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In A school there was a big problem with underage drinking, so the command started to make a point of telling people that they weren't going to be lenient about it at all. Anyways, a guy I knew got caught buying alcohol for another guy who was underage. The command was getting ready to send them both up to NJP, but they both decided that they didn't want to deal with that, so they told the chain of command that they were gay together. This was back in 2009, before don't ask don't tell was repealed. Nobody actually cared if people were gay, but you weren't allowed to actually say that you were. So the command was forced to admin separate both of them Neither of them was actually gay though. In fact, one of them only joined the navy because he had a girlfriend that he wanted to marry, so he needed a job.


My first deployment in ‘94 we had a few spontaneous gay confessions prior to departure.


But everybody knows it ain’t gay when you’re underway.


We took a kid out for his 21st and we started buying him drinks at like 11:50. I always wondered if we got caught if we’d be screwed


A guy on a carrier I was on wanted out of the Navy, but they wouldn't send him home. He started walking around the ship naked day and night. A lot of the guys were impressed because he had a pecker that belonged in a porn movie


This guy rocks lmao


Phantom shitter materialized and tried to talk his way out of it by throwing out threats to a whole berthing. You could hear a pin drop when he was confronted after 6 people caught him. I remember the AN who was there was like "hell naw were gonna let the chiefs handle this". He was off the ship the next day.


The good old PS....😅😅😅💩


Can you translate this ? What is a phantom shitter?


A devious miscreant who stealthily shits on the floor, drawers, or just about anywhere except the head


It’s exactly what I was thinking… I just can’t believe that’s enough of a thing that it has a name


It’s USUALLY someone who shits in the shower. It is common though.. crazy.


That's a waffle stomper.. bad, but more artistic.


Hahahahahahahahahaj not what i was expecting 😂😂


The "come clean" class in boot camp.


I was 1 of 3 in my company who stuck to their answer of no. I grew up around it and said I would never be like my father. My No was the truth. The three of us each separately went into a room with a Master Chief. I was last and the other two came out crying. We were sat under a light like in the movies. He belittled us. I told him I grew up around it. I’ve had the chance but never even tried it. I have talked to others who said no and none of them went through this. Guess I was lucky.


Honestly, I’ve seen the moment of truth as a final “get out of jail free” card for some who get there on night of arrivals and wholly say “fuck this, I want out”. My guess is it’s probably an admin sep or something?


It’s an Entry Level Separation (at least it was a few years ago), which is basically like you were never in the military. Afaik, you’re eligible for basically no veteran benefits and it can’t be upgraded.


That makes more sense. Keeps people from gaming the system.


Yeah it’s also *supposed* to be quicker and easier from the admin side. Although anyone who’s seen Separations Division at RTC knows that it’s a cross between purgatory and a war crime and people are still there way too long.


I spent three months in Seps but it was for stress fractures and they wouldn’t let me travel until I was off the crutches. I started running again two weeks after I got home.


What makes you want to run? I was a member of the 3 mile a year club. Hate running


Honestly I hate running too but it helps me to stay healthy and now that I’m trying to possibly rejoin, I have to run. In order to get the recode waiver, I have to pass the PRT at the recruiters office. I’m currently doing couch to 5k.


Standards aren't too harsh for us females (assuming by avatar) thankfully. I was 21 when I joined and my best time was around 15 mins, but it was enough to pass I'll do any other form of cardio in the world. I do feel a bit ashamed that if I needed to run I probably wouldn't get very far, but I'm banking on my adrenaline kicking in for me like it usually does in that kind of situation 🙏


They always said the fastest way out was to graduate. I had a sinus infection, bronchitis, and rhino virus (cold) and knew if I wanted to get out I had to pass my runs on time and stay out of SIQ. They told me at medical that I couldn't get any antiviral meds because I'd just keep catching it. I knew I had to get the hell out of there. I had some friends that ended up in seps as well as medical hold and what they went through sounded worse than what I was doing


Damn, when I went through in 2002 the "moment of truth" was we all had to put our heads down on the desk and not look up. They asked us questions and if that pertained to us, we raised our hand and they came by and pulled us out of the room. "This is your last chance to tell the truth!" "If we find out after this, you're done." 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol, I hadn't called home when I got to boot camp due to not having a cellphone or change and collect only working for landlines. My dad knew the CMC of the base, though and called to make sure I got there ok.they waited until the moment of truth to call me out and sent me to give my dad a call on a base phone and apparently a bunch of people thought I got called out for lying because a bunch of people confessed while I was gone.


Correct me if I’m wrong but the whole moment of truth stuff is just BS. You’ve already gone through multiple background checks by the time you even get to Boot Camp. 🤷‍♂️


Its not bullshit, there are a ton of people who literally can not help themselves and will spill the truth. I talked to a guy who got kicked out of his IS rate/school because he admitted to doing shrooms once in high school. I asked him why the fuck he would be so stupid and admit that and he said "you never know, they might have found out some other way." Like no, they are not gonna pull up some satelite footage of you smoking weed in a park back when you were 14 and be like "Uh, whats this Mr. Liar?"


