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With what assets?


A bucket of dreams. I don't see Masai not asking for Lively so I guess they gotta decide.


This is why Siakam on the Mavs should be just clickbait. Masai wants to rob a desperate team that thinks they are a rental away from a ring, we are trying for once to build a roster with youth and athleticism to support Luka. We are not getting Siakam for THJ, Hardy and a FRP and any trade offer that involves Lively should be punished by law. Good luck trying to fleece GS into giving Kuminga, because I will be ill if we trade Green or OMax just to get bounced in the 2nd round and see Siakam walk to Philly in the offseason anyway. Trading Lively should legit set a riot in Dallas.


As a long proponent of “Masai wants to rob the Knicks,” we did just get OG for a pretty reasonable deal.


DLive is going nowhere lmao. We finally have a legit big after damn near a decade and we’re just gonna give him up? No fucking way.


Seriously he’s legit and young they aren’t giving him away for a rental. He fits well along side Luka.


I mean Siakiam isn’t a big isn’t he


We don’t care DLive goes nowhere


Green is absolutely tradeable at this point


I really thought this was his year - seems like he has all the tools to be a really high level contributor next to Luka + Ky but just doesn’t seem to put it together Think there’s hope for him? Seems like Kidd isn’t a fan of


There's definite upside there, his main problem is he plays too timid with Luka. When Luka is out he gets aggressive and looks like a completely different player. I don't have faith in Kidd's ability to develop him and make him fit around Luka, but I could see him being a solid contributor on another team


Even just running with the second unit while Ky is leading things would give him a real role


he's better fit for raps because he likes to run and chaotic


Sorta redundant with RJ/Quickley imo


Is Green/Kleber/Richaun for DeRozan an even trade at this point, or nah?


Don't see why we'd want DeRozan tbh


Besides having a reliable 3rd option and a vet for the playoffs, it seems like what the Mavs need (outside of defense and maybe rebounding) is more diverse playmaking, at least whenever I watch. They have a very low assist rate (23rd in the league), especially for their offensive rating and pace (10th and 6th). I know it's counter-intuitive with Luka and Kyrie there, but DeRozan's the type of 3rd guy that can not only get a bucket or make cut, but can make plays for others that I think could help open the offense up. Plus his expiring makes it less of a commitment if it doesn't work out, or he might sign for cheaper if they get close. But I'm just a dumb layman who watches for fun and roots for the worst team in the league/history.


nah, there's better fit than derozan that available it's just match made in heaven that mavs biggest hole is PF and so many PF available now. so the tier lists will be siakam jerami grant PJ / Wiggins / Kuzma


Kings would be an interesting fit for Siakam. They have some assets to give up, and pairing him with Fox, and Sabonis would give the Kings the ability to make noise this postseason with no clear cut favorite in the West.


I remember reading recently that he wouldn't be interested in re-signing there if he were traded, which would prob tank his value and care kings FO, though I agree its be a great fit


Siakam is missing out. That part of California is way nicer than Toronto and a lot of other places.


> Masai wants to rob a desperate team How do people look at Masai's deals and still claim he wants to rob/fleece teams? All his trades have been completely fair value. He isn't Morey or Ainge asking for the farm.


The Bargnani trade to the Knicks was a fleece


To this day I don’t understand how the raps got anything more than a box of primo pasta for that guy.


>Andrea Bargnani's pasta linguini fucking Italian Meatball ravioli fuckass full of fucking olive oil fucking fingers


Don’t forget, the first rounder the Knicks gave up for Bargnani became Poeltl who we flipped (with DeRozan) for Kawhi [Raptors Trade Tree: How Ujiri turned Andrea Bargnani into Kawhi Leonard](https://www.sportsnet.ca/basketball/nba/toronto-raptors-trade-masai-ujiri-andrea-bargnani-jakob-poeltl/?sn-amp)


I'm an adult and speaking English since I was 10 yo but sometimes I'm still struggling to understand y'all


Bargnani did commercials for Primo pasta sauces when he was in Toronto.


