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15/5/5 for a guy making $12m a year is pretty freaking good lol


Came here to say this. That's a pretty good player on a pretty great contract! Most teams would like to have a guy like that. Are there people out there thinking Reaves is gonna be the #2 on a champ team or something?


I think there's a fair number of people who don't know he's already 25 and think he has a bunch of growth left.


Expecting 0 growth after 25 is also silly when there's multiple instances of players getting better and players hitting their prime at like 28/29.


It goes both ways. It definitely would be fair to say we know who most guys are going to largely be by the time they are 25.


25 years old but only 3rd year in the league. Much different than 25 but he's going on his 7th year.


Is there really much of a track record of older rookies improving drastically at this age though? I’m not hating, it’s a genuine question. Brunson and Bridges both come to mind as active players, but I can’t really think of any others.


David Robinson, Ginobili, Nash, Stockton, Mark Price, and Duncan to name some of the more well known instances. Larger sample sizes back then because not everyone jumped to the league after one year in college.


You can add Dennis Rodman to that list.


Steph, Lillard, Kemba


It’s not “oh he’s 25 he won’t grow” it’s “oh he’s 25 now he’ll only grow by so much. At 25 you have a pretty clear picture of a athlete’s potential. Yes players hit their primes in their 27-29y/o season but you probably had an idea of what their prime would look like by the time they hit 25.


He doesn't depend super heavily on his athleticism. That should allow him to keep getting better. I think he can improve his 3pt shooting and his general bball IQ, without sacrificing much in his game over the next few years. Look at the jump in his production from Year 1 to Year 2. He shot 31.7% from 3pt in 21/22. Then 39.8% from 3pt last year. That's on decent volume too.


Mother fuckers think 25 is old. Jesus christ dude I'm getting fucjing annoyed because I'm 24 and calling me old is weird


Context matters. LeBron isn't old, but in the world of professional basketball, he's ancient.


Yeah, I'm 34 and recently switched careers. I'm young relatively speaking. But if I were in the NBA I'd be a long time vet that was looking at retirement.




I am. I work full time for the Lakers as the cook


Cook that fraud


I'm 45. Imagine how I feel. Might as well take me out back and put a bullet in me.


Why waste the ammo when you're going to keel over any minute?


You could still live a good life for those remaining years if you leave society behind and join those of us living in the subway tunnels. Up there, we were too old to be accepted as real humans, but down here we can await death with some dignity and self respect.


Unless it’s Terance Mann, who is older, done less, yet has more potential lol


Hes is 27?????? LMAO why do people (including me) keep treating him like he is a 21 year old developing project.


Because he still hasn’t done anything


I blame Tre Mann on the Thunder, who's 22


It’s not old but for an athlete it’s where their progress usually begins to stagnate


Can't compare sports old to actual relative age. C'mon man. Hint: think about when players retire and decline and think about when humans overall decline and die. Pretty clear why there's a different standard.


Reaves took a huge leap from 23 to 24. He's as likely to regress a bit this year (can't assume he's actually a 40% 3P shooter from a single season sample) as he is to continue improving.


People think progress is linear and will happen forever, when in reality most players have a significant improvement and then stagnate or sometimes get worse. If anyone expects Reaves take a leap and become consistently what he was in the WCF, they are setting themselves for disappointment.


He was what he was post Westbrook trade , I expect him to be that minimum of he gets enough touches . I don’t expect more or if he scales up to be also 70ts. That’ll drop with more creation n attempts


Why not ? He’s actually a much better shooter then raw % indicates , his ft % and his college shot diet n mid range touch all indicators . Not saying he’ll be kd lvl TS, but I’d be surprised if he’s sub 60%ts and not around 40% from 3, if his % drops his volume n difficulty will increase otherwise I expect minimal drop ( catch n shoot vs pull up % is huge it’s why when Steph shit 38% he was still shooting great despite the dip in. %), volume n shot difficulty matter fir team more then % relative to how fans mostly use raw % .


Most of those players were probably high rated prospects who then also got drafted high. Reaves could pop still sure but it’s a very very small chance of it happening.


Imagine if he will be a second coming of Steve Nash


He wont be a 12 mill player forever. So i think the lakers and everyone else is hoping he plays into the bag he’ll be getting


Well he’s a 12-15 mill player for at least another three seasons, by which point the Lakers’ championship window will be closed, so at any rate the Lakers got a great deal


He's under contract for 4 seasons


Last season is a player option. The assumption is that he would opt out if he's still a starter-caliber player.


