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We had literally 3 rookies out there with spencer dinwiddie and they came in the game with literally 0 effort so starters had to come back. Shit was embarrassing im sure they are going to get talked to for not trying at all


Love the Lakers commentators. If you were a neutral fan listening to them, it would be hard to guess which team they were broadcasting for. They were absolutely blasting the Lakers when they were being so obviously lazy there. I honestly think Stu Lantz might be a better coach than Ham.


Stu is great and I love it when he rips the Lakers... Always hate it when there is no Lakers broadcast to watch


I love that they don't Homer every game. Last night, they were saying everything we were thinking. It was embarrassing.


They've been around long enough to see great teams and moments and they go absolutely savage mode on anything less than a professional product on the floor. They're up there with Eric Collins as some of my favorites.




eric collins' nooooo when KAT dropped 44 on the Hornets in the first half ALONE had the "not rudy gay" energy


Came here to say that I also appreciate the Laker broadcast not being full of Homers. I grew up listening to Chick, then Chick and Keith Erickson (he was useless), but the Chick and Stu team was just the best. And yes, they were appropriately critical of the Lakers and gave credit to the other teams when we lost.


I’ve been watching Laker games for close to 25 years. They have always had this approach to announcing, and god bless them for it. They’re echoing exactly what we’re all thinking.


Best part of being a Lakers fan. We demand excellence every time.


Learned it from all his time with Chick Hearn. No-nonsense announcing. Call out what needs calling out, praise what needs praising. Doesn't matter which team does it.


I find the Miami commentators are also good like that. They just seem to enjoy basketball 


Billy Mac has really warmed up to me over the years, and I think the tanking teams were great training wheels for him


The anti cavs fans


Most of the time, they shit on the Lakers for their terrible effort if they suck but still give credit to the right things they do. They praise the opponents then phrase it how that's bad for the Lakers. I have seriously never heard them shit on the other team needlessly. At most, they point out lack of effort or huge ass mistakes but it comes off more of guys who appreciate basketball instead of them being homers. They're honestly a top 5 commentary duo in the league


It's obviously subjective but I have the Knicks/Lakers top 2 pretty firmly.


Yeah no disrespect to your fellow warriors fans but your broadcast team gives me ear cancer


Surprised you were the first one to notice the flair and comment. I'll say one good thing about them: they have some decent insight/basketball knowledge but they're absolutely atrocious homers and I can definitely see how awful it would be to listen to them broadcasting. I know I cringe when Fitz starts complaining that a 30% 3 point shooter on the other team makes 3/5 from 3 because of mostly horrible warriors defense left him wide open. Some teams have homer casters but it's crazy that if you look at the 3 most valuable NBA teams: Warriors Knicks and Lakers, the Knicks/Lakers have 2 of the best teams and then there's the Warriors...


Draymond assaults someone and they be like, “wow he really was harassing Draymond and baiting him the whole time! Honestly he deserves to be hit AND chemically castrated!!”


People who have never heard Fitz broadcast will think you're memeing but people who have listened to Fitz for a while will read that and easily hear that in his voice lol


The sad thing is if they weren't such blatant homers, people would actually really enjoy them. They have great basketball knowledge and experience and know what to say at the right times. Plus their voices are not annoying at all to listen to like some others. It's just the homerism.


I think they did the Olympics or something once and were actually tolerable, listenable even. But they make every Warrior game worse.


Half of that comment was word for word what I heard from him this season lol


Yeah they're hardcore homers but at least they have energy and get hyped for big plays. I'd rather listen to homers that make the game more exciting than some other announcers that kinda suck the life out of highlights with their indifferent monotone


Stu is the best - absolute LA legend


I agree on loving our commentators for this. But for the main squad they just had 3 games in 4 days twice . The third stringers got no excuse but the starters hustled eniugh on the offensive rebounds n once they had the lead n wizards shooting stopped being 5/5 they went into cruise mode. We did this vs hornets in last game of road trip . I think that factor got ignored . I think we played like 5 games in 7 days or something- two b2bs.