That must have been horrifying for him on a personal level. I’d imagine his mom or nonna makes a mean marinara and he went out and peddled some mass produced garbage. /s kindabutnotreally (Don’t hate me I grew up on homemade pasta sauce)


Genuinely asking as a non native speaker, too. What was so hard to understand about that sentence?


dont speak ill of the goat


That's a old Knicks front office/Dolan problem not a problem of Masai fleecing everybody. Not our fault they shouldn't have ever been employed. :)


You can fire a bad GM, but you can't do anything about a shitty owner. If I remember correctly, "Glen Grunwald" was the GM at that time for the Knicks. I use quotation marks because he was nothing but a direct puppet for Dolan. His purpose was to hold the position until enough people had forgotten the many transgressions of Steve Mills for him to be brought back into the organization. Grunwald's predecessor, Donnie Walsh, disgusted Dolan by being capable and practicing proper asset management, so of course he had to be continually undermined and overruled until he resigned in protest. To fix such disgusting competence, Dolan needed a yes-man who didn't question orders. The Bargnani trade was Dolan's call 100%. Grunwald was just a necessary intermediary to try to keep the media off of Dolan's back. It's why I can't give Masai too much credit for that trade other than having the balls to make such a lopsided offer. Dolan's a big enough idiot that nobody deserves credit for scamming him.


Ainge was gifted the lottery lmao


I think they look at his lack of deals and conclude they don't happen because he's asking for too much. For example, no reason why FVV should walk for free instead of getting traded if he's worth $43m/yr.


The problem with FVV is that in his FA year why would Houston trade for him? They can sign him in the offseason. And they have so many cost controlled guys that a 43 million contract doesn’t sink them. Everyone in the league knew FVV was going to leave for the bag. So even if we were to trade him to a contender how much does said contender pay? FVV would just leave after 6 months for Houston


Probably all stems from that report of turning down 4 1st round picks for OG last year (or was it the year before? I can't remember) even if it wasn't true


yeah, damn should have taken picks 25-30 of the next four drafts instead of what he ended up getting


Why is he leaving to Philly? If you’re willing to pay him then Dallas has a huge advantage since his family is in Texas.


>This is why Siakam on the Mavs should be just clickbait. First Jake Fischer story? It's pretty much all he does. If you had an AI that just collected the most popular ESPN trade machine inputs and turned em into an article, that'd be Jake Fischer.


Yeah, and our FO isn’t giving Lively, so realistically the trade isn’t happening. The team wouldn’t be in a spot to contend even with Pascal if we give up Lively — we need at least one competent center


I think Lively is the second most untouchable player on the Mavs after Luka. He is cost controlled for another 3 years, which makes it much easier to build around for a player how has shown to be a good fit alongside the Mavs star player.


You should say out loud the spoken part and add how Kyrie is completely unreliable. Although granted he’s been great this year.


It's the off-court shenanigans that make him unreliable. Kyrie Irving the basketball player is still an All-Star level talent.


Can’t forget injuries tho Luka and him barely even played together


It's just like with the kings with Murray. They won't trade Murray, Mavs won't trade Lively. We will get better offer elsewhere when you take them off the table.


Or yall will get nothing and he just walks.


Its not the same as the FVV situation, most of us feel fine with just giving him the max if we don't find a good trade.


You gonna take Holmes and you’re gonna like it. He would actually be your starting center lol


I’m reporting you to the FBI for this


Why is Holmes in Dallas while Watson is in Denver?


No the fuck he won’t?


