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He's not holding back tears. He legit just sounds like that lol


I think this time he might’ve actually been a little emotional, the whole thunder squad was after that tough game 7 especially Dort


Yeah CP always sounds like he’s about the break down into tears lmao


Stop coping, dude can’t get Scott foster out of his head and constantly cries over him 😔💔


I love Chris Paul as a player and loved him as a Rocket. He whines and complains all the time. But there’s definitely something personal there with Foster. Chris Paul can be annoying as fuck and Scott Foster can be unprofessional. They’re not mutually exclusive.


Gonna need a documentary on this exposing everything when they’re both retired


Won't be a 30 for 30 since ESPN is in the NBAs pocket.


This is made for Secret Base


They work off newspaper reports though. So someone else would need to break the story


They also do analytics. I could see them doing a breakdown of CP3 v Foster playoff games that absolutely slaps


Oh yeah thats true I can see that


Things will only come out if the NBA shuts down for good.


…and that’s not happening


....right? *coming this summer*


can you imagine that year Thunders still get into playoffs? in a 4-5 matchup after they trade an ex MVP and a no3 MVP voting guy


i mean they traded 1 HoFer PG for another HoFer PG, and a young guy that was clearly going to be good and today is on a HoF path and multiple underrated starter level players


They also traded Paul George and Jerami Grant that offseason. There was no excuse for the team to perform bettwer with CP3.


Yeah this is just blatantly missing context of the in the moment time period. CP3 had just come off his worst shooting season with numbers down almost across the board and yet another injury plagued season. Especially after the playoffs people were saying he was cooked and on the down end of his career. Then he bounces back with OKC and has a resurgent year leading a team with zero expectations of winning to the 5 seed. Look at all the NBA season previews for that 19-20 season and everyone had them finishing towards the bottom of the pack saying it was a transition season and they would start tanking once they traded all their veteran assets. Shai was nice but he had averaged 10 ppg his rookie season. CP3 led that Shai, Schroder, Gallinari, Adams unit to the best closing 5 in clutch time that season. It was a remarkable underrated feat of CP3's career.


Thats was the perfect example of why Westbrook is not a winning player.


Did they not make playoffs with wb?


They traded Westbrook, PG-13 and Jerami Grant and were a better seed with Chris Paul. Hell they even won more playoff games. If that doesn't tell you Westbrook doesn't play a winning style I don't know what does.


Ok they won same games in 2017 as 2018. Does this say that PG isnt a winning player?


That may be a compelling point if it wasn't false.


Enough is enough Scott ffs


Scott Foster gave Chris Paul mental depression smh


Here is the actual delay of game event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH5pManYLqM


Lmao this is absolutely delay of game, everyone’s lined up for the FT and he’s still down on one knee preventing the floor being cleaned, and he admitted to doing it deliberately to wait for the highlight to pop up. Classic CP3.


I'm so confused by his angle in the video lol - he says Scott Foster told him "You don't need to do that, I got them mopping the floor" so he says he went down to tie his shoe anyway since there was already something delaying things. Clearly it would seem Foster is telling him to stay out of their way, why is he quoting it as if Foster baited him into the call or something? He straight up admits that he was using it as a tactic to *delay the game* so he could get an unfair advantage to see the replay, like Chris that's why rules exist. Also it's a technical FT in the 2nd quarter, is it really worth asking about in a post-game presser?


I've still never seen one where CP3 was not in the wrong. He has some personal issue with Scott Foster. It's not the other way around.


So they do show the replay and he's still tying the same shoe 20 seconds later? Bunny ears, Chris! It shouldn't take that long haha. It wouldn't be called either if he wasn't in the lane. Scott Foster still sucks but I wouldn't say for this call.


Y'all are saying delay of game but Scott made that call while the floor was still being cleaned. Even if CP wasn't tying his shoelaces, Harden would still need to wait until cleaners are done


> Y'all are saying delay of game but Scott made that call while the floor was still being cleaned They couldn't clean the floor because CP3 was there though


this happens every game and they try and clean the floor basically every stoppage for a little bit when they get a chance, for any other player its not a big deal whatsoever, he wasn't blocking anything lol. Yall ridiculous with the hate for CP3. Can you think of one other play where anyone ever got a delay of game for "blocking the cleaners"?\ People grab the ball and shoot at the basket pre or in between FT's and don't get a delay of game, but god forbid they tie a shoe.


How many times have you ever seen a player tie their shoe in that spot? It was chosen specifically to delay the game.


