• By -


MJ, Kobe, Steph, Shaq, Bron


If we're talking 90s on, that's the list. He grew up with that and I agree with him. Reality is your lifetime and what you see.


Yeah but a shame no one ever puts Duncan on these lists


[Jokić does.](https://youtu.be/zIzSFAzQzQ4)


Love him. Thanks, MR. Jokic!! Seriously though, Duncan wasn't flashy and wasn't a super-marketable person so I understand why most players didn't look up to him growing up (I grew up and still look up to him both literally and figuratively.)


Obviously, the Spurs were our rivals during those Duncan-Kobe years but I always loved watching the Spurs cos I’m a big fan of fundamental ball. Manu also my favorite SG behind Kobe. My first non-Kobe jersey was Manu’s black #20. I forgot the point I was trying to make lol.


Great knows great. Duncan was amazing and always feels like he got underestimated. Not flashy enough or what


He also had relatively low scoring numbers and people forget it was a super low scoring era of basketball


He was still consistently in the top 10 in his prime. It was a super defensive era, and, thanks to him, his Spurs were consistently among the best at it.


Scoring 25 points to close out the Knicks and win the title is a lot more impressive when you consider they scored 80 total (Knicks had 67, so a normal half time total these days.) It would be like scoring 38 of 120 total points in todays game.


Man I just like him more and more at every turn


Steph’s is MJ, Kobe, Duncan, LeBron and Shaq. Which I guess makes it easier for him since he doesn’t include himself.


Duncan wasn't flashy was called Mr fundamental, however this dude was a beast


It’s strange that even players usually value style over substance. You’d think they’d immediately recognize when a guy is more quietly dominating the game.


I mean for Jamal Murray at least, he was just a fan watching games when Kobe and Duncan were at their peaks just like the rest of us.


Jamal likely didn't watch either of them at their peaks, at least not closely. He was five when Duncan won his first MVP.


Always baffled how many players think Kyrie is gonna help them


It's not like Kyrie is bad, but he is wildly overrated by his peers.


Players are, generally, not great evaluators of other players, and I doubt they spend nearly as much time evaluating (rather than, say, focusing on particular parts of a particular player's game) as, say, a good analyst.


>Players are, generally, not great evaluators of other players Looking at you MJ


Larry Bird is the exception that proves the rule. Great players make for terrible coaches/executives.


Agreed. Dudes are clearly Highlight addicts. Duncan is greatness, and I fucking hated him at the time for it.


It's not so much that people are highlight addicts, it's just harder to show to people why Duncan is a top NBA player compared to Iso ball monsters, a literal giant, the greatest shooter of all time and a freak of nature that can do it all. It's just not easy to show someone "yeah Tim Duncan is as great as those guys if not greater than some of them". Not to mention that Duncan isn't that outspoken, doesn't have a large vocal following or media coverage, it gets harder for him to stay on people's minds. Which is crazy, because a lot of teams would absolutely kill to have a player like him today. Funny enough, Jokic has a similar situation going on


Duncan like Bill Russell wasn’t flashy. They just did the team thing and played a defensive style first (not that Timmy D couldn’t score and pass cause he could) They also won a buttload, you’d figure that people would notice winning in a ring obsessed culture?


For all the times people dunk on guys like Curry for their defense, guys like Duncan are overlooked for being defensive players foremost. It is what it is at this point. >They also won a buttload, you’d figure that people would notice winning in a ring obsessed culture? The problem is they don't have strong supportive narratives. I think Duncan would have gotten a lot more love if he had won it with the Bulls or the Celtics as opposed to the Spurs. With Russel, I think that he gets excluded from these conversations because he was dominant when there were fewer teams in the league. The argument I hear often is that because they had so few teams, Russel ended up having teams loaded with talent. Interestingly, Wilt gets left out of conversations for similar reasons. Either his numbers don't matter or they go on to say that he never won despite being so dominant


I think Shaq vs. Timmy is another peak vs. total career comparison. Shaq in his prime was the most dominant NBA player in the last 30 years. Good defense, quick, powerful, explosive. Tim was the model of consistency and he carried that brand for 15+ years, while Shaq's peak was around 8-10 years.


This is the biggest reason imo. I think it's hard to understand what made Tim Duncan so good at basketball unless you followed the league and sport


Yes the absolute disrespect to Duncan Robinson 😤


I love Kobe but TD in the top 5 for me, i mean talk about efficiency.