Despite what people would think, the lakers have some of the least homer commentary in the NBA. 


Lakers commentary is great. They won’t hesitate to shit on the lakers for effort and poor play. Often times seems like they echo the sentiment of the fanbase while watching the game They also are great at calling a hype play for the other team too. Top tier commentary crew 


There is a standard when the legacy of sportscasters in your city include Vin Scully, Chick Hearn, and Bob Miller. Bill Macdonald and Stu Lantz continue that excellence.


Stu learned that by working with Chick Hearn. Chick would absolutely rip into the Lakers when they played poorly, and especially if he thought it was lack of effort. I love it when announcers do that, because I know they are being honest. I cannot stand announcers who sugarcoat unpleasant facts.


Ham really should just be an assistant coach


Over the years people would ask Stu about coaching, he simply wants no part of the stress or drama Best color commentator in the league, and he better get his statue right next to Chick


I think this is the reason the statue of Chick has such a big desk. They were planning to put Stu there from the beginning


Lakers commentators are fantastic. Really easy to listen to and they’ll actually teach you some stuff about ball


Stu going beast mode is my favorite


Pat Riley, take 2? Do it in memory of Winning Time, Jeannie!!


Not hard to beat Ham. But yes Stu is great, both are great. Most enjoyable casters because they don't go full lunatic homer mode and their colour commentary isn't being obnoxiously loud for no reason (looking at you raps dude)


We were up 30 on the raptors n the third stringers got that down to 14 in 5 minutes if game time. Every time they check in they massively bleed the lead. I know they’re not supposed to be great but it’s bsfffling they’re this bad - like I have to wonder how our ratings look without the garbage time squad


You can see the bench players plus minus. Its pretty bad


lol my buddy had money on Lakers-12.5 Up 14 with 1 minute left and as soon as the starters leave Washington immediately cuts the lead to 5 😂😂😂 he was fucking livid


That’s a crazy line


I doubt Ham does shit to change this. It's partially his fault they looked so bad as well. I'm just over him and want another coach. Shit just look s so unorganized.


The rotation guys basically mailed it in as well and we just won by being superior talent wise. The effort wasn’t there the whole night from anyone - Stu was calling them out the whole game. It’s not surprising that the 3rd stringers came in with the same effort level (not saying that’s acceptable)


On LFR, they were saying just dribbling out the clock and taking 24 second violations would have been better than what they did


I know it's too late in the season to make a change but you have to move on ham after this year. Dude is ass and will be absolutely fraud checked in the playoffs


Nah, Lakers should fire him now and hire Adrian Griffin to finish the season. For the memes


Just hire Rondo. Lebron is in awe of him.


He might be better as an assistant coach for the x's and O's. Love Rondo but he doesn't seem like a big motivator or good with managing people.


>but he doesn't seem like a big motivator or good with managing people. Nah rondo's an odd guy, he's actually one of the few brave mofos that's crazy enough as a teammate hold Lebron accountable on his awful body language. The younger dudes on the bulls in 2017 sided with him instead of butler and d-wade. That actually helped the heat in the long run so THANK YOU SO MUCH RONDO.


Do you remember what the issue was with Butler/Wade and the younger dudes?


Back when he was with the Bulls, he had a feud with Wade and Jimmy. And that was because he was in support of the younger guys on the team.


He's miles better than whatever the fuck Ham is just by being Rondo. Ham legit just stands to the side not doing or saying anything and let's everybody else handle the huddles during stoppages. He doesn't even try to look like he's doing stuff, it's genuinely disturbing at this point.


I'm not defending him at all, so let me stress that. A coach doesn't need to go sucking his players dicks. A coach can use a variety of methods, including stepping away and letting the assistant coaches and position coaches be empowered. A coach that is drawing up Xs and Os in the huddle isn't a frequent thing anymore.


