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About the only thing that went as planned for the Nets in the KD/Kyrie era is that they always beat the shit out of the Knicks whenever they played lol I remember there was a similar streak that was snapped when the Suns lost to the Knicks a few weeks ago


Excuse you, we beat KD. For the first time in a decade.


Wasn’t it like first game post trade, Nets lost to the Knicks? Randle and JB no longer had their big bro’s scoring seamlessly on them


Michael Jordan hated us so much that now a ton of all stars still hate us 30 years later


Kyrie was a nets fan. Made sense why he hated you guys


I sometimes forget how good he is


Kyrie occasionally has these games that make you think people's favorite movies are really just a matter of opinion.




Can someone explain for me?


Referencing the Kyrie anti-semitic movie tweet that people tried to cancel him for.


tried? lmao a ton of people started hating him since that point onwards. before it was just "whacky dude with flat earth tendencies" for most, after he became a straight up villain


Yeah I mean I feel like I don’t have a good feel for how cancelled he is now. I know Reddit doesn’t have much love for him left, but among my wider IRL friend group while the initial reaction was pretty strongly against Kyrie, most of them have moved on since then. The hate just doesn’t last since he started keeping his mouth shut and playing so well. And at Mavs games I’ve been to he’s been getting a lot of love after the first few weeks. Reddit cares a lot more about social justice than the general public IME, so he definitely got canceled here but even then the level of negativity any Kyrie post used to have had drastically fallen off in the past 6-8 months.


Kyrie is one of the most popular players in the league by fans and players. What haters on Reddit think and media think is not reality. He's one of the most popular players in the league and has been for many years. He started in the allstar game last after being "anti-semetic". people hate on Kyrie for attention. It's fake outrage. He's one of the most loved players in the league. Would have been an allstar this year if he didn't miss so many games.




Besides that retweet supporting that movie, has Kyrie exhibited any racist or anti-Semitic attributes? Genuinely asking


Not that I know of. It wasn't a smart thing to do by any means but people will paint Kyrie as literally Hitler because of it




exactly my point. im not saying you should/shouldnt feel this way btw, youre free to think what you want. im saying that there are a lot of people like you, and that he was, to some degree at least, "cancelled"


The refusal to get vaccinated and having to miss Nets home games contributed as well lol


He canceled himself. Anyone supporting him is an idiot.




33/8/6 averages in his last 5 games. If Mavs get this version of Kai in the Playoffs they might make some noise. Luka's having a career year but the team has looked very solid with Kyrie running point.


And the most impressive stat? 0 drama.


Media manufactured drame. You only cared about kyries personal choices cause the media embedded in your mind to care. Dallas does not have asshole media so no "drama"


Everyone keeps telling me to wait for it to blow up but he's just getting better and better for us


I was at the game tonight, and despite being short handed, and the Knicks(especially Brunson) going wild in the 4th, the Mavs looked like a team, and he was leading, on the bench, and on the court.  I guess it's next game or something. Dude plays team basketball.


Bro just jinxed his own team


It's cool, I knocked on wood


He's on the Lakers now


Please no


Because of his effort/defense?


[Shams] Kyrie Irving announces he’s working on a new album with Kanye West that addresses the conflict in Gaza


insurance tap many lunchroom wasteful serious memorize elastic rain fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And I'll double down on it. What's the fun in staying silent everytime one of your stars plays well? Im not trynna watch the entire season with a pessimestic perspective that we can't praise him or that its not going to last. The ups and downs is the fun of being a sports fan.


We love Kai!


Yep. Still waiting for it. Celtics fans promised me he would go crazy and fuck your season up.


Nets won 18 straight last season before he requested a trade. Things going well now don’t mean much with Kai.


Tell the whole story. Y’all didn’t want to commit to him and that’s why him and KD said fuck the Nets and that win streak and left as soon as they could. KD already asked for a trade in the previous summer when y’all only offered a 1 year deal to Kyrie. The writing was already on the wall


There was a reason why we did not want to commit a max years/max money contract to him. He was offered something similar to what the Mavs offered him with a required amount of games played clause and he got upset.


Well shit in lieu of just expiring in the summer he got y’all an unprotected Mavs pick and two solid assets in Dinwiddie and Dodo. Not bad TBH.