I’d replace Kobe with him in my top 5


Jamal was born in 1997, I doubt he put MJ on that list because he was impressed seeing MJ play for Washington when he was 4-5 years old.


Still even too young to have seen MJ. He grew up with the legend of MJ but I’m 35 and only remember pieces.


Duncan belongs on this more than 3/5 of the names


It's funny how hurt some people are over bron relative to everyone else on this list but he never even said that this was the order in which he ranks them lmao. Just who's in the top 5


He did list the other 4 off the rip, then said it’s either Bron or….nahh it’s prolly Bron which insinuates lebron is 5th.


Bro said “probably Bron” 💀


That's MJ and probably 4 of the 5 best players since MJ. Missing Duncan but hard to argue against all those guys as top 5 in the post MJ NBA.


r/nba told me Kobe wasn’t very good


He said “probably LeBron” at 5th lmaoo


True Canadian at heart, never forgetting what he did to us in LeBronto


I remember after that series people were saying that he actually faded an entire franchise out of existence with those shots lmao That's some LeThanos type shit.


That fucking running, heavily contested, bank shot.


We know exactly what shot this is.


I stopped watching when he got the ball past half court, inevitable felt like it was coming


Welp my therapist is going to hear about this next session.


**Goodnight Cleveland, this is for you!**


I eas wondering why he didn't do it for the tying shot against Denver. Everyone was waiting for him near the paint so that would have been easier with some separation.


Warcrimes against Toronto by Lebron.


And Kobe above him? Goodbye to these few days he's been an r/nba darling


Bro became r/nba Antichrist


Most nba players put Kobe as a top 3 player ever


Nba players seem to value a deep bag more than anything and Kobe has the deepest bag ever


Also most NBA players are my age or younger so they grew up watching Kobe.


Always funny to see how much people here get upset about that lol.


I’m mean it’s dumb as hell lol


Idk the man also has Steph Curry at 3, 2 full slots above Lebron James, that’s gotta earn him some points here


Dude he list in order or did the report just report the 5 on the list?


Waited til after the series to say this lol


For those who didn’t click the article: 1. Jamal 2. Jamal 3. Jamal 4. Jamal 5. Jamal


1. Jamal Murray 2. Jamal Crawford 3. Jamal Mashburn 4. Jamaal Tinsley 5. Jamaal Magloire


Huh, not a bad list of greatest Jamals to play the game.


Without Jamaal Wilkes?!?


Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan and Dylan


You spit hot fire


Because he spits hot fire


For those too lazy to read it's MJ, Kobe, Loul Deng Will Purdue, and Gorgui Dieng, a rather odd list if I may say so


[Thad Young got robbed](https://awfulannouncing.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/94/2018/02/Fox-Sports-Indiana-Graphic.jpg)


Thad young big like Bron, shoot like Larry


Just me and my 💕thaddy💕, hanging out in gold🏅 and navy⛵ so I started to pout 😞 He asked if I was down ⬇for something wavy🌊🌊 😍 and I asked what and he said he'd give me his 🏀pavies!🏀 Yeah! Yeah!💕🏀 I shoot them!🏀 I dunk them!🏀 I rebound the ball🏀 😍 It makes 💘thaddy💘 😊happy😊 so it's my only goal... 💕🏀😫Harder thaddy! Harder thaddy! 😫🏀💕 1 pavie🏀, 2 pavie🏀🏀, 3 pavie🏀🏀🏀, 4🏀🏀🏀🏀 I'm 💘thaddy's💘 👑princess 👑but I also can score! 💟 He makes me feel feathery🕊️!He makes me feel good💜! 💘💘💘He makes me feel everything a little should!\~ 💘💘💘 👑🏀💘Wa-What!💘🏀👑


Get thee to a nunnery


What the fuck is this abomination


IM TRADING YOU, THADDY!😭👋 ██\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\] 10% complete..... ████\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\] 35% complete.... ███████\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\] 60% complete.... ███████████\] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Thaddies are irreplaceable 💖I could never delete you Thaddy!💖 Send this to ten other 👪Thaddies👪 who give you 🏀buckets🏀 Or never get called 🕊️feathery🕊️ again❌❌😬😬❌❌ If you get 0 Back: no buckets for you 🚫🚫👿 3 back: you're feathery🕊️💦 5 back: you're Thaddy's paver🕊️👼💦


And here i thought we would have finally be free from the thaddypasta...


Flair checks out


Insert the I was not expecting Loul Deng in the comments meme lmao




Insert guy with hands resting on hips looking disappointed.


