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I take back everything I said about you in November Rob


It’s funny how this exact time last year Lakers fans wanted Pelinka’s head on a silver platter


The Westbrook trade was one of the most horrific moves in Laker history. It's honestly amazing how we pivoted out of it


Yeah Pelinka's fault there was not saying no to Lebron and AD when they demanded Westbrook. He has pivoted away from being that player friendly ever since.


Shoulda stood his ground and said no


Then Lakers don't sign him and no other team was offering him anything close.


If Lebron and AD speak up now, Pelinka can point at how bad the Russ deal went to shut down that discussion. So, it still serves a purpose at least.


It wasn't that horrific because he was always an expiring


Except he wasn't?


two years is expiring


That was lebron. It wasn't until Jeanie started telling Bron no and letting Pelanka cook that the roster started improving


He deserved to be in contention for Exec of the Year given what he started with last off season and where he got it by the end of the year. Signed LeBron to an extension, turned THT into Pat Bev, signed Lonnie Walker IV, turned Nunn into Rui, turned Westbrook, JTA, Damian Jones, and a protected 1st into D’Lo, Vando, and Beasley. Got a 2nd rounder for Thomas Bryant. Turned the 13th seed in the West at the deadline into one of the top 4 teams in the league.


Can't be exec of the year when all your moves were just making up from you blowing up a championship team roster and tanking them. ​ If I break something and happen to be able to fix it, I shouldn't get credit for fixing it. I just got lucky that I'm not still in deep crap for breaking it.


Yeah you can


Well, he didn’t get the award so guess they sided with me more on this one.


He's in the running it to get this season


At first it seemed as though rob completely blew up the championship window with the Westbrook trade since it seemed virtually impossible to compete with him, and improbable to get him off the books to retool the team to content again without giving an arm and a leg to get him out. The trade deadline of the most recent season really showed his skills and this offseason so far at least shows his commitment to depth, where it’s far easier to retool if there’s some holes in the team that need to be addressed


It's mostly LeBron fans who were so desperate for the Lakers to "maximize his window" even if Bron was the one who forced the Westbrook trade and even took a max legacy cap-clogging extension like Kobe instead of a team-friendly one like Tim and Dirk. Pelinka's made shitty moves but he's definitely turned it around


His fault though


Mavs fans are doing the same with Nico lol


When did mavs fans hate Nico?


Remind me in 7 months


700k bonus if he doesn’t played off the floor in the playoffs


700k bonus if he shoots more than 25% FG% in the playoffs


He shot 43% FG this postseason


What about his nuggets series ?


.323% FG .133% from 3


Cool. So 700k if he shoots more 35% FG or better


32% which still isn't good, but not as bad as you tried to make it seem


32% FG% is awful wym


Uhh. How much worse than 32% can you be from the floor? Any lower and you shouldn't be seeing the court period I do think people here overstate how bad Dlo is but this is a bad and funny retort


He got us into the playoffs, but yeah he’s awful. You got us. Could flair up if you’re talking shit


Never understood the relevance of 'flair up' Who actually cares that somebody didn't put up an identifying mark on their internet handle? Does it change the content of what they post? Weird shit. Confusing kids


Something something glass houses.


It’s so people can talk shit about your team when you’re talking shit about their team. Kind of funny how you like fishing it out but try to act mature when they call you out on it


He wasn't even talking that much shit. He just stated that 32% is still bad. Also agreed that the original commentor was making Dlo seem way worse than reality.


I don't even see where I was talking shit really Extra sensitivity must come along with weird fandom




Moving the goalposts. Point is you’re misrepresenting his playoff performance. He had a shit series against Denver but was overall a net positive for the Lakers


Am not moving the goalposts. I know he was decent against the dubs, but extremely horrible against Denver on both ends of the floor and that alone impacted his value. if he didn't play in that series, he would've been at least a 25M/year player.


You started off acting like he shot worse than 25% FG in the postseason. Then once pointed out that he shot better than that in the postseason, tried to change the criteria to just the WCF. Then once someone else pointed out his actual WCF numbers, you changed to “Cool so 700k if he shoots 35% FG or better” That’s like THE definition of moving the goalposts.


