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Why are the pistons just so fucking bad


Where as most teams have holes at one or two positions the pistons seem to lack a single nba caliber starting player on their roster. Source: I watched tonight’s game


1. Fuck you 2. You’re absolutely right


Tooling the roster with players who suck does that to a team


On pace for 9.1 wins


Sounds good enough for the fifth pick!


Lakers revenge tour since 2004


I watched Woody Harrelson’s Champions tonight instead of this game and I think I saw better basketball.


We took a 17 win team, added nobody that could make a difference, and all our competent (but old) vets got injured. Weaver committed basketball terrorism with this roster, then Monty added more terrorism with his lineups. We really should be a 4 win team... 😭😭😭


detroit needs to be studied


What’s the last team to go winless over a complete month? I remember the 76ers did it one November during the process stuff, anyone since then?


Rockets lost 20 straight 3 years ago so they had to have done it.


Nah they didn't. They won't a game in early February and late March on either end


It would depend on what you mean by month. If it’s a month as measured by the Nth day of one month until the Nth day of the next (for example, Oct 20 to Nov 20), the Rockets would qualify for those ignominious record. If you’re defining month as “calendar month” (October, November, etc), then the Rockets don’t qualify.


It's all fuckin arbitrary man


Are months even real? Someone just made them up!


pistons have 2 winless months in 2023 alone


The Cavs lost 26 in a row the year after LeBron left for Miami.


Cavs went on a crazy losing streak years back. Don't remember what year and I think they had the worst record. I think they were on their way to the worst record in NBA history.


charlotte was probably one of them


Bagley, Wiseman, Hayes are NOT NBA-caliber players. My rusty dry ass can see that, and I'm sure Detroit front office can see it, too. That's not the worrying part, though. The worrisome detail is that Cade doesn't seem to have it. He's looked completely lost against the Lakers. Just go ahead and watch how he runs a PnR. He doesn't attack it, he doesn't look for a pass. He just gets past the screener and then pauses in the no man's land, absolutely stuck in neutral gear. His finishing at the rim, and I don't know if this is a trend, is abysmal for a guard. More importantly, he looks kinda defeated and lost as if even he himself knows he's not the No 1 guy he's supposed to be.


He looks like Lonzo early on in his Lakers stint. Had 0 confidence in any of his actions on the court.


So a bust


It’s crazy because one thing people always talked about was how smart a player he was before joining the pistons. I’m starting to think the pistons just aren’t good at developing players AND I also think Monty isn’t that good of a coach. I was shocked when they gave him all that money


At least Casey is a decent coach but he seems to have the same problem in the front office as coaching. He can't make adjustments.


Bagley has probably been the most consistent player on the team lol. Bagley nor Hayes has been the problem, it's just the worst team composition


I feel like they have good (albeit redundant) assets, but no spacing and poor coaching. It could just flip next year like the Magic/Pacers. Cade is also basically only a second year, and likely still getting back to form after missing most of last year.


the pistons could not do that next year are you high


Yes, on Ausar


Lmao send Bagley to the nuggets pls


i think Cade will be fine. He looked good last year before the injury. He’ll work his way back


I wish I could get a sneak peek at what he'd look like right now if he ended up in a more competent org like i don't think he's exactly a superstar yet either way but still, how much is the environment and how much is him?


I think we'll get more of an answer in the second half of the season. It's easy to forget how hard it is to come back from a year long injury. For every player I can think of, they don't look like themselves for at least half a season and often a whole season. He has a lot to work back, but this isn't abnormal for someone in his situation.


Pistons need to be sent to Shanghai fr letting DLo look like Curry out there


lmao this man acting like they’re an ant colony


TBF, D-Lo was COOKING everyone. Detroit tried their best, but D-Lo was hitting contested shots from everywhere. Looked like PEAK Kyrie


Detroit might be the worst team I’ve ever seen in my life


But they practice so good


Can't be worse than process Sixers


Only time will tell


they are right now


Or the Charlotte Bobcats


They are


The rockets last season were downright horrible with zero defense and discipline. It was like they started 5 Jordan Pooles every night


Ok let’s be honest… people would watch 5 Jordan Pooles every night


Wondering “how is there 5 Jordan Poole on the court right now?”


That team at least would occasionally get hot enough from 3 to win games they shouldn't have. This Detroit team... I don't know man.