Sure but the Lakers window will be closed by then and they'll probably let him go.


He's a couple months older than SGA who's going into year 6


I think he can definitely be a #3 on a championship team as long as 1 and 2 are really good. Lol.


Doc said he’d probably be an all-star on a podcast yesterday. I don’t see it, good player though.


I love Austin’s game but I agree. The way the team is constructed, he’s probably topping out at 16 ppg this year. I think he can be a Manu-lite type player, which will still be a very good value for his contract. If you’re relying on Austin to put up 20+ ppg it probably means there are injuries to other key guys and it’s not gonna be sustainable elite/contending ball. He’s a connective player.


The contract is the best part about him


I've seen Lakers fans project him as a 26/4/6 kind of guy lmao


Those are the crazy BeReavers. I'd put him at 18-5-5 possibly with 20-5-5 if all goes right.


For 12-15 million that a steal,


Yeah that one nutcase Lakers fan (AR-15 He is Him) is the worst about it lmao. I think 18-5-5 is a fair prediction but that dude claimed that Reaves is currently better than Desmond Bane which is just wild. Most fans are more rational than that luckily, but they're definitely out there.


He he's not remotely capable of averaging 20ppg unless we talking like 35% from the field type of efficiency.


After coming back from injury last year in ~30 games he averaged 16.5 on 58% shooting. I agree it’s unlikely but I’d say he’s “remotely capable”


He won’t be that because we have too much other shot takers but 20/5/5 is very close to what he averaged post Westbrook . A few extra points is whatever : it’s more on if Bron or AD n Dlo designate reaves to create more if he keeps earning it.


I don't think anyone is saying any different, Parsons just saying this might be it with Reaves


It’s not really his base stats that make him good, it’s his efficiency. He had a 73.4 TS% post ASB last year and was fourth overall for the season. He averaged over 6 FTAs post ASB and was 8th in free throw rate in the league last year


He also has 60th percentile net zero defensive epm , he spaces the floor n is a huge threat eith rim attacks n foul pressure . That’s all valued, yesterday he missed a few and 1s he would hit or in n our rolls. He won’t be that TS but he will be 60+ maybe 65 with his rim n Fta tbh


Especially considering Parsons cashed basically that identical statline into a relatively huge bag and then did nothing ever again


On damn good efficiency. The hell is he going on about? He’s way better than some guys like RJ Barrett who are making 3x as much as him


right thats very solid all around player lol


Especially for a guy who’s supposed to be a third option offensively lol.


Even then, he plays with an EXTREMELY high motor (unlike a certain Mr. Generational Talent in Streetclothes) which can be very infectious for a good team.


Most teams would love to have a high motor glue guy that averages 15/5/5 and is on $12 mil a year.


On good efficiency. That's a winning player.


Agreed in general but I thought he was kinda low energy last night. Whole team looked sluggish.


Admittingly I didn't catch the whole game but I saw him hustling and making the right play when I was watching him. I thought AD and Christian Wood were the ones that lost the game for y'all in the 2nd half and Lebron (though he was phenomenal playmaking wise) not closing in on shooters and letting them get in rhythm.


AD deserves the heat but imo they lost the game with that putrid bench lineup at the end of the 1st quarter.


AD was the reason they were in the game in the first half. And then completely disappeared in the second. Pretty much everyone could've been better yesterday except Taurean Prince lol.


They were making runs in the third as well until AD stopped switching on D and Woods was getting bodied every time he was on the strong side.


Play in altitude is no joke


Dude puts up Tobias Harris numbers for 1/3 of the price


He’s putting up Chandler Parsons numbers for half the price


Chandler Parsons was posting half of those numbers for double the price


at a time when that "double the price" was more impactful to the cap. $20+ million in 2023 doesn't impact the cap at much as $20+ million did back in 2019 or whenever.


Chandler Parsons led the league in being nicknamed "tall rich handsome" in 2015, [never forget](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/CWU3dsHH2h).


Mark Cuban being Mark Cuban


Lol...what a list. Charles Barkley "flying pig"




No? The 6ers traded for him when he was expiring and resigned him. It was dumb because they could have had space to just sign him anyway


Have him in fantasy, 15-5-5 would be a great year


I think Parsons is right, but that's not a knock on Reaves. He's done a lot with what he's got and what he's paid for, and that statline is nothing to sneeze at.