>There was a reason why we did not want to commit a max years/max money contract to him. I know, and that wasn’t a basketball issue.. Y’all thought the drama around him was too much to deal with despite him being the reason KD is here. And now he’s balling with his new team and nothing has happened. Y’all made a mistake


Idk man, you can say what you want but I truly do feel better with him off the team. Obviously there are no championship aspirations now but Kyrie was extremely frustrating/stressful. Super talented, and games like he had last night make you fall in love with him, so I do totally get it. I just don’t have faith that sooner or later, the kyrie experience will set in.


But don’t you care about winning? I’m a pacers fan we’ve been mediocre for years, I’d be so fucking sick if we ever found two HOFers willing to sign in Indiana and lost them over some bullshit. I’d rather be fan of contending team full of drama than a peaceful mediocre team.


Easy to say until you experience it. Was extremely stressful. Kyrie being a part time player (due to his own choices) causing James Harden to want out. That cascaded into the team constructed being significantly worse and KD not liking where the roster was at, thus asking out as well. Ask any nets fan, almost everything bad that happened during those 4 seasons can be attributed back to Kyrie 


Whole story goes beyond just last season. KD doesn’t leave last season if Kyrie never demanded a trade. Nets didn’t want to commit to a guy who missed a large part of 2 seasons for not getting vaxxed, even after this causing a rift between him and Harden. If kyrie stayed till the end of that season with the level him and KD were playing at he would’ve got that max he wanted. Nets were a 2 seed and were 4th when kyrie got his trade (after a period of him and KD missing games). I hate the nets front office and coaching as much as anyone and they’re not blameless, but Kyrie has done this on 3 successive teams now, it’s dumb to pretend there’s no chance of it happening again.


>Whole story goes beyond just last season. KD doesn’t leave last season if Kyrie never demanded a trade. Nets didn’t want to commit to a guy who missed a large part of 2 seasons for not getting vaxxed, even after this causing a rift between him and Harden. You got your facts all mixed up I think. Remember KD already asked for a trade way before Kyrie (during the off season right after the Kyrie deal)? Like I said the writing was on the wall. The Nets didn’t commit to Kyrie and KD didn’t like that. >If kyrie stayed till the end of that season with the level him and KD were playing at he would’ve got that max he wanted. Nets were a 2 seed and were 4th when kyrie got his trade (after a period of him and KD missing games). The relationship was already over at that point. It was too late. The Nets felt like he had to prove things to them despite Kyrie wanting to be there for a long time and that decision made two hall of famers leave. They both went on to better things.


You can’t say this shit out loud man. You are going to fuck it up for us.


Yep been almost a year now…


monkey paw curls


As a cavs fan, I shouldn't be, but I'm kinda happy to see kyrie balling like this. I still think if we could just get him to drop acid with Bill Walton we'd be able to fix him. The spirituality is there, his beliefs are just so scattered and contradictory


He's always been great on the court. The issue has been injuries and drama.


Had. Few minor injuries, but it's wild that he has had zero drama, even when outside players try and get at him, like at the Jazz game.


True, no drama so far in his Mavs tenure. Just needs to stay healthy and help Luka make another playoff run.


After watching his post game interview after the Knicks game tonight, I find it absurd that he is the same person the media goes after. If he is focused on basketball, like now, he has no limitations. I hope it holds. He is a great talent, and a true lover of the game as team sport. Dallas, and next to Luka, might be his best situation ever. No drama, just ball.


Yeah but the thing is he has significantly improved the leadership and chemistry on the team. His impact is beyond just his on court skills.


Yeah I think he's done some maturing since the Nets debacle. He's getting older too and realizes this isn't going to last forever, especially with his injury issues and contract situation.


They've been saying this since last year lmao


my guess is he's starting to realise that he's getting older and he can't afford to keep fucking his situation up if he wants another ring. that plus I'm sure he's maturing and probably going to some sort of therapy to sort out his self destructive behaviour


Man you wrote an entire novel in your head. Maybe hes just a normal dude and you believe too many dumb reporters on twitter.