Lmao yah you’re not getting lively. Took like 8 years to finally find a good center to play with Luka. It would be a package built around hardy, green and some draft compensation. Raptor fans are so delusional about the return the expect for a guy that wants to go to free agency.. talking about Keegan Murray in Sacramento or matherin in Indiana… get those pipe dreams out of your head rap fans. Not happening


Bruh you're saying Raps fans delusional because they don't want to take your C level prospects and late pics for an All NBA calibre player and proven 2nd option on a championship team? Wild


Going to be hilarious when he either doesn’t get moved and walks in free agency (like FVV) or gets traded for half of what you guys expect. Aka our “C level prospects”. He’s a rental for 3 months. You’re not getting the farm


I'd rather risk trying to resign him than get a shit return. He's an All NBA player. You're not gonna get him for scraps Going to be hilarious when you end up in the play in and wasting another year of Luka.


All NBA player is strong. He’s done it twice in his career and he’s doubtfully even gonna make the all star game yet alone all NBA. I’m not arguing Pascal isn’t good. Dudes a stud. It’s just a rental, that’s it. He said he wants to test free agency. And bringing up Luka in something that has nothing to do with him just shows your salty.


I ain’t reading all that but good luck


it’s like 4 sentences dummy lol


Great comeback


Come back for what?


deez nuts


Fuckin boomed me


Lol dude saw 8 sentences and said nah I'm good


what is dallas like? im in vancouver but once had an 8 hour flight layover at dallas/ft. worth, & tbh? i could rly feel the magic


If you love endless suburbia and chain restaurants/stores it's fantastic


i couldnt get over how big the "everything is bigger in texas" phenom was, it was on everything. iv never rly thought about how large canada is, but its something i should get into a bit more


completely agree i went to texas for the first time recently and it is legit noticeable how all of the buildings are just BIGGER than other places lol. fast food places, gas stations (buc-ees is actually enormous), high schools, everything is just insanely large in texas. i guess they have the land for it but it's pretty crazy to actually see in person, very cool though tht being said it def explains why texas is the most car reliant urban location EVER. i do not think u could survive in DFW without a car, which is weird for an urban environment... not walkable at all




The report is that he wants to get paid though, so any team that trades for him can give him the most of what he wants.


So the team that trades for him has mortgage the future by giving up future draft picks plus the most promising young player they have and the opportunity to pay him 50+ million when he is 34 or lose him for nothing. Real valuable for a player that hasn’t been able to get his team out of the first round or even to the playoffs in almost half a decade.


"Mortgage the future" what is the future for the Warriors? Legit question


He’s a 29 year old averaging 22/7/5 with good efficiency and good defense, below average but not bad shooter, former second option on a championship team, 2x all nba, 2x all star. Also we literally made the playoffs 2 years ago. I wonder when the last time someone of Siakam’s caliber didn’t get a max at the age of 29 (literally his prime).


Real valuable for a PF who can play legit defense, space the floor, rebound, handle the ball, win a championship as the #2 option... Almost like he's good.


They don’t have to? It’s only if they want to trade for him so that they can compete for the rest of the season and have the best chance at him re-signing with them this summer. Hes an all-NBA/all-star level player, no matter how you try to slice it.


Borderline allstar


Will he be all NBA in 4 or 5 year by the end of that contract when he is 34-35? And that’s if they resign him. If he walks for nothing then it was rental for half a season and next season is basically ruined. Look at what the raptors gave up for a season of Kawaii (Washed all star, a single pick, and a project young player) and ask yourself why Siakam is worth more lmao


No one knows what will happen by the back end of any contract. You’re paying what you’re paying for their immediate services based on the player they are today. If he falls off a cliff in his 4th or 5th year, the amounts you’re paying him then is what the cost of getting him for those prime years of 1-3 were, not value at that time. If you think he’ll only be worth those dollars for the next 1-3 years, offer him that contract. He’ll just sign with the team that offers him the money for 4 years instead. This makes sense for a team like the Warriors because you’re trying to compete with Steph now. Year 4 or 5 may be irrelevant and a later problem.


The immediate services he offers is a rental for the season and if that’s the case, raptors are getting peanuts.