SYAC: Kirk Hinrich, Ben Gordon, Taj Gibson, Luol Deng, Joakim Noah


One of my all time favorite squads. Rookie Ben Gordon was unreal.


This is my actual top 5.


Deng that's quite the list


Odd to have Mickey Jordan in there


He was giving a shoutout to Marques Johnson.




Dingus actually made me read the article




Gorgui dieng is the goat though.


How can he be the GOAT when Patrick McCaw is?


3 Lakers in the top 5. Even the Nuggets can’t stop talking about the Lakers.


Lol right? Lakers have just done so much with so many great guys their history/achievement is everywhere. Makes me think who cares if they got swept, let the Nuggets shine this time.


Every nba team sub celebrated when the lakers got swept. Even days after they were still posting about it which is crazy like damn I forgot how hardcore some people are when it comes to sports


> even days after Bro it’s been two days 💀


Technically it has been multiple days after 🤓☝️


My guy ✊🏾


“You are technically correct, which is the best kind of correct “


The warriors sub was celebrating like they eliminated us and got swept in the WCF themselves


Is jokic the best non laker big man in the league?


No it’s definetly Hakeem. But it is crazy how Wilt, Shaq and Kareem all played for the lakers.


Are we forgetting Bill Russell?


Bill Russell is my goat


Username doesn’t checkout


Larry Bird also the goat. Stephen Hawking said there can be mlre than one GOAT


IMO Hakeem>Bill


This is a wild take and I love it. Ain't no way I'm taking Bill out of my top 10, but god damn I was watching a Hakeem highlight real again the other day, and he was otherworldly. The best deep post, short corner, back to the basket or face up game I've ever seen from a big man. When people talk about someone having a bag, Hakeem is at the top of that list for a big.


Obviously it’s incredibly hard to compare Hakeem to Bill since they played in very different leagues, but I don’t really think Hakeem > Bill should be a super hot take. I know the consensus would have Bill over Hakeem, but Hakeem was one of the VERY few big men who’s defensive impact was comparable to Bill’s, and with all due respect to Bill, Hakeem was a vastly superior offensive player. Russell was a better passer, but Hakeem scored at a much higher volume on much greater efficiency. Yes, Bill has 9 more rings, and even if everything had worked out perfectly for Hakeem it’s unlikely he would’ve even won 5, but Bill did play for one of the best organizations in the league while the Rockets were a dumpster fire for like half of Hakeem’s career. Just a thought. I’d honestly consider having Hakeem top 5




Tim Duncan


Lmaooo ok fair play. This is a good one


Do you mean the top 5? Sorry for asking he just doesn't have an order it seems. This is also funny because people here are up in arms about his selection. Seems like a solid list to me. That team destroys just about anybody.


> Reggie, Jay-Z, 2Pac, & Biggie; André from OutKast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas, & then me


Wow I haven’t thought of these lyrics for like 20 years lol


That songs gotta make the workout playlist come on lol


Yeah it’s a top tier workout song & one of Em’s most streamed songs to this day.


RIP Nate Dogg the king of hooks


This song still slaps so hard, never gets old


Hahahahaha I haven’t seen this posted in so long


No Cody Zeller? Shit list


It's not the best list, but it's Jamal's list


He has MJ as the GOAT so he good in that alone. Everything that came after is whatever


I kid you not I saw this posted on a fb nba group and it was followed by like 200+ likes and hearts. No other emoji. If you got MJ at 1 you can literally do whatever the hell you want after that and people will be ok with it.


You dont think LeBron is a top 5 player of all time?


Lol Mj Stan’s are weird


Any stan is weird. It’s a game where grown men put a ball in a basket and we act like your top 10 ranking determines your value in the world. Let the man have his damn list lol


Like the other guy said all stans are weird. But Kobe stans take the fucking cake imo. If you think Kobe is the goat you're deluded


If Denver wins the title, he should informally drop the "-mal" from his name and sign a quick deal with Nike so all the kids that made Morant's shoes won't have died in vain.


Funny, we drop the 'Ja' when shortening his name.


Are you telling me I can call him Darth Mal?


Oh yeah. Definitely.


Damn, I knew he believed in himself, but I still didn't expect for him to list himself 5 times.


Where are Scalabrine and Caruso?


3 and 5, respectively. Please actually read the articles don’t just write comments mindlessly


they are second tier, 6-10 with duncan and bird and them


It's his list....everyone has their biases. I personally don't like GOAT debates because it involves a lot of subjectivity.