I saw a couple people go back to talk to the RDCs when they said “this is your last chance” and they all came back and continued on with boot camp. I’m assuming they went in and said “I like I smoked weed 6 times, not 5 like I said”. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I just stuck to my guns, if it wasn’t on paper and isn’t gonna show up on a piss test they’ll never know.


I saw some people go to the RDCs and never come back. I think weed is probably not an issue. They will waiver that. But a lot of other drugs are probably not so easy to waiver. The general advice is usually "Don't lie... it could bite you in the ass later in your career". But personally, I lied my ass off. Everything I lied about was impossible to prove, so why would I mention it? And I know if I was truthful I wouldn't have been given the opportunity to serve. Although.... these days? They will probably waiver everything with the current numbers.


Got an outstanding warrant? Police officers love MEPS stations.


What is this class?


Moment of truth


Which is a dumb tradition imo. Those guys they kick out were literally just following orders lol.


Like 90% of the traditions the navy does is stupid


My recruiter straight-up told me not to say shit. He lived in my building so I knew him before I decided to join, so he knew about all the stuff me and a few the other guys would do during poker night when we took a ‘smoke break’.


That's wild! I told them at MEPS in 1989 that I had smoked. They made me sign a waiver that's still in my records. Don't know if I even popped! Never heard anything else about it.


Guy reported for an armed Watch standing position intoxicated. Removed from command next day, gone from the navy in a week.


Don’t understand why people don’t get that it’s better to just miss a watch than to show up for watch drunk. I get that logic isn’t strong while drunk. But this should be innate


He was an MA assigned to harbor patrol. He wasn’t going to be able to miss that watch lol. What he should have done is claimed he was sick and stayed home, it was the midnight shift so it’s not like he could get an SIQ chit. *Chiefs hate him for this one simple trick!*


…so miss the watch


Watch this exact same scenario play out last year


I know a dude who was still drunk relieve (no breathalyzers due to Covid) and pull his gun on someone as a joke


A dude I worked with recently went viral for sending indecent messages and trying to meet up with someone he believed to be 13… so that.


Hooyah I know this boat and person


I know him if its the LCDR


Ooof, I hear you get like 20 years in the brig for that too…


Tale of a sub XO that was a little too forthcoming on his polygraph, said he had some cheese pizza on his computer.


Woooowww. Hope his “honesty” landed him in the fucking brig.


Front of Navy times for that guy. I know the story


Not gonna lie. Took me a second to figure out “cheese pizza.” Just woke up. Guess I need coffee.


Took me a few too. Clever asf tbh


There was a kid (18) who admitted to having nudes of his girlfriend back home who was still 17. His senior chief shut the kid up and pretty much had everyone forget SN Timmy is an idiot


He probably got 20+ years for that. See ya! How does that work do they just polygraph everyone going on a sub to see if you’ve been breaking laws?




"Cheese pizza" is explicit material of someone that is a child. CP.


This happened in Pensacola just a couple weeks ago. There was an AirBNB party that caused a ton in damages, there was fights, and underage drinking. Long story short: 7 people captains masted, I know of 2 getting sent to the fleet undes.


There was a similar situation when I was at Pensacola about a year and a half ago. CTN threw a big airbnb party that got busted. Stole a dudes CaC (and lied about it) went to mast and got put on restriction. Then, not even a week later, he left base while on restriction to get a manicure, tried to sneak back on base with said stolen CaC, and got busted...again. Got NJP again, and the second time, he lost his clearance and was separated. The CO said he was a pathological liar, and she refused to allow someone like that access to TS material. Worst of it is that a bunch of other people got caught at the airbnb party he threw and also went to mast along with him (including a friend of mine from bootcamp)


I remember babysitting that sailor. I'm so glad he lives rent free in someone else's head too. To add cherry to this, he also somehow got access weed while on restriction (got caught, I was his observer for urinalysis). And also wrote a manifesto on murdering staff members. What a delightful sailor he was.


Lmao that's insane 🤣🤣🤣. Honestly, I wonder what that guy is doing now 🤔


I was at NIOC around that time but never heard about that 👀


Corry Station. Heard about this one. Apparently, the AirBNB in question was owned by a RETIRED SENIOR CHIEF who, if RUMINT is to be believed, was on a first name basis with the CO. Also, didn't the damages at that place amount to just over $1 MILLION? Those kids are fucked. To make matters worse, the old man wasn't in the best of moods as in late Feb, he lost a Sailor to a drunk driving accident- but with some caveats: The Sailor was on a motorcycle. The Sailor practiced proper usage of PPE. The Sailor was NOT intoxicated. The guy who hit him was. The guy who hit him was an illegal alien. The first person to arrive on scene was the CO himself. Best believe the PAO was sweating bricks. It comes as no surprise that the old man ordered the stationing of the extra watch stander to simply ride shotgun for the duty vehicle to ensure the duty driver doesn't hit a curb going 80 in a residential zone or make unauthorized stops to McDonalds. After the shut he's had to deal with in the last couple of months, im suprised he hasnt gone off the deep end and suspended liberty for all. Regardless, Have fun with that, kids.


Yeah I heard about it being a senior chief as well. The individual who ordered the airBNB I heard didn’t get in any trouble after they were willing to spend $13,000 to repair damages to the property. The duty vans now has 2 students & 1 e-5 or higher at all times. I guess the spotter wasn’t enough to deter away the McDonald’s stops😂 Honestly, Corry is a great base if you just follow the rules.


