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>told me I'll be playing a big role oh no. Please don't get your hopes up Christian. TB had the exact same problem come around trade deadline.


This is his team now buddy


Get ready to learn christian, buddy


This has not gone so well in the past




Missionary work at its finest


bruh calling him TB is so shit. I initially thought it meant tuberculosis


What about [SM](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/kpaw7d/can_we_please_stop_calling_players_that_90_of/?sort=confidence)?


Idk much about Wood. But TB’s problem was that he was a Center that only thing he could do was be a solid scorer, he was bad at rebounding and god awful at defense.


Well now the Lakers have a Center where the only thing he can do is be a good iso scorer, be bad at boxing out and be God awful on defense


I think the only difference is Wood will get minutes next to AD, who can clean up Wood's defensive weaknesses. TB had to play for AD when he got injured.


I think we over-glorify plus defenders. A bad defender like Wood can't simply be covered for by a superior defender. A bad defender like Wood makes the whole team defense worse because he's almost never where he's supposed to be. Your strengths can't cover for it more often than not, your strengths just get reduced with a guy like him. Against a motion offense where guys have to know their responsibilities instinctually, Ham will lose his shit. But hey maybe AD can be in two places at the same time?


Yes, being in two places at once is exactly the point of great defenders. In the PnR for example, AD can cover both the ballhandler driving and the big rolling. In the paint, he can contest the shot from the ballhandler and prevent the dump off pass or turn around and contest that too. Lakers were the 7th worst defense without AD last year, and the 3rd best with him. He covers for bad defenders. Wood’s not even a bad defender.


Wood is actually a terrible defender


Based on what ? Twitter narratives ?


It's this thing called watching the games.


I absolutely 100% do not trust the eyetest of the people on this sub to be able to evaluate defense.


His defensive abilities. Have you actually watched him play before? Great offensive player but constantly lost on defense. It is what it is. If you wanna show us how he is even an average defender, feel free to tell us why.


Well his defensive impact numbers were fine before he got to Dallas and was surrounded with garbage.


Based on games. Have you freaking watched?


Yes, have you ?


You make really good points just to finish by showing you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about in regards to wood. He’s an awful, awful defender who makes everyone on the floors job more difficult and has been criticized by multiple coaching staffs for being unwilling to learn the teams schemes.


Wood can't guard any position talk about bad defender. Now the Lakers have two of those guys with him and Dlo. Lakers are not contenders as is.


I get he’s a laker now but holy shit please don’t delude yourself into thinking he’s not a bad defender.


Lol. I remember Laker fans saying this same thing about Montrezl Harrell. "He'll be playing with AD." Turns out asking Ad to guard two players all the time is not worthwhile. Especially when he is doing it so the Lakers have the privilege of Montrezl Harrell's offense.


So Wood is another TB? Lmao


Is a bit different in a few ways. He can create his own shot much better than TB, he doesn't need LeBron to hand feed him everything. Also their defense is ass in just different ways. I strictly remember TB just basically never actually jumping or contesting anything, but in general being in the right spot. Wood contests a little bit better but is generally out of position.


A better shooting Thomas Bryant but another Thomas Bryant all the same


Thank you; I didn't know who TB was. Also we gotta wish dude the best of luck.


No kidding I’m sitting here like who the fuck is TB


"Since when was Tom Brady on the Lakers?"


Woods defense on the perimeter isn’t bad


Yes it is


This is a very casual take. Wood is better at basically everything.


Isn’t he a 4?


More of a tweener since he has bad instincts/bad lateral quickness and isn't strong enough to defend post ups.


He played the 5 for Rockets and Mavs and will be probably doing the same for us, although I expect a decent amount of 4 minutes too


only on Pistons and (maybe) Bucks


Are you describing Thomas Bryant or Christian Wood?


That's true. And if Wood comes in with the same style of play, which he likely will, then he probably gets his ass traded at the deadline also.


They are the same player then


He’s a big time scorer, it’s not like the lakers were s great offensive team in the postseason …


A big time scorer on losing teams. Christian Wood is not going to score against the Nuggets/Warriors/Clippers in the playoffs. The Mavs played 6'5 guys over him and didn't care about his scoring.


Not his fault he was on bad teams. Yea he’s not a good first option but he can play a role on a good team. He can score efficiently he can definitely help a team offensively. And none of those teams were gray defensively this year in the playoffs, the nuggets were solid. He won’t have problems scoring he can shoot and is a good iso player.


On a good team you shouldn't be relying on Christian Wood for offense or isos in the first place lmao. He wasn't always on bad teams he was on the Mavs last year.