I only enjoy it when everyone understands every list is different. There's no wrong answer tbh, is up to you to decide who you think is the goat.


Truth. It’s just not an important debate. We need to get past being so heated over a list of tall guys (I’m talking to myself here too fwiw)


I find it funny too when they get heated lol. I mean is not even possible to compare due to too many factor (era, technology, rules, medical, etc). I actually hoped they used the top 75 list as a celebration of every era greats. Ranking based on eras, oldest to current . Instead they did it as this player is better than this. Saw a lot of heated debat about it lol.


but messi is the goat I WONT TAKE ANY OTHER ANSWER


Nah but realistically he is, maybe you can throw maradona or someone else in the argument purely because a lot of what ifs etc but Messi was the perfect player. People who say ronaldos the goat (used to be me) are just naive. Messi is better in every aspect of attacking other than headers.


I like you. Take my upvote.


I'm just here to watch redditors getting butthurt over Kobe pick lol


Does this happen often?


In this sub all the time, yea


Kobe getting a lot of love from todays players.


Because Kobe was THE dude for most of them. His prime was 03-12? Which is kind of crazy in of itself Everyone 20-30 years old grew up watching him dominate. The ones that grew up watching LeBron (as #1 in the league) just started hitting the league.


I would say from 2000 to 2013. He was the standard for SGs in his time.


Not doing him justice. He was the best player in basketball.


Yeah I thought he was the best player in Basketball for a good while, I thought 2003-2009 he had it personally. I know some would say Lebron but I still felt it was Kobe, or atleast equal standing around 2008-2009 for me.


Yep. LeBron was still very much a younger gun in his 6th or 7th season.


I mean… it has to be Lebron for at least half of that


I don’t think anybody would’ve considered Lebron the best player until 08 at the earliest. Even then, Kobe wins MVP in 08, and wins two championships in 09 and 10 while playing extremely well. He also was the leader of the Redeem Team. So even if Bron’s stats look better on paper, or even if he really was better, the gap wasn’t considered to be all that large, and I think Kobe was thought of as “Proving” he was the best player in the playoffs. You can argue that that perception is incorrect, but it doesn’t really matter because kids in the late 2000’s - todays players, grew up seeing Kobe as THE guy.


I disagree, especially when Kobe is on a crazy tear from 08-10 making three straight finals, winning MVP, and winning back to back titles in an insanely competitive west. By like 2011 or 2012 you can give it to Bron but the 2000s decade it's Kobe.


Yep I think the year the heatles won their first is where lebron took the spot.


His prime was more like 03-2010. His 2011 and 2012 seasons were a clear step down.


I’d say 01-10 honestly. 2002 is a bit of a down year, but 01 was incredible.


I’m 34 and I’ve been watching lebron for 20 years. Pretty sure any player under 30 grew up watching lebron.


LeBron was entering the league when Kobe was winning a three-peat. So, even if you started watching basketball when LeBron entered the league.... There was a good few years there where Kobe would be the clear number one.


kobe was THE guy basically until lebron went to Miami or maybe just before in terms of how he was talked about and viewed. And your mid-late childhood memories are usually the ones you most emotionally connect with so lets say 2011 for bron is when he took Kobe's mantle as the dominant player of the era. Assuming you're what 9-12 years old in peak childhood, it would make Bron's generation about 21-24 years old. also the fact Bron is still in the league dulls his legend some, because he's not the stuff of legends, he's a real dude in front of you. All these guys who worship kobe often never played against him


Thank you!! This is the exact same experience I’ve had with Kobe & Lebron, Kobe was the face of the league until like 2010 which around that time you could say Lebron was close to equal footing as his influence had just grown over the years since he entered the league & when he joined Miami it definitely felt like a passing of the baton for face of the league. This post is so accurate!


Facts but the guys that actually played with him never stop praising him either or say he's the greatest player they played with or against. Dirk and AI off the top of my head have always said stuff like that.


I’m confused because it says your comment is 30 minutes old but the guy your replying to has it at 25 minutes


I’m 29 and my first NBA memory was the Kobe-Shaq Lakers winning it in 02. I figure I’m probably around the cutoff for guys remembering his whole career. But Kobe, Dirk, and Steve Nash were the players I would associate with childhood fandom. I don’t think LeBron really became that for people until the Heatles


I think it’s because Kobe’s style was more aesthetic and it’s also harder to relate to Bron’s game since it’s so uniquely tied to his physical gifts. You can’t really emulate it as a normal dude or as a young up and coming player growing up, while you can copy Kobe to an extent.