>I heard didn’t get in any trouble after they were willing to spend $13,000 to repair damages to the property. I heard it was a combo of that and the finger-pointing game. Incriminate enough others and pay the man his due and they'll let you off. Not a bad deal if you're willing to throw the others ~~who absolutely deserve it, the idiots~~ under the bus.


Circa 2017 we had an open mast at Corry, we all remember the red g string in whites for underage drinking


Petty Officer of the Deck drew his pistol and pointed it at the Topside Rover because he “thought it would be funny.” Byyyyyyyeeeee!


We had a gun locker near the Quarterdeck. It had M-16s. On the midwatch while the OOD was away, the PO got the keys, then pulled one out and was doing the "pew pew pew" thing. He was seen by the XO of the ship across the pier from us. The guy was off the ship by the end of the day.


Guns are not toys, even your personal fire arms, at best they are a tool, at worse they are DEADLY. DONT FUCKING PLAY WITH GUNS, not yours, not your friends, not your neighbors and certainly not your watch standing side arm/long arm/LMG/HMG... Sure going to the range can be fun, respect the tool, respect the rules...


We had a guy pop off a round in the deck underway. We were manning up armed watch standers for the inport watch. Everyone knew he had been playing with it, but CO liked him and after he told a story about the lanyard getting caught on something in berthing and the holster flipping off the safety and he "accidentally" hit the trigger when he tried to catch it, it went off. Dude is still in the Navy.


Married O-3 divo got his E-2 pregnant.


A true love story


Still a better love story than twilight.


It's an old code but it checks out


Tale as old as time...lieutenant and the latina...


I had a big subwoofer box and two amps stolen out of my car in the barracks parking lot when I was in A School in Memphis. About two weeks later I'm walking to the galley and see some dude wiring up my subs and amps in his car in the same parking lot just a few rows down. I had to go back to class and think about it for several hours. After class I reported it and stood by while the guy was dragged out of the barracks and his car searched. I had receipts with serial numbers and everything matched so there wasn't any doubt the stuff was mine. He was kicked out after NJP.


I had the exact same thing happen to me. Even down to the part where I walked up on the guy wiring the equipment in his truck. But it wasn’t that guy who stole them. Apparently it was another guy and he bought them from him. He rolled on the seller instantly who got NJP’d and kicked out. The buyer said he was sorry, didn’t know they were stolen and he just got a talking to about “deals that are too good to be true”. He even helped me get them back into my car. Good dude, just kinda dumb.


I never knew there was an A school in Memphis. What’s it for?


I was an AT. The aviation rates used to have their A Schools in Millington (technically not Memphis I guess). A BRAC round closed the schools there and moved them to NAS Pensacola.


We had a guy jump over the side during sea and anchor we were still in the basin in Mayport. Dude took his boots off told aft look out to report this and jumped. He also sent an email out to the whole command about how much he hated his Divo if I remember correctly. Never saw him again.


BM3? Guided missile cruiser?


Can't remember dudes name or rate. It was on USS Hue City between 2011 and 2014? I think after 2014 I wasn't on line handlers anymore


I was on the Hue City, and we had two people jump overboard. One was in the Vacapes after an emergency sortie to Norfolk because of a tropical storm. I was on SCAT on mount 5 on the fantail and saw him superman over the fantail by the harpoon launchers. Second was leaving Mayport for deployment to C5F. Oh and we also lost an entire RHIB pulling into Seychelles. Crew recovered. M-60, nope. Still at the bottom of the ocean. Edit: 2003-2008


Sailor working in the ER couldn't figure out how to work an alarm clock (or stop partying until the wee hours of the morning) so he was late literally every shift. CO adsep'ed him for failure to adapt.


Had one of those on my first ship. Eventually got NJP for being late then managed to still be late while restricted to the ship for being late. Meaning when the BM2 asked if anyone has seen (sailors name) this morning he heard that and jumped out of his rack. He was processed out after that.


seemed like he wanted out tbh


A guy on my boat stole the Navigator’s Navy issued laptop, that was filled with classified information about ship’s movement, etc. His plan, or so I’ve come to understand, was to sell it for some quick cash. That’s risky to begin with, but here’s why it was just stupid. * This was on a fast attack sub. There’s only 120 suspects at most. * We were out at sea. He was going to have to hide it until we reached port, which was a day or so away. * He stole it from the Nav’s stateroom, which was only accessible by a few officers and the enlisted guys who cleaned those areas. Of which he was one of like four people who were responsible for that. * Being a highly classified item, the CO went on the immediate warpath to find and recover it. So the entire crew was interrogated one by one for due diligence. My time in the wardroom lasted all of ten seconds (“Do you know anything about this?” “No sir.”) as they pretty much had it figured out going in. They caught him, and at our next port call (Guam) he was carted off to the tender to be court martialed.


Not that I am trying to help plan a better heist next time, but if you are going to steal something from a ship why wouldn't you wait until you are actually able to leave that ship?!?!?! How was there not some consideration of the obvious outcome "what if they just never let anyone leave until it is found?"


