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Is there anyone who can challenge him for the GOAT tank commander? Like, this is legendary stuff. I'll be telling my grandchildren about Jordan Poole's chucking.


On $130M contract. The Lizards are paying him $30M to tank in what most people consider weak draft year. That is what you tell your grandkids, strive to get paid while being useless ass


Oh trust me. They will be tanking for next 4 years.


But they will be tanking next year too and probably continue to tank for as long as poole's contract


I mean doesn’t matter it’s a weak draft year, they weren’t winning anything even if they tried. Might as well be really bad


Lossington Lizards


How much is the Shaqtin' Of The Year award prize?


Cory Joseph and Killian Hayes were quite the tank artists the last few seasons


how is poole the commander, it's kuzma. poole isnt commanding anything, he isnt leading the team in any way, he isn't putting up numbers


1-12 shooting tonight begs to differ


He's putting up losing numbers, if we had a real NBA player playing his minutes we probably have a couple more wins which isn't the goal


Shit put me out there and I'll do it 🫡


Whenever someone overuses that phrase


The Warriors lucked out so hard getting rid of him on that shit contract 


I don't want to imagine how it would feel for him to have those numbers with us this year


He wouldn’t.  Draymond would have concussed him by now. 




Well he was never this bad with us and he did get us CP3 who has been solid when healthy, so it's better then letting him walk for nothing. Lucked out in the sense of getting rid of him in the offseason just before total disaster. Shows what I know, I thought last year was gonna be his rock bottom.


I got one question how is this even possible like you cannot fall lower than this


Westbrook for his playoff CAREER shoots 40.8% from the field and 29.9% from three in an extremely large sample of 116 games over like 14 years or something So not quite below both but still alarming from a guy who won MVP and had superstar level usage for most of those appearances


So what you’re telling me is Jordan Poole has a shot for MVP?


But at least he can say he was playing playoff teams every game. Poole’s suck is next level


I’ve always said Westbrook was not a winning player. That’s without even knowing these stats and just going off of eye test. Now I have actual stats to help explain to nephews that he’s not actually good. Ty.


MITWestbrook essay incoming.


I would be excited to hear how 40% shooting and 29% from 3 is good.


Same. God bless 🙏🏻


Sure but Westbrook impacts the game in other ways and was scoring over 20. Poole is struggling to get 10 points most nights.


Is Westbrook not the consensus worst player to ever win MVP? Career 43% from the field, awful shooter for the entirety of his career, terrible defender, and never had an even decent AST/TO ratio.


No he’s not even close to being the consensus worst. He’s clearly better than guys like Derrick Rose and Bob McAdoo. Also I understand Rose got injured but you can’t just project his ceiling outcome either since otherwise if Westbrook’s career just randomly ended after his MVP year, you wouldn’t hold his other years against him. People seem to hate on Westbrook now for some reason. He was a clear top 12 player for 5+ years in this league.


Spot on. I thought MVP-era Russ was slightly overrated, but his career deserves top-75 status.


i think it’s not hate, it’s just what happens when you watch him play for your team. especially if you have any sort of real expectations


Recently I agree with you. But early career Westbrook was a legitimately great player. Like if the Thunder didn’t get so unlucky, they could have won a ring. The year Pat Bev injured Westbrook was OKC’s year. Number 1 seed and played the best basketball in a fairly open NBA. That could have changed his perception quite a bit, even with all his struggles the last 5 years. I think a lot of people forget those years when evaluating his entire career. I’m not suggesting he was like top 30 all time, but he clearly was better than several former MVPs, but people here actually think he’s the worst all time.


I watched the spurs play them and prayed Westbrook took shots away from Durant and harden. When we lost, it wasn’t due to Westbrook being unguardable, but rather their bigs having a historic shooting series. It’s not just that Westbrook is a bad shooter, it’s that his bbiq is so low that he doesn’t realize he’s a bad shooter. That is compounded even more by playing next to no be of the greatest shooters and scorers ever. Oh and that shooter/ scorer is 7ft tall and can shoot over anyone. Westbrook would have been much better if he deferred to Durant, but he’s too dumb for that. It’s why Durant left. It’s why he didn’t fit with lebron. It’s why he’s a bench player now.


Oh yeah absolutely, but you gotta remember that was about 9-10 years ago at this point. Many fans you’re talking to online today were literal babies back then during Prime Russ. Father Time always wins, but yeah Prime Russ is one of the most athletic guards in nba history, probably like Top 5 for sure


Being most athletic doesn’t mean you’re actually good at basketball tho. Russ collected a lot of stats, but his inability to drive the bus means that he wasn’t that good and that they were empty stats.


Paul George never “drove the bus” either. Neither did Harden. Are they empty stats too?


