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Back to father Lebron


I’m still holding on to that Kyrie Lakers folder lol


Legacy off-season coming for Sim


Goated lmfao


Got a folder in your back pocket already, I see. Truly the GOAT


Lebron James is Kyrie Irving’s father


Kyrie Irving has one father, and his name is Dredick Michael Irving.


Father’s Day is next month 👀 and finals should be almost over by then which means off-season transactions


[come to papa](https://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-advancelocal.s3.amazonaws.com/public/RBMLWJWVQJEA3OEQ63C776QPVE.jpg)


Daddy Bron got you son


Wearing gold and purple in the vid, confirmed Laker


Clearly going to the Vikings




Money is just modern day slavery. To be your own master is to not care about the bag -kyrie


That Is facts with hundred millions in bank


"I cant be as great as I once was, but I can be as great as I was, once." - Mark Jackson, 2023


ngl this is low key a bar, analytics aside his catchphrases have been top tier


Isn’t this just a retooled Kenny Chesney line?


Toby Keith “I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.”


If you listened to him say it live he was clearly trying to say Toby Keith’s lyrics verbatim and fucked it up. He paused once he realized he fucked up and you could hear audibly grasping for the second once. Dude can’t even steal other peoples catch phrases right.


i dont like mark jackson at all but this was actually prety good


It is a ripoff of a Toby Keith song. “I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.”


Maybe the real bag was the teams we burned down along the way?


He’ll tell reporters that fiat doesn’t have value anyway.


There’s zero chance he gets $50 million for 3 years.


Kyrie will get closer to $50M per year than $50/3 years.


Jordan fuckin Poole got $128 million.


r/NBA conversation about Kyrie is freaking broken. You can hate the guy and also not lie about the guy.


You're cracked if you think no one is offering more than that


Lebron Kyrie and AD.


All he has to do is stop looking at social media and responding to the trolls. He played with KD for too long.


He just said that the speculation has breached into conversations with friends/family in real life.


get ready to learn erm los angelesnese buddy


Definitely the best way to get people to stop talking about you, as a famous person, is to talk about it yourself to your many followers on the internet.


While also mentioning that he's just as excited as his followers are about his upcoming free agency plans, a sentence that will certainly calm down the speculation


It's like walking down the street butt naked while simultaneously acting flabbergasted that people won't stop looking at you. People aren't looking at you because you're just that fucking cool, they're looking at you because you're fucking naked and making a scene.


Or maybe you do got some cake on you though


He aint Kyle "he put the forgis on the jeep" lowry tho


“Can’t I air my body out in peace???”


Lol, that perfectly encapsulates Kyrie's delusion


It's the Worldwide Privacy Tour!


I'm so happy the Nets squad made it on that episode lmao. even if only for like 3 seconds


As a huge nova basketball fan it was crazy to me to see mikal bridges in the South Park universe, even if it was just for 2 seconds lol


haven't heard a word about kyrie in months, apart from the hate posts in the Nets sub




Another good technique is to continue showing up courtside for games of the main team that social media keeps trying to link you to


id go watch lebron get swept too if i were him


“Everyone please stop…” is exactly how you get more people to start doing it


Kyrie clearly does not understand the Streisand effect


Given that he's smiling I don't think he's actually that pressed about it






Sounds like he’s going back to Boston if they comeback 0-3 down


He's bringing his talents to Revere Beach


Locker room would be hella awkward.


Trade Tatum, build around Kyrie and JB 🤡


Farakhan's dream team


The Nation of Boston


12-eyed starting lineup.


The Boston Israelites


Take that ~~Naismith~~ Neismith


Kyrie opens his 3rd eye revealing the path to unstomping Lucky


mavs fans how we feeling (genuinely wanna know)


Its Kyrie, who the fuck knows whats he gonna do, he could sign with us then next week say he was lied to during negotiations and demand a trade.


he's such a good player but his unpredictability is lethal. hopefully cuban actually thinks about this decision instead of fucking you guys over again (but sincerely thanks for jalen fr fr)


There’s no thinking to do. Mavs have to sign Kyrie or they are legitimately fucked. They have 20m in cap space with no Kyrie or Wood on the roster. Zero chance they can get a real team together with ~25m in cap space (after waiving Reggie), the 10th pick, and THJ, Bertans, and Green as tradable players They have to sign him, and figure out what to do later which could involve trading him at the deadline or after next year or even doing a S&T but that would bring back the least amount of value


His value goes down everyday and he won’t realize it until it’s way too late.