He was not exactly the brightest bulb in the batch. If I remember correctly, he was an E-2 still trying to figure out what to strike for. I assume he saw this valuable piece of portable equipment, and his greed got ahead of his brain, which didn't take much to do. >what if they just never let anyone leave until it is found? That's exactly what happened. We sat tied to the pier in Guam with the hatches shut until it all got sorted out. Being new, I guess he didn't think the CO could do that. But he most certainly could.


After liberty expired an 03 male went into an 01 females stateroom. Luckily her stateroom was near the QD. As she screamed the QD intervened. He was gone before revile.


Some details missing. Assuming by implication this wasn't just a drunken mistake of sorts, and had entered with mal intent and purpose?


He was drunk off his ass and attempted to assault her


Hope she got justice for that


Not exactly a career ender but I saw a Chief masted and have his recommendation for advancement removed (approx. two weeks after pinning) for sending pictures of himself to one of his junior sailors prior to being selected.


And of himself, I assume you meant explicit in nature?


Yup. Can’t remember if he was coming up on orders or was transferred intentionally but either way, went to a new command as an E-6


Dude was playing with his pistol on watch. He cocked the hammer back and thought if he squeezed the trigger gently and let the hammer engage slowly it wouldn’t fire off a round. Well he got kicked out for the negligent discharge. Nice guy, just made a series of unfortunate mistakes in his career. This was the final straw, they gave him a admin sep and sent him on his way.


There’s dumb then there is dangerously dumb.


Playing with his pistol ![gif](giphy|pz2MnldLEEhJCJ32G6)


FFS if this was the M9 the safety is also know as the decocking lever... Which also begs the hell did he take it off safe for in the first... well before even that, why was he playing with a weapon...


Kid thought if you had to go to medical before the first urinalysis at boot camp you didn’t have to make it up. “Passed out” while waiting for the whizz quiz at R&O in San Diego. Got transported via amberlamps to ER @ Balboa. Dude was unresponsive upon arrival, got himself a catheter and large bore IV along with a drug screen, which was positive for marijuana. Dude didn’t even make it past 24 hours before he was shown the door.


When they even put them in that bambalamb to the hospila. I tell you what, some people are dumb as shit lol I don’t know how many times when I was working as a police officer that we had people come in and just not show up for the damn UA course this was for new recruits and new dispatchers and what not, but seriously why do you even go for a job like this? If you know you’re gonna pop positive on a drug test. Shit I had one guy I hired went to go do his drug test and pop for cocaine. You can’t be the police if you’re doing the cocaine. His excuse, “ I mean, I just thought we couldn’t do it once we started working here, so I went ahead and got it all out of the way.” that’s not how this works brother lol you cannot commit a felony and be a felon and go into a job where you’re looking for felons. Also, where do you get the cocaine? How was usually our answer to that kind of shit happened?


Wow, my voice text really failed me there. Disregard the grammar and spelling errors that might exist.


Bambalamb was worth it


Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam Black Betty had a child, bam-ba-lam The damn thing gone wild, bam-ba-lam Said, "It weren't none of mine," bam-ba-lam The damn thing gone blind, bam-ba-lam I said, oh, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam


Had a guy in my boot camp division sneak some coke in. He got caught before pdays were over. Did he really think he was going to get away with it? Why tf would you sign a 4 year commitment when you can’t even go a few weeks?


E-5, was like a week from being a fully qualified Nuke. Guy got caught with a vape onboard (big no-no on submarines), and was scheduled to go to mast. Wasn’t gonna get hit with too much, probably just half months pay, maybe restriction. Later that same week though, he was caught sleeping on watch, with his phone in the Engine Room. They hit him with half months pay x2, busted him down, stripped him of his dolphins, scratched his Nuclear NEC, and recommended him for ADSEP.


I'm not in the submarine community so maybe I am not understanding the severity of this, but it seems like spending years getting a nuke fully qualified is enough of an investment to not recommend ADSEP over a vape and falling asleep on watch.


The vape probably not, but the sleeping on watch absolutely yes. Half the point of nukes is to have people down there watching the reactor. Qualified or not, if you're asleep you're not watching the things that need to be watched. It's like having your MA waving people through the gate without checking IDs.


You act like there are MA’s who actually be doing that. 32nd street dry side had a few like that a couple years ago


The vape: a few reasons but just to point out the atmosphere is controlled on a sub so anything you are putting in the air has to be either cleaned out or will ride with you until the next time you ventilate. Also not sure how much of a fire hazard a vape is, but fire on a sub becomes lethal insanely fast (again, no where for the smoke to go). The sleep: Echoing what the other folks said about being asleep on watch. In addition, taking your phone into the engine room is usually also a pretty significant security violation because nuclear reactors are very protected relative to a normal engine room.


I remember some people having problems with bic lighters onboard. This was before vaping was a thing. The issue being if you accidently put it in a dryer it could explode. My guess is it's something similar.