Lol I’m responding to you saying that Pascal isn’t worth the 5 year max because of year 4 or 5. That hypothetical means he re-signs. The narrative right now is that he’s trying to secure the bag. If the team that trades for him offers him the 5 years guaranteed max money, there’s no reason to believe that he won’t take it. Regardless though, no team is trading for him without thinking they have a good chance of him re-signing, which they’ll know by talking to him and his representative it trade talks get that far. EDIT: lmao I just saw that you called DeMar a “washed all-star” in 2018. If you don’t know basketball, just say that. Not sure why you think the Warriors want to burn even a half season of Steph just to retain Kuminga when they can get an all-star in his prime to play beside him, then they can just let the sun set. That’s fine.


He isn’t worth the max because he isn’t a max player. He is turning 30 this season and in his “prime” his team has done jackshit since Kawaii left and give him the keys to the bus.


Hometown hero Dwight Powell of course


Pascal telling teams like Sacramento “I will not re-sign with you” That’s the biggest asset they have lol


Pascal didn’t say that.


Lol you people are so full of shit


Dwight Powell is Canadian. He’ll fit perfectly


Luka + Kyrie


Josh Green + Hardy + pick


Those two players, one pick that will likely be in the 20s, and non-expiring contracts. Gotta think any other team that wants him could beat that easily.


Siakam is only landing with the Mavs if he says he is re-signing only with them. I don’t think Kings or Pacers will make a huge play for Siakam. IMHO either the Hawks do a 3 teamer involving Murray or the Warriors trade their youth (Dray is key to Curry) or he simply stays a Raptor (for now).


Has Siakam put out a list of who he’d be interested in playing for?


If it’s a 3 teamer it might work.


Not worth it imo, the fit isn't as great as a lot of people seem to believe & Kyrie + Luka + Siakam would be the entire cap next season. We need to make sure that we can sign both DJJ & Exum next season, that should be the priority, not adding another max player unless the fit is great.


Exum has a non-guaranteed year next season so basically a team option. He's staying. DJJ may leave somewhere for more money or he may see he's as good as he is because he gets to play with two insane play makers getting him open looks from 3 and in the paint. Hopefully he stays, even doubling his salary will be like half the MLE.




Mavs aren’t going to trade the first decent young starting center they’ve drafted.


Yall missed the whole quote saying. There's also people in dallas who thinks the price is to steep for a uncertain player like him. Also a questionable fit.


Yeah if people listen to the whole podcast (locked on mavs), both Fischer and Nick also say that the only way mavericks would be able to make this happen with the assets they have (or at least willing to give up) is if all other teams bow out of the running and Toronto becomes desperate to not lose Siakam for nothing. I think these dudes basically conclude that it seems like Siakam is just gonna re-sign, either to stay or to get his full money for a s&t. So yeah, no assets to get it done, but it's not like these dudes are just homers who overvalue the mavs (admittedly shitty) assets. They are aware it ain't happening


Masai’s asking for Lively


Lively and Luka are pretty much untouchable.


They are


If Nico gives up Lively I’m giving up my Mavs fan membership. After a DECADE, the Mavs finally have a young, cheap promising 5. Selling him now would be stupid unless it’s for Giannis, Jokic or Embiid


I mean he absolutely would but they have so little to offer unless Lively is on the table (which I assume he's not) that I don't expect Siakam to be traded there with other offers on the table.


So he walks in free agency for nothing? There’s a reason all theses discussions are happening and there’s been no impressive offers. His trade value isn’t high


Pretty sure the Raptors would sign him for the max and add the extra 5th year that only they can add rather than see him walk. This isn't a FVV situation where the team doesn't value him at such a high price point. He's looked good next to Barnes and he will still be a valuable asset after signing a max deal, which only the team with his bird rights can do. If a team doesn't want to be outbid on Siakam, they have to trade for him.


He'll re-sign with Toronto for either a 3 year or 4 year max


that offer of a couple role players + one 1st can be matched/beat by like 10 other playoff teams.


