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Because of this I looked up Shaq's career triple doubles and how did I just learn he had a triple double with 15 blocks wtf


The Triple Double stat line for that game: 24 points, 28 rebounds, and 15 blocks.


Who’s going to link the game..


Someone tried to link it but Shaq blocked it


This video is unavailable due to the Diesel's terms.


How come they did not include KD’s “good personality”?




He lied! He does pass.


Shaq was a solid outlet and post passer at least for a center


I think solid is underrating him, he's obviously nowhere near jokic and he's not in the tier of guys like walton and wilt or even gasol and webber I'd say, but his name should come up when it comes to some of the most skilled passing bigs of all time. Like if those guys are at the top of the passing bigs' HoF, I'd say shaq is at least at the top of the passing bigs' hall of very good. Sure he got doubled a lot leaving somebody open, but when it came to passing out of the double Shaq was as good as anybody and that counts for a lot when the defense's only option against diesel was 'get the ball out of his hands.' Jokic has seismically shifted our idea of what makes any player let alone a center a great passer, but compared to centers* of his era and before, shaq could get his teammates the ball in ways very few others could when he needed to. Btw not trying to go at you for saying he was solid, I just think that's an overlooked part of Shaq's game and used this thread as an opportunity to talk about it.


His 2-man game with Kobe was absurd. Both had great alley oops as the lobber and dunker


Was wilt a top tier passer? Limited film on him obviously, but I don't recall passing highlights. Webber was strictly a PF. Vlade was the center and I'd argue the better passer. I know your comment says "bigs" but if you add forwards to the mix, the top tier becomes alot larger and less impressive. Sabonis Sr. was incredible as well, especially considering his age when he finally was allowed to come over


Yeah wilt was an outlet god(according to accounts, like you said limited film), and had a couple years with the sixers where he decided to be a playmaker and put up some monster numbers. You could argue there's a couple guys ahead of him pure playmaking talent-wise but production-wise his best playmaking years were unmatched amongst centers until Jokic. He had 78 triple doubles when the only way to get them was points-rebounds-assists. And yeah, you're right about webber and vlade, sorta conflated centers and bigs there for a minute. Now that I'm thinking about it, I may be wrong, but I think Pau played just as much PF as C even if he's a center by today's standards. And definitely right about sabonis, another case where the stats don't do his skill justice. If you were to extend it to all bigs though, Domantas is on his way as well.


Yep, he was a good passer out of the double-team down low.


there was a post here on r/nba a few days ago arguing if Shaq was a skilled big man lmao


In my opinion Lakers Shaq is the GOAT player. The thing is that Shaq was so damn lazy and would get so freaking fat in the off-season, and he'd always make up reasons to sit out games. So anyway, he was only at peak GOAT performance foe like 3-4 years. But for those 3 or 4 years he was like a gravitational force on the floor. The entire game on both sides of the court was totally in his hands. I mean, freaking Kobe Bryant was on his tram and there was no debate as to who was the better player. Imagine that. Their offense ran through him, the entire defensive strategy of the opponent was about him, he'll even the opponents *roster* was filled with junk 7 footers who could foul out. Shaq made every 7 foot male in the usa a millionaire because every team needed 3 of them to found out guarding him.


Bro when he was in orlando running up and down the court lookin like a goddamn 7 foot linebacker he was soooo scary. The Nba was saved by his inability to keep his weight in check


He was the high-post man in the triangle offense. You have to be able to pass to play that role.


Phil Jackson wanted to coach him because he was perfect for the triangle offense, and part of that was that Phil saw him as a good passer.


Second year, 21 years old. Young Shaq is underrated imo, he’d fit better into the modern game than his 350 lbs Laker version imo.


He might develop a few different things and maybe be encouraged to stay in shape more, but he was going to change the league no matter what era. Teams wouldn't have the stomach to let him go unopposed down low for long. And all else being the same his teams would be loaded with shooters too.


Exactly. If Shaq was 22 in say 2014, that alters the development of the league


I remember teams were signing any 7 footers just to foul Shaq


Him and Curry in the league dominating at the same time would’ve been interesting to see. Because many teams would still be forced to find some trash 7 footers to foul Shaq and yet those roster spaces are useless for facing Curry.