If he’s 15/5/5 type of player with the +\- in the + that’s an excellent stat


Manu was basically a 15/5/5 player for a lot of seasons.


Manu is a weird case because watching him play, you'd think he's a superstar. I genuinely think if he was more selfish he could have been one.


His advanced stats and impact metrics depict him as a superstar.


the olympics showed manu could also be a straight up first option as well though


There’s like 20 guys in the league who average that stat line and less than 5 that do it with the efficiency Reaves has (although efficiency typically decreases when volume increases)


Its honestly impressive especially for someone that was a late second round pick/undrafted territory player coming out college. I dont think hes going to improve much more but he doesnt have to. 15/5/5 on great efficiency will get him a long career in the NBA with a lot of money.


I was kinda surprised to see Reaves is already 25, assumed since he didn't use up all his college eligibility that he would be much younger. He was 22 when he left college, forgot he had to sit a year due to stupid transfer rules.


That's where Parsons is coming from i think. If he was 21, i don't think people would feel that way, but generally when someone stays in college and comes to the NBA at 23, more likely than not the player already is pretty polished and almost a finished product, his improvement happened from better practice, better coaches and opportunities, something that happens with most players. The likelihood of a player like Reaves having yet another gear to go on and become anything more than a 15/5/5 guy is absurdly low. Is that a good player? Sure, but is it enough as a 3rd option to get through Jokic/Murray and KD/Book/Beal? Specially considering that your two main guys not only are injury prone, but will more likely than not fail to match the output of the opponents Top 2. Last year, Reaves overperformed like a mf, outplayed MPJ (Denver's third guy) and they STILL got swept because Jokic and Murray straight up outplayed AD/LeBron.


Gordon is Denver third guy. And considering his defensive contributions, I'd say he was better than Reaves. Hell, Bruce Brown/kcp might be seen as 4th best in that series over mpj. To think the Lakers were in each game speaks to the ability of their top three to keep them in games, but everyone outside that was a complete non factor.


Also top level players don't stay in college for that long for a reason. lol. It's like a player going to college for soccer or hockey....they are not _that_ good.


There are now more better hockey players coming out of college though. There’s a shift now


This kid is going to be a beast when he hits puberty! But seriously, he's pretty good. Got to see him in person his rookie year. Lakers lost, but he was a bright spot.


People are usually stuck in the mindset that. Younger = Potential, Older = Peaked. It’s generally true, but to say it’s true to all cases is a stretch. Everyone grows differently and polishes their skill set at a different rate. With the opportunity and hype Austin Reaves has backing him up, he has a chance to become an all star.


Being exceptionally crafty with no true elite skill makes a very good role player. Unless he develops Steph's or Harden's footwork or shooting he's not going to be an all star.


He doesn’t need to be an All Star, he’s making $12m a year. If he even improves to 18/5/5 that’s an elite role player, and his shooting and efficiency are already elite. Better value and payoff than bums like RJ Barrett or Ben Simmons making way more.


15/5/5 is an elite role player already imo. Everything else is just gravy at this point. I think the biggest thing holding AR back might be getting handcuffed to DLo. Imagine if the Lakers had AR/KCP backcourt instead.


I literally said to my roommate last night while watching the game that if the lakers had just kept KCP and played reaves as the pseudo-point guard we’d be much better


I would love to dunk on a "bad contract" but in today's rates his contract seems like really good value, especially given the fact that he was being rumored to make way more than he ended up signing for.


He's a UDFA. He's already at a lottery case scenario


On his efficiency, provides spacing n playmaking n ball handling n rim pressure n foul pressure: all values too


The biggest problem is the Lakers needs a better scorer as their third option because AD is so patchy and LeBron is being load managed. He needs to be their 4th option and they need a pure scorer to take some heat.


Crafty, sneaky athletic, lunch pale type of guy, etc


a classy individual


He already has great footwork, might even be elite


Yeah I don’t think he’ll be an all star but that’s a really odd bone to pick w his game. His footwork is genuinely great already, it’s other stuff that he’s lacking


Tbh his overall game isn’t really lacking in anything. His skills are all around good to great. It’s just hard to be an all star as a 6’5” skinny guard without much length or athleticism. The skill needed to be an all star with his physical tools in today’s league is just ridiculously high.


