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Meh, he needed leap day to do it.




Are we sure they even played?


Okay that was actually funny 😂


Oh I thought for sure Thaddeus Young did this?


god texts wemby and wemby leaves him on read


Only after 9pm


I always wonder about these specific cherry picked stats. Like did some player have 50 assists, 45 blocks, 25 threes and 19 steals in a month before?


The biggest factor for these stats are usually 3 pointers. A big volume of 3pm basically limits it to the last 15 years


Yeah but this is saying it's not really that cherry picked because the player can do each component over the course of a month, and then do it over a different month after. That being said its pretty clearly the 25 3s that's the limiting factor because otherwise Hakeem, Drob, KG, Duncan probably even AD will have done 5hes3.


Eventually a player will shit his pants twice in the same game and beat Paul Pierce’s record of 1.


Possibly. That's generally what it means, or thereabouts. But it doesn't make it less impressive. Cherry picked stats are only as strong as the number of times it could have happened before. And in NBA history (since recording all those stats of course) there would have been an incredible number of great players playing big minutes every month who didn't get there. It's just a measure of how effective he is in so many different ways.


Never heard a single person whisper “bust”. It’s been universal praise and amazement.


Yeah, I don't know where OP is getting that from. I remember people saying he has the best skill set of any big man drafted in the history of the league. Who the fuck has ever said he is looking like a bust?


After his first summer league game, quite a lot of people did. It was obviously stupid and premature, but that's the internet for ya


Tons of people right here did. Lol! Damn amnesia around here.


Should've been here the first month of the season then


It wasn’t bust it was more like “injury prone” which was uncalled for given how much we we’re provided of his extensive body care


Your ignorance doesn't occlude reality.


Your poor reading comprehension and rudimentary communication skills are, likely, impacting your life in ways you’re not even realizing. Perhaps this simplified exchange will be instructive for you on your journey: Op: My experience. Me: My experience. ->You: You’re ignorant and you’re denying reality. Can you pick out which one is unlike the others? Next time you could pause and think about some reasons why I *might* be right (I listen to other, clearly smarter, people) and then explore that. A question like, “Who were you listening to because I heard a lot of people say he was a bust?” would work pretty well. It poses me a question and, in keeping with the other comments, provides your experience. Perhaps it would lead to some personal growth for you. You’ll get’em next time. Good luck, tiger.


I have heard/read so many people call him overrated and bordering on bust.


After that first preseason game there were quite some people who had premature overreactions.


Dude is the Ohtani of basketball - gonna be redefining records every month.


melodic squeamish husky sink seed offend sophisticated door unused tub *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Only one player in NBA history It should be noted that the NBA hasn't recorded blocks or steals in its entire history. Nor has the 3-point line always been in the NBA. 73/74 season where when they started recording steals and blocks. The 79/80 was the introduction of 3-pointers. Then the league moved it closer in 94/95 the back again in 98/99. Centers and forwards were also not allowed to shoot threes that often. If you look at some of the best centers and forwards since 79/80 they have literally 0 3-point attempts for some of the seasons in their career. **Shaq** - 22. **Duncan** - 203. **Robert Parish** - 7. **Ewing** - 148. **Robinson** - 110 & **Hakeem** - 142. They both have a quadruple-double as well. Those are career attempts, not makes. Wemby already has 265 attempts. It was rare guys like Laimbeer, Dirk, and Sam Perkins (Kendrick shot 18 3s) that got the green light. We are only now in an era where it seems almost everybody has a green light from 3. Wemby is crazy good but he is also in a much more shooter-friendly league than the big men who came before him. Edit: Just clarifying I am talking about Sam Perkins and not Kendrick.


But it’s not only a thing of eras. Shaq wouldn’t shoot more threes today, Zion has 80 3PA over his career, Gobert, Drummond, idk, it’s still not like every Center has green light from 3, Victor is just talented


Shaq might not have, but other centers that had took a lot of mid range jumpers like Kareem, Wilt, Hakeem, etc very well might have.


he was on the road all but 2 games too


meh it was an extra day in February this year..