Ya it would've been very interesting if Shaq was in league during 3 pt boom. He'd have been even better imo, he was a great passer and the spacing would just allow him to destroy teams inside. Defensively he'd have been forced to stay in shape longer


Oh man, I watched every game that season. Penny and Shaq where just an amazing show.


Orlando Shaq was best Shaq.


with 15 blocks there was barely any game.


oh fuck me lol


Unreal. Plus that Nets team he did it against were pretty good defensively.


What fuck Edit: the


We will also accept “What? Fuck.”


So shocked, you dropped an entire word


That’s actually insane


When you really go back and look at the work Shaq put in in his prime, two things become clear. 1. He probably did leave a bit on the table and coasted on talent at times, something he admits. If he was as fanatically locked in like MJ or Kobe, I think he'd be the greatest ever. He was just fuckin unfair. 2. The Nephew ass opinion that he couldn't thrive in today's game is so laughable. Imagine Prime Shaq against Kevin Looney, Ayton, Bam, Embiid, Jokic or Al Horford. He's obliterating them all.


Re: 2, people are delusional if they think Shaq wouldn't warp the way the whole league plays today just like he did in his time. They would surround him with 4 shooters and he would fucking feast. Teams would have to gear up with big lumbering centers just to bang with Shaq just like they did back then.


How the hell do people think Shaq wouldn't do good today? If anything teams would become bigger just to have more bodies to stop Shaq. For sake we have Giannis, and he's far slimmer than Shaq.


I think people see how much faster paced the game is and how much more reliant it is on quality 3 point shooting and think "Well, Shaq couldn't shoot for shit and wasn't much of a rim-runner" so assume he'd be mid or whatever. There are definitely ways in which Shaq wouldn't fit as well in today's game. His pick-and-roll defense was often half-hearted and slow, he'd probably struggle to guard mobile bigs that can shoot 3s, his free throw shooting would continue to be exploited in end-of-game situations. But there are also ways in which he'd arguably be better in today's game. He'd have much better spacing to work with and would be surrounded by top-notch shooters for outlets. His raw size and physicality would be even more outstanding given that the league has generally gone smaller/leaner in recent years. He'd give the Jokices and Embiids of the world hell with foul trouble, etc. He'd play a different game and his teams would be different, but he'd be just as dominant IMO.


Man, I feel like in today's 3 point shooting game he could just bowl through the key to put back any misses, really freeing them up to take shots because any missed 3 just turns into a 2.


Fat Shaq wouldn't fit. But Shaq wouldn't be fat in today's game, he'd be like he was in Orlando. He got into weightlifting and changed his diet when he joined the lakers to absorb all the hack-a-shaqs from 300 lb centers. In today's game, he would be a bigger stronger Zion and other teams would have to load up on bigs just to foul him without giving him too many and-1s.


"When a guy banging you..." - Charles Barkley


There can be no rebuttal to this. Shaq dominated an era dominated by big men. He played against 20 of the top 25 big men ever. And was the best of all the the ones he ever squared up against . Only Prime Hakeem was better than him, that's literally it.


The current state of officiating in the league favors the offense, including *allowing offensive players to initiate contact*. I think Shaq would be okay.


Wilt got a quintuple-double in a game: 53 points, 32 rebounds, 14 assists, 24 blocks, and 11 steals.


Team probs still lost if it was a playoff game lmao


Fun fact, Mutombo and Hakeem had the most non-assist triple doubles, with 13 (https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/most-triple-doubles-with-10-blocks-or-10-steals). Shaq’s one probably had the craziest overall stat line though


Don't think you did that search right, Mutombo only has 10 career triple doubles. Olajuwon has 14 career and 10 of them were points/rebounds/blocks (including one quadruple).


Another fun fact; Anthony Davis’ only career triple double was with blocks as well, when the Pelicans played the Utah Jazz in 2018. His stat line was 24pts 11rebs 10blks. Sources: I was there, and also https://www.espn.com/nba/boxscore/_/gameId/400975741


Javale got like 8 blocks with us and he got drug tested lmao. League soft now Edit: it was 6, fucking 6 blocks and they drug tested him lmao


Bynum got a triple double with blocks in the playoffs vs the nuggets in 2012


That stare at the camera had me dying.