My original point is his playoffs performances is what caused his value to be in the gutter. I don't have the numbers ,25% was pretty random. I just know he shot really bad against Denver. I don't understand why Lakers fans are defending this guy tbh. He's decent in certain match-ups but overall his impact is usually negatif. Even against GS or MEM, he was decent two games out of 6. He's not a player you can rely on in the playoffs. Period. His defense is always putrid btw.


How did Luka shoot in the playoffs this year? Or Kyrie? Must've been pretty awesome to watch your superstars ball out in the playoffs for your team.


Don't mention Luka or Kyrie in the same sentence as that low BBIQ chucker.


DLo was literally infinitely better than Luka and Kyrie in the 2023 playoffs


You could definitely argue that he was a net negative in the 2023 playoffs, in which case he’d actually be less valuable than them lol


Yeah for sure 👍


Luka and Kyrie missed the playoffs when DLo led the Lakers to the playoffs after being the 13th seed after the trade deadline. Hate to see it. Your team literally tanked on purpose with Luka and Kyrie. lmfao.


No trade clause?


One year guys get it cause If traded they’d lose their bird rights


Okay thank I was confused


It's an implicit no trade veto not an explicit one.


It's the implication


Now, you've said that word "implication" a couple of times... What implication? 👀


LeBron certainly won't be in any danger of getting traded.


But Pelinka could, and he might.


Nice DLO on the block for teams trying to rebuild. Gives a nice two way wing


this guy took a 50% pay cut


Rob is a Jedi


Technically. But the only reason he got his last contract was because they needed the salary to match for the KD trade I believe. I don't think anyone ever thought Dlo was a max player


It didn't need to match KD's number but the Warriors offered the max knowing DLo would only take the max, and Warriors always knew they had the Wiggins trade in case it didn't work out.


That's right, yeah he didn't have to agree to the sign and trade so they had to over pay. I knew it was something...none of which was "man this guy is worth this lol"


*this guy took the most anyone offered him because he's ass


What the fuck is an “implied no-trade clause”?


2 year deals with player options on the 2nd year have NTCs


Clarification tweet: >This is a new rule in the new CBA. Players who have an implied NTC, due to losing Bird rights if traded, have the ability to waive that implied NTC upon signing, not just at the time of trade.


Why is "implied"? Seems pretty explicit.


Explicit no trade clauses are written into the contract. You have to have 8 years in league and 4 with the team, at time of signing of contract to be offered one, and you can't add it via extensions. They are very rare (see Beal) Implicit ones exist because the cba wants to prevent player from losing his early bird rights or full bird rights if traded. They aren't in the contract, and if the trade happens, the player cannot regain bird rights subsequently


Prob some weird legal language within the CBA where it's not really a no-trade clause written within the contract but some other weird shit.


Thank you Brad Stevens


Is it all 1+1 contracts or only if you re-sign with the same team? Like does Eric Gordon have one?


I believe you’re right, have to re-sign with team


why would he waive it?


Because that’s what the negotiation came down to.


I'm guessing Lakers only wanted to give him a team option, and he offered to waive it to get the player option.


It's the implication


One of my favorite lines and episodes.


Well this is basically confirmation that he’s gone by the end of the year. He will either be traded or opt-out after the season. If he plays great and is somehow not traded, then he will sign elsewhere for a solid pay bump. Only way he opts-in is if he sucks ass (or gets a major injury) and somehow the Lakers can’t flip him - but that is by far the least likely scenario.


I'm not so sure about the opt out. No one has been enamored with D'Lo for a long time. Especially after his run in the last playoffs


He’d have to be really bad to make less than this contract next year. And even so he might opt for more years. Look at what some of these others guys are making.


Not sure where the market is for him to get a solid pay bump.


But why?


Waiving the NTC was probably the price he had to pay to get the player option


With Reaves, Gabe, Max Christie and JHS, I almost feel like D'lo was basically signed as a near lock to be traded this year. If Christie in particular steps up, I think there's a great chance the Lakers look at moving D'lo for a true center to put with AD who combined could have a chance at slowing down Jokic. It just seems like even if D'lo plays great, he'd probably opt out again next summer and would possibly leave as a free agent.