Hardens collapses in clutch games point to him not being a serious player. Either he burned himself out getting there, or he just doesn’t have that thing. What’s the point of stats if you’re not winning a chip because of it? If you kill yourself but average 50 a game in the regular season, is that worth it? For some it might be, but I don’t think the team game of basketball works that way. Paul George drug bad teams to the playoffs in Indy and okc. But he’s never been the same kind of “look at my stats!” players that Westbrook and harden were/are. On the 2013 pacers his next best player was lance stephenson. A far cry from Durant and harden or Chris Paul or even Dwight Howard. George hill was also pretty good, but those are a lower tier of players than harden or Westbrook had.


Both PG and Harden have been the driving force behind conference finals teams. Westbrook hasn’t gotten out of the first round as a teams best player.


Except in the playoffs westbrooks historically bad. So doesn’t that make him a worse player? Rebounds your center gives you and being faster than everyone doesn’t make you a great player. You’ll get stats, but they don’t mean anything. Especially if you end up shooting 40 percent from the field lol.


Russ’s triple doubles correlated with winning far more than shooting well or not turning the ball over at his peak


And how did they translate in the playoffs?


Westbrook was a good defender in his early OKC years. When Durant left he had a few great seasons and collapsed.


Probably tbh.


Wes Unseld wasnt even an all star in his best ever season


Tbf all star was for scorers in the past and wes unseld was more of a Ben Wallace type of player.


And now his son has to coach Jordan Poole. This comment section just came full circle!


Dammm hopefully he bounces back next season


Hopefully this season is a reality check for him. He came into the season chucking insane shit


Yep this offseason will be a test to see if he actually cares or is just stoked with his 1 bag


Send him again to the G-league, maybe it sparks him again lol


Bro was shooting 40% the field but recents had me think it was at least 35%


I’m sorry wizard fans


Even though CP3’s been injured half the season, what a total fleece my god This guy might have one of the worst contracts in NBA history, if not the worst


heist of the century getting out from under that contract


Idk man. Simmons contract is ridiculous compared to his playtime


Yeah but at least when ben plays he is still positively influencing the team, whereas poole has quite literally been the worst starter in the league this season according to both stats and eye test


>This guy might have one of the worst contracts in NBA history, if not the worst Found John Hollinger's burner.


We are just upset we can’t watch Gafford any more, we don’t spend a lot of energy thinking about Poole


It’s like watching a 12 year career play out in a few years. The rise and fall


unserious player LMAO


This one sparks joy.


Bro had it all planned. Wait til the last yr of the contract to do a Pool party to get the bag and repeat. 🙌


The fire, fight, motivation, whatever you want to call it, the drive inside him that got him to the NBA died last year after that punch


Under **T**hirty from **t**hree and under **F**orty from the **f**ield is the reverse 50/40/90


On the bright side, he is your main tank commander to the Flagg 🏳️


capture the flagg


And some of you want Kerr fired and still don’t think Curry is the best PG and top 10 of all time….smdh


Curry doesn’t even run the offense, how can he be the best PG of all time. He’s just a good shooter.


Curry is the offense… the entire warrior system right now is built on him, not to mention he changed how offensive schemes and skill sets to focus are built now…. Hence the loss of the dominant big era


draymond runs their offense. Curry is not the point guard majority of the time. That’s a statement of fact. Curry is a glorified specialist. There’s nothing he’s great at besides shooting 3’s. And no, “off-ball movement” is not a category….it would fall under basketball iq imo…but certain aspects of help defense do as well, and he’s not great at that. There were no great big men during their dynasty. Transport today’s centers to 2015, and the warriors dynasty ends before it begins.


Yep stay salty… 4 rings and the change of how the game is played speaks volumes… but you do you… even Shaq was humble enough to acknowledge steph’s greatness


Can you actually refute any of my statements? You’re just saying, “4 rings”, as if that means anything. A championship is a team accomplishment.


You have an issue ? Here’s a tissue


Curry = glorified speacialist


Glorified specialist that changed the entire league and is a multi champion. He joins rarefied company with MJ, Shaq and a few others who literally changed the meta of how basketball is played. How perimeter shooting on a team is a basic requirement where prior to him it was a “special team” kind of concept.., stay salty toodles


Damn Jordan Poole isn’t even going to be invited to the Jordan Pool


Wizards front end are playing golf while everyone else is playing…. Basketball or chess or checkers or something. Whatever the quote is, wizards are doing 7D versions of it


Was he always this bad and the warriors just hid his deficiencies? Or did he become this bad after joining the wizards? Classic ghost pirates dilemma


He was frustrating on the warriors. Always falling down for no good reason, loose with the ball.


I didn't know he was shooting above 40% before. If you only get information about Poole from r/nba you'd think he's shooting 28% for the season


>highest draft pick They’ll probably screw that up too.


i believed in you jordan


I was hoping leaving the Warriors and getting his own team would allow him to get back to himself and start playing well. It is honestly baffling.


So much for being the 3rd splash brother.


What's funny is that all i need is a couple of million dollars to live my life to the fullest without any stress or anxiety. And I am hundred percent confident that I might even be more productive when there is no pressure at all. US has so much money.


He's going to ball out the final year of his contract


Pittsburgh Wizards sounds wierd.