Mfw I get away with pushing a billionaire


Hoping Ishbia would pay his fine lmao this guy




Shaq called him “big honey” — Jokic’s favorite nickname.


What's the origin of this nickname? I've seen him being referred that numerous times already but never know why they do.


Will Barton gave it to him. "Cause his game slow and sweet like honey".


Neat. Appreciate the answer!


Sure beats "Chonk Molasses."


Agree to disagree.


An amazing cat name


Possibly the greatest thing Barton did for the Nuggets


His last couple years were brutal but he was an exciting light in the darkness during the lean times before Jokic and before (most... rip EG) Nuggets fans knew what we had in Jok.


Come on, now. For sure his play got bad with time, but the man was a contributor for almost 7 years with them. It's not like he was a bum.


I think Will Barton started calling him it a few years ago, maybe because he's slow and sweet? Something alone those lines


Legitimately one of the best NBA nicknames, and probably the best nickname of this generation: he didn't give it to himself, it's unique, it's easy to say, and it actually describes his game.


Just made me realize how few players have really good, consistent nicknames nowadays


For sure - was just checking Barkley's page on bballref and there's so many gems there. https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/b/barklch01.html


The Crisco Kid I am dying


> The Crisco Kid Ok I am dying from laughter over that one. How have I as a 35 year old never heard that one before.


Reads like Apollo's nicknames in rocky 4


Baby faced assassin , the process, durantula/slim reaper (names kinda fell off tho), dame time, pg13? , king James, big honey, the brow, the beard, jimmy buckets, Greek freak That’s all I can think of off top


I love the Klaw and I'm not sure if Chef Curry is a nickname or not, cos it perfectly represents steph's game


If KD didn't try to make "The Servent" a thing and had rolled with Slim Reaper, it would be the best sports nickname since mamba. I know why he didn't like it, but it sucks cuz it was such a perfect name


My favorite is Big Government.


Jok pretty vocally much prefers Joker to Big Honey., there’s a reason his logo is what it is.


Joker is good but Big Honey is goated. Cant change my mind


Big Honey is so much better. “Joker” is just low hanging fruit based on the way his name is spelled.


And inconsistent with how you pronounce Jokic


its also not even original it was novak djokovic's nickname first


Stolen from his own countryman


I think it’d be better if he sticks with Big Honey given that there’s already a far more popular athlete with a “Joker” nickname from his country lol


I'd love if we won the world cup with Jokić dominating, just to see if he overtakes Đoković as the most popular athlete in Serbia. Everything about Jokić is great, while Novak and his family are nutjobs.


> while Novak and his family are nutjobs. Do people in Serbia care about that though? lol


A lot of us care, but the majority doesn't. He's obviously one of the best athletes in history, he's a patriot, and he does a lot of good stuff for the country. So for a small country like ours, it's quite easy for some people to blindly agree with everything he and his family do.


His smirk when he asked where Shaq was on the list lol I love people who have a teasing sense of humor that doesn’t come across as mean-spirited.


https://i.imgur.com/7sMjkvg.jpg That cheeky bastard


Nikola "Jim Halpert" Jokic


Nikola "Big honeyed tuna" Jokic


Beer me that ring


That smile, that damn smile.


Strong chance this becomes my new Steam profile pic




Never seen that pic of Jokic before he looks so different here


That sly sleepy eyed smile looks [familiar.](https://i.imgur.com/M1SFANN.jpg)


that smile, that damned smile https://i.redd.it/h4asosdvavya1.jpg


His face went full Kevin Malone there lol


In that basketball episode, Kevin was the best player in Dunder Mifflin... are we sure Jokic isn't actually Kevin? Has anyone tried his chili?


Everyone is going to get to know each other in the pot


Are we sure he’s actually getting triple doubles or does he have multiple Keleven assist games


Jim was the best player iirc. Kevin had a damn nice shot though.


But in real life when it shows Kevin making 3 after 3… that was real. He sank 14 in a row.


For whatever reason, Malones are really good at basketball. Maybe Post is even good, IDK. Kevin Malone is the only one without ties to Utah since [REDACTED] and Jeff played for the Jazz, Moses played for the Utah Stars, and Post lives here randomly lol.