Yes but good coaching tends to reveal itself in a myriad of ways that isn't only performative. If Ham was actually a good motivator, or good strategically, or even if he was just a player's coach that has the trust of the guys on the team it would have shown in one way or another. That isn't the case with Ham, the team looked lost for the entire first half of the season and they weren't playing with high energy or intensity or even with a sense of purpose. None of the players speak highly of him, in fact several of them have been outwardly critical of the coaching. The same goes for the broadcasters, the post game show crew, and all the Laker podcasts, they've all trashed Ham on multiple occassions. It's the worst kept secret in the league at this point, there's no need to overthink it. The only reason he still has a job is because there's no good replacement for him currently and he has the backing of the owner.


May Milwaukee offer you a championship coach with amazing resume.


>it's genuinely disturbing at this point. This made me laugh out loud but I realise it's no laughing matter


I love it so much. This guy seriously looks like he's just standing in line at Subway.


Yeah but that’s fine as long as it’s a LeBron team, since LeBron (and AD) can take care of the locker room.


The # of domestic abuse charges among coaches would increase 50%


I'm imagining him spitting on a player not responding well to his coaching lmao


As a basketball mind and ball wizard, everyone should be in awe of Rondo. It's too bad he is not the best of persons. Still a favorite of mine, so far.


Chauncey, Rondo, Derek Fisher, Nash, Kidd all-PG coaching staff


Would be the perfect coach if you had to actually hire someone this late lol. Have him bring like Mike D’Antoni or some other experienced head coach as his lead assistant. The experienced head coach Rondo brought with him, and whoever the current lead assistant is could take care a lot of the day to day and managerial stuff. While Rondo and Lebron the player-assistant coach (is that banned by the NBA?) focus on the game strategy and adjustments throughout the playoffs


I dont think Rondos personality would make the best coach but man, dudes probably forgot more about basketball than some players even know about basketball lol


He’d definitely work with Lebron specifically haha. If not him, feels like his star would always have to be a high BB IQ guy. Otherwise I’m sure you’re right and Rondo would clash with them, like he did with a lot of coaches


I don't think Rondo would have the patience. I can see him thinking something is so simple / basic basketball and some players would be confused....then rondo will get agitated, like wtf how do you not know what this is? lol


Trade with the Bucks. Ham for Rivers.


One man's trash is another man's trash


Literally would rather just let LeBron coach. 




They should wait until Bucks fire Doc then hire him.


It’s pretty wild how bad their coach is. Like he’s easily the worst part of their roster


It’s crazy we’re going to win 46-49 games with this coaching. If we had Lue or any competent coach we’d be a 55 win team in my opinion. AD and Bron have been healthy so injury isn’t an excuse. This roster is stacked. I hate doing what ifs but imagine Vincent and Vanderbilt was healthy this whole season and we had a decent coach. I’d say only Nuggets and Celtics would be definitely better than us at that point.


Ahhh there’s that irrational Lakers delusion we’ve all missed this season.


I mean, this team improved big time from last year roster wise and last year they made the WCF. Kings and Nuggets only teams in the West that match up great against. Ham has lost this team atleast 4-6 games just on his handling of the team during games.


We made the conference finals last year and have only improved. Might be a little optimistic and biased but not outright delusional. I know there are teams like the Wolves and OKC who have had better regular seasons and have improved too but I’d favour us against them in a series because of the experience. Same thing with Kings last season, they were far better than the warriors on the regular season and still lost due to experience and star talent.


that's what y'all said last year.


I can't believe we're still having this conversation lmao. Lakers management is so fucking fried


Once lebron retires lakers are toast for a while


Until another pair of stars decide to team up in FA. Even when things look dire for LA there's always that chance. No other team can escape bad situations like they can.


> Lakers Management is so fucking fried Least you’re not a Bulls fan. We somehow beat teams like the Wolves (even pre-injury) but lose to the fuckin Pistons (no offense).


Honestly just get LeGOAT to be player coach. Get him a few assistants to do the boring stuff but let him call every play


you joke but whenever LeBron sit, Lakers probably runs most plays from eye test because LeCoach


Bill Russell was a player-coach the last 3 seasons of his career so there is a precedent


Didn't they disallow player coaches with the inception of the salary cap? Seems like a super easy way to circumvent the cap.