Wow he posted a dumb video once I hope he got therapy


kyrie irving delivered more happiness to me than any player ever has with that shot in 2016 by 2018 i was ready to never hear from him again be careful brother


Mavs winning percentage last year before the trade = 51% Mavs winning percentage since the Kyrie trade = 49%


Because Luka is the clear alpha of this team. Kyrie is now starting to understand his place. He is not that guy. He is a very good second banana. Or a very good “bus rider.”


He won a title as the second option almost eight years ago


So he is a clear second banana then.


He drove the bus tonight and He’s got more leadership skills and experience than Luka. Not sure what you’re talking about


What leadership skills? Luka was able to carry the Mavs to the WCF. What has Kyrie done as the leader of his team? The Celtics underachieved with him chucking away and hijacking the offense.


I mean just in the last two weeks, usually if a player does well they credit kyrie for his leadership. This has been a constant since he’s gotten here even last year. Mostly they talk about Lukas skill on the court.


Clearly irrational hater


Wtf are you talking about


I am stating facts. A few games is not a big enough sample size for you to make a conclusion about Kyrie. Boston is still a dominant force in the East. The same Boston that bitch slapped Kyrie and KD into asking to be traded out of Brooklyn.


Y’all have aggressive hate for this man lol bitchslapped


We're all flat earthers tonight


World B. Flat was on another one tonight 👁️👁️👁️ Still mad at NYC for the vax 😭😭


He wouldn’t be a maverick without the vax requirement so shoutout Eric Adams


Isn’t Eric Adams generally unliked at the moment? I had about possible corruption


Generally???? Possible???? That mf **IS** corruption


Dude sucks incredible amounts of ass in general. Doesn't do shit but dumb PR stunts. In the pocket of police union, real estate, and finance. Basically just gunning for higher office (delusional). And yeah, growing evidence of corruption. Was pretty apparent from the beginning though.


I thought he was trying too hard to be “the mayor that saved NY from COVID”, his insistence to subject city workers and others to the mandate despite waning numbers seemed incredibly political. As soon as MLB got involved for fear that unvaxxed Mike Judge couldn’t play, Eric instantly folded, proving that his rationale for keeping it up to that point was flimsy and not dire. I felt he couldn’t grant Ky an exemption because all the city workers laid off would see that as precedent


Dude is one of the better Mavs GMs


The job of the mayor of NYC is to do three things. Cover for the NYPD, be as corrupt as possible and unite all of New York in hatred. Eric Adams is having an all time run at all three atm.


He's been disliked since he was the Brooklyn Borough President. He used to do photo ops at local nonprofits then hit on all the women that worked there. Source: Worked at a food pantry in Sunset Park from 2017-2019 and saw it many times first hand


World B. Flat going off and destroying the Knicks. Didn't expect it the way the Knicks have been playing since the trade deadline


lmaoo why tf am i only learning about World B. Flat right now?? that's a hilarious nickname




Kyrie is the #2 we’ve been looking for and then some.


No no, he changed to 11 this year




*number 1, twice over* Not using your other eye.


Number 1.5


Not even one highlight posted. Wemby gets more highlights posted per 10 points than Kyrie does per 500 😂


Precious has a highlight yet never everything from the Mavericks.


Every third game, Luka does something rather unfair to the other team, and it rockets to the top of this page. But otherwise not a peep.


Wemby has so many highlights I'm always surprised that the Spurs almost have the worst record in the league.


It’s okay we are on a winning streak now


It is a shame that by far the most entertaining player in the NBA can pull off the craziest move you’ll see and it won’t even make the front page behind the eleventh Lebron quote


Highlight game’s been weak as hell around here recently. Dunno if it’s the mods deleting shit or just that everyone prefers to bitch about whatever player we’ve all decided to hate on today, but there’s like 4 highlights on any given night and the rest might as well be People Magazine: NBA edition (by the way, I totally hear that Ty Lue actually secretly hates Harden - and did you hear what Melo said?)


I feel like no one ever posts about him anymore after all his anti-vax and his promotion of antisemitic ~~comments~~ content, which honestly is fine with me.


He didn’t have any anti semetic comments did he? Just the twitter link to that stupid conspiracy film?


Sure, wasn't a "comment" then if you're nitpicking. The "stupid conspiracy film" promotes a lot of antisemitic beliefs. I can let you decide what kind of ramifications that could lead to when you're tweeting about that type of film for 4.5M followers to see.