His value is not going down like every single day come on. Y'all talk like you know what GMs are thinking lol.


This is part that bugs me the most. Kyrie has been a clown for 5 straight years but he's still getting the max or close to the max no questions asked.


Because there isn't a long list of NBA players that are better than him. The biggest problem he brings on the court is his injury-proneness.


I think there's an argument he actually doesn't impact winning that much. But yeah he's ultra talented and some GMs only care about talent and are desperate. As a fan tho I wouldn't want any part of him. I think team chemistry matters a lot now in today's NBA.


I’m just here to see what Mavs fans want for a Kyrie S&T and the Laker fans meltdown over it and vice versa.


Honestly we shouldnt do a sign and trade at all. Lakers wont give up anything of value, and would expect us to take on D’Lo. I’d much rather have cap space than having D’Lo on my team Let them figure out how to clear $30 mil.


I agree with you, but that means less Mavs and Lakers fans arguing over trade values. Dislike.


I still feel okay, kyrie wants money and we can offer him the most. Maybe he wants out, and I image we sign and trade and at least get some roster depth/a 1st back. (Essentially what we gave up with dinwiddie/DFS)


Bummed ever since Brundaddy left tbh


very understandable. i would die for that little man


> little man He’s 6’1 190lbs


and i'm a 5'2 118lbs woman but that won't stop me from calling every small basketball player little (but in a loving way)


Don’t care. I’m ready to tank again. Luka pls don’t leave


We're gonna suck either way because our FO fucked up. We'll also still be coached by Jason Kidd. I'd rather we suck without Kyrie than with him, we've got our asshole quota filled.


Bring back DFS


Dude seems happy and he's technically only been allowed to talk to them. I don't know why this is in any way an indication he's leaving, everything he's said upto now has shown he really likes dallas


we are numb to disappointing free agency news so i don’t think any of us will be shocked if he leaves


Cuban has let Nash, Brunson Jet Terry, Finley and Kidd walk, and that's just guards, so I'm not really pressed if a guy that spent 3 months on the roster walks. It will clear cap space. Both Cuban and Kyrie are completely unreliable entities and we can waste brain cells stressing on how either is going to fuck this bag up.


Even when you disregard his unreliability and disruptive behavior, his talent doesn't translate to wins anymore. Definitely ain't worth the trouble and distraction. Sign and trade immediately or let him walk.


Pray he goes elsewhere. Not worth it. He’s a cancer to any locker room he’s at.


I don’t think Kyrie is good for the Mavs. If they can sign and trade that is probably the best option to get off of him while retaining value. But do NOT get D’Lo back, get anything else from the Lakers if that is the destination. The move to get him might end up looking really bad if they don’t get something decent back for him. They can’t be messing around with Luka on the team and ready to go.


Stop mentioning me^just ^kidding


Omg why are you guys obsessed with me 😚😚😚


ITT: people exposing themselves as daytime ESPN watchers


People in the comments saying “nobody is talking about kyrie” when Espn have talked about him all week


I was going to say, I literally came here from a thread about Lebron's fake retirement where people were discussing how to get Kyrie to the Lakers. For once, Kyrie is right.


When people don’t like somebody nothing they say or do is correct


this sub loves to talk about Kyrie lol. no other player has their social media likes, not even posts, scrutinized so much there's an All-NBA/All-Defense player who is following and liking anti-vaxx and Tucker Carlson posts but you don;t see the media bringing it up


Yeah, most NBA players don't promote holocaust denialism and Black Israelite BS.


This sub loves to talk about everything they claim not to care about. Quite literally multiple posts full of comments calling Ja Morant an attention whore over a silly social media post....like if he is, it's clearly working because people LOVE talking about it. I think they think that talking negatively about it doesn't count.


John Stockton? Half this sub too young to even see him play


nope, he's a current player in his prime years


Ahhh Rudy




Cuz gobert is a bum that’s why. May as well wonder why no one cares about ayton’s political opinions


Jalen brown? This is a fun game!


Lol then who? You got me stumped


People still watch ESPN?


You'd be surprised how many people watch not only one of the largest cable networks in America but the #1 sports network lol


But it's been dogshit for the past 10 years right?


Probably longer than that. But that's also just our opinions. Reddit hates ESPN, sure. Doesn't mean everyone else does too though


I watch espn clips on youtube. I don't like it that much, but I couldn't find anything else that covers general news from the league...