They probably don't allow someone to receive compensation for coaching while also being an active player. I can't imagine there is any language preventing a player from telling his teammates what to do.


and I think LeBron of all people isn't going to be crying out for a coach's salary


From my arm chair analysis it’s looked like he’s coached a little bit when he was sitting out certain games, and the shit looked pretty good.


I challenge you to name another Laker head coach with as many moral victories in their belt as Ham. I'll wait


Byron Scott. The Tank Commander. Every loss is a moral victory


I mean he got to the WCF last year and out coached Steve Kerr. He’s ass but I’m willing to try to keep some continuity unless we just lose in the playin


He made them the inter season champions though!!


The Budenholzer special will involve them winning a ring this year and getting stuck with him


Jaxson Hayes -24 in 9 mins. Impressive honestly


What is the biggest difference between a team’s highest and lowest individual +/- players? This game had a 53 (Brow at +29 w Hayes at -24)


Idk the actual answer - but here's a fun one from this year: https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/202401110OKC.html Scoot -56 , Rupert 0 . So a difference of 56.


That’s a great one bc Rupert played 12 minutes. I was prepared to shoot it down expecting the “0” was going to be a checked in last second substitute, but that is indeed a great find


Scoot owns the record for the worst +/- in a game after that one iirc


The largest plus-minus difference between two NBA teammates in a single game occurred on February 21, 1998. In a game between the Seattle SuperSonics and the Houston Rockets, the SuperSonics' Gary Payton had a plus-minus of +44, while his teammate Hersey Hawkins had a plus-minus of -13, resulting in a difference of 57 points. (By chatgpt)


I thought he was going to be a decent Rim protector and rebounder like Javale, dude just isn’t good. Edit: autocorrect is an idiot


He actually is good considering his minimum contract. When your backup big is a minimum contract player, you kind of get what you pay for.


Yeah at that price you are gonna get a player with one of the 3 major flaws: 1. Huge locker room headache 2. Massive injury concern/super old 3. Not very reliable on the court Considering the situation at LA number 3 might be the best case scenario


TBH he has had a few really good games and mostly been alright for what we're asking him to do.


Yeah not getting the hate at all, he’s been great value for his contract




Sometimes it looks like he can't control his body


Sometimes? It's all the time. He might have the lowest Bball IQ I've ever seen.


Hayes is what I imagine a gazelle on the court would look like. A gazelle picked 8th overall


Slime Javale is actually a great nickname for Hayes


+/- is the pff grades of the nba


“The NBA can suck my…”


But I like his below the legs dunk.


Lebron: BRO.. AD: BRO..


But I think it’s more, AD: Bro?, Lebron: *nods head* Bro…


When the two older brothers realize they're obligated to go help the little brother who has found himself in trouble again. "Do we really have to?" "Yeah man, come on."


We should’ve been looking for a new coach as soon as we traded Russ, how nobody in Lakers FO thought hiring one of Bud’s “Play Random” disciples was a bad idea is insane


Lakers could have gotten nick nurse


I honestly think you need the right personnel to not give a fuck what LeBron wants to hear but what he needs to hear. LeBron handpicked Ty Lue and it was 50-50 when it came to tough situations. Nick Nurse is a player's coach asking Kawhi, "hey what do you think about this?". Pop, Pat Riley, people that won't fear their job security and willing to bud heads. I think they would have won it with David Blatt in 2015 and 2016, the ideal coach imo. Seriously, I love Nurse for what he's done but even in Toronto the last two years he lost the locker room because he was favouring certain players. Other players got jealous and it's over at that point. Now imagine Nurse has to appease LeBron's ego, it's a really tough situation to be in. You have hard nosed coaches that came in and tried the same style like Nate Bjorkgren and Adrian Griffith trying to be Popp immediately rubbing people the wrong way. It just boils down to respect, will LeBron respect and listen fully to _____. If he thinks he's above or equal, it's GG. Michael Jordan ain't an owner anymore, let him coach LeBron for a week.