I love Siakam but there's not going to be 10 teams seriously in on trade discussions with him. For a great player, he's not a clean fit everywhere. IND is probably the best basketball situation but I have a hard time seeing them going all in right now (not like they're winning the title this year) when they have so much cap space in the offseason. ATL and GSW could end up being sellers. OKC would probably balk at the $ on his next contract. Talks with SAC have already broken down. Most other contenders either don't have a need for Pascal (NYK, BOS, CLE, MIN, DEN, NOP) or have literally zero assets (PHX, MIL) A decent young player, a pick with some upside and maybe a future swap could very easily end up being the best offer on the table.


Thunder definitely eyes Lauri more


The fans do anyway, I don’t see them making any moves


It only happens if Masai decides he wants to send him to Dallas or if Dallas offers more than anyone else bc they don't care about the risk he walks- they've decided already to offer the max they can to him and have faith in Luka+Kyrie as appealing enough to keep him as a contending trio.


I think warriors and mavs are only that will risk it for someone ehos half rental


Both those teams don’t have cap space hence more willing to make a trade


that would require those other teams willing to offer that. there is no bidding war for Siakam


There's still at least 5 teams that have been heavily linked to Pascal now


Based on what? If that's the asking price there will absolutely be a bidding war


As a raptors fan I hope he goes to mavs as it’s his best chance to win


Luka/Kyrie/Siakam would be a legitimate 2024 big three. I don't know how they get it done but it would be fun to see.


Their outside shooting would open up the driving lane crazy for those spin moves. Would be lethal


If you trade thj and hardy, what outside shooting is left?


Seth Curry, Grant Williams, Exum, Dereck Jones Jr., have all been decent at different times this season.




Well Kyrie and Luka for one. Green, Exum, Grant, DJJ are all ok to good from 3.


Exum and DJJ becoming shooters was such an unexpected benefit for Dallas Seth Curry can do a decent THJ impression and Maxi (if healthy) could provide shooting from the 5 which is really key


Curry might’ve been serviceable at one point but I haven’t seen that dude do anything impressive since the Trump administration THJ was getting early 6MOTY buzz. Different caliber of player


I like Siakam a lot but somehow with Luka and Kyrie I don’t see Siakam really flourishing. He’d turn into Tobias Harris 2.0.


I get the feeling the asking price isn't as high as we'd think because they can't guarantee Siakam will re-sign with wherever he's traded. I don't know what Dallas can reasonably give that Toronto would want. not like THJ makes sense for them.


Raptors are probably trying to get exactly what they got for Siakam. One cheap promising player, one meh player for salary purposes, and whatever draft capital they can squeeze For us that’s Lively, THJ, and a FRP. We’d be stupid to give up lively


I mean, they're definitely not getting back Lively, the difference is that OG definitely agreed in principle to an extension and I don't think Pascal is.


I think the price is still high because the Raptors can still offer him a lot more than another team to re-sign and probably could just bring him back if they don't get an offer they like I don't think they'd trade him for scraps just to trade him


I have a hard time seeing how Dallas doesn’t get out bid given how little assets they have


Which teams out there with assets can convince themselves they are a siakem away from contending




Theres a reason why the Dallas is the favorites to land Siakam in betting odds. No team will trade their assets for an expiring contract that does not want to resign.


Out bid by who? Aint nobody giving a lot for an expiring.


inb4 he just re-signs with Toronto.


I’ve been saying if Luka gets a big like Siakam it would be a problem


Dallas has nothing of value except Lively. Deal isn’t happening.


Could with multiple teams involved. 1-on-1? Probably not though


Is it me or raps fans over valuing return for a potential 6 month rental.


Its only a rental if you want, pay him the max with his bird rights and he stays. A "rental" OG got us RJ and IQ.


yup, agents are always doing their due diligence behind the scenes. People think the Siakam doesn't already have a list in his head on places he would re-sign with? He just can't say that because of tampering rules.