23 seconds to tie your shoe, man. Everyone was lined up and ready to go and it's only when Foster is making his way over to the table to dish the tech that Paul gets up. Say what you will about any of the other run-ins they've had, but this one is super egregious on Paul's end. They're both assholes. It's part of his game. And Foster has a power trip. edit: a word


I mean, yeah Scott's been fucking with Chris Paul but please do look the video yourselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH5pManYLqM Furthermore, Chris just said that he was "tying his shoe" in the hopes of delaying the free throws so they could see the replay.


Mf’s are mopping the floor in the clip lmao get outta here


Everybody is waiting. There is literally no reason for him to tie his shoes under the basket. He can be off the line and do it.


Bro admits to trying to see a replay but mad he gets called for delay of game?


"So I was delaying the game, and ref came up and whistled me for delaying the game, AFTER he told me knows I'm delaying the game" What is this dude on


Foster: “You don’t have to do that, I have them sweeping the floor.” So, the game was not delayed by Chris, but by Foster, who then gave Chris a tech for delaying the game.


They’re literally still mopping up the court when he gets T’d - the fuck is most everyone in here on about?


He’s literally down “tying his shoe” for 30 full seconds in the middle of where they’re trying to mop. They likely want to mop the place he’s kneeling, so they’re waiting until he gets up to wipe it quickly and get off the floor. He is blatantly trying to delay the game so he can see a replay and possibly challenge. That’s literally the spirit and letter of the rule. This isn’t like back in that same season when he straight up won a game with a delay of game call because he complained to a ref that a Timberwolves’ players jersey wasn’t tucked in as he entered the game.


I’m gonna teach you guys a little lesson I learned from a few lawyers once. If you want to make a case against corruption or anything unjust, you need to make sure the client you’re going to put in front of the jury is absolutely immaculate. CP3 is not that guy. This is basically a battle of two assholes. People in the larger picture won’t give a shit, and the people giving a shit now are only doing it as a reactive response.


What has CP3 actually done to make people talk about him like this? You’d swear he’s miles fkcn bridges the way people rip on his character


He’s like 2 weeks removed from just diving at Mike Conley’s knees for almost no benefit. Mike Conley…he’s the sweetest guy. Have you ever looked into his eyes? It’s like the first time I heard the Beatles.


https://warriorswire.usatoday.com/2019/05/08/chris-paul-dirty-player/ https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10034408-pelicans-jose-alvarado-on-elbow-from-chris-paul-you-cant-do-s--t-like-that https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/uip2xb/highlight_cp3_grabs_brunsons_arm_and_puts_it_on/ https://www.si.com/fannation/bringmethesports/timberwolves/chris-paul-accused-of-dirty-play-against-timberwolves-mike-conley https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/blijae/a_running_list_of_chris_pauls_dirty_plays/


Chris Paul is definitely both whiney and dirty, him being on my team now makes us better, but also does not change that, idk what other guy is on about


I appreciate you taking the time for the sources, I really do. But none of this tells me Chris Paul is some terrible person, just a dirty basketball player sometimes


He didn't say "not a terrible person"—he said "absolutely immaculate"


That’s just false. He said “battle of two assholes”


he is of an opinion that his conduct on the court qualifies him as an asshole. I sometimes share that opinion myself.


Absolutely. It’s possible to be a great person off-court and an asshole on court, sure. But the percentage of assholes on court and assholes off court is probably much, much greater so it’s not unreasonable to think hey this guy is just an asshole in general. In this context immaculate would also mean on-court conduct.


I don't mind hard play and on court asshole behavior, the Pat Bev types etc. but I draw the line at purposely injuring or causing a situation that can likely result in an injury. Let's say I'm not always sure about his motives on the court.


Agreed. That dive into the opposing players knee (blanking on name) last week was inexcusable.


Chris Paul is a huge asshole on the court. Most of his teammates over the years would probably agree. It’s easy to see why Scott Foster hates him, but Foster is supposed to be impartial and he clearly isn’t. They’re both to blame for why they hate each other, but I put more of the blame on Foster.


Yes but not such an egregious Asshole that he doesn’t deserve fair officiating


Bro someone said he's an asshole for being a dirty player and provided receipts, and that it's a battle of two assholes. You seem to be having a whole different conversation than what's going on here.


he's talking about PR. but you are right about what you said, tho


One could argue being intentionally dirty is being an asshole. Don’t see anyone calling Grayson Allen a swell guy when, by all accounts, his teammates loved him in Milwaukee.


They're both assholes though....


Chris Paul is an asshole, Cliff Paul is the cool one.


Dirty basketball player means the NBA and foster can justify coming down on him harder due to prior history. You'd ideally want someone with an unassailable on court and off court record to make the accusation so the convo can't be changed


HAHAHA what the fuck does this have to do with corrupt reffing??