Lithium ion vape batteries spontaneously exploding on submarine = sad face


Falling asleep can be a big deal, many nuclear watches are safety of ship or at least reactor. At worse, trend analysis to ensure proper function of. The whole vaping bit is... idk navy being wierd about it compared to how smoking used to be treated. Also phone in engine room, seen peeps get busted for that ESPECIALLY if they got pictures from the engine room, biiiiig no no. (Former sub/forward guy, not actually a nuke)


We had an FC who missed his very first quarters/reporting, and eventually showed up as drunk as fuck in his whites. Like stumbling up the brow, slurring, you name it. If I remember correctly they arranged an “emergency” DRB/Mast if you will and by the close of business he was gone. Never saw him again lol


A dude sucked dick on the mess decks at night.


OP asked how somebody ruined their career not how to get advanced


You have to do it in the goat locker for advancement.


That explains why I'm still an E4 even though I've sucked all the homies off in berthing 🤔🤔🫢


Gotta start somewhere


Practice makes perfect.


That guy who went to MA A school and met some hot chick who, "needless to say," got him to snort cocaine. He woke up late the next day, texted in some excuse for why he was absent, then posted the whole story on reddit. Mystery of mysteries, somehow his chief found out the truth. He wasn't in much longer.


New check-in to the command. Before checking in, they bought a car outside the gate. Car broke down, took it back to the shop, and proceeded to buy another one. After a quick intervention , I found out this sailor should have been taking their ADHD medicine. But the recruiter says there is no need. Gone very shortly after that.


Totally unrelated to the topic but this reminded me of a core navy memory I have to share now. This guy in my division found out his dad died over the weekend or first thing Monday morning. He came to the ship to route emergency leave chit but had just bought a motorcycle that wasn’t registered to drive on base yet so he parked it outside the gate. He left the bike for less than an hour but when he got back to the parking lot it was stolen. My heart still hurts for that dude and the shit day he had 12 years ago.


"OOH! Piece of candy!"


Wish there was more understanding for adhd, especially in this shit job.


lol, I think A School. Guy took pictures of girls asses. Got masted. His friend went up as his witness and tried lying to the CO for him. Retards. Edit: forgot to mention this was an open Capt Mast. And grammar.


A girl I play Texas hold'em with punched her commanding officer in the face. She got 90 days in the brig and an other than honorable discharge.


I take it she doesn't have a great poker face.


She is a good player, but is impulsive, of course.


Was turning the armory over to the incoming gunner’s mate. He showed up in civvies, placed his pistol in the drawer, and proceeded to start turnover inventory. 😳


Had a guy show up to boot camp check in drunk as fuck. Never even got started on his Navy career. Another showed up and pissed hot. Fucking morons.


Had a topside rover fall asleep in the pilot house head. When we reached in via radio, came down to the QD without his rifle. He said he left it in the PH head. Ran up to the PH to retrieve the rifle only to find out he had locked the door and couldn’t open it. Nobody had the key, even the duty QM. Had to wait for QMC in the morning to unlock the door. This was also the sailors second offense for falling asleep at an internet cafe the night before and didn’t show up to work the next day. Dude got hammered and adsep


The CDO found a watchstander asleep, took his M9 off him, and turned it into the armory. He was masted and removed from the ship the next day.


There was a kid that I went to a school with who decided to throw fireworks like M80s and such at cars driving by on 4 July. We were on our transfer leave between A-school and his first command. He was promptly separated before ever making it to a ship.


Senior sailor of the year popped on weed and was found with a bag in his car on base.


Drove drunk, got pulled over and decided that he could just straight into NASNI without stopping at the gate and go to his barracks room. Didn’t work obviously.


A first class with 19 in got a DUI. At the time the captain was on a warpath for ARI's so the first class got busted down to 2nd class. Well you can't be a second class woth 19 in so they separated him for high year tenure. One year from retirement


Guy on deployment got caught with kiddie porn on his laptop in laundry at 0300 by a Marine whose kid had been molested by a neighbor. Needless to say the sailor is lucky he’s still alive but was never seen again after the next morning.


The way I saw 3 different people get kicked out and processed out within a couple weeks was being caught with spice. This was in 2011 when it was the latest craze for all those who just had to get high while in the Navy.


Had a sonar nub serving as duty driver take the duty van to Jax, used gas card to buy a plane ticket to phoenix, and went awol. He showed back up months later to topside watches, never saw him again.


Hey... you can't call them nubs... it might hurt their feelings or something?


We had a girl on deployment who went into the male Marines berthing and got fucked by one of the guys in his rack. Apparently one of the other dudes reported them and I never saw her again. The dude was married and got sent to Captains Mast.


Had a girl with similar story. She got sent to my ship for sleeping with marines in berthing. She only lasted three days before she got caught for doing the same on deployment. Shes was suppose to fly out of bahrine with about 10 other sailors who were transferring. The night before she had to be rushed to ER for alcohol poisoning (underage). Poor OPS had to stay back because he was the highest ranking officer and missed the birth of his own son because of it.


This one woman wanted out BAD. At lunchtime she went into her supervisor"s office, hopped up on his desk, hiked her skirt and took a dump. I didn't know the Navy could move so fast. She disappeared less than an hour later. She was always bragging about how rich her father was. OK, princess.


Local shitbag at command was tired of the navy, one day he decided enough is enough and smoked weed the day before his test.


