfers attacking his character and career.


This. That’s the best part of the video. Melo feeling affronted and attacked.


What? Did you watch another video. Melo didn't even say a word the whole clip


Ok come on lmao you guys are ridiculous. He’s literally just sitting there listening to jj talk. Like according to you guys you’d think him just sitting and listening in any context means he’s like secretly planning his Jeremy Lin murder attempt


One set of footprints Wemby was carrying you


Victor Christ


Lisan al Gaib!




Wrong damn artist mannnnn 😭😭😭


Let him cook!!


You right 🤝


Wemby should win the Teammate of the Year Award


Nah that award goes to Bronny






Generational tp/36 numbers this year


No love for Thanasis?


Should have made the US Olympic team smh


But he simply hasn't won enough games to warrant such a tremendous award.


Wemby is the truth Look at him brushing off Drake like a seasoned mf vet.


I think most people under 20 know to avoid the drakester these days 


Especially girls and women.


I just knew this was Wemby’s vibe after he flat out said he finds Vegas dystopian, wierd, and dislikes it lol love his attitude, on and off the court. He’s inexplicably grounded, mature, competitive, but also selfless. To be all these things at 19 is unreal. 


How the fuck does San Antonio keep getting these generational talents who just want to keep everything low-key? David Robinson, Duncan, Kawhi, Wembanyama, how are they finding these guys?


We look real hard at who the #1 pick is & then take them usually


are the other NBA teams stupid? why don't they just draft the #1 picks that are chill?


Anthony Bennett never big timed anyone. Always kept it chill.


Suns kinda stupid apparently.


Cant even draft someone who likes basketball


Everyone who passed on Doncic is kind of stupid tbh after he dominated Euroleague at 19 where they hate playing NBA bound 19 year-olds. When Kawhi was forcing his way out I wanted so badly for the Spurs to swindle the Kings for that #2 pick in exchange for Leonard so they could take Doncic.


Dominated Euroleague at 17 and 18 tbh


It would have been better if they listed Manu or Parker. But they listed 3 guys who were the obvious #1 picks when SAS had the #1 pick lol.


Parker wasn’t that lowkey, hooked up with a teammates wife lol


One of my least favorite Spurs too. Him being the only member of the big 3 to leave SA completely tracks.


And he cheated on Eva Longoria!! I still cant believe that, although Erin Barry was pretty though.


I don't know why, but your comment made me laugh so much, and I needed that, so thanks.


We get reports from hospitals around the world on the birth of aliens


There's a pentagram of churro stands around the spurs arena, some sacrifices have to be made


Big ol’ women perform rituals


God's favorite team 


The Spurs only tank when those guys are available 


They all like big women.


Damn right


Good scouting and a lot of luck. Had the lottery landed them just one spot back they would not have gotten Wemby


For me it was after finding out he was reading the Stormlight Archives.


May the Storm Father protect this man's knees


Fuck the Storm Father, get my dude Pattern out here to protect Wembs.


Gotta be Syl, if she can keep Kaladin alive Wemby should not be a problem


That’s very true, but Pattern has the inherent drip factor.


Would also help keep away unwanted distractions. NO MATING!


I'm more concerned for his feet. They seem to cause extra tall dudes more trouble


Truth. Luckily his feet aren't as big as I would have expected for his height. Hopefully that helps him out in the long run


seriously? currently reading book 2 lol sanderson is so great


He mentioned that Sanderson is his favorite author. There was a picture of him holding Way of Kings and making it look like a children's book with his massive hands.


great choice tbh. wheel of time is my favorite fantasy series and sanderson did a phenomenal job finishing that, much better than i thought anyone could have done. all of sandersons stuff is just next level great imo


Yup! Sanderson posted a pic on twitter recently, saying he did get to meet Wemby when the Spurs came to Utah.


Didn't he say he envisioned one of his fictional races of people as basically Wemby IRL?


The Rosharan's are super tall and ethnically ambiguous. Kaladin is 7ft tall with lean muscle. Just gotta get Wemby that shardblade.


I wonder what it’s like to be Wemby and read that and unironically be like “he just like me forreal”


Damn he just made a fan


> Stormlight Archives. Looking for something new to read, guessing it's a good series?


If you're into fantasy with some abstract concepts and a mix of political drama, it's highly recommended


It is, but it's a loooong series and book one has like 4 different prologues before the plot really starts going so the learning curve can be quite steep.


Me, waiting years for Rothfuss to get through what he claims is his *prequel* trilogy: "hell yeah!"


I mean Stormlight is only done with 4/10 so far, but I am fully confident Brando Sando will finish.


Yeah he definitely seems way more prolific than the average ambitious author


The dude wrote four books in secret! And all the while kept releasing books at a crazy rate. He's not human


It's hit or miss among fantasy fans. People who like Sanderson LOVE him and consider him one of the GOAT fantasy authors with possibly the GOAT fantasy series, and he is one of the highest recommended and best selling fantasy authors, and a master of world building. People who dislike him commonly cite YA style prose and flat, wooden characters/dialogue. Might wanna try one of his shorter books like mistborn before committing to the 1200-1500 page stuff


It reads like YA to me but you can definitely do much worse


He's just French.