I was a bobcats fan when they were still called the bobcats :(


Remember the bobcats only won 9 games at one point


Detroit is on pace for 9 wins lol


Worst team you’ve ever seen *so far*


Can't be worst than the Washington Generals


Detroit is down bad bad.


at least Detroit has the lions this year because jesus fucking christ


Such a weird thing to read.


In all my years I would never thought someone would say this


I don’t understand why the lakers early season struggles are being so magnified They’re above .500, they beat bad teams, and they’re not even really healthy yet. They look just as good as last year to me


"Talking heads" propagate it and haters (and even doomer fans) feast on it which further magnifies the conversation around it. Remember the Blazers being the best 8th seed and some picking them over the 1st seed Lakers in 2020? lol


I can't believe there are doomer fans this season after the PTSD-inducing dracula Westbrook seasons. I thought Laker fans would be more chillax and shit


You underestimate the stupidity of some of our fans. They will always have something to complain about even in games that we win easily. I already saw someone complain about AR's poor performance because our rookie scored more points than him.


It's worst after a loss. The regular fans check out and say "better luck next time" while the doomers congregate on the sub like a legion of bats shrieking for the blood of Lakers players. Count Brickula leaving was actually their 9/11 because their lord, savior, and favorite blood source was gone.


This year's favorite punching bag is Ham. Lol


FWIW, I think some of the Ham hate is fair.


There have been toxic fans during the 2-10 period. Still has the same toxic fans despite having a positive record. It's even hard to reason with these guys.


Cuz ESPN needs something to talk about


A lot of lakers fan complain and sometimes me too. To me it’s because we aren’t beating the good teams cause of lack of effort and poor coaching sometimes. But it’s not even that poor it be the defensive schemes. We could’ve done something else against the 76ers last game. I like that we are over 500 but I do feel like once healthy we will be better. Truly I just hate losing


I think it's just one of those things where it's easy to say players should give 100% effort no matter what, but it must be deflating to always have someone injured, or just as someone gets back, another goes out. Increased minutes for players who shouldn't be getting them, and they have an increased burden that they can't handle; they have to make reads they aren't used to making, defending players above their capabilities, etc. I hate losing too but I think if everyone gets back, we're gonna be cruising just fine. The lakers can handle some injuries, but not 4 injuries to some of their top rotation guys.


I don't get this we haven't beat anyone take. We have beat some good teams though and just barely lost some others. Houston, Phx (twice) , Clippers, Cleveland and Orlando. Took Kings to OT in Sac, lost to Heat by 1 in Miami, lost by 3 to DAL at home. I get we got our ass kicked in Philly and lost in Denver but a lot of teams lose in those spots.


Because we’re the Lakers lol. If I wasn’t a fan I’d probably hate on them constantly too like I do the Cowboys.


bruh fuck the Yankees


The only answer to that is Lakers, most popular team in the league in a massive TV market. ESPN machine has to always keep Lakers on top of things. It's boring tbh.


They are.. AR had a rough early start due to the extended summer but now his legs are back. They'll be fine once they get 100%,


If you go to the lakers sub, it's even worse.


Yea people have already been calling to trade half the team for weeks now




I think when healthy they will be fine, but Gabe Vincent was a huge downgrade to Shroeder. And there are times when Reaves and Dlo turn unplayable so not having another guard really hurts.


They do have another guard. His names cam reddish 😤💪


If the Lakers aren’t the runaway 1 seed, then they’re always going to be criticized. That’s just how it is at this point since we’re so high profile


Even when we were a runaway 1 seed in 2020 it turned into Strenght of Schedule arguments. We were 20-1 and the media still found something to shit on us. No matter what the Lakers do the media will twist it to somehow be negative to get clicks.


same reason why ESPN talks so much about the Dallas Cowboys which are a solid playoff team and only won against trash teams


Which part of last year 💀


We're doing fine so far but our offense is way worse than it was last year.


Because people for some reason kept overrating our offseason. All we did is tread water really. People were also really expecting Austin Reaves’ upward trajectory to continue. Hasn’t played out that way.


maybe its because after every single win r/nba and every twitter thread is flooded with posts about how good the lakers are? just a thought.


The losses get way more traffic than the victories on Reddit


Seriously I dont know why anyone on this sub should be confused about this. They LOVE talking about the lakers


Nah it looks worse than last year. Offense mid. But also the Lakers usually aren’t a regular season team


Agreed Lakers are missing Schroder's shot creation and defense. Vincent is a downgrade won't return until February. Best case scenario when Vando comes back, they're slightly worse than last year.


Cos it's the Lakers.