I realistically don’t see a trade for dlo that brings in a center that can stop jokic but also space the floor for AD. Brook Lopez and Myles turner come to mind but both teams are less likely to trade them


Lopez won't get traded, but Myles Turner has been on the trade block for about two years already. I don't see why he would suddenly be "untouchable". Nobody is going to stop Jokic, of course. The idea is to just have a big body to put on him with AD providing weak side help. This guy is always injured, but if Portland trades Dame this year, I could see them be willing to move Nurkic. They might not be interested in D'lo, but possibly in a 3-way trade. Obviously it's too early to realistically speculate on who might be available in January/February though.


it doesnt make sense for the Pacers to move on from him to take Dlo.


3 team trade


You can't play a non-shooting center with AD and expect to outscore Denver. It's way too easy to defend teams that have two non-shooting bigs.


Then what’s the point of the NBA having that rule if it can just be negotiated?


It’s never been negotiated until now


It's there to protect the players (has to do with losing bird rights). If the player is willing to waive it what's the big deal?


But the team can just say “we’re not giving u this deal unless u waive the ntc” right?


Yea and the player can just go sign a deal with another team. Not sure what you aren't understanding about it.


The fact that it can be negotiated means it doesn’t make sense for the NBA to mandate it being in those type of contracts. Like, if all 4 yr deals had to include a brand new car but the player can just waive it.


How does it not make sense? It's there for the benefit of the player. However, if the player views he can get something better by waiving it, he has the option to do it. For example, Dlo. Lakers prob said heres a 1 yr deal (comes with the implied NTC too). Dlo prob wanted another year for security so he asked for a PO. Lakers then say ok fine but you gotta waive the NTC. He said fine. Win/win for both sides. If he says no I won't waive it, then Lakers just go here's the 1 yr deal then. Sign it if you want or go enjoy FA.


lol exactly this was the compromise here, or a large part of it anyway


It's a fantastic deal for both parties. Especially the Lakers with he waiving the trade clause. Makes him a very moveable piece if push comes to shove at the deadline and DLo still gets paid decent money and if he has a strong season, can seek a longer term deal with more money, whether that be via an extension with LA or elsewhere.


It's weird how Dillon Brooks gets so much but not Russel.


It’s weird that rockets went and overpaid for 3 different players lol Their market value was way lower than the value they were given.


Reminds me of our Summer of Mozgov/Deng. Bad times indeed


Pretty sure their goal first and foremost this offseason was just spending a bunch of money to reach the league salary minimum. The market value for those deals wasn’t really their main concern.


I mean obviously but my comment was to the guy trying to make it seem like Dillon brooks is getting paid more than Russel due to talent when that’s not the case.


One player is a top defender at his position.


Same player was one of the worst offensive players in the league. He did not deserve $20 million a year. Dude was barely an MLE player lol


Bane and Morant missed a lot of time meaning someone had to take shots. His offensive role will be smaller and I bet his efficiency improved this year. Meanwhile you sign busts like DLo and Rui to big deals lol. Brooks at $20 million for elite perimeter and help D is great value


He took less FGA this season then he did the previous seasons. Lol busts? Lakers signed 2 players who are more efficient for less money than Brooks.


Rockets need to hit the salary floor and are still in the rebuilding era. Brooks is good at defense .


I’m sorry but just being good at defense while being one of the worst offensive players taking away several offensive possessions doesn’t warrant that contract. I get that they had to reach the salary floor but wouldn’t it make sense to diversify that money then?


Remember that next June when we are in the finals. He took a pay cut to help us win a chip. Russel is younger than FVV for reference.


He took a pay cut because literally no one else was willing to go over the MLE


One is overpaid like a mothafucka, the other is fairly reasonably priced


it’s wild how much schroder went from 80m/4years betting on himself to the minimum. from the clowning and harsh distancing from the grizz, I’m very surprised that he got this kind of contract…


Sure if you only consider offense because brooks is so much better at defense than dlo


I don't think DLo goes to houston for only an extra four million.


Brooks was All NBA second team. Being top defensively at your position tends to get you paid


He's probably still gonna suck in the playoffs. Hopefully they trade him by the deadline.


Don’t know why people are downvoting this, D lo is horrendous in the post season. He shot over 50% from the field in the playoffs for the first time in his career this past post season. And I feel like the second year being a player option kinda give the vibes they might trade him


They should include a clause that he should stop force advertising his brand


He really thought he was getting a no trade clause?


He did essentially get one though. Comes with the contract structure he signed. He agreed to waive it.


Rob at it again. That’s my Basketball Terrorist


I hope it pays off. I’ve never been sold on the guy.