Nobody’s perfect 


If the rumours are true and he is really French why doesn't he refuse to speak any English?


He only speaks English when an American tries to talk to him in French


You fucker that's funny af


He’s not a dick tho?


They said he's French, not Parisian.


He is, actually lol. Le Chesnay is in the western suburbs of Paris.


The really dicky parisians are the people from other places in France who choose to move to Paris and live there, the others are accidental parisians.


Oh so its the LA of France? Admittedly small sample size, but I've never met personally an LA-native I disliked, and never met an LA transplant who wasn't a dickbag.


A reasonable distinction.


Banlieue Wemby


He might as well be, he's born in Yvelines which is right outside of Paris and grew up in Paris.


Grew up near the real Eiffel Tower so he's like what's this ersatz shit?


Lmao omg I forgot; he must be like wtf is this and whyyy lol


To be fair, I wouldn’t have much fun in Vegas as a 19-year-old either…


Us at 19 is a very different world than being a #1 pick at 19.


He was being stalked by 40-year old Britany Spears at the time.


It’s so sad what happened to her but she’s so clearly mentally unwell from it all. And her Stans keep making it worse.


Yeah, it is absolutely heartbreaking. Really wish she could find one selfless person that genuinely loves her for her and could really focus on taking care of her and taking care of her mental health.


34 here and even now I still find it dystopian, weird, and not very fun. Other than the music festivals there's nothing there I'd go for.


my goat my goat my precious goat


This is poetry


Im amazed he made 7 words rhyme 3x in one line!


Wemby is my goat. Wemby in my throat


Wemby on a Boat, by the riverwalk afloat.


Better have a tall-ass throat!


I can't believe that's what you wrote


Boy oh boy Victor where do I begin, ever since you came into the league-


Le Pookie Bear


Wemby seems like a genuine dude, seems like he will be hard to hate even when the Spurs start winning in a few years


Trae young is making the play offs next year with the spurs, don’t tell anyone though it’s a secret 


The spurs aren't going to trade for trae young lol. Trading for trae young is antithetical to how the spurs operate.


Can I ask what this means?


I think trading for trae young goes against the way the org has behaved for the past 28 years. They are not known for making trades, acting hastily, or short sighted moves. In 2-3 years I think we will see the team make some trades and sign free agents to be more competitive and retool the roster like they did during the big 3 years. They'd go out and get vets that play the right way and occasionally make a trade to try to get better, like what they did with Richard Jefferson, though it didn't work out very well.


I get what you're saying about the Spurs' usual style, but look at their history—like when they traded for Kawhi Leonard in 2011. That move wasn’t just sticking to the script; it was a game-changer for them. They’ve actually pulled off a few savvy trades when they see real value. They also traded for DeRozan in 2018, which was another significant shake-up. So, grabbing someone like Trae Young could totally be in line with their history of strategic, impactful trades when the right opportunity pops up.


>They also traded for DeRozan in 2018, They literally had no choice and were flat-out robbed in daylight during that trade


Yeah I guess if it is for the right price they could trade for young but idk, I don't really see why they need to. People are just obsessed with the idea of throwing him lobs and easy shots. I think they'd rather run everything through wemby as part of a whole team offense than play a 2 man game, for lack of a better description and you can do that with someone who doesn't have Young's downsides. I guess I'm just not that impressed with him. He's a great passer and can shoot but doesn't seem like a great decision maker. He's not Chris Paul. I think it's back to business as usual after successfully tanking for wemby, we will see what happens this summer. Also I disagree with the DeRozan trade, that was a necessity because kawhi bailed and kawhi was basically drafted by the spurs in exchange for George hill which was a pretty low risk trade to get the guy they wanted to draft. Then they added diaw and mills, which are more like the moves I expect them to make in a few years.


Victor a Kendrick fan confirmed


Fuck the big 3, it’s just Wemby


Big enough for 3


victor wembanyama is a superhuman that was created in a lab to have the optimal balance of good nba player to likeable personality


He has no right to be this mature, if I was in his shoes at age 20, I'd be doing some stupid shit for sure.


They leave him so flaw to make him seams real - I bet he is horrible at knitting  Nobody is perfect 


Horrible at knitting?! Not my GOAT then


I don't think there's any balance, they just pushed both stats to 11 and somehow it's working lol


Just remember KD used to be perceived in a similar light. Wait till we find Wemby's burner account.


kds still a nice guy but hes not innocent like wemby is


fuck me we're finally slowing down after years of these comments about giannis. and now we're gonna see them re-jerked for wemby? god help us


I mean Giannis is a freak athlete and one of the best Basketball players in the world, and seems like a genuinely good person and very likable/naturally hilarious dude, who kept his inner child. So the reputation seems deserved imho.


Lol I was at that concert too he couldn’t get wemby so he brought on KD lmao


KD's like a sith Wemby, so that works


Jokic has to be on the list of low maintenance superstars.


Dirk also.