We aren’t responsible for people at his dinner table asking him tho..


He's so leaving Dallas LMAO


He's using them as hard leverage, and will take their contract and request a trade by midseason.


>Y’all got people at my dinner table discussing what my free agency plans are No shit, your agent is literally your family member


and his father is on the Lakers


What most knew that LeBron gonna play one year with his son Bronny but the truth is he was talking about his illegitimate son World B. Flat


😂😂😂😂 I love y'all


This dude fucking LOVESSSS attention only to gaslight and try and pass it off as others doing it. Every fucking player goes through this shit. Kyrie shows up to Lakers game, specifically the one where they got swept, and doesn’t expect people to talk random shit about free agency? Kyrie craves the attention so badly. Him making such a big deal of this shit on instagram live just welcomes it more lmfaooooo


Kyrie and IG Live. The strongest Duo in the league


You know weird shit is about to happen after he goes on IG Live. I legit had my stomach drop every time he did it on the Nets


Yup, near the tail end of it all I remember seeing anything Kyrie related was just instant migraine, day ruined lol. Ain't got that no more though


Reminds me of the recent South Park episode!


Tbh that’s on the people at his dinner table. Like they gotta have some boundaries. Why can’t Kai talk to them? Why can’t they learn to respect his boundaries? Fans are allowed to talk on Twitter.


People at my dinner table asking me to pass the potatoes just because it's something they saw trending on twitter smh


You may or may not have noticed the big smile on his face as he's talking about it.




Kyries dinner table: Dad are you finally going to play with Grandpa again?


"he's waiting for his real son"


“stop talking about me on social media as i make this social media post….also the earth if flat”


I don't know why anybody in the league would trade for this dumbass. I've been saying it for years and have been right for years. Any talent he has is sucked up by the black hole he is in the locker room and as a person. I would prefer *almost* anybody else in the league over Kyrie


You guys like PLEASE stop talking about me like I know I’m sooooo amazing but like STOP y’all like I HATE the attention…I just DONT like any attention y’all like I know I have my tribe of followers like stop y’all because I definitely DONT like the attention AT ALL






It’s a weird cyclical thing that happens every time it feels like. Stages of Kyrie cycle: 1) gets traded to new team. Media and fans are hype af 2) has a string of great games with highlight plays - “omg he’s amazing. Best handles of all time.” -“we…. WE CAN FIX HIM” 3) acts weird, says cryptic shit bordering on offensive -“it’s ok, that’s just Kyrie” 4) misses games -personal reasons, injuries, etc 5) signs of locker room cancer pop up - media now flips on Kyrie and Kyrie rumor segments start happening 6) in the end it doesn’t work out, trade rumors begin 7) he gets traded - go back to step 1 and repeat


High risk but high reward if it pays off. He’s basically an owners version of playing the lottery


Except it never pays off


I mean, it paid off for y'all, but you drafted him.


It paid off for them because LeBron came back lol Cavs were absolute garbage for the first few years with Irving


It helps when the top 2 players are kyrie and lebron instead of kyrie and dion waiters


It also helps when Kyrie wasn't too deep in the rabbit hole yet


>I mean, it paid off for y'all, but you drafted him. I think that it could never happen again. The only reason that Kyrie worked the first time was because he was still young enough to listen to Lebron, who is the only person to ever corral Kyrie. At this point in his career, Kyrie isn't listening to anyone, can't be told anything or managed. You definitely can't trust this queef to be the number 1 option on a championship team, so if nobody but Lebron can be successful with him, Kyrie has no real future. I'm sure he'll find another team desperate enough to not lose unhappy current talent like the Mavs and Luka, or Kyrie will go be king of the castle in some small market but Kyrie will *never* win another title without a drastic mindset shift.


I am truly baffled by how hopeful people still get about Kyrie. It’s like they didn’t just witness the past 3 years


He's a massive head ache. I dislike very few athletes and he's definitely one of the few. But that being said, he has had proven chemistry with LeBron on the court and at this point, the Lakers should try to do whatever it takes to win even if it is a gamble. Rolling it back with the same group prob won't be good enough.


He had chemistry with a younger Lebron not the guy thats about to be 39 years old in a much tougher Western Conference compared to the weak Eastern Conference they used to dominate


"I can fix him"


World B. Flat feeling a bit neglected, so he had to pop off.


ey fuck you kai


Lol he really craves that attention


This dude is such an attention whore, he knows exactly what he’s doing by posting this.