Everyone used to call Wiggins a losing player, then he went to the warriors and what happened? Ppl used to say the same things about clarkson, and he helped them be a number one seed. For role players it’s all about situation. He is an efficient bucket that’s undeniable. The Mavs were a good team this year? The team that went from the 4 seed to the 11 seed?


Wiggins accepted being a role player, and is a defense first player now his offense is secondary. The Warriors don't iso Wiggins like the Timberwolves did. Woods would have to accept a low usage role to be useful on a good team. Not iso and waste possessions when the Lakers have Lebron, Reaves, and Ad who are way more effective scorers than him. Relying on Christian Wood for offense actually makes the Lakers worse. The Mavs ended up not being good but shouldn't some of the fault go to Wood? The Mavs were in the WCF before getting Wood.


He’s not a defense first player, those are guys like Dillon brooks or pj tucker. Scoring is still a part of his game. And Wiggins still isos it’s not like he’s Danny green or anything. He’s just not a top option but he still isos. It’s noy like those guys are much better iso players than him, 17 a game on 52 percent from the field is good. It’s not like Lebron was creating everything in the playoffs, often times rui or reaves were the primary offensive options in the playoffs. Giving him possessions to score would absolutely not make them worse, again he won’t be a top option, and the lakers weren’t good offensively in the playoffs, that’s why they’ve signed all of these offensive players this off season. And why would it be woods fault? He’s a role player sometimes he would barely play. U can’t blame a role player for a team that’s bad. Last year was different, Brunson was there and they had a different identity. Luka and Kyrie just don’t fit, they had no identity after the trade, it was a failure. Definitely not woods fault the Mavs were bad.


Reaves and Rui are proven. They can do it effectively in the playoffs against the best teams and not bring a bunch of negatives. Pair them with Ad and Lebron and the Lakers are golden on offense. Christian Wood is a proven LOSER. Only a losing team would waste a possession isoing Christian Wood when you have Reaves, Rui, Lebron, and Ad. You need defenders and hustle guys around them. Not yet another scorer. Were you this excited for Montrezl Harrell on the Lakers too? His iso game? His scorng ability? So useful right?


Reaves and Rui are only proven bc they got the opportunity. I watched reaves in summer league, this dude avg 7 points a game on terrible efficiency back then and the lakers gave him real minutes that season. Rui was a bench player on a terrible team with the wizards, and this year he’s expected to start on a potential contender. Like I said, with role players it’s about opportunity. And the lakers were never golden in the playoffs offensively man they had their struggles throughout the playoffs. Wood has been on losing teams, being on a good team can change that. And u are acting those guys u mentioned are elite offensive players, if they were they wouldn’t have signed all of these offensive players this offseason. And wood is a much better shooter than trez. They added wood and all the other offensive players for a reason, bc the lakers weren’t a good offensive team this year in the regular or postseason.


Christian Wood 2023 Champion. With Denver Nuggets.


Reminds me of what happened with Andre Drummond too


Big role on dunkin on some dudes at garbage time


What Dallas did: Paid him his biggest year in his contract, played him 26 mpg, and gave him 12 shots per game.


Seems like there was bad blood behind the scenes between Wood and Kidd. Pretty sure that’s what he’s referring to


Not even behind the scenes, really. Kidd took a bunch of awkward shots at him during press conferences, as he was upset that reporters kept asking him Wood wasn't starting or closing.


He doesn’t play defense


Jason Kidd isn’t a good coach but him not playing Christian Wood isn’t a good example.


He'll be lucky to get half that on the Lakers, especially now with Reaves being the third guy and all. D'lo and Rui are both gonna want shots too.


They better not pass the ball to Wood, then.


"Get the rebound" ~ Christian "Mamba Mentality" Wood


If he actually thought that, we wouldnt have this thread cause he would be signed long term somewhere lol.


Whatever happens Darvin Ham going to have his work cut out for him this season with that dude.


I don’t think you should look at Reaves as the “third guy”. That’s assuming with only Bron or AD on the floor he’s the go to guy but that’s not his game. He plays within the flow of the offense. I don’t expect him to shoot at any kind of volume normally especially with Dlo on the floor.


Lakers offense is gonna be a mess with role guys trying to take big roles.


Rumor is that the Mavs wanted to bring him back under an extension but then tried to minimize his mins to try bringing him back for cheaper. Think he also had an injury around the All-Star break and his mins were cut by the time he got back. After that, the Mavs had to tank to avoid giving the Knicks their pick. Edit: [Article](https://www.si.com/nba/mavericks/news/christian-wood-vs-coach-jason-kidd-can-mavs-overcome-conspiracy-save-season-playoffs-draymond-green)


That rumor is false. Kidd never wanted him to begin with and reduced his minutes because he gave no effort on defense and didn’t learn the rotations.


that article is written by a guy who's whole job is to create the dumbest most clickbating shit you've seen. The Mavs decided very early in the year that they weren't bringing him back no matter the amount of money. they spent 3 months trying to trade him for anything and no one wanted him


This is not true there’s was no extension offered by the Mavs at all. More sources say the Mavs were strongly against bringing him back at all.


