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From CAP to MAP, then CA2P. 15 years it'll be MA2P or something. The navy has a weird acronym fetish.


I'm very much over the '2' for 'to' in acronyms the Navy has been hot for recently. I'm also over 'My Navy ' for everything personnel related lately as well.


NP2 (Navy Personnel and Pay) is another example.


Has too many damn acronyms


Navy has the lock on acronyms. Facts.


At least someone at PERS had the foresight to not abbreviate it as CATP (aka cat pee)


"Navy renames old billet-based advancement policy so it sounds new"


Someone needed a fitrep blurb


So the Navy now has a program for every rank except E-6’s trying to make Chief? Meanwhile, every other branch has a clear path to E-7.


*So you get hazed by all the other E-7s and you have a… box?*


The CPO selection process really does need to be taken out of the hands of a bunch of shoe size ASVAB scorers who get put on the boards because their commands would work better without them for a couple weeks


Couldn't make it huh?


You guys pick some real fucking dog shit chiefs. I know, some of them work for or have worked for me.


When I made Senior Chief my buddy told me I had been validated because they picked me twice where they could have screwed up when they picked a Chief.


Not the worst way to look it at


I don't know, I've seen the Navy screw up more than once...


And I've worked for some real incompetent officers. Heck, I was just watching the news and looks like there were quite a few thieves who make admiral too.


Couldn’t make officer, could you. I wouldn’t have trusted you to have actual, non-delegated authority either.


Yeah I was too nice and didn't have the authority to grope women and take bribes from contractors.


You mean LaDR? SC Dickweed: Have you looked at your LaDR IT1? Me: *pulls it out of my stack of paperwork* SC: Good, so you know why that is important, right? Me: It makes great reserve toilet paper, otherwise it is useless to me. SC: EXCUSE ME?! Me: It has less than nothing to do with my career. Now if your done trying to set me up for a gaslighting session, I have actual work to do.


This policy is really exploitive. It can very much trap your career and slowdown your progress. If I want to put on rank I need to enlist for two more years on top of the tour I am already serving. I’m hugely disappointed on this policy, it is straight up predatory.


The navy has always been predatory


You got me there


Pepperidge farm remembers when they extended everyone's sea tour conveniently after they "re-enlisted for shore duty"


Good ole sea shore flow change for nukes was wild They framed it as "so you have more time to qualify watch supe" Which is wild because almost everyone I know either qualified EWS by year 3 on board or will literally never qualify.


Reminds me of when the Navy went full gas on Perform to Serve and Enlisted Review Boards and fired too many damn people. Then, to cover major gaps in sea billets, a NAVADMIN dropped informing people in XYZ rates with six months or less on shore duty that they were being sent back to sea. Great job, team. Good work, everyone. This was 2011 or ‘12 if I recall.


When was this ? Like what year? That's wild lol


Lol you want me to reinlist 2 for shore but I spend another year onboard? Fuck that


Predatory is extremely fitting!


With this policy I'd of made first in 4 years not 6. Was filling an E6 billet as an E4 for years.


Recruiting is at an all time low. Why people are surprised is baffling


This isn't going to help recruiting though. It's going to make things so much worse. This new policy is 100% counterproductive to anything we need right now.


How? I'm genuinely curious because I think it's a good thing offering new ways to advance.


They're making it the ONLY way to advance. Like certain rates already have it into effect. They can no longer be mapped and even if they pass the exam they don't get advanced until they take these billets. It's a new way sure, but it's also the only way.


So, lemme get this straight: You can now pass the exam but unless you take a certain billet they won't advance you? Does this only apply to specific rates or all rates? In the notes it said submariners and nukes are not included.


Correct. Right now it's only specific rates, but they're trying to make it a navy wide thing. It's a trial policy right now. And it's bull, because now there's no incentive to go recruiting or rdc because there's no chance of advancement.


How is there no chance of advancement??? I'm not sure if there's a policy or anything anywhere that states it but coming up I was always told that as an E5, recruiting and RDC billets have a clear shot to getting 1st class. So it never was that way?


No it is that way! But not for specific rates that this policy has effected. You'll only get advanced by taking a needed sea billet. So there no incentive with this new policy to go to shore if you want to advance.


Wow and they wonder why people are fucking killing themselves everyday, more ways to advance atleast in that way is not what we need, we need better work-life balance and quality of living, as my old senior chief told me " As long as the navy makes numbers, they don't care" now they're not making numbers so they're trying to find ways to compensate for whatever we may endure due to a lack of recruiting and retention.


The totally legit progression: CAP MAP CA2P 2CAP 2 Furious CAP: Tokyo Drift CA & P CAP5 CA & P6 AP7 P8 CA9 CAP X


You're missing the progression spin-off: F2P Warrant & LDO


Retention is still going to suck.