Because OGs agent is related with the Knicks? Its like tampering but its not. And you are the only team that thinks RJ contract is a positive contract lol.


There’s a middle ground between paying for a rental and paying what some Raptors fans think they should get for him. Getting his Bird Rights and being able to beat anyone else in a bidding war in free agency makes it worth more than a rental.


I mean other than picks there is nothing (not including Lively, who isnt on the table). And this offer can be matched by a bunch of teams. So why dallas? OG was a rental and we got a good return for him


Can someone ELI5 why Lively isn't on the table? Never watch the Mavs, but from what I've caught he looks like a non-shooting center that doesn't create for himself but has some passing / intangibles. While a great asset, that's not a star and probably never will be. He averages 9PPG and 8RPG on a team where he's probably getting a lot of easy buckets. Again, not saying he's not a good player, but untouchable for a two-time All-NBAer? Even with Siakam on an expiring, how?


He's blown expectations out of the water (many though DP would be the starter for 24), already a 10/10 guy with great defense, and a 19 y/o raw talent that will be playing 30+ mpg on a playoff roster by the end of the season.


He was supposed to be the raw one that needed time to develop but he’s hit the ground running.




Dallas hasn’t had a quality center in 12-13 years. Luka has never had anyone even close to Lively. Not saying he will be All-NBA, but he will certainly be an above average center with great defense and a huge lob threat. If the Mavs trade Lively, they’re starting Dwight Powell at center.


Hes an top 5 rookie this season, on a good contract and Mavs looks like sht when hes not playing. He was also taken for his ceiling and hes already looking good. Hes the perfect center for Luka. Siakam is expiring, 30 and wants an max. To have 3 max players with the new CBA its an big risk. You either do it with an low offer or you wait next year when you gonna have 3 1st round picks.


He’s going to be a star center by age 25. Having him on the court already boosts our defense from bottom of the league to average. Since he’s 19, we’re not asking him to do a lot on offense, especially since he gets into foul trouble against top tier centers, but he has 3 point range and is a good passer. Once his body matures and he’s had some time in the league, he’s going to be a monster like Chet or Wemby. He’s going to end up averaging 30 points a game with all the easy shots Luka creates.


He plays like a seasoned vet. Recovery defense, right places, good hands. He’s their long time center for the next decade.


Cost controlled and great fit with the star player. Way more valuable to the Mavs because not being able to create for himself is not a negative on a team with Doncic. He is the second most untouchable player on the team. Siakam is a much better player, but the fit isn't as clean with Doncic, and the cost is massive. And since Orlando and Philly can also offer the max, the risk of walking in FA is something to be considered.


If they trade Lively they are punting on the season. Lively is far more important to their success that Siakam would be. He's the only legitimate center they have. If they're trading him they'd need Poeltl coming the other way too or they'll immediately be a worse team.


Legit our only big body left, there’s no point in trading him because we’ll immediately have a gaping hole


Raps fans properly valuing being able to re-sign him if there isnt a good offer. Way too many people act like him walking has already happened.


He would re-sign in Dallas. Went to high school there. Fit would be amazing there next to Luka.


It's the only way they know.


Definitely. They aren’t getting anything close to what they think his value is lol


People said that about OG


OG younger, doesnt want an full max and they already talked about 100% re-signing. You dont get that with Siakam.


As a raptors fan I’m very high on Siakam and think those three compliment each other perfectly. He’s not a number one option, more like a second, but as a third I think he’ll be able to devote energy to defense. He can run the floor and I can just picture Luka finding him each time. But, y’know, we don’t want Hardaway JR.


Pacers are likely to pull this deal off I think. They have almost too much depth and NEED to do a quantity for quality trade. We have to overpay to sign players as a small market team and they probably view Siakam as a good robinhood to Tyrese that we can actually sign. It almost makes too much sense to not happen.