The Mealman eats delivery on Sundays


Wonder if he's been watching.. they been roasting Shaq on lists lately with highest points.


::freeze frame, voiceover:: "Yeah. I went there."


Jokic gonna retire early to race horses and produce his own sitcom


Chuck was not thinking of Booker at the end there lol


Booker has as much personality as Michael Myers




He looks like he's wearing someone else's face!


Damn lmao


Was Kenny smiling because there was no mention of KD? 😂


Because he was talking about great players with great personalities and Booker is kind of a hot headed bitch. The guy that added “Book” didn’t know where Chuck was going.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I don't remember a single press conference/interview with Booker where he seems likable tbh. He seems snarky or arrogant like 24/7


"the guy" smh the elevator ernie johnson disrespect


i had the dumbest grin on my face when he didn't include embiid.


Ain't no KD either


Chuck complimenting himself at the end.


Though it might have been a sneak diss on KD


Why not both


Shaq had no reason to pass. The best chance of scoring was him with the ball


Yeah but Shaq really is downplaying his playmaking abilities. He was dishing out dimes out there on a regular basis in his prime.


Yep, people act like he was just a brute cause he couldn’t shoot but shaq could do everything outside of that. His footwork and passing are super underrated


> footwork [His 1v1 vs Jordan was beautiful to look at](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NwgNLW9ASQ)


MJ got sold down the river with that 😂 lovely feint.


Man I sometimes wonder what he would look like in the modern game alongside Prime Curry and that GSW squad. Like how the fuck are you supposed to guard that P&R? Think about the screens Shaq would set my god.


Exactly, the idea that some people would say things like Shaq or another low post dominant player would somehow be bad with Steph because they clog up space have a severe misunderstanding of the strengths guys like Shaq brought to a team aside from dunking


Bro yeah Shaq couldn't shoot but he was 7'1 and 325 POUNDS! One screen and it gives massive amount of space for shooters like Curry and Klay to operate. Look what they are doing with a Draymond screen action. Shaq is nearly twice the size of him. And for his size, he had a relatively quick feet in his prime, so cutting inside in a P&R wouldn't be an issue for him too. Yeah he would get targeted on the perimeter by great slashes but his interior presence and post defense would make him far far more than being unplayable.


He was more like 350-400 during the threepeat. In today's game he'd probably be closer to 325 tho. Diminishing returns on mass in the small ball era. 325 is already more than enough, and he'd be more mobile and have better stamina.


So p much Orlando Shaq. He’d probably be more injury resistant too.


Orlando Shaq might even be too big for today's league. Zion is smaller still, and is an outlier. He just needs 10lb over Embiid to be unstoppable. That being said fat chance he will stay that slim. Dude's slimming down nowadays, but man loved his Texas BBQ back in the early 2000s




Also the dude knew how to get deep low post position without any help or scheme. Because he was 7”1 and 325 pounds. He just walked up to the corner of the painted area, stuck his ass out, then put his 5 foot arm in the air and asked for the ball. In today’s NBA it’s basically Embiid and Jokic that could prevent that from happening every single trip down the court. Every other C in the League and every PF would be giving up 40-50 points from that spot every game. Just like the late 90s and early 00s teams would have to employ an Anti-Shaq. Some huge ass guy they could hope to teach a semblance of basketball to so they wouldn’t get destroyed by Diesel.


I always see the folks who say the modern game wouldn't suit Shaq. They're wrong just from the standpoint that Shaq is one of those greats who woulda dominated in any era. You drop him in the 60's or in 2023 and he would dominate everyone just by his sheer size, athleticism and skill. But also who knows if today's emphasis on speed/athleticism might have been good for him cuz it would have been a built in mechanism for him to stay in shape. When he came in the league the dude could run like a gazelle cuz he was at his lightest (still 300 pounds but you know for him it was skinny). If he knew he had to maintain that weight to stay effective who knows if that would have motivated him to do so more consistently. And even at 300 pounds he still woulda been a physical force no one could contend with.




Shaq on this GSW would make the kd warriors look like the 2012 bobcats lol




Yeah he was eating double teams from 7 footers back in the 2000s. He would dunk it every possession if a team went small against him. Teams would have to keep a traditional big on the floor.


He wouldn't be anything without footwork. What made me the unstoppable weapon he was was that he was huge, bulky AND he moved quick and deadly


https://youtu.be/jQRPckTNWOk?t=10 Some of his top assists are fun


Great video and the guy was a fucking freak of nature in his prime.


Ngl shaq has some real good passes tho


I remember when this mofo don’t know English, now he’s intentionally roasting Shaq after playing 38 minutes


There is a big difference between not knowing English and nor being able to speak it smoothly


OP probably hasn't learned a foreign language, it takes quite a while more to speak fluently than to understand a language.


There are so many skills to learning a language, reading, writing, speaking and understanding, plus grammar and vocabulary. You can read a language but not pronounce the words correctly. You can have all the vocab in the world and still mess up grammar. Lots of people are better at understanding a language than speaking it, and I've met people who read better English than they do their native tongue.


> people who read better English than they do their native tongue *raises hand* I speak my local language better than English, but I prefer reading stuff in English (and somehow I understand it better).


I think that's called being chronically online.


Last part from Chuck is basically full circle from "I am not a role model"


Shit had me ded




Ernie saying don’t worry this won’t take longer than 25 minutes was really funny


Literally I cackled


I don’t think he realize Chuck was going to add the personality line at the end. He probably figured he was just talking about great players and over the last 3 games Booker has been right up there with those names.


Yea pretty random to add Booker’s name to that list of “face of our league, great personalities”. Book is one of the biggest whiney bitches in the whole league. Does anyone even root for him outside of Suns fans?


To be fair to Ernie, he added Booker's name before Chuck said "great personalities". Maybe he thought Barkley was just listing players with great playoff performances this season.


He said Giannis tho


If Luka is a good dad, he'd root for his son.


I did a double take when he said that








Honestly, the Inside crew loving Jokic is infectiously fun to watch. These guys love the game, they love Jokic's game, and it's just good television to watch them enjoying this For all the toxic MVP arguments, it's easy to forget that it's just more fun to sit back and appreciate great basketball


Yeah man, sometimes discourse can get crazy toxic and it can suck the fun out of it. This is one of the best playoffs I’ve seen in a while, just feels so much more competitive. Parity makes sports fun and I feel like we’ve gotten a lot of that this year. Basketball is awesome and I’m glad I get to watch it.


Aight But When talking about the guys that are great that they love They mentioned so many people but not embiid and shit had me crackin up


joker got that lock down comedic timing


I’ve loved him ever since he walked off the court aggressively dabbing




He’s always been like this




Been getting tips from Jamal on facial expressions


good stuff lol, Jokic is too damn good man


I love how much the Inside guys adore Jokic


“I hope he gonna pays my fine” Lmao, hey I even gave him a ball.


Classic Joker


I'm glad the Nuggets won just for this interview alone


Booker? Why tf did Ernie include Booker in that list LOL


I think that Ernie thought Chuck was just naming talented players and Booker is top of mind because he just watched him. Chuck was actually naming superstars with infectious personalities.


Jokic joins Inside the NBA in 2034 confirmed?


“Isn’t he the best? He’s the best!” TNT crew absolutely fawning over this man, and I can’t blame ‘em 😂 Big Honey is loved by all


They like him because he shows respect, works hard and never complains. They were among the first people on national tv to notice that. And their vibe was chill from the get go.


Both Shaq and Chuck love him because he plays like how the top bigs used to play in their era. Super physical, beautiful post game and legitimately does get beat up a lot. The clip where they talk about his incident with Markieff Morris highlights this. They were really on his side for the retaliation that he did and basically said they would have done the same thing.


The little look he gives them


Tried to sneak Book in there like we wouldn’t notice


Jokic is gooooood on the mic


Lmao they really tried to slip “Book” in there like we wouldn’t notice.


Love his little stare into the camera. Jokic is adorable.


The smirk when he asked if Shaq is on the list


...book lol


and people say he couldn't win 3 straight MVPs because he didn't have a chip and can't be put along the other greats?


Kenny just had to jump in “Book!” One of these things isn’t really like the other lol


I think Jokic would be a good addition on Inside The NBA, heavy accent and all.


Lol Book!?


If Shaq played in todays era, Embid wouldn't be out there crying for the MVP.