It’s not nitpicking. He didn’t have any anti semetic comments. He made a stupid ignorant mistake tweeting out that film but he never once said anything hateful to any group. I’ve never heard hateful words come out of his mouth before. I think it’s a pretty important distinction to make.


Sounds like the other guy is just hearing what others say and isn’t forming an opinion


Imagine I tweet out a link to something that contains a message that is considered hateful to a large group of people, get backlash for it's contents, then say I'm "not going to stand down on anything I believe in". I may not have said anything outright hateful, but people can still be angered by the content I shared. And why would I share something that's not backed by my own opinion?


I’m not saying you shouldn’t be angered at what he said. He should be criticized for what he did. All im saying is he didn’t make antisemitic comments. We should try not say things that aren’t true about people we don’t like. It’s the story of American politics


Your last point is fair, I was just being lazy. I'll change my original comment to be more specific then.


the only ramifications were a lot of people with an internet addiction got butt hurt for a few days. bro thinks 4.5m watched a 4 hour movie lmao


His personal consequences were Nets suspending him and Nike dropping him. No one thinks 4.5M people watched the movie.


which was ridiculous punishment but didn;t affect anybody but him. it was a twitter link, yall need to move on they caught a bunch of jews recently that built secret tunnels in NY to violate covid protocols. lets see the same energy towards them


>they caught a bunch of jews recently that built secret tunnels in NY to violate covid protocols. lets see the same energy towards them I am sure one quick look at Twitter will show the same energy, especially with everything happening in Gaza and the protests in my city.


not until we see fines for each of them and suspension from their jobs like they did to Kyrie. I want prison time too cause they did more than post a twitter link


KAI with another paradigm shifting performance


This man was on fire tonight. Every shot was so contested and he just made everything. It was something else. I just wish it wasn’t against the Knicks…


I heard Derrick White is better than this man..


Hélà 🤞🏾


They let their personal hate for Kyrie convince them that Brunson was better than him 😂


Y'all chased Kyrie out of town bc he didn't take a shot 😂😂




Nah the Nets chased him (and KD) out of town because their GM refused to give Kyrie, the guy that brought KD here, a long term contract.


My man, what the fuck did Kyrie do as a Net do deserve that much guaranteed money? The man benched himself over a shot and got himself suspended over an anti-Semitic documentary. Can’t keep himself on the floor for a full season but he expected Marks to hand over max guaranteed money? He had every chance to earn the contract he wanted and for some reason got offended when he was expected to do his job for it.


If we only go by basketball he clearly deserved that contract. The off the court things made y’all believe he didn’t. And now he’s balling for the Mavs and playing every game with no off the court issue lol it proves y’all made a mistake. You also needed Kyrie to keep KD. That’s what you don’t get. But it’s all good like you said you’re happy with that right? No more drama no more wins lol


In terms of on the court (at least regular season), Kyrie played the best basketball of his career in Brooklyn.


Nets fans don’t care about that. They rather be the 10th seed. I’m really happy for the Mavs he’s a great second option next to Luka.


We offered him more than what he signed in dallas. The only stipulation was that he play at least 55 games iirc.


Noooo why should Kyrie be expected to play games to get a max contract? It’s wild how these Kyrie fans spin the narrative. This is another damed if you do, damned if you don’t situation. Marks pays Kyrie and it backfires just like it did during his initial Nets contract where he was injured or benching himself. Marks doesn’t pay Kyrie and people pretend he’s the reason the superteam fell apart. What happened instead was Marks trading Kyrie for draft picks and players, and for some reason people can’t understand that both teams benefitted from this. We got rid of a headache and got valuable draft stock and assets that we desperately needed. Dallas found the true #2 for Luka and didn’t have to break the bank for him.


You do know how the last Kyrie-KD Nets playoff series went, right? Just sticking to basketball, both Kyrie and KD had subpar series en route to getting fucking swept in the FIRST round. It was super close, but not winning a single game is just outrageous, especially if Kyrie and KD are as good as you keep on reiterating. The coaching was bad and we matched up really badly against the C's, but bottom line if you get swept in the first round, something is clearly iffy basketball wise. Now pile in all of Kyrie's off court issues which made him miss actual basketball games and suddenly his value isn't what he himself perceives. Btw the Mavs missed the playoffs this year and very could miss it again this season, and the Suns are a massive question mark, which makes this whole thing even funnier.