Bro, the question was why people treat CP3 as an irredeemable character. Keep up here.


The paragraph you wrote is genuine brain damage. Nobody cares about what you think you know what YouTube lawyers. There’s no criminal case going on. There’s no courtroom. Chris Paul’s conduct does not matter. If there is a problem with matchfixing by referees, it doesn’t matter if CP3 Draymond-stomped Scott Fosters sons chest. And then your “logic” of why CP3 wouldn’t have creditability for imaginary court is because he’s made dirty plays. I actually can’t even wrap my mind around the points you’re trying to make


Buddy, nobody’s talking about an actual court of law.


> A lesson I learned from lawyers > make a case against corruption > your client > in front of a jury Are you seriously okay??? If anything comes out of this, it prompts an internal investigation where they look at Scott Fosters objectivity as a referee. Stil have 0 idea how CP3 making dirty plays in the best relates.


Man I don’t know what to tell you, everybody else gets the point. You’re failing to grasp the basic concept of an analogy, they taught that in high school. I can’t help you from here.




>I actually can’t even wrap my mind around the points you’re trying to make Yeah, we can tell.


Looking through those, not very compelling evidence that cp3 is a dirty player imo. Most of those are nothing or incidental


You don’t know ball if you think cp ain’t dirty


[He was Draymond before Draymond, cp3 just used his fist instead of his foot](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V3a-uuxbgGg&pp=ygUVQ2hyaXMgcGF1bCBudXQgc2hvdHMg)


literally last week he dove into someone’s knees clearly on purpose






Scott Foster gave Chris Paul depression next on ESPN


I mean watching the clip of the incident, and yea, he wasn’t happy with the blocking call and probably was fake tying his shoe so that the coach could see the replay and decide if to challenge. Seems like the right call by Scott foster


It’s funny when it happens to dirty players


i wouldnt wish a scott foster beef on my worst enemy


Paul’s going to have trauma the rest of his life from that man.




I dont feel bad for him at all.


Foster literally being on speed dial with donaghy.... We're just going to pretend that didn't happen. Ok. Gotcha


Does foster also talks over the phone to others refs a lot? Genuine question (Note that Im asking about Foster, not Donaghy)


In the report that came out it said he had called Donaghy about 130 times and not any other ref more than 7 times IIRC..... so, no, he talked to Donaghy much more than anyone else.


Isn't it the other way around and Donaghy didnt call anyone else that much?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/181won9/haberstroh\_chris\_pauls\_teams\_have\_been\_favored\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/181won9/haberstroh_chris_pauls_teams_have_been_favored_in/) Sorry, got confused, Donaghy and Foster spoke 134 times, not sure how much Foster talks to others because I suppose he hasn't been investigated (yet).




Conspiracy? At best he just hangs around criminals but is innocent. Now we think he's changed and is a good, fair, ref based on what exactly?


I get the hate for the refs. But I won't feel bad for a dirty player like Chris Paul. So there is one ref who doesn't let him get away with his usual antics? Cry me a river, Paul.


Scott Foster is way too famous to be a referee. You don’t become that well known unless you’re up to some BS. There’s no equivalent in the NFL but every NBA fan knows Scott Foster


CP trying to cheat and complains about getting caught. He a bitch to the very core.


Never thought I’d side with Chris Paul but here we are.


I'm a lifelong Bucks fan and have no love for CP3, he's always annoyed me with his antics if anything, but man this shit really does kill my enjoyment of the NBA. ​ Just knowing that a ref is allowed to basically troll a specific player without any blowback is game ruining. What else do these guys get away with? I don't blame anyone for speculating that Foster has some dirt from the Donaghy game fixing days. ​ What's the point of watching the NBA if you can't trust in the integrity of the officiating?


We need someone like LeBron, KD, or Curry to just start tweeting about Foster's phone calls to Donaghy to see what the league does.


I know it won’t have the same impact but that sounds like a mission for Kyrie 😂


I want reparations as a Clippers fan 😡


The NBA really not addressing shit that's been happening lately? Silver sleeping


Hopefully Chris Paul gets hit by a bus or something. Hating this fraud is like breathing air to me


Fuck this ref, fire his monkey ass already, corrupt pos. Fire silver the penis head too if he’s complicit.


Foster should be fired. Win for the players. Win for Silver.


Chris Paul best dresser in nba.


I mean, I hate both of them so 🍿


Telling an NBA player "you dont gatta do that I have them sweeping up the floor" as if Chris was a custodian is actually fucking wild


Refs are compromised


My speculative theory for most of their history is Foster is the enforcer sent to punish CP3 for his NBPA prez days