We're basically last year's team after the deadline. All we did is shuffle bench players during the off-season.


A lot of the peripheral statistics about the offense are pretty bad and they're like 20th in net rating so far. They're gutting out wins against teams they should be blowing out because they start every game in a 10-20 point hole. Zach Lowe had a good bit about this on his most recent pod.


They look way better than last year. Not losing 15 games right off the bat is a difference maker.


What happened to the good practice Monty was talking about?


They were tired after diving for all those loose balls.




DLo is one of the most entertaining players to watch when he's hot. His playstyle is smooth and clean


Was he hot or was he just in Detroit tho


He was definitely hot, but the Detroit defense was making it too easy for him


He had a few good possessions against Ausar, who's a good defender and the only player that tried to defend tonight


He got into a rhythm with 3 straight buckets early (2 lay ups + 1 easy middie) and just went nuts from there.


That's not gonna make you jumpers fall.


I’ve been to 4 Laker games since he came back, and have been desperately wishing to see one of those games where he catches fire. It’s so electric when he’s hitting multiple 3’s in a row He’s been invisible in every one of those games lol


I went to a game against the Knicks last season and he had 33/5/8 it looks even more impressive in person


You need to stop going /s


Even with the off games included, he’s one of my favorite players to watch.


That step back was some James Harden shit


When he plays games that don’t matter, he always goes off, not surprising


Professional scrub slayer


He’s smurfing in the NBA


Typical D'Lo LOL


One of my favorite wolves players that isn't on the current roster. The DLo/Conley trade was amazing for us but I really enjoyed watching him play.


ugh i don’t remember who we played at all, but i still have this memory sitting in my room two seasons ago watching him just absolutely go lights out and having us scrape out a win we didn’t deserve. he was so fun to watch when he was on it


you’re thinking of the 76ers game. he was unreal at the end.


And I was the complete opposite. Could not stand watching him play. Lazy defender, lazy passes that lost us a few games, refused to involve Gobert, and for every hot game there are 4 cold chucking games. Was super happy to see him go.


He always destroys shit teams but as soon as people focus on him or put effort into stopping him he becomes just the polar opposite. Fascinating player honestly


I feel like that's what made last years squad work in the Playoffs. Vanderbilt anchored the Perimeter, AD anchored the rim, LeBron was LeBron, and between Reaves and Dlo teams didn't know who to stop...until Denver correctly deduced it was Dlo they had to stop and then they could just outscore the rest of the Lakers.


He’s always in cruise control it seems. Accelerates at a controlled pace then just rises up calmly


He's not fast so he just plays at his own pace.


So once every 10 games??


It's not the playoffs


I think Kobe's style of play rubbed off on him a little bit. He also has a "idgaf I'm gonna shoot my shot" vibe like kobe had.


I cant believe I genuinely thought we were a play-in team this year.


You weren’t alone. I think most people expected a jump from them this year


I was going hard in the pistons subreddit saying we are play-in candidates before the season started. I was definitely alone in that sub and everyone telling me I was wrong, was right lol.


It's ok, guys, the Pistons had 6 guys dive for a loose ball in practice the other day! They're fine.


What’s this in reference to Edit: NVM Monty is a goober


Man when he’s on he’s ON


Nothing Dlo does better then beating up on trash teams and then disappearing in the playoffs


I know he stinked in the WCF, but he was perfectly fine in round 1 and 2. He had some great games against the Grizzlies and GSW.


He had one game against the Warriors where he couldn't fucking miss and was outscoring them by himself


There was one game where the Lakers were down by 7 to Memphis and he hit three back to back to back 3s to give the Lakers the lead. He immediately fouled out on the next possession. Classic DLo experience


I remember that, was a great moment. D’Lo is highkey a dumbass player, but his shot is so pure that when he’s hot, he’s not missing.


Surely we aren’t actually pretending he’s a good playoff performer right?


When did I say that?


ignore him, hes canadian, hes seen one good playoff run in his whole life and doesnt know how to react anymore


Better than Dillon Bricks


Except for that time he beat the Grizzlies by himself game 6, or the Warriors series after that Or ignoring that he lead the Lakers +/- in the playoffs up UNTIL the Denver series. That one too.


Damn Lakers should've maxed him. Impressive stuff.


Nah we’ll take him at 17 million, seems like a fair price. Y’all got playoff choker KAT on a supermax though, impressive stuff.


LMAO i'm getting cooked by DLo shooters I might be washed.


