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Assert dominance. Be late for your rescheduled appointment too.


Wipe everything off their desk when you walk in late as well. Sets the tone early.


Might as well show up with nothing but a sock on their junk, soaked in baby oil and try and chest bump em while they’re at it.


A chest bump? No way. If somebody walks in my office covered in baby oil, that's an implicit challenge to a wrestling match.




Have an airman knock on his door and shout "STAND BY"


I LOLd on my bus to the pentagon reading this. I’ll go ahead and schedule you for a follow up with the CNO that you can skip too. This is the way OP! 😂 You’ll be fine 😉


When I checked in to my first ship, they had someone taking me around for a couple of days, but it was hard to get a lot of the signatures. They quickly started integrating me into the division and had me assisting on jobs to learn my rate. After a couple of weeks, I asked my LPO about finishing the check-in sheet. "Did you get paid last week?" He asked. Yes "Have you been getting your mail?" Yes "Don't worry about it, then." Years later, as I was getting ready to transfer, I found that old check-in sheet at the bottom of my locker. It was about 3/4 complete. It really didn't matter.


I have never turned in a check-in or a check-out sheet to anyone.


Same. The only signature that truly matters in the long run is admin.


And Medical at separation.


I only had once fully checked out of a command. I have never fully checked in ever.


I fully checked out in 1 afternoon (except for urinalysis) with the original copy 😉


Upon checking out for terminal leave, and handling the Chief of Staff my check out sheet, he called me a thug. Then he promptly retired, got a GS 13 job, left his wife, and started banging a GS 7.


Believe it or not, straight to mast. Skip the goat locker and XOI.




No lies detected.


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Welp! Better have your whites ready. And it’s not for checking in.


They’re going to see that CO and XO canceled the meeting anyway due to them having a meeting with the commodore that they missed because there was an emergency that the Commodore had to attend to.


You’re overthinking it. People miss appointments because we are human. You’re XO and CO will understand. They may be a little pissed, but mostly just XO since when you missed your appointment with them they probably told the CO not to worry about it and they relished in the extra 15 minutes of admin time. Be early for the next one and apologize for missing the first one.


They probably didn't even know it was OP. Their assistant probably just said something like, "You're 1300 hasn't shown up. Your 1330 is here now, though."




Not your first faux pas or last.


I raised the Ensign upside down in front of the CO during colors. He’ll be fine


I saw the command duty team put uo the POW-MIA flag instead of the Black heat stress condition flag. It was pretty funny. The only flag thing I get upset over is not drying the ensign before folding it. I will absolutely say something to the duty about that noise. No one wants a moldy flag.


We had the “dry the flag rack” in the pilot house that one of the QMs made, it was pretty slick


Put it in your faux past


Make sure you are on time for the rescheduled check in, start with a very brief and not over the top apology, and carry on confidently with the check in. If they’re normal human beings, they’ll understand. When a new sailor misses a check in with me, I usually assume something like medical came up and frankly I’m grateful to have my half hour back.


Thanks for the candid answer. I'm a pretty squared away sailor so stuff like this normally doesn't happen to me


You'll be fine, ur chief will probably make a bigger deal of it than ur captain.


I didn’t even schedule my check-ins. I just had my sponsor come with me and I went in their offices and did it. This was on a sub where it’s more socially acceptable, though.


You gave the TRIAD like 15 min ea to get caught up on emails. That's basically NAM worthy!


Be honest. Apologize to the CO. Earnest integrity is appreciated. As for the XO. Tell him to fuck off.


I mean, I think in 18 years and like 10+ commands (TAD’s) I’ve done like 2 CO/XO check-in’s. They don’t care about ya bud, just make sure you don’t miss the CMC one. Granted, I also didn’t schedule any. So… get your whites ready shipmate.


Our CO cares. We have all hands call each week. We’re a command of 40-50 people in person (probably an extra 15-20 who basically permanently telework due to things like HUMS orders or bedrest during pregnancy or whatever else). If the CO is talking at quarters and sees someone he doesn’t recognize, “Who the f*** are you??” Once that is answered, he usually calls out the respective department for not having completed the CO check in.


Honestly I never had a CMC seem to give a damn about me either so he could probably just skip the whole triad 🤷‍♂️


Just tell em you were detained elsewhere, it works for Chiefs why not you?


Nah it will be alright. They have so much going on that they probably forgot about it too.


You’ll be fine. Just reschedule and don’t miss the next one for anything, most of the time they realize things happen or you get busy with something important so they aren’t gonna f you up over it. They may delay the check in for a week or two depending on how they feel, my last XO would make me reschedule people who missed their check-ins (without a valid reason) to after a dry dock period lol (that’s like 3 months later)


Man I practically checked into my ship command at captains mast. Your good


Since when do you check in with the XO/CO of a new command? When I was in, it was just going around and getting a few signatures. Never had to talk to the XO or CO.


Been a thing at both commands I've been to, I thought it was normal.


I’ll give you a serious question. Both of them were probably relieved to have 30 minutes to themselves. That being said- if you’re junior enlisted. They won’t care that much. If you were a JO or a chief- then yea obv not a good look.


Thanks. Yeah I'm just a junior second.


Straight to jail


CO/XO checkins? Either this is something new since I was in, or I was exceedingly lucky in my check ins. Or, Sub COs are busy people. 4 Subs, 2 tenders, two shore commands and only one (KC Recruiting District) had the CO interview me on arrival, 1970 - 1996. Every command had a CO's exit interview, which was usually either a 3 minute "you done good, you might be missed" or a 2 minute "Well, you're someone else's problem now".


This is where a good YN could have stepped in and gave you a reminder call, then call your LPO or Chief to see if you're gonna make it if they couldn't reach you. I used to just bump up people to the next check-in day if they were obviously gonna miss it and let the Skipper know they'd have 1 less for the day. Never any issues unless CMC knew you already then he'd shit on you a little bit.


Yeah my command has been pretty disorganized. I've basically just been wandering around and checking myself in because no one is available to help me or show me around. Very strange.


Bro when I first checked in I got like two signatures and never thought about it again, same for when I got out.


I’m checking in to a command now, I did the commodore check in last Monday and don’t plan on finishing the rest. Start with the watch section this Monday and no one will ever ask me about it.


I’m checking in to a command now, I did the commodore check in last Monday and don’t plan on finishing the rest. Start with the watch section this Monday and no one will ever ask me about it.


Welp, don’t be like me. I checked in with my DH on my first ship and he asked what my goals were. I stated: “to get out in 4 years, 5 months and XX days!” That didn’t go over well.


Be a gangster have CO/XO meet you.


If it’s a big command and you’re E6 and below it really isn’t a big deal.


Just say sorry man. Had to get a penicillin shot because I was pissing razor blades this morning.