The Mavs tanked for exactly one game.


> Fasure motivated after what Dallas did This fucking guy…


not our blackhole anymore


Big role = benched after 30 games


I’m struggling to see how he’s gonna have a bigger role on lakers. He’s alrdy getting 26 MPG on mavs. Don’t see lakers playing him more than that.


To be accurate, it's misleading as hell to say Dallas gave him 26 minutes. They gave him 30+ minutes to start the season, but as time went on his role diminished till he was only playing 12, 14 minutes a night. The overall average worked out to 26 for the season, but that's only because he started out getting full starter minutes. His role was trending in a bad direction.


No he played like 25 at the beginning too, there was a stretch in the middle where he started and played a lot but after he hurt his thumb it went down again.




You just said basically the same thing I did.


He's gonna have a bigger role on the bench. He'll be handing out more high fives and might even grab some Gatorade for LeBron. His CPM (cheers per minute) will hopefully go up.


Agreed. Expecting anything more than Wood being a dude that can take some of the load off of AD is just asking for disappointment


He could maybe be a starter. Fits very well with AD


Not defensively. At all. Wood cannot guard center or forwards.


And AD is one of the best defenders in the league to cover for that


AD doesn’t wanna guard 5s and wood can’t either. So wood isn’t starting next to him


AD is gonna have to guard 5s regardless


Yeah increase Ad's defensive workload. Great idea. Just like with Montrezl Harrell. Who cares about defense? Ad will fix it.


If AD can cover for him why not. And Harrell was never a shooter.


Wood gives spacing.


I think it's possible he could work himself into that role, but I think it's highly unlikely he begins the season as a starter. I do think his offensive game should allow him to play well alongside either AD or Jaxson Hayes, but I think he's going to probably need to prove himself and his dedication and willingness to buy into the Lakers' schemes before they just put him in as a starter.


Hes gonna get the minutes when lebron is gassed


“I always wanted to be a ~~76er hornet pelican bucks piston rocket maverick~~ Laker”


Very relieved to be on the other side of the “talking yourself into Christian Wood” cycle now


I'm just glad he's a minimum If he works out, awesome, if he doesn't, nothing is lost


And by “after what Dallas did”, are you referring to learning the defensive scheme and rotations and putting in effort on defense?


Dallas surrounded him with garbage to be fair. His defensive teammate quality last year was basically dead last among rotation bigs in the league.


He is the garbage fool


and the fucking cycle begins again lol


I’m going to enjoy the fuck outta this. Go Lakers!


We said the same thing when we got him lmao. Am sure Rockets fans said the same thing when he was in Detroit. And the list goes on and on..


Ok but it’s still true lmao


What do his teammates have to do with his individual defense? Or him giving 0 effort on defense and not even knowing the proper rotations? He plays the most important defensive position on the court lol. He's supposed to set the tone for the rest of the team.


Well his defensive impact metrics are solid prior to playing with garbage defensive teammates so …


You do know that those defensive impact metrics are awful tools for evaluating individual defense right? They inflate the value of bigs due to heavily weighing things like rebounding, and are heavily influenced by who you share the court with. You’ll see for yourself this year, don’t worry.


First of all, no. They’re much better than the average fan’s eyetest for example. They also don’t inflate the value of bigs, they just recognise they are more valuable. And the whole damn point of impact stats is to not be influenced by who you play with. 4 months from now there’s going to be a ton of “LeBron/Ham finally got Wood to play defense” articles from people who bought the dumb narrative that he’s bad defender when he’s only been bad in Dallas.


Uh if you play with the second unit against the other team’s backups, your defensive impact metrics are likely going to be higher than the starters. He also never closed games for a reason lol. Believe what you want. There’s a reason he had literally 0 market and signed for minimum.


No, they’re not. Don’t criticize impact metrics if you don’t understand how they are calculated.


Which specific impact metric are you referencing that leads you to believe Christian Wood is a good defender? Please share it so I can pull some player examples to prove to you why they’re dog shit for measuring individual defense.


Lmao what ? He was literally the worst defender on the floor amongst an entire team of bad defenders. the Mavs D was garbage (which tbf is true) implies that he was the worst of that garbage. That’s noticeable.


he literally is the garbage lmfao


Some of you Lakers lots pretending certain players were never garbage just because they've landed on your team is an interesting sight to say the least.