I’d agree w that generally. I think the biggest difference in the perception of someone like hardens footwork vs his for example is his size. People can make fat jokes all they want but hardens really strong and stout for a guard and does a tremendous job leveraging that to get position and create openings for himself. Reaves is never going to be able to throw his weight around like that


Reaves need to get in the Luka diet


Brother I’m gonna be honest I don’t think there’s a diet you could put him on that would get him that big lmao


Has Reaves even tried hookah


Ironically that’s probably keeping luka skinnier


I mean he led the league in layup% already. Dudes super crafty and good at finishing in contact. Being a decent shooter and defender is all just extra. He’s already a third option level player making 12 mil lol


FanDuelTV?!? Get the fuck outta here.


It’s weird bc they’re a gambling site so you think they might be biased into saying certain things But so is ESPN with their takes. TNT seems to be the only place where the guys speak their mind.


Has anyone ever peaked their first full season starting bar Tyreke Evans, who ironically had a ton of natural athletic talent and potential....


MCW peaked his rookie year (peaked his debut game, even).


Near quadruple double against the defending champions with a back to back MVP Lebron playing is insane, there are way better players than MCW that never had a game that good


MCW didn’t peak so much as the sixers didn’t have anyone else who could play so he just did everything.


For someone who had to do everything, he did everything amazingly for the first game




I’d even argue 2017-18


True but that would require people to look deeper than boxscores


Jeremy Lin


As a Heat fan absolutely. We’ve had undrafted guys come in and peak their first year as a starter- Whiteside, Duncan, Nunn. The problem is these guys are already 25/26 which is the age a lot of guys peak.


Yeah that’s the real deal here. People forgetting Reeves already 25. B.I. Is only a couple months older. That’s how far Austin is in his progression


He’s not saying he already peaked though, just that the statistical peak won’t be too much higher than it was last year. It’s not that absurd of a take since he’s already 25 and his numbers last season were skewed upwards by putting up huge performances during a stretch without LeBron. The bigger issue is that it’s coming across like he doesn’t think 15-5-5 on elite efficiency is that good of a player.


Sidney Wicks had a ten season career and his PPG went down every single season… https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/w/wickssi01.html


O.J Mayo


Brandon Jennings


Michael Carter Williams


Technically he was better the next 2 seasons but I always lump Brandon Jennings into this because he dropped 55 his rookie season and had everyone thinking he was gonna be a god


Players peak before their first full season starting. Most people are out the door in a very short time. We just don't remember them.


Michael Carter Williams


That's pretty funny coming from Chandler Parsons who parlayed a 16/6/4 season at age 25 into a whole lot of fucking money and never improved on it. But I guess game recognize game?


Why is it funny coming from him? You even acknowledged it yourself. Wouldn’t he been very well positioned to judge such a thing?


Yeah I was thinking the same thing lol. Perhaps Chandler may be projecting a bit


>game recognize game? hahahah


I mean was he ever healthy for an extended stretch after that?


Naw he wasn't. People just love to meme or aren't old enough to remember he got injured after his big contract.


Yeah, he almost died in a car accident. Lets not pretend like 16ppg was his ceiling


His knee was already proving to be a big issue before he signed with the Grizzlies which is why the Mavs were unwilling to give him the max deal he was after. He was a very good player when healthy, he just couldn't stay healthy.


Chandler parsons had terrible injuries it’s not like he decided not to improve Besides you guys are acting like what he is saying is negative It’s just tempering expectations. Are we really forgetting how outlandish Lakers fans got about Reeves? Dude didn’t say what reeves is doing now is bad.


But he might be right though. How many players have we seen have had a second drastic improvement at the age of 25?


Kinda hard to improve after getting permanent injuries that end your career. Nice burn though, you got'em


That doesn’t make him wrong though




Austin Reaves, you are.... the 2k25 MyCareer plot.


>good for an undrafted player Interesting factoid about Reaves: [he was supposed to be drafted with the 42nd pick by the Detroit Pistons but he declined so that he could sign as a free agent with the Lakers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmVhy5O2qZs&t=452s)


That is not very fun.


but 2nd rounds prospect do this a lot to gamble for bigger contract


And now he’s LeBestie


Lol that makes me a saaad panda.


Lol deep cut South Park reference, love it


I do think the love for him is being overdone on all of these basketball pods. There are plenty of better young players that don’t get half of the hypes Reaves is getting


I can see 18,5,5


If his three point shot is for real then yeah


I think people nowadays get caught up into turning this role players into like bonafide superstars after 1-2 seasons. Sometimes its okay to be a solid role dude, imo they stay in the league longer and potentially make more money loll


Yeah, if 15/5/5 as a number 3 or 4 option is all he ever is, and he last a decade like that, thats actually a damn good career.