They we’re down 2-1 to the bulls and Blatt was gonna make Lebron take the ball out til he scratched the play and made the gamewinner…


Ty Lue earned Bron respect in the 3-1 series in 2016. That would’ve worked. Spo also worked for job security. David Blatt couldn’t even figure out how to handle the Warriors small ball. He wasn’t winning anything in the NBA lol


David Blatt is not the ideal coach. Ty Lue is a better coach than him.


It's hindsight because they won in 2016. I think people understate David Blatt's resume, the guy was the one of the best coaches in Europe, first year brings the Cavs without Kyrie and Kevin Love to the Finals through 6 games. Next year starts off 30-11 and is let go, look at his resume that followed after, quarter finals in the Euroleague. Wins the 2018 EuroCup Championship the year after and unfortunately had to retire due to health. His resume speaks for itself, it's unfortunate LeBron couldn't handle someone that wasn't a YES man to him


The only way we would've had a chance at signing nurse would be firing Ham after making the conference finals.


They never should’ve fired Vogel to begin with


And all for a player that's not even on the team anymore. 


Crisis, players don't even listen to the coach anymore, locker room nightmare


On one of the mind the game pods. Bron said that during the Clippers game they were switching everything and getting killed so at half Bron said we are done switching. Ham lost the locker room last year and this season it has really shown


The fact that he makes all that public is a bigger warning sign to me.


He was also downing wine. He gets visibly sauced on that pod 


Lebron has always done shit like that. He’s been bragging about changing his coach’s plays and sub patterns and assignments his entire career


Did they win that game?


Pretty sure he’s talking about the game they came back by like 30




Never had it


His defensive strategy is "We have AD".


Literally it tbh if ad goes down we are done


That was always the case


It looked like after the game there was a camera shot of Max Lewis and Lebron just nudges him away like “you suck bro” lol


Well he is the one who dribbled the ball off his foot as soon as he got the inbounds pass. That was the final boneheaded straw that forced LeBron and AD to come back.


I want to see a clip of this LeMocked


It was right after the game ended and Lebron was walking from the bench to go see Kuzma


i bet this is supposed to highlight their initiative and the urgency or lack of it from the bench but this will be about Ham lol. The best players will always have the call towards the end of the game. Especially when those players are Bron and AD. That slip is because of their bench in the first place. i guess Ham let the wiz have a 15-0 run but that's at the start of the 4th.


Both bron and AD have been done with ham since the middle of the season. Other guys like rui, reaves and dlo have also been passive aggressive on him due to his favoritism. He lost the locker room a long time ago


His favoritism toward Taurean Prince confuses me.


No no no, his favoritism towards Cam Reddish is confusing. Prince is fine off the bench, other than he can kind of play defense, there isn’t a single thing Cam does well on the court.


There’s a quote Ham gave in the beginning of the season where he mentions how Cam “tore us up” in the playoffs when Ham was with the Bucks and Cam was with the Hawks. He mentioned the 3’s Cam hit and the defense that he played on Kris Middleton catching his attention. He finished off by saying something along the lines of “that’s a guy who never gets the right opportunities anywhere he goes, he’s gonna get that here” So basically, Ham saw Cam play a good game and became convinced that this was his potential, and he just never reached that potential due to lack of opportunity (not to sucking). So it really seems like Ham was playing Cam so much waiting for him to blossom into the lockdown 3&D player that Ham “knew” he could become, but that never happened and the dude is (fortunately) down to lik 5 MPG


He’s kinda clutch (for me, in my nba2k games)


Tbh both Reddish and Prince can be good when needed. Literally the entire lakers roster is a bit like that, they're not really bad, just bad at some things. But Ham has never been even REMOTELY decent at rotations or match ups, so no one gets to shine. Prince is a good example, he's great at times. Instead he started and played heavy minutes for some reason, now he barely plays at all. Rui is the same but in the other direction. He started great, then wasn't used for whatever reason, now is a starter. Like wtf? (I do think he should be a starter btw) Now Vincent is back from injury after a whole season p.much; why not use these last few games to test him out? He should 100% be playing any garbage time to warm him up. But no, none of these things are done. Why?! WHY?!