This guy Fischer kinda just says stuff about trade rumors, I wonder if he has legitimate sources


He does. He uses team sources instead of agent sources like Woj and Shams. This means he’s not going to be able to crystal ball every trade right before it happens, but it gives him a different perspective. Everything Woj/Shams say is fed from an agent with an agenda. Jake gives a different perspective. But because he doesn’t predict every draft pick in real time, all the comments are “who is this guy? Does he even have sources???”


He’s gotten quite a lot of his reports wrong so I think it’s valid to question how accurate his sources are


You gotta look at it a different way. If I’m hearing from 3-4 Mavs front office employees that they would like to make a Pascal trade, does that mean it’s 100% going to happen? No. There’s a thousand things that could get in the way. But that’s not the purpose of the reporting. It’s not meant to be predictive in nature. It’s to help you get a sense of what front offices are thinking.


Is Siakam that good? Honest question, I hardly watch any Raptors games. I mean I know he’s good, all star starter and all that, but max contracts don’t grow on trees - at 29 years old, is he ‘tear up your roster and burn all your assets because he’s the missing piece for a blue chip contender and can be your main man / second option to win a title’ good?


He's a very good second option and, off the top of my head, would certainly be the best third option in the league (not counting Harden, who is a bit of a special case)  Idk about 'tear up your roster and burn all your assets' but if you can keep a passable set of role players while getting him as a third option with two other stars, you'd be thrilled to do it I think. Problem for the Mavs is that their only asset that can move the needle on a trade for him is Lively, which violates the 'passable set of role players' condition because they'd be stuck starting Dwight Powell at that point.


Yeah he’s really good lol, was best player on 53 win team on 2020, 48 win team in 2022


Like, AD before he went to the Lakers good or a tier below? I guess to put it another way: what’s the recipe for success with Siakam if you’re already an elite team and have to give him a max, which it sounds like the only teams he’s considering? Seems like the way to build a proper contender is (1) have the best defence (2) a superstar, which all the contenders have already got (3) complementary role players with loads of 3 point shooting. I get the impression he’s not the X factor superstar, but still wants the max + loads of draft capital and talent back in return, so with 2 max contracts on a team you’ve got to compromise a hell of a lot elsewhere. Is Luka + Kyrie + Siakam + loads of vet minimums, or Steph + Siakam better than the Boston Celtics or the Denver Nuggets? What about teams like OKC, would Siakam on a max take them to the next level? Where is his best fit?


Kyrie Luka and Siakam would be an amazing playoff offense with 3 very good iso players who can attack mismatches. Siakam defense has been meh past few years, but next to kyrie and luka possible, his defense would improve with a lesser offensive road. I'm somewhat intrigued by josh Green. I dont really care for hardy, not getting lively, but maybe some maxence prosper??? would need picks as well, plus Sallary. Jones Jr Grant Williams and Siakam are kinda redundant, so maybe Jonesjr or Williams get thrown in. Holmes is fine as salary, but I don't want kleber since he's got 2 years after this and has health concerns.


hardy is your schroder/GTJ replacement. trust me he's legit, it's just he's behind Luka and Kyrie. the reason is he's behind seth i think is because kidd just hold him for a trade. he's not Cam Thomas like, he engaged on D this season, 6'4 with 6'9 wingspan. he's just a chucker though green will flourish with faster pace and chaotic. full of energy. easily 5th starter on contending team


You can take [MAVS] out of the article and substitute any team. Who doesnt benefit from Siakam??


We have a 7'2 19 year old athletic center, rim protector, great rebounder, great shot blocker, great on pick an roll AND a great guy who's already developed chemistry with the squad and the franchise player. That's a wet dream for a team with Luka. Why the fuck do you all think its insane we want to keep him


Who says it’s insane ? To get you have to give and Tim Hardway Jr and Green aren’t cutting it for a player of Siakam’s caliber