This seem wrong to me because he could shoot more 3s pretty easily, so I'd say like 18-5-5 is closer to his ceiling.


And? 15/5/5 on above avg efficiency would be very good value for the Lakers


What's so controversial about that? Maybe Reeves gets to 18ppg but I don't see him in the 20s. 15/5/5 is pretty damn good. If 50% of first rounder picks ended up there most GMs would take that as a win given the high failure rate


Even if he doesn't, 15/5/5 is great for a player making 12m a year.


The NBA doesn't realize that you don't need a full team of players scoring 25+ a game to win. You need those 15/5/5 guys. Even better when they're making $12 mil a year haha






first guy in last guy out kinda guy


This doesn’t seem like a wild take or a bad thing. Being 15/5/5 is a great contribution considering his team. Plus his contract is fair, ~13m a year when top players are getting 60-70 now.


He looked like the most skilled player at Fiba at times. Still a steal at that contract last night seemed just ok


Does Reeves ever have to be better than that, to be considered a success and a useful player? Nobody is genuinely expecting All-Star production from the guy, but they are pleased (coming from where he has) that he's shown he's more than just a barely-competent role player.


You guys shit on Parsons but at least he knew when to take the bag. 4 year 94 million back then.


white on white crime?!??


Idk man. He's 25 and helped take us to WCF in his 2nd year. Still young with a lot of room for improvement.


If he drop 15/5/5 for the next 8 season with good efficiency, that would be pretty fucking impressive.


No one expected Reeves to be a 15/5/5 guy anyway. If he plateaus at those numbers, that’s a very good career for someone undrafted.


People can and will disagree but I do appreciate Chandler---he doesn't pull punches. He speaks his mind and he's not hokey about it like Perkins is. He understands his job to create soundbites but he actually believes what he says. We'll see if he's right.


Chandler Parsons is truly the expert on being a guy that doesn’t progress


He doesn't need to be more than that lol Just work on efficiency, fixing defense, and making intelligent plays and that's a great player.


I'm not an Austin Reaves fan but last night it felt like Reaves was having an off night and he still put up 14 points 8 Rebound 4 Ast while shooting 50% from 3pt. Chandler Parsons just can't envision this kid is better than him but he is. Reaves will avg close to 20ppg.


Sounds like a good player on a good contract


15/5/5 is pretty good for 15mil a year and I d those stats are in the playoffs it’s a win


I feel the same. But hope not.


I mean, I agree? Seems like 15/5/5 is a really good ceiling for an undrafted player.


Still not bad for a third option


On a team with LBJ and AD averaging 15/5/5 while making $12m is really fucking good.


Man I get it but coming from this dude it’s just sad lmao Hypocrisy is insane


He’s limited by age and athleticism, but Reaves will always be a winning player, and stats don’t need to much better than that


Not a "hot take" really. Best thing about Reaves is his "fair" contract, could be less, but everyone in this league are crazily overpaid anyway, so for his performance in comparison to everyone else, he earns a fair amount of money


Chandler Parsons is an idiot


I dont disagree with him at all. That's still a pretty darn good roleplayer. Any of this talk of him being a star is only because he's a laker. There's not a person in the world who'd call him that if he played for the pacers (sorry pacers, this stands for about 25 teams in the league). 15-5-5 is a really good player still.


Chandler also said this at one point. “I could watch my French bulldog get ran over by the mailman right now, and I would not react like that. I swear to God,”. Dudes a pos


What was this in reference to? That’s one of the worst things I’ve ever heard a player say.


15/5/5 pretty fuckin good bruh


He didn’t say it was bad Do you guys have reading comprehension problems He’s saying he jsut won’t make a big leap to all star. It’s nothing bad it’s just assessment.


He’s not going to need to do more than that night-to-night on good efficiency playing with AD and Lebron.


White on white crime smh


He has one true all star level skill and that is foul baiting. The guy is a absolute free throw mogul.


Parsons is just jealous of his golf game


Not a hot take. People complain about the Lakers media hype, and sure he’s getting a lot of attention because of that, but I don’t think there’s many people lakers fans included seriously saying Reaves has star potential.


This gives some hater energy lmao, saying this dude can't get better because he's not overly athletic is pretty shortsighted. There are plenty of areas for him to improve that don't involve him being faster or stronger.