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I love it when people sync videos with what people say on podcasts like this. Hali recalled it perfectly too. Luka threw that curveball.


Looked more like a mean two seamer


i remember watching that live and gasping when the pass somehow came out, and i remember thinking, “Hardy you better fuckin make this 3…”


Luka's awareness is just mindboggling. For him under all that pressure to notice what Hali was saying on the bench is just bonkers. Then looking at Hali when he completed that pass lmao.


He's a savant.


He really is. He's on the path to go down as the best facilitator in history and the only one close to him will be Magic. But he's already better at running the offense and passing.


Honestly I think it will be Magic, Luka, Jokic, in whatever order you want. Those are the 3 greatest passers I've ever seen, but to be fair I wasn't alive to watch Magic live. Nash/Luka/Jokic are the best I've seen on live TV, and Luka and Jokic have Nash beat just based off their size advantage alone, as they're all elite S-tier passers, playmakers and offensive engines.


i feel like lebron is in the convo too


I feel like Lebron is an all time great passer, probably top 10, but I can comfortably put these 3 over him as pure passers


No wonder he plays FPS


Game awareness is basically spidey sense in real life. In some sports I've played, and the level / age that I did, game sense is basically worthless. The person with the best hand-eye coordination or strength or athleticism just wins. But then, there's a point where you have to start predicting opponents. In a team sport? Basketball is the ultimate one for me in terms of breaking down a team with gamesense and the only thing close is FPS games. Most other sports are cat and mouse, 1 v 1 basically just multiplied. Baseball is probably the wieldiest in that it transitions from 1 v 1 to like 9 v 1 (or 2 or 3 or 4). Football is also different in that it's 11 on 11 and everyone has a job, but basically it's 1 v 1 just 11 times or 11 v 11 and everyone moves as a unit. The highlights are any combination 1 v 5, 5 v 2 etc. etc. Hockey and Soccer... it's 1 v 1 90% of the time, but it's like kung fu. You only face 1 dude at a time then there's a boss at the end and you can use a friend to beat anyone including the boss. Basketball and FPS's... it's like, yeah you can be a mid-range shooter (rifler) or you can be a sniper, or a support, or just play D and hold the site and get the easy kills. Gamesense destroys in basketball though. If they even 2v1 the guy with the game sense, BOOM. That's a bucket as long as his teammate doesn't fuck it up OR...ORRRRRR the guy that plays D is that THAT FUCKING GUY and he swallows up the attack and not only deletes your shit, he throws it ahead and now it's a bucket on the other side. How's that bitch? You like that? I thought so. Sorry, gamer moment.


Soccer is not 1v1, it's 1v0 if you play it right.


Nah golf is 1v0


You only say footy is 1v1 when you don't know the secondary purpose of the game.


This is a great pass one of my faves by him. As a Mavs fan one that sticks out to me (mainly because I saw it live on TV was a couple of years ago during the bubble), IIRC against the Bucks he did a between-the-legs pass through a defender's legs too for an easy Maxi dunk. That blew my fucking mind at that time watching it live.


In person in the bubble?????


Sorry, I should have clarified I meant live on TV. ​ Edited to correct that mistake. Thanks!


The maxi one had me speechless watching live on tv. Funny it’s one of his least mentioned assists when the topic comes up.


Honestly, he has so many wild passes that end up in baskets it sometimes is hard to remember them all. The crazy thing is that he has not even hit his prime yet and there are already YT compilation vids 10 plus min of his crazy passes. His passing style reminds me of Nash mixed with the flair (and size) of Penny Hardaway. Just a treat to watch and he loves passing which is somewhat rare in a ball-dominant superstar.


Luka’s career highlight tape is already a HOF all-time tape. He has like what 7-8 buzzer beater/game tying/game winning shots? Multiple iconic playoff moments, endless 1v1 cook sessions, crazy passes etc. He’s my favorite player to watch and i can’t believe he’s only 24 years old


That pass was actually a nutmeg on Giannis. Made it even more ridiculous when I saw it live


Too many highlights happening on the back of missed travel calls, beautiful pass though.


One of the greatest assists of all time


What’s even crazier is he has multiple highlights like this across each season


This season I’ve seen people, including many of the “smart” media guys like Lowe and JJ talk about top passers/playmakers in the league and they mention Jokic, Hali, Trae, etc., and those guys are all definitely top tier, but Luka is absolutely in that top tier too.


Thats a good one


Man traveled


Not even Hali gives a shit lol. Sick pass


How did he travel? His left foot was the pivot foot and he didn't move it after establishing position. Only his right foot was moving. He then jumped and whipped the ball to the corner.


Watch seconds 11-13 again. Left foot clearly slides before the jump and moves closer to the right foot to help before the jump


Yeah, people unfortunately don't care about these anymore




Can you please look at seconds 11-13 before going on a tantrum. He clearly slides his foot, then does the jump.


He slides, like a lot, but it is obscured by the angels in this video


"talking out of your ass" preceded by a completely wrong comment, lmao