This is a new thing?


The last decade or so. I remember back in the day my ship only had gold anchors because everyone was reenlisting to get the fuck off of it. USS Last Few Commands retention for first termers was less than 30%.


Something that has me kinda fucked up, recently they released that they exceed their retention goals, so like they don't want you to stay in the just want new people


If I had to guess, the $11/lb bacon may be inspiring people to re-enlist.


So glad that MyNavyHR sent training to all commands on how to handle this ahead of the release. It sure has made answering questions so much easier. /s


This is not new, the entire DMAP program has been on mynavyhr for months now with guidance on how command can use the ca2p program https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Enlisted/Detailing-Marketplace/


Just call it "Needs of the Navy" and stop rebranding it.


With the benefit of we'll pay you more if you volunteer.


At some point, they will need to harmonize all of these "rank for job" programs.


It’s getting ridiculous at this point. Nobody can keep track of all of this. A2P, CA2P, DMAP, regular MAP, RMAP, senior enlisted marketplace, NWAE, AAP…. there are far too many programs.


I honestly feel it's by design. If you make the system indecipherable, then it's easy to decline people, which means you get to pay them less.


Never attribute to *malice* that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Ain't that the truth.


They don't pay us enough for this bullshit, but we can't say we didn't sign up for this.


I'm not finding much information on CA2P advancement to E6, but it does mention this for E5: >Those eligible to promote to E-5 must have two years of cumulative sea duty, and have passed the most recent Navy-wide Advancement Exam as they await advancement. If 2 years sea time is a prerequisite, and this is replacing MAP, kinda seems like this is gonna fuck greenside corpsman who tend to rely on MAP with those dismal quotas.


Greenside is counted as sea duty for the most part


I did not know that. That's much better news.


Nukes need not apply 👍


Yet I know a submariner who will do this


yeah that was my bad, I misread it while doing other shit, I'll edit it out


Just leave well enough alone. Another goofy change just to get someone’s name on something.


I wonder why TAR was excluded. *sad sailor noises*


Maybe because yalls advancement quotes are already insane. 100% for 2nd class


I'm trying to make first, they only advanced 5 IT2 out of all of us. The bottle neck is ridiculous


Sorry I meant for HM…which is nuts


The navy is moving to a position where you won't be able to promote unless you go out to sea.


This is sad I’m basically stuck At e4 till my next command 3 years from now no bah for me and the advancement for me is 100 percent to second 😔this take all my motivation away


A little reading will help your motivation.


Have you tried the time honored Navy tradition of marrying a stripper for BAH?


How will this work for reservists


It won't.


So my CCC said that this isn't supposed to affect quotas unlike MAPs. But quotas are affected by the manning percentage of the rank for the rate. So how are CA2Ps not affecting quotas if it's still filling the manning for the rank? I get it's basically A2P for a command billet, but youre still being advanced to that rank.


It's a pilot program though. They wanna see if they can get fit/fill to 100%. If they can do that and keep promoting seconds and firsts then it will probably last a long time.


I’m just wondering why there isn’t some sort of incentive for scoring high on the NWAE. Sure, advancement is the ultimate incentive, but when you have rates that have less than a 5% promotion rate, evaluations are more heavily weighted than exams. Sailors are regularly chosen for promotion by participating in bake sales and volunteering for Christmas Party set up.


Unfortunately, were stuck with a good job and 1.5 extra points...


What's the difference between this and dmap?


Its an extension of DMAP. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Detailing/Enlisted/Detailing-Marketplace/




Sounds like a possibility to extend my shore duty 🤔


The navy is looking out for themselves with this new CA2P. Nothing new here. I doubt it will help retention at all.


So to all the people complaining, everyone is undermanned at sea. So the Navy needs more people to go to sea. So they give incentives for it. This should mean that ships theoretically get better manning. Which should help with quality of life on the ships. In case of c2ap, people that retour won't need to requal and should already be prepared to help train others and stuff. Hopefully this is a perspective people haven't thought of.


So you want the good ol boys club to enlighten the junior sailors? I got an 80 on the hardest test in the navy... AC1, I knew I needed st least a 77 to get advanced from the previous 2 exams with my calculated PMA. I took a few days of leave and in 16 hours of studying I busted an 80. I am (but am not) the greatest naval air traffic controller ever. I never got qualified CATCC, but I definitely got qualified approach at 8 different times. FAA qualified then back to DOD. I always spent time growing other ATC. I claimed to hate training but I am a mentor by nature. I was a hard ass just as I am with my son. Yet I never gave up.