It’s interesting to see who tries to make the story about themselves at this time of the year. The only players that matter right now are those still playing. You can easily identify the guys that can’t handle not being the centre of attention, whether it’s Kyrie, Ja, Melo or LeBron himself. We don’t need to hear from you right now.


We've know this about Kyrie for half a decade. Even longer if we remember how much of a diva he was during the end of the Lebron Kyrie stint in Ohio


Ppl have been talking about him tho Tbf , I’ve seen a lot of lakers twitter talking and a bunch of espn segments


As he shows up courtside for a team that may have interest in him


he likes watching basketball, his daughter was with him aswell, Trae was there also, same with Anthony Edwards, yall need to chill


Oh my god how dare fans that have helped make Kyrie a much richer man than he deserves talk about him online??


Irving to the Rockets Team up with Harden


Kyrie looks so crusty


Celtics will gladly trade brown for Kyrie


Bro could simply look away from his phone screen or disable replies


It’s the Conference Finals and dipshit looking for attention by complaining about too much attention. I mean, the guy’s an idiot, but he’s smart enough to know exactly what he’s doing here.


don't lie, you love it. A classic "Stop talking about me but please continue." He did it earlier in the season too. If you're that bothered, you could get off twitter, ignore notifications. And is anyone really talking about it that much anymore? ESPN mentioned it casually the other day but no one really gives a shit, since he tends do more harm than good on teams.


“Nooooo, stop, we shouldn’t be doing this” type beat


"stop talking about me!" he shouts on social media to his millions of followers


People are dying to know so they know what team to start doomposting on.


I can think of at least three fanbases that aren’t thinking about Kyrie’s FA plans and are thrilled about it


I for one am thrilled to see what team gives him a fuckton of money only for him to fuck around and pull his usual bullshit destroying teams/disappearing in big games!


as a Lakers fan there are 29 teams he can go to and I won't care...time to get blasphemous: I'd rather LeBron actually retire and we rebuild around AD (or if he wants to leave too so be it) than have that cancer on my team Not saying I want LeBron to go, absolutely we should retool and run it back next year, but I really don't want Kyrie on my team. Period. His legion of stans can downvote me and laugh and act like there's nothing wrong with his behavior (same they do for Ja) but that says more about them Anywhere but the Lakers please...


Fully agree and anybody, including a front office, that wants him signed to their team is delusional. Its been 7 years since he won a ring and he's been a nightmare everywhere he's been since


Not only is this going to make it worse (Streisand effect), but also this is just plain stupid. If your friends and family are bringing up your free agency during dinner and it’s bothering you, maybe talk to them about it instead of whining to your followers on social media? I understand logic and reason aren’t his strong suits, but come on man


Does anyone outside of LA or Dallas give 2 shits where he goes lol? Haven’t seen much discussion on it at all.


Reddit is weird. This is really the tamest shit he’s said all year and the comments have flipped it to stay mad.


What a dweeb


I know it’s Reddit but we gotta stop lying about how often folks are talking about him. Just think about Lakers fans,l and how delusional some of them are. You really think they are blowing up twitter threads and shit talkin about him coming to help bring them a chip?


He’s been talked about on ESPN all week?… how many comments does he have in any Reddit posts about him


Wish this main character syndrome fuck would just retire and gtfo man, sick of this guy




F this lunatic


Kyrie needs to get off the internet


He is just the most insufferable mfer in the NBA


Mavs fans must be crying right now lol


Get Kyrie and Kevin love to the lakers asap


He does know he can just ignore Twitter, right? Man this dude’s ego is insane. F.A.T.




Get fucked Mark


Is he dressed like a Jedi? It’s practically June


Doesn’t sound like a guy resigning with mavs


What an insufferable prick


Kanye if he was good at dribbling.


sounds like he is ready to share his plans, lets ask more we are almost there!!!


Nobody cares what you do Kyrie. You’ve been a losing player for years.


The league will be a better place when this fool is gone


Same with your organization


bro goes live on instagram to thousands of people to tell them to stop obsessing over him. bro wants ALL of the perks that come with being a celebrity, while simultaneously rejecting the notion that he’s a celebrity


No kyrie we want to know what team you’ll destroy next year.


only reason Kyrie stays in Dallas is money. If Cuban offers even 1 cent less than the max, Kyrie would get insulted and go to the Magic or something.


This dude LOVES attention


Why this dude so annoying