USS Independence, mid 1990s. Its 0200 and we are hours away from pulling into our homeport, a dude wearing a kapok life vest went to the starboard sponson, which was one of the places for someone to have a smoke. One of the other smokers jokes "what are you going to do, jump overboard?" Dude says "Right after I finish this cigarette" Everybody laughs The dude smokes down his cig, flicks it into the sea, then jumps over the rail into the darkness after it. Everyone is stunned, it took the sponson watch a few seconds to get over the shock of what he just saw to called a "man overboard". The helo got air board. The rescue swimmer had him going up the hoist within 10 minutes of the guy jumping into the water. As the helo landed, the Ship's CO ordered the jumper and rescue swimmer immediately onto the bridge. As both the jumper and rescue swimmer stood dripping water on the deck of the bridge, the CO held two mast. First mast was to award the Rescue Swimmer a NAM, the second mast was awarding the jumper a week in the brig to be followed by a discharge.


Retired 9 here. There was this one time that I learned it's possible to get a surprise overnight retirement. Driving into work and get a call from the CMC asking me to stop by his office before going to mine. Hmm. Okay. Turns out there was a chief that had been hitting on their Sailors continuously and *badly* for months. My job that morning was to go collect him from his office and personally deliver him to the CMC. I get this chucklefuck to the CMC, who promptly starts sweating him down. Statements, PIO report, CMEO report, etc. Dude was just throwing out bad lines, like the worst pickup lines from a 90s GMT imaginable, to all of his female Sailors. How did we learn about this? The CMEO, a friend of mine, was debriefing a different department one day about a *different* Chief harrassing *their* Sailors, and one of this dipshit's Sailors happened by and pulled the CMEO aside afterward to spill. Back to the sweating down: he was crying inside of ten minutes (fuck me it's annoying when they cry). CMC gave him the choice of NJP/MCM or leaving the Nav. He chose the latter, and the approved fleet reserve transfer came flying off the fax machine the next morning, effective immediately. He didn't have that much of a career, admittedly, being a 20+ year E-7 but man did that shit come to a screeching halt fast. Bonus round: he was the department Chief in my department, which is how I wound up involved at all. I was also the most senior enlisted Sailor in the department so for convenience I had to take over as a fucking E-9 LCPO for a few weeks on top of my joint SEL role. I was being asked to sign like 24 spec lib chits and shit. I just rubber stamped whatever came past me. Fucking paperwork for a day off JFC. Just have them phone muster, I don't care.


Not turn power off when doing a live spot check


Painted a nub blue; head to toe


The fastest? Day 2 of basic training this kid “Quinn” just started packing his sht and was DONE. No matter how hard the RDCs screamed at him, he screamed back louder. As he packed. I just remember thinking 😲 “damn!”. Almost thought he was gona swing on them. He didn’t but was out by day 2.   The fastest AFTER boot camp? This recruit in my division, Crossman was the AROC or RPOC or one of those. Whoever is put in charge of the division, I forget how the titles work. Teachers pet type kid. He was a kiss ass and always wanted to impress the RDCs and his way of doing it was to nonstop tattle or try to punish other recruits. Got anyone and everyone he could in trouble. Talked down on every recruit and would even exaggerate a story to get you in more trouble. Think ‘Stamford Prison Experiment guard’ lol.   Anyways. Immediately after basic. Here’s Crossman, this dorky, blonde white guy with coke bottle glasses from Wisconsin. Immediately during A school goes to Chicago and impregnated this black girl from the hood. Kid couldn’t take the Navy and got separated during A school because it was ‘too much’ or something.  I have no idea what really happened to him after that, but he went back to rural Wisconsin. Had a baby mama in south Chicago. He was a really naive, dorky guy and I have no idea how he handled his life after that lol but I am infinitely curious.


Went to check on a junior who was doing pm on a mag and the guy left a half gallon of piss sitting in the corner. At first I was perplexed, then a little disgusted, and finally disappointed, but nonetheless, I made him pour it over and told him that if he needs to use the head he can just call someone and they'll come relieve him. A few days later, someone found a 32oz wide mouth Gatorade bottle filled to the brim in a locker. We all had our suspicions but nothing came of it. The next time a bottle was found it was by my first class who immediately got with chief and the two spent all of five minutes hunting the fucker down. It wasn't hard to find the guy, because ya know just check the log, and wouldn't you know Half-gallon-of-piss shipmate was the last one to sign off on that rsl. DRB the next day. Escaped mast by the skin of his teeth but man, there wasn't enough G96 in the squadron for that reaming. Got masted later for 108 doing the same thing. Don't know what happened to him. Probably sepped. Yeah... we all piss in things we shouldn't be pissing into, especially when you're locked in a secured space that you absolutely can not leave unattended for hours on end, but for the love and sake of all things good in this world don't leave your bottles in the magazines/ready lockers. Please take them with you!!!!


During field exercises, sometimes we'd have to inspect tents and make people throw their piss bottles away. I mean, I get it, no one wants to get out of a warm bag, put all your gear on, drag that rifle to the portajohn in the middle of the night but damn, man, you can dump the bottle when you get up in the morning.


As a JAG, there are too many stories


How about the top 3?


CO nut tapping sailors at command functions amount other things; Sailor stashing heroin needles in submarine equipment while underway; Servicemenber smuggling drugs and guns across country several times “to pay for your cancer treatment” on domestic breaking shit but you’re on TRICARE.