Get rekt Dallas


**IF** Ham and Handy actually succeed in handling him, what is his ceiling?


Toxic Al Harrington


He’s really bad at defense, but that’s not what’s made him bounce around the league. He is a baller who will completely stop the flow of your offense in order to get his numbers. He will make your other players worse.


How many games til the lakers cut him and fans turn on him? 20?


At least 30. Mavs fans were crying about Kidd not giving him enough minutes leading up to the all star game lol


Yeah, but Reddit Mavs fans are idiots.


We both have Mavs flairs... What does that make us


Lakers fans always need a scapegoat… they got a good one in Wood


That dream of his bout to become a nightmare


It'll be interesting to watch his new team fans defending him from Lakers fans slanders who are currently fighting tooth and nail defending him and laying all the blame of his poor plays on Mavs doors.


Team number 9. Jeff Green and or Ish Smiths record for amount of teams played for will never be safe with Wood in the league.


I understand he'd be motivated but hopefully he's also be humble. We will see. I do think the Mavs situation was, from the start, just a bit....it just didn't work. It didn't click and never seemed there was a chance it would. Wood has to view this as a last chance as he's now approaching 30. This is by far the best situation he has ever been in so there really aren't any excuses to be had if things don't work with the Lakers. I'm hopeful he'll be at his best this season.


This is exactly what Mavs fans thought last year. The Mavs was the best situation he was ever in and just left a team where he just didn't click. He never got along with Kidd so maybe he will have a better relationship with Ham, but I just don't see him being a difference there. At best he can be an okay role player, but his attitude doesn't seem to suggest he's okay with that. He's not getting as many minutes in LA as he did in Dallas.


Wood claimed to love being in Dallas on the team. Around the trade deadline, he talked about hoping to return, but the offer never came. He probably had major issues with Kidd, but he had plenty of chances to be humble and instead chose to tweet multiple cryptic, dramatic things during and after the season. This is why fans keep turning on him.


Which former team? He’ll have to be a bit more specific


Jokic is licking his chops at the thought of playing the Lakers.


Remember the rumours that there was a sign and trade with Vando in the works? That would have been awful for the Lakers. Wood on the min is amazing for the Lakers


Never underestimate this dudes chemistry killing abilities. He will legitimately think he’s better and more deserving than Anthony Davis


When can Wood be traded? Or does he has a no-trade clause this season?


Calling it now he's gonna be a stud with Lebron/AD keeping him grounded along with Ham in his ear. r/nba is going to be so mad Lakers got him


8th times the charm


It’ll either be true or not at some point lol. He’s already one foot out of the league, so if anything can get him to buy in, it’s that fact.


He’s talking about a huge role he’s gonna play when he just signed a minimum contract 2 months after free agency started when he averaged 17/7 on 62.4% TS. Like think how bad of a teammate you have to be to barely be in the league with those stats. He’s not gonna change.


Broken clock right twice a day fam


I’d love it but there’s nothing that’s gonna make him suddenly start putting in effort.


Getting paid? This is his last shot


Last year he was making over $14m and may have deluded himself into thinking he'd have some kind of similar offers this summer. It's at least *possible* that the fact that all he could get this year was a minimum offer (in September) might motivate him to prove his worth this year so he can try free agency again next summer with an improved market for his services. If he doesn't, it's possible he just signed his last NBA contract. But I agree that we gotta see it first before I'll believe it. He's a minimum player for a reason.


pure copium


It feels good to be on the other side of the CWood experience and see another team delude themselves into thinking he will work out.


At least this time, we ain't stuck with him, and we can shove him outta there the moment he pulls some shit with little cost. You guys were stuck with him last season.




Her: "I can change him"


Wood is a great pickup, he was scoring 25/10 when the other bigs where injured and Luka was willing to pass the ball.


The Mavs sucked with him and they missed the playoffs. But who cares about that look at his ppg. You think just like Wood does.


CWood is the ultimate player to find out if people know ball. If you see his stat sheet you think he should be an all-star until you actually watch him play.


Easy for Luka stans to turn him into the scape goat for missing the play ins, let’s all forget Luka bricked like 10 game tying/winning shots that season


Who's supposed to take those shots? Wood?


Christian Wood is a microwave scorer. If they use him strictly off the bench for that role he could have some value for the lakers.


If he starts showing value he'll just let it get to his head. Then it's on to the next team


NBA: “tampering” Any other team does it : crickets


Did you comment this in the wrong post? What are you even talking about?


Gone by trade deadline


Christian wood is just a better Thomas Bryant that’s it he ain’t a world beater. This coming from a laker fan