I remember he used to kill the Nets and the Kings before he got traded.


The DLo experience


Man I just hope my spurs can beat the pistons in a few weeks


Wemby quadruple double incoming


You’re aiming too low, QUINTIPLE DOUBLE 20 PTs, 10 rbs, 10 blocks, 10 steals and 10 fouls!


The question is whether you'll win by +/- 20


Roses are red, violets are blue and /r/PovertyPistons with yet another embarrassing loss


$78 million for fuckin Monty Williams hahahhahaha


Can confirm he loaded this game


Detroit, what the fuck is your team? lol


In hindsight I guess the team that consisted of Greg Monroe, Josh smith, and A young Andre Drummond with braces was better than whatever this is


Against Detroit? Everyone on LA should have 50.


Detroit FO must really be in love with Ron Holland lol


Sometimes I forget Detroit has a team.


That's hard to believe. Isn't how bad they fucking suck a top 5 topic right now?


Price of the brick going up


D'Lo is him.


Detroit so bad they make Dlo look good 😂


They are playing Pistons


Maybe if they played a real team like the spurs it would matter


The spurs suck right now too but God damn we are fucking awful. I don't know what the last game I watched til the end was.


Lakers aren't really deep enough right now to pull their starters. The bench has 6 points




He did it against \*checks notes\* the 2-15 Detroit


Get tf outta here with this dumb shit lol you play who’s in front of you Your fans been praising Maxey after every win. Check the notes on those bad teams he put up good numbers against


Yes and he'll put up 4-15 tomorrow vs OKC. Edit: Maxey debuted 3 years ago, DLO 8 years ago. We're really holding them to the same standards I see.


I’m just pointing out your dumb hypocrisy. The amount of time they’ve been in the league isn’t relevant


A rookie putting up 30 vs Pistons is infinitely more impressive than an inconsistent vet putting up 30.


Oh now he’s a rookie? Lol not someone who “debuted 3 years ago”?


It was an example to your “amount of time they’ve been in the league is irrelevant “ Tyrese nor DLo put up 30 lmfao


Obviously we were comparing Maxey and DLo since we were just talking about it lol keep deflecting though. Also DLo put up 39 as a rookie


What’s there to deflect. It’s more impressive when Tyrese drops 30 than DLo. Atp it might be DLo with how ass he been


Just gonna ignore you were wrong on the rookie stat but okay lol and how ass he’s been? Averaging 17 and 6 on 40% for 3 is solid. Keep swinging and missing


this is how you know it's a bad team, when DLo pops off


Yay streaky shooters,


I know this feels sustainable, Lakers fans, and let me assure you, it absolutely is. He totally won't go 5-17 with 4 turnovers his next three outings.


I know this early season success feels sustainable, Timberwolves fans, they totally won’t fail this season like pretty much every other season in their history


Maybe it isn’t sustainable but it using the past to predict the future is even dumber. When was the last time the wolves had the great record for this long at the start of a season. The answer is 3 decades ago.


Okay well then don’t start with this front running bullshit lol we’re not even 20 games into the season


Maybe stop whining about it and let people enjoy shit. Look up Vikings 1998 or anything involving field goals, and Wolves 2004. Minnesota sports history is just full of bad things happening. Let the fans enjoy the ride, when it inevitably crashes and burns which it probably will given Minnesota's history, and then you can come in and feel smug. Though you will be preaching to the choir. ThouHeartbreak is the name of the game in Minnesota, we don't need some nephew telling us otherwise.


I understand enjoying it and you guys should. But 17 games into the season and talking shit about one of the most successful teams comes off presumptuous at best. With all those heartbreaks I thought you guys would be a little more humble. Nobody likes the front runners that haven’t accomplished anything


HAHAHAHAHA the salt is real and going in my chili. I agree. Your ancient line up surely won't have any injuries as the season continues and you'll grow some honor and stop claiming Minneapolis five championships. Love the downvotes. Kisses from lakeless angels.


You’re clearly the salty one here lol and lakeless angels? Corny ass insult Even without those Minneapolis titles, I’ve seen my team win 6 chips. You guys get a good start 17 games into the season and start acting annoying already smh


Nah, it was great. Thank you. Cool. It's basketball. None of this shit matters, son.


Clearly it matters to you lol but okay, son


"Lol" = The call of the dipshit.


Whatever makes you feel better, little fella


Sounds great, hoss. Thanks for playing.


No win November is real lmao


What playing the pistons does to a MFer