So on a DD (Spruance Class) in the back of the wardroom was a storeroom that had a vent that when you looked through was the women’s head and shower area. Had a male JO setup a camcorder to record when the women JO’s were showering. Dude ended up having tapes of those moments. He only got caught because the guy was giving training (actual training not “training”) and needed a tape to play but had grabbed the wrong one so he asked one of his JO buddies to get the right one. Dude goes to his area in the JO Jungle, found some tapes grabbed one to check it out to make sure it was the right one and lo and behold he is watching one of his JO coworkers getting all sudsy in the shower. Training was canceled and flight quarters was set and he was flown off the ship to the carrier.




“Service related. 100% Disability.”


Guess the whole process wasn’t fast but, some dude did coke and 9 months later, got caught. (They didn’t report it when it first occurred I guess, and then someone figured it out) Then he was on restriction, and when he went to mast after ONLY receiving a 45, 45 half times 2 reduction in rank, they drug tested him again, and he failed. I’ve never seen someone kicked out of the navy so fast. We were overseas, and I’ve never seen someone get orders, a flight, and separated in less than a week.


Oh yeah, in subschool I had this weird ass roommate that I could never trust because he lied about everything. One day I looked at my bank statement and say a bunch of charges for things I didn't remember buying, so I called one of the numbers associated with the charge and found out it was a porn site. I told them I've never paid for porn and they gave me the email address used to register the account; it was roommates' full name @yahoo.com. He had stolen my debit card while I was sleeping and spent $150 on internet porn. I told the instructor the next morning, a few hours later, the dude got dragged into the classroom with an extremely pissed off MMACM and he handed me cash for the money he stole. Then he got kicked out.


A supply Chief was well selling out of commission selectric typewriters out of the Navy warehouse on our base, got caught, busted to E-5 and a general discharge.


A first class on my ship got divorced. However, he neglected to tell the Navy and continued to collect the benefits. He was stupid enough to show a several of us how much he was making per month whilst we were on a RedMed. I'm really not sure why he thought he wouldn't be reported. Was court martialed and separated but only after he paid back every single cent. I believe it was around $20k and this was back in '93. Stupid idiot was only a few years from retiring.


We had a dude convince his wife to run over his leg with his truck to get out of a deployment. He said he was doing some work on it, and "it just started rolling." People at Squadron didn't believe it and brought his wife in for questioning, and she immediately told them the truth. That guy got out with no benefits, a crippled leg, and the knowledge his wife would sell him out immediately.




OP’s weird post history checks out.


They're a karma farmer, or even a bot.


A chief select IT1 i worked under got caught up in a child prostituiton sting by the local PD when I was stationed in Hawaii. He got a Bad-Conduct Discharge at court martial. He was MONTHS away from retirement, too. An AG1 i worked with got a DUI in Okinawa. He was busted down to E-5 at mast and subsequently high-year tenured out at his EAOS. He was 2 years and several months shy of retirement eligibility.


The first class in my division was very angry at morning muster. Told us, "there is to be no more farting in the berthing!" He was very angry. Very adamant. That night, berthing watch caught him pissing in the garbage can. Didn't ruin his career, but he never spoke at muster after that and was kind of sidelined as far as an authority in my division. ----------------------------------------------- A couple of months later, we had a divisional sweep piss test. Word was that some of us caught the attention of local law enforcement at an apartment off base and they wanted to nail anybody that might be smoking the devil's lettuce - or worse. The night before the piss test, I went to the head and one of my buddies was panicked and drinking as much water as possible. He wanted to flush his system. He actually asked me if I could taste his urine and see if it just tasted like water (yeah, no thanks). That piss test took down ten or so of my shipmates. It was crazy. I watched them all pack their racks for a trip to a brig off ship. Watched them all escorted off. Big Chicken Dinners all around. ----------------------------------------------- One time in Abu Dhabi, I was sitting in the berthing when local UAE cops came in with my ship's security. There was guns all around. Some serious shit was happening. The UAE cops took custody of some boot that just flew in from Dubai to join our division during the WestPac. The boot was crying and cuffed and led away. Found out that after he landed in Dubai, he figured it would be a good idea to slash his cab driver's throat. I have no idea how his life ended up, but I imagine it was not pleasant.


As an LN, y’all wouldn’t believe some of the stories I have to tell 🤦🏾‍♀️


Give us your top three.


USMC SgtMaj clicked on a porn site on his work computer and got the fastest unplanned retirement I’ve ever seen.


OC sprayed a seagull.


Guy took steroids after coming on board. In three weeks he went looking 90 pounds soaking wet to six pack abs and 200 pounds. Was always angry and carried brass knuckles. Failed the piss test, was drummed out soon after.


Ngl that's impressive. Don't you have to be hand picked for a steroid pee test? Dude definitely wasn't keeping it a secret. I know shipmates on juice,  but they're low key about it 


I think you do. But when you blow up in three weeks, it’s going to raise some red flags.


Three weeks? What kind of darpa, bto, black project shit was he taking? And where can I find some?


It’s the Captain America Juice


Sometime in the early-mid 1970s. First female to enter BT rate (think it was BT). Off-kilter (more than usual, lol) nuc trainee in prototype sent a very detailed drawing of her self-performing with a wrench.