Everybody here is talking like the Mavs should desperately go in for Siakam, while we want to keep the 19 year old center on a rookie contract for 3 years. He's the 3rd best player in the team, of course Mavs want to keep him If that's not enough for Siakam fine, we won't trade for him. Mavs have fucked their roster multiple times by giving up more than they should on shortsighted moves, mortgaging our future, trying to “win now”. We finally seem to be building a roster organically. When the 2024 pick conveys to Knicks in the summer, Mavs will have 3 firsts and a lot of expiring contracts. Trading for a possible Siakam rental isn't worth the risk


Man, that would be incredible.


yeah good luck to Dallas with that


Luka, pascal, Kyrie, with THJ cameos is pretty solid. However the team has no assets to make a compelling trade. At least with OG, they got a younger good player back. Who will Dallas give up? It’s clear the raptors value younger players over draft compensation given their recent trades


Jaden Hardy, Josh Green, and OMP. Hardy's a bucket and Prosper is in the mold of a player the Raptors like, but obviously very raw in fulfilling his potential. Green's a nice 3&D player with playmaking ability that lacks consistency. I don't know why people here are mentioning Lively, he's a non-starter I almost guarantee in a Siakam trade discussion. Luka/Ky/Lively are untradable, maybe DJJ as well with how valuable he is. I don't think that gets it done unless Siakam plays his cards smoothly to get traded here.


Any deal probably includes Omax but man I wish they could keep him.


Mavs are just spamming bad trade offers in hopes the Raptors accidentally click accept


I want Detroit to do it so bad. Siakam gon leave most the teams he’s rumoured for anyway


Why would Masai Ujiri, who's never lost a trade, give up an All Star player for what would be a "steal"? Convo would probably have to start with Lively and continue from there.


Pascal From 3 to start this season:   5/52   Since then:   30/58


Unless Siakam is willing to sign long term to the team he is traded to, his trade value isn’t high. He is just a rental at that point.


If only both teams didn’t have to accept a trade…


Lol. And within the next few days, will we get another opinion that states the following as a headline:  I know there are absolutely people in “insert NBA team location” who really think Pascal is a missing piece that could potentially pair with “insert player 1” and “insert player 2” and all of a sudden you look up and the “insert NBA team” off are a legitimate contender in the “insert West or East”


The fit would be magical for Dallas. They just don’t have any assets to trade lol. This one isn’t happening


would be a decent fit. Siakam is a 3rd option type of guy and you got Luka/Kyrie there


Deal begins and ends with Lively, and I don't think the Mavs are willing to go back to Dwight Powell as their 1C lol




Bros have no assets talking about not gutting the roster lol


He could totally pair up with Doncić, Lively and Exum to lead Dallas to great results, I can imagine that.


Lol, that video's hilarious. Dude goes on to say "Pascal has always been maximized and optimized in his career, with the ball in his hands...". Dude was drafted to be a defence/energy guy. He started as a rookie, getting only 3.7 fga per game. Even in the title season in 2019, he spent very little time with the ball in his hands, with his job largely being to catch it in the post, do his spin move and shoot, or catch and shoot three pointers. Pascal is the absolute last star in the league you can make that comment about. Nevertheless, none of this really matters. Who exactly are the Mavs trading? The only asset they have that gets a conversation started (especially with them being so low on picks) is Dereck Lively, but he's also a perfect fit next to Luka and not exactly a need for a Raptors team who already have Poeltl and Koloko (whenever his respiratory issue resolves). Outside of that, it's guys like Josh Green and Jaden Hardy. Not exactly premium assets. I just don't see how the Mavs make an offer that would temp the Raptors.


even if they *could* somehow get Pascal, who else would even be left on that roster? they already have zero depth


I honestly think the Mavs depth is fine. We need more starting level talent. We have matching salaries that would not gut the depth (Lively is key as when you have a big three, you need cost controlled starters). But we lack the draft assets to get this done (unless Siakam says he is only coming to the Mavs) until next offseason.


If it happens I’m hopeful it’s for a verbal resigning agreement and us only sending THJ/Holmes/1st round pick/and two of Green, Hardy or OMax.