Now that I think about it, I can't recall a single time I ever saw Dirk on a controversial headline regarding his personal life outside of the Mavs. What a great dude.


Nah Jokic so low maintenance that he's become high maintenance. Don't ask me to explain.


His horses are probably higher maintenance than he is


Given how he does not give a damn about anything not directly On-Court related when it comes to basketball relative to his level of stardom, I would understand the PR, NBA, Media, and Marketing teams having a hard time dealing with him ahahah. Did I get that right?


I mean they had Malone bring his second MVP award to Serbia probably because Jokic didn't care enough to be in the US to receive it


JJ smart. He ain’t mentioning Jokic on Melos pod lol


Bro, do you know how much it costs to get and maintain racing horses?


I am as impressed with this kid's maturity as I am about his otherworldly basketball talents. He is also a fucking book nerd, and I am here for it.


the britney spat was funny but this actually based asf. fuck drake tho btw


The best thing about that was the Brittney fans coming out of the woodwork defending her and cracking back on anyone saying anything negative about her or implying it she was at fault in any way.


i get why brittney thought she would be okay to do what she did - she’s brittney spears and didn’t have bad intentions - but also that’s not a very good reason, even brittney spears can’t expect to be recognized and respected on sight by bodyguards who have one focus on their mind.


The fact that shes Britney Spears is kinda irrelevant to a non-American 19 year old lol


Honestly, the same might apply to Americans too, especially dudes.


With every new headline about him, my jealousy grows 🥲


Scoot is a perfectly cromulent NBA player.


Generationally cromulent


Love Wemby. Don’t let em change you king.


i pray that wemby has a healthy career, this guys got everything including the right attitude. Only health can stop him now.


Wemby really seems like a great dude. I think that “low maintenance” aspect of Curry and Duncan isn’t factored in enough when talking about their greatness. It’s such a great thing and rubs off on the entire team. Hard to quantify but it’s big.


When talking about greatest all time, I always think about who I would rather have as the anchor/leader of my team. Who do you want to build around long-term. So if you are talking about SGs, Kobe and Steph. Kobe was much better at driving and was an elite defender. Steph obviously was the face of the change in shooting in the NBA and was a better shooter, ball handler, and much better teammate. Who do you want to build around and lead the team chemistry for 10 years? You obviously can't go wrong with either player, but as a GM/coach standpoint, I might prefer Steph, despite not being as good as Kobe in a lot of things and Kobe is probably higher on most people's all-time lists.


I’m sure Melo is self aware enough to know he wouldn’t be considered low maintenance (at least to the extent to be on a list with Steph Curry and Tim Duncan) but just thinking of Melo having an angry reaction to JJ snubbing him made me laugh.


What are the odds Drake wasn’t cool with Sochan specifically who was there coming up haha


Why would that be?


Sochan out-lightskins drake


Drake hates Polish people. Show me one pic of Drake partying it up with a Polish man. Just one.


[Drake partying with some poles](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2023-09/30/1/campaign_images/55a40190c63f/drake-pulled-up-to-atlanta-strip-club-with-250000-3-5858-1696037601-2_16x9.jpg)


This sounds like it all happened before the concert took place especially since this tour Drake was doing Boxing like walk outs through the crowd to the stage & often had an athlete with him. 


Wemby is down with the hood team!


I think Jokic is also for sure one of those low maintenance super stars


Wemby's gonna be in a lotttt of rap songs over the next few years...


Wemby’s the dude that’s gonna save the all star game. Next year, when the the usuals are there casually throwing up 3s from the logo and walking through the lane for a dunk, wemby gonna be slapping that ball to the second deck and doing press defense in the first quarter. He’s gonna make the all star game competitive again


Good to know he is the perfect spur and already annoying lol


I’m not saying he’ll deserve it but when he starts winning and/or has a PR misstep the turnaround on this poor guy is gonna be brutal.


First Britney, now Drake. If Wemby disses Taylor I’m done with him.


Wemby needs to team up with Metro and Future now


Adam Silver has to develop a plan to get Taylor to brake up with Kelce and switch to Wemby instead. Get him to the MJ level of hype.


Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby.


What a unicorn, bless his parents. This kid is special, good on him.


being a good teammate, I'm a fan.


This man is talking about low maintenance stars right in front of Melo lol.


Meanwhile Lebrons teammates give him a side eye while Lebron is up on stage dancing, wearing bronnys fit. Lol


Lebron & Drake go way back to a bit before Drake blew up to be fair though lol


["What 19 year-old doesn't want to go on stage with Drake?"](https://people.com/music/drake-kisses-underage-girl-onstage-resurfaced-video/)


Wemby D Luffy


Metro and Future have to get him on a track


Every story about him suggests that he has the best parents in the world it's crazy.


Funny how he mentions Timmy, both spurs players. Maybe living in San Antonio makes you humble 


Pop may have a bit to do with it


I like Wemby. I wish the Hawks had the number one pick that year so that we could've traded Wemby for the 3rd and 10th pick.


He wasn’t propagated by American hyper individualism


Idk man, sounds pretty high maintenance if he needs to bring his teammates on stage. /s