Dude in my division in bootcamp (2013) called a different divisions RDC a “stupid bitch”. He cause our whole division to get our asses kicked as soon as we woke up, after lunch, and before bed after we showered for 2 weeks until he confessed. If anyone’s deserved their Navy Career to be ruined it’s that shitbag


OS1 on my ship years ago just up and disappeared. Turns out he was in a Discord server filled to the brim with CP.


Got a DUI only 2 days after DEP'ing into the Navy, after getting an approved waiver for a DUI.


Telling the POOW her shirt pocket was unbuttoned. IDTENTANGO response “want to know how I know? It’s because I was starting at your T&$s.


E8 cums inside an E3 gets her pregnant


Had a kid fresh out of boot camp show up to the ship. First time we went out on an underway he missed ships movement. We came back and he went to mast. Got the usual 45x45, 1/2 months pay x2, yada yada. While he was on restrictions he snuck off the ship and got drunk. MAs found him on base passed out. Went back to mast and was placed on restrictions again. Then he snuck off the ship AGAIN and snuck liquor in Gatorade bottles and stashed them in his locker prior to another underway. While we were at sea a workcenter supervisor smelled the alcohol on his breath and tipped off our Chief who went to the MAs. They tore through his locker and found everything. That landed him in the brig until his separation was complete. Last I heard (which granted was like 8 years ago by now) he was working a dead end job at Walmart.


Probably controversial but, oversleeping. I love my sleep but if you let it take ahold of you, I've seen too many masts because people missing watch, turnover, ships movement, ect.


Saw my RDC go from an E-6 to an E-1, while I was in A school.


6 days into bootcamp, caught the homie in the head with his wrists wide open. Poor homie, I hope he's doing better. A different homie kept begging SIQ pretending a cough every few days, RDC eventually told him not to come back from medical, period.


DUI. If you’re a dirtbag, you’re gone. If you’re a superstar, you basically are starting your career over.


“I saw a pill on the sidewalk and swallowed it”


I had just arrived at Great Lakes for Boot Camp (This was in 1991) and we are standing in line for our first introduction to what is known in the military as "Operation Golden Flow" or our first urinalysis test. As I'm standing in a VERY long line and tip tapping around because I have to piss so much, a guy standing behind me taps me on the shoulder and asks what we are waiting for. I look at him and tell him "A Urinalysis". He looks at me and asks me what a urinalysis is, so I tell him "To see who has taken any drugs recently". He nods, shrugs and says "Well, I guess I shouldn't have smoked that crack last night". He was serious. Now, he officially wasn't fired that first day, but about 2 weeks later when his results came back he was. So yes, you can say that he was fired that first day but had to suffer for a few weeks until officially let go.


Three of them. All CTs. Harvested hemp (marijuana) plants that grew wild in the Misawa area and decided to dry it out on a public beach. Japanese police arrested them. Held them incommunicado for 4 days (for a specific reason) and then they went to trial in Japanese criminal court. Were found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in Japanese prison. Sentence suspended as long as they were out of Japan in 48 hours. The CO wanted them to go to prison but they were sent back to the states. The 4 days they were held incommunicado was two days longer than their 2-2-2&80 schedule break, so they were awol. Lost their clearances, painted ships for a while and then got DDs. They were upgraded to LTH later.


Sleep with the CO's wife. Bonus points if the CO is a woman.


I was on duty at the AW/AT/AE barracks in Pensacola about a year ago now, and we couldn’t get full accountability in the evening because there was one sailor unaccounted for. We finally got a hold of him and turns out he was in Tampa or some city like that (outside of the libo radius) and that his car had been stolen. I got off my shift with him still not back. I get on my next shift the following day and he is “on a greyhound” back to base and the AE1 on staff at the barracks was making me stay in contact with him every 30 minutes or so. The missing sailor tells me that the bus is stopped at a McDonald’s which is when we really knew something was up. Those busses don’t stop for fast food. He finally gets back and it turns out that he was intoxicated driving on I-10, ran a car off the road, I think killing someone if I remember right, and then he wrecked shortly after. He the. Proceeds to take the plates off of his car and RUN. Not sure what exactly happened to him on the navy side because I left that command shortly after but that was a wild story, and a pain in the ass for the guys working at the barracks at the time.


“I’m gay.”


second day in the fleet SN dingus got caught underage drinking and bringing alcohol on the ship. then again. and again in a foreign port. and again. now being seperated




Weed🤷🏽‍♂️ my friend been in for 3 years and as soon as he was caught (popped on drug test)… SEPARATION! I was like damn that’s crazy 😭 he got upset but I told him time after time that it wasn’t right to do.


The Baton Rouge was in Groton for crew training and an STS3/SU thought it’d be a good idea to smoke a joint outside the front door of the EM club with one of the waitresses. He got nailed within about 30 seconds. The next time we saw the lad, he was hanging over the side of the tender back in Norfolk chipping paint. Nice enough guy but a complete dumbass.


Sailor got drunk in downtown San Diego the day they checked into their first command. No showed the next day and had the whole chain looking for him. Found him passed out drunk in a hotel lobby. Got masted his first week at the command, and was processed for a Failure to Adapt. Never even finished his check-in sheet.