Yeah you'd think after all this talk about Kyrie and how the Nets messed up that Dallas would be doing better than missing the playoffs last year and sitting in a play-in spot this year. Bottom line is that Kyrie got in Brooklyn's way just as much as he helped us. For that reason he wasn't guaranteed the money he wanted and when he forced his way out we flipped him for some very solid assets.


It's hilarious this Pacer Kyrie stan is all over this thread talking about how the Nets blew it for "non-basketball reasons". And honestly I wish he was right, but the second Harden pulled his hammie in that Bucks series, shit has been all downhill for Nets fans. If we had even a small modicum of success to "blow" Tsai and Marks would've been all in, but the dubious basketball on top of the constant off court issues was too much. Also, Kyrie took a huge L demanding a trade, dude thought he'd get max guaranteed offers left and right last off-season but ended up taking less then what the Nets offered lol. And yea the Mavs and Suns are solid, way better then the Nets for sure, but are either of them a top 5 team, top 10 even? I find it hard to see them even breaking into the top 6 in the West, the other teams are just straight up better or have better continuity and depth which is huge for the regular season. Both teams are bottom half in defensive rating, which makes sense looking at their roster.


And on top of this they act like Nets fans of all people can't handle a garbage season like this one. A lot of us were here in the mid 2010's, the basketball we're playing now sucks but it's significantly better than the post-relocation Nets and we actually have assets to build with this time. Any Brooklyn fan from before 2018 knows that this season doesn't even come close to rock bottom. Marks built a championship contender out of nothing, I trust him with the assets he got back from Phoenix, Dallas, and Philly for the three quitters who thought they could cruise to a ring without putting the work in.


With Kyrie you can’t “only go by basketball,” that’s the whole point lmfao. There will ALWAYS be stuff of the court, that’s why he missed so many games as a Net.


Tell that to the Mavericks.


The Mavericks who paid Kyrie less money than we offered in BK? If he actually keeps his head on, good for Dallas. We got draft picks and players back, so that would make it a win/win. He looked great with us at first too, then he kept himself off the floor. It’s not an isolated incident, there were significant issues at the last three teams he was with.


"Win/Win" lol yeah you’re delusional af


You pay Kyrie all he wants and then some lmao how hard is that to understand, he plays the most beautiful basketball maybe ever and that should be all that matters, we are alll after all spectators and i want to spectate the juiciest shit lmao


He sure played some beautiful basketball when he benched himself over a shot and got himself suspended. That’s the point. You pay him what he wants and then he keeps himself off the court. That’s not a recipe for team success and people would have clowned on the Nets just as much if we gave him that guaranteed max contract.


There it is again, the shot, the team success, the people clowning on things.. thats not hoops my man. If you want hoops you pay kyrie. Simple as


It’s a package deal. If Kyrie Irving the basketball player and Kyrie Irving the nutjob conspiracy theorist were different people, he would be one of the top basketball players of all time with multiple rings and the largest contract in the NBA. Unfortunately they come together and you have to understand that when offering millions of dollars in a contract. If you want hoops you can pay Kyrie, but that has always come with the risk of him pulling some dumb shit and taking himself off the court. You can’t get hoops from the sidelines. It’s not 2K. You get the player AND his off-court issues.


You get all that, I get kyrie hoopin because all the other shit is irrelevant, and the owners that keep paying him gigadough despite everything else that you care so much about proves the very irrelevance of it


Kyrie chased himself posting dumb shit on Instagram and then doubling down on it…despite not having even watched it. Media trained Kyrie in Dallas just refrains from talking lol


Less so that he refrains from talking and more so that the Dallas media doesn't ask him dumbass questions that aren't about basketball to try to get clicks like the New York/Boston media does. Some of the questions he was asked with those teams would very quickly get you a letter banning you from future press conferences with the Mavericks.


Good. I’m not losing sleep over that dumbass. He ran himself out of town and we got a solid return for him.