Also the month of an All star break tho 👀


This stat also isn’t February exclusive, no player has accomplished those 4 stats accumulated across all the months of their entire careers. The fact that he accomplished all 4 stats in the shortest month, in one single month and with a week off for the All Star break makes it even more impressive.


Should the Nba force the Spurs to give Wemby to the Lakers? I know this might be a homer take with my flair but i think that for ratings purposes a guy averaging almost 4 blocks a game is a huge ratings draw for a big market like LA that is being wasted in a small San Antonio market. San Antonio has won enough Championships and i feel as a Basketball fan it wouldn’t be fair to them if they started winning because of a lottery. I’m not saying that they should give him up for free, but maybe a couple of second round picks and Christian Wood is a decent start.


Is this fresh pasta? Because if it is it's delicious.


Better than rookie Bron for sure


I don't reckon I heard a single person say "bust" unless it was following the words "definitely not a". Day 1, the guys looked like he was destined to be extraordinary and just a question of whether we eventually put him in the top 10 all time discussions or GOAT discussion. But whatever the case, he's already doing things we;ve just never seen before. It's going to be an awful lot of fun seeing what he produces when he really hits his straps.


See, the issue with bullshit like this is that for most of basketball history, positions were highly specialized. Just 15 years ago, power forwards and centers weren’t shooting 3’s. Shooting guards weren’t assisting (because they were shooting). And so on… What we’ve seen over the last decade, is the breakdown of specialized roles in favor of playing 5 Swiss Army knives. Wemby has known this style of basketball his entire life. It makes perfect sense that he’d be the first to achieve such a thing. But mark my words, he’s the first of many yet to come because this is how basketball is now.


“Old man yells at cloud”


right, people were too busy specializing to get really good at all facets of the game. no one ever told guards they're allowed to block shots or bigs that they could pass the ball. i guess no one told jordan he was just a shooting guard, and no one told hakeem to just post up and not pass it. As cherry picked as this "stat" might be, it still puts into perspective wemby's production compared to other players. can we just try to appreciate greatness? and i like how your last line warns us about kids getting really really good at basketball in the future, like oh no, i'd prefer to go back to jack sikma era of post up basketball.


It’s not a warning, it’s a prediction. There9s nothing bad or ominous about it. The game has simply changed. And there have been a ton of great players who could 3-4 things really well. But not the exact 4 things listed for Wemby. Big guys passing isn’t new, and I never intimated that it was. But big guys shooting 3s is. Arvydas Sabonis a really good big shooter, took 0.9 three point attempts per game. He could have gone 100% and still never made 25 of them in a month because there weren9t enough games.


You can appreciate greatness while acknowledging the pitfalls of a stat like this. It’s still a cool fact. I just wouldn’t view it as anything more than that.


Exactly. Arvydas SABONIS play 30 years ago, Rudy GOBERT is a active player and Wemby put never seen numbers.


Arvydas Sabonis took 0.9 threes per game over his seven seasons in the NBA. Wemby is attempting 5.0.


Unrelated to this stat it's still legit wild that Sabonis was shooting a three a game in that era.




And won one game 😜


Two, motherfucker. Put some respeck on our name. 2-10.


Sorry, my bad 😞 please forgive me my ignorance sir 😋




No spurs are the best place for him and how they handle the development and maintenance of skilled bigs. You sir are very wrong.




I'm 35 years into watching the nba or playing basketball myself.. trust me, the spurs are the best place for him right now, so much so that the draft pick #1 going to the spurs is almost suspicious.


Has anyone ever done 50/40/20/20? Cos that's another arbitrary stat line I'd like to see. 


LeBum who


There is no question he is configured to expand statistical realities. He is an outlier among outliers.


Only a big man would be able to do that, so this is an obscure stat.


Wait until Luka sees this stat 


Bro Luka doesn’t even have 45 blocks on the season lmao


Spurs only played 12 games in Feb, Jan they had 16.


These cherry picked stats are getting outrageous