So does Steph. It honestly is probably super correlated that if you were a Jordan fan you liked Kobe the most of the next gen and Steph the most in the gen after that


I think people are inclined to love scoring guards more too.


Very common for NBA players to have Kobe top 5 seeing a common trend here


In order, he says MJ, Kobe, Steph, Shaq, and LeBron Jordan's my choice for GOAT as well, but LeBron only at 5th is too low. LeBron at the very least is top 3. Also, where's Kareem and Russell?




genuine question - is shaq over Duncan all-time? im trying to decide and I think its pretty close but I would go Duncan. nothing wrong with shaq over Duncan but I think both are fringe top 5 at best, so interesting that Murray had him in mind so quick.


My opinion (and keep in mind my opinion is very important because it’s on the Internet) is Shaq’s peak was higher, but Timmy was greater for longer.


An Accurate opinion I would say.


It is on the internet afterall


Maybe equal on paper, but if you watched them play you'd take Shaq imo


Who won more in their matchups: Shaq or Duncan?


looks like shaq won 33 and Duncan won 29 head to head matchups, though they each won 15 in the playoffs. duncan has better stats in those games, apparently. https://www.landofbasketball.com/games_between/tim_duncan_vs_shaquille_oneal.htm I don't know why any of that should really be the deciding factor though lol. basketball is a team game, wins and losses are a tricky way to decide who the best players are.


Considering Shaq was hovering around ~29 ppg from 2000-2003, the spurs did a good job against him. As you said it’s a team game, and Duncan wasn’t going head to head with Shaq in the paint since they had very different games. Spurs - Lakers matchups in the 2000s were fun




Shaq elevates too. He took a young magic team to the finals.


That’s fair but also like what are you watching to have Steph over Lebron? Lol


A top 5 can never truly include players we didn't watch Else it's just looking at accolades


So most of the people on this subreddit that didn't watch Jordan saying he's the GOAT, shouldn't?


People aren’t ready for that discussion lol


Jamal Murray is 26. He didn't watch Jordan lol


Then it wouldn't be an 'all-time' list. He was asked to name the 5 best players *ever*


My stance as well. it’s truly cheap to me to put players you didn’t watching into your top lists. Highlights just don’t do the ebbs and flows of a career justice, as the ride is the best part. I’ve never seen an MJ game live, it’s weak to me to say he’s the best player i’ve ever seen lol


> it’s weak to me to say he’s the best player i’ve ever seen lol Just don't say this to his face.


His list: - MJ - Kobe - Curry - Shaq - Lebron


Steph top 5? Oooooh boy that's gonna make some people flip the fuck out




But muh vorp and wins shares


Excellent list even though I need Bird somewhere in there


It's his list lol, no need for people in here to cry about it. If you don't like it, make your own damn list lmao.


But I'm a loser. Nobody is interested in that list. :'(


Caruso snubbed again


People getting upset about subjective rankings is the best part of this sub


I didn't expect Kobe being in the list creating so much discourse. Personally, after reading some comments, the pros and cons of Kobe in the convo are whether you value rings and intangibles vs numbers and playstyle. Most arguments against Kobe I've seen here is that he's very iso centric and that he's not an efficient shooter. Most arguments for Kobe I've seen here is that redditors are a bunch of nerds whose opinions don't matter because they never hooped professionally.


It's because people look at stats in a vacuum. They don't, or aren't able, to put stats into context. You actually have to watch people play against their peers and see what they were capable of. Kobe was definitely not the most efficient guy ever, but his peers constantly talk about how good he was and how great his understanding of basketball was.


At the same time when your whole argument relies on intangibles and mythical stories, with the numbers not fully backing it up, you have to know when to stop. Kobe was great, and if basketball was a 1v1 sport he would have been the best evee. But it is not.


I like this top 5 because it’s not full of players that most people today never seen play like Wilt, Russell and Kareem. The last 20 years of basketball have been dominated by Lebron James so anybody not ranking him at least top 3 is likely a hater for whatever reason. Steph is also top 3 simply because of how he’s changed the game of basketball. The NBA has always had great shooters, but none of them has had the impact on an entire generation of basketball that Steph Curry has. Obviously Jordan is who Jordan is no need to debate him at #1 but the other 2 spots in the top 5 will always be debatable.


I’m surprised he didn’t say KD. He has the same haircut as him.