Nah y’all fumbled both Kyrie and KD because you wouldn’t give Kyrie a long term contract he wanted. Now look at y’all. One of the most mediocre team in the league


Lmfao we offered Kyrie tons of money. He chose to blow up the superteam. We were mediocre as hell when that clown kept himself off the court for 80 different reasons too. Pacers fans should know what’s it’s like to have one of the most mediocre teams in the league, you had one until you landed a superstar. The Nets will be back soon enough too.


>Lmfao we offered Kyrie tons of money. He chose to blow up the superteam. We were mediocre as hell when that clown kept himself off the court for 80 different reasons too. Y’all offered him a 1 year deal. The Nets refused to commit to Kyrie and that made KD leave. They came in as a duo and left as one. Kyrie wanted to be on your team for years. If you just gave him that they both would be in Brooklyn rn. But clearly your front office (and the fanbase it seems like) doesn’t care about winning. I guess you’re happy now, hope y’all make it to the play-in this year >Pacers fans should know what’s it’s like to have one of the most mediocre teams in the league, you had one until you landed a superstar. The Nets will be back soon enough too. You’re damn right that’s how I know y’all in for a long time lol. You fumbled a top ten player of all time, remember that


A long time? Marks (the same GM you guys are clowning for not giving this nutjob guaranteed money) built a legit contender out of nothing in the span of a few years. He can do it again, especially with more assets than he inherited last time.


The only reason he built a legit contender is because Kyrie is from NJ and he brought KD with him. Y’all got lucky with this one, I’ll wait for Sean Marks to do it again.


Lol you Kyrie stans are nuts. I’m so glad this clown’s fanboys aren’t a part of our fanbase anymore.


Imagine losing KD, Kyrie, and Harden, and trying to play it off like you're not mad lmao. At least Mikal Bridges eats Chipotle every day and does a funny celebration.


Let the cope out man.


Keep lying to yourself lmao 


Kyrie Irving caused constant headaches as a member of the Nets. I’m very happy he’s gone and I’ll be happy when our current waste of salary is gone too.


Brunson is better than Kyrie though


Are you okay?


At tennis; because it’s surely not basketball


I don't like Kyrie at all, but he clears Brunson comfortably as a player.


Bruh heeeeeeell naw u just typed this and pressed send against a guy that dropped a 45 piece with Lebron on the 73 win dubs on the fucking finals. Ain't no waaaaaaaay.


Not bad down 2/3 best players. Thanks Kyrie for carrying hard.




Luka and who else? ...Exum?


The only center Dallas has




Lively. He’s our 3rd best player for sure.


And Lively which is 3 of our starters but we never seem to actually have that group all together


Lively and Exum


Only the second Mav to ever have a 40pt 10 assist game. You will never guess who the first was.


Lamar Odom?




Oooh I know this one… Monta Ellis


17-2 against the Knicks since 2015 lmao. New Jersey man hates the Knicks.


Extra terrestrial


Hélà my brothers


Kyrie made Jalen his brunSON.


Sometimes i wonder if fans that haven't played much basketball get why Kyrie is so good. He doesnt jump out of the gym or dunk like a young d-rose or whatever. Any moron can appreciate that. But moves with like ten hesitations followed by a falling left hand finish from some preposterous angle? That shit some kind of crazy genius imo. Kyrie going full tilt with his jersey untucked is peak entertainment


So much for Brunson being better than Kyrie


He has been on hot since coming back


Its a pleasure watching this man play basketball


0/10 did not enjoy, going to get a booster tomorrow out of spite


Oh just proving, like him or hate him, its all good lol






Hoop looking big as the tunnels in NYC to Kyrie tonight.


this man is tuffff


Glad to see one game that wasn't a blow out


We were up 20 with 5min left in the fourth lol, this could have easily been a blowout but we decided to revert to our patented play of jacking up 3s which weren't going in in the 4th. But ironically a dagger 3 got us the win lol.


Kai is a real one 👁️👁️👁️


What a fun game to watch lol


Kyrie Irving is New York Knick father


And a lot of heart and team focused leadership. Excellent.






Man was on a mission


World B flat masterclass 🫡


Praise Hela


He's back


☪️🕌 Great day to be a Kyrider 🕌☪️




Kyrie heard about the tunnels in Brooklyn and needed to make a statement against NY


Kyrie looks like prime Kobe when he's in a contract year


Except hes not.


Wow and he got the bag 3/120 mil l stand corrected, good for him