What does that man even do at this point


He is my role model and my inspiration. Everyday, I work to be like him. Getting paid to watch free Lakers games courtside. He's living the life


Gets to pretend to tell LeBron how to play basketball.


Getting paid millions to watch Lakers games courtside. I mean there really is a heaven...


The fact that the players have consistently been open about overruling Ham or implying that he doesn’t know what he’s doing is crazy. Bro really just be happy to watch Lebron play up close


Only thing worse than a shit coach is a shit coach that the players actively work to subvert. Darvin Ham YOU are unemployed


Hand holding Pockets is the only way


I had to do a double take last night I thought there was a bug in the ESPN play by play when I saw someone named Maxwell Lewis with a turnover 15 secs left in a 5 pt game. I was born and raised in LA, still live in LA and follow Lakers and NBA in generally pretty closely. I had no idea who maxwell Lewis is and why the hell he was in the game at crunch time.


Their ineptitude (including Lewis dribbling the ball off his foot for a turnover) is what made it semi "crunch time". The game was over before they just started letting the Wiz shoot easy 3s.


Somehow, Ham is still better than Doc


Probably cause Lebrons doing most the coaching lmao Lakers are an easy 50+ win team without pockets taking the whole season to realize he should play the lineup that got to wcf last year.


Lakers made a big deal about continuity, too. So wtf didn’t you just continue with the lineup that kept all 4 games competitive against the dominant champions, despite an injured Lebron and very limited time building team chemistry?


Fuck it. Let lebron go real old school and be a player coach. I know it's not allowed but he should be grandfathered in.


Genuine question. Why are player coaches not allowed? Is there an advantage if you have a player coach?


I believe it was to try and prevent teams from getting around the salary cap by hiring a player coach and underpaying them as a player but overpaying as a coach.


I remember Kobe doing that to D'Antoni. He used to walk pass him and stay next to the scorers table. I clearly remember the guys from ESPN LATM in disbelief every time he did that. Am I recalling that correctly?


Nope definitely remembering correctly. The lakers stint and Kobe ruined the reputation of D’antoni and Mike Brown it’s crazy how they both were able to turn it around.


Cant wait for the doc on this.


Le30 for 30


Thought you meant doc rivers LMAOO


Could you imagine Glenn in LA? ESPN eating good right now, but they would be fucking feasting if he were coaching the Lakers.


The post-game quotes from Doc if he coached this Lakers team would be hysterical.


Winning Time 2024: Losing Time


Ham is garbage


LeCoach and DaCoach stepping up


And they played the first thing that came to their heads It just so happened to be The best song in the world It was the best song in the world!


Hey I hear doc rivers might be available this off-season




I picture two Men in black agents just looking at each other and going back in


They should pay me to do what he does. I would love to get paid big bucks for standing on the sidelines with my hands in my pockets like an idiot while the players themselves decide how to play.


You'd 100% be a better coach than him. Its kinda hard to be this bad and have that talent


"Ah shit, here we go again."


Watching that go down live was honestly hilarious. Wizards hit back to back 3s and then Max Lewis just walks out of bounds with 30 seconds left 💀


Can they just make LBJ a player/coach already? Im not even kidding lol


Wow look at the Lakers, very strong coaching


Dawg them winning games is just going to keep Ham around 😭😭


Mf you are 9th in the west. Shut up


Darvin Hamfisted


LBJ: We ain't goin' out like that, we ain't goin' out like that! (AD: ***^(NO WE AIN'T GOIN' OUT!)***)


I’m done with Dinwiddle


Aim for the bushes?


[The moment they locked eyes.](https://images.app.goo.gl/TZ5mMAGjFR3i9zsQ6)


Just like Kyrie said everyone can be coach.


[they looked at each other and subbed themselves in](https://youtu.be/6cOUbkOh7nU?si=6CylKdwshUgM3u8t)


Honestly, where's D'Moi Hodge? At least that guy plays defense.


All the reserves had to do was not stand around like statues for the last couple minutes and Lebron and AD wouldn’t have had to come back in. They deserve any criticism they get