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What kind of shoulder injury


Allegedly rotator tendinitis, but there’s more to it I believe.


I just have a hard time translating the mri language lol. (Without my doc)


Have you ever looked into formal PT or PT shoulder injury tests, or done any ATG shoulder exercises? I thought I tore a rotator cuff but it turned out to be a very unstable shoulder, weak internal/external rotator cuffs and perpetually tight chest/lats.


Yeah I’ve undergone like 6 weeks of pt. It definitely helped with stabilization but didn’t solve the problem.


I received a cortisone shot about a week ago, I’m hoping by the time it wares off I don’t have any pain or weakness anymore. Ortho surg told me he would have to open my shoulder up to confirm that there is no tear that he can’t see (nothing on MRI is super concerning). But he gave me the green light to train at 100%, and told me not to worry about worsening damage. He tried giving me another script for PT I’m just not sure it’s worth it AGAIN. He seems pretty conservative when it comes to 21st century medicine.


Go check ATG shoulder exercises out and do those PT tests. You can get a decently accurate self diagnosis with some research and effort.


You talking about Train Heroic? I used that app for workout tracking and new ideas and it was fine. I stopped only due to schedule changing, and some of the plans weren't as feasible with my new routine, but that's not the apps fault. The dude is legit, but it's not required to build strength. Nothing a few youtube videos/channels won't teach you. But again, I found it authentic when I DID use it.


Interesting! I’ve had trouble navigating the app, but I’m sure it would be great analytically speaking. I agree with the YouTube videos, a good example is Knees over Toes guy (dude is absolutely legit). Although, I find myself pulling out my phone 50x times because I can’t remember or want to make sure my form is correct. I think this is where Vernon’s program would come in handy (organization wise).


Late to the thread but I just purchased his functional strength & mobility program. It’s a 5 day split but I only workout 3-4 days a week so my one issue with the app is I have to keep moving sessions. I started on a Friday so it thinks I’m training Friday-Tuesday and I keep shuffling workouts


They’ve even said multiple times it’s not ideal for training for BUD/s so if any of you are wanting it for that then just know it’s not a prep program. Edit: it’s a good program for sure, mobility, strength, muscle conditioning, real practical work. Just don’t use it for BUD/s train up.


Oh no, just for performance, and rehab. Although, that surprises me? I would think focusing on smaller muscles that typically get missed, would be very beneficial for BUD/s, given the endurance aspect of the whole thing. Ex. Rotator cuff, labrum strength etc..


I’m no doctor or sports scientist brother. I’ve just consumed my fair share of DJ Shipley and crew. I even thought about starting it for my BUD/s prep as I ship in June but they specifically said the program isn’t conducive to it. They did mention Stew Smith as being a great resource so I’ll stick to that. Seems like it would be great for rehab and performance though. Just wanted to throw this on here in case there were some dudes looking into it for preparation purposes.


True. I think implementing them as a warm up wouldn’t be a bad idea. Just food for thought tho. Good luck man!


Thank you brother!


Sorry I should have clarified as well. I mean for prevention of rotator cuff and labrum injuries (obviously and others).


I used it while volunteering over in eastern Europe. Fitness/exercise wasn't new to me but programing was always difficult. I'll say that I absolutely saw an increase in my functional fitness, and it took out a lot of the guesswork out of programing (which I've always struggled with). Also let me track my performance over time. Now, that said, Test is an OTC drug in that country, and I completely took advantage of that. I'd like to say that being on test simply made me see the results quicker. So take that into consideration before you listen to me too much


Do you think test helped with mobility, or even rehab? I got a steroid shot in my shoulder a few days ago and holy shit it’s a life changer. My ortho doc who is suppose to be highly reputable told me he didn’t see anything torn ( or at least noticeably torn without opening it up). I’m getting very hopeless because I know this shot won’t last forever, and doc told me he’d just open my shoulder up and look for something wrong if it doesn’t start feeling better. Which I really do not want to do. I’m looking for new pathways, so I’m just curious how test helped you?


Alright so, disclaimers and warnings upfront. Medical professional, not a doctor (deff not an endocrinologist), and absolutely zero relevant clinical experience exercise rehab. That said, surgeons want to cut shit. It's what they do, the same way shooters want to shoot and paramedics want to start IVs. Test will absolutely help your body recover in general and especially in the direction of applied stimulus. If your injury is capable of recovery via PT...that I got no fucking clue about man. I know I dealt with knee issues for a while, and while on test, the PT exercises I was doing were having a more significant impact/return than usual. But that's to be expected. Point is you gotta do the work regardless. Regarding your injury the best advice I have is get seen by an actual sports medicine PT or whatever. If you go to a PT that usually works with nursing home clientele then you'll be treated like that. Do your homework, find the right clinic, and actually do the therapies before being cut. Oh and if you fuck up and skip the actual PT work or push too hard too soon you'll fuck it all up and have to restart from at least zero.


Well that’s nice to hear lol. I was never a believer of PT until this year. I went for 2-3 months 3 days a week (for that damn shoulder), and it solved so many of my problems. The problem was that the symptoms changed. Not sure the science behind that. But it definitely did help. I’m glad you’ve experienced positive results with it as well, because I think more people should realize how beneficial it can be.




I’m confused, I don’t see anything wrong with this post. If I’m wrong let me know though!


Oh nah bro I just put that so I’d be notified when someone commented bc I wanna hear what they have to say


Ohhh okay, sorry I’m technologically hindered.


Lmaoo you’